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Dog Blog

The Dog Blog is written by students in the Top Dog Communication course. Students share their views, experiences and knowledge on
topics such like college, the class, internships, jobs, etc.
Dog Blog posts are written in informal and conversational tone consisting of anywhere from 350-1000 words.

Dog Blog Topics
1. Describe your personal brand/how has PR or top dog helped you develop your personal brand.
2. What non-PR class has best supplemented your PR education or career goals and why?
3. Choose your own
4. What was your favorite part about this semester?
5. If you had your own public relations firms, what values and concepts would you ensure?
6. Agency, Corporate, Nonprofit: Where do you want to be and why?
7. SENIORS ONLY: Where do you hope to be in the next two years?
8. What aspect of public relations interests you most and why?
9. Write about the exact moment you fell in love with public relations
10. What are 5 skills that this course has helped you improve on?
11. Why did you decide to take this class?
12. What would you tell your freshman self if you could advise them today?
13. Create an appropriate Meme for this course
14. How a bad internship was a good experience
15. Social media: Good or Bad for PR
16. What it's worth to study abroad
17. Why Top Dog Communication is the right applied course for you
18. 6 ways to tell if your major is right for you
19. Reflection on PRSSA National Conference
20. 5 things you've learned in Top Dog thus far
21. What is your dream job and how is Top Dog helping you achieve it?
22. Choose a situation that utilized bad PR and write about how you would fix it
23. 7 tips for the incoming Top Dogger
24. How can PR professionals use Halloween as an effective PR tool?
25. Tell the story of your personal brand
26. Why did you choose PR as your career path?
27. Bust misconceptions about PR
28. Talk about ways to gain PR experience without an internship

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