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Karan Patel

Mrs. Gates
Period 4
Mr. Scrooge

Scrooge then walked down the street to tell his nephew Fred, merry Christmas.

“Merry Christmas! Uncle Scrooge.” Soon when Scrooge was done talking to Fred, he

continued to walk all the way down to Cratchit’s house. Cratchit opened the door very

quickly and said, “Hello Mr. Scrooge!” Bob let him in. Scrooge told them, “Merry

Christmas!” in a happy tone. Cratchit was very surprised. Cratchit thought that Scrooge

hated Christmas. Scrooge was feeling very generous after he met the three spirits and told

Bob that he would give him the money for Tiny Tim’s surgery. Bob was very excited and

happy when he heard this. Scrooge kept on giving and did lots of good deeds until one

day he had a change in mind.

Scrooge was sitting in his office when out of now where he decided to stop being

so nice and become greedy again. Scrooge got up got his stuff and left for home.

Everyone in the town was very happy. A little boy was walking by him and said, “Hello

Mr.” Scrooge got furious and said, “BHA- HUMBUGH!” in a rude voice back at the little

boy. Soon Fred was wondering why Uncle Scrooge was back to his own mad world.

Scrooge kept this up until Christmas Eve. That night Marley had come back into the

room. He told him that last year he had a chance to change to keep him from having a

terrible future. “ I promise this time that I will be not greedy this time, be nice, and help

others.” He repeated these words a lot of times. Marley told him that he this was his one

and his final chance to save his future.

Scrooge bought Cratchit and his family a gift for every single one for Christmas.

Whenever Scrooge felt like being greedy he would stop what he was doing and remind

himself about what Marley had said. When not being greedy became a habit, Scrooge

became a, kind, friendly person.

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