Emerging Risk Nanotechnology en 20170131

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Emerging Risk Nanotechnology

Emerging Risk Discussion Paper

Executive summary the technology. This makes it difficult
Dr. Gerhard Schmid
for society, and also for the insurance
Munich Re Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary industry, to undertake a robust risk
Tel.: +49 89 38 91-98 69 field, covering a vast and diverse array assessment. It also imposes a need
of devices derived from engineering, for continuous and careful monitor-
February 2017 biology, physics and chemistry. Many ing of new developments in the area
experts are of the opinion that nano- concerned.
technology will prove to be one of the
key technologies of the 21st century. Risks of nanotechnology
The term “nanotechnology” is gener-
ally used to refer to objects whose size Nanotechnology has the capacity to
is within the range of 0.1 to 100 nm. help solve many of society’s problems.
This range corresponds to the size of Equally important, the failure to
individual atoms up to that of viruses. develop new technologies responsibly
The possibilities for nanotechnology could not only place nanotechnology
seem endless. in the same crowd as GMOs and
nuclear energy. Fortunately many
Four essential characteristics of organizations are actively pushing
nanomaterials distinguish them from for risk assessment before anything
“traditional” materials of larger size: could go wrong.

−−quantum mechanical behaviour To be fair, nanoparticles are not a

(results in different electrical and new phenomenon (they are found in
magnetic properties) volcano ash, ocean spray, smoke,
clouds, and clay after all). Depending
−− small dimensions (permit new on where it is, a cubic meter of air
transport routes, e.g. through the will contain hundreds of millions of
intestinal wall into the blood) nanoparticles, most of which are of
natural origin or else – like diesel
−− large relative surface area (results soot, for instance – are products of
in greater chemical reactivity) combustion processes. However,
­scientists warn that the idea of free
−− molecular shape (e.g. permits born, manmade, and active particles
­specific docking to certain viruses) is a risk that is in fact new due to
the physical characteristics of the
Every advance brings with it an material. Also, deliberately produced
associated risk. This is also true of nano­particles are often more bio
nanotechnologies, although not very persistent than soot or naturally
much is known. Research on the risks occurring nanoparticles.
of a new technology generally lags
years behind that on the benefits of
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Emerging Risk Nanotechnology

While understanding the risks of Workplace exposure The environment

new products, it is important to keep
in mind that a balanced analysis The most likely venues for exposure Nanotechnology could offer environ-
must be made between the benefits in the short term are in factories mental benefits. For example, materials
of new technologies with their down- producing nanoparticles and in are used more efficiently as devices
sides. Some particles may harm the academic settings. In many nano­ are miniaturized and materials can
body but some may also help the particle-containing products such as be made more energy efficient saving
fight against cancer for example. car paints and nanocom­posites, the power. Also, filters can allow for pol-
nanoparticles form an integral part of lution to be removed, water to be
Human health (toxicity) the material. Nevertheless, during cleaned (maybe even desalinized),
the manufacture of such products and optimize exhaust emissions of
As more new products enter the the particles are almost always present vehicles. Cleanup of heavy metals in
­market, the risk for human health is in the form of a powder or at least soil, and even applications for oil spill
increasing. The small scale of nano- a dispersion. It is precisely this phase cleanup are exciting as well.
materials makes them much more of the manufacturing process that can
reactive and also enables them to be critical for the health of workers. It is also important, however, to look
cross cell membranes. Because Comparisons with claims related to at the risks for the environment.
properties are dramatically different silica dust exposure urge a need for Unfortunately, there are almost no
at the nano scale it is difficult to pre- caution: ­regular occupational contact studies on the toxicology of nanopar-
dict how a nanoparticle will react. with nanoparticles could likewise ticles in the environment. One study
cause chronic disease. Such conse- has been done on fish, a few on
In general, nanomaterials such as are quences often become apparent only rodents, but much more work needs
used in the computer and electronics decades after exposure, by which time to be done.
industry can be regarded as being there is little possibility of limiting the
somewhat less harmful than nano­ damage. Many scenarios exist for ecosystems
particles and nanofibers. In addition, to become polluted. Nanoparticles
nanocomposites – solid bodies that In cases of doubt, the toxicity of could escape into the environment as
contain nanoparticles – probably nano­particles is better overestimated a result of accidents, leaks and even
pose less of a risk to health than do than underestimated. Many particles, as a result of normal use or transport
free particles or nano dispersions for example nanotubes, may well be of nanotechnological products. In
emitted by a spray bottle. Particular rather more toxic than other particles. one field study, iron nanoparticles
caution is required with any product Production should therefore take place were found to move a distance of
that is intended for use in humans, only with certain safety precautions. about 20 meters with the ground­
such as skin creams, medicines and water. On the other hand, creeks and
biomarkers. The disposal of nano products could rivers might be able to carry particles
also pose health risks to employees. much further. It is unknown whether
The most likely forms of exposure One need only to think of non-stick contamination of the soil and of
come through the inhalation and coatings during the demolition of groundwater could affect the supply
digestion. For example, the use of buildings or of exploding nano sprays of drinking water and also for agri-
sprays designed to seal various types in garbage incinerators. As there is cultural products such as meat and
of surface could potentially result in generally a period of years or even vegetables. As an extreme example,
inhalation of tiny droplets containing decades between production and one could imagine an explosion in a
nanoparticles. Similarly, abrasion disposal, the relative danger or safety nanoparticle factory resulting in toxic
associated with the use of nanocom- of the materials concerned ought to particles being scattered over a wide
posites (tires, sporting equipment, be known. In many cases, however, it area and then spread even further by
etc.) could result in release of nano- will be difficult to determine whether the wind. This could render a whole
particles. a product does or does not contain a tract of land both uninhabitable and
given type of nanoparticle. This is due useless for agricultural purposes.
Once they have passed these barriers, firstly to the absence of any obligation Unfortunately, there are not nearly
they can potentially be distributed to label nano products as such, and enough studies on transport path-
via the bloodstream to the whole body. secondly to the fact that nanoparticles ways, biogeochemical cycling and
are invisible both to the naked eye environmental fate of nanomaterials
and to the light microscope. once in the environment.
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In the long term, the chance for envi- Nano applications and automotive (11%). The rest is sepa-
ronmental damage and exposure rated into cross cuttings, food and
increases as nanoparticles become Nanotechnology is a crossover tech- beverages and appliances (detailed
more prevalent. Given the large nology. One characteristic is, that information see figure 1). The number
increase in nanoparticle production this technology is not fixated on one of nano products is soaring over the
in the future, a buildup in the soil and product line. It is found in thousand course of time; a duplication is observ-
water seems to be the most signifi- different products. The scope of these able of the total number of nano prod-
cant exposure avenue. This is impor- products can be divided in different ucts since 2012 (see figure 2).
tant because the ability to penetrate categories. Approximately 50% of all
into live cells means that nanoparti- nano applications are found in the
cles could accumulate in organisms product segment of health and fitness,
and thus, also in the food chain. followed by home and garden (19%)

Figure 1: Nano applications and product lines


 Appliances 4%
 Automotive 11%
  Cross cuttings 7%
  Electronics and computers 5%
  Food and beverages 6%
  Health and fitness 48%
  Home and garden 19%

Figure 2: Development of nano consumer products


Number of products


2250 1265



441 446
1000 479

750 403
  Health and fitness 380 380
  Home and garden 500 269 279
 Automotive 244
230 230
  Electronics and computers 250
104 110
 Appliances 61 61 86 71 72
  Food and beverages 0 52
22 52
22 53
  Goods for children 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
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In order to better analyze the associ- medicines and biomarkers (see the body like the Groups I–III, but
ated risks of different materials, a Group II) – the more the segments could likewise constitute a risk to
detailed classification system has health and safety are exposed. health under certain circumstances.
been created by Munich Re experts Group III to V (e.g., powders and
(see figure 3). The first column of the coatings) represent a decreasing The second column of the table
chart defines the general risk expo- order of risk exposure. Group III nano describes by way of example indi­
sure in five different groups: Group I, products, like nano spray or paints vidual products; the third column
is the one with the highest risk expo- can be freed when used. Group IV “Lines of Business” affected and the
sure, due to the nature of the material products are fixed or embedded in last one the expected type of loss.
used (free nanoparticles, nanotubes solid objects and own therefore a
and nano machines). The more nano lower risk exposure. Group V – the
products are intended for use in conventional nano products gener-
humans – such as skin creams, ally do not come into contact with

Figure 3: Munich Re’s classification system for nano products

Group Product Lines of Business Affected Type of Loss

Free nanoparticles Nano powder and active WC, product liability,
or nanotubes and nano products product recall, ELD, EIL, public
nanomachines liability
Nano products in food, Nano ingredients in drugs, Product liability, product recall,
drugs and cosmetics ­cosmetics, dental fillings and EIL, public liability, pharma,
food additives medical ­malpractice
III Bodily injury, property
Nano products that can be Nano spray, paints ­damage, pure financial loss
freed when used, applied or (nanoparticles on and in solid
disposed of objects, when freed) Product liability, EIL, ­product
IV recall, ELD, public liability
In nano products fixed and Nano sealing, coating on solid
embedded nanoparticles objects
Conventional Electrical and household Product liability, product recall
nano products ­equipment
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Lines of business affected −−Product monitoring: Due to a lack Workers’ compensation/

of product monitoring in the market, Employer’s liability
Product liability the defects which occur during The special features of nanotechno­
In particular, product liability could application and use of the product logy with its infinitely small-scale
take on new dimensions in view of in practice go unrecorded. Conse- products make it essential that sterile,
the complexity of the potential appli- quently, they cannot be passed on clean room technology working
cations of nano products such as to research and development for conditions are provided to protect
­surface coatings, powders or similar product optimization purposes. employees. Nonetheless, accidents
products, already manufactured could happen, causing breakdowns
using non-nanotechnology methods Product recall in the sealing system.
and often featuring the following In view of the innovative nature of the
much-debated causes of loss: manufacturing methods and conse- Medical malpractice
quently increased risk of teething Med Mal insurance for hospitals and
−−Development errors: These occur at problems, there are likely to be more community- based physicians will
the stage prior to mass production frequent product recalls. doubtless be subjected to increased
of the item. Usually, the result is that risk of loss due to the use of nano-
all products of that type are rendered As recalls are not covered under technology, as is the case with current
unfit for the intended purpose. product liability as a general principle, medical therapy techniques. This
insurance companies can expect an issue has three important aspects:
−−Design errors: These may arise increasing demand for product recall
before, but also during, mass policies. −−Nanotechnology changes atoms
­production of the article. The effect and molecules and so encroaches
of this type of error is that the Due to the limited experience with on a sensitive area which is prone
goods produced are unfit for the nano products (new products, new to errors and oversights. The type
intended purpose. technologies and new product of therapy is so to say brand new.
developments) the risk in product
−−Faulty manufacture: Although liability and recall of faulty products −−There may also be unforeseeable
the product is essentially fit for are increased (over-all risk evaluation interactions with other therapies.
the intended purpose, individual for the discussed LoB see the follow-
components (outliers) or particular ing figure 4). −−Nanotechnologically created
batches of the articles have defects ­products, which can sometimes
(serial losses) resulting from pro- Environmental impairment liability/ have unpredictable effects, are
duction errors, which can result in General liability administered to patients.
loss or damage for the purchaser The manufacture of nanotechnology
or final consumer. products will aggravate the conven-
tional risks of third-party losses and
−−Information errors: In this case, damage to natural resources. Not
the cause of loss is not a flaw in the only people, property and capital but
product itself but misleading or also the environmental constituents
incomplete advice or erroneous of earth, air and water are threatened
instructions for use. This can lead by losses in any number of laborato-
to risks either in actual use of the ries, manufacturing plants, ware-
product or because it is incorrectly houses, waste management and out-
stated to be fit for certain purposes. door trial areas, as well as by damage
caused by the products themselves.
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Figure 4: Over-all risk evaluation of the LoBs

(Med Mal = high, PL, Recall and WC/EL = medium, EIL/GL = low)

Product liability

Medical Recall

Workers’ compensation,
employer’s liability EIL, GL

Conclusion Setting up risk dialogues, discussion

and decision-making organs on a
Nanotechnology is a field of enormous regular basis with all involved social,
economic potential. As the growth of corporate, ethical and political levels
various industries is enhanced by can guarantee, that possible threats
nanomaterials it is important for risk and exposures of nanotechnology
assessment to keep pace. will be sufficiently discussed. All
interested parties have a chance to
In the end, a responsible approach voice an opinion on an early stage as
will help to minimize harmful side well. Risk dialogue and information
effects and keep nanotechnology in programmes can make an important
the positive eye of the public. Risk contribution to raising public aware-
analysis needs to be continuously ness, reassuring the public and
updated. Manufacturers need to strive improving risk management.
to prevent damage from occurring by
holding themselves to high quality The implications for insurance
standards. demand attention, as more or less all
LoB are affected to some extent.
Existing regulations, recommenda-
tions, and precautionary measures
are the fundament of very strong risk © 2017
management and risk assessment in Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft
the field of manufacturing nano prod- Königinstrasse 107, 80802 München, Germany

ucts, which allows the industry a safe

and a sustainable production under Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft
state-of-the-art technology. Not only (Munich Reinsurance Company) is a reinsurance
­company organised under the laws of Germany.
is this important during the manu- In some ­countries, including in the United States,
facturing of a product, but through Munich Reinsurance Company holds the status of
the entire lifespan of the product. an unauthorised reinsurer. Policies are underwritten
by Munich Reinsurance Company or its affiliated
­insurance and reinsurance subsidiaries. Certain
­coverages are not available in all juris­dictions.

Any description in this document is for general

information purposes only and does not consti-
tute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to
NOT IF, BUT HOW buy any product.

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