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11 sL angs


Air Combat in \,Vorld War ll

with Miniatures
by R. Russo
ncls and ll
North American P-51 D Mustang

The Contents

Movement 3
Changing Speed 4
Diving 5
Dive Recovery I
Clirnb I
Turning 10
Speedloss while turning 11
Stall 13
Move Sequence 13
The Loop 15
Wing Over 16
Lag Roll 18
Stall Turn 19
Cornbat Rules
Sighting 2A
Weather 23
Shooting 24
Damage 27
Starting the Game 29
Bombers 30
Flak 31
Bombing 33
Targets 35
Pilols-role playing 39'

Scenario Generators:
(1) Poland-France-
Battle of Britain
1 940 43
(2\ Europe 1941-43 51
rgi The Med.1940-43 54
(+i South Pacific 1911 -45 66
isi Russia
(0i China/Burma/lndia
(7) Southern Europe 96
(gi 8th Airforce Offensive 103
stanqs and flesserschmltts
Messerschmitt Bf 1 09F-4
Ths boredorn was a compatriot of the cold and the
confines of the cockpit. Foi all the glamor of being a The downed Mustang pilot unclipped his model from
fighter pilot, mostly it was the boredom that rode in his the movsmsnt stand. His compatriots in the game were
niind. And it was hjs luck that when things did happen, it tOo busy with their own survival to evsn notice. The
was always somewhers else that they h.aPpened. Mustangj pilot lsoked around at the clutter of stands and
A thdusand bom ber raid, f rom his altitude, they models, Iooking away from the smirk of the victorious
seemed to be little more ths splattered bugs on a car's german pilot, and with determination started rolling the
*indscreen on a hot Summsr day, Oh, they stretched from dice to enter the fight in a new airplane.
there to thers, and he was rasponsible, but so were
several hundred other guys. Arid the ssveral hundred He hoped it would be an allied airplane.
others always ssgmed to get the '*tradg".
Then the call camo: this is Hunchback Red 4; bogies 6
O'clock high.'- Mustangs and Messerschmitts
Across the formation hundreds of american heads
swiveled on hundreds of american necks-therg wgrg Mark V
German Aircraft behind.
This game is designed to be a good simulation of air to air
He saw them, his boredom suddenly gons, a lone pair combat; however it is also a role playing game of sorts.
of 109s black with distancs, sticing down on his squadron. Each player controls a singf e f ighter aircraft (or,
And he had a bad feeling about this, there was something, sometimes, a small bomber formation). These aircraft are
well, preCise abOUt fhe 'bOunCgn. He watCh9.d, represented using 1l72nd scale models (or 11700 scale
calcultiting, then called the break for his flight.. Up on the models for the bomber formations). Thib split scale of
right wingtip, suck the stick in, and he saved two of his wargaming pieces used is purely for the convenience of
m-en witfiidst that move. The lead German was sliding the gamers. In any case, €ach pilot flies personal
out of posftion unable to get any shot at all. aircraft aS a model, and, USing the described movement
But the second German was something slse. Clearly stands, "flies" the aircraft. There are no mandated flying
an old pro letting the novice lead the attack. The second maneUVers as becOmes necessary with a hex
Messerbchmitt, oddly black, sesmed to snap up and bleed grid(question: how do you make a circlo ol q h"sx grid?).
speed suddefily, thb aircraft rolled ovor the top and the The'success or failure of a mission is purely in how good
nose blinked with gun fire. the aircraft and pilot combination is.
The Mustang pllot knew that hings wero all bad now, it
did not soem fo'matter to the German that their flight As far as ws know, this game is the only generally
paths lvere g0 dsglges-off, or how well timed the break accurate garne system for World War 2 air to air combat.
was or anything. -The Mustang shqg.k and banged with For ons tfiing, th6 way the various aircraft perform in the
cannon hit3. He ldcked rudder and slid into and under the game was generated using real world enorgy studies.. For
Gsrman in a sudden wingover. The German slid up and another, thb system was playtested and examined -by a
all the while over the Mustang leader's faithful
over rolling-But number of military pilots, including ex-members of the
wingman. the wingman was too faithful following his Luftwaffo, U.S. Army Air CoIPS, and U.S. Navy.
lead'er through the wing over. And being a bit later in the
sams move allowed thb Kraut to break in trail on the pair. The purpose of this game is to simulate air to air
Both allied pilots could feel the slow throbbilg fire of the combat fiom.the pilot's viewpoint. Thus, many factors that
30mm cannon as much as hear Or see it. And the are beyond tho specific awareness of !f s pilot are
wingman became scrap metal ald a parachuts. ignored; or they are figured into the automatic processes
There was no pause in the Germhn's attack. The Axis oJ tfre game system. This game is designed so that the
pilot did not even watch to see the fate of the downed player merely "flies" the combat aircraft of World War
Mustang pilot, he was working on the leader. Two. There aro no rules mandating stupidity, bad play, or
The Mustang wiggled and called for aid. Wingover bad flying, that is left up to the tialents of the gamer.
followed wingover followed by climbing turls_, imryelmans
and tight turns that drained both the blood from his face HOwgver, this is only a gams. lt must make
and aiispeed from his airplane. Several times tha Mustang compromises with reality iusl .playable. For ons
could see that the Messerschmitt was in shooting position thing, no gamer sver dies for his mistakes, or is sven shot
but no cannon fire cams. The Mustang pilot had a sick dow-n and'"captured (or sent to Stalag !uf!.1 3!).. And the
feeling he knew why. Suddenly, the Messerschmitt was gamer can flf almost any aircraft imaginable. He can do
close, very close, sd close that the Allied pilot could see [nings that no real world pilot eyqr got t9. all the
the enemy pilot's face through the windscreen. Again that prindipal types from both of the conflict. He can try
damn big cirnnon shook ths the air and ths Mustang. And bircrah aftijr aircraft until he finds one he likes, rathsr than
a $udden thump left the Mustang with.most of a wing being stuck with the aircraft assigned to the unit. He
gons as a 30mm shell took out a spar. No time, no time, nevei kills, he nsver dias; He nsvsl even washss out of
the pilot blew off ths canopy and dumpsd out of his bird flight school.
just before it started snapping over and over to the as ons ex-Luftwaffs fighter pilot observed about this
ground. game, "You get atl ths fun dt tfre bogfight, but no one has
to dig".
ilust anqs and llesserschmiti,s
l'.lorth American

uso a tiny time scale allowing the pilots to react, but not
Notes on the Fifth Edition: too much. This manipulationwith time scales tied to the
pos,ilio,n rules noted later in the text produces the highest
This is the 5th edition of these rules to be publishod. reality/problem ratio we could produc'e.
The first and second editions were intended only for the In the g?ms,-each move ib arbitrarily 5 seconds long.
use of the.playtest group during 1975-70-77 (Aithough, When ths aircraft are well separated, tlLey will be movirig
ths second playtest edition was disfibutsd to soms extont on this schsdule. However, when the a[rcraft are clos6
in advanco of the 3rd edition). The third edition saw togethsr, and a few seconds can seem rike an eternity, the
limited distributiol. m"ostly due to the marketing move is split into 3 impulses. This was done because, as
propensities of the title Leasee of the period, McEwen near as ws could tell, this was ths minimum increment wo
Miniaturgs. Howgvgr, this version had many problems. could game in which a pilot could be expected to recognize
Some of the problems were the result of the publisher what was happening and operate the aircraft meaning-fully.
making last minute unauthorized editoriaf chanbss-oftsn Therefore:
to get the rules to fit inside the intended forniat. This
meant that a lot of usefuf information was compresssd to 1 .1 Movg Rule:
noar incomprehensibility, or eliminated altogeth6r. And, of Each Move in ths game reprssents 5 seconds of real
course, there were the inevitable typographical errors. world timg.
The fourth edition was a real eipansion of the system
contairling. a lqt olnew information.and approache6, and 1.zReal Wheel Rule:
was published by Falcon Gam€s.
The current sth edition is an extensive revision of both The rcat wheel of the movement stand must be 1 .25" in
the layout and the 'We mostly responding to diametgr. This wheel must be marked, once onfy, with a
requestr qy the Players. have sxpanded'some offfre clearly visible line across the thicknesd of its tredd. The
rules for clarity; com€ up with a new way to calculate the purpose of this fine is to indicate the rotation of the wheel.
Zoom climb to make it easjer AND more dccurate. And the One rotation, Iop ol _ryheel to top of wheel, is defined as 1
scenario generators have been improved, including listing Movement Point (1MP) in the game.
in gaqh generator the aircraft variants that actuaily appf (One MP is therefbre jusfover 35 Miles Per Hour, or
to that period and theatre of War. This allowed ud to'finil just mors than 55 Kilometers Per Hour of speed) .
tune the changes in the aircraft due to the conditions of
the Pl?cs instead of havilg ons set of specifications try to 1.3 Definition on Mp
fit all ths aircraft variants in any place.
All movement in the game will be defined in Movement
Finally, The rules pleselted in this edition supersede Points per turn, OFI Movbment Points per impulse. These
any previous rules pubfished for this game. yyill .ty?.vs, except for vertical movembnt, bei regulated by
the rotation of the rear wheel.
llovement 1 .4 They Don't Fly in Rsverse
The only totally accurats way to simulate the probfems Evegong scrgws up on a move now and then, sorry.
of air to air combat is to use reiit airplanos, real pilots and ;
Excep.t fqr novice playsrs playing in their tirdt-evsr
Real Guns. This however, is only a'gams- Peoille's lives scenalo(q), a move may nsvsi be repeated in any fashion.
are not on ths line. The fate of the worfd is nof at stake. The stand may never be moved backward, nor inay it be
History is immutable. respotted to its original location and ths movo be iaken
This means a couple things to the reader. First, a over. lf a move which has been taken is illegal, then
gamsr making a rnistake can, af most, terminate the carsgr consult the section regarding illegal movei for the
of a fictional pilot. Second, this also means that the game, consequgnces (usually an automatic spin, etc.).
as with any game, is limited in its ability to simulale the
real world. 1.5 No Magic Movement:
The wiy movsment takes placg, for instance, is
Lqgulated by the cornmon game mechanism of moves. All movement points that are allotted within the rules to
The reality 6t air combat isinat the pitots aro tooking gtlt a given aircraft for a given turn must be expended. They
of their cockpits. They are activeiy responding, on a may not. be. sav€d, tiaoeo, sold, lost, forgbtten or givsi
$oment to moment basis, to what they can seo. away. Neither may spurious MP be acqulred in any. way
Therefote, to accurately reflect reality each rirove should and used.
be simultaneous.
However, this is not entirely possibls. lf each player 1.6 lmpulse Flule
w.ere t9 pre-write a 5 second movo and then faithfully
close his eygs and do as pfannsd, this game would All aircraft in a scsnario will go to impulse movernent at
becoms noqing rnors than an extencec rRock-papsr- tl'te beginning of the turn in wtiich the 'playsr$ agree that
$cissors" variani using airplanes, they are in closs enough contact to warrani this action. In
The only viable solution to the probfems of pre- the svsnt of d,isagreemsnt among players, if any qlaye.T
programmed gusssing vsrsus seguential artificiality ib to rsquests impulse movement and ahy twb opposing aircraft
st ancrs and llesserschnritts
lsiesserschmitt Bf 1 09F4

ars within 15 total feet of each other play-revsrt
of the gams
goss to impulse movsment; play may not This f.ay happen if, on the previous turn
full turns until all combat is terminated.
back to +)
(presuryably_ when the acceleration was being
Players entering a scenario in progross, who are a accumulated), the aircraft did not climb or spend
considerable distance from combat, may, at their option, gnergy on a maneuver.
executs their full turn of rnovement at the beginning of the
turn. Such-.players must revsrt to impuJses as they F) .This increase in. speed takes place at the
approach a fight in progress under the same rules noteil beginning of the
following turrl.
Therefore: Decsleration
1.7 Movement $chedule per lmpulse: Just as an aircraft may increase spsed, it may also
lose speed. ln the advanbed rules thib can be dohe by
Movement Points per tqrn are expended in rough 1/3ed spending ensrgy on a manouver. We will deal with that
increments psr impulse. Obviously, this does not always
come out gven. Thergfore, during a turn, MP will be !|tel. Right now we ars concsrned with slowing down in
the basic game, and in normal level flight.
sxpended on the following schedule during impulse How much an aircraft slows down when the pilot chops
movemgnt: tle po-we1 is dependant on the drag configuration of the
aircraft. Two extremes might be a wire braced, bestrutted
l MPlTurn= 0-0-1 MP in impulses 1 , 2, and 3 respectively biplane such as the Fairay Swordfish versus the svelte
zHPlTurn= 0-1 -1 MP in impulses 1 , 2, and 3 Messerschmitt Me 292. However; most of the aircraft in
3MP/Turn= 1-1-1 the game differ so little from one another that those
4HPfTuffr= 1^1-z differences are impossible to display within ths game
sMP/Turul= 1-2-z scale. And, usually,JIey wq.r-s so'similar that the -pitots
6MP/Turn= 2-2-2 involved never noticed those differences,
TMPfTurn= 2-2-g
8MP/Turn= 2-3-3 2.2 Deceleration Rule
gMPlTurn= 3-3-3
. -_Any aircra-ft may slow down, by one MP per turn. This
11MP/Turn=344 MP shed on any imprrlse
1zMP/Turn =4-4-4 'Thereduring the turn, but may
gnly be dons oncs psr turn. ar€ a few limitations to
13MP/Turfl=4-4-5 the ability to decelerats.
16MP/Turn=5-E€ l) This .may not occur on 2 consecutive impulses of
back to back turns.
19MP/Turn=6-6-7 P) T.his ma.y not occur if the aircraft dives during the
impulse during which the pilot wishes to cut throtiie.
z0MP/Turn =6-7-T
21MP/Turn =7-7-7
9)4n aircraft m3y lot decelerate on any impufse
during which it dived.
II-A D)lt is not necessary for the player to announce that
Acceleration he is slowing down. He need only do so and
mention it only if some other pilot notices and asks
The way an aircraft dccelerates is primarily- a function about it.
of the power vsrsus the weight of the eiircraft. The aircraft
with less mass and more power will usually do better. 2.3 Acceleration Following Deceleration
Howevor, this function vaiies constantly as the weight (the "stutter-step" rulg)
g.h.anges (fuel and ammunition usage), dltitude (air gets
thinner with altitude), speed (as speed doubies d'rag An aircraft may not gsnorate acceleration from sngine
quadrgples-then.goss'crazy as the airbraft approaches th6 ponrer on the same turn in which the pilot cuts throttle.
sp€ed of sound), 6nd so dn, This can prboucs a lot of
trouble in the game mechanics for litile benefit. EXAMPLE of the stutter-step rule
For simplicity we do the following: A Bf 1 09G entsrs turn 1 going at speed 12. The pilot
(perhaps to keep from overshboting immediately
2.1 The Acceleration Rule: cuts throttle to speed 1 1 on impulse 1. At the outset of
turn 2 the 1 09 rhay go no faster than speed 1 1 . Any
An aircraft, when ftying below its level maximum engine powsr which might have been used to accumulate
speed, may use engine power to accolerate at a rate of acceleration for turn 2 was neutralized in the first impulse
one speed point per turn. of turn 1 when the pilot cut throttlei
Must anos and llesserschmltis

North American P-51 D Mustang

Diving Rules
2.7 Negative "G"

2.4 Speed Loss is Independent Hule lf an aircraft is listed with an asterisk after its dive
acceleration value (on the form 2(8).) i this indicates that
The speed lost from cutting power is indepsndsnt of the aircraft is prohibited from Negative ''G'' maneuvsrs. In
any speed lOst for any other reasoff, such as speed lost in particular, the aircraft must entsr a dive rolled 90 degrses
a climb, or more. This rule is necsssary because some aircraft
were equipped with carburetors (as opposed to fual
EXAMPLE of speed lost on an impulse. injection) or had oil scavenging system$ which would
A Hurricane moving speed I (approximately 315MPH) cease functioning under negative GuG" conditions.
is moving 3 MP per impulse (3-3-3 MP each impulse of a Prohibited aircraft caught in a Negative Condition
turn of 9). When slowing down, the speed lost can be have their engine seize-engine out!
taken On any irnpulse. On any impulse our Hurricans
could slow down 1 MP and move at speed 8. Thus, on 2.8 Dive Acceleration.
the turn in which the aircraft is decelerating it could be
moved on the schedule 2-3-3,3-2-3, OR 3'3-2, depending The rule listed in 2.5 above desuibes a 45 degrse
upon he impulsa in which the pilot chose to cut speed. dive. Aircraft still accelerate in a dive at a more shallow
angle, the benefits are msrely lessened. On the
specifications shsets, dive acceleration is listed with 2
figures, on the form ot: 2(8). This lists a relative merit
il-c valug.
DIVE ACCELERATION Aircraft with (7) or (8) may accolerate 1 MP every other
turn of dive when diving 2 or more inches per MP moved
(but less than the full 4" msntioned in 2.5).. Aircraft with a
An aircraft flies by spending energy, This energy is (9) or (10) listing may accelerate 1 MP per turn in a
spent fighting gravity and drag. Giving up the fight against shallow dive of 2' (but less than 4") per MP. Aircraft with
Gravity would obviously let the aircraft, briefly, have moro (1 1) or (121 may accelerate z|'iPlturn in dives of 3YMP, or
gngrgy for acceleration. .
1MP/turn on dives at 2".
N6i surprisingly, tris is allowed for in fre game.
One may not slow down in a divs, In fact, if the dive is Rule 2.g Maintaining the Dive
steep enough, ons is forced to acceferate, and that
acceleration is great enough to show up in the game $peeds faster than the listed Level Maximum Speed
scalg. ln the scale of ths game, in a no drag vacuum, a may only be maintained by further diving. A maintenance
falling aircraft would increase the distance covered at a dive is defined as being at least 2" per MP moved, and
rate of about 3 MP per turn. The airframe drag in an this rate must be sustained for the entire turn.
atrnosphere complicates fiis greatly (of coursel).
In accounts of the personal experiences of pilots flying Expansion on rule 2.9
in World War Two, the issue of how fast an aircraft dives
is often considered to be quite important. However, lf a pilot wishes to maintain speed in a dive the
different pilots mean different things when talking about distance dived is computed as an avsrage for the entire
superiority in a dive. Ons pilot may be refgrring to turn. Thu$, the distance dived may be done all at once
superiority in speed attained in he dive, another may talk rather than as a simple shalfow dive.
about initial acceleration in that divs. A third pilot might
just be observing WHO started diving first!
These are different phenomena and must be treated For instanco, an aircraft moving at 15MP/turn, well
separately in the game. above its level mox, must dive 2" per MP or 30" on any
give turn in or to maintain speed. Note that it is the total
2.5 Dive Acceleration amount of diving that mattsrs. Therefors, the aircraft
could dive 2" tar the next 1sMP, for the 30"; OR 3' per MP
lf an aircraft spends three consecutive impulses diving for 10 points; OR 4* per MP for I points. In the basic
at a rate at 4 inches down for every Movement Point game this compensates for energy usually spent under
moved forward, the aircraft MUST be accelerated by the the advanced rules. In any case, what an aircraft may not
listed dive acceleration value in ths specifications shset. do is dive 4"per MP, then rscover, then climb a bit, then
This value is listed in whole Movemant Points which must dive some mors to make the legal daf in ition of
be added to the aircraft's speed in the Next turn. maintenance. Ths "G" losses are too dramatic to allow
this "yo-yon effgct.
2,6 Dive Limit
2.1 O:Maintenance Dive Limit:
This mandatory increase in speed must continue while
the aircraft dives as in 2.5 above, until the aircraft reachss While in a maintenance divs, the aircraft may not
iF listed tsrminal dive speed. voluntarily slow down such as by ochopping.throttle" as
describsd-earlier. The only way tb lose'speed is to spend
stanqs and llesserschnrltts
Messerschmitt Bf 109F4
Diving Rules
the energy. than the speed of sound over the wing. _At hign
Mach nunibers (.75 and above) drag values becoms weird.
2.1 1:Shedding Excess Speed From a Dive: They do not, howevsr, reach infinity
This phanomenon does have one major consequencs
A aircraft going faster than its level maximu.m.Speed AND which shows up in the gams. As an aircraft qggs faster,
diving lesd than 2" get Movement Point: will.glg.Y. speed at the center of lift of the wing shifts further aft. This center
ffrs rita of 1 Movement Point of Speed per IMPULSE, until of lift can move so far back that the controls feel buried in
it reaches lavel maximum speeid. This speed loss is liquid.concrets. Tho thick wing of the P-38 is a dramatic
assessed at the beginning of the following turn. cdse in point, for this happens at relativeLy loq airspeeds
with thi$ airplane. The designers, not fully understanding
Exception to Rule 2,'l1 : the problem, tried several band-aid solutions that did not
work. Finally, they just added automatically deploying
lf during the turn mentioned abovs,.spp.qd is.sPent.turning dive bral<es that raised the total airframe drag value so
and cliirbing such that the speed of the aircraft would high it would not go fast enough to suffer the problem.
have already Ueen rsduced to ievel max, THEN, no further MOSI airCraft, howsver, sxperienCed the "wall Of
losses are taken. ln othsr words, this rule may not be pillows" effect, much as the P-38 did after the dive brakes
used to decelerats an aircraft below level maximum speed were added. That is, before speeds reached the point
at ttrat altift.rde where the aircraft was no mors in control than a thrown
brick, or before pieces started tearing off the airplane, the
EXAMPLE ol 2.1 1: total drag value'became such that the aircraft coul! go no
fastsr. The drag excesded any possible increase in input
An Aircraft with a level maximum speed of 12 is travelling power - either flom sngine or gravity - that could cause
13. The aircraft doos not dive enough to maintain the the aircraft to accslerats.
speed. At the beginning of the following turn the aircraft Some of the numbers listed in the specifications might
has decelerated-to spbed 12. lf ths aircraft climbed differ from pilot observed dive speeds that the reader may
snough to lose a moveinent point, 9r tupqd gng.uglt under have heard from someone. The rsason, for instanC€, that
the advanced rulss, to lose the pint, Rule 2.11 does not some P-47 pilot reported going superqonic in a dive is
dsmand yet another pint of sPeed' simoly one of instruinentation. The pilot's manuals of the
period oftan,have extensive charts listing I'ow the
il-D hirspeed indicator lies about the currg.nt .ai{speod.
Terminal Dive Speed Further, the airspeed indicator was not really designed to
do more than indicate lift off and landing speeds. Thus,
There are frree basic reasons why an aircraft does not some pilots may indicats never having seen more than_,
continue to gain speed in a dive. The least comrnon for Say, 500 miles per hour. Or abOut speed 15. HOwever, it
the World W-ar Two period would be that the prossure of just msans that the instruments were wrong.
the air on the aircraft at high speed would tear somethi_ng
that this did irot happen at all. On the
off. Not to say-Yakolev Anyway, for convenience, wo opted to treat all terminal
wood cov€red series of fighters, this tended to speeds of all airplanes as the "Wall of Pillows' !ype.
happen a lot. Poor glqe or quality control would allow the Those tars aircrait which experienced compressibility or
pliivood skinningbf the wing to start peeling gff at structural failure ars lirnited to the maximum speeds
iefatively low speeds. For trat matter, a damaged aircraft possible prior to those occurrences. This is fair becauss a
might have sorilething tear off just becauss it was all shot btayer in'the game doesn't roceive any of ths none-too-
up. But the problem was relatively un@mmon. butitte clues which a real pilot would receive in these
'On the otner hand, while airclaft designers knew how circumstances. This decision enhances playability with
to build sturdy planss, the aerodynamicists had nsw little loss to accuracy.
problems. For instanCo, they had little idea what was
happening to the airflow as the aircraft apploached the
spebd of sound. To add to their confusion, dus to errors 2.12 Maximum Dive Speed
iri instrurnsntation, several aircraft were reported to have
exceeded the speed of sound in a dive. As information Every aircraft in the game has a maximum dive sp-gl.e.d
improvod, tnese claims were Put !q Is$t,. and somo listed in'the Specs as "TERM" for Terminal speed. This
redearchers started to believs that it might not be possible lists the maxinium number of Movement Points the aircraft
to make an aircraft go Mach 1.0; ths speed of Sound. may accelsrate to while diviqg. lf the affected aircraft has
You sss, the drag curves for any airframe seomed to autbmatic dive brakes, the listed speed is the maximum
approach infinity-in this rsalrn. This increase in Dfqg dive brake speed. lf 2 valuss ars listed (on the form
would soem to be able to overcome an)f foresesable 12115) the first is with brakes deployed, the second is with
increase in power. brakes retracted.
As the aiicraft approaches Mach 1, the air trying to flow
over tha surface o?ine wing 'bunches up" in a series of
ridges. This happans becauss, while the aircraft may be
goiilg far slower than ffre speed of soulg, the thickness of
ine #ing would msan that ine air would have to flow fastsr
Republic P-47G Thunderbolt

North American P-51 D Mustang

il Diving Rules
il Vertical Dives
2.13 Flule-Fighter Dive limits:
ightelq ars f im itsd to dives no grsater than 45
,. The problem
dives,. pilots
here is primarily psychological.
chronically overestimate the-angle
In steep degrees or 4" per movement point. I

of their
il dive. In dives that an oirtside observer would -estimate to
be no rnore than 50 or 60 dqgrees, the pilot is nearly
always be convinced that he hbs ndived straight down'r.
2.14 Rule-Bombers:
Level Bombers aro limited to dives at ZZ degrees
Further, ,this pilot would usually' have felt th-at he was (?"lMP) while armed with bombs or torpedoes, iio 45
il about to "pitch over on his back."
As with" e.verythif g, there are
som.e specialry
exceptions. In wwll,
degree .dives when clean. Divs recovory is alway's- double
required fighters(see the dive rscovery r[rles). '
{ive bombers wers so stable that even a
novice could ride them down in a true vertical divo. In 2.1 5 Rule-Fighter Bombers :
il normal circumstance, no fighter and few bombers in this
gaqe ge allowed a dive steeper than 45 degrees-4"/Mp.
In the.specifications sheets, you will 5ee 4 types of
Must do.rblq puflouuwingovsr and split us" distances
when carrying bgmbs.. They may dive, ano recover, as
bomber ljstings: Bomber(Bmr.),- Fighter Bomobi(rei, normal fighters when clean.
il Attack Bomber(Atk) and Dive Bomber(DB). rhes6
{esignations will often be at variance witfr soire official 2.1 6 Rule-Attack Bombers :
{es.ignation of the aircraft from the period. Thete
designations are listed hera for our purpodes. They reflect Must Double pullouUwingovor, etc. distances when
il the kinds of training and usage of ttie aircraft along with its
intrinsic propefiies-.
armed with bombs. egl may cjive as steeply as 63 degree
dives while armed. These aircraft are'altoweO noimal
pullout when unloaded.

A Bomber is defined as soryglhing which drops its
nastinsss f.roryl, more or less, level flight.- lt is not strbssed
for any high ncn maneuvering (this is often indicated by a
2.17 Rule-Dive Bombers:
Must qouble pullouUwingover etc. distances when
Pggllurn rate). This type of hiicraft is limited to a dive of armed with bombs. Bqt may d-ive vertically at any tims, or
il z"lMP when carUing bombs or torpedoes, ?fid a 4"lWp
dive onfy when clean. These aircrait must ilways double
the required pullout distancss as described below.
at arJy anglg qp tg 90 degregp, tt may divb this sieepty at
a.ny time. Pullouts are doubfe when lrmed, normal'when

il DEFIN ITION : Fighter Bomber:

A fighter bomber is limited to normal 4"lMP dives as
described above, End operates within the normal rules.
DtvE *[SovERy
There you ate coming down like the wrath of God on
when carrying a Boinb, it is limited to doubled some Hun, terminal Mach is making your steed buck and
il Pylloutlwing over/loop distancss as described below.
Clean, it may operate nbrmally.
pitch while the air is trying to pretend-that it really it I sotid
obiect, ald yg.u reach ths bad guys. The probfem is: How
do you gtop this downward plunge to oblivion?
DEFIN ITION : Attiack Bomber Glad you asked.
il Attack bombers ars aircraft that were often called
Fighter/Bombers at the time, but were actually specialisi
attack aircraft with per.faps secondary air to aii capability.
The stick that the pilot uses in flying an aircraft is
9,esigned to make the airplane go in
smooth arc.
However, the ons growing fiom the center of the control
IlL? allowed to dive mors steepty than 45 orgrees stand which is used in the game, is not. So, we have to
(4"/lrP). This is done by allowing 1 MF per lmpulse-to be
il perfQr_Ted by dropping 4" witholt fonrdrd movement fer
cheat a lot.. No1v, I lecggnizs that the clever among you
will recognize this for ttie compromiss it is. But ih6;e
lhal MP on aly, illpulse in wnich ihe rules are designed to be simple enough that anyone can
betwe en 2 and"4 MP. Experienced pilots may be allowed usg them.
il to dive vertically (see the section on Role'playing tne
It takes a lot of energy and some little time to turn the
corner on your dive, afid pull out. Gravity would prefer
DEFINITION: Dive Bombers
thlt ygq.continue on your way until you ire one Again
with Mother Earth. I wbuld suppose ttiat you would pr-eter
These are dive brake equipped, specialty bombers
il whigh,..dus to their great stbbit'ity, arb allowed to dive
vertically: that is, iust-move 4" straibhiOown the stick w1h
to make that encounter as ge'ntle as pdssible. Arid on
your own terms. This is done by having your wings
nO fOn'vard mOvemgnt, Or at any ang-le up tO nOrmal dives.
generats lift. This producss a curve in four f liglit,
hop_efully changing your vedor from vertical to horizontat.
In pull.out from a dfue normally, ths dive
il bomber must have dropped its weapon, btne;,v'iie; Joubte
normal pulfout distancss.
Dive Recovery is based on the turn rate of the aircraft
( also a product of wing lift). Ths concspt of turn
rate will be discussed in detail-latsr. For now, oflo need

t gnly look at the specification sheets. You wilf see "TURN'

listed for sach aircraft and followed by sornething like

Must anqs and llesserschmitts

Messerschmitt Bf 109F4
Dive Recovery
"G/1 0'. In.the basic game this msans that.the pilqt must
announce his pulloul, then continue another 10 inches
down the stick before the aircraft can be defined as being Dive Recovery Schedule:
in lsvel flight; as being "pullgg outn.
Usin{the abovd'G110" as an examP!e, the pullout Jft=4-3"
woutd lobn like this: on the first MP-the pilot announces Hl8=4-4
oullout and movss the aircraft one movement point G/l A=4-4-2
tonrard, and down 4". On MP 2, the aircraft again movos Fl12=44-4
forward'a single rotation of the whqq! ?nd down 4n. On E/l 5=4-4'4-3
Boulton-Paul Defiant Mk I
MP 3, the airiraft still proceeds 1 MP fonra.rd, bu!.only Dl18=4'4'4'4-2
descends 2 inches. This completes the 10" pullout.
Notice that the pullout was divided by 4"- incrsments with N 4A =4-4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4- 44
the left-over trabtion on the last point. This holds true for
all Turn Schedules in the gaine. $pecifically, Turn 2.21 Dive Recovery Announcement Rule
schedules in the game are performed by announcing the
puffout, then divinq 4'lMP until the re@very is dono. All dive pullouts must be announced to the opposition
' Now, every divi-ng movement does not have to result in pilots who dould be directly affected by such a movs.
a full rocoveiy as d-escribed immediately above, lf the
aircraft is in ei Oive of 1" per MP or less, oo r€-q_overyls 2.22 Diving After Recovsry Rule
necsssary. lf the dive is bbtwsqn .1
.pq MP.and 3.per^Mf-,
then the-dive rocovery is half that listed above (G/1 0 A pilot who announcos a recovery may initiate another
rscovers in 5 inches, for instance). lf the dive is steeper dive immediately upon completion of the manouver. Such
tfran 3" per MP then the full recovory is required. a manguver ffiay, ih fact, appear to be a continuous dive.
It is also prohibited to be diving so steeply as to
need a 2.23 Recovery in Negative Rule
full recovery and then to declaraa shallower_divs, which
nrould requiie half of the total r€covery rate. Transitioning Aircraft which are rolled greater than 90 degrsss (i.o.:
from a stsep dive to a shallower one can only be done by upside down) when they begin pullout must recovsr on
doing a half rocoverY to, say Z'IMP then another half tdrn schedule "An (to prevent the pilot from "redding-out"
- -further,There ain't no free lunch.
recovery. or the airframe from breaking uF, or both). This isnGoa
one rnay not fly level.for 3 MP,-then dive 4" on negativs'Go maneuver; Aircraft prohibited negative
fre fourth io, say, gbt a shbt, and dsclare that, as only mubt remvgr wings level.
dived 4n ove r 4MF, you dO nOt need tO recovsr. Wrong I
To move or shoot at tnat angle reguires a pull out from 2.24 Wider Pull Out
hat angle.
A pilot may elect to use moro than the rninimum required
2.18 Dive Recovery Rule: Shallow Dive disthncs for the pull out. That is, an aircraft on G/1 0
might, instead, uss 1 1 , 12, 13 or more inches for his pull
Aircraft diving at 1'lMP or less make no special dive ou[. Howevgr, all dive recoveries must be made as one
recovery. continuous movement as described in the above dive
recovgry schedules.
2.19 Dive Recovery Rule: Medium Dive
Aircraft diving at more than 1"/MP and u.p to 3"/MP The Climb
need a dive recovbry of at leastll2 their normal rate.
The pilot does not.really llye to worry Sbout tfts falling
Half dive rscovery schedule: down pert of the problem dntil he starts gging !P: In.many
airwai game$, the designor, when confronted with the
Jft=3" umimpressive, gentle-sesming reach for altituds of this
H18=2"-2o period, usually blects to play $arnes with the numbers'
Gl1 0=3"-2" The usual tricli is to distort the bams scals: a 10 second
Fl12=3'-3' movs might allow 5 minutes worth of climbing. This is
E/l 5=3n-3"-1" becauselne designer usually designed the game scale
D/l 8=3'-3"-3" Before he did the resoarch (if any) on the airplanes..
C120=3"-3o-3'-2* Part of the problem is a misunderstancling of how an
aircraft gains altitude.
N 40 =3'- 3"-3
o-3 n-3n-3"
'2n Ho#an aircraft climbs, or rather how a climb rate is
dafined in a reference work, is part of this problem.
2.20 Dive Racovsry Rule: Steep Dive Ultimatsly, the climb of an aircraft'reprosgntq sq?Ppi,lg
th; enertiV in the aircraft for the'desired altituds'
Aircraft diving stseper than 3" per MP.need to make a Howiver,-Orprnding on the tactical situations which the
full divs rscovsry squal to their turn radius in inchos. valious nhtiohs wanied to test for, the climb rate that can
stancts and flesserschmitts
North American

Climb Rules
result varies gnormously. Rule 2.27 Zoom Climb:
For Example, officials of the Japa.nese Navy in World
War Two were concerned with how quickly thsir Any aircraft may climb higher than its listed rate.
interceptors could stafi their engine, roar down the carrier Howevbr, such excess climbing must be paid for by losing
deck, eind climb to an operational altitude, This is, strictly speed. $peed loss is calculated in the following fashion.
soeaking, a scramble time. HOwgvOr, the numbers
irivolved app€ar in sources as being the "climb A) After an aircraft climbs, at the end of a turn, the
ratg", piiot subtracts his available "frse" climb from the total
tn the same period the manufacturers of U.S. Army inches climbed.
oursuit planss would start timing the airplane when the
wneels'lsft the runway. The engine would be at a full B) The remainder is divided by the "ZOOM Factor"
emergency overboost,-a status tlrat could fry a perf.ectly listed in the specifications.
n6w engirie in minutes. For publicity purposes, these
aircraffwould often be stripped of guns, armor' and C) After the free climb is subtractsd, gac! multip.le
ammunition and only be running with enough fuel to gst tfrereafter of the Toom costs the aircraft 1 MP on the
them to altitude and back down again. following turn
This U.S. publicity approach producgd more than iusl
bad numbers for gamirig purposes. lt had the practical D) The dividend of the above process is rounded to
problem that foreign buyers of such aircraft did not gst the ttre nearest whol6 speed point.
'ln they paid for.
any chse, most methods of generating. cllmb..rates EXAMPLE at 2.24
labeled *ith such useless titles as "sustained climb", and An Fw 190A-6 with a climb rate al 4, moving at speed
"initital climb' have absof utely nothing Ig dg with what 12, goes into a climb. On the first impulse, the 190
happsns tg Eql Atrqraft in cqmbal move-s 4MP fonrard and climbs I inches; a moderate rate
actual "climb rateo of an aircraft varies enormously of climb. On Second lmpulse the aircraft again moves
with changes in wsight, flltitude and so on. Thus, 4MP forward and climbi another I inches. On Third
ultimately,-how an aiicraft climbs cannot be casually lmpulse, another 4MP are moved, and the pilot decides
looked uil in an aircraft refergnco book. Climb rates to climb ata steeper angle of 16 inches.
calculatsd for thess rules (as with turn rates) We"rs arrivsd At the end of the turn, the speed loss is calculated in
at by analysis of the basib energy characteristics of the this fashion. The aircraft started at speed 12. The
individual aircraft. aircraft climbed a total of 32 inches, oI I times his normal
All maneuvers are paid for with energy. That enorgy climb rate. The first 4" is froo, so the aircraft must pay for
can come from ths airiraft diving during a maneuver and 28" of climb. 28f5=5.6 speed points, this means that the
using the energy of gravity and. mass tg pgy the price. Or "Butcher Bird" starts the next turn moving 6 speed points
the power of the engine can be useo. I ne Only powgr slower. Thus, Of, turn two, the airCraft is only mOving at
avaiiable for this purpose is that which is nqt.being. spent 6MP for the whole turn.
maintaining the cuirent flight attitude. This value is
usually covbred by the term 'specific Excess Powero or EXPANSION OF EXAMPLE:
SEP. lf the aircraft had only climbed 30 inches, it would
In this game the only number you will see is this SEP have only had to pay for 26" of climb. 2615=5,2, which is
value. Call-ing it a climbiate is simpler, as this is the more rounded to 5 MP.
familiar term to most people.
In the basic gamb, the SEP value describes how the Rule 2.28 Climb limit:
aircraft loses speed in a climb or "zoom climb", Any .giyoft
aircraft on any'turn may climb higher than its listed "climb The listed free climb in rule 2.19 is the maximum free
rate'. But a gleat deal of speedis lost in the process. climb. ln the case of the sxample-4 inches. A climb of 1
inch over this must be paid for'with a whole point.. After
2.25: Climb Definition the first point of loss is paid for, the system in rule 2-27
becomes effectivg.
The listed climb rate in the specifications indicates
how many inches per turn that the aircraft may gq yp Example of 2.28
without a lgss q[ sfjeed. This is the excess ensrgy of the Ah aircraft with a climb of 4, pays a full MP for
aircraft. There id no excess climb rate availabls above climbing 5, 6, 7,8, 9, or 10 inches. The aircraft does not
level maximum speed.(actually it is not that simple, but it pay a secbnd point of speed until it clirnbs 11" or 1?'
will do as a game mechanism. Wtiv? Anv amount of climb over the first 4" must cost at
least 1 MP'(Rule 2.211. However, after that cost is paid,
2.26: Maximum Angle of Climb then you mby round'to the nearsst wholo speed point
(Rule 2.24'r.
The maximum angle of climb (as opposed to ths climb
rate) of all aircraft is no mors than 4' per MP. Expansion of 2.28
'Without this rule, svery aircraft thg galna. would be
getting an initial 50% climti bonus. The list-ed climb rate is
Mustancrs and llesserschmifts a
Messerschmitt Bf 109F4
Turning Rules
the maximum excess enorgy available to the aircraft. aircraft either sheds speed or altitude or both. lf enough
Beyond that, the rounding io a whole point is for the speed is lost, the airplane can fall out of the .sky.
corivience of game PlaY onlY. Howsver, all these effects are pretty much proportional
to the initial rate of turn. For those of you who really care,
ll-H we havs labored to produce a simple, and fairly accurate,
TURNING system which accounts for speed-loss-in-turns. However,
the reality is that such calculations add complication to
An aircraft makes a turn by using the lift of the wing to the game, with little benefit.
gonerate the onergy necsssary to change the..str.aight line ln ths basic gams we will only worry about the initial
6t tliont into a curve. The airplina must, usually, bo rolled turn rate, ths speed lost in the turn is an optional
in th-e direction of the turn. The pilot must then incrsass advanced rule to be described latsr.
the angle of afiack of the wilg FV pulling back.on the In the previous section on dive pull out, we talked
stick. Wnile the rudder controls the yaw of the aircraft, it about the tirrn rate of the aircraft. Herei we go back to this
does not generats snough force to effectively turn the statistic. Each turn will be listed in the speCifications with
aircraft, i[ does little more than maintain the desired a turn rate on the form: Gl1 0 or similar. The first lstter, in
nco, rofgrs
attitude of the aircraft. this case to a point marked On the movement
How tightly an aircraft can turn is obviously a 3 part stand used in the game. uAn
On the top of the stand is a
problem: compass rOsA markgd thrOugh "J".. At the beginning Of
' 1) How fast does fre aircraft roll into the turn? anv oame. the player consults his aircraft specifications
dl Once rolled, how tightly can it actually turn?(this toi the tuin ratb. He then puts turn pointer stops in the
rated how?) indicated holes.
3) How much enorgy is required to sustrin the turn? These stops limit the rotation of the pointer on the rear
In common sOuices, these factors have been wheel. An'AoM2 Zero, rated at G/1 0; puts its stops into
described, Separately and togeher, a-s "mansuverabillty:, the ncn holes. A plane rated at Dl18 puts them into the
and are freguentli lumped together with the third. holes and so on.
Howsver, thebe aie thrbe separate factors and aro
feated separately in this game. For the Purposes of this EXAMPLE OF TURN PROCEDUHE:
oame the first twd factors are particularly important. The
ffrirO is less so, for reasons to be discus$ed below, and is A sample turn with an A6M-2 Tera,Turn rate G/1 0, roll
considered onty in the advanced rules. rate 4:
To turn ari aircraft in this game, one must roll tho To start, the aircraft has its wings parallel to the
aircraft in the direction of the turn. Then ono may rotate ground, for the purposes of the demonstrati.on, sPged does
ths pointer on the rear wheel of the movement stand to not mattsr. Using a stand at this point will help this demo.
oive' the amount of turn dgsired. On the first MP, the aircraft is rolled 1/4th the distance
Roll rate may be described as a csrtain number of between wings horizontal and wings vertical-or rougttty
degrses of roll p-er sscond-i.e. 45degrgss/second. This 22 degrses. On MPZ the Zera has rolled anothsr 22
value is deterrhined by the characteristics of the wing, degrees, on MP 3 another 22 9egrqe9,_ and on MP4 the
deflection angles of thb controf surfacss, polar nloment finll 22 degrees. Notice that it took 4 Movement Points
arm of the wing, the effectivengss of the controls, ang to roll the aircraft 90 degrees from horizontal to vertical.
speed. Generally, the faster the aircraft goes, ths faster it This is whv the roll rate is 4. An aircraft with roll rate of 3
r6lts. Many of the roll rates in the gams -- -sspecially fqr would onli need 3MP to make 90 degress; a roll rate of 2
the mors pbpular aircraft -- were timed with.a stopwatch needs only zMP for 90 degrees. -can
from and films, the others were interpolated Fully r6lled, the aircraft now turn at full effsct. The
from these "standards" using basic physics. turn pointer is get against the pin in "G" and a very tight
In this game the roll rate system iltreated as a set turn can be performed.
value in deErees rolUmovsmeni point. This produces the However, it the aircraft is only a littfe rolled, it mqy o!.t!y
situation th-at, gsnerally, as the aircraft goes faster, so turn a little. Turn, rsmember, is-dependent upon wing lfft.
does the roll ratg. Most convgnient. For our Zsro, this means that on the first point of roll, t|e
player may.set the turn pointer no further than 1l4th of the
Once the aircraft is rolled, our concern becomes with maxtmum turn or abodt scnedule A (and the tiglttsst it
the tightness of the turn. In the basic gamo ws are gnly can pull out is in 40 inches,.thus. A49), On MP2, the
concerned with the "initial rate of turnn. This describes oointer can ooint to C(and pull out in 20 inches:A120'1, on
ths very tightsst radius of turn the aircraft can ploduco. MpS it points to E(l5n pull'out), and on MP4 the aircraft
Again, gooO tortuns. While, in ths real world, thq "G"s can turn at fufl schedule; at G.
pulled. goeq. up with spe.od, within the gale Jcqle the Howevgrr these are the maximum allowed turn rates.
irctual- radiub of turn is nearly a constant. At low Just being iolled does not make the aircraft turn. The
airspeeds, thsre just is not anough lift to go around the piloi also dontrols the angle of attack. Thus,.lhs..aircraft
srner tightly enough to pull high ncn. in"y, at tne pilot's optioniurn on a wider radius than the
While gsnerating a turn, the wing con$umes onergy. minimurn which is possible at sach setting.
At low airspeeds this energy can be replacod, usually, Two more pointb, now; lt is clear that Seing^ fully rolled
witr the enfine. At high. speeds, ttls enerp.y^99n:qmed is in an rsal aiicraft is usually less than 90. de.grees'
higher, the excsss engine power less. At this point the *owever, givan ths need to ri'in, some people will take
st anos and llesserschnritts 11

North American P-51 D Mustang

Turning Rules
liberties with what they ars doing. They will cheat. So, should be turned at a
public gams and judged for its
for the purposes of the game we declare 90 degrees as accuracy. lt is never accsptable to have a machine
fully rolled. Totally vertical is clear. Lesser points of roll turn tighter at a given setting than the turn
must also be clearly represented. schedules indicate. Howevor, it is acceptable to
have it turn a little wide. lf the settings are found a
2.29-Rules of turning: littfe wrong, the stand is to be re-marked into
A)ln order to turn an aircraft to its tightest, the model Let Us be honest here. There will nsvsr be a
must be fully rolled in the direction of turn(except for stand that is completely accurate without being
nsgative "Gomaneuvers). A full roll is indicated by fiddled with. Whsn we first started working on the
having the inside wingtip pointing straight down system more than 2A years ago, one of the guys
with tools built 4 stands to a common design.
BlThe listed turn schedule is the tightest turn allowed Labeled oAn through "Dn. Mine was uDog" Stand. As
that aircraft-and may only be performed when the I was doing the math for the game design, I first
aircraft is fully rolled. rolled my stand through a series of settings that I
could msasure on the arc. You will notice that they
C)When the aircraft is fully rolled, the turn pointer on ars on 6ven 5 degres settings, or half that. Anyrray,
the stand may be put firmly against the limiting pin in the turn rates listed are those radii exhibited by
the stand. This pin must be set before the start of iDog" stand so many years ago. Since then, NO
STAND. We 6ven tried making a mold of "Dog"
D)Partly rolled aircraft rnay partly turn on a schedule Stand, but just the random cooling or curing of the
proportional to fie amount of roll. copies ment than none of them came out right. Hey
had to to be fiddled with ! But they are fixabls. A little
E)Rolling frorn vertical back to horizontial, or further to wide is OK, too tight is right OUT. I still use "Dogn
inverted takes the same amount of time for each 90 stiand.
degrees as indicated by the roll rate.
2.30 Roll Rule:
F)Aircraft which ate rolled do not have to turn.
Howover, aircraft rolled and not turning must either The degree of roll of the aircraft must always be
start rolling out or start turning within 1 impulse. clearly indicated by the model used. lt is accsptable to
That is, the aircraft may be rolled and not turning for move the stand, then roll the model, but that rolf must be
I impulse, but no longer than that. dons at the time the player makes his move. There are no
excsptions. lf the model is not rolled, it may not turn, it
GlAircraft allowed negative "G" maneuvsrs may be may not be declared rolled.
rolled in one direction and turn on schedule "Ao in
the the other direction; but only at speeds of 15 and HIGH SPEEDTG'LOSS IN TURNS
below. This counts as a turn under "F" abovg.
Most serious students of aircraft understand that
H)PENALTY: Aircraft which are caught rofling too genorating the lift necsssary to go around tha corner eats
fast, ars appropriately unrolled. Any shooting done energy. Most systems that deal with this at all, do not
by the aircraft during this period is negated. lf the understand how this happens. Even knowing how it
roll was done to avoid getting shot at, the would be happens mathematically does not help a lot with game
shooter will immediately calculate the shot he would design. This problem is so complex as to be nearly
have had and take his shot, then play may rssums. ungamable. But it can be approximated. Not
surprisirlgty, lhe snerg.I lost cal be supplied by adding
I)PENALTY: Aircraft in combat which are discovered power, either from gravity or engins.
to either have set their pins in the wrong holes ln any case, speed loss in turns is sometimes a pain
a turn, or have turned too tightly in
allowing too tight to play, especially for novicas. However, over the years,
any other mode (i,9., stand "sliding', etc.), are many players have convinced me that the ENERGY rulss
considered to be stalled out and spinning. lf they are easier to learn if just played from the beginning rather
are not caught at their "mistaks" until after they have than added after mors experien@.
shot at someone, they have all the effscts of their All ths experienced players use thess rules and will not
shooting nsgated. Howevsr, any damage done to play without them. T

them rsmains. lf the pin setting is discovered to be

incorrect bef ore any com bat takes plac€, the 2.31 High "G" turn limits
correction is without penalty.
The isobar immediately under the speed track on the
JlFor this reason, all stands in uss in the game must control sheet indicates the'8 "G. limit at'that speed. This
be cle arly marked as to turn schedulo. Further, means that no aircraft in this period may turn tighter than
bafqre any newly built stand may be used, it should the listed schedule, whatevsr the turn schedule for that
be PUBLICALLY cafibratsd. That is, the machine aircraft in the basic game.
Mustancts and l{esserschmitts

Messerschmitt Bf 1 09F-4
Speed Loss

FlAll aircraft dive accslerations ars listed on the

AIEXAMPLE: A Spit 1 normally turning on Il1? in the format X(Y). "Y" is the actual inches gained in the
bhsic game may turn no tighter tlran Cl20 when dive. For' instance a dive acceleration might be
going speed 13. See speed track above listed at 2(71 meaning 7 actual inchss. At the end of
any turn rifiers a pilbt dived enoug-h to receive his
B)At the start of any turn whsre the aircraft being dive accelsration, he subtracts 7-frOm inches of
flown is going
too fast to turn at its basic game turn speed spent turning.
ratg, the will, before {ry -moYenenl,^Set thg
pind of hi's 6ontroi stand to-the new I
nGn limit
Gltnis final number, just as if it were climb rate, is
setting. divided by the normal "Zoom" climb number to
produce a-speed loss in whole speed points.
GlAs aircraft with good maneuverabilily ?fe hurtlry
thts new rule, no [amo may be played with only .2-3 H)Remember that all vertical mansuvers ars turns
above. lf a group wisheg to use any of thess rules, rotated through the Z axis. What this msans is that
they must use att thg rules iB lhe section dive recove ry: wingOver, Chandgllgs, split "S'' and so
on are all trilated as turns for the purposos of the
speed loss rules in this soction.
2.32 Speed lost in Turns
IIEXPANSION:Aircraft diving orJly P?ft of a turn fay
At any time an aircraft is turning tighter than '4n at dtitt recsive a partial dive accelerationas described
speeds oi 15 and below, that aircraft must also pay for a in 2.8 Advanied Dive acceleration above; Aircraft
speed loss during the turn. with a dive acceleration of 2(9) or 2(10) may receive
4" fOr a dive averaging 2" p,er MP of the turn. that
A)At speeds faster than 15-.aly turn, even less than A
'be paid is, this dive bonus, like tho conditions for
must for. This deflnes the point at which miintenance dives, are dependent on total inches
any aircraft starts paying for the turn. dived per turn.

B)When an aircraft must pay for the tu{q, the player ll-l
cioss references his cuirent speed with the isobar THE DREADED STALL
under the speed track labeled the same as his
basic game iurn. For examPlq, our Spit I loses A stall is when the aircraft runs out of the airspeed
speed on ths Schedule F speed loss track' and, thsrsfore, the necessary lift and stops flying. lt
becomas a sort of PrettY rock-
ClThis cross reference will produce a whole number. ln this game tfiere are two methods for getting into a
Fbr instanco, a Spit 1 on F at speed .1 0 loses 2. stall. The lircraft may either shed airspeed, such as in a
This 2 is
expressad in inches treated the sarns as iiimn, or by throttling backi or ons statts because the
climb rate. That is, at the end of a turn, ths inches playei has Seen caugtit.cheating. How you got there does
lost turning are added to the inches climbed in the hot- matter, the results do'
turn. Th-is speed lOss is assessed fOr qAGh
impulse turnod. PROCEDURE: Stalling

DlAt the end of the turn, the resulting number has the A) The aircraft is put fully noso down, the.wings ars
current climb rata subtracted from it-as with normal piratlet io the tront of ths stand. Ths airspe-ed is
climb. consldared to be ZERO. In addition, the aircraft is a
a +1 target for gunnery purPoses.
Must anqs and llesserschmltts 13

North American P-51 D Mustang

Move Sequence
A) At the beginning of each impulse of attempted
B) In the impulse aftsr the stall, the aircraft drops 4' rocovery, the player rolls 1d6.
down the stick. The whole stand is rotatod 90
degrees around the center of the stand. The pilot B) A roll of 5 or 6 indicates a successful recovery.
chooses the directiofi, unless the aircraft started he
stall rolled in one direction or another, then the C) The spin stops in the direction the stand is
rotation must be in the direction of roll. currently pointed.
C) On the second impulse, the aircraft drops another D) The aircraft must do a full dive pull out.
4" down the stand, and the stand itself is, again,
rotated g0 degrees in the same direction as on the E) Until pulled out, the pilot may not attempt to shoot
irst impulse. at any target.
D) The aircraft continues in this fashion until it either At this point, it is time to stop. Set up a stand and aircratt
hits the ground, gets shot to pieces, or rocovers frorn and fly it through a few simple turns. Once you sse the
the stiall. model being rolled, pointed up and down, much of the
rules will be clgarer.
E) In the stalf, ths aircraft must accelerate normally
due to gravity. Thus, after the first full turn of stall, ilt
the aircraft will be going faster. How fast depends SEQUENCE OF MOVEMENT
on the dive acceleration for that aircraft. While
some mogrnnsnt has already happsned, tha For the reasons mentioned in the introduction, the play
airspeed for the previous turn is defined as ZERO. of the game cannot be fully sirnultaneous. lt is silly to
At the end of a turn of stall, the airspeed is defined pretend that a pilot makes up his mind as to everything he
as ZERO + Dive Acceleration. wants to do, then closes his eyes for the next 10 seconds
F).The aircraft will continus accelerating until it is This is the most difficult section of the rules because it
goi!g 1 MP faster than minimum .sP,?_ed. At covers so rnany difficult to define situations. Gamers
minimum speed +1 tha aircraft is not allowed to being gamers will argue ovsr this section when they are
accelerate to a higher speed until it recovers from being shot at than any other. Read it carefully.
the stall.
3.1: Basic order of Movoment:
Rule 2.33: Stall
On a given impulse, Pilots will move in reverse
An aircraft found to be below minimum flight speed, or soquence, according to their ability to see and react each
is turning too tight, or having "fudged" the stand into too othgr.
tight a turn, is considered to be stalled.
A) The Pilot who can ses nothing, moves first.
A) Speed is defined as ZERO(0).
B) The pilot who can see everything moves last.
B) The aircraft must drop straight down the stick at
4"lMP, and rotate the stand 90 degrees per The specific manner in which the order of play is
Movement Point Around the center of the stand. determined will be defined in the rules pressnted below.
Why do we do it this way? Well, simply, he who moves
C) On the first turn, the aircraft moves 1MP/inpulse. last is moving in response to the moves of those around
him. In order for this rule to work, we must consider what
D) From that point on, the only acceleration which the pilot could see lF HE WERE N. THE COCKPIT OE
takes place is derived from dive acceleration. This H lS AIRCRAFT. lf an engine, wing or f uselage is
applies to the aircraft until it recovers from the stall. between the pilot's eyss and his eneffiy, lg simply cannot
2.34 Stall Ma,x speed
Rule 3.Z-Tails sighting
While spinniilg, the aircraft will accelerate by its dive ons fighter
lf one aircraft-is on the tail of anothaf, OR if
accgleration. Howsvor, it may not accelerate to a speed is shooting at a minus 2 deflection or less,_ the aircraft
faster than minimurn speed +1. showing his tail must mov6 first. Further,it 2 aircraft are
approximately 90 degrees off from _each other on
2.35-Stall recovery intersecting flight paths; BUT ONE lS GOING TO FLY lN
FRONI OF THE OTHER, the one in front moves first.
A pilot may attempt rscovery onco minimum ftying
speed ig rSlached The Hurricane moves first
Messerschmitt Bf 1 09F-4
Turn Sequence
obviously, if one pilot is looking in a rear view mirror, 3.5 Altitude Tie Breaker:
or ouer niJ ;houtoei, he cannot see as clearly what is
[appining netwaen"the two aircraft, as can the fellow lf all the above conditions are EQUAL (perhaps where
chasing him. tha involved aircraft are f lying away trom each other), or
circutar -- as in cases in wriicriseveial aircraft are all in a
Rule 3.3-ExcePtion to g-2 iiriie, and all on each other's tails, t_he aircraft with tho
least'attituOs moves first, the aircraft with the greatest
Rule g.zdoes not apply if the supposed tailing Sircraft ;;val nst. This is a tie'breaker ruls. ln some parts of
cannsl see thi pursueci ioi orlg.reasbh or another (i'e. the thI country, some clubs have decided to break ties with a
filiingffirift rita put nimself in.q position such that his iie lbtt. Tfris cannot be As much as
;;| fring, nose, stb. is blocking his view. For instanCg, polsinte, this game is suppossd to be a of skill.
il aircrirt rottei into a turn shooting on a -4 deflection at Tactics should be rewarded rnore than luck.
aiionei aiicraft goirig in tne same d'irection of turn has his
;o;a in ini wal of-the shot. In this case, the tailing 3.6 \ffriting the tie breaker: 5

aircraft must move fiIgl. fl


When the dogfight is truly circular, such that there is

not ciear begiilni-ng or end, and sven altitude is being
i rB

7,/ $ neiateO bV nigh mari'having tho low man on his tail' then
G6-ihe tolloiing. No pilo-t can see everything. At the
=fr r-/
H\ \\
Oeginning of the iirpulse, all the pilots ryjll write their next
ilpuise 6t moving.' They will bei specific -- such as "full
ieti iott 2 pointsl turnirig f ull schedule left,
climb 1 0

E\ S
3.7 The Argument tie breaker:

It will commonly happen that playerg clfinot agrge who

has tne best line oi vision on another. ln this cqss, lhe tie
The ef f 0g cannot sss the Hurricane, his nose is in the bffd-fbiis simple, check tho spotting tables for the
wav if therare at similar altitudes. He has pro.pably taken ie;oective airciaft on the contrdl sheats. The aircraft
i shot hofing tho Hurri will fly in front of the bulletsl wniSn has the best chance of spotting if the. positions wsrs
ii Oistanc'e, nai the best lirie of sight in the tactical
3.4-Hgad on Pass situation.

lf two aircraft are moving towards each other for a

fread or snot, or a iust a non-lhooting head oq p?ss such
mai Uey could rutr inla eflcr! othqr on tha! l-arpcgqr turn,
nenffi-VTlways tove first on the impulse, before any
other movement. The normal aerobatics seen at an airshow have little to
You see;-th-e fear of running lnto each othsr should do with maneuvsrs of air to air combat. Thg purpose of
totailv occripi tne attentionsbt tLe participants. of ;ir io air mansuvering is to shoot at the othe[.guY, not
coil4b, inii Ooes not include a situatiori where ono of the lootr- defty. No targetls likely to be so cooperative as to
poleniiai ramminb aircraft carrnpt ss.e tre other. The Blind -- around for a set
wait piece show stunt.
iiiirift rnust mbve firsr This rulesequsnce
is not intended to in-ina tottowing
- s'ection we will describe a few basic
suoeiiede ine other movsmsnt rules, it is mansuvsrs. In ; f ight, sxperienced pilots will f ind
meirely a sort of tie breaker' tnemiilves using thefi as part of an attack or escape. All
ars concsrnsd wltn moro thbn a simple turn.
3.45 The'Offsred' Head On Pass The firsf ifring to undsrstand abou.t anything an aircraft
can do, ii tnat tliere ain't no free lunch. Any aic, dlscribed
It will happen that two aircraft, otherwise equal, are Ov tne'aircraft has to be of the same size a]'!d shapg.Al
headed towdrb each other, but the ram is avoidable. lf the Hrd;it[an the basic turn rate described previogsly. The
*;;d on-pali ii otreied, ine head on moves (voluntarilyl) ;riEimum circle the airryaft can perform is the same
iirst, as witn the head on rule above(3.4). Howevsr, if the whether th; liicie is horizontal, vertical or anything in
neiO on is optional, thsre is no ottier way to determine between.
who moueJ hist, it bns player refuses th-e head on and However, all is not perfect with th?.game systsm' The
nreaks away, ThA Breaking blaysr moves First, the player stand ooei'fiiueltilirfiiiations. For triis reasiln, some of
offering the head on immediatsly after' tho rutes c-airJoi changei oi direction which don't exactly
match tnoie tningJ riniCn are .dole by actual aircraft.
Thdil ire Cone the interests of qimplicity
and in ot?1J t;-it;toiin
-up minbr problems that do not
normanv sno* in ine game
-mlgiit scate. Howsver, although
Messerschmifi Bf 109E-4 ;;ililif lne curves not seem right, they will be
Mustanqs and llesserschmitts
North American Mustang

Committing to Maneuvers
The loop. is nolhing more than a turn standing on its
oK. There you ars, coming down on some bad nasty head. In order to loop, tne aircraft must climb andturn a
enerny [ike_a rash, and you know that if you just do 'THE distance equal to ths diameter of the turn. This is twice
MANEUVFR' -- like the wise old vet taughf you in flight the radius. Thsrsfore, Efi aircraft with a turn schedufe of
school -- that you've got the baddies at ybur mercy. 5o, El15 must cfimb 30 inches to loop. This is done in the
you heave he stick ovsr, kick in a fot of rddder, and thsn .
following manner:
whether you are conscious of it or not, there are It The aircraft climbs 4 inches per movement point
several very important time boundaries which relate to the fonrard.
maneuvsr t$t you have just done. Two, in particular, are
if portant. First, at some pint you had to deicide to begin B) on the middle 4 inches nscessary to make the
tha maneuv€r in the first place. Secoffd, once tliat maneuvor come out evenly, The aircraft climbs
decision was reached and you acted on it, there was a vertically without fonnrard movsment.
"point-of-no-returno at which you wgrg absolutely
committed (by good ol' Nswtonian physics) to compteting c) During this vertical movemsnt, the stand is
the fting, rotated up to 180 degress around the aircraft box
As-you might have guessed, the purposs of the (see stand drawing),
preceding verbagg !s to prepare you for the fact that yos,
we have rules which govern such things. Since the lhws D)..The aircraft comes out of the vertical segment
of physics don't work the same wayd in simulations as rolled 180 degrees from the attitude in wFich it
they do in reality, then the laws of the designsrs must began the vertical segment of the loop -- so as to
compensatg. describe a circular a-rc (i.9, if the aircratt Oegins the
vertical segment at 0 degrees of roll, then if comes
4.01 Rule:Committing to a Maneuver out upside down. lf it enters in a full 90 degree roll,
then comes out rolled the same woy, but -treading
This marks the initial decision of the pilot to begin a in approximately the opposite directldn, due to thd
man9uver. turn of the stand, etc.) .

ry *.comglete.maneuver begins onty after the player

- F) The rest of the rsquired climb is then taken at the
decides that he will undertake the manouver. In maximum rate of 1MP fonrvard and 4 inches vertically
other n,ords, manouvers may not be declared to per point; just as in a normal zoom climb.
have been begun retroactively (l coufda' done it
rule) G) The aircraft may be flown normafly after the total
number of required inches are performed for the
B) lry n-oryal play, the word of a player will suffice as maneuver.
proof of this decision.

C) 4t th.e request of any player, all players may be

F) pQvio.11sly, if the aircraft enters the loop wings
level, it will rriach.thg top of the loop upside down.-lf
requirecl to inform another msmber of their own the aircraft rolfs during this maneuvef so that it rolls
team,.or (if.gvailable) a neutral observer, when they out at the top of the loop, the manouver becomes the
intend to initiate a maneuver. famed lmmeilmann turn.
The purpose of this rule is to insure, for instance, that a 4.1 RULE:Tho Loop i?.engaged in an extended climb may not
suddenly decide that he is, in fact, in fre middle of a ioop. A loop is performed by climbing twice the turn radius of
the aircraft, and rotating the stand during the middle of
D) .once a maneuvsr has been decided upon (and, this maneuver up to 180 degrees.
perh?ps, .. announced to a neutral party) it need 'Nor
ngcessarily be executed. Even after-the maneuvsr 4.2 RULE:The Vertical Phase
has been beguft, there is still time to change your
mind. Ths vertical phase of the loop must be done as the
approximate middle 4 inches of the maneuver so that the
E) An aircraft is committed to the full comptetion of a climb in and out are symmetrical. Thus:
maneuver only at the point at which it entirrs into the
vgrtical phase of the maneuver. Jl7 clirnbs 1MP and 4"up, vertical 4", 1MP climb 4', 1MP-
climb 2"(14"total)
Hl8 cfimbs 1MP and 4" up, 1MP and 4'up, vertical 4",
1 MP+4"up,(16'total)

Farman F.zZz
stanqs and llesserschmifts
Messerschmitt Bf 109F4

4,10 Rule: $plit "S" as Negative
C/1 0 climbs ZMP, vertical 4", climbs 2MP(20"tot.) osn
AS per nggative "G'' rules, aircraft entering a split
Fl12 climbs 3MP for 1$"uF, verticaJ 4", climbs 3MPfor inneg.ative 'tGn condition must dO the maneuvsr on
1A"(24tot.) $cheduls oAo. lf during tho maneuver, nS" the aircraft rolls
into the maneuvor, that part of the split after the roll
El1 5 climbs 3MP, vsrtical 4', climbs 3MP, 1MP and 2" may be done on the normal schsdule. lf the advanced
climb(301 ruleis turn system is used, a "Schsdule A" 1qay still. be too
much G, thbrefors when the turn limit is Or widsr, the
D/l I climbs 4MP, vertical 4", climbs 4MP(36') Split "S" is dOne fOr "A" aS if the aircraft were gOing 4
pbints faster on the turn track.
CtzT climbs 5MP for 18", vBrtical 4, climbs 5MP for
4.11 Rule: Wider Than Schedule
8,126 clirnbs 6MP (24"r, vsrtical 4, then 6MP(24", for 52"
total. One may always attempt half loop or gPlit "S" on a
wider raditis thanths miniinum allowed. However, the
N4O ctimbs 10MP(40"), vertical 4, then 9MP(36") for 80" same rules on middle point exscution ars followed.
4.3 Rule: Point of Gommitment in a Loop CHANDELLE AND WING OVER

Once the stand is rotated, the full maneuver must be Much more useful than the energy eating loop is the
oxgctftgd. tight climbing turn or the .tight diving turn. These ligh!
siirals commit the aircraft ior much shortsr periods of
4.4 Hule: Turning in a LooP tiine, and, when used in climbing, eat less energy than the
loop. The procedure is mucft like the loop described
The aircraft is allowed to turn normally during the the abovo, The' difference is that the maneuver may be
sntrance and exit phases of the loop' completed in one turn schedule (rather than in the two
useci in the loop). Here's how it works:
4.5 Rule: Paying for the LooP
AlThe aircraft climbs or dives 4" per movoment point
The altitude gained in a loop is paid for under the forward"
normal climb rufes
B)On approximately the middle point, the aircraft
4.6 Rule: A Full Loop cl'imbs' (or dives) 4' vertically with no forward
The loop so far described is a half foop, the full loop is
completed' by diving down in the same manner one. ClOn the middle point, howevsf, the stand is rotated
climbed. Thd procedure is he same, including the middle up to 90 degreei (instead of 180 as in a loop).
DlThis rotation is done around the inside wheel of the
stand for the turn.

rhe down part::HTl": eore:rirst,

oras a ElAfter rotationr the m?.neuver is completed b.y
climbing (or diving) until one full turn schedule is
separate maneuver. This is dalled a Split
4.8 Rule: Dive Effect
Notice that with this sort of stand movement, the
Tha dive of the $plit nS" must follow the dive vertical phase is not truly vertical. No rnatter:
acceleration rulog.
4.12 Rule: Vertical Turn Schedule
4.9 Rule: Negative G Wing Overs and Chandelles

a Split "Sn without being rolled is

Entering the dive of.G" Jf7= 1MP+4" climb, 3" vertical climb(=7") ;,{

considereda negative inaneuveF. Aircraft prohibited $

negative "Go mu6t be rolled 90 degress or mors or suffer H/8= 1MP+4"climb, 4overtical (=8) $

the consgquencgg. Jil


G/l 0= 1 MP+4'climb, 4nvertical, 1 MP+Z"climb(=10') ',m



Fl12= MP+4", 4o vgrtical',
1 1 MP+4" ia


E/1 5= 2 MP+8", 4'vsrtical, 1 MP+3" jfl


st anqs and l{esserschmitts 17
Nofih American Mustang

the Loop
A Loop on D 18

Notice how on movsment points 1- 2 - 3- 4

that the stand advanced one roll of
the wheel, and the aircraft climbs 4
inces per Movsment point.

On movement point 5, the stand is not

rolled forward, but pivoted around the
box, and climbed vertically 4 inchss.

On Movement points 6-7-8-9, the aircraft

advances back the way it came,
climbin g 4 inches per movsment

At the end of point 9, the aircraft has

compleated half of a loop. lt has
climbed and will pay for the 36 total
inches climbed, plus the cost of

Notice how the aircraft could have been

rolling and turning(trying to escape no
doubt) all the while making a spiral out of
the turn.

Notica how the stand is pivoted

by 180 degroes.
Mustan s and l'{esserschmitts

Messerschmitt Bf 1 09F-4

Wing Over
4.15 Wing Over as Dive Recovery
D/l 8= 2MP+8", 4"vertical. ,2MP+6'
Note that the Wing ovCIr satisfies the requlrements for a
CftA* 2mF*8 ", 4"vertical.,2M P+8o pull out from_a diva, this maneuver may be used as a diva
iecovery" Such pullouts do not have be declared in
W26= 3MP+1 2, 4"vertical, 3MP+10" normal fashion as the maneuvsr is visible to all players as
a wing over and, therefore, by definition a pull out.
N4A= 5MP+20, 4'vertical, 4MP+1 6'
4.17 Flule: Shooting vertically
4.13 Rule:Holling Into the Turn
Note that the vertical movernent phase of the maneuver
The chandelle or Wing ovsr may be started by an is not truly vefiical(note that the horizontaf mov€ment is
unrolled aircraft or in any degree of roll and turn. done by rotating the stand; it only appears vertical), but
rather, is a simplistic garne mechanism. For this reason
A) An aircraft which enters wings level, 9r in a partial (unlike in a spit'S') you may not shoot at someone
roll, must roll into fie turn and must exil fully rolled in directly above or below during the "vsrtical" segment of
the sarne directioll. the movg.

B) An aircraft which enters the mansuvsr fitlly1olled lv-c

may exit in any condition of ro[(lndicated on Pivot]: LAG ROLL
the aircraft may be fully rolled in the direction of the
. turn, partially rolled, or levsl. (An aircraft doing a During this period, E flew cornbat maneuver ssems to
climbing turn may exit that maneuver inverted.) havs appeared. lt could be that, as it is a deliberate drag
prod.ucing maneuver,the strutted drag biplanes of
C) An aircraft incapqble.of ,nqqativgjcn must enter a previous eras had enough problems without actually trying
wingover (diving tuin) rolled at least 90 degrees. to shed speed. lt could be that previous aircraft could
not hand le th e strssses. N o m atter. Som I very
D) Fully rolled aircraft €ntering _a wingover/chandelle successful pilots used this "Lag Floll" to both prsvent an
must be turning at least half minimum turn rate ovsrshoot of the target, and to make up for an
before the pivot(s.g. a_n aircraft on Gll 0 unmaneuverable aircraft. The Lag is a short climbing
least C/20); An aircraft rolled half or less must be mansuver in which the wing is used as a sort of airbrake
turning all'that the curront roll rate allows, flying while rolling. The aircraft bleeds speed, and finds itself
straight ahead does not count. displaced sideways, hopefulty inside the targefs turn.
E) Aircraft capable o_f negativq "9" manouvers m3y Procedure: Lag Roll
aiso do negative nG" verticals in compliance with
plevious ruleg. That is, at low.e.r, a A) To enter the maneuverr all aircraft must begin in a
wingovsr, whatever the native schedulg, is dons on fully rolled position.
B) The aircraft climbs at the usual 4" per MP.
R Note that the movement points afs in increments
of 4inches but that the turn schedules ars not so C) The aircraft must climb at least ons half of the
conveniently divided. However, ol3ny given turn schedule
movement priint, one may either climb OR dive, one
may NOT split points ahd climb and dive on the Jft:PivoUvertical 3"
samg movgrnent point. H/8:PivoWertical 4"
Gl1 0:climb 4", pivoVvertical 1

4.14 Playing Aid Fl1z:climb 4o' pivoVvertical 2

El1 s:climb 4o, pivoUvertical 3
The easiest way to define tho 90 degres rotation is to D/1 8:climb 8, pivotfuertical 1 "
place the hand or Control sheet at right anglel tg lhe front ClA}:climb 8, pivotfuertica) 2"
bt the stand, then pivot the s$nd around.the ingidq wheel gl26:climb 12, pivoWertical 1
until the face of the stand touffres thq palm 9lt!9 _|tlt1O_ql A/40:climb 16, pivoWertical 4
surface of the shest. REI4EMFEH TO RESET THE MARK
ON THE REAR WHEE[I TO THE TOP BEFORE D) The aircraft may be turning during this entry
MOVING THE NEXT MP. lffhe mechanism of rolling, phase.
turning and pivoting is iden{lcal to tho machanics of the
Ioop as illustrated. E) The final point is dons as a vertical maneuver: as
up to 90 tde final inbhes of climb are movsd, the stand is
\ \ degrees rotated up to 45 degress around the inside wheel of
of pivot the stand.


North American P-51 D Mustang

Lag Roll
4.29 Rule: $tand Rotation
The coflplg!?]lg .cglsists of a furf up and down phase.
The stand is rotatsd 45 degrees twii'i, however this is
G) Look to the following illusfiation for clarification. done in different directions(i.-q. on Vl 5,-climb/-climO'pivoi
H) lf stoppqd at this point, the mansuver entails a {iue qivot,.dive). Rotatinj the stand iwiCa in the same
direction is not altowqg. JSE stnrub
neqqtive rcr condition, Briefry. And, therefors, is 5i AiW_-*E
mtrffi frffir
prohibited to any airgaft incapable of negativs 'Gh.
- F,qrALEPi ULE{q s&ryF
Note that, _as in the instance of the chandelle or wing 4.24 Rufe: Negative "G"
gvef, ? Foint of vertical movement has been substitutet
for horizontal movgment. An airgaft must bq capa.ple of negative oG" to perform
this maneuvor. The lag.iolt may b6-;i-m-ptetel-a! a futl
Note also that this maneuvar is only allowed to n6gativ.e G manouvsr, however, this miist be oone on
fighters and fighter bombers. Also, They may not be schedule N40 at lower airspeed's, and on appropriatefv
carrying any ,external objocts such as rockeis, orbp tanni greSter distances as speed goes up( on the rG"limiiiti?
or similar when underiaking this manguver. German on the control sheet, absume the aiiiraft's-ndgifiv-e
aircraft such as the Bf 109 of Fw 190 ars simittrtt speeO ii +S to
caf culate the distance f or vertiCai ;G;
pro.hifited.when equipped wiffr external undenrving gun or manguvgrs.).
rocket pods.
4.25 Rute: Greater than Minimum
4.17 Flule: Amount of Cfimb Required As alwg.ys, greater distance than minimum is aflowed
4 lag.r.oll, combat rofl, combat barrel
e: EI1'ff;il:H
roll and so
by a climb equaf to half the turn scrreaup.-

4.18 Rule: Enfy Attituds

on is
;:ffi::: ;*::t"
As alyayQ th.g stand rotation phase is ug ts 4s
Degrees, less is alfowod, However, thero must bTSEME
The aircraft must begin tre mansuver ru|ry rollsd stand rotation, at least a visibre l0 degress.

MA ...-^ll section we described what happened
Fl r>.
ril II
I il whenl_ryevious
the.pif.ot blows it.. lt is possible howevsr, to 'pb*orm
H * \l at near stafl and stay in cohtrol. This maneuver raielv
HV works as an e?cape vector from a pursuing enemy. Goir6
that slow,iy$ givgs the other side a tdt ot tirie io ni
around and set the target up.
4.1 I Rule: Exit Attihrde
Procedure: Stafl Turn
The aircraft exits the first half of the maneuver
invgrted. The statl turn isproduced by climbing under a Loop
4.20 Rule: Full Maneuver
type. .procedure. ons enters a Loop, but instead cit
climbing, ,verticaf , and climbingj out, the process
stops when the aircraft reaches verticatl
lf desired, the maneuver may be completed by going
down in a rsvorse fashion. Ho,fuevea1hi'oowi/olit oT A) Whsn vertical, the aircraft does not rotate the
the roll rnust be done with no break'fiom th; iirsl part. stand, . but iu:t keeps going up until minimum flying
Snd the climbing Y part
! of the Lag must aiwiis b;'done speed is reachsd.

4.21 Rule: $peed Loss $. When this happens, the aircraft falls backwardsl
This maans tnat'airspeod, like in a stall, is defined
as 0 -- the stall turning aircraft is now ? +i target.
The climb is paid for under normal climb rufes

4.22 Flule: Chopping throttte in Lag

C) Ths stand is rotated around ons or the other of
the corner whssls. This rotatlon is afways done for
a full 90 dagrees, ths direction is of rotatibn is pilot's
. lf the pitot wants to chop throtile during
ng may do so.
this mansuver, choicg.
Messerschmitt Bf 109F4

Sighti ng
D) The nose of the aircraft is..pu.! down, and the
at 4 inchss per V
aircrafi- ;;r* oiwii fre stick vertibally COMBAT RULES
movement Point-
Combat may be divided into two ph.qsg.s: 9p99q?nal
E) After a full turn of diving straight down, all dive and tactical. A strategic stage is best left as pa.n ot.?
acceleration hnuses tiake Place' A;pilgn oi mini-cam"paign.-.BriefH, tlq level
F) TO rgcover, a full dive recovory is nscsssary' ieliS *Ttn [ne misiion as assrgned-by high command,isthe
maneuvdring-for position and 5o on. Tactical combat
G) As this is an in-control situation, the pilot may the actual dogfight.
al6o iOC engine acceleration to the total speed. operatfiAiii, nir gam€ needs an area of at leastwill100
,quiIJGt ior 4'aircrift. However, a t g: 10 room
is pelte.r, 2ax20 better still.
H) This maneuver.ryay b.e done.onlyglstjct?ft not --frrri sedm too tigtlt 1.5*15
Garrying eiieinai bdmOs or drop tanks. Level oesl;drfiidtoi the stjands, it is too eqsy fgr. them
to skid while tuming, is a short nap commercpl sryle
bomber$ may not use this mansuver.
to Foi convsnience, the room, whatever its actual shaps'
l) Where the aircraft is going too slow to transition
snters will have animigindry hex shape overlaid on it. Side one
tertiiat ndtore stailing, Ihe pitot.who willingly
trus of the room is ddfined as North, side 2 as Northeast, 3 as
this conoiiion may-do so without.reaching Solltneist 4 as Due South, 5 as Southwest, 6 as
verti;;i.'- it-ii Oone as a controlled sta!1, the
backiiios falt dobs not happen, but the fall off to -
When playing with. a..strategic m?P,-lsjs common in

ong side does. m o st ca m iii'iin

I I rttvt v-.. 'lt

map, Hoom$
ie ac h " ro o T "-s.l o.u d b ?-c! $ lq 9 H,1.
come in
@mg In atl

all $lzE
u, tt lv rJr rgtr rcrr pref ter
There is not formal rule listing he.r.e di,.!f. yourulehave on the tne
understood-the previouJseCtiots,.this stall turn is v. v9F p l.--
s rou i
use{- oJs*eipay cggt Ig'-111 lt:, ili,P.illh *t^5
not unusuatr! tor plopb to play in a good sized llYiry J99m'
iuri i lbgical synthesis of rules. 'Hgrygyetlgl
previous l---r--
It rll t Ytf ttt iiittre oiributty.
E 9Pll3l1111l
itiiiigi6 purposes
suategic flurposgs f lqb*.,of a room of 30'x!!'
30'x30' is nea.rl)r^iclealr
lt- 1tglild^1?l;.Jhi -l
;r.?drEss-t;'hexo of 4.5 miles, or an area of 20 square
when using such a hex, the airwaft always enter at the
edge oi a iooli unless ths scsnario being flown is
specificallY contrary.

Example 1) A flight of P-51s o1 !h9. way back from a

misEloii cirop downio low tevel(stick 1), and are straffing
Uroets oi jSponunity. they happen across a hiddenldJet
#fietd w itn "1fi eega s- i n ran d i n g'patto rt - | lyilg {rf i e ln this
piolection ls-Jprr ot rw 190b:9s or Bf 1d9G-10s.
ffi; g'e alrtieiO and orbitinq German aircraft would start
ilth; midAie otlne room. fhe Jets would be at minimum
iplel;i diliqglir'tMP.drqp towards the runwav' .rhe
the fietd at cruiso gpqad, o$jtiltg
too cover would be over
haye 6 light
li"oil bi'silJ. r . tnb iirrierd woutd probablymustangs
tri[, a medium flak for protecligl. And the
wodH enter from the ebst at 25' in stick one.
a[t nij'sort oahisto]icaf scenario is the only excsption.
The more normal condition is to have all the aircraft
entsring from the sides of the room
when th; diiiritt bntbr trre same "hsx" theyr. Qqgin ths
procesl of iryirg to spot each other. 4.oiu,en flight q"y.
ftji!ftiin 6ndran ai a time(as descrided below). And
iney may only try to spot once psr turn'
5.1 SIGHTING: Definitions

A)sight areas are defined from the would be spotting

aircrilft',#fit of view; and are described Thq according
to ttt'n-olil'ai lirie ot iiignt of the aircraft.
reflect the
three-coorOinat;t 1i, Oland c below)
verticai ieiationJnip'to'th-s gpgtting airoaft' Tns
seco;A thts,t-{d, si;no 0 dbnne the horizontal
stan s and l{esserschmitts 21

North American P-51 D Mustang

BILEVEL=+-10 degrees from the flight plane of the
aircraft. Table C

C)ABOVE=targot aircraft 1 1 to 90 degrses above the LgvgUForward,. r.,r....,.,., 40

flight plane of the sighting aircraft. LgvgU$idg,,,.*,,.,,.,.,,..,., 50
LgvgURgar,.,,,,,.. r. r...*.,. 80
D)BELOW= target is -11 to -90 degrees below the Abovg/Forward.,. r,,r.,,,., 40
flight plane. Abovg/Sidg.,,..*,.,r.,.,., . 45'

Abovg/Rear.,....,, *,.r...., 70
Above Balow/Forward,. i., r,.,,,. i.55
BgloWSidg.,...r,,,.,.r...,. 60
svel Bglo#Rgar.,,,.*....r.,1,,.i 90
Table D

Below LgvgUForward.... r... r,,r,r,40

Lgvgllsidg.....r.,.r.,,r.r.. 50
LgvgURoar..r.....r','r,r, 70
Abovg/Forward,., r.,r.,.,. . 40
EIFORWARD=target is in front of the spotter +-45 degrees Abovgl$ide..,,,..,*, r','- 45
from the centerline of &e spotter. Abovg/Rgar,.r... r. r, ar...... 60
Bglo#Fonvard...,..,...... 55
RnEAR=target aircraft is in the 7:$a deflection fan of the BeloWSidg..,.r.r,r,..,..... 60
spotting aircraft. BgloMRgar.,t...........,.r, 90

G)SIDE=Target is in the -2 or -4 fan of the spotting aircraft Table E

to within 45 degrees of fotward.
LgvgUFonntard,. r,. l r. r.., ... 40
LgvgUSidg.,.a,r...r......r. 50
I Lgvel/Rgar.,..,.r...*....... 50
t Abovg/Fonvard...,,.,r,... 45
foruYard r9ar Abovg/$idg,.,r.r.. r,, rl..r.r 45
Abovg/Rear,. 1..,.r....,.r... 50
+ BglowlForward.. r.. r,....,. 55
t BgloWSidg.i.,.r.i,,,*.r... 55
BgloWRgar..r.,...,.i..,.,., 90

5.25 Flule:Sighting Rolls

5.2 RULE: Spotting Tables
All sighting die rolls must be taken before any
All aircraft will be described in the specifications sheets movement occurs at the beginning of a turn.
as using one of the following spotting tables. That aircraft
may use that table and no offrsr, 5.3 Rule:Spotting Procedure

SPOTTING TABLES A) AII aircraft entering together spot as one group.

Table A B) One player, the group leader, must do the

spotting for the group.
LgvgtrFonrard...,....... i.r, 50
All othgr dirgctions....l.. 80 C) The group leader may attempt to spot only one
other aircraft during the turn.
Table B
D) This individual checks the fan that the aircraft to
Lgvgl/Fonvard,, r....,...,..,,.40 be spotted is ifl, relative to his own aircraft, and
LgvgUSide..,r.. r' r,'.1r..r....50 consults the spotting table for the aircraft which the
LavgURgar.....,,. ra r.r r..r r. r.. 90 spotter is flyin(;. Thls table will glve a number to be
Abovg/Fonrard.., r,', r *.. rr. 40 b'eaten with'a ioll of 1dl00 (two Percentage dice), a
Abovg/$ide... a*,..., r., . r.,... 50 roll of 00=Zero.
AbovglRgar.......,. r...'r,. r . 70
BgloMFonuard,. r...r,, r. 1,.. 55 E) lf one aircratt of a given group is spotted, thg.n the
Belo1ff/$ido,..*,..,,., r,....... 60 eitire group is considdred tdnav'e beein spotted by all
SelowlRgar..,,.i,,.. r, t. r,..r,.90


stdnss and llesserschmltts
Messerschmitt Bf 1 09F-4

aircraft in the group leader's group. 5,4 Rufe :Spotting Modifiers
F) When spotting in a specific fan, all the aircraft in l) Add 10 to the roll needed to spot if the target to
that quadrant, friendlies and snemies are spottsd, be spotted is more than Ofeet or z sticks away.
unless there is mors than 2 sticks separation
between the groups. B) Add 10 to the spottsr's throws for each b00
Experience Points he has earned.
G) ltr-.specific missions where the spottar has a
specific duU, such as intercepting bombers, dive
bombing a target, escort spoiting- bomber kiilers, 9L .oPTloNAL:Bare Matalgth aircraft, including ail
USAAG from 6144 on in the AF, are 10 easi6r to
interceptors spotting th€ bombers, fhe Spotter MUST spot. Deduct 10 from ngeded roll.
first try to spot the object of his missioh. And may
not try sPottlng anytl'ling else until until the object of D) oPTIoNAL: uPsuN. tf the ptavers have
the mission is sptted. bothered to determine the position of tfre sun, or they
kn ow t!.e pos ition d u e to cam paig n s u pplied
Expansion on 5.3 information, target aircraft up sdn alo g0'tb the
spotting number.
It is possibfe that a given side wilf consist of ssveral
differen! typee of aircraft entering in different places and E) OPTIONAL: In a $cenario whero it is known that
times. lt is recommended that players enter paired with the fighters of ons sido ara under radar direction
anofier pilot in the sam6 type plane. they already, obviously, have some idea where the
There is, of course, a t6mptation to assume that each baddies are. Thsrefore, deduct 20 points from the
group could spot a different area and communicate the need to spot number. (Exampfes: Germans
information. Well, not really, the information cannot be intercepting us long range boinbers, British
passod between groups unless a few conditions are met: intercepting Germans during the Batile of Biitain.)
A) The other players on the same side have been F} oBvlous: when someons is shot at, the tracers
spotted by the players with fie communication. AND going by tell the target that the shooter is THERE-
B) There would be a high tikef ihood of
communicators being on the same frequency; such G) Bonus: where someone spots, but has friends on
as aircraft in the same unit(Question: if tfrei are in the same frequgncy who'havs not spotted an
the s?mg unif why are.they-'not ontering together?), aircraft, and hs tells a friend, that friend is +20 to his
or all aircraft escorting the same formbtion cit roll.

cl Escort and Bombers can always tune into each 5.5 Rule:Truth in Soottino
othor. Af l rolls will be done in public,'ifi tro-nt of the enemy
D) lf the aircratt in q game are all fighters, they
generally have two cfroic-es; they either enter together Commentary:
and spot as one, 9R, the enter separatery and are We rsalize that in reality the various sides are not
not in communication. precissly aware of when the other side spotted them. I
.Fjgw-ever, this is a game, and in games people can cheat.
Seem unrgasonable? oK, 1944 Europo -- lmagine the We have sson pilots who always spot first;'that is unless
typigql thousand bomber raid; say 800 in the mait strike, someone is watching the rolls.
and 3 minor strikes of .l00+.being oscorted by 900
fighters. lf all aircraft were on the same frequency, tney 5.6 Flule:Effects of $POTTING
would not be in communication; there wourd just be a lot
of noisg. A) Befors a group spots an onemy, fr€ aircraft in the
The problems of spotting are mors a function of talent group may only procesd to the other side of the hex.
and experience than a function of good vision. There aro They are limited to make gentle os" turns on
loo ryan.y ?Iamples of pilots with-damaged or normally schedule A, rolling no more than is nec€ssary for
iryp.aifed vision who performsd
.an spectacu-iarly in air to air that turn rate
sig hting. without adequdte f rams bt external, t|le syes are always nearsighted: the dash Bl Aircraft on escort may weave more tightly than
board being the.most convenierit focat pofnt. Thus, novice this due to their cruiss spsed being highel tnan the
pifots.,.unused to this particular phsnomona would bombers. being escorted. Howevsrr when weaving
com.plain that the olamy aircraft "Just appsared from all target aircraft are 20 harder to spot.
like this
nowhere.o on the other liand the legally blirid wwl ace,
Mickey Mannock, had the habit of spri'ttin! tfre "Hunsn first. C) After ons group has spotted another group,
For thess and othsr reasons, ws include tns following list sagsrnoss makes them less likely to spot othsrs,
of spotting modifiors: add 20 to the nesd to spot roll for any othar group if
the players keep lookingi.
stranss and l{esserschmitfs

lr North American P-51 D Mustang

I' V-B edge of the cloud is away from that edge of the uhexn. lf



It is, of courss, possible to plug in weather sffscts.

the room is larger than i 0' in any dir6ction, for clouds
placed from that direction, add 1d6 to the abbve tor eiin
5' of distiance.
Each cloud approximately z4o to 90" in
plafgrs.of ! uslr?lly chose not to pray
I Mos.!
weailrer. That is why ftese are optional.
The aircraft of tfijs period ard, basically, fair weather
diametor and of irregular sfiiipe. A flat white piece of
P.?Psr, or an outline tapq.q.onto the floor will do nicely.
write on the cloud in pencil the level of the cloud laysr.
{VFn} aircraft. The 8th'Airforce only averaf ed 2 rnissions
a month for most of 1943-because the weather was too
I myddy. $o, do not go overboard in adding in weather
rules; Qrery up a hurricans and sveryone is grounded,
Effects of Clouds

The cloud removss all visual references for the pilot.

This is not to say that piloti had no blind flvino ln this state., th-e p.ilot often starts imagining that he is
capaqility. is, a fdrmatioir couldr very very careiully]
I easo its way through a cloud fayer rvith ohly a- bit of feai.
pogfigh,ls, loyevgl, .are silly inside a cloird. you may
loing all sorts of wild maneuvers, even fnen fie is trained
for blind flying. No manouvering in the croud.
havs noticed fiat $is is a game about dogfighting. 5.8 Rule: Entering the cloud
The rules below are very simple, basic oven. lt is
rscommended that if weather is to be used, that the items when a pilot enters a cloud layer or a single cloud, he
noted below h modified by club acclamation, that serious programs his next 3 moves immediately. Ho does this by
consideration of $e real weather, by location and date, b€ writilg oJ the control sheet. The orders must be very
considsred. .Ey.rop_e, fo.r instanbs, is usually cloudy simple. Examples: g0 degrses left, hatf turn rate and exlt
som€where. In the Pacific, howovgr, thg tendency is to the.doucl; descend 4'lMP through the cloud,flying straight;
have 4 months of rotten weather, a 2 month priod irf rain
anq dear, 4 months of clear days with afternbon showsrs,
and so on. -

and two more monfis of mixed weathsr, 5.9 Rule: Effects on combat
Aircraft in a cloud are "invisibte.n lt may not be ssen or
5.7 Rule:Weafter Table: shot at. The stand and aircraft are removed from the
g.ame. A Falker is placed on the spot the aircraft enters
. .,nolt p€.r@ntag9 dice 00-99 against the following table the cloud. After evsry other pldyer has moved, the
at the beginning of a scenario: invisible airplane and stahd ara replaced on the cloud,' and
!l''ev ?re movsd according to orddrs. lf, after the imfulse,
00-1 9= A solid layer of cloud. the aircraft is still in the cloud, the above procedure is
20-44= Heavy Brbken Clouds rqpe?ted impulse after impulss until the airplane exits the
45-69= Light Broken Clouds cloud.
70-99= Glear Air
5.10 Rule: Limits on Programming
Cloud Definitions
On exiting the cloud, the program must be available to
lf clouds have been generated, deterrnine the fevel of any curious player. Once the orders are written down,
the clouds by rolling 1ds -- I single 8 sided dice. The they may not be changed.
number rolled indicates the stick the clouds are in.
5.1 1 Hufe: Exiting the cloud
lf the clouds rolled are a sotid layer, that layer runs
between Zero and 40 inches on the stick. lf ths airplane exits the cloud in such a way that it flies
in front of an onemy aircraft, or flies out of the cloud so
Heavy clouds are designated as one cloud for every 1s e.a!:ly sgmeone could have reacted to the newly
square feet of playing room. visible aircraft, those responsos are allowed.
Light Clouds are designated as one cloud for every 30 5.12 Rule: Strying in the cloud
square feet of playing room.

lf the aircraft fails to exit the cloud within 3 turns,
vertigo sets in, the aircraft falls into a spin.
A 10'x10' room would have o clouds in a heavy layer, 3 5.13 Rule: $potting through solid cloud
YJlh a light. Gonerate the location of aach cloud tnis way.
After rolling the above 1dg for layer, roll the location ot lf a solid layer of cloud is generated bstween the two
each cloud ssparately. For each cloud rolf 1dO and go to sides of the fifht, the cloud dtays, the players generate
that direction ds indic-ated above. Hsmember the rodm is their starting position-again !

a theoretical Hex shape. Roll gdO and multiply the

number by 10. This produces the number of inche's the
Must anqs and llesserschmitts

Messerschmitt Bf 1 09F-4

5.14 Flule: Spotting through broken cloud intersgcts the target's box.
lf the conterline passes proparly through the target
lf a layer of heavy broksn clouds lay between one side box, it must then be determined that it passes through the
and another, add 30 to the number needed to spot. front edge of the target's box.
The next part of the equation is the flight attitude of the
5.1 5 Rule: Spotting through fight ctoud. target and shooter. The shooter's flight attitude must be
such that the guns of the shooter are pointed at the target.
lf a light layer of clouds is betwesn spotting airwaft, A fighter with foruvard mounted guns, for instance, must be
add 15 to the needed roll. imbing to one
above. This is obvious, h at of a gams,
5.16 Flule: Effect of solid cloud sorne gamsrs have bizarre i n remarkable
lf an aircraft climbs or dives through a cloud layer-and Yak 1
no enomy aircraft follows within 5 turns, the fleeing aircraft
is defined as having escapod. The stand and aircraft are
rgmoved from play. as a shot
5J7 Rule: $potting from cloud ak does not
Aircraft exiting cloud must respot enemy aircraft that
they spotted before entering the cloud. Aircraft outsids
the cloud must also respot. lf the cloud is still between the
participants, thsre is no spotting. lf fie woufd be spotters
are in line of sight, the smerging aircraft is 2A points
easier to seg. Rule: Ta@
VI In order to shoot at a target, the projacted centsrline of
THE GUNNERY SYSTEM the shooter's movoment stand must pass through the front
edge of the target box of the enemy
A new problsm, being iust another nifty flier is not 6.1 Exception to 6.1 above
enough. No one is going to be so impressod with a flying
exhibition as to just surrsnder after, soy, your perfectly 1)The only possible exception to this rule is if the
executed loop. The object of this game is to ndutyn.
destroy the shooter is exactly 90 degrees oft from the line of flight of
snemy, keep your side alive, and perform your the target. On this rare happenstancs, the csnterline must
All of this revolvss around $hooting at the enemy. pass along the front edge of the target

2)ln a friendly game, and to cut down time spent

VI.A to allow
defining WHERE things fall, one ffi?y, if all agree,
SHOOTING an approximate 90 degree shot, due to the shallow
appearant target zone, to be merely across the front HALF
The gunnery system works tris way: You will notice on of the box.
the stand illustration, that the front of the stand has a
small box. This box is the fegal definition of the location of 6.3 Rule: Altitude Effect
the airplane on ths stand. In order to shoot at the enemy,
you must be pointed at the box. This is one piece of the In order to shoot at a target higher or lower than the
equatioll. attacksr requires that the angle of climb or dive of the
shooting aircraft be similar to the angle of separation
between the shooter and target.

EXAMPLE of 6.3

lf the target lvore 4 inches in front, and two higher, the

angle of separation is 22.5 degrses. The shooter must
centerline havs climbed at lsast 1'' but no more than 3n on (at least)
Down the center line of the stand is a mark, This line his last movament point. That is he rnust have climbed at
runs from front to back and entirely through the combat an attitude of 15 to 30 degress.
box. This marks the stand for direction and line of flight.
In order for one airplane to shoot at anothgr, the centerline EXAMPLE of 6.3
of the shooter's stand rnust be pointing directly at the
target's box. This is determined by placing a staight edge lf ths target wsrs directly above or below, ths shooter
along the centsrline of the shooter stand and seeing if it must havs satisfied the conditions for transitioning to the
vertical phase of a Loop or Split "S" to get the shoot.
stancrs and ltesserschmltts
I North American

lr But ws are not done yet. tryhile "Faster than A
Speeding Bullet" is fast, it is still an finite speed. The
lr bullets do not instantly arrive at the target,
the muzzle velocity of the various guns
-usedio the period
range from
about 1800 feet per second to 3000 feet per second. The
I H'
time the bullets'spend travefling to the target are not so
much of a problem if the shooting comes from directly
Mustang t has no shot
behind the target. The difference in time between

# H@
he did not climb

Mustang 2 is 12 inches
shooting and hitting ars .5 saconds or less. However, if
the shooting does not take place from directly behind that,
s?y, 3 telihs of a second can mean a lot. lf the shooting
in back and 10
inches below, range is 300 meters, this can mean the aircraft flies some
having just climbed 6 times its length before the bullets arrive. And this
I inches in zMP means that from side shots, the pilot must shoot so that
has a shot-but lhe target flies in front of the bullets at the right time to get
must continue hit.
During wwz various gunsights were developed to help
Expansion of 6.3 the pilot compute these side shots-Galled Deflection
Shots. Even trrhen they workgd, however, they did not
lf the target is above the shooter, such that he had to work very well, In the period in question, there was no
climb to get the shot, after the shot he must continue substitute for experience. Thus:
climbing in a similar arc for at least the next movement
pint. A22 degree anglo requiring 2n on the next MP, 45" 6.8 Rule: Zera Deflection
at least 4" on the next MP.
6.4 hub: Effests of ShooUng at a Lower Target lf the shot comss from the Zera fan as indicated on the
movement stand (0 to 15 degrees), there is no deflection
When shooting at a lower target, the rule 6.3 applies modifier to any shooting.
above. With ono additional limitation. Any nose down
attitude produced by diving must be paid for with the
appropriate dive rscovery.
Yak 1

EXAMPLE of 6.4

Target is 4. forward , Zo,below, shooter dives for the a-2

shoot, ho is now defined as aZ"lMP dive, and must either deflection shot
keep diving or make a dive rscovery of ll?turn rate.

6.5 Rule: Shooting a Lower Target:

The shooter is roquired to follow all dive rules for a
lower shot. This means that only aircraft capable of
negative t'G'' may iust assums a lower attack from level 6.9 Rule: Deflection $hooting
flight. Aircraft prohibited negative oGu must follow oven ff the centerline msasuro of the shooter passss
hose rulgs.
through ths fan on the stand indicated by the label "-2o (1 5
6.6 Rule: $hooting a Lower Target to 22.5 degrees) from the rsar of the target, then the
shooter reduces his die roll by 2.
Aircraft allowed nggative "Gu manouvers mdy, from
level flight, just end the impulse by defining that their nose 6.1 0 Rule:Deflection Shooting
is down and shootiilg, then complete the dive lf the centerline msasu16 of the shooter passes
requirements on the next impulse.
through the target box from sides or front outside the zero
I and -2 fans, thg shot is a -4 {6H
that the s ubtracts 4 fr
,This means

6.7 Rule: Attitude Separation

lf the altitude is less than 1u vsrtically per 4"
horizontally, the shooter does not have to be diving or
dimbing for the shot.
st anqs and f{esserschrnitts
Messerschmitt Bf 1 09F-4

6.1 1 Procedurs for $hooting 6.12 Rule:Range

A) Once the impulse ends, aild a pilot believes he Range to target is measured from the front of the
has a shot. He declares that he is shooting. shootor's box to the f ront of the target's box. The
difference in altitude is added to this number to produce
B) He deducts 1 round of ammunition from his the total rango. This number is always rounded to ignore
supply. fractions of inchss

C) He then places a straight edge along his stand 6.13 Ftule: range on gun tpble
canterline to assoss the shot.
Range is listed in blocks of 40 to 60 mstsrs. Range is
D) lf the centerline edge does not pass through the always rounded up the the next block: EXAMPLE: A range
front edge of ths target stand -- the shooter loses of 5.5 inchg$=5" on the table. A rangs of 6" is computed
ammunition, but gsF no hiF automatically. on the 7" table.

E) If the centsrline does pass hrough the front edge 6.14 Rule: Novice Fudge Factor
of the target boX, the deflection anglo is noted,
Novices will have a lot of trouble lining up a shot. In
F) The shooter rolls 2 six sided dice adding the any situation where the csnterline misses the target only
results. The rssulting nurnber (2-12) is modified by slightfy, but could well have produced a shot, a "fudging"
deffestion angfo, acg status and so on. of a coupls degrees is allowed. This rule only applies to
people with fewsr than 10 missions total, and who have
G) The range is computod by adding the distance not scored moro than 2 kills.
front of box to front of box of the shooter and target
PLUS any vertical separation. 6. 1 5 Flule:Vertical Deflection
H} The shooter's gun table is consulted, the rango lf the shooter and target are flying at different angles
and modified die roll will produce a number-this is the such that the shooter must dive or climb for the shot, the
number of hiB on the target. vertical deffection also applies to the shot. lf the
separation is greater than 1" down per 4" separation, but
Explanation of $hooting $ystem less than 2' per 4" separation, thsn the deflection angle is
-2. Greater than 2:4 is a -4 deflection. This is not a
Throughout this game we have tried to avoid using cumulative deflection. -2 horizontally and -2 vertically do
dice in situation where skill is the deterrninant. However, not add up to -4. Only the highest value is considared: a -
somo things ars a mattgr of chancg. Now, from StarWars 2 horizontal deflection and -4 vertical is -4. One must see
and a ton of war moviss it is easy to get ths impression the deflection angle not as a wedge (2 dimensionally), but
that gun$ shoot more like lasers than anything else, the as a cong.
bullets go exacfly where aimed and no where 6lse. Hah!
Consider that films of real shooting only show where 6.16 EXCEPTION to Vertical Deflection
ths tracer is going, and that tracer round usually weighs
half or less of that of a normal round. The usual linked It should be obvious that vertical deflection only applies
belt of ammo has a mix or tracer, armor piercing, ball, if one aircraft is, say, flying level and the other diving. lf
incendiary and so on and all of them have different both aircraft are diving at about the same angle, or
trajectories. Further, the barrel is vibrating from the climbing at about the same angle and so on, then there is
rounds going through it, the airplane is vibrating, and the no vertical deflection.
target is moving t The wonder is that anything ever gets
hit. 6.17 Hule:Additional Modifiers to Combat Rolls:
And thers would be little damage if the guns wero
lasers, each shot would have to be perfect to get a hit. Some aircraft are large and easier to hit because they
What really happens is that all those bullets coming out significantly fill rnore of the gunnery cone. These aircraft
at differsnt times from a vibrating shooter produces a cons will have a factor that adds to the shootsrs die roll. This
of fire with a relativelv random distribution of bullets. lf the will be found on the specifications sheetis in a parenthesis
target is within this bone of fire, the target will probably next to the number of hits the aircraft takes. The format
take hits. As the range increases, the cone, of courss, will be thus: 44(+1), indicating that the aircraft is a plus 1
becornes larger in size, the spread being wider. Thus, the target.
likelihood of being hit becomes less.
In this gams, the way hits ars spraad about was 6. 1 I Rule:Defensivs Gunners:
developed from statistical studies on where the bullets ars
going" And that is a mattsr for dice. Many fighters, and most bornbers have defsnsive.quns.
These tiexi-nty mounted guns fire, due to specific problem$
and training, 0Il a slightly different system.
stancls and f{esserschrnitts
Ir North American P-51 D Mustang

Critical Hits
It AlHand Held: Fonryard firing guns may only fire +/-15 to something
.No other than a nurnber on ths chart

lr degre_es of the line of flight; Rearward firing guns may

only fire down wind +l-45degrsss,

BlPower Turrets fire in all directions except straight

labeled Effect", then the indicated effsct takes
place immediately.

I up/down(-s degrees)

C)lf the line of flight of the target intersects the line of

6.20 Rule: Truth in Crit Rolling
All crits must be rolled in the presence on an observer
flight of the shooter anywhere in his shooting box, from the opposite side. Yes, I know that this gives the
I fte deflection is -0-.
D)Any other condition, the speed in Movsment Points
other side more info than thev deserve. On the other
hand, it also insures that an aiicraft doesn't nheal itseff.,
due to a player forgetting that his aircraft is a flaming
of the Target considered for deflection; 1/3=-1, 416=- torch.

I 2, 7-9=-3, gtc,
The Yak has a *4 deflection
The 11 o -0- deflection
6.21 Rule: When to Check for Criticat Hits

A) After qly sl_rot which passes the halfway point of

I the total hits allowed -- EXAMPLE: an aircraft rated
at24 takes hit #1 3 causing a check.
B) After any shot which removes hatf of the hit boxes
rsmaining. EXAMPLE: the above aircraft rated at 24
having taken 13 on the first shot, takes another 6 at
once. This is half or more of the rsmaining 1 1 boxes
causing a check.

I OR: "Ashes, Ashes, All Fall D

The oasy way to deaf with this problem is that method
C) On any hit taken past the rated hit -- EXAMPLE:
on the above aircraft hits #25,26,27 .....a11 cause
common to most other airwar gamos: Guessll Often, the another critical check.
would be damage system steals from fte old Fletcher Pratt
I Naval Rules-the old Airplanos-as-Ships syndrome. In this,
as hits are taken, the airplane becomes slower and slowsr
C) On any hit taken past the rated hit -- EXAMPLE:
on the above aircraft hits #25,26,27.....a11 cause
untif it falls down*along the nray taking ugun hits". The another critical check. lt will happen that aircraft will
other cornmon method has the aircraft fly along all
I unconcerned with the holes appoaring in it then, whon the
allowed hits are taken, tre aircraft comss apart all at once
dis on a single hit at long range(an 1 1) that caused
one crit.
like the One Horse $hay.
Well, neither is quite true. The obvious solution to the
I pl_oblem is, ahem, rssoarch the thing. In 1946-47 the
USAF studied what alf happened in WW2. In the course of 6.22: Maximum Crits:
it they discovered that aircraft falling out of the sky could

I be treated alrnost statistically, That is, it was found that,

on average, ths aircraft would be struck with a certain
poundage of metal before it became likely that some
As rule 6.IA-C above can causs a lot of die rolling,
pilots prssented with rolling more th an 24 crits in a turn
may assumo, of their choice, that their pilot is dead i the
critical system wou ld f ail. M ind, it did not iu st aircraft breaking up in the air.

I automatically fall down, it just becamo more more likely

with each hit that sometlring would go wrong with the
6.21 Rule: the Expert $hot.
fn this game, each aircraft is rated in hits based on the On any super shot, the first round may have gone

I gost ryar findings-and it relates to poundage receivsd by

that aircraft.
the targat
exactly where aimed by the pilot and actually hit
before the vibration of the aircratt produces a cone
dispersion effect. This is documented as having
6.19 Rule: Critical Hits happsned. Thus, anytime a corrocted 11 or bettar is
I A) When the hits taken indicate that a critical hit is
possible, the target throws a pair of percentage dice
thrown by the shooter-at any range where the pilot may
hit, a crit is thrown by the target.

and reads them 00-gg. Expansion: A corrected 11 or better is defined as an final

I B) This number is checked against the critical hit

table assigned to that aircraft.
1 1 roll, not an eleven roll that becomes a 7 because the
shootsr is taking a m inus 4 def lection shot, That
corrected 1 1 can, however, include pluses for Ace Bonus
(described later) but does not include bonuses for size.
C) lf the number
I indicated on the dice corresponds

Mustan s and llesserschmltts

Messerschmitt Bf

Ram Kills
6.26 Rule:lntentional Ramming -- Japaneso
The above system has produced the two following lf a Japanese fighter has been shot up so badty he
extrsmes. On the ong hand, thsre are aircraft which die cannot make it home, or is on firs and does not bail out,
aftar being shot at and hit by ons round at ma,ximurn range he may attempt to ram an enemy aircraft. An intentional
(pilot killed). On the other, there are aircraft that fly homa ram adds 25% to the need to hit number (i.e. 00>as
looking like Marsden matting. At the uppor snd of not becomes 00>50). $uch ramming is never a sure thing,
falling down, the author has seen a Corsair roll a total of and never exceeds a probability bf 00>85. Further, tlie
94 crits before the aircraft took any important hits (engine J.apqnssq pilot must chose targets by priority, a ship is
oqt,tlre pilot baifed out). And the author has porsonally first(or silnilqr target], a bomber is sebond, only when
rolled 64 crits from flying directly ovsr a ffak battery -- and else is available will the Japaness piloi try for
livsd. A number of first rate hot-shots, guys that don't take another fighter.
mors than a fsw crits per year, have had pilots killed on - In the period of 1 944145, A novice pilot may always opt
ffie first rolf. That's the way it goesl for a 'Kamekazi" mission against shipb or bombers befoie
the start of the game.

vl-c 6.26 Rule:lntentionaf Ramming -- Ggrman

A novice German Pilot flying a Fw 1g0A-8 in 1944 and
Unfortunately, mid air collisions happen. The air is 45 (novice defined as fewei th-an 10 kills) may attempt to
turbulent, pilots misjudge the rate of cfosure, a tiny ram a heavy bomber. His probability is increased by a flat
ryistake, the aircraft touch. In one noted fight over New 25o/a, this does mean that at ranges-closer than 1 irich the
Guniea in '42, a 5th AF pilot out of arnmunition tried to German has a 1007o probabillty of hitting. However,
bfuff a Teke otf his wingman's tail. He just drove in at him $e1man pilots did not commonly suicide, they would try to
and did not realize his mistake until he saw his propeller bail out before the hit, usually. A pilot mbv iump two
bite into the canopy of the Japanesg aircraft. ' ' impulseg_prior to the lam, and cio so witn comirt6te safety
unless this is alre?dy limited by previous damdge(such a3
6.24 Ruls Collision Zone iammed canopy). Howevei, the plane must ilv on a
ballistic course, without maneuvsr *nen the pilot flumps.
Aircraft which pass within three inches of each other The ram rules are not modified.
must check for a mid air. This does include people who
aro making a head on pass and close to within 3 inbhes.
6.27 Rule:Effects of Ramming
lf a mid air does take place, the pilots of each plane
lf one aircraft is 3 inches behind anothor, and on the throw a pair of percentage dice read'00-gg. The nrimber
same approximate flight path, €.g. on its tail, but is going rolled is the number of hits taken by that aircraft.
the same speed or slowor as the aircraft in front, there is
no check for collision.
Just as frieqfly aircraft ca!"t fly into each other, so friendly
6.24 EXCEPTION aircraft can fly into each other's shooting.
Aircraft flying in tight forrnation, such as bombers, at 6.28 Rule:Friendly Fire
cruise speed(no faster than level max when running),
rnaking turns no tighter than 112 the minimum allowed A) When measuring line of fire, check for friendlies in
radius ars gxempt from rule 6.22. the line of shooting.
6.25 PROCEDURE B) The cons of fire, for this purpose, is defined as 1"
on either side for each 8" forward. Therefore, for
A third, neutral party makes the check. This check is example, a friendly aircraft 15" in front of the shooter,
made by throwing a pair of percentage dice read 00-gg. but only 1.5" to the side afso takes hits as if being
shot at.
l) lf the aircraft are 0 to 1 inch apart, a roll of 00>7s
indicates a mid air collision. C) Range and deflsction are computed normally, but
the shot is rolled as a separate evont. I
?) lf the aircraft are 1.001 to 2 inches apart, a roll of
00>50=Ram D) This rule does not apply for the purpose of trying
to hit two enemiss with the sarne shot. That is
q) lf the aircraft are 2.001 to 3 inches apart, a roll of prohibited.
I st ancrs and ltesserschmtfts
Norft American P-51 D Mustang

I Starting
The reason for this rule is that, in the rsatities of air to G) No aircraft may start a game higher than its rated
air combat, pilots would try to orr on the side of ceiling. lf the nurnber generateci as per above is
consorvatism rvhen friendlies were in ths area. In this higher than the ceiling, the aiicraft starts at csiling.
game, we have the advantage (and disadvantage) of being
able to exactly measure things. In the real world, the H) After the aircraft and proper altitude flags are
I shooter would be judging by oys and tra€r. placed on the stick, the airCraft generate the starting
direction. Each group throws 1d6 for direction as
explained in Weather.
I STARTING THE GAME l) lf one or more groups end up starting from the
same direction and stick, then these tsams must
PROCEDURE throw percontage dice. High number wins. Lossr
throws 2d6, multiplies this by 10' for the distance in
I A) Before starting a gamo, players roll a common 6
sided die. Matching die enter togsther. Where
front of the winner that the losers start from.

there aro 6 or fewel1c_lay€rs, this rule may be J) All aircraft start out with noses pointed towards the
dispensed with as an OPTION. center of room.
I B)Option: Later in the rules the players will find
optional scenario Generators. The numbers referring
K) RECOMMENDATION: At the beginning of the
game, gach player should prepars a small 1'' square
to the per€ntage chance of getting certain aircratt in marker with an arrow or other device indicating front.
I a scenario hgre are as accurate as we can make
them. The generators tend to producs accurate
This marker may be placed under the combat box of
the stand, and the stand rsmoved, when other
stands wish to move through the space occupied by
the movement stand.
GlBefore a game starts the players must indicate if
the scenario is a setpiem fight or continuous. lf the L) lf the mission is, say, a bomber interc€ption, it is
fight is decfared continuous, then, each player shot silly to have the interc€ptors generate so far below
down re-rolls and snters another pilot/plane the incoming that they have no chancs of
@mbination. intercepting. Further, the escort cannot go down to
play and abandon the bombers as they do not know
D) Each stick ropresents less than 1500 meters. if there ars further unseen interceptors.
"Stick One" is defined as 000>1500 meters for game
I purposes, Aircratt flying in $tick One must have a
flag on the top of the stick labeled as "1 ";
Also, once a game is in progrss$, it wastes a lot
to have psople gensrate far below or above a fight in
progress. In the first instanc€, the following rule are
of time

"1 '
000 to 1500 Meters=Stick o2o; mandatory, in the fatter, optional with club and tourney
I 1 501 >3000 Meters=$tick
3001 >4500=3,
4501 >6000=4,
voting choices.

1)ff the Aircraft normally generates starting position

6001 >7500=5, on 1d2, 1d3,1d4, than roll a six sided dice the
t 7501 >9000=6,
9001 >1 0500=7,
I 0501 >1 2000=8,
bombers {or lowest aircraft in fight}, 1-Z-3=start in the
stick below(at least 30", ilo more than 70") 4-S=start
in sams stick, 6=stick above

t The simplest way to flag the stick is to bend a piece of

z)lf Aircraft normally use$ 1d5 then: 1-Z=stick below,
3-4-5=sams stick, 6=stick above.
brass sheet .032" thick by .5 by 3" so that it snugly fits to 3)lf the Aircraft used 1d6, then: 1-Z=Stick Below, 3-
I ths top of the stick. Then, use a grease pencil or €rasable
opaque projector pen to write the stick number on the
4-Same $tick, 5-6-Stick Above

4)lf aircraft normally uses D7 then: 1-Z=$tick Below,

3=Same Stick, 4*5=$tick Above, 6=2 sticks above

I E) At the beginning of a game, the leader of each

"flight" consults the spec sheet of the aircraft and
throws the indicated dice {i.e. 1d4,1d6 etc}. This
5)lf Aircraft used D8, then 1=Stick Below ,Z=Same
$tick, 3-4-5=Stick Above, 6=2 sticks up.
producss the stick the team starts in. Of course, if

I the rolled up scenario indicates the stiarting altitudes,

the scenario takes presidence.
6)ln games wero the scenario generators are used
initially, and, therefore, most fights have an entering
mission, the above entry schedule is used from the
F) The leader then throws 1dO and multiplies by 10 for initial roll-up.
I the number of inches up in the stick that th€i aircraft stafis
fiying at. M) At this point, play starts using all the above listed

stan s and llesserschrnitfs
Messerschmitt Bf 1 09F-4


lf there are onough of them, all bombers will proceed to

the area of the targei in close formation. Once tne area of While flak is an unfortunate fact of life, many players I
th6 target is raached, Attacl<ldive bombers will then split prefer to ignors it. For ono thing, ons cannot outfly flak. t
off and operate as individual aircraft. For those aircraft For this period, flak can be conveniently divided into
which opsrate in fris fashion, ths normal M&t!f rulss work. three basic types. Each operates as its own approach
Howevsr, for those bombers which ALWAYS opsrate in and has its own set of probloms.
close formation fie normal rules have problems.
Obviously putting, sity, 48 B-17s in 1172 scale in close Light flak is defined as small calibre rapid fire weapons
formation would be impossible. Costl Rooml Worse, the which operate using the normal gun tablss for air to air
bomber modes could NEVER be close snough to support gunnsry. Such flak units ars likely to be around targets I
each othgr. There ar6 a couple of accsptable solutions. 9e!lg hit on.close su.pport typJ missions by fighters, I
In order to put a number of bombers in Scale Formation, fighter bombers and so on. They ars not usually
smaller bomber models may be used. Players have used protecting citiss or industry.
the 11459 Scale Heritage white metal bombers, 11300 As, in this game, players rarely operate in squadron t
scale English white metal bombers and Japansss stengfr, so flak units should be more sparse fian usual rI
(Skywave and Tskuda) 1n00 scale plastic. For thesa to compsnsate. For example, airfields should rarely have
Ooniners, mounting a piir tuF on the bottom of the model more fian 6 to I light ffak, 3-4 medium and 2 hsavy.
and buifding a special formation clip all provido good Trains and convoys should havs no more than 2-g light t
visual solutions. Most players, however, prefer to just and 1 medium, t
indicate the formation on papsr, moving these symbols on
the floor without the tieing up of a stand. Flak units should be indicated by a small card with a
In this line, a few tydicil formations ars included in target box and the information of the type printed on it.
these rules.
Whichever solution is used, the player running the 9,1 Light Flak I
bombere must be familiar with the fields of defsnsive fire Operates as a normal M&M gun system.
of the bombers. This is an inordinately complex subject,
and alone, with illustrations, would easily triple the size of 9.2 Light Flak deflection I
these rules. In general, powgr turrets can fire in any
direction as long as friendli aircraft are not in tho way, or Deflection for light flak is calculated as if it were
part of fie shooter's own aircraft. defensive fire from a bomber-see section Vlll abovs.

8.1 Rule:bomber fields of fire 9.3 Light Flak Limits I

No bomber may shoot through its own aircraft or any Light flak must have line of sight to the target, this line
frisndly aircraft to get a shot. of sight may not include any friendly aircraft within 15
degrees either way of that line of sight, nor any friendly
And, gsnerally speaking, hand held guns only fire building, unit, truck or whatever in that same fan. Light
effectively through the -2 and 0 deflection fans of the host flak may not slevate higher than 77 degrees(l "sideways
aircraft. (And, obviously, forward mounted guns fire per 4' ahve)
direcfly opposite the 0 and -2 fans)
9.4 Light Flak types,
However, all defensive gunnors wsre trained to shoot ,
on a diffsrent training plan than fighter pilots. The Light flak should be drawn for the appropriate country II
deflection plan of the stands only applies to being shot at from the below listings, guns are listed by country-gun hits
by fighters. Shooting by defensive gunnery is different. to destroy and gun table it shoots on

8.2 Rule: Defensive gunner deflection. I

Gsneral Usage all countries: single or twin .30 calibre rl

a)lf the targat is flying directly towards the gunner, ths hand held pintle mount (i.o. jeeps, tanks, aircraft pits etc.)
target is a zero deflection shot. Gun table 1 and 2, r
b.lf the target is flying towards any other aircraft, or any
point but directly at the defensive gunner, the shot Maosgn zumm
deflection is computed by dividing the target's speed by 3, -1Ohits-
MP 1>3=-1, 4>6=-2, 7>9=-3 etc. Check Rule 6. 18 in the Gun Table(GT)o
Gunnery $ection
st ancrs and l'lesserschmttts
Ir North Arnerican P-51 D Mustang

Light attd ll|edium Flak

It Light Flak
By CounFy
?.)lf I.he targe.t is msdium bombel type or size flying
directly towards or away from the flak uilit-the flak gefs e
hit on roll of I t or 12.
It China
Madsen; Flak 30(20rnm)-1 OhiF-GT3; E) If the medium bomber size target is flying across the
I Breda 20165-1 0hits-GTg

line of fire of the flak, the need to hit number is 12.
flghters mey not be hit by medium flak if not flying
directly towards or away.
Hotchkiss 25mm-1 0hits€T6 ;
Madsen 20mm F)]'tedium Flak units are -1 to rolled number beyond 00"
T range.
Hotchkiss 25lTrm- 1 Ohits€T6 ; 9.6 Effects
I Flak 30(20)-1 0 hits-GT3;
Flak 38(20mm)-1 0 hits-GT3;
Flak 38(4x20)-1 Shits-GTl 0 ;
AlUpon being hit, target throws dice listed in the'gun
spocs. This produces a resuft in hits taken by the aircraft.
Breda 20/65-1OhiF-GT3;
t Oerlikon 20mm-1 zhit$-GTo

B)lf there are 3 or more aircraft in close formation being
shot at, the flak unit is +1 to its roll shooting at the whole
formation. Only ono of the aircraft in the formation takes
Breda 20/65-1 Ohits-GT3 ; the hits, randomly chosen.
I $cotti 20n7 -1 Ohits-GT3 ;
,Oerlikon 20mm-1 2hits-GTo C)Medium flak may not Uaverse more than 90 degrees por

t Tp.98 Army 20mm-1 Ohits-GT3;

Tp.96Naqy 25rn rn-1 Ohits-tableS
Navy twin 25mm-1 5hits€T6;

Naqy friple 25mm-1 thits-GT8 Skoda M. 1 937 47mm-Range 200"-1 Zhits-damage=3dl 0

I United Kingdom
Orlikon 20mm-1 2hiF-GT6;
Vickers 40mm-Rang9=70"-1 zhits-D=Zd 1 0
Lewis Twin "303€hit$-GT2

I United States
Oerlikon 20mm-1 zhib-GTG ;
Hotchkiss 37mm-R=1 00'-1 2hits-D= 1 d 1 0

tlz.50cal.-6hiF-GT3; Germany

I M-51 Quad .50-14hits, GT8;

M-54 37mm+2x.50-1 4hits-GT6+37 listed below
Flak 1 I 37mm-H=1 80"-1 2hits-D=l dl 2;
Flak 43 37mm(1 943on)-R=1 80"-1 thiF-1d12;
Ffak Z43 37mm(43on)- R=180u-18hits- D=2d'12

I M,1940 25mm-10hib-GTg

Breda 37154- R=150"- 1 Zhits - 2d1 0;
Vickers 40mm- R=70- 1Zhits- 2d10

I Medium flak is hand laid, rapid fire, semi-automatic

loading. However, slow travgrse, low rate of fire means a
poor probability of hitting individual fighters, but nice
Vickers 40mm- R=7A"- 12hits- 2d10;
Bofors 40mm- R=200"- 1Zhits- 2d10
sffect when it does.

I 9.5 Procedure
United Kingdom
Vickers 40mm 40mmr R=70- 1zhits- 2d10
Vickers 40mm twin- R=70"- 1zhiF- 4d10;
AlShooter must have clear fan to shoot through as outlined Vickers Quad 40mm- R=70- 1 Zhits- 8d 10;

I in Light Flak.
BlHits are checked by throwing 2d6-adding the numbers
Bofors 40mm- R=200"- 1Zhits- 2d10

United States Vickars 40mm 40mm- R=70- 12hits- 2d10

togeth er (2-121. Vickers 40mm twin- R=70"- 1zhits- 4d10;

I 9)tf target is a fighter, or fighter sizo(i.e.$tuka or

Pquntless) and is flying directly towards or away from the
M1A2+AN-M4 Navy+M10 37mm- R=200.- 12 hiF- 1d12

flak unit-the flak will hit on a roll of 12. M.l939 37mm- R=50n- 10hits- 2d1 0

st anqs and llesserschmitts
Messerschmitt Bf 1 09F-4

Heavy Flak
PL m.1937- R=450- z}_lliB: |xi .. I
HEAVY FL.AK PL m.33 76.5mm- R=400- 20 hits- 1x;
Heavy flak is hand laid, hand loadod, and not too PLvz2U24- R=550- z0hits- 2x;
accurate in a tactical situation.. ln this period, ownsr PLvz IUZA 90mm- R=550- 18 hits- 2x I
countriss soem to havs usually over rated ths abilities of Schnieder M.97 75mm-R=150- 1lltitqtl{; I
fiese weapon$. Schnieder M.17134 75mm- Fl=400- 20 hits- 1x
Krupp 75mm U60- R=450- l5hits- lx;
9.7 Procedure Krupp Flak l8+Flak 36 88mm- R=400- 18 hits-2x; I
Strpp fjf[38 105mm- R=600- 1q.lits,_3x; I
Alln order for Heavy Flak to hit, the gun must be shooting Krupp Flak 4A 128mm- R=800- z0hits- 5x
at a formation of at least 6 bombers in steady formation
flight. rTALy
Ansaldo M.34 75mm- R=400- 15hits- 1x;
BlThe gunner rolls percsntage dice to hit (read 00-99) Ausfrian 77128 76.5mm- R=200- 1 Shits- lx;
Ansaldo 90/53 90mm- R=600- zOhits- lx;
C)Nonnally a roll of g9= a hit. Ansaldo M.35 102mm- R=450- 18hits- 2x

Dlln a campaign where units of guns and aircraft must be RUSSIA

reprssented by a single gun and aircraft, thsn a roll of 98- PLvz lU20 90mm- R=550- 18 hits- 2x
99 indicates a hit.

9.8 Effects xl
A)to produce the amount of damage done by a hit ffi'85J'',h??, I
percontage dice are rolled again read 00-99 representing
fie burst. Most players would prefer not to run the attack phases I
of the g.ame, at least early on. Howevgr, in the complete
BlThese hits ars distributed among the aircraft of the campaign game it is necess ary. Further, more I
experienced players come to enjoy the variety in types of
fights that can only happen when there is more than just II
C)These hits may not be distributed betwsen moro than 6 a fighter sweep to run.
aircraft for guns listed as "1x", 9 aircraft for o2x", 12
airgatt for "3x".
Dlwhare, say in a campaign, thsrs are fewer aircraft in
Leverff-bins I
the formation than that number listed as ths maximum 10.1 Rule: Starting
number of aircraft to tako hits, then those guns of greater
damage have a lower probability of hit. Specifically, they All bombers making a level bomb run enter the game at I
need a 99 to hit the formatioo, and nevsr do more than 2x Cruise speed and may not go faster until they have
damage. dropped their bombs.
ElHeavy Flak may not fire more than once every four 10.2 Turning while loaded II
Whatever their nominaf turn scheduls, loaded
nA*. level r
H EAVY F|..AK SPECI FICAT]ONS bombers may not turn tighter than schedule
BELGIUM 10.3 Turning Clean
FRC m.1927 75mm- Rango=370"- zOhits- effsct=1x
After dropping bombs, aircraft maintaining close ;I
CZECH formation may not turn tighter than schedule B.
PL m.1937- R=45S 20 hits- lx;
PL m.33 76.5mm- R=400- 20 hiF- 1x;
PLvz2U24- R=550- 20hits- 2x;
PLvz IAZA 90mm- R=550- 18 hits- 2x
Arter d
operating alone may turn normally as listed.
rormation or t
FNANCE 10.5 The Launch Window
$chniader M.97 75mm-Fl=150- 1Shits- 1x;
Schnieder [I.17134 75mm- R=400- 20 hits- 1x AlThe bornb may be dropped frorn any altitude aftsr a I
series of 3 turns of steady level flight, the bombs are
dropped during ths 4th tum of level flight.
st ancrs and l'lesserschmltts
ln North American P-51 D Mustrang

It BlAircraft dropping from an altitude of higher than 25"
must have a glass nosed bombardier station and a live

It bombardier dropping the bombs.

C)American level bombers-induding formations of P-38s in
10.7 Limit
Heavy Bombers are prohibited from glide bombing
I Italy, from Winter 43 on drop on the command of a single
lead bombardisr.
Au aircrart enter r:??I3il,STfred, Lsvet bombers
DlDuring the run, ths bombardier takes over" the aircraft are limited to turn schedule A. Fighter/Bombsrs, Attack
I and for fte 4 turns of the run, the aircraft must fly straight,
no turn tighter than A.
Bombers and Dive Bombers may tum as tight as schedule
C if allowed C or better clean.
10.6 The Drop 10.9 The l-aunch Window
I AlThe bomb(s) fall at a 45 degres angle for the first turn A)The aircraft dives towards ths target at the rate of at
after the dropl'/MP-at the speed of fte parent aircraft. feast z'lMP, but less than 4"lMP.

I BlThe bomb drop always happens first in an impulse,

before any o&er movgmgnt.
BlThe aircraft may not turn for one full turn before the

C)The drop may happen on any impulse, but the drop C)Aircraft follow normal dive rules for aceeleration and so
I must be proceeded by a 1 turn warning(opening the
bomb bay doors)

D)The aircraft in this condition will not exceod normal level

D)After the drop, the bomb maintains the speed and max while diving.
I direction of the dropping aircraft on the impulse prior to
drop. 10.10 The Drop

ElOn the second-third-and fourfr turn after drop, the bomb A)The drop is indicated at the beginning of the impulse,
I benefits from the acceleration of gravity. Add 3 speed
points Fr turn of drop.
but may take plae anytime during the impulse.
B)No measuring is allowed before the drop
FlOn these following turns, the bomb drops 4" por MP, but
I only moves forward 2" Fr MP availabls.

G)Maximum speed for the bomb is 18

C)The bomb retains the vector of the dropping aircraft,
and amslerates in the dive under normal rulos.
DlThe bomb drops 4'7MP on the first turn of drop.
I HlAmerican and British flown bombers may measure the
distance to the target ono impulse prior to the drop when
fte aircraft is above 3000 moters.
E)On turns 2 and 3 after drop, the bomb drops
only 2" forward per MP.
4' down but

I llNo bomber may measure before dropping under 3000

nOn fourth and following turns, the bomb falls straight

JlAfter the bomb is droppd, the theoretical hit point is G)The aircraft must perform a dive recovery as listed in
I indicated by a marksr.

Rlf the bomb is dropped undsr 25" of stick one, after the
the rulgs.

H)lf ths bomb is released below 20", tttore is no correction

theoretical hit point is indicated, the bomb will miss in the on the hit point.

I following fashion. For each bomb dropped, roll 1dO for

direction missed. 1=bomb misses to north, 2=Northeast,
3=Southaast, 4=$outh, 5=$outhwest, 6=Forthwest. Roll
flif the bomb is released above 20", then there is a chance
of missing the aim point. Roll 1d6- a roll of 5-6 indicates
1d6 again for each bomb: 1-2-3= 1 inch miss in indicated miss, roll 1d6 for directioff, miss is by 1 or 2 inchss.

I directioff, 4-5-6=2 inch rniss.

t )lf the bombs arc dropped in stick one above 25", then
J)No bornb in a glide attack may be droppod from moro
than 40 inches up.
tha method for direction of miss is as described in

I $gvq, but distanm changes:

5€= 3 inches,
1-2= 1 inch i 9-4= 2 inchss;

MlBombs dropped above stick one miss in the same

fashion. Ro[l i dO for direction and another 1 d6 for
I number of inches.

g4 stanqs and llesserschmitts I
Messerschmitt Bf 1 09F-4

Attack I
x-c X-D
Unless I can find documented evidence to the contrary, Only dedicated dive bombers may make this attack.
only 2 groups are allowed skip bombing: 5th Airforcs B- They are specified as such in the specs sheets.
17's, B-25's and A-20s after November 1942, and,
provisionally, German Bf 109 and Fw 190 Jabos on anti- 1 0.1 4 The launch window
shipping strikes from 1941 on.
AlThe aircraft always entsr in stick 1 or 2 at cruise speed.
This technique is only allowsd on the water against
shipping. BlThe aircraft must fly approximately ov6r ths target, then
dive at a rate of 4"/MP or steeper.
10.1 I Limits:
C)Loaded, they may not turn tighter than schedule C
The attack limits are those for the previously described
Glide Bombing attack. D)W.ith Dive Brakes deployed, they will not exceed listed
maximum dive brake speed.
10.12 The Launch Window
E)All dlve bombing aircraft must drop above 30' and do a
AlThe maximum speed of the aircraft at launch is 8, full "8G're@vory.
minimum speed is 6.
F)Any drop at higher than 60" deviates as if it wers a high
BlOn ths impulse prior to launch, the aircraft must fly altltude levsl bomber attack.
straight, wings lsvel, in level flight.
10.15 The Drop
C)prior to launch, the aircraft may not gg faster than level
max, or turn tighter than C or twice the G limit whichever is A)the bomb falls straight down at the rate of 4"per MP of
widgr. speed of the dropping aircraft.

DlOn the impulse of launch, fri€ bomb may be dropped on BlThe bomb accslerates in the normal fashion and has a
any MP during the impulse. maximum dive speed of 18

E)tho aircraft must be flying at 2 inches of altitude. Clwhen the bomb reaches the ground, a spot is placad.
Then l dO is rolled, a roll of 1 or 2 indicates a hit where
FlAircraft must operate singally in fris attack, ro formation indicatsd.
frying is allowed.
D)lf the bomb missed, 1dO is again rolled for direction.
10.13 The Drop The miss will be 1 or 2 inches.
A)All bombs are dropped on a5 second delay. This X-E
moans that one full turn, 3 impulses after drop, the bomb TORPEDO ATTACKS
gos$ off, oven if there are friendlies in the blast zone.
This is the most effective way to take out a ship. lt will
B)The bomb is defined as skipping eve ry 2" inches on the be assumed that all aircraft are using the same torpedo-
watgr. an 18" air dropped weapon of 1600 to 1800 pounds. Only
dedicated torpedo bombere may make this attack.
C)The bomb maintains the original launch speed of the
aircraft for the first impulse, then drops l MP/impulse 10.16 The Launch \ffindow
slower on the next two impulses. (Example: Launch at
speed 8=2-3-3-bomb actuatly moves 2-2-21 A)The aircraft must spend three impulses wings level, no
turn tighter than A, altitude of 2 or 3 inchos. I
DlThe bomb must cross the target within 112 inch of a skip japanese aircraft may drop their torpedoes at up to 6
point(+ or -) to hit. On the middla inch of a bounce it is inches of altitude without penalty. However, this attack
higher than the target. may only happen in open water, harbor attacks to not
allow enough depth for the drop.
BlThe aircraft are all solo flown, they may not fly in
C)Tfte aircraft enter the gam6 at cruise in stick 1 or 2, and
may:not,excged level m&x in a divg.
stanos and llesserschmitts
lr North American P-51 D Mustang

lr Dlmaximum drop sped for a torpdo is 5, minimum is 3

E)lf any of these paramotsr$ are oxcoeded during the

drop, the torp goes out of controf-roll percontage dice
fields of fire of fte anti-aircraft batteries can be.
read 00-99. A roll of 00-24 means that the weapon For fte purposes of the gams, we will temporarily
t porpoises striking tho launch aircraft and killing evsryone
aboard. A roll of 25-99 indicatss that the weapon breaks
ignorg blast eifect when dealing with ships. The fdlbwing
list of woapons and the points of damrige they produce
up and is lost forsvgr. a[e-approximate for that category. Where a player
wishes to use something not listed, please cho'se ihe
I- F)Finally, a weapon dropped closer than 50" to the target
struck fails to arm and does not go off, causing a denf in
nearsst equivalent weapon.

the boat, 75mm HE round=1 Pt (As on B-2bJ)

100 lb. GP = 2pts
t 10.17 The Drop
250 lb. GP = 5Fts
500 lb. GP = l5pts
10001b. AP = 30pts
AlOn the first turn after the drop, the torp is immediatefy 16001b. AP = 36pts
t in the water and fravels at I l?launch sped in inches.

BlOn turn two, and every following turn, ths weapon

Topedoes = 35pts

favels 6" per turn, 2" Wr impulse. Bombs dropped by dive bombers have no increase in
t ClThe woapon Uavels a maximum distance of 500 inches.
lf it has not struck somehing in that time, it sinks.
effect. AP rounds dropped from altitudes of 3000 rneters
and abve have an increase in effect of 50%

11.1 The System

I D)The torpedo afways travels in a straight line, the same
line fte aircraft was pointing when it dropped the weapon. A)All sfipq are listed with a speed rating in inches. They
move by impulse iust as aircraft do, and in the sarne
E)the flight path of the drop aircraft may bs altered due to fashion-only in inches per impulse.
I flak, on the torpedo run an aircraft taking 1l3sd its hits
from flak at once may change direction during the launch.
Roll 1 d6- a rotl of 1:2 medns that the airciaft changes
B)The ship always moves last, but before woapons strike.

direction by 1' to right just before launch, 3-4= I o left, 5- ClFlak frorn ships operate under normal flak rules
I 6=flo change.

RA hit is scored when the torpdo runs into something.

D)Turreted Ffak guns ars immune to aircraft gun firs.

ElEach ship has a damage number listed for it, Each time
I G)Effests are fisted in the Anti Shipping Rules

a ship takes this many hits, or accumulates that number,
or multiple of that number, I critical check is made.
I Section A: The Ship as Target
This is the simplest system for 'plugging in" ships that CRITICAL HIT TABLE FOR SHIP$
we could develop and still keep it, well, simple. Ths
t purpose olthis game is to fly the airplane, not ship to ship
combat. The following rules wore derived from several
faditional English approaches to Naval battles.
00-85=No Effect
86-89=$teering Damage: $hip maneuverability reduced
112. Two such hits means pgrmanent minimum
What will not be covered hers is the sort of detail (B- circle left or right.
I turret magazine is flooding with 3 casualties) that a full
blown (sorryl) ship game would have. Rather, wo are only
concerned with that effect which would be appearant to
90-94=$hip Dsad in Water and sinking but repairable-in

95-97 $hip dead in water and listing. Caniers may not

the attacking pilot. While, ifi this system, mahy hits will launch or rsceive. In campaign: ship nesds major

I rssult in "No Effect" that should be read as "no effect

visible to the attacking pilot.o
base repair out for 1 *20 months.
98-99=BOOM ship blows up and sinks.

With the thousands of ships available in WW 2, at would

I not F pr.actical to list the specifications of syery possible

s!'tip in this system. lt is rscommsnded that wheri aittacfing
thlPF, that a topview drawing of the ship in approximately
1 :780 $cale be preparedl This alliws an accurate Bristol Beaufighter Mk I

t iudgement of whein a hit takes place, and how limited the

stan s and llesserschmitts
Messerschmitt Bf 1 09F-4

Heavy Cruiser(Myoko): speed 4n, 13,000 tons,
Submarine(KD6A class-Japan 1939), 1 400 tons, speed 3, 15 degrees/turn , 22 hits, fuq=52x25mm
45 degrs€#turn, 2x13mm, 4 hits)
Escort Caniel(US Lolg lsland 1944, UK Ruler Class 431,
Submarineftype Vll-GenTtan-l941), 800 tons, speed 2, speed 2, 1 1 ,500 tons, l Sdegrees/turn, 12 hits,
4Sdegreeslturn, 1x20mfr, 2 hits 12x40mm, 12x20mm
Liberty $hip(U$): speed 2", 11 000 ton$, 10 degrees/turn,
5 hits, gung=?;20mm + 2x.50 Aircraft Carrier(Furious-U K-1 940): speed 3, 22,500 tons,
1 Sdegrees/tu rn, 32 hits, 32x40mm
Ocean transport(UK):speed 2, 7000 tons, 10 dsgrssdtum,
3 hiF, 2x20mm Aircraft Carrier(lllustrious UK-45): speed 3, 32000 tons,
10 degrees/turn, 48 hits, 3x40ffiffi, 52x20mm
Smalf Transport(All): spead 2,3000 tons, 15 degreeslturn,
2 hits, 2x20mm Aircraft Carrier(Yorktown Us):speed 4, 20,Q00 tons,
10 degree#turn ,29 hits, 16x30ffiffi, 23x20mm
Tanker(all): spood 2,8000 tons, 10 degrees/turn,
7 hits, 1x20mm Aircraft Carrier(Essox class-U$ 451: speed 4,27,000 tons,
10 degree# turn, 38 hits, 44x40mm
Larga Transport(UK 1940), speed 2, 14,000 tons,
10 degreos turn, 1x20mrn, 1x37mm, 6 hits Aircraft Carrier(Junyo-Japan) :speed g, 24,000 tons,
15 degreeslturn, 3zhits, 40x25mm AA
Mineswoepor(Admirable Class)[USI, speed 2,
60degress/turn, 650 tons, 2 hits, 4x20mm Aircraft Carrier(Akagi): speed 4", 36000 tons,
(Also used as sub chaser) 10 degrees/turn, 48 hits, AA=10x25mm
Destroyer Escort (Flower Class): speod 2r, 920 tons, Battleship(Prince of Walss,Ul( 1941 ): 35,000 tons,
45 degreesrturn, 3 hiF, fv{=lx40mm speed 3, 10 degreeslturn, 50 hits, 48x40ffiffi,

DE(Cannon C!ass)1441, 2, 1200 tons,
hits, 1*20ffiffi, l xhvin 40mm Battleship(Alabama, U$ 1942): 35,000 tons,
10 degrees/turn, 50 hits, 48x40mm
Destroyer(US flush deck, Ul( Town C!ass): spee d 4,
45 degrees/turn, 3 hits, 5x20mm Battleship(Kongo): speed 4", 32,000 tons, 1 Odegrees/turn,
46 hits, tu\=10x25mm
Destroyer (Fletcher Class): speed 5', 2000 tons,
45 degreeslturn, 5 hib, AA= 10x40ffiffi, 10x20mm Battleship(Yamato-Japan):speed 4, 64,000 tons,
10 degrees/turn, 80 hits, 87x25mm , 4xl 3mm. I
Destroyer(Fubuki), spee d 4,2100 tons, 45 degrees/turn,
5 hits, 14x25mm Battleship(Roma class)fitalianJ, speed 3, 22,A00 tons,
10 degrees/turn, 31 hits, 19x37mm
Destroyer(Kagero class-Japan): speed 4, 2000 tons, I
45 degree#turn, 5 hits, 4x25mm ,2x1 3mm Boats:

Light Qrui-ser(Java-Dutch 1941):speed 4, 6700 tons, PT(Elco class-US 421: speed 5, 38 tons-lhiW0 gun hits,
8x40mm. 10 hits 2x20mm 2x.50

Light Cruiser(Sydney-Australia-1 939, Loander class UK) : PT(Higgens-US 42): sp€eds, 35 tins, 1x40mm,zye0ffiffi,
speed 4, 6800 tons, 12x.50, I t hits t
2x.50, hit, 65gun hits,
Light Cruiser(Brooklin): speed 4', 9700 ton$, S-Boat(German 39- 411, spee d 4,78 tons,
30 degrees/turn, I 5 hits, ArA=28x40m m, 24x20mm 2 hitgl 49 gun hits, 1x 20mm, l xquad 20mm
Light Cruiser(Bartolomeo Colleoni-ltaly), speed 4, Armored S-Boat(German 41-45), speed 5, 2 hits,
5100 tons, S0degrss#hrrn, 13 hits, 175 gun hits, 2 x 20, l xquad 20, 1x37

Heavy plgiser(Northampton Class-U$ 41) speed 4,

9000 tons, 15 degree9tum, 15 hits,27x20mm

Heavy Cruiser(Zara-ltaly), spesd 4, 10000 tons,

20 degrees/turn ; 17 hits, 8x37mm, Bx1 3mm Locheed Hudson Mk ll

rc '{\ Must anqs and l{esserschmltts
Messerschmitt Bf 1 09F-4

Ships I

Submarine(KD6A class-Japan 1939), 1 400 tons, speed 3,

Heavy Cruiser(Myoko): speed 4', 13,000 tons,
15 degrees/turn, 22 hits, AA=52x25mm I
45 degreeslturn, 2x13mm, 4 hits)
Escort Canie(US Lglg lsland 1944, UK Ruter Class 4gr,
Submarineffypo Vll-Gerrnan-l941), 800 tons, speed 2, speed 2, 1 1 ,500 tons, l Sdegrse#turn, 12 hits,
4Sdegraeslturn, 1 x20m fr , 2 hits 12x40mm, 12ve0mm
Liberty Ship(US): speed 2n, 1 1000 tons, 10 degrses/turn,
5 hits, gung=Zx20mm + 2x.50 Aircraft Carrier(Furious-UK-1940): speed 3, 22,500 tons,
1 Sdegrees/tu rn, 32 hits, 32x40mm
Ocean fansprt(UK):speed 2, 7000 tons, 10 degreedturn,
3hit$, 2x20mm Aircraft Carrier(lllustrious UK-45): spsed 3, 32000 tons,

$mall Transport(All): speed 2, 3000 tons, 15 degreoslturn,

10 degrees/turn, 48 hits, 3x40ffiffi, 52x20mm
2 hits,2x20mm Aircraft Carrier(Yorktown US):speed 4, 20,000 tons,
10 degree#turn, 29 hits, l6x30mm ,23x20mm
Tanker(all): spCId 2,8000 tons, 10 degrees/turn,
7 hits, 1x20mm Aircraft Carrier(Essox class-U$ 45): speed 4, 27,0AA tons,
10 degrees/ turn, 38 hits, 44x40mm
Large Transprt(UK 1940), spsed 2, 14,000 tons,
10 degrses turn, 1x20mffi, 1x37mm, 6 hits Aircraft Carrier(Junyo-Japan) :speed 3, 24,A00 tons,
15 degrees/turn, 3zhits, 40x25mm AA
Mineswssp€r(Admirable Class)[USI, speed 2,
6Odegrees/furn, 650 tons, 2 hiF, 4x20mm Aircraft Carrier(Akagi): spesd 4", 36000 tons,
(Also used as sub chaser) 10 degrees/turn, 48 hits, A/A=10x25mm
Destroyer Escort (Flower C!ass): speed 2F, 920 tons, Battleship(Prince of Wales,UK 1941): 35,000 tons,
45 degreesfturn, 3 hiF, AA=1x40mm speed 3, 10 degrees/turn, 50 hiF , 48x40mm,
DE(Cannon Glass)1441,-4sped 2, 1200 tons,
4Sdsgrees/tuffi, hits, 12x€;0ffiffi, l xhvin 40mm Battleship{Alabama, US 1942): 35,000 tons,
10 degrees/turn, 50 hits, 48x40mm
Destroyer(US flush deck, Ul( Town Class): spee d 4,
45 degree#furn, 3 hits, 5x20mm Battleship(Kongo): speed 4", 3{000 tons, I Odegrees/turn,
46 hits, fu{=J 0x25mm
Destroyer {Fletcher C!ass}: speed 5', 2000 tons,
45 degreeslturn, 5 hi$, AA= 10x40ffiffi, 10x20mm
Destroyer(Fubuki), speed 4, 21 00 tons, 45 degreeslturn,
4, 64,000 tons,
degree#turn, 80 hits, 87x25mm, 4x13mm. t
5 hits, 14x25mm Battleship(Roma class)fltalianJ, speed 3, 22,000 tons,

Destroyer(Kagero class-Japan): speed 4, 2000 tons,

45 degreeslturn, 5 hits, 4x25mm , *13mm
10 degrees/turn, 31hits, 19x37mm
Light Crulser(Java-Dutch 1941):speed 4, 6700 tons,
8x40mm. 10 hits
PT(Elco class-U$ 42|: speed 5, 38 tons-l hitl7O gun hits,
2x20mm 2x.50 I
Light Cruiser(Sydney-Australia-1 939, Leander class UK): PT(Higgsns-US 42): speeds, 35 tins, 1x4Offiffi, 2x20mm,
speed 4, 6800 tons, 12x.50, I t hits t
2x.50, hit, 65gun hits,
Light Cruiser(Brooklin): spoed 4n, 9700 tons, S-Boat(German 39-41), speed 4,78 tons,
30 dagreeslturn, 1 5 hits, AA=28x40m m, 24x20mm 2 hits/l 49 gun hits, 1x 20mffi, l xquad 20mm
Light Cruiser(Bartolomeo Colleoni-ltaly), speed 4, Armored $-Boat(German 41-45), speed 5, 2 hits,
5100 tons, S0degreos/turn, 13 hits, 175 gun hits, 2 x 2A, l xquad 20, 1x37

Heavy Cruiser(Northampton Class-US 41) speed 4,

9000 tons, 15 degrees/tum, 15 hiF ,27x20mm

Heavy Cruiser(hra-ltaly), speed 4, 10000 tons,

2A degrees/turn; 17 hits, 8x37mm, 8x1 3mm Locheed Hudson Mk ll

stancrs and l{esserschmttts

North American P-51D Mustang

XI treat all gun valuss normally. Beyond l Sincho$,
penetration values arg halved.
11.2 Critical Hit Chart:Vehicles
Again, if you want to play a trank game, go play a tank
game. This section deals only with interfacing armor as a 00-50= No effect
victim of ground afiack. Those of you familiar with armor 51-60=Maior cosmetic damage, armor rating that side is
games will notice that the penetration values are haMeb.
sOmewhat different than soen in some armor games. The 61-70= Tread or wheels destroyed, vehicle is immobilizsd.
following numbers wors produced by post war studies at 71-80 Major gsar damage, vohicle stops and is out of
Aberdeen. Ths prssum6d shooting range is under 300 action.
meters, rather than the usual armor assumption of a 500 81-90= Vehicle is hit, on fire, out of action.
meter shot. 91-g4=Grow is killed and/or abandons their destroyed
1 l .zProedure-Anti Tank guns 95-99=Boom, vehicle blows uptreat as 1001b bomb blast.

A)The aircratt must make a normal gun run for straffing.

That is, the aircraft rnust fly towards the target just as if it 1 1.3 Gun system Listing
lvere another aircraft. The center fine of the aircraft
shooting must cross the target. ,Below are listed the gun systems in uss by the various
powers. Check information for your aircraft for details.
Blwhere the aircraft is making its straffing run under 3
inchos, lt does not need to be in a formal nose down Gennany
attitude for any shot more than f in front(or so I am told
by an ex-Skyraider driver). MG 15 (7.92mm) 6mm penetration
MG131 (13mm) 1Omm p€netration
I C)The tank, truck or whatevsr always moves first on an
MG/FF(2Omm) 13mm penetration
MG151(15mm) 1 Zmm penetration
MG1 51 (20mmi 17mm penetration
D)The target may changs direction by up to 45 MKl 01(30mm) 40mm penefration
I degrees/impulse. That change in direction is at the first of
he movo.
24mm psnetration
32mm penetration

I E)The target should be moved by an snsmy player

F)When the shot is made, ths target should be assessed

United Kingdom

for which part of the vehicle was hit-e.9. front, side or .303 calibre
5mm psnetration
raar. And the armor rating for that vehicle noted. .50 calibre 10mm penetration
I Hispano 20mm 13mm penetration
Glunless the guns being fired have that armor rating or Vickers 40mm 30mm penetration
hi'gher, ilo pohetration-is possible, therefore no real
I damage may be done.
HlException: €xposed gun clsws,.such as a tank
United Statss

commander oporating a flexible exposed AA .30calibre 6mm penetration

of calibre 1Omm penetration
I machinegun, or the crew the usual oPen sided mobile
AA mouilt riay be killed-sven where the vehicle is not
damaged. Trsat such an gxposed weapon as if it were a
Hispano 20mm 13mm penetration
Olds 37mm 30mm penatration
flak unit as indicated in the Flak rulss.

t llThe aircraft shoots on' its normal gun table. For each 10
hib scored, ons crit is thrown for the target vehicle on the

target vehicle critical hit chart. These hits and crits may 7.62mm 5mm pgnetration
12.7mm 1Omm penetration
I only be applied to one vehicle at a time.

JlBomb effect will be mvered under the bomb $ostion.

13mm penetration
30mm psnetration
45mm 42mm penetration(Yak 9T only)
KlEven whsre the gun can easily penetrate the vehicle,
I unless an effective"crit from the chart below is producad,
assume that nothing important was hit.

7.7mm 5mm penetration

Breda 12.7mm 1Omm penetration
t LlAircraft shooting at targets closer than 15 inches away

l,Iust anqs and llesserschrnitts

Messerschmitt Bf 1 09F-4

Moving Mud
MG151 120 20mm 17mm penetration
Panze r lYeltlglh/i: F=50, $=30, R=20, rd=3o, cc=2" I
Japan Panther D/G: F=60, S=40, R=20, rd=3", cc=Z"

7.7mm 5mm penetration Tiger E: F=100, 5=60, R=60, rd=3",cc=1 ' I

12.7mm 1Omm penefation
Z0mm(early) 13mm penetration-used until 7l4g lhly
Z0mm(Late) 1 Smm p€netration
Garro Armato L6140: F=30mm, g=1Emm, R=6mm, rd=3u,
I 1.4 Targets
Carro Armato M1gl40: F=40mm, $=25mrn, R=9mm, rd=3n,
The t?rc-qlg bglow ars not a comptete tist of every n
vehicle of WW2. As with alf this sort of thing, listing the I
hundreds of possible targets would be a book in i-tself. The Aircraft as ground tiarget.
What we have done is lisled the common vehicle of the lronically, fgst gpund attack in the initiaf phases of an
type. assault used aircraft to suppress other airciaft. For the
The targets ars listed in the foflowing manner: g?rJlor gling.aircraft a.s the.thrget is easy, tay out a typicat I
NAME, F=frontal arrnor rating, $=Side Armor, R=Flear airfield for the locale anq period. Ldy out top'view
Armori rd=Hoad speed, cc=cross country speed. counters of aircraft and straff6 them. Use tne norrhal hits
and crit charts. Pilots will cfaim everything they shoot at,
TRUCKS, F=4mm, S=3mlt1, R=2mm, rd=4n, cc=l n lowsver,. for the purposes of countiilg ari aircrafl
destroysd, unless it burns or has structural failure it
LlvEsf Holes get p?.tclod, sngines replacod, and, of
UNARMORED HALF TRACK$: F=4mm, $=3mm, R=Zmm, course, fio crgw are killed.
rd=4n, cc=Z" I
Buildings and Bridge$ as target.
S=7, R=7, rd=4", CC=2u fashion. Supply detiails.
nart-slructure! rnAt bs-;iiacked in att of the
France xil
Char Bl : F140mm, $=25mm, R=10mm , rd=Z", CC=l o ROLE PI-.AYING THE PILOTS
souma 35-s: F=40mm, s=3Omrn, R=20mm, rdf=4u, cc=2"
Depending on the airforce, between 6bo/" and B0% of
United Kinodom air to air claims are made by S% of the fighter pifots.
Experience with this gams has produced sbme dimilar
Gruiser Mk lll: F=l4mm, S=$m11r, R=Bmm, rd=$z, cc=3o numbers. Roughfy t in 20 of the people who take up this
gafe yi|j score often. enough tg^.piodrice 'qge" pilots. ffre
Crusader lll: F=51, S=30, R=7, rd=3", cc=2' bulk of the peo.plg whg play this game witt mbsily try to
survive each mission. With the right aircraft, some'of ifris
Cromwell lV: F=76, S=35, R=l0, rd=4n, cc=2n gro.upyll.pjoquce a low scoring Fco or two who might
make 5-8 kills in a whole career.- And some players dill,
no matter what, do things wrong and get shot down about
Russia every time they play, One player in Denver tried to form
a "Dead Pilot's Club" with hlm as president claiming that
T-94n6: F=45, S=45, R=l6, rd=4", cc=3n his record of 130 dead pilots in g0 games was a rebord!
Part of the reason for the Attack and hole Playinq rules is
lff-l : F=l06, 5=60, R=30, rd=3", cc=lo
!g provide good gaming for those pilots who bo not have
the constant poqitive feedback of getting a lot of kills (The
United States other reason is that soms of us fincl it a lot of fun).
As one final comment on this subject, some pilots
M3'stuart": F=51rnm, s=25rnm, R=lOmm, rd=bn, cc=3n becoms great, but only aftsr a great deal of time in the
cockpit. Tha! is, they may fly this game for years, before
Mg .Grantn: F=37m[], s=zzmm, Fl=lZmm, rd=3, cc=1o something "clicks" aid thriy dtart ru-nning up kills.
M4A-1 "$hgrman": F=7b, S=50, Fl=l2, rd=3u, cc=An - lf, as ons ex WWZ pilot claimed, this game has all the
factors of air to air co.mbat-without the Eying, then this
latter sort of hot shot is in good Company. The highest
Gsrmany scoring pilot of all time- the Luftwaffs's Erich Hartmann
scored 352 kills in World War Two; but he spent his first
Panzer lll eftlg: F=39, S=20, R=l2, rd=3", cc=Pn year and a half in combat getting only a single kill!
stancrs and l{esserschmttts
lr North American P-51D Mustang

Ir . In any caqe, it has ben a mmmon Sait for playors of ryith psrcentage dice to actually get that new airplane.
t Stls gaqs to keep carsful track of the prformiincb of freir
pilots. The piloF usually end up with nicknamss or formal
made up names. And soms of them seem to take on a
12.8 Experience Points
character of their own. The rules below aro structured to Pilots gain oxporlence pgjnts by either performing a
t produce as believable caresrs as pssible.

12.1 Pilots por airsaft typo.

special mission such as a Photo Rocon, or destroylng
gns1ny machines. There is a difference between pdinti
for Recoil, Attrck and Air to Air kills.

t Players may have mors than one pilot in the same type
of aircraft, However, before the start of any game, ihe
player must declare which pilot is flying that mis-sion. lt is
A)Air !.g.Air Kills have the following effect on
the pilot's
strongly recommended that for any one type and period,
t that the pl?yer f ly olly I pilot. lt ib', dare I s?y,
gnsprtsmanlike to only fly your favorite pilot for missioris
he might like, it is also unhistorical.
5 Kill Aces are agtomatically +1 to all shooting rolls,
+10% to all sighting rotls.
10 Kill Aces ars +2 to shootifig, +2A% to sighting
20 Kills= *3 shootifig, +30% sighting.
t 12.2 Period of Missions

It is not possible to produce all the missions of a

40 Killg = +4 shooting , +4A"/o to sighrting.
80 Kills = *5 shooting, +4A/o sighting
120 Kills = *6 shootiog, +40% slghting.
in sequsncs. Thsrofore, once a pilot flies a given airiraft, No furmer benefits accrue beyond 120 kills
I he m.ay fly his missions on arly.datg.compatible
service period of the aircraft he flies.
.He with the
may not fly
missions earlisr than the introduction of his airiraft. He
BlAttack missions have different criterion. An attack on a
major land- t"rget quch as an airf ield or truck convoy
mqy not {ly mfssions later tran period wifrout upgrading to ,produce effects similar to above. Each aircraft destroyeil
t a later aircraft.

I 2.3 Upgrading aircratt

on the ground is worth 1 12 an air to air kill. Each vehicle
destroyed on the ground is worth 1/1 Oth of a kill. Each
maior facility-buildings and such-destroyed are worth 1/sth
kill. These uaces' do receive the bonuses listed in 'A"
I Once a pilot upgrades to a newer aircraft, hs may not
fly a mission earlier than fre intro date of the now airbraft.
Neither may he 'demote" himself to an aircraft with an
above for sighting, and for shooting at ground targets.
They do not receive bonuses for shootlng at air fo air
earlier introduction date so that he can fly that earlier
period. C)Anti Shipping Missions produco similar values. An anti
il shippilg attack in which a transport, Destroyer or larger is
12.4 Mission defination qqqgk by {te aircraft's bornbs or torpedoes is equivalent to
2 kills as listed in oA' abovs. However, thesb bonusss
I A mission is defined as a game where any flight of
either side gets close snough to alspot, then 6)shoot at
each other. ft does not moan frat a given pilot must get a
gnly count for sighting, do not count for any accuracy
shot or kill, only that members of both sideb spotted Sach D)During Attack or Anti Shipping missions in which an
I other and could then fry to shoot. aircraft makes gun runs on the Bnemy to knock out Flak
units, each flak unit is worth its hit points. 100 Hit points
is treated a 1 Kilf for attack purposeb in nB" above.
12.5 Solo missions

t All missions must be flown with an active witnessing

Snomy player to confirm the kills. No nsolon missions.
12.9 Documentation

It is not accsptable to just waltz into a game and claim

12.6 $tarting now pilob that your pilot has 600 Kills. Each piLot who claims
il Al! pilots entsr as novices. Such novices always fly the
experience points must have a detaifed log. This log
needs to list all the details of each mission flown, and the
standard variant of an aircraft whers several varianti; are nam€s of verifying pilots. There will be no unwitnessed
I listed. No novice may svsr fly a hotter variant.
12,7 Hotter Variants


I Where ssvsraf models of the same aircraft ars listed

(i,g, .P-q1 B( "3) and P-51 B(-7)), the less common variant
will be listed as something like "Variant B0%". The "g}o/o"
October 15, 1977: Malta January 1943
Mission flown against F-1 05 crew from Hill AFB. 3 Spit
indicates that whenever a pilot meets the criterion for a LF Vc's roturning from intruder mission in ltaly. Heading
rare model, this is the number he must match or €xceed for Malta. Start: 15 inches/stick one, direction one, cruise

stancrs and l{esserschmitts

Messerschmitt Bf 1 09F-4

Pilot Stuff
speed. Bounced by 3x Fw 190A-4 at 60. stick 3, 2xMC 42, his next in North Africa in 41 and his nsxt back in the
205, 1xMC202, l xFiat G.55, 1xRe2001 at 60"/stick4. Battle of Britiain. So, his proposal is to have pilots fly in a
$pits get bounced, but the fascists overshoot, swirling given subsection of each gsnorator, moving on tb the
dogfight results. Spit Leader (Dick Blaimires-29 kills) gets nex.! pgrio$, .or thejltre gnly. when they use up their
one Fw, but is downed by Fw Leader (D.Larsen-23 kills). available missions. Eithsr is allowed.
Novice_ $pit gsts 1 Macchi and escapes. Hot Shot (My
pilot) Gets 3 kills(Novice Fw, Larssn's Ace, and JMC's 12.11 Bailing out
Mission: 5, Kilts: 11 -12-13 Various critical hits will make it hardsr for the pilot to
Avsrage kills per mission 2.6 get out gf a downed plane. Under normal circumstancss,
the survival rate for a jump is 1 0A"/a. Similarly, an aircrafi
This particular mission is a good example of several with a dead engine, but still in control is-shot down.
interesting things. For ons thing, ths two big aces in the Howevsr, the chances of the pilot gliding down to a safe
fight were shot down and retired" They did not Die.
However, Sts Luftwaffe aco vyas rsscued by British Air Sea
dead stick landing is normally con5iderel lOAo/o. On ths
crit sheet the following affect the ability of the pilot to
Rescue, while the English Ace was captured by the ltalians suryivg.
and shot while escaping (A likely story[.

Let us exarnine the carsor of the Focke Wulf ace in

A)$tructural failure reducss the chances of bailing out by
34"/a, crash landing by lA0Yo
more dstail. Doug Larsen started flying a Messerschmitt
Bf l09E during a series of Battla of Britain period games BlAirfram_s fire reduces the chances of jumping by 30%,
in 1975 and 76. During this period he racked up 7 kills.
Then, in ldid 76 his group started playing a Campaign
crashlanding by 10A% I
game using a modif ied version of Avalon H ill's C)Pilot wounded reduces the chances of jumping by 25o/o,
LUFTWAFFE, Instead of resofving the dog fighting with crash landing by 15%
die rolls, this group flew lhe fights. Doug wanfed to
upgqade his 7 Kill Messerschmitt pilot to an aircraft he DlAircraft out of control reduces the chances of bailing out
Really liked.. So, trjg pitot jumped into Fw 190A-3s. After by 2A%, crashlanding by 100%
many adventures (Having aircraft shot out from undsr him
and a mid air collision), he was shot down and captured
in the above mission and sent ta Canada" Note,
12.12 Capturing a Pilot I
howevor, that once in the Fw 190 A-3, he lost all those AlPilots who come down in enemy territory have a small
missions he skipped between his last Messerschmitt chance of escaping right away. Holl Percentage
mission in August 1940, and the introduction of his A-3 in
June 1942. Perhaps he was an instructor at flight school.
dice a roll of 95-99=oscElpe back home. lf ths roll
for the above is 00-09, then the pilot was killed I
during the capturs.
12.10 Unconfirmed Kills
B)lf captured., th€ pilot may make one check to escspo,
For the purposes of the abovo points systems, there roll again, 00-14=shot while escaping; 1 5-94 means ;
ars no unconfirmed or shared kills. the shooting that recaptured, 95-99=osciped to the underground.
produces the first fatal critical hit is the ons that counts. lt
does not rnatter if the plane would have been seon to
crash or wlqtgver, all that counts is that the players
know. lt wi[! happen that people may outscoro any
C)lf a pilot escapes immediately when shot down as in na"
above, then roll 1d4 for the number of missions the
pilot loses.
known real pilot in this garns-ths novices aro rarely so
inelperienced or brave in reality as they are in the game;
further, not every kill in our gamg would be a .confiimsd"
D)lf hepilot escapes after capfi.rre then roll 1d1 Ztar
number of lost missions. oco and ndn cover time spent t
kill in the real worfd. Ons player's rocently retired 4l kill in automatic vacatiofi, debriefing and time with the
mustang oxamined his record and realized that only 24 ot underground.
the kills would have probably been confirmed under
normal procedurgs. Don't get e.rarly witr this. EIA wounded pilot is always captured when downsd, but t
may fy to escape later
The Steve Bradfield Method.
F)lt was US policy that a pilot who was shot down over
$teve was concerned with the loosensss of the abovs Europe and escaoed throush the offices of the ;
qysJem., Further, he was offended that psopte flew all Undeirground, would not bd allowed to fly again over
their allotted mission$, pointing-AND,out that many pilots just Europe. The fear was that, if captured again, the
did not see that many ch.ancos. he dislikbd havirig a pilot might be able to reveal things about the internal
pilot in an aircraft usbd for a consideiable amount of tihe operations of the system. Thus, escaping U.S. ;
ll.q.plgcq, tly such anachronisms, An sxample is a Pilots in Europe may not fly again until After VE day,
BI1_09 E" pilot _flying his E4 in one mission during thb Batile against the Japanese, OR in Koroa. They aro not
of Britain in August 1940, his next mission in Russia in allowed another European mission. Yfl, ya I know


stancs and ltesserschrnttts

lr North American P*51D Mustang

More Pilot Stuff

It about Chuck Yeager. I have all his books. lf you write It is ditficuft to play historical scenarios in this game.
t Chuck and get his permission to pretend to be him over
Europo, AND if you get shot down right away and
For ons thing, fights are often documented by andbnout
piloq who will oxcesd the talents of the player6. we once
sscape, you can try to fly You have to charm the tried to re-create the deat of voss in Wwl. The club

i commancler.

12.13 Aircraft type limiF

Leader who arranged the $cenario was NOT Mc0uddon.
The ggy nominated to be Voss was not THAT good.
some groups have a dominant player who will try to
manipulate the situation to odd ends. And, the whileine
qubject is huge, thsre are literally tens of thousands of
In qny game, the piloF must all be flying contemporary dogfights that could be replayed, it takes hours to leaf
il aircraft, that is, the dates of service of all participants through endless sconarios to find THE FIGHT that fits the
must overlap. aircraft the players have and the talents and numbers of
the players involved.
I 12.14 $hot Down ovgr Neutral territory.

Pilots shot down over the hostile environment of the

And sometimes you just want to fly.
Sometimos, you do not want to fly a given historical
pilot, ygu want to fly YOUR guy. And the n-ew airplans you
seas or the desert (not ovor friendly units) take a chance just built.
t of bOing picked up by either side, or dying of exposure.
Roff for this when applicable: O0,-Z4=ffie?ns death from tre
elements or being shot during capture, 25-54 msans
So, we present the Scenario Gensrators. The following
section ii a system designed to produce Historicall!
capture by the ensmy, 55-99 means a safe return home. Sppropriate and accurate sconarios typical of what was
t Wounded pilots subUact 25 from their roll.
12.15 MfSStON LlMtrS
happening in each locale and period.

Suggestions for new groups.

I Each nationafity of pilot opsrated under different

constraints. Typicafly, thb Luftwatfe pilot was only out of
action.when wounded. On fte other hand, the British and
_ 1)New groups with limited collections(us old flyers who
$Vq, typically, 3q0 to 500 built aircraft), shoulci start by
picking somo fimited arsa. Good choices should havb
Americans carofully f imited the number of combat gnly a few airplanes making it easy for the players to each
I missions a pilot could fly. Now, in the large fights of
gome periods, it was entirely possible to havs a major
fight in which whole units never saw an enemy aircraft.
build one model of sach Vpe they need. 1944 European
8th Air Force Bomber ofiensive-is a good
Early Battle of Britain is a good choice.
One gth AF Mustang ace flew nearly 100 missions but
I only encountered enemy aircraft on 12 of theml
In this game, therefore, each gamo is assumed to
reprssent some 6 or 7 missions, the bulk being covered
2)Roll for Generator.
lf you only have M&M roll 1d8 and go to the
gensrator of that number. lf you have the cornplete set:
with dry runs. roll 1d30. 1= period 1 , 2= period 2 and so on.
I AlLuftwaffe pilots are fimited to 2 missions per month of
3)Go to that section and roll as indicated for $ub Period.

availability. 4)Roll up the scenario, it might atfect the pilot rnix.

I B)ltalian pitots are limited to a totaf of 25 missions. 5)The pilots roll up in pairs for sides:

GlRussian and Japanese pilots are limited to a total of 50 a.Each player throws a 10 sided dice, matchas fly
I missions

D)$mall country pilots-such as Dutch, Gzech etc. ar€

together in pairs.
b.each team goss to the generator and rolls for side
as indicated.
lirnited to 3 totaf missions for their home country and c.follow the directions.
a 25% chance (roll 75-99) of then flying for the
I British or Russianb under their rules {roll: 00-29 start
flying in Britain no soonsr than $eptembsr 1 , 1940,
d.gamers who hava pilots legal for the aircraft and
period they have rolled up may use those players. They
MUST show the pilot sheet to verify the careers and
30-99 go to Russia start flying no sooner than 1143. legality.

I E)French Pilots ars limited to 6 Missions for France, 1

mission for Vichy(if they choose to stay in FRANCE)
This will producs very unfair scenarios, but over the y€ars,
it has made for a lot of memorable gamos. And, despite all
and 5 missions late war for the Allies, lf the French the die rolling, has proved to ALWAYS be faster than trying

I pilot elects to escape to the Allies, he may, howevsr

the then fly undei British or Russian rules-the
missions flown in France counting towards his
to agrge on a scgnario.

British or Russian limits.

I Terms used in the Generators;

st ancrs and flesserschmltts I
Messerschmitt Bf 1 0gF-4
More Pilot Stuff I
1)Close Escort
Close escort means that ths sscorting fighter must
their lodd, and exit at best speed. Escorting fighters
whose cruise is too fast for the bombers are allowed to
weave back and forth to maintain position or reducs their
always start within 60 TOTAI inches of the bomber speed. Weaving escort is -20 to spotting.
formiition. The close escort fighter may not stray further
fran 15 total Feet from that formation without immediately
returning to the bombsrs. OK, penalty, in the real world, Entering and Flo-Entaring the fight:
pilots that abandoned the f orm ation wsrs cou rt
inarshalted. Simole. This rule has been violated so often
frat w6 almost did not bother including it in the rulesl But
the scenario becomes silly where tho fighters just bound
Having aircraft enter well below or above a fight is a
wasts of tims. Floll in relation to the fight as described
previous ssction. lf ths fight is a pure fighterltighter
in a I
off after kille abandoning the bombers to their fats. dogfight, use the avsrage altitude of all the snemy fighters
as the ucenter of the fight". Whsrs the fight involvss
Reward; successful closs escort is defined as staying with
fie formation during the terms of the game and not losing
a bombstr. The pilots not Iosing bombers during their
bombers, fie bombers ars always the "csntor of the fight'. I
watch get 100 ep as outlined above; just as if they got a

EXCEPTION$: Aircraft who have used up llfiths of their

ammunition, OR have taken Half or more dt their hits; OR
have taken an effective critical hit aro allowed to run for
their lives without penalty. Howevsr, ths 100 ep still only
accrue$ by lot losing a bomber during ths Whole mission,
not just until that escort had to RUN.

' Supprt:
A close ddpprt mission means attiacking something that
is on ths groufid, parked aircraft, trucks on a road or in
park, tanks, trenches and so on. The defending pilots lay
but ths, target as described. The target is allowed I d20
flak units. Count and number the listed Light Ffak in the
flak rulss for that country. Roll randomly for each allowed
gun. Each target is allowed half again more{rounded
down) dummy counters. All guns and dummy counters
start face down, but may be placed by the defenders to
protect the target. Points are accrusd by he attackers by
killing things on ths ground. Defenders only score by
killing attackers. Escort get points only by killing
defendsrs but are allowed to stratfe, kilf, and collect points
from flak guns whicfr are considered defenders.

3)Fighter Sweop:
' fhis missibn was an attempt to create local air I
superiority. The afiacking aircraft were supposed to fly
through an area and kilt or drive off aircraft, Defenders or
attacksrs only scoro by shooting down the ensmy. I
4)Bomber Escort Missions:
Bombers always enter at cruise and will try to complete
the mission. Level bombers must fly at cruise and fly
without any change in altitude. They may not turn tighter
than Schedule A. The escort flies at their cruise speed
unless the cruise of the bornbers is higher, the escort then
flies at the speed of the bomber. lf thero are different
aircraft on escort, the escort ffiss at the slowest cruise
speed of the available craft. Light and Medium Level
bombers which have dropped their load and turned for
homo, may enter a shallow' dive and accelsrate to level
maximum-to escape ths area. They will not descend
below $tick 3, and aftar levelling off will dial back to cruise
evon if persued(fuel being the problam). Attack aircraft
not in formation will accelerate to lavel max after dropping t
PZL P,1 1c North American P-51 D Musta
Period 1:
The Battle
Banle For tsurope
$eptember 1S9 to l{ovsmber 19lO
li For $ubferiod: attle for Poland-September 1939:
00r09+oland -Septem b€ r I 939 Pilob in tris period shoud not exce od 2 missions for the Germans, 4 missions for
l&29-.hvasion Wst#ranoo gnd tha Lor Cou the Poles.
October 1939 to June 1940
S'5&8dle ol Brltdnfrelimlnary Phse Fantasv Option: Germany had the luxury of picking off the Eastern Europeans one at a time
June ard July 1940 and un3up'portad. Listed ivith tha Polish-Airciaft arb Czech and Yugoslavian aircraft. As an
55€9.Ade of Brltaln{laln Phase option, allow thsse aircraft as a E$asy.substitute when rolled to provide aircraft variety,
August to November 1940 hd to reprosont $re brief combat that did happen.

llission llix-Poland: Germans sntsr from Westdirections 5 - 6, Poles from 2 - 3 - 4

,c|erman cbg€
6{g-German mcorbd do6e
cloee €8corFd doee gumon mEslon. Eadr
suppOrt mlsslon. q€rman r9tl5;
Eacn German rolls:00-59-Attrack
uu-ov-^sac|1 aUErgrE 0v-_irr-E5!rrrr. Audhsr6[
drcraft,6*_9tEscott. rvil 'ld2
Attackcraft.roll rvr {ruruurllDwrr
rs6 lor inltiaffon€scod
musi'5|*tttrin 60-bt{hc,ttd ot[bmLers-fsrget may b9 pp qthe foltqwingi l.--Troop and.2-Jruck convoys;3-Artillery poeltion;{-Cg491nA
ioetis-tiimiiia. deitBrsfet i trom itnes, + from honie field, +2(40mln) In tuel. f he ebsnarlo ls flown as a bontinous xbnarlo wlth shot down
ibf re-enteri
fbllots m-enbrlm Pllot Mk-0tr79-Pollsh.
then : P[ot
ng Sren M ixdtr79-Polish, 8trgg-Axis.
gpgtg-p46h unescorbd cloee suppoil mlsslon-all Polish pllob fly dive bombers. Rlsnbring Pllots: 00€9-Polish; 40-99-Axls. Re+nterlng Polish pilob
may be In f[hbrs. Mission ls as above In all oher details.

ao€a.€ermal c{os€ esoortad bomber rald. Targeb may be: 1-Troop concenuations; 2-Cily centsr; 3-Rail centers eb. Over target" 2lrom llnos, 5 trom
home tleld, +2 tuel. All r€€nbrlng alrcraft are Pollsh.

EE4O-German fighbr eweep,2 from lines,4 frrom home, +2 tuel, re€ntering pllot Mk 0G79-German,80-99-Polish.
All taroeb roll for fiak

teo Arrcra
Atrk Fighters:
Aircrdt: 00:29_p.T or Avia 594
pZLgT 30€9-PZL11C or lK2
g0-gg-p.24, or fKg
or Avia 3ry135
or Hunicans I

This Hunicane is the earlY

Mk 1 with the fuxed Pitch
East European pilots who uss up wooden propellor
their missions mav aither RETIRE
or may try, ONCHONLY, to
continue flying combat:

00- 1 9-Captu red/reti rad
20€9-suircesqfully flee to Russia
&99-Flee to France
In both casos, the pilot loses 3{do
months before flying combat again
44 German Aircraft srman Fighters Fantasy Roll

00-69'Messsrschmitt Bf 1 1 0C The Heinkel He 112 was

Glose $upport (Note this aircraft available but not actually-stoppeiJ
0S39-HS 123 +4 fuel) shipment to Japan was for the
79du 878 'Stuka' 70-79-Messerschm itt Bf 1 09C invasion), substitute the He i 12 for the
99-Dornier Do l7P or Z 80€9-Bf 109 E-l Bf 109E-1 in this period.
s-99-Bf 109 E-3
Formdion Bombers
Do lTZ,He 111H

Henschel Dornier Junkers Messerschmit M esserschm itt M essersch m itt Messerschmitt Heinke
Type: HS 123A Do 17 Ju878 Bf fiOO Bf 109C-2 Bf 109E-1 Bf 109E-3 Ha 1 12Bi
P -Z Sfrrka Zerst6rer 'Casar' "Emil' "Emil"
Minimum: 2 3 24 3 4 43
Cruise: 5 6 59 6 I 86
Max.l -2: 6 67 69 I I 98
77 7 I 10 I
6 77 I
?3 10
Terminal: 10 11 13 1W14 14 15 16 16 14
Roll Rate: 2 3 3 4 a4 u4 u43
Rata: HE
Tum 915 FtI2 915 Ft12 915 E/15 Ft12
r66ifiii ,:E:illr :'i:,:i'::iriii;;:i:,ll:r",.'*,ii:i5';.',.
;ii,l rr;,iiifir:,i1.',*iii,r,,i,ii:i'5iiiii
Cfimbt-2: 4 2 2 2 S 4 4 54
3{: 3 22 2 3 4 4 4 3
5€:2 12 1934 4 3
7€:-2-3 3
Dive Am.: 2(6) 2(6) 2(6) 2(6) 2(81 2(e) 2(e) 2(7)
Guns: 2 1flex/ld Nlw ffixedlld 8*lr 4 4 8(2) 8(21
Ammo: 30 30af l 30130 30t40 30 30 10(30) 10(30)
Hits: 26 a8(+1) 28 34 28 30 30 24
CrilTable: D A c B c c c c
Sight Table: D E E E B B B c
lnitation: 1d4 1d3 1d2 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d7 1d6
Ceiling: 6n0 6170 v70 8120 6n0 7n0 7na 5t40

Roll Agdn: Pilot mission limits: For rol*.playing purposes, German'

OO{I0-Sitd$e0s-October 1939 to Aoril 1940 pilob shoufd_be fimitsd to 10 missions for this entire
1 Gl 9{.or @[ntriqg-May 1940 subperiod(October 1 939 to June 1940), Low CounU
2[F7$€ermily vs Britdn+Franc*May atd June 1940 pilots to 4, French piloF to 6, ltalian piloF to 4, British
8l&g0-ltaly w. France.June 1940 Fokker D.XXI oF to 6.

issio n Table-Sitzkreig : Germans Enterdirections I -2-3, AlllesdirectionsS -4- 5 -6

O(>2$Allled close escortad bombinE raid, 12 Level bombers. Esco[ must start wihin 60' and remaln within l0 total teet unl€s8 out of ammunlUon or
damryed at leasthalf, at hat point lhe lautty escort may only run for home. 1 from targot 2 trom lrlendly tenitory,4 trom home, mult englne
alrcrati are +5 fuel, slngle englne are +2. R+entering pllots: 0G69-German, TGgSAllled
3c59.Axis dose escorted bombino raH,. 27 Level bombers. Escort must start within 6O and remain wlthin 10 total feet unless out of ammunition or
damaged at least half, at hd poidt ths faulty escort may only run lor home. 1 trom targe! 2 from triendly tenitory,4 trom home, multi-englne
aircratt ErE +5 fuel, single engine ara +2. Re.enteritp pibts: OG79-French, 80-99-German.

OG77-Allied fighbr sweep ovor Axb tenltory. I from lines,3 from homa. R*entering pllots: fl)-59-German, 60-99=Alli€d
78€5-Axls ffghler sweep overAllied tenltory as above. Ro€nbdng pilob: 0$7g-Allled, 80-99-Axis
gGg+High altitude Axis unescorted recon misslon. Enbring alrcraft le at 5135, t hom taEel, 2 from lines, 4lrom home, +5 tuel. ll Brere are more lhan 2
Frencfi and I German Player, fren all otrer pilots rofi up normally as if on Axis fightor srye€p as above.
North American P-51 D Mustang

French Aircraft
Allied Aircraft Nieuport Dewoitine Morana Dewoitine Dewoitine Morane Curtiss
Type: Nid.6n. D.371 MS225 D.501 D.510 MS.406 Hawk-75A-1n
F[hters: {us P€6)
00-14'N d.622 or Minimum: 2 3 2 3 3 33
D.371 or Cruise: 3 4 4 4 5 67
MS225 Marl€: 5 6 6 6 6 89
15-16-D.501 3'{4: 5 7 6 7 7 99 0 5€: 5
: I i 89
34-74-MS,406 7€: ? 78
75-99-Hawk 75A-1 9-10:
Terminal: 10 10 11 13 13 14 16
Formdion Bom
Fgrman F D7)
Amlot lf,) Cflmb 1-2: 2 3 2 3 3 3 4
Bristol Blenheim 9*4: 2 3 2 2 3 3 3
*12 airwaf! 5$: I 2
i ?
2 2 3
In one long 7€: 1 2
vb 9-10:
Dive Acc.: 2(6). 2(6)' e(i). z(ir' z(ll. 2(6)' 2(71
hon: Guns: 2 2 2 $f2 6+2 6|2 4
Ammo: 25 20 25 8ts0 8F0 885 2A
Fairey Bdde
Pobi 63 HIF: 2A 20 nD 24 24 20 26
CritTable: D c c c c D
Sloht Table: C
-lnltiation: D D D D B B
1d4 1il 1& 1d4 td4 1d4 1d4
Cellirq: 5/.|0 5/40 6/40 6fl0 6n0 7n0 7rc0
French Aircratt BritishAircraft

7 Historical Note:
I i
Thfs is very limited peflqd. Tla Dubh, Belgians, al$
Italians wero still neuiral. The Germans were busy wlth
Poland and had only a yery limited prssence [n the
West. The French wers happy to wait for the German
Mureaux M.117 attack on theirdefensive lirid.-ln game terms, lt means
that not much should happen. Nons of the defecting
East Europeans may be played. Germans should play
eifrer the East or trs Wesi. The BriF are still buiHing up
Sreir stuff. We put it in because lt is here, not bacause it
is an active period.

2(6) 2(7l'.
411 a1
20/30 3ots0
30 32
td4 1d4
5n0 5/50
gr ol tssgrscnm gsse ossgrscnm ssgrEchmtn Mo88
Tvp: HS 12S Do 172 He 1128 Bf 110C Bf 109C€ Bf 109E-1 Bf 109E-3 Bf 109E{
German Aircrdt Zerst6rer 'Casar' 'Emil' 'Emil' 'Emil'
Minimum: 2 3 3 4 3 4 44
Ffohters: Cruise: 5 6 6 I 6 I 88
00--29=Bf 1 10C Max.'l-2: 6 7 I I I I 99
30-49-Bf 109E-1or 3-4: 6 7 I 10 I 10 10 10
He 112B 5-6: c 7 I 10 I I 9 10
50€9-Bf 109E€
7S; I I 99
90-99-Bt 109E-4 Terminal: 11 11t13 14 14 15 16 16 16
Roll Rate: 3 3 3 4 a4 214 a4 u4
furmdion Bombers
He 111P
Tum Rate: G/10 915 Ft12 Ell5 Fl12 915 915 El15
,,,,,',',,r,ii:i' ,u,;;i.i,,,i;f;i,'iti;iiiii,'ii:r;1,'' ftjr;ll''ll,'',*r*fi@::l
He 1'l1H-2
Dornier Do 172 4 4 5
9-18 aircraft,
in one long vic
5{: 1
: : 3
: 4 4
74: 2 3
Rcon Aircrdt 9-10: - 2(e) 2(e)
Dive Acc.: 2(6) 2(6) 2(71 2(6) 2(8) 2(e)
HS.126 Guns: l fixed/ld lflex/l dlvlw 8(2) 8+4fi 4 4 8(2)
Do l TEtFlZ 30 10(30) 12(30)
Ammo: 30 all 30all 10(30) 3AA0 30
| 109C Hlts: 26 a8(+1) 24 34 28 30 30
CrifTable: D A c B c c c E
$ight Table: E E c E B B B
Inttiation: 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d7
1d3 1d4 u2s
Ceiling: 6i30 6n0 u4a 8n0 6n0 7n0 7n0
Potez 631 attle for France and the Low Countri
May.June 1940

Pilot llk€dle lor Francs and the Lor Countries: (X}5lg.rAllie ,60-ggrEtuds

MiSSion Mix-BattlefOr FranCe and the LOw @untriesl Germansenterdirectione 1-2-s,Antestrom4-s-6

o0'lgAllied close support mlsglon. Allled pllob roll: 0O€9-Attack pllol 70-99-Fighter escort R*enterlng pllots roll normally for nationality, Bnt€r In
fighters, Mlselorf staft over target and lln6s, 3 trom home airlield, +2 fud for single engine aircraft, +5 for tor multl-engine.

20€9-txtr doee suppod (0049.Attad! 5G99-Eeco4 r}€nbring pllots fiy fighters). Scenarlo as above.
Acceptable taigeb atE armoG trucks, troops and brUges.

4o€8t-Alll€d fight€r sweep over Axls terdbry. All plloF reenter 0G09-Axls, 7G99-Allied, I lrom llnes, 3 from home, fual limib as above.
3*{0-Allied Recon miselon, ss !6low, Allles enbr In stld(3
5GS-Axle frghbr sweep over Allled tenlbry, I lrom lines, 3 lrom home. Re-enterlng pilob: 00-79-Allled, 80-99-Axls.
00{O-111.6 escorted bomber raid over Gennan bnltory. Fighbn must statt wlthln 60' of bombers, must remaln wittrln 10' unl€ss damaged pasl
out ol ammo, may then run. TaEob are: 1-Bddgesl z-Railheads; 3-Troope. All re-entering pilob: 00$9-German, TGgg-Allied. I lrom
half or "lose
Target, 2 from llnes, 4 fnim home. Slngle etglne +2 tuel, twins +5.

rcS-Axls dose escorted bomber raid ov€r Allled terdbry. Targeb are: l-Bddgee; e-Rallheads; 3-Troops. All re+ntaring pllob: 00-79-Allied,
80-99-Axis. Ranges and parametere are as above.

9749-Hlgh AlUtude Axls unescorbd r€@n mlsslon, enbring recon aircraft ls d 5135, 'l from tatgot,2 lrom lines, 4 lrom home; ll here are more than 2
FrCrrch and I German, hen all oher pllots roll up as a fighter sweep.

All targeB roll for flack

Dubh Ai
(us P€6)
l*l ,iiiffi
34:33232 3 3
5-6:23121 2 3
7f,: 2 2
Dive Acc.: 2(6). 2(71' 2(6)' 2(6) 2(6)' 2(7|' 2(7)
Guns: 7fixard/ld 4 a1 4t1 6+2fix'edlldl,t 6+2 4
Ammo: 20I30 20 20ts0 20F,0 l4BABO 8130 2A
Hits: 2g 24 24 30 2g 24 26
CrilTable: B D A B A c D
Sioht Table: E c B
-lnidation: 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d3 1d4 1d4
Ceiling: 7t15 7n5 6/50 5na 6/45 6n0 7t50
British Aircraft Belgian Aircraft
Aircraft Recognition.
Between the inexperienca
of the pilots and the chaos
in varlable types, it is an
tfotee on tho unfortunata' truth that
Lo; Countries m is rscon itio n was too
There was not a lot of common. Anytime a
@mmunbation going on
sighting roll is too low to
wih hs Allied arcraft. In
spot, but within 5 points,
gensral, for historical the aircraft is spotted, but
purposBs, French aircraft considered Axis and
should only escort treated that way. Only a
successful respot with the
Erench, Dutch onfy usual minuses rvill save tha
Dubh and so on.
aircraft Kills counl Aircraft
HOWEVEF which correctly spot their
attackers mav not shoot
For the fun of it, players them, and m-aY onlY flY
may mix and match defensively. Let Ghaos
nationalities. We think
that for closo escort, ths
French lFr 6nch rule
shoyld apply. All
entering aircrdft bught to
be random.
French Aircraft
Alliod Aircrdt
Battle for France
00--1 I -Dewoitine D,5 1 0
or Potez 631
12-14-Gaudron 714 or
Koolhoven FK.58
15*42-Morane MS.406
{3 6l-Bloch M8.152
65-7 I - Harvk-7sA- 1 rz(P&W)
7 2-7 4-Hawk-75A€ (Gyt lo ne )
75-7g-Hunicane I
96-99-Dewotine D.520
Glose SupporUAttrck
Falrey Battle
Mureaux I 17
Pobz 63
Bruguet 693

Formdon Bomhrs
Fslrev Batde
Bristdl Blenheim
Bfoch 210
Lso 45/45r
Amiot 1#!
S12 alrsafr, in one
long vic isto
Curtiss Morane-Bloch Dewoltine r
Rmon Type: 75A-3 M8.152
Hawk D.520 Hunicane Koolhoven FK.58 ls flown by both Franch
. (Cydone) Mkl
Muraaux 117
Potez 63
Minimum:' 4 4 3
and escapsd Poles
Cuadron 714 is flown by escaped Poles.
Bristol Blenheim Cruise: T T 7 6
Maxl-2: I I 9 I Allied PiloF who us€ up their missions roll on the
34:99 10 9 following tables:
5{:88 I
7€:88 I ?
French and East EuroPeans
9-10: 00€9-Frencfi become Vbhy
Terminal: 16 14 15 14 East Europeans rstire
Roll Rate: 2 3 2 314 3049=Escape to'Russia(see Russian
vl5 Fl12 pilot limib)
50-99=Escaps to Ergland
3 4
3{: 3 4 4 3 Pilots rho scapo to England:
5€: 3 3 3 00-1 5=ln Service Dec.l 940
7€: 3 3 ?
2 1 O€0-Operational Nov.l 940
9-10: 31 -45=Oberational October 1 940
Diw Acc.: 2(7I', 2(71' 2(71' 2(71. 46-75-Oberational September I 940
Guns: 4 10 6+4 7 76-99=O'peratio nal Aug ust I 940(E rp I is h Speaki ng)
Ammo: 20 I 8ts0 r3
Hits: 26 24 28 Pilots in the Brltish service:
CrltTabla: D D c c 00€9=Hurricanes
Sbht Table: B B B B 90-99-Spitfires
-lnltiation: rd6
1& 1d4 1d5
Gellirq: 7t50 7t40 ryl0 6n0

Low Gountries
0GZS-Bf 1tOC
30-{9-Bf l09E-1or
He 1128
50€9-Bf 109E€
g&gg-Bf 109E-4

Formdion Bom
He 11 1H-2
Domisr Do.ITZ
9-27 aircraft
in vics of vics
4 ' 8(2)
hnAircrdt Dive Acc.: 2(6) 2(6)
lflex/l dNN
Hs 126 Guns: 1fixed/ld
Hs 123 Ammo: 30 all 3Oall 30 30i30 10(30) 30140 30 10(30) 12(30)
Do l TE|FlZ Hib: 26 a8(+1) 26 7A 24 u 30
Ju 878 Crit.Table: D A D c c B
c B B
Sioht Table: E
1d6 1d7
1dg 1d3 1& rd2 1d6 1d6 -7n0 8t25
Ceiling: ff30 6na 6n0 6n0 5t40 Bna
at I Fiat Hrgoa Uapron
Italian Aircrdt Type: CR.42 G.50bis MC,200 cR.32 Ba.65 Ca.311
Batde of France Falco Freccia Saettia
June 1 940 Minimum: 3 3 3 3 3 3
Cruise: 6 7 I 6 7 c
Fightrs: Max.1-2: I I I 6 I 6
00€9-Fiat CR.42 34: 7 I I 6 I 6
40€9-Flat G.50 5-6: 7 I I I 3
90-99-Mmhi 7{: 7 I I :
MC.200 9-10:
Terminal: 13 15 16 13 12 10
Attrk: Holl Rats: 2 2 2 2 3 3
00-29-Fiat CR.32 Tum Rab: Htr Fl12 Fl12 JlT G/10 D/18
30-99-Broda 8a.65 irEdtr*j:F,ffi*lliilil jiiliji
Cfimb 1-2: 4 4 4 3 3 3
Hcon: 3-'{: 4 4 4 3 3 2
Brada Ba65 5-6: 3 3 4
: ::
Caproni Ca.311 7€: 2 3 3
furmdlon Bombrs Dive Acc.: 2(71 2(8) 2(8) 2(n 2(71 2(6)'
sM,81, SM.79, Fld Guns: 6 6 6(+2) 6 6+2fixedfrd l fixed/l dllv
8R20, Caproni Ca-311 Ammo: 25 25 25 25 25 25 all
9 aircraft in Hib: 27 25 25 22 32 30
long vic CrilTable: D D D c DA
Sioht Table: D
-lnitiation: D D D EE
1do 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d4 1d3
Ceilino: 7145 7t70 u40 a4a 6t35 WA

Battle of Britain:
Priliminary Phass-.,une and July I
Gloster Gladiator Mk ll Hawker Hurricane

g EvaCUatiOn Of FfanCe: Ailiedpllobent€rfromdlrectionsl -5-6,Axislromdirections2-3-4

txr{p-Allled doae eecorbd bomber rajd owr Dunkerque.4 from England, 6lrom home, +2 tuel, over target(Garman armor, troops)
ItFzg.Alliod doee es@rbd aeeaull owr Dunkerque. Ranges and tud aB above, Allied pilob roll: 0049qAttack bomber, 50-99-Escott
R*enbring pilotsroll: 0}29-Alli6d, 30-994arman. All re-entering pllots fly ffghters.
3s{a-Alll€d frShter eweep over Dunkerque. Farges, luel ard reontering conditions as above.
46ltli(lorman Escorbd bomber raH over Dunkeque. Targgb are troops and equipment pilots rFentor normally. Ov€r targot, I lrom lines, 4 from home
freH, +4luel.

E5&German escorbd bomber raid on Allled shlpplng(0Gsg-Shlpping off beaches of Dunkerqus, 60-99-shlpping In channel) over targol 0 or f from
Beadt, 4 from home freld, +4 fuel. Brldsh shlppin! are small boab, DE's, MTB's, DD's ard small transpoG.

?'0l7g-German escorted close support on Dunkerque. Targets: Shipplrq, troop, oquipment. Qermans roll: fil€9-attack crafl 40-99-fightars.

80{grcsnnan Escorted dive bomber rald on Allled shipplng(roll fl)€9-Dlve bomber,4G99-Escort): 1 lrom beach,4 trom hom€, +.3 tuel, over tatget

-- -- ffghter sweep over: 00"39-p.unkerque; 4qlg-Channeh 90-99--Erqlls[ beagh, Channel is de_fined as.4 w{e, home b-as_es qq.2.m9p,
catcutate rinle trome- on UrA Oastg. Slrgle ehglne flghbrs aro r4 tuel at British beach, twins are €.
R+entering pilots roll: 00-79-BriUsh, 80-

(9l$)-German or A[i€d high aldude rocon, as llst€d In BaHe of France(roll for elde of recon) br small games of 4 or fawer people.
Note: for all sweeo and attadr soenarlos, anypilot rolllng 04 or lese le on a rescue misslon with low aqd slow: overwalar BriUsh A/C: Walrus, Over Land
ijrlils-tr: LvsanOir-oit'll6i Maolstir. Ov6rWdfr Germa-n: He 115, Ar 196, He 59; over lard: Fi 156, Bl 108. As a club optiqn, each water hex used in a
offin oanie traia OOOS AranEe bl Mfg, float plane or like br resbue purpbsee. lilay only be rolled for when first enbrad, Fescue crdl must be
Epotri. nod JioJitx 6e normitty. Sudr'a pieibrrce remows trs chance'of drowning br downed pilot if resore craft can reach him. lt also decktes
r{hlctr skte rescues him-
$round Targeb roll for llak

British Flghtere riUsh Attrk Note:

0G09- Blenheim lf/Wf Fairey Battle The Glostsr
I &19- Gloster Gladiator Lockheed Hudson Gladiator is onlY
20-69- Hawksr Hunicane l(Watts) Bristol Blenheiml/lv avail abla for operations
70-89' Hawker Hurricane l(Rotol) ovgr England.
9G95- Supermarine Spiffire I Hecon:
9&99- Supermarine Spitfire la BlenhsimUlV British Level
Formatlon Bombers
Level Formdion Bombrs: oporatg as squadrons,
Blenheim l/lv, A.W. Whitley usually 9 to 12,
Vickers Wellington so m etim Bs in Pairs of
squadrons, i.n 3- plane 'j
vics arranged in Vics of iE

Vics. ,"i{
nsc unKgrs ess8rgcnm gSSerSCnmln Ftg gsersc
tr en ornler
Bafile of Britain Type: HS 126 Do 1TZ HS 1234 Ju 878 Bf 110C Bf 109E -113 He 1 12B Bf 109E*4
Prellmlnary Phase
Stuka ZerstOrer E-l E€ 'Emil"
2 3 2 2 4 4 3 4
Fbhtss: c- 6 5 5 I I 6 I
6 7 6 6 I I I I
oF2g-Bf 110C
6 7 6 7 10 10 I 10
30F49-Bf 109E-1or
He 112B- D 7 6 6 10 I I 10
(Fantasy) 9 I I
5f89-Bf 109E-3
9G99-Bf 109E'4
Formdion Bo
He 111H-2
Domler Do 177

Recon Alrc*dt:
HS 126
HS 123 2(6) 2(6) 2(e) 2(71 2(e)
2(6) 2(6)
Do l TElFlZ
lflex/l dNN 2 u1 8+411 4 e(2) 8(2) e(2)
Ju 878
30all 30 30130 30t40 30 12(30) 10(30) 12(30)
a8(+1) 26 28 34 30 24 32
A D c B c c E
E D E E B c B
1d3 1d4 1d2 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d7
v70 v70 v70 8n0 7na 5t4A u25

e oI Enlaln
Main Phase: August to November I SupenfrSrine Spitfire Mk la
Hawker Hurricane Mk I
Pil of llix : O0rs{qAl liod, 3F9Sqru.1t-

and East Europeans automatically enbr wlth elther national or RAF.Hun'rcane unit.
-- Counp
Low-;rtliiritots;nb;?iirifuon;2:i-+. eti6O pllots normally ontorlrom anydirection(l through 6).

ffile-The Battle of Britain :

enoine aircraft, +5 tor multi englned aircraft'
flFlg-Axis anti€hlpping raid over he English c*rannel, 2 fromtho peaclrgs.,-e {op Lro.qre, +3 fuel lor single rolldg tor sticlq close escort
Al oitob rorr: oo-reJ]ileo-it,irtieT'ifl6lii#5g-niii iine fumuei; oods-_Axis rightei esoort Bombers
bllodiorri"6:ib"Jitiid tibt'o';bo-gg-nxis fishter' Allied pilob enlter directions 6 ' 2
'l -

from homo, t2 Qgl tor singla-englne, +4 for multi engined

460-A{s cloee escorted bomber raid.2lrOm targ6t, 2 ftom channel, 5 trom.Europ€an beaches, 7pioti
alrcrafr. Accoprabte ei;ii"-,'ifiidrj,';;it'iarfii;dijry;'d;r#rd'r-#'iimitiifiii iiiiirhlig roiiiocj-zg-Atieo tight6r,8G9e-Axis fishter'

70{9-lg, grhter bomber raH. Axis pfiob, roll:0069-FiShter bomber pilot, 70-99-Puro fighter. Accsptable targets: 9oa$at shipplng,.goclwards' rallheads'
eibr stiik 2' fishbrs on
rucks on roads, flak suns, airrrerds ob. I rrom lhHi'''iErr,?-iib-'i'Etittibift-5#i;i;"d'iiffi itdie, .rGl-FbhffLomue'ri
itoee escort. n6-enteiing pi6b roll: 00-79-Allied fighter,80-99-Axis fighter.
9GS-Axls tighter sweep, 2 trom channel, 6 from Europe, I lrom home, +2 fuel. All re-sntsrlng pllob are Allied fighter'
onal small gamo involving German Ro@n its above

Nob: for all sweep and atack sccnarioe, any pllot rolllng 04 or less is on a rescue mlssion with low and slow: ovorwat€r British A/C: Walrus, Over Lard
British: Lyeander or Miles Maglstor.
OverWaterGerman: He 115, Ar 196, He 59; over land: Fl 156, Bt 108.
Ae a dub ooUon, erch wabr hex used In a glven game has a 0G09 chance ol MTB, float plane or like lor rescue purpos€s. May only be rolled lor when
Relcue cratt must D€
enbred, Flgscuo
rBt entgred,
frrst be spllgo.
spoled, Roll ets normally. Such a precenoB removos tte chanca of drowning for a dowhed pilot it rescue
SkJe mlx s]
Floll sKI6
raft can reach him. lt also decldes whlch slds roscuos him.
-Alliod -a
Fiqhter llix: Mistake was made, any comba[
O0{4'Bilstol Blenhelm lfllv first attack MUST be in the Fantasy Aircrdt The Tomahawk (H€l) is the
or Gladiator The Dellant ls an oddball. lt roar or -2 {-
fan. OK, this is
The Mohawk (H-75) P-40. Again,
available but
Orug-Boulton-Pau I Defrant has a rsar porvor tunet may hard to enforce, but you w unusgd.
rspresenb those French
1tr2g-Hunicane l(Watts) not flre furfier forward than to have fun, don't you?
PiloF who flew their aircraft
or Mohawk lll, or 90 degrees from rear. to England(and diverted
Tomahawk I Sometimes mistaksn as a The Gladiator is a sort of shipmenF), The British
3&79-H urricane l(Rotol) Hunicans. Add 1g% to $e fantasy roll, there w6ro a chose NOT TO USE. For fun
8&gs-Spiffire ! needed to spot roll. coupls opsrailonal and diversity, use them, la lf $e spotting fqhter is witt squhdrons. High Command
J0./" but fails, tton assume trisd to keeo them out of
British Aircraft
Brlstol Glosbr Hawker Hawker Supermarine Supermarine Boulton-Paul Curtiss Curtiss
" Blenheim lf/lvf Gladiator Hunbane Hurricane Spitfire Spitfire Defiant Mohawk lll Tomahawk I
'Fbhtef Mk lf Mk l(watts) Mk l(Rotol) Mkl Mkla Mkl (P-36) (P40)
Minimum: 3 3 3 3 333 3 4
Cruise: 6 6 6 6 667 7 6
Max.l -2: I 7 I I I 10 I I 9
3*4: 7 7 I I I 10 I I 10
5€: 7 7 I I 10 10 I I 9
7€: 6 I I 98 I
Termlnal: 10 11 14 14 14 15 12 16 18
Roll Rats: 3 2 314 314 314 314 4 2 2
Tum Rate: D/18 Jn Fn2 Fl12 Fl12 Fl12 E/15 C/10 E/15
ilafrstili iii:isgiiiirrii;iiliililii,:
Cfimb 1-2: 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 3
3{: 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3
5-6: 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3
7€; 2 2 2 3 1 2
Dive Acc.: 1(5)' 2(6}. 2(7l.. 2(71" 2(8)' 2(8). 2(6). 2(71 2(e)
Guns: 4frxadfZtl 4 7 7 7 7 l4
4 6
Ammo: 25f25 14 13 13 13 13 20 15
Hits: n 26 32 32 ?a ?a 26 26 uE
Cdt.Table: A D c c c c c D
Sioht Table: E
-lnitiation: D B B B B E B B
1d4 1& 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d6
Ceiling: 5/€0 7tw v70 7t60 7na u55 7tr0 7t50 vT0
Aris Flghtw Bombers: Ths Fwl87 twin enoined
Ju 88A
0tr09-Fw 187 (Fantasy) 00{g-Bf 110c 0&29-Ju 878 He111H{ singla seat fighter das
0G1g-Bf 1 10C 50-79-Bf 109E-1 30€g=Do17 Do 17 operational in Norway, not
2&29-He 112 (Fantasy) g0-99-Bf 109E€ 40-49=Ju 88A used-a fantasy role.
2&59-Bf 109E-3 5&79=Bf 110C/D Usually GrupperV3 As was the He 112 and He
6&gg-Bf 10gE-4 g0€g-Bf 109E-1 sq uadions, 9ea, Z7total 100D. The latter is the most
9$99-He 100D (Fantrasy) 9&99=Bf 1098€ Vics of vics ask€d about fantasy aircrft in
the game, mostly bbcause of
Zocchi's Battle of Britain

l-ocK9 wulf ornlSr gtn unl€rs Messerschmit ess€rscnm e mrn JunKers

Type: Fw 187A-0 Da 17Z. He 100D Ju878 Bf 110C Bf 109E-1/-3 He 1128 BPI09E{ Ju 88A-4
Stuka Zerst6rer E-l E-3 'Emil'
Minimum: 3 3 4 24 4 3 43
Cruise: I 6 9 59 I 6 87
Max.l-2:- I 7 10 69 9 I 98
34: I 7 11 7 10 10 I 10 I
$6: I 7 12
I lso I I 10 I
7€: I 11 I 9
Terminal: 14 11/13 15 10114 14 16 14 16 lAM
Roll Rate: 3 3 3 3 4 u4 3 a4 4

234435 2
134434 I
7€: 2 -233-4
Dive Acc.: 2(71 2(6) 2(8) 2(6) 2(6) 2(e) 2(71 2(e) 2(6)
Guns: 8+4 lflx/lfix/l dMlw 6+2 u1 8+4/1 4 e(2) e(2) e(2) Zflaxldlv
Ammo: 10130 30all 1 2t30 30t30 s0/40 30 12{30) 12(30) 12(30) 30 all
HiB: 30g a8(+1) 24 28 34 30 24 32 a6(+1)
CritTable: A c c BC c E B
Sbht Table: B E B E EB c B E
lnitiation: ldo 1d4 1d6 1d2 1d6
grz0 1d6 1d6 1d7 1d4
Ceilirq: 7145 6r/0 86 sf0 TfTA 5140 8n5 5t30
Period 2
tr The Battle For Europe 51
i North American P-51 D Mustang
Foll For $ub Priod: Alliod aircraft enter fro Aliiod pilob in fris pe

t mFg4-Novamber 1940 to Saptamber 1941

356{-Oct6er 1941 b Novamber 1942
E5€g-December 1942 to June 1943
Axis aircraft enter from
diractions:2 -g-4
are limited to 10

Axis pilots in this period


This porid reflects Sre Inbnsa Wesbm Front are limited to 25

I ainyar, corducted mosUy by tre British,

against tre Nazis. The dn Air Force
Bomber Offensive follows.

l ilission Mix-November
Tn cks, Fains,
| rucrg,
Irucks, ralns, roop8,
rroil:l : uu-/.-^il€o,
fiak guns,
hoops, nar
Ellns, troops,
OUT &Allied. 75-99-Axis.
1940 to Septernber 1941

guns, DoaIE
/D{iltrArxr8. Ail
r rrcil9r
reenter ts
b,oab on a 1ry0r,
as Axts.
ecenarlo may nol
I nt8 Soenano
Axls. r1 fiomt/nannor,
fromOhannel, o5 rom
be fiown
not D€ nown
lorv lewl Intrudeq rald. Allied fightors and figlter bombers enter ln stit( 1 or 2. Targeb of opportunity are producsd by German Player:
lown when
wnen more
m England, T/ trom
Engrano, 7
morE than'10
10 play-ers
thah'10 olayers
nom6, +Z'fofsinoie
hom home,
tnrm +z
oartbioate. '
oiay-ers pirticipate.
tor sing|6 enoined.
engined, +5 tor
for muni.

I Allied d6o eeorbd bombor raU. Allied fighbrc stad wlthln 60' of bombers. Usual stranEtr

slngle+nglne fighbrs, +5 lor m-ultiengine.

Allied fphter
TGT9rAllied fighter sweep
swe_ep ovel
strangrth of bombers ls 36. Fhtiars must stay
10'ol bombere.0(}T'f-Allied fighFr,7$99-Gorman, all re-enbr as German. 1 fom Channel, 5 trom England, Tlrom home field, +2 fuel
Europe._Q0€9.Allied, 70-99_-Axls, all r-enter Ads. Alllllled enter together, roll 1D4.
over Europe.
etiav within

I1 from Channel, 5 h9m

Ghannel. -5 Enolarid. 7 from home fieH., +! fuel fqt.sirlgle-erryiqo, +5 for multi.
hom England,

Axle fighbr bomber InUudCr raH over Erphnd. Roll: fl){9-Allied, 5G99-Ads. All reenbr Allied.
Over oorcn,4blerch. 4 frof
rDm Egrryp,,!Qqlpqq;
fnomEurooe. fom nome,
Eurcpe, 5 rom *
+z rypJ
home. +2
fighteltweep over England. Roll: fl){9-Allied,
ruel br
tud Qrglnql^e
lor SlmE enoine. +4 fgl^*rlti,
eimle anging,'{
engine, lor mufi.
tor multi.
50-99-Axis. All r€€nbr Allied. Ovar beach,4lrom Europe, 7 from home, +2 tuel.
Nob: For all sweep and ettack acenarlos, any pllot rolllrp 04 or less is on a reecue mission wlth lorv and slow: Over Water Brltish: Wdrus.

t Over land British: Lysander or Maglsbr. OverWder German: He 115, Ar 196, He 59. Owr Land German: Js 156, Bf 108.
Ae a club option, eadr wabr hox used in a given game has a 00{9 chance of MTB, float plane or like for rescu€ DurDoses.
May only be rolled lor when firtt entersd. Reeeue-craft must be spotbd. Roll skJe normalli. Suctr a presence rembve's the charrce ol
drownlng br a downed pllot lf resare craft can readr him. lt also decldes whlch sHe rosqJss hlm.

.Ground targeF roll for flak

! llied
Nov 1940-Sept 1941 Tvp:
Mk | (P408/H€1) Mk I
Hawker Hawker
Beaufbhter Whirhvind Tomahawk la Hunbane Hurricane
Mk lla
Supermarine $upermarine Supermarine
lvlk la Mk
tla (llb)
Mk Va

t Flghters: Minlmum: 4 3 3 3
00-14-Hunbane I Cruise: 6 6666 6 6 6
1S-49-Hunklane lla Maxl4,: I 10 I I I 10 10 10
S0-sg-Spitfire la 3-.4: I 10 10 I I 10 11 11
60€9-Spiffire lla(llb) 5€: I 9 9 I 10 10 10 11
7€: 9-99 I
I 90-gg-Spiffire Va 9 10
Note: The Spitfire llb is Termlnal: 11 14 18 14 14 15 15 15
avallable only to Roll Rats: 4 4 2 314 314 g4 u4 314
@s. Tum Rate: D/18 D/18 El15 Fl12 Fl12 Ft12 Ftl2 Ft12

:11;:;:;:;:11;;.,:1:;:;:;:;1:;;;:;:,:i1f:i::;t;:;ii,..:il ::+iii.:illiii::::


Glimbl€,: 3 3 3 3 45

Intndsr: 4
00{9-Beauf'rghter I 3-4: 3 3 3 3 4 4 45
10-19-Whirlwind I 5€: 2 3 3 3 3 3 44
7S: 2 2 3 34
Z}Q9-Tomahawk la 3
30€9-Hunbane I 9-10:
4O€9-Hurricane Mk la Dive Acc.: 2(6)' 2(71'' 2(e) 2(7). 2(7l,. 2(8). 2(8). 2(8).
70-74-Spitftre la Guns: 11 11 6+4 7 7 7 7 (10) 7
7s-g4-Spitfire lla Ammo: I I 15 13 13 13 13 (8) 13
gs-gg-Sjlitfire Va Hits: 42 u 34 32 32
28 30 30
CrltTable: B B E c c c c
Lwd Bombers: Sight Table: E D B B B B B B
3 Beaufort, Blenheim,
n vics of 3: 12-24

gSSerSCnm sgrscnm ss9 Mesarschmitt ocke Wulf
3 Tvoe:
Bf 1 10C Bf109E*4 Bf 109E4n Bf 109F-2 Fw 190A-1
I Zerst6rer 'Emil" 'Emil' 'Fritz" W0rger
Nov 1940-Sept 1941 Minimum: 4 44 4 4
Cruise: I 88 I I
00{9-Bf 110C/D/E Max.l -2: I I 10 10 10
$ (lntruder only) 34: 10 10 10 11 11
10-29=Bf 109E4 5-6: 10 10 10 11 12
(lntruder and Fighter) 7f; I 9 10 10 11
3S'59-Bf 109E*4n

(lntruder and Fighter) Terminal: 14 16 1; 16 15
60€9-Bf 109F-2 Foll Hate: 4 u4 u4 a4 1t2
(lntruder and Fighter)
90-99-Fw 190A-1
(F[hter only)
g 34:
78: 2 4 4 4 3
Divs Acc.: 2(6) 2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(8)
Guns: 8+4'11 e(2) e(2) 6+2 6+4
$ Ammo: 30140 12(30) 12(30) 16/30 10/30
Hits: 34 32 32 32 33
Crit.Table: B E E E F
Sioht Table: E
-lnitiation: B
ldG 1d7 1d7 1d6
fr Geiling'. 8n0 8n5 8n5 8R0 7n0

October 1941 to Novernber 1942 upermarlne spmre

Mission Mix:
1 or 2. Targets.of opportunity are produced by German Player:
gg€gr.rilled low level lntuder raid. Allled i[hters and llghter bomb€F ent€r In.stick
fff*H*[lJt r*g'ug',Ti'r'o$ffiii:]ffin f,H"1'.8't'"Ji'Efli1gil:4, +s

bombers. usual sgongrth ottombers is 36. Fiqhters must stay within

4.{gLAlll€d close escort€d boqrbel 1al{. Alll+{ohters start wi$ln 60' of rd6tm;; i-tiimttraiiei, s trom Englard, Tlrom home field' +2 tuel
i0,orbombe*. o*7.t-A1ted 1ghbr,7+ee-crfiiff:'J?,iliiir'ds
slngle-englne fighbrr' +5 br multl€ngne-
qo{glAxls flg}iler bomber Inguder rald over England. Roll: OO.4$Allied, 50-99-4*1t. All reenter Allled'
" " tjbr-bEii*r, I trom iiiropo, blrom tromei iZ tuel for slngle engine, +4 lor multl'
gg-lgr gnhbr sweop over England. Foll: 0049-Allled,50-99-Axis. All re€nt€r Allled. O'rer beadr, 4 from Europe, 7 from home, +2

any pilot olllng 04 or less is. on a.rescue mlssion wlth low and slow:
over water Brltish: walrus'
Note: For all sweep and attadr ecanad_q,
vYEr Larls
o,rar Lffiril6l;'ii{,T;hi'oi?i Wft;rdi'tEiti{:lt'^tltS.*'"5?'o-n:Lt3n99r"3l,T;*"-1"5*,ll"tP":
Brnsh: bt..rus, v'
Land eiluD[. 'ueu'ew" 'MTB,
ffod plane or like for rggcuo purposos,
iil aud optrin, ea6fiiErrirex Ged In a given game has a 00.99 charrce r of
Hedffi;i';G 6 Ro'i[sioe ionnally, Flr_d a
prcs€noe rarhoves tre charce of
May only be ro1eo tr'iifih'iil1lfi6,id: $oled.
|;o'$F6 1or a reac*r him. lt also dbcidee whlch sbe resanee him.
Oo*niil itidi't,'riirirue-tran can
All gound tatgeb roll fortlak

Allid Aircratt American Supermarins uparmarine superm ari ne

Bristol Westland De Havlland Spitfire Soiffire
Hunicane Mustang
Flohters: Type: BeaufiXlter Whirlwird Mosquito
lla llb llc
lla(llb) Mx va Vbffc
00109-Hunicane lla MKI FBVI (xP-s1) Mk
10€9-Hunbane llb Mlnimum: 4 44 3 4
40*{9-Spitfi re lla(l lb} Cruise: 7 69 6
10 10
S0€4-Spitfire Va Max.l -2: I 10 10
10 10
1t 11
65-99-Silitfire Vb/c 3..{: I 10 11 11
5{: I I 10 10 10 10
I 10 10
Nota: The Spitllrg llb is 7$: 99 ?
available to $10:
double as88 oolY.
o0{9-Bsarfighbr FB Vl
10-1g-Whirhtind Mk I
20-Z9-Mosquito FB Vl
30 34-Huni6ane Mk lla
35-49-Hunbane Mk llUc
50-59-Mustang Mk I
60{9-SPitfire Mk lla
7o-7g-sbitfira Mk va
8O-gg-spitfire Mk VUc
t*evel Bombers:
Wellirqtor, Beaufott
Hudson.12 to 36 aircraft
in vbs of 3.
ssoGichmitt Meserschmitt Focke Wulf FocKe WUI
unK9rs Fw 190A€
Ju 88A Bf 11oC/D/E Bf 109F-2 Bf 1 09F4 Fw 1904-2t
"FriE 'FriE' W[rger W0ryer
Zsrst0rer 4
4 4 4 4
7 I I I I I
I I 10 10 10 10
I 10
: I 10 10 11 11

Axis Aircraft 12 14 16 16 15
4 4 2t4 u4 1t2 1n
00{9-Bf 110C-E or Ju 88 cn0 Ell5 E/15 H15
-.. r".'.r. i. i,.'.,'
: :::
;1i: !ll:;
(lnFuder onlY) llir *ii5i,*ril*t:'lli tii S:llliilillltlll#;i* :, ,1; ;1 f,lj:iii.;1.:;1:''

1G,lg-Bf 109F-2 2 3 55 4 4

(lntruder and Fi'ghter) 2 3 55 4 4

20F49-Bf 109F4 3 44 4 4

(lnfuder and F[hter) : 2 44 3 3

50€9-Fw 190A-2 2(e) 2(e) 2t8) 2(8)

(lnruder and Fighter) 2(6) 2(6) 10
8*11 6+2 e(2) 10
90-99-Fw 190A€ l flex/d& 16 16
30n0/30 30/40 16/30 12(30)
(lntruder and Fighter)
+O(+1) u 32
B B L.
E 1d6
1d6 1d7 1d7 1d6
ffi0 wa 8I/30 8na 7ft9 8110
October 1g42to June 19f,1 North American P-51 D Mustang

Mission ilix:
lerrel Intruder r8H. Allled fighbrs and ffghbr bombers €nbr in stick 1 or 2- Targeb o.f opportunity are producad b1 $e191n
-- -- rnrc*s,tow
rains, roopJ]a[guns,-b-oa$ on a river.lhis scenariomay notF nourlt$q,n,lo_t9!["t_1q_playgry partic.ipate. Roll:00-74-Allied'
is:gij-1lxE-AtirCiniel*'fx6litr6m 5 ftom England, Tlrom home, +2 tud for single engine, +5 for multi.

ao€O-Allled doee escorted bomber raH. Allled frghbrs start wlfrln 6Q' ol bombers. Ugual stnngrth of bombers is 36. Fighters must etay wlthln 10' ol
'- - irfiber6"-oot4-du,6elFffi;;7d-dd.&;;iffi-, Ai6$6;as 6ermin. i trom chinnel Strom Ensland, T lrom hbme rield, +2 fuelsingle engine
fiStrbrs, +5 lor multi+nglne.

?ulg-Alll€d fighter sweep ovsr Europe,Ix)$9-Allied, ?0-99 Axis. All re€ntor Axls. All Allied onter togsth€r, roll ld4' I lrom channel, 5 hom England' 7
from home, +21uel br slngle €nglne, +5 br multi'

64g.Axb ffghbr bomber lntuder raH.over Englard. Foll 0G4SAlllsd, 5O-99-Ads, All Fsntor Allled. Over beach, 4 trom Europe' 5 from home, +2
tuel foislngle englne, r4 tor mult.

gtl80-,rurls frghbr eweep orrer England. Near beadt, 4 from Europe, +2 tuel. 00.49-Allled, 5&99-Axis. All recnbr Allied.

urlpllot-rolling 04 or less ls on a rescus mlselon wtth lotv ald eloqv: over

Nota: for all gweep and etlack sc6narlos, waier Brltish AF: Wglrus, Owr Land
Btltigh: Ly8aftef Of MlbB MaglSEf. t',VBf WaEl_gennan: nE I lo,_Ar_ tg'Il-slirn'-F"*Il1?P:Fl
H'--t1q,* Itq' ns ov; evltr Lru. rr ree' er rve. ^D q esv vPev"' ew" w.
99:^iP^391b-o#9l.3g Hlt"i.!l'L.,
must D€ EDott9cl. Holl Slog mx EE norn
which side rescuos hlm.
It also deddes

$round targeb roll for flak

Allied Aircrsft
Spitrire Mk Vbffc
m{g-Beaufighter FBVI
10-24-Mosquib FBVI
zl4}-,Hunicane lh
50-59-Mustang I
60€9-Mustang la
g0-g4-Spiffire LFVc
gs-gg-Typhoon lb

Lsvel Bombrs:
Havoc, Beaufort,
Wellington, 8-26
(1248-AC in vics of 3),
B-1ZE(12 Ma"x. in vbs of 3)

Gloster Gladiator Mkil Period 3:

Airwar in the Mediterranian
"Thg Bfue"
June 19fi1to Jsrualry 19f$

for SubPsiod
(X137-Malta.June 1940 to Janu arv 19f,|
38€6-Norfr Africa-Juns 1940 to January
.g0-ffiroocs: October 1940 to May tg4t

llalta Axis anter direcfions: Notes: Germans were frequentlir

sub poriod 1-2 All Allied Pilots are shuttled back and fbrth
Brifish or Commonwsalth between Wast Front
Roll for sub-sub prfod Alliss enbr direcfrons: East Front and Mod- as
3-4-5-6 ltrallan pilots fty boft negded.
0$19-*Iune 1940 to Marcfi 1941 Itialian hnd German
?qq+April leal to Aprif 1*2 Pllots shouH be limited aircraft(but none with the Use$e Hecue rulc
00€8\- itray 1*2b January 19f,1 to 6 total missions hot engines or guns) from the Battle of
each sub- sub Germans only fly Brltain generdors-
period German

Mlssions For tha Mafta Sub Pariod:

0o€9-Aa6 esco.tadlov€l bomber formatlon raH. The aircraft ars 1 lrom Malta, 3 lrom sldly, 5 lrom home. sirule enoined aircraft are +o
"1os6 alrcrafi are *6, Typtcat tapete: Shlps ln harbor, Clty, warelrouJds, go'ommddt buiuinsa, trctori5i. Aiitbhtirs'iiiii SJwilriitb. or,
tuel. :

4G{9-Arls olose escoded ant-shlpplng-rald uslng attadt and brpedo bombers. ln close brmatlon, in stick 1 or 2, Over tiamet, 4 from Slcilv. 5 from
home,.+2 fuel_for singl+er4jlnqd IS.hFrs., for bombers ind multi-erpined fighbrs. n1tact'arU orpaOo limUers mEib6 6rtr-ir I'i'6'rmiUi'ri on ai

ot12or ress prfob, nvthe uombers inorvuuir-rv.-no[ioetis:B'ofidd,-SiisilF6iiii.
H"iffflTlxT*i*il1strd Blff+'
5G59rf,llle6 4ose egcorbd antFshlpplng raH, as above.
6O69-g6 dlrre [omber, or attack raH on Malta or Shlpplrg In harbor, near coast of Malta. Over Targe! 4 from home, +2 tusl(single
snglna), r4 mult englne. H+enbr normally.
7Dru-Axle Fighbr Sweep over Malta, +2 fuel slrqle onglne, +4 muld,3 from Sbily, 4 from home, re€nter normally.
80€9.Allled Low lewl Intnrder raH orrer Sldly, 4 from Malta, +2 fuel, all alrcrafr ra-enter Axis.
gG$Allied Low Level ant+hipplng raH wltr indlvHual atbclq fighter bombrs, or torpedo bombers. +2 fue| S from Malta ard home.
Ground largeF roll for flak.

t'ilo! MX mts F,enoc:

00-eg-* ll ed, 3 0-99-Axis
Aircratt in Malta : June 1940 to March 1941
Allied Aircratt oster upermanne Fairey Latecoere
June 1940 to March
Type: Gladiator Skua Fullm ar Hunicane Spitfire Swordfish Zgg
Mk tl MK I Mkt Mk la torpedo plane atk/rescue
1941 Mlnimum: g 33 3 3 2' 3
Cruisa: 6 46 6 6il44
Fightero: Max.l -2: 7 68 I 10 4 5
O&39-Gladiator ll 34: 7 9 10 - 5
40*{9-Skua 5-6: 7 I 10
S&S9-Fulmar I 7€: 6 :{ I I
6G98-Hunbans I $10:
9$99-Spiffire la Terminal:
l1 w12 13 14 15 6 9
Tum Rate: Jn
z 2 4 314 31423
00-59-Swordfish iii'WoffiiFI{ffiffir'r'i..' i$ililiiiiiliiiffi'.*iljllilii$:li:lilrlliliriiili
6&'61-Latecoere 298 Climb 1-2: 3 3 3 3 4 3
62-69-Hudson 34:
I 3
i 3

Lwef Formdlon Dlve Acc.: Z(O)' 2(tt 2(6). 2(71', 2(8). 1(4)' 2(6)"
Bombrs: Guns: '4 4fixed/ld 7fixed/ld 7 7 lfixed/ld 2fixed/ld
Hudson, Maryland, Ammo: U I 5t30 25n5 13 13 20BA 2AB0
B.lenheim, Wbllingbn in 3
plane vbs, 1 to 4 vbs(roll)
Hits: 26 26 36 32 2g 19 24
Crit.Table: D D c c c D D
Sight Table: D E E B B tr tr
Iniffation: 1d4 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d6 Stick 1 td2
Ceiting: TlS0 4n0 6/50 7t6A 8/55 3105 4t5g
lr North American P-51 D Mustang
ilot Mtx Ints l"gnoo:
00{g=Allied, 5tr99'=Ax Aircraft in Malta : May 1942 to January 1g4g
Ir liod Aircra
Marflet Mk I Hunicane Hunk:ane

ll Flghters:
z}54-Hunicans llb

Minimum: 4
Max.l€: I
(us F4F)
Mk ilb
Mk llc
Mk ild
tvttr VU
5ffig-Hunicane llc
3-.4: 9 I I 10
9&gg-Spiffire Vb I 9 I 11
t 5€: I 9 10 r0 10
7€: - I I I 10
: AHtAlrcrdt: 9-10: - :
Beaufhhter Tarmlnal: 14
$ Hunkrine llb
Hunicane lH

t.ovd Bombers:
vics of vics
formations of 12,
24 or 36

May 1*z{anuary 1

00{7-Fiat G.50
65-79-Bf 109F4
8f92-Bf 109G-2
9S99-Bf 109G€ and
Bf 1O9G€AM(20
klll aces only)

0*27-Fiat CR.42
4&55-Breda 65+65bis
56€9-Bf 110E
70r79-,Fiat G.50 or MC200
9tr99-Me 210
Torpedo Plane
SM.79, He 111
0ANT 2.501, 506
gsgarscnn m 9SgrFCnm
Lwol Sombsrs Type: MCzA2 Bf 109F-4 Bf 109c-2 Bf 109c-6 Bf 109G-6 Me 210
SM.79, He 11lH, Folgore 'Frilz' 'Gustav" 'Gustav" with DB605AM Homisse
Ju 88, 4 4 4 4 4 4
Fiat BR.20m, I I 9 I g I
oANT 2.1007 10 10 10 11 11 10
Souadroo - 9 aircraft 11 11 12 12 t0
' vic of vics formation 10
11 12 12 12 10
1 to 3 sq, psr strike 10 10 11 11 11

2(s) 2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(7)

6+2 e(2) e(2) 10 10 11fixl3di3d
25 12(30) 12(30) 12 12 2U40t40
32 32 35 36 36 36
c E E E E B
c B B B B E
1d7 1d7 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6
8/60 8r7A 8n0 8/60 8/55 6n0
i North American P-51 D Mustang
x tnts Period:
00{g-Allied, 5G'99-Ax i Aircraft in Malta : May 1942 to Janu ary 1g4g
ied Air rumman awKer awker awKer upermar ne
Type: Beaufighbr Martet Mk I Hunicane Hunbane Hunbane Solffire
Flghters: FB.MK VI (us F4F) Mk ilb Mk llc Mk ild Mr vu
0&19'MarUet I Minlmum: 4 ' 3 3 3 3 3
20-54-Huniene llb Cruisa: 7 5 6 6 6 7

5ffig-Hunicane llc Max.l-2: I I I 9 I 10

g&gg-Spiffire Vb 3-4: 9 9 I 9 8 11
5€: I 9 10 10 10
7€: I I 9 9 10
AffiAlrcrfr: 9-10:
Beauftghter Termlnal: 14 14 14 14 14 15
Hunirrine llb Rofl Rate: 4 3 u4 u4 34 u4
Hunbane lH Turn Rab: D/18 Fl12 Ft12 F112 F t12 Ftl2
Lorrd Eombgrs: 3-4: 3
Boeton ffi: 2
Marylard 7€:
Welfrngrton 9-10:
vics of vics Dhrs Acc.: z(i)'
formaUons of 12, Guns: 11
24 or 36 Ammo: 16
Hirb: &
CrtfTable: B
Sight Table:
-lnttidion: E
Gellino: g,40

May 1*z4anuary 1

0G07-Fid G.50
31 64-Mc202
6$79-Bf 109F.4
8&92-Bf 109G-2
93-99-Bf 109G€ and
Bf 1O9G€AM(20
klll aces only)

00-27-Fiat CR.42
40-55-Breda 65+€5bis
56€9-Bf 110E
70-79-Fiat G.50 or MC200
9&9hMe 210
Torpedo Plane
SM.79, He 111
0ANT 2.5A1, S6
acc eser8c rsch mitt Messsrsch mitt Massersch m lsgrscnm
Lwd Bombsrs Type: MC202 Bf 109F-4 Bf 109G-2 BfrGustav"
109G-6 Bf Me 210 109GS
SM.79, He 11 1H, Folgore 'Fritz" 'Gustavr with DB605AM Homisse
Ju 88, 4 4 4444
Fiat BR.20m, I I 9999
oANT 2.10A7 10 10 10 11 11 10
Squadroo - 9 aircraft 11 11 11 12 12 10
vic of vics formation 10 11 12 12 t2 10
1 to 3 sg. psr strike 10 10 11 11 11

16 17 17 17 15
214 a4 u4 u4 4
t E/15 D/18 D/18 D/18 Cn,
5 c c 5 3
4 4 4 4 2
4 4 4 4

2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(7\

6+2 e(2) e(2) 10 10 I l ltx/3dBd
25 12(30) 12(30) 12 12 2U40t40
32 32 35 36 36 36
c EE E E B
c BB B B E
1d7 1d7 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6
: 8/60 &fiA 8fl0 8|/60 8/55 6n0
Period 3B
North Africa
o'Thg Blug"
June lgt40 to JanuarY 19fi1

Locheed Hudson Mk ll

Germans wsre trequentl

North Africa Axis enter dirdions: Notes:
All Allisd Pilots are shuttled back and forth
5-6 between West Front,
Roll for sub-sub Prlod: British or Com
East Front ard
Allies enter direc'tions: Med.asneedgd.
0G19-.June 1940 to March 1941 2-3 Italian pilots flY both
CirllApril to Decembsr 1941 Italian and German Tred survival in the
Pllob shouH be limited Desert like the ssa
4s€{-January. to Aqgqst 1?42 to 6 total missions aircraft(brtr none with the
ttS-s-Sspbmbar 1*2 b Jan erch suF sub hot engines or guns)
eposure death.
I 94il period Germans onlY flY
German Rdscue is as bdore,

Missions For the Nortr Africa Sub Period:

0(x**.d anti+rripprns^rq',:i,Xt1#Ttttfll1s#,ji5,*?'fi'#b l,Hfi"sF;i#.fe$1ili5iliJ31i$,3i:i"F:?|ii.Es*y-'?:39fi?3-
taryet(targets are: gonJEild;b67s.Atti'a(boeg-rttacr 6r Fbhcr Bomber, TGee-Escort)'
ent$ins prro' generab in iarget hex and n-"
over mked beadr/sea target(targeb are ships'
Fnemy Harbor or coasu home base. All re-enFrfng pilob gsnerab in
1040-111, an0€hlpptng raid uslrB fighbr{oqrbgrg qnd Attac* alrcrd. Jgqt off rrtinofr roop tines, 5 ftdm
shutdrng roops/eup1rrds e.q ild arreaoi-oriliIili';turii,-g-iiom rqnier Bomber, 7G99-Escort)'
hex ano n-en$iii'diiii.lir-ilrar gJne,,irdoii'oo7g--nrasi6ilo*.eta* oi
Enter and generate:
.G{SAllled close support EH ottroope, supply dumps' armor' tnrcks' prepared positons and so on'
- 9v'?r land- Tary€F: Columns
and re-enbr ad deacribed above.

5g.7$-Axie close support raH ovsr land, as above.

lrom home field, bombers are +4 tuel, escott b +2' All re-entodng pilots
eecorted level bomber.rald on Axls-posjiuons. 4 from llnes, 6
-- "
il "lose
Axi;-in-ta-rg-ei ttei. oG7g-Allied Eecort' 8&9'9-Arig'
fighters are +4'
g's.Axls close eecorbd le,rel bombgr raE on Allled posluons. 4lrom lines, 61rom troqq lqld,-fombers are +4 tuel, multl+rEined
Tiiile-iii1.-iJ n'ti-rtr??iii;ilitdi6d ilinurTinio tn target trex. oGog-Axis,

Ground targets roll frak.

ed ltflVf Blenheim l/lv 214 Hurricane

June 1940-March 1941
Type: Blenheim Gladiator
Fighter' Mk ll Bomber/attack Hrdson
Mlnimum: -3 3 3 3 3

Odt 9-Blenheim fighter

Cruise: 6 6 6
6 6
zGgg-Gldiator ll
Malt.1-2: I 7 7
g$gg-Hunicane $4:77 7 7
5-6: 7
7-8: -
i ?
Note: There was 1
operafiqnal Hurricane in .
ttiis period. 1 pilot in a club
Marimum can'be a Hurri Fl12
Attdttighter bomber
0&29- Blenheim
60-99- Gladiator
Level Bombss
Hudson, Maryland,
Blenheim, in 3 plane vics,
1 to 4 vics(rollXg to 12)
Axis Aircratt
June 1940-March 1941
00-59-Fiat CR.42
f$-79-Fiat G.SO
80-99-Mamhi MC-200
Breda Ba.65bis
Fiat CR.32
Flat CR.42
Ca31 1

torel Bombss
SM.79, SM.81, Ca.311,
Ca313, Fiat BR20
squadron=g, vlcs of vics, I
il b 3 squadl'ons in the raid

il Ltrii:ff8.ovcANr
April to December 1941


30-79-Tomahawk la
80-94-Hunicane lla

95-99-Hunbane llb

Attrckfightt bombers:
O0-29- Blenheim
60-99-Cu rti ss Tomahawk

il l-evel Bombers:
Hrdson, Maryland,
Blenheim, In 3 plane vbs,
l b4vics(rollxSb 12)


t Axis Aircraft
April 1941toDec.1941
Type: 8a.65
Ju 878
cR,42 G.50bis MC-200
Ju 88A
Fighteru: Stuka Falco Frecia Saetta Gabbiano

00-24-Fiat CR.42
2*29-Bf 110C/E
O&S4-Fiat G.50
50{9-Mamhi MC200
Max.l -2:
70-74-Bt 109E4 5€: 7 I I :
75.94-Bf 109E4n 7€: ? 7 ?
85-93-Bf 109F-2 9-10: :
94-99-Bf 109F4 Terminal: 12 10 13 15 16 10t12 I
Attrck: Roll Rate: 3 3 2 2 2 4 3
: 00{9-Breda 65bis
10-19-Ju 87 $tuka
Turn Rate: G/l0 Fl12 H/8 Ft12 Ft12 ar20 Dll8

t 20-24-Ju 88A
25r34-Bf 1 10E
3$79-Fiat CR.42
34: 3
5€: 3
i. Sgbga-Fiat G.50
7f: 2 3 3
t 9S94-Bf 109E-4
9F99-Bf 109E-4n
Dive Acc.: 2(71
Guns: 6+2fixed
Ammo: 25
2(8) 2(6)
6t+21 l flex/ldto
2s' Boall
SM.79, He li 1 Hits: 32 28 27 25 26 a6(+1) 30
Levef Bombers: Crit,Table: D c DB
t D D A
sM.7g, 8M.81 , Fiat Sight Table: E E D D DE A
BR.2O,Ho 111 Initiation: 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d1
squadron-9, vics of vbs,
to 3 squadrons in the raid
Ceiling: 6/35 4t30 7t45 7na u40 6t30 5145

Rescue at sea by CANT

x 2.501, or MTB.
Messerschmitt Mssserschmitt Meserschmitt Meserschmitt Meserschmitt
Type: Bf 1 10C BFl09E-4 BF109E*4n Bf-109F-2 Bf-1 09F-4
'Emil' 'Emil'
Zerst6rer 'FriE" 'FriE"
Minimum: 4 4444
Cruise: 9 8899
Ma,x.1-2: I I 10 10 10
34: 10 10 10 11 11
5-6: 10 10 10 11 11
7f; 9 I 10 10 10
$10: Curtiss P-408 fl-omahawk)
Terminal: 14 16 16 16 16
Roll Rate: 4 44 U4 U4 44
Tum Rate: E/15 E/15 915 FJ15 915
Climb'l-Z: 3 5 5 5 5
Dive Acc.: 2(6) 2(e)
2(e) zigl 2(e)
Guns: 8+4.11 e(2) 6+2 e(2)
Ammo: 30/40 12(30) 12(30) 16t30 12(30)
Curtiss P-40E (lfityhawk l)
Hits: U 32 32 32 32
Crit.Table: B EEEE
Sioht Table: E
-tnitiation: BBBB
l do 1d7 1d7 1d7 1d7
Ceiling: 8n0 8n5 8n5 8130 8n0

North Africa: January to August 1942

ircraft rurnman uuruss Hawker Curtiss awker
Type: ll Tomahawk la Martlet Hunbane Hunicane Kittyhawk la Hurricane
Fbhters: (us F4F) (408fti€1) Mk lla Mk ilb (P40E&t€7) Mk llc
00{g Grumman Martlet Minimum: g 4 3 34 3
I0-24-Cu rtiss Tomahawk Cruise: S 6 6 67 6
25€4-C u rti ss Kittvhawk Max.1-2: I I I I 10 9
65-72-Hunbane lla 3{: 9 10 I I 10 I
73€9-Hunicane llb 5-6: gI I 10 10 10 10
89-94-Hunbane llc 7€; I 99 9
g5-gg-Spititre Vb trop s10:
14 Tsrminal: 1g 14 14 18 14
Attck/Fryhter Bombers Rats: g Roll 2 u4 3t4 2 3t4
00-14=Beaufighter Rate: Fl12
Tum E/15 Fl12 Ft12 V15 Ft12
1S-Z9-Hunicane lld iiiif iF, ltiiliiiiijiiii

i,JJ;,liliil.,-iJl..ii,,r'. JJ.,


30-79-Tomahawk Glimb 1-2: g 34 434

80-99-Kityhawk 3*4: 3 34 434
5-6: 3 : 3 333
L"avd Bombars: 7€: z 3 323
Wellingbo, Boston, Dive Acc.: Z(TI.
Guns: '8'
2(e) 2(71' 2(71- 2(e) 2(71'
Marylard, 6+4 7 7+4 10 11
in 3 plano vics, 1 to 4 Ammo: 15 15 13 13 15 I
vics(roll)(3 to 12l,1 to 3 HiF: g0
GrilTable: D
u 32 32 35 32
squadrons E c CE c
Sight Table: B B B BB B
lnitiation: t d6 1d6 1d6 1d6
g/90 1d6
# 1d6
Celling: TnA 6n0 8I30 Tt10 8t30

HawKer uuoermar
Type: Beaufighter Hunicane Soitfira
FB.MK VI Mk ltd t'It vu
Minimum: 4 33
7 Cruise: 67
Max-1-2: 8 I 10
34: I I 11
5-6: 9 7 10
7€: 7 10
Terminal: 14 14 15
Rate: 4 Roll 3t4 U4
Turn Rate: D/l8 Ft12 Ft12
,.,,.Z$titn.,,,F', fl:.r**:ii;ji1;1'$l1.."11r:,:,ii':,i:,:,ri:ii,',,.',:.::
::;i'',r-,:ii.4:'ii:r:,i :::i:::t;:,:rL:::t::ir':;:1;1:i.1:.i;:;;1;.;;:;:;;1:i;1;:,:;$1iji

Climb 1-2: 4 35
34: 3 35
5-6: 2 24
78: 24
Acc.: 2(6)'
Dive 2(7|', 2(8)'
Guns: i 1 4+9vsarmor 10
Ammo: 16 15 I
Hits: 4 34 32
CrilTable: B c c
Sight Table: E B B
Initiation: 1d4 1d4 1d6
Ceiling: 6/40 7t60 u4a
North American P-51 D Mustang

unKers Fiat JUnKSrS A

rrcra EI
January to SePtember Type: Ba65 Ju 878 cR.42
Ju 88A
1942 Minimum: 3 2 3 3 3 3 2
Cruies: 7 5 6 7 I 7 4
Fiohters: Max12,: I 6 I I I I 5
o6t4-Fiat 3*4: I 7 7 I I I 5
1$3g-Maccftl MC-200 5€:76 7 I I I
4trSg-Maccfti MC202 7€: 7 I I
6&94-Bf 109F4 9-t0:
gsgg-Bf 109G-2
Termlnal: 12 10

Atd<: Rab: 3
Roll 3
00{9-Breda Ba6Sbls
Tuh Rst6: Gl10 Fl12-
*l:l'l-Utiffinf'mfi#fllri*li:i:l:;r iXiii*ii'ilii$tii#*i*rill,llr$
1&19-.Ju 87 $tuka
Climb 1-2: 3
20-24-Ju 88A
25{4-Bf 110E 3 2
g5;€4ilFiat CR.42 5€:3 I
GSTSFlat G.50
g0€4rMC-200 9-10:
Diw Acc.: 2(71 2(6) zbt 2t8) 2{8)
af . frt
1(il ..
8$94rBf 109E-{rvE-7n Guns: 6+2iixed 2tixednd 6 6 adC-,

-l -- a

9$-99-Bf 109F*4 Ammo: 25 30fi30 25 25 3J

Hlts: 32 n 27 25 26
Torpedo: CriLTgble: D C D D D
SM79, Hel 11
shht Table: E
- -lnltidion: E D D D
1& 1dl
towl Bombsn: 1& 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6
SM.79, Fiat 8R20,
llirq: 6ts5 4R0 7t45 7n2 u40 5145

He 11 1, Ju,88, CANT
2.1007 Macchi Maserschmitt Msserschmitt Messersc^hmitt
Bf 109E4nt7n Bf 109F4
-BflioE MC202
Typa: lerstOler Bf 109G-2
squadro[-9, vics of vbs, FOSore 'Emll" 'FrF' 'Gustav'
1 b 3 squadrons in the 4 4 4
raid -'-erui$: e
Minimum:---4-- I10 I10 e
uax-t:e: to
'---sJi 10 11
Rescue at eea bY CANT 11 10 11 12
2.501, or MTB.
s-oi 10 10 10 11 12
7€: I 10 10 10 11
sl0: 16 16
rerminJt , u 17 17
$fl RaGi _t _ 2 214 u4 a4
fffi Ra6: 915 El15 915 Et15 D/18
--oimbi-C;"-""5 5 5
5 5
sJ: g4555
5-d: 34444
Dive Acc.: 2(6) ztgt 2(e) 2(e) 2(e)
Guns: 8+411 6+2 e(2) e(2) e(2)
Ammo: 30140 25 12(30) 12(30) 12190)
Hits: 34 32 32 iz 35
B c E EE
Sioht Table: E c B BB
-lnftiation: 1d6 1d7 1d7 1d7 1d8
Ceiling: 8r20 Irt0 8f25 $na 8n0

Curtiss P40N Waftawk Curtiss P40E (KittYhawk)

Hawker Hurricane Mk llc
62 North Africa: September 1942 to January 1943

rolled up; roll again 00- pilols ro enter directions: Otherwise, the mission ii
O9-Operation Torch. showing the rolls to eac 3-4 a normal North Africa
This is a period of defeat This is a 3 sided oame.
- other: Mission.
Allied, Axis, Vbhy 00-1 4=Pro Allied Allies enter directions: Axis enter directions 5-6:
and retreat for the axis.
One addiUonal problem
French. 1S-S9-Neutral 'l -2 Alliod enter 2-3
qFlg-Vicfry pilot 60-99-Pro Axis.
was the Allied invasion in
he West, opening a n-Th lliad Vichy enter any direction Unless the mission
second front in Afrba
75S'Atit Neutral only fight if 1-6 specifies : 00-54=allied

When his sub perlod is attacked. 55-99=Axis

Pro Allied only shoot at
Pro Axis act as Axis

ied Aircraft rumman untss awKer Hawker untss Curtiss upermarinl

Marilet ll Tomahawk la Hunicane Hurricane P4OE P-4OF Spitfire :

F$hter: (us F4F) (P408/tl€1) Mk ilb Mk llc Kittyhawk la Warhawk Mk VUc

0&07 Grumman Mardet Mlnlnrum: 3 4 3 3 4 4 3
08-14-Tomahawk Cruise: c 6 6 6 7 7 7
15;44-lf .K. Kith/hawk or Max.l -2: I I I I 10 10 10
u.s.P-40E 3-.{: I 10 9 I 10 10 11
4$49-Hunicane llb 5€: 9 I 10 10 10 10 10
50-59-U.S.P-40F 7{; I I 9 I 10 10
6$89-Hunbane lfc $10:
g&gg-Sptifre VUc Terminal: 14 r8 14 14 18 1g 15
Roll Rate: 3 2 314 U4 2 2 314
Attrcfdighter bmbse: Turn Rate: Fl12 915 Ft12 Ft12 915 E/l5 Ftl2
Otr 1 4-Bsaufio hter liEO i;i r:;"ri''. ,|,:;1i:iiiii:i!ti;:;iti*liilrj iill,,,.E:rl
;ii,i,,,t,lrit',t':,,,iili :i::ii,::iirri:i
iii",' ,l|i:i:ii'r,,i'til,',,.*;.;i'#-iji;1i,ii,,'':i1l:r,'. *:ii;;::il:i::::::::': ,,:,r.i4,;,1:;,i
1*-29-Hunblne lld Climb 3 3 44 3 4 b
3&79-Tomdtawk 3{: 3 3 44 3 3 c
8G99-Kittyhawk 5-6: 3 3 33 3 3 4
78:- 2 33 2 3 4
Lwd Bombers: $10:
Wellirrgton, Boston, Dive Acc.: 2(71' 2(s) 2(7'r' 2(7l." 2(e) 2(e) 2(8)t
Maryland, U.S. 825C, Guns: I 6+4 74 11 10 10 10
U.S. B-24D Ammo: 15 15 13 I 15 15 I
in 3 plane vbs, 1 to 4 HIF: 30 u 32 32 35 35 32
vbs(rollxg to 121, 1 to 3 CrllTable: D E c c E E c
squadrons Sight Table: B
InlUaflon: l do 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d7 1d6

Gelling: 7n0 6f70 8r30 8r30 7t10 8/1 0 u40

Type: Beaufighter
Hlocn Curtiss
urtiss Dewoitine
I yprt. M8.152
ryrr-r. I 116 Hawk-75A112
rlclwn-r cr'a lll
Minimum: 4
Mk ild (Pratt&whit'l u.czl D.S2O

Gruise: 7
3 Minimum: 4 o
6 Cruisa: 7 7

Max.l-Z: I I Max.l-2: I I
3-4: I I 3-4: 9 9
5-6: I 7
5-6: *8 I
7 7-8: -8 I
Terminal: 14 14
Terminal: 14 16 ls
Rolf Rate: 4 u4
Tum Rate: D/l8
RollRate: 3 2 z
lt:l; ffiiF
i.ii'.i'i:.iii,l':ltliliiitilxxi:iit;l i.
Turn Rate: E/l 5 G/10 Eti s
Climb 1-2: 4 3 Climbl-Z: 4 4
34: 3 4
5-6: 2
3 3-4:434
5-6: 339
2 7-8:329
Acc.: 2(6)'
Dive 2(7|' Acc.: 2(71'
Dive 2(71
Guns: l1 4+9vsarmor Guns: 10 4
Ammo: 16 15
Ammo: I 20
Hib: M 34 Hib: 24 26
CrilTable: B c Crit.Table: D D
Sight Table: E B
Sight Table: B B B
f nitiation: 1d4 1d4 Initiation: 1d4 1d4 1d5
Ceiling: G/40 7reO
Geiling: 7rcA 7t50 8/10

Dewoitine D.520 Dewoitine D.520

Reggiane Mamhi Meserschmifr Messsrschmitt Messsrschmitt Messerschmttt Foc*e-Wulf
- MC202 Bf 109F4 Bf 109G-2 Bf 109G-6 Bf 109G-6 Fw 190A4
Falco ll Folgore 'FriE' 'Gustiav" 'Gustiav" DB605AM W0rger
Minimum: 3 4 44 444
Cruiss: I I 99 998
Marl -2: 9 10 10 11 11 11 10
34: 10 11 11 12 12 12 11
5€: I 10 11 12 12 12 12
7€: I 10 10 11 11 11 11
Terminal: 16 17 1; 1-7 17 17 16
Roll Rate: 3 2 u4 a4 u4 a4 ln
Tum Rab: Fl12 915 El15 Dl18 D/18 D/18 D/18
ffiililffi tiF,#ffiliritr*
Climbl-2: 4 5 5 5 5 6 4
34: 4 4 55 554
5€: 3 4 44 444
7f; 3 3 44 443
DiveAcc.: 2(8) 2te) 2(e) 2(s) 2(e) 2{e) 2(8)
Guns: 6+2 6+2 e(2) e(2) 10 10 10
Ammo: 25 25 12(30) 12(30) 12 12 16
Hib: 24 32 32 35 36 36 35
CrilTable: C c EE EE F
Sight Table: D c BB BB D
:lnltiation: 1d5 1d7 1d7 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6
Ceiling: 8/65 8/60 8n0 8n0 960 8155 8/10

Period 3C
Greece & Crete
October 1940 to May 1941

Missions For the Greece and Crete Sub Period:

l9-Allied anti-shiooino raid usino fiohtsr{ombers and atbck alrcraft. Attack enters on 1d2. Just otf Enemy harbor or coast; over m.ked beach/sea
- tamiitEries-ire:Etrioi. lioht6rs-shuttlinq troopysupplies and already oft-loaded shff);3 from friendly froop lines, 5 lrom home base. All re-
enbring ditoS generate in'target hex and re-e'nter ii lxis. lnitial generation: 00-79-Allied(00-69-Attack or F[hter Bombar,70-99-Escort]'
Axis anti-ehboino raid usino fiohter-bombers and Attack aircraft Just off Enemy harbor or coast; over mixed beacVsea targ€t(targets are ships,
liohters shuttliiro iroooysufrliri's eb and already off-loaded stuff), 3 from triendly troop lines, 5 from home basa. All re+ntering pllots genorate in
tirget hex and ia-eniEr as AltteO. lnitial ganeration: 00-79-Axis(0G69-Attad( oi Fighter Bomber, 70-99=Escort).
Allied close support raid over land.Targets: @lumns of troops, supply dumps, armor, trucks, prepared posltions and so on. Enter and gsnsrata
and re-enter as dascribed abova.
7$-fi1it close support raid ovgr land, as above.
Axis close escorted level bomber raid on Allied positions.4 from lines, 6 irom hoqq fie-ld, bombers are 14 tu€I, multiengined fighters are {4'
eirgle-erqlned lighters are +2. All pilob re€ntsi A[ied in larget hex. 00{9-Axis, 7&99-Allied.
Ground targeb roll for flak.
ll Psrcentile dice General Pilot Mix: G reek pilots- 1 0m tsslons' ts was a nasty ttile The British pilob were
64 British Pilots-l 0 missions part of the war mostly in transferred here from
0&79- October 1940 to 0Gg9-Allied first oeriod the mountains of Grssce Malta and North Africa
March 1941 in 4&99-Axis I
mibsions later Most mission tables and should consider this
GREECE Itialian PiloF 10 missions covsr the usual types of iust part of their carreer
g)€g-April and May Axis PiloF enter:l -2-5-6 Yugoslavs:5 missions the main phase of the ior the period. Defending
1941, Grescs, Alli€d Pilots2-3-4-5 war. Specials: Strike on Greek and Yugo pilob
Yugoslavia, and German pilots 6 miss hidden targeF. have no further missions.
Crete second oeriod on
169u€ Snscna rsy
Allied Aircratt P.24 M8.151 Bre,19 HS.128 Batle
october 1940 to
March 1941 2 2 3
3 c 6
Fightrs: 4 6 7
00:30-G lo ster G lad iato r 4 6 7
(British florvn) D 7
31-77-PZLP 24 (Greek)
78€8-Bloch 151 (Greek)
8!l-99-H u rrbane l(British)
Alliad Attrck(ld5)
1-Brsguet 19
z-HS 726
&Fairev Battle
4-Blentiaim l
5-Potez 63

l-trol Bombers: r (c). 2(6) 2(6)

Blenheim l fixed/ld l fixed/ld 2fixad/ld
Wellirqton 30I30 3ots0 30130
2g 26 32
Ususally squadron of 9 in 3 B D B
plane vics. E E E
1d2 1d3 1d4
v7a 6130 560
Type: Blenheim 63
3 3
6 c
6 7 Morane-Bfoch M8.151
7 I
6 7

1(5)' 2(6)'
2clitV2d 4iixedl2 d
25F25 20i30
28 30
1d4 1d4
5I30 5na
Fiat at un
Axis Aircraft( Ital ians) Ro.37 cR.32 cR.42 G.50bis MC.200 Ju 878
October 1940 - March Falco Freccia Saettra Stuka
1941 2 3 3 3 3 2
4 6 6 7 I 5
Fiohters: 6 6 I I 9 6
00--09-IMAM Ro.37 6 6 7 I I 7
10-29-Fiat CR.32 c 6 7 I I 6
30-39=Fiat Cn,42 7 I I
40$4-Fiat G.S0bis
85-99-Macchi MC.200 13 13 15 16 10114
2 2 2 2 3
Attrk: JN HrE Ft12 Ft12
. 3. -.....',
i;,r;,,,;; ; ;ftl:,,
Fiat CH,32 ,,l iiili'.iiii' ,'',ll:,,.l;,l,ii:l:t..r,:.',. ',,,,.,;t.*,;;t;;: S, t :,:'',
; ;:;;, ;

Ju 878 Stuka 3 4 4 4 3
Fiat CR,42 3 4 4 4 2
3 3 3 4
Torpedo: 2 3 3
1(5) 2(6) 2(71 2(e) 2(8) 2(6)
Lilsl Bombws: 6 6 6 6 6[+21 Ziixed,lld
$M.79, SM.81, Fiat 8R.20, 25 25 25 25 25 30I30
CANT 2.1m7, 24 ?2 ?7 25 26 28
squadroo-9, vic of vics, 1 c c D D D c
to 3 squdrons in tha raid D D D D D E
1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d2
5no 6/40 7 t45 7na 8t40 617A
hlliad Aircraft
April snd May 1941
00-- 1 1 -Hawker Furyffugo)
1 2-14- Fai rey F ul m ar(B iit)
1$19-Blenheim lfllVf
20S4-Gloste r G ladiator
95'.41-PZL z4(Greek)
4345-B!och 151(Greek)
4&78-Hunicana I
Z$99-Bf 10gE€(Yugo)
id Attack(lds)
1-Bregue_t 19(Yrrgo
z-HS 126(Greek)
3-FaireY Battle
4-Blenheim l(GraeK
Brit & Yugo)
S-Potez 63(Greek)

L.svel Bombm:
Wellington r l-alrey
Do l7K(Yugo) Type: * Blenheim 63 Fury Fulmar lK-2 lK€ Bf 109E-3
SM,7g(Yugo) Mkl Mk ll 'Emil'
Minimum: 3 3 2 3 34 4
Ususally squadron of 9 in 3 Cruise: 6 5 4 6 57 I
plane vics. Max.l-2: 6 7 6 6 78 I
3{: 7 I 6 7 79 10
5€: 6 7 5
I 69 9
7€: 68 I
Terminal: 10 12 12 13 12 1-4 16
RollRab: 3 3 2 3 2 2 a4
Tum Bab: D/18 Ftr2 Jn Ffl2 G/10 Fl12 F/15
----eiimbi:2i g
s 3 3 4 4 5
3-4: 2 44
I 5€: 2
1 ???2 34
Dive Acc.: 1(5)- 2(6) 2(6)' 2(Q). 2(q). 2(8)r
'6 2(9)
Guns: zchin alixeidf?d 2 Tfixed/ldor 4 8(2)
t Ammo: 25f25
Hib: 28
20f30 30
20 10
30 25 30

Crft.Table: A
Table: E
Initiation: 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 'ld7
il Ceiling: 5ts0 v70 6130 6/50 TnA vn, 7n0

'Axis Ai rcratt( ltal ians&

il Germans)
April and May 1941
00--19-Fiat CR.42
il 2A-29=Bl 110C/E
30{9-Fiat G.50 or MC.200
50-79-Bf 109E4n
80-90-Bf 109F-2

il Attack:
Bf 110
Ju 878 Stulq
Fiat CR,42
Bf 109E-4n
t Torpedo:
SM;79, He 1 11

Level Bombers:
il SM.79, SM.81 , Fiat 8R.20,
CANT 2.1007, Do 17, Do
215, Do 21 7, Ju 88A
squadroil-9, vics of vics, 1
to 3 squadrons in the raid

Period 4:
Airwar South Pacific
oll For Sub Period:
fiH)7'-Decsmber 1941 to Aoril 1942
0&1SM ay lglzto December l9'itz
an-4gt'- 1943
5{F79* 194,4
Boeing P-26A'PeaShooter" go-ggE 1945
Seversky P-35

First $ubperiod: 00-19-US vs. Japan in Japanase PiloF enter There were a couple
December 1941 to April 1942 the Philippines directions6-1-2 brief fights between the
The Period of Retreat 20-69=British, Dubh & French and Japansse
for the Allies Commonwealth Alliad Pilob enter and the French and Si
'The Victory Sicknesso pilots vs Japan directionsS-4-5 in this period(August anr
In S.EAsia Dec Decamber) not included
of fie Japanese
through Feb. All pilob get 10 missions in these scenarios.
70-99-Allies vs Japan in this period.
Pilot Mix: O0€4-Japaness
South Pacific
6S99-Allied Feb.M

Mission Mix For The sub-Period December 1941 to April

fll-l9rJapanese close escorted level bomber rakl by the Japanese Navy. All aircrafr are +2 to luel, I from TargeL 7 to 12 from home base over wat6r
!'oll.ld6.andAdd q), ships or islands. Roll ld10 tortarg€t 1-2€4-Allled airfield;S-SuFply concentration; 6-City center;
7-Shlpplng in hartior; 9-10-Naval shippirq on high seas.
zG39f_gp,an9s9.dogg escotted,bwl,bogtbg1 q{ pI $e Japanese.eny. All aircrafi are-+3 to fusl, I ftom Targe! 3 to 4 lrom home base over land,
1dO from Inendly ships of islands. Holl ldl0 for taryet: t -2€{'Allied airlield; $6-Supply concentration;7€-9-10-City center.

l|G49rjaPamse closg. escorted attack bomber strike. 00-59-Navy, 60-99-Army. All aircraft are +.3 to tuel, 1 from Tarset, 3 to 4 lrom homa base over
land or canle(ltqry qlty),.t06 frcm.frierdly shlps or island3. Roll 1dl0ldr target 1-2€4-Allied airfield; S-e-S[pfty concontration; z-e-Attied
army position; 9-1O-Shhplng In ha6or.

SGS9rJaPangse unescortsd bomber rald. Roll ld6l 1-2€-Navy level bomber raid as above; 4-5-6-Army level bomber rald as above.

dl&JaPansse Fighter Sweep over Allled airfield. 00€4-Na\ry, 65-99-Army. Distancss and entry rules as above.

With dl the Sove misslons: All r+enterlng pilob are Alllsd Pllob. It the SHke is against an Airfield: 0G39=new or re-enterlng pilot is taking oft,
{-gg+ilot ent€rs or re€nters normally.
7u?g-Allied unascorted bomber raid. fl).49-level bomber rakl, 50-99-close support or attac* rakl. All aircraft are +3 to tuel, 1 from Tarset,
3 b 4 trom home base over land, ld6 trom lriendly ships or islands. Rolf id.l0 tor targ€t l-2€-4-Attack on Japanes6 beacfihead bhding;
5{dapanese warships or transports at sea; 7-Jipanbse airffeld; 8-9-lOdapanese-shipping in harbor.
Cr$-Allled ascorted bomber raid. fl){9-level bomber rald, 50-99-closg support or attack raid. All alrcraft are +.3 to tu€|, 1 lrom Target 3 to4 lrom
homebaseoverland,.ld6 lromlriendlyshlpsorlslands. Roll_ldl0Joltta€et1-2-3*4-AttackonJapanesebeachheadlandingi
5-6dapanese warships or lransporb at s6a; 7*Japanese airfield; 8-9-lOalapanese shipplng in harbor.
Wlth all the $ove miseions: 4tl lqenls4nS pilob are Japanese Pllots. lf the Strike ls against an Airfield: 0G39=new or re-enterirp pilot ts taking off,
40-99+llot enters or re-enters normally.
Sp€clal Note: With all the above mlsslone. f tha target is Japanese shipplng on the high seas, in harbor, or landino at a beaph, all Jaoanese fiohter oilr
mako a special roll: 0G29-that they were spacial FIM 'Pete' pilots catapul[ laurrchad-from the ships$emselves. Jhese pilots enter'in stickl at cruise

Ground targeb roll for flak.

U.S.Aircraft in the 9ve uruss uuntss urteo ;uruss o tAm

Philippines-Dec. 1941 Type: P- P.35A P-408/H€1 P40gf{-87 O-49 0-52 o-4 7
Peashooter Tomahawk Kittyhawk Vigilant OwI
Fightrs: Minimum: 2 3 44 1 2 2
00-1 1 =P-26(Phi liPPi no Cruise: 4 6 67 3 c 6
flown only) Marl -2: 6 I 10 10 4 6 7
12-29=P€5A 3*4: 6 I 10 10
: c 7
9-10: :
I :rf :
5 6

Attck: Terminal: 13 14 18 18 b I 10
0-49 or O47 Roll Rate: 2 3 22 1 22
0-52 Turn Rate: G/10 Fl12 915 915 Jtt G/10 Ft12
P-35 1 ' ...' !.:,;11;.:';;.,;',
1-2: 3
,.,,,,:,:,','.,:,:,.,',' ',' ,:'.1,:':,:,-':,:,;-,: ..,..-',:

33 33

Climb 3 2
f40p(strafing only) 3'4: 3 33 23
P4OE 3
5-6: 2 3 1 12
Lwd Bombers: 7€:-2
B-17C 9-10:
Formations of 4 to g Diva Acc.: 2(71' 2(7). 2(e) 2(e) 1(4) 2(6) 2(6)
(3+1d6) one extendad vic Guns: 4 6+2 6+4 10 0 111 1t1
Ammo: 30 15 15 15 0 30t30 24F,0
U.S. Resrrue only by boat Hib: 22
Crit-Tabla: D
vE 35
Pilots escaping 6eriod:
0&59-Captured Sight Tabla: D C B B E E E
6&99-Escar)6 to Java Initiation: 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 1dl 1dz 1d2
Ceiling: 5 fiA 7hA 6/70 7na 3ll 0 5t20 5t2A
)ouglas )ouolas qgtas mg so rumman
TBD-1 sB6-3 A-20C B-25C PBY-sA TBF
Devastator Dauntlass Havoc Mfbhell Fleconlrascus Avanger North American P-51 D Mustang
Minimum: 3 3 4 4 2 4
Cruise: 4 4 G 7 4 c
Max.l -2: 6 6 I I 6 7
3-4: 6 7 t0 I I Special Note: No Devastator flies in combai
5-6: 6 9 I 7 after Midway in June.
7f: No TBF flies before June(Midway), canier
9-10: ops in the Solomons, and'land bir'sed ops
Termlnal: 10 iz 14 14 912 in the Solomons EEFORE September.

Cfimb lQ: Z z 3 2
2 2 2
I 1 1
Dive Acc.: e(i)' ^i^,
4tof z(i)" 2(6). 1{5) 2(6)'
Guns: ffixed/ld 6fixeidlZd $ixednd/lv Sfixddltd Oflextsw 6fix/3d/1v
Ammo: 30130
1 5t30t30
) *fil
I 5t30
Sight Table: E E E E EE
lnitiation: 1d2 1d4 Id4 1d4 1d2 1d3
Ceiling: 4fiA 5n5 6/1 0 6120 3t70 5135

apanese Aircraft Mix

May 1942 to
December 1942
ilatry Fighters:
0H7-Nakaiima AOM2n
(float Zero)
08-59-AOM2 Zero
60€4-AOM3(22) Zero
8S99-A6M3(32) Hamp
Army Fghters:
00-74-Nakaj ima Ki.43-lb
7ffi7-Kawasaki Ki.61-la
88-9g-Kawasaki Ki.6 I -lb
]lavy Attdt:
Val and Kate
Army Attrck:
Ki.s1 Ki.48

Navy Level bombers:

MiFubishi G3M, G4M
Army l-trol Bombers:
Mitsubishi Ki.21 , Ki.48
squadrons of 9, long Yics,
1€ squadrons.
a Aichi uDts
Type: D3A-1 G Ki.48 Ki.51 Fl M El3A
'Katg' Yaf" 'Lily' 'Sonia' "Pgte" 'Jake'
Minimum: 3 3 3 33 3
Cruise: 5 7 5 55 4
Max.l-2: 6 I I 77 7
3'4: 7 I 9 77 6
i I 7 77
7f.: I
Terminal: 12 r;4552 ii li i-o 10
Rate: 3
Roll 3
TurnRate: Hl5 ji:i:B
Ft12 E/ls 915 Gl10 G/l0
:tli:E$Ofn i FrAdOn:i i:::r,:::i;::::;ii l :t.itil,:;,n:ll;i.;::i::;:.3,,,'

Climb 1-2 3 3323 3

34: 2 3323 3
5-6: 1 3212 ?
78: 2 1
9-10: -:
Dive Acc.: 2(6). 2(6) 2(6). 2(0). 2(6)' 2(6).
Guns: lfixed/ld I fixed/ld lllextZd 6+2fixedlld u1 a1
Ammo: 30139 3ots0 30130 15/30 20/30 20130
Hits: 26 24 30 30 18 22
Grit.Table: D D AD B B
Sioht Table: E
-lnitiation: E EE E E
ldz 1d3 1d3 'ld4 1d2 1d2
Ceiling: 5160 8n0 7n0 5140 6n0 5140
Itlission Mix For The sub-Period of 19tr1
Usual Pilot Mix: 004g-Japanese, 50-99-Allied

OGl4rJapaneee close escortsd level bomber raid by ths Japanese Navy. All aircraft are +2 to fuel, I lrom Target, 7 lo 12lrom home base over watsf
fioll.1d6.and add 6), ld6 trom triendly shlps orlslands. Roll ldl0 tor target 1-2-3-4-Alli€d airfiald; S=Supply concantration; 6-City csnter;
7-Shipping in harbor; 9-1O-Naval shlppinig on high seas.

lseglJapanese close escoded lavel bomber raid by the Japanese Army in New Guinea. All aircraft are +3 to luel, 1 from Taroet 3 to 4 fromhome
base over land, 1dO from hiendly ships or islands. Roll ldl0 tor targe[ 1-2a34=Allied airfield; S-6=Supply @ncentration: 7:8-9-1g-City conter.

fll39rJaPanese close escorted atlack bomber strike. 00-59-Navy, QG99=Army. All aircraft are +3 to fuel, 1 from Target, 3 to 4 from home base over
lard or canle(Narry only),.1d0 lrom.friendly ships or islandir. Roll 1d10 fcir target 1-2-3*4-Alli€d airfield; 5-6=SJpply concentration; Z-g-nttied
army posidon. SlO-Shpplng in harbor.

fighter sweep
over Allled
airlield. 00-79-Navy, 80-99*Army. Distances and entry rules as above.
ttlth all the above mlsslonr: All.r+€nt€ring,pilob ars Atlled Pilob. ll th6 Striks is against an AlrffeH: 00-39*New or re-entering pilot is tiaking off,
46-99-Pilot snters or rs€nters normally.

sG8g-Allled escotbd bomber raid. fl).49-level, 50-99.-close support or attack raki. All aircraft are +3 to tuel, 1 lrom Target,
3 to 4lrom home base over land, 1d0 from shlps or !s.la1tls= Roll-1d.10 tor target 1-2€-4-Attack on Japanese berchhdad landing;
$Oqjapansae warships or transports at sea; 7-Japanee€ alrfield; 8-9-l0iJapanose-shipping in harbor.
90-99-Allisd fighter swaep over Japaneee airfield. fi)€9-Navy, 40-99-Army. Distancas and entry rules as above.

Wlth the above Allled mlgrlonr: are Japanese_P_ilob" lf he gElke ls_aqainst an iirfield: 00-39-new or r€€nt€ring pllot is taking
ofi,4G99-pilot entera or rmnbrs normally. Attack raids Roll: 90-99-Navy Canier RdlJ using Canier aircraft only.
RecueFule : Overland In New Gulnearjapanese walk home, Allies walk home. Over Water: Japanese arg lost unless a Jaoanese shidMTB ls rolled
Allied pilots are lmmedl?Fly. nscued.lf lhe boaufioat plane ls rolled in that square, otrerwisb: @-OgqJapanese Rescu€/lost lor war, iO-lgdi;t-
from exposure, 20-99-Allled or frlendly nativs rescug. lt lsland is rolled for square: alli€d pilot is rescued.

Ground Targeb roll for flak

Allied Aircratt Mix: rumman ljuruss ]urtiss Lockh upermal 0 rumman

Typa: P-39D F4F4 P-4OE P-4OF P-38G/H Spitfire F6F€
Fighters: Airacobra Wildcat Kittyhawk Warhawk Lightning Mk vb Hellcat
Minimum: 4 3 4 4 4 3 4
00-24-Curtiss P-40E Cruise: 7 c 7 7 I 6 c
25-29-P40F(USonly) Max.l-2: 10 I 10 10 11 10 10
ss-s7-Spiffire Vb(RAAF 3-{: 10 I 10 10 11 11 11
5-6: 10 I 10 10 12 10 11
defense us.raidonly)
58-69-P-38 G/l{ (US on ly)
78: 9 9 I 10 11 10 10
70€4-Grumman FOF€ Teqllnal: 16 15 18 18 14 15 i6
(US only)
RollRab: 3 3 2 2 5 3t4 3
93-99-F4U-t (USonly) Tum Hals: E/15 E/15 E/15 gts D/19 Fl12 915
rZtf'qr'F'=ffii:riii{:rjri;lirjijiiiiii iiiiiiiriiiliiiiilr]iii,i 'r't,i:f rr ri,.i:: ilixlli.*lj'rrtiiiiiliiililiiliiii -5 --------3-
Allisd Attek: Gflmbl-2: 3 3 3 4 4
A-20 Dive Acc.: 2(8) 2(7)' 2(e) 2(e) 2(8) 2(8)' 2(8)
Guns: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Dauntless Ammo: 15 18 15 15 14 I 25
Allid Level bombers:
Hits: 36 32 32 34 36 30 36
g-25CtD CrilTable: C D E E B(c) c F
Sight Table: D B B B D B B
A-24 Initiation: 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d7 1d7 1d6 1d6
B-17VF Ceif ing: 7150 7tI0
B-24D 8110 8/1 0 8/65 8/40 8/50
8.268 rumman )ouglas orth American onsoEa iepuDrl anc9-
Hudson TBF SBD€ A- B-25D PBY.sA P47C F4U.1
Marvland Avenger Dauntless Havoc Mitchell Recoilrsscuo Thunderbolt Corsair
Squadroni of 9-12 4s 3 4 4 2 4 4
1to 3 sqadrons per
c 4 6 7 4 I c
7 6 I 8 10 11
boxes. I 7 10 I 9 11 12
Navy Raids: Nayy fighters,
i 6
? I :
12 '|2 14 14 I 18 17
3 2 4 4 4 1t2 3
D/l8 Ft12 Dtl8 ct20 :,',,:
I' cn0 D/18
,, :,..:,..r:,:,,:1,,, ; ;,;;,,,;,;.;,
. t;
-,:,1:,' .,.;
;1,' , :::,'
..,,:,..' ,;,,'$,1,.:,:. ,. :r':,,,,i1:nil1;,:':,,,$.:,:,:::t,.,r,r:,'':,: ,,:,:,:,:.: :, ,
,,;..,-:,.:.''.''r.:',, .,

$,i.'.;,,, ,:,: ,:.;,.,;,

2 2 3 2 3 4
2 2 2 2 ? 3 3
3 3
l : i i : 3 2
2(6). 2(6) 2(6)' 2(6)' 1/(5) 2(10) 2(e)
6fix,3dor,1v 6fixedl2dor 6|ig2dra, lOfirl6dorsal 6f lexlSwaist ZxB 10
1 5t30i30 2A 15t30/30 5t30
1 30t30 20 25
38 32 38{+1) a8(+1) a5(+1) 45 40
E E I E E B c
1d3 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d2 1d8 1d6
5/35 5125 6/10 5t2A 3f7A 9110 il44
risto North American p-F1 D Mustang
T)'pe: Beaufighter CA-iZ
FB.Mk Vl Boomerang
Minimum: 4 4
Cruise: 7 6 Type Nameftransldionl
Ma,x.l-Z: g g Aichi B7A1
Alli€d Code Name
3t: 99 Aichi ElgAl
Ryuse(shooting Star) Grace
5-Q: I 6 Kawanishi {
Shiden(Viotet t_igninin'gl
7f.: Kawasaki Ki.45 Toryu(Dra€on K'iiteri -
9-10: Ki.61 - ' Nick
'Terminal: 14 Kawasaki HienfSwatiow) Tony
12 MiFubishi AOMZ-S ReisenfType 2ero)
Roll Rate: 4 g Mitsubishi J2M1 RaidenffiunOe-rOdttl
Zeke, Hamp, Zero'
_ Turq Rate; CnO grt S Jack
1i.gQq(I.fF !:,:';r'.1':';ii1;,,,$.,.-iii,.,1irli:lllllllr,i,,,,FC=
Climb 1-2: 4 g illTlj?'lil'# [T i;.til[,il3ipJrfiofi tu nt"i nr
z il#jimffi:fi Sfiif,fts:*nrdrFi"o''rr Oscar
5i.19 HayatefGatet
Ki.&4 Qonryir(Storm Drason)
v Helan
9-10: Yokosuka D4YZ Sulsei(Comei) Judy
Acc.' e(q).
Dive 2(6)
Guns: i f i0' *Reisen
was not an officiaf name, but a popular rendaring of the
Ammo: 16 1g designator. Lfkewise, Zero and Zero-sen 'were useo ainioii '"-
_ Hib: M 24 e)(clusively, but wsra never actually otficial Allied ioOe-names.
Crit.Table: B D
Sight Table: E B Note, names wers mgre commonty used
fnitiation: td4 i& H n: Japanese
by the ?$_o_f}^rl?t.tlld.godg
thari wsre the Japanesb namest
Ceiling: 6/40 ffTO

ese Ai ish ishi s wasaki ,lakaiima tlakajima Kawasal

943 Type: AOMS-22a
'Zol<s 22'
'Zekg 32'
A6M5 KL45 Ki.43-b Ki.43-ilb Ki.61-1b
Navy Fryhtrs: Minlmum: 3
Zeke 52' 'Nick' 'Oscar' 'Oscar" Tonf
00*49-AOM3(22) Zero Cruise: 6
3 3 4 3 3 4-
Marl-2: I
7 6 67
50-74-AOM3(321 Zero
I I 910
75-99-AOM5 Zaro
10 10 10 9 I I 10
I I 9 10
Army Fighters:
O0{7-Kawasaki Ki.45 9-10:
I I I 10
08-28-N akaji ma Ki.4il-lc Tsrminal: 15 15 15 14 15
29€9-Nakaji ma Ki.43-llb ' Roll Rate: 4 3 3 4 2
70 I l-Kawisaki Ki.61-lb Tum Rate: G/l0 Gll 0 Ft12
85-99-Kawasaki Kl.6 I -lbKai rffii
4 4
lky Attrck: 94: 4 4 4 4 4
Val , Katg, Judy ffi: 4 3 3 3 4
p/qhip- defence El3) 7$: 2 2 2 2 3
Army Attack: 9-10:
Ki.51, Ki.4g Dive Acc.: 2(71. 2(7\', 2(7l,.
Gluns: 10(2) e(2) 10(2)
2(7't' 2(71. 2(71,' r[r,
9 6 6
l,Lsvy Lwef bombers: Ammo: 1 1(30) 13(30) 14(30 ) 10 2A 20 15
MiFubishi GgM, G4M HiF: 25 24 27 32 22 24
CrilTable: 30
Army Lovel Bombers: Sight Table: D D
B D D c
Mitsubishi Ki.z1, Ki.48 Initiation: 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6
squadrons of 9, long vics, Ceiling: 7n0 7$A 8/10 7t50 7na 7n0 7t50
1€ squadrons.
yoKosufia NaKajrma Aichi
nawasaKr Yokosu Aichi Kawasaki Migubishl-------TEFl
-ryp€: Kt.6r-tbKai
tof;r' D4y2 sdi,t - ogii '-
'Kare' rvai" ElsA
Cruise: i6S75S4"rf"
5€: rni07gZZ6
Terminal: i7 ls 12 1s 1l i1
f.:!l[lp: _.q_ 4 s 4 5 s lo
9-10: :
Dive Acc.: 2(9)
10 ^..2@)_. ..ft{:, . 2(6.) 2(6)' 2(6)' 2(6)'
^uuns: 12 zrixedtld
goreo- ttixbdltc triGoho rGxlzo e*aikiuo
- - xixi'i,tto
Hib: ?, - goEb
-26- sotoo- ai0t30- isEo zaao
GrltTable: ;IDdDADB Cr- 24 sO g0 22
Sight.Table: EEEEEEE
lnitiation: id6 1d3 Uz tdg ldg 1d4 1dz
ceiling: 7t5o zt*o sm-o gtzo rtzo st4o st4o
72 Mission Mix For The sub-Period of 1944
Usual Pilot Mir 00-49qJapan6se, 5G99-Allied

Go$Escorted U..S-Nary14tl-slppirglaid. Roll for target 0G29-Canier task force with I Carrier, 1 CA, 1CL, 4DD; 30-89-t Light Carrier, 4
6 !anspo4; 60-99-l CA, ? CL; 4DD, 4 transporb. The strike is over tairget, 3 from home carrier. Pibts do not rienter.

R o ll for Japan ese Fleet Defenders: 00-29.hrmy, 30-99-Navy

1G&U.S. Navy or Marlne(or both) escofted Stike misslon over enemy beaches or islands.3 from carrier or home island.
Targets: roll d10; 1-z€dapanes€ airfield, 4-S6-.rapanese posltfons, 7€rlapanese buildings, 9-1 o=Japanese shipping at anchor.

3or3$Allied land based raH on Japanese shlpplng, targets ara rolled as above on the Navy scenario. Japanese delenders roll as above.
4Ga$Allied land baeed st
trd- hodi, +ir,o''i1"1lfl5riittr'l{,:ffi:$F-',:i&Eii'iiffi[''ffilirtt.lfisflif'"-'",f'#!i#,'$fri,.6.*filJll'1"",,3llJ'J:Sf;f;?
6O-99-Escott llghter.); 6$9$6sdirted level bomber ra[i. Targeb rolled as Marine sirike above.
5G0S1111"6 *hter sweep oler Japanese island. 0trS9-Allied land based Stlke, 6&99-US Nayy/tularine raid. Rang€s are rolled as above lor
type ol rafiJer.
7G89qj!Paneqe_esc9$e{ etsike. 0049-land ta€€t 5G99-anti shipplng strike. Roll for trarget._9G29--Carrier task force with lGarrler, 1 CA, iCl
.- _-^ 4DD; !_ess-_t_!iqnt-cqr.der,
do not re- f. Dp..6 tran-sport; 6G99-1 cA,'2 dL, 4.DD, + tF1qpgb. ThsirirJis over tardel s rrbm rrome iarrierl pn-d-
enter. Floll tor allisd Fle€t dsterders: 00-29-Army and Alliss, 30-99lNavy. Land tiarEet 3 trom-cairier or homs island. '
Iargets: roll d10; 1-2€-Alllsd airlleld,4-S€-Allied army posithSns, zt-griiHinos, g-tO-lttieO jhiioino at-anchor.-
F^olllor.typ€ ol allad(r OG39-Level Bomber raid, 4G99-Stlke with irdividual altac-k alrcraft. Roll ldr s6rvice: Ogeg-Japanese Army,
RessJe Rules: Overland In New Gulnea-Japanese walk home, Allies walk home. Over Water: Japanese are lost unless a Japanese shiilfulTB
pibts are lmmedlately rqqgugd lfthe boat/lloat planes is
.. Allied -from grJapanese Rescue/lost for war, i G
Loltgd 14 $at.gqgqre, o$erwise: 00-0.
I 9-dlee expoeure, A)-99-Allled or frlendly native'rascue. ltlsland is iotifi ioi'sqirare: Atlief:pilot ifiesc-rrA:

upermaring Republic Republic rumman

Spitfire P-38G/tl F4U.1 P40D3>19 P476-20 to26 F6F€wm
Mk Vc Li,ghtning Corsair Thunderbolt TBolt(Bubbfe) Hellcat
Land based Fightrs: 3 4 4
O$Og-Spiffi re Vc(defence 4 4 4
only) Or FMl
c I I 5
11 11 11 10
10€9-P€&J(USonly) 11 12
40-49-F4U -1 (Marin6 only) 11 12 12 11
10 12 12 12 12 '12
5&74-P47D(US onlv) 10 12
7*79'P4TD:ZAruS ontv) 11 12 12 11
11 11
8&92-P-51B(US) 15 14 17
93-96-P-51D(US) 18 17 16
3 5 3 1t2 1t2 3
97-99-Spiffire 819 D/l8
Ft12 Dt18 cna cr20 915
tl&.ffi$iiF'ffiffi# ,;1iiri$X-iiitil.;iiiij:ij;ili'',,;.t:;;ii,Iiffitilrillii',iiti;ii,,*l"ri'iil1il,,iii,i:l,i.t'-tttitlr:il,t'i,ili
onlY) Glimb 1-2: s44 t,t':,';,Sjllli*.i,rt*llliilllliffi
34 i,u{}jXtiXii:iit iiii:X:i,i iit':r*llli#ili
Allled Attdr: 34: 54 3 3 4 3
1- 5-6: 43 3 3 3 3
r Beaufiohtei 7€: 42 2 3 3
9-10: 2 2 ?
3-4- F4U-l borsair Dive Acc.: z(i)" 2(8) 2(e)
5 - A-20G 2(10) 2(10) 2(8)
6 r g-zsclH Guns:
10 zfr zfi 10
14 20
7 - P-40Nfiittyhawklll 30 20 25
7 ' Mosquito HiF:
Crit.Table: c r!r,
36 40
45 I 36
9-10=P47D Sight Table: B c B D B
Initiation: 1d0 1d7 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d6
US Navy Fighters:
0tr19-F4F4lFMl Geilirq: 8l4A 8/65 8/40 9/1 0 9/1 0 8/50
70-99,=F4U-1 Corsair rumman )ouolal JOUgras American urtiss nn AmgrK
TBF SBD.5 A-2OG B-2sG/H P-4OKN P-518(-3) P-51 D
US Navy Attek: Avenger Dauntless Havoc Mibhell Kittyhawk lV Mustiang
1-2=Avenoer Mustang
3{-Hef kilver
4 3 4 4 4 4 4,
c 4 6 7 7 I I
7 6 I I 10 11 11
Alli€d Lwd bombers:
I 7 10 I 10 12 12
I ? I 10
B-24J 12 12 14
12 12 i"

14 18 1g '|'7
8.26G 3 2 4 4 2 4 4
D/l8 Fl12 D/l8 : Bn6 915 Dll8 D/l8
Squadrons of 16 in 4 .::''i,..,;'. '',;.,.,,,{.,,:.,,,,,:.i1:,1:,,1:,,,, :,,:,',,.,.,,
3,:,: l
,' '
:. : :r:'',,'',..{,'l:,,..,.,,,.,,,..,,'
:, :.:. F...'

. $.r:.:
.: .: :::'.
plane boxes.
$i,,:::, . '.,,.:.,-,:,;:: .
:,. :..:. . : D:.1:::::.:'
2 2 3 2 3 4 5
ttg 3. sqadrons por 2 2 2 2 3
mtsston. 5 4
3 4 4
i : : l 2 3 3
3 3.
2(6)' 2(6) 2(6)' 2(6)' 2(e) 2(10) 2(10)
6fix,3dor,1v 6fixedl2dor 10fixl6d 8(x2)fix/6d,6t 10 I 10
1 5t30r30 20 15/30 1 5130 15 2A 2A.
38 32 a0(+1) 48(+1) 35 36 39
B B E E E':,
1d3 1d4 1d2 1d2 1d6 1d8 1d8
5r35 5n5 6/1 5 5/60 7t10 sn5 9r35
tF 73
IF $upermanne av uruss North American P-51 D Mustang
Allied aircraft contin ued Type: Spitfrre FB. MK VI cA-12 sBzC
Mk 8rg Mosquito Boomerang Helldiver

lr Minimum: 4
Cruise: I
li Marl-2: 10
34: 11
5€: 12
7€: 11
$10: 11
Terminal: 16
Roll Rate: 3
Tum Rate: E/l5

t*iif,tl0lflii$ ,liili;
1-2: 5
F',,,u,;;,'i,,;'ii,,,,, ',,',.''

Climb 4 3 3
3{: 5 3 2 2
L 5S: 4 3 1 2
7€: 3 3
$10: 2
Dive Acc.: 2(8) 2(8). 2(6). 2(6)
Guns: 10 11 10 l0fixed6d
Ammo: 14 15 13 1-2&a
Hib: gz 38 24 u
CrlLTable: E B D D
Sight Table: B c B E
Initiation: ld7 1d6 1d2 rd3
Gelling: gl40 760 6n0 €i/40


Japanese /

i Naw FlshHB:
oo-5g-n-oM5 Zero
60-79-Kawanishi N 1 Kl -.,
8084-Kawanishi Nl le-J
85-99-Mitsubishi J2M2
Armv FiEhters:
@€9-Ki.43-llb Oscar
&44-,Ki.45 Nick
45-59-Ki.61 -lalb Tony
ffi-74-Ki.61-lH<ai Tony
75 8{-Ki.61-ll Tony
85-94-Ki.84-l Frank
9S-99-Ki,44-ll Tojo

dun table I (20 ammo) is
the standard
Gun table 10(18 ammo)
is for double aces
Gun tiable 12(12ammo) is
for aceis with 15+

NryY- Attrk:
Val , Grace, Judy,
Jill awasaKl ma a I uDls
Armv- Attd<: Type: Ki.61-lbKai Ki.61-ll Ki.84-l Ki.44-ll D3A1 Ki,s1 D4Y2
Ki.51Sonia, tTt' 'Tony ll" 'Frank" 'Tojo" 'Val' 'Sonia' 'Judf
Ki.45 Nick t inimum: 4 4 4 3 3 3
Ki.43 Oscar Cruise: 7 7 I I 7 5 6
Max.l -2: 10 10 10 t0 I 7 I
HavY l-gvel bombers: 3-4: 10 11 11 11 I 7 10
Mi-tsubishi G4M 5-6: 10 10 11 11 I 7 10
74: 10 10 10 10 I
Army Lsval Bombers: 9-10:
Ki.67'Peggy' Terminal: 17 17 16 16 15 11 15
Ki.49 "Helen Roll Rate: 3 3 3 2 4 54
Turn Rate: El15 FJ15 915 915 Fl12 E/15 Fl15
squadrons of 9, long vics, 23
1-3 squadrons. Climbl-Z: 4 4 4 5 3
3*4: 3 4 4 5
5-6: 33443
7€: 23332
Dive Acc,: 2{9) 2(e) 2(8) 2(8) 2(6) 2(6)' 2(8)
Guns: 10 11 8t10-121 1f ixed/1d G+Zfiiedltd Ztixed,lld
Ammo: '12 10
15 zfir 8-14 3ol3o 15130
Hits: 32 32 u ?8 24
Crit.Table: C E D D D
Sioht Table: B
-lnitiation: B D DE 1d4
1 do 1d6 1d7 1d7 1d3
Ceiling: 7150 8n5 7150 u45 u20 7l4A
Mission Mix For The sub-Period of 1945
Usual Pllot Mk' 0G24qJapanoso, 25-99-Allled
00$-Escorted U.S.Navy rqp. Roll tor targ€lilX)-29-Canier task torce with 1 Carrier, 1 CAL'! CL,4 DD; 30-59-l Light
- Carrier, 4 DD,
6 transport; 6F99;1 CA,?'CL,4 DD, 4 transports. The stslke ls over target 3 trom home canier, Pilots do not r€-enter.
Roll for Japanese Fleet Defenders: 00-29-Army, 30-99-NatU

1G19-U.S. Naw or Marlne(or bohl ascorted stlke mission over enemy beaches or lslands. 3 from carrier or home island.
Targets: roll dl0: 1-2€-Japenos€ airfield, 4-5-6-.Japanese positlons, 7-8-Japanese buildings, 9-1O-Japanese shipping at anchor.

2G29-Allied lard basad rald'on Japanese shlpplng, targets are rolled as above on the Navy scenario. Japanesa Defenders roll as abovs.
tH}9-1111.6 land bas€d stdke aganst no4-nav_al tatseF. Thle is a tactcal stslke. Roll as MarinE scenario above. Allied stdke is I lrom target, 4 from
frlendly lsland, 44 lrom home, +2 trom luel. Taqets roll for flak.

4G59-LonE range close'escortgd B-29 raid over Japan. Bombers arE 1d6 trom TargeL ldl0 from Safe Haven(Friendly lsland, Shipping or Sub).
Escorb must stiay near bombers lor 3 rooms, OR un0l below hall ammunitlonor below half remaining hits. In thi-s condiffon, ihe alrctaft ls not
allowed b ailach purcue or whatever, they may only run for home il they chose trc leave the bombers. B-29s are never unescorted. ll the
escorts shot down, ha scenario is over. H+entering pilots roll up normally. Thls scenario should not be played wih fewer than 10 playsrs.
SG@-Allled fighter 8w€€p overJapanese island. 00-59-Allled land based strlke, 60-99-US Navy/trladne raid. Ranges are rolled as above for
type ol raider.
TDSrJaFanese oscorbd *n". Op-{9-land taqet; 50-99-antl shipping strik6. Roll for target Otr29-Canier task force witr I Canier, I CA, 1 Cl,
4 DD; 3G59-l Llght Curler, 4 DD, 6 fanspotl; 60-99'1 CA, 2 Cl- 4 DD,4 transports. The strikE is over tatget 3 lrom home carrier, Pilob
- Foll
do not re-enlgr. br Allled fleet debnders: 0G29-Army and Allies, 30-99-NaW. Land target: 3 from canier or home island.
Targets roll dl0; 1-z€-Alll€d airfieH,4-5€-Allied army positions, 7{-Bulldlngs, 9-1O-Allied shipping at anchor.
Roll lor hroe of attack 00€9-L6vd bomber rakl. {-99-Strike with individual attack aircraft. Roll for service: 00-29-Jaoan€se Armv.
30-9Q-Mfvy. Atlad<.aircraft roll: fl)-29-Kamikue. Pilot may not manewar b avold attach may only fly direc{y towards target Thise pilob
may be plaied by pllote who arc also flylng escort Escort must ouhumber suickie aircrafl

Rescue Rulee :These scenarlosare consldered to be over wabr. Over Water: Japan€ee are lost unless a Japanese shio/MTB ls rolled or ls
detanding over lsland. Allled pilots are immediately rescued it the boaUtloat planes is rolled In that squara, otherwisdl: 0O{gqJapanese
Resqrdlost br war, 10-19dles trom axposure, 20-99-Allied or friendly native rescue. lf lsland is rolled lor square: Allied pilot is rescued.

llied Ai I

l-.ild bcd Fighters:

00- 9-F6 F€/S*m He llcat
20-34rF4U-1/4 Corsair
3549-P-3&, Lighhing
50-59-P47D T:Bolt
7084-P-51D or P47N
g0-gg-Spiffire U9
(Only in defense
of allisd island)
Alllod Attrck:
1- Helldiver/Avenoer Y
2- Beaufighter
3-4 F4U-1 borsair
5 A-20c
6 B-25G/J
7 P-40N/l(ittyhawk lV
7 Mosquito
9-10 P-470

US Navy Fighters:
70€9-F4U-1 Gorsair

US Navy Attrck: repuDf l upermanng Curtiss North American as rumman )ougl l€ut
1-2 Avenoer Type: P47N Spitfire P-4ON B-25J SBD-5 TBF A-20 G
34=Heldiver TBolt(Bubble) Mk 8/9 Kittyhawk lV Mitchell Dauntless Avenger Havoc
5-6=Dauntless Minimum: '4 3 44 3 4 4
Cruise: I 9 77 4 c 6
Allied Lwd bombers: Max. 1-2: 11 10 10 I 6 7 9
B-29 3-{: 12 11 10 I 7 I 10
5-6: tg 12 10 I 6 7 I
Squdrons of 16, in 4 7€: 1g 11 I
plane boxes. 9-10: 12 11
Three squirrons. Terminal: lB 15 18 14 12 12 14
Roll Rate: ln 3 2 4 2 34
Turn Rate: Cn} EtI5
.. .. r.. .:.. i.: . Fl.......'...,::,:,;,:
FJl5 Bn6 Ft12 Dt18 Dl18
.ffifif F6 $ff.',i
,.,..,r:.. .r.. ......::;
:.. C.:.:.. i.'. ,;.t..,. ,;,
.,,,,,4,i1,.,l,,,.,,,'',,,,1,,',.,, ,,;,,.,'..',,, . $.'' ,
,'.. ,,',.,
'.,.,, .,.,,,.,,.i.t.,

Climb 1-2: 23
l l r', '

c. 2 2

3 3
3-.4: 4 c 3 2 2 22
5-6: 4 4 3 1 1 11
74: 4 3 2
9-10: 2 2
Diva Acc.: Z(10) 2(8) z(el 2(6). 2(6) 2(6). 2(6):
Guns: 28 10 10 10(P)nx/6drtt 6fixedlzd Efixedrg dtlv 10fix/6d
Ammo: 1T 14 15 t 5130 2A 1 5130130 5i30 1
Hib: I 32 35 a8(+1) 32 38 a0(+1)
CrilTable: F E EB D DB
Sbht Table: D B BE E EE
lnitiation: 1dg 1d7 1d6 1d2 1d4 1d3 1d2
Ceiling: 9lO0 9/40 7nA 5/€0 5n5 5135 6/55

Russian Aircraft
ype: Policarpov ollcarpov 'ol|carpov ov
A Note on Russian nam6:
l-152 l-153 l6lm18
l-161m18 l-101m24
Fightrs: Chaika Rat,a Rata
00€g-t-152113 Minimum: 2 2 33 Chaika.=Gull
40€9-l-16/m.tB Cruise: 5 5 66
$-99-l-16/h124 Max"l€: 6 7 99
3-4: 7 I 99 l-16s wore also known by the name

Russian Lwd Bombers: 5-6: 6 7 88 Mosca(Fly)

llyushin DB3 7€: 6 77

llvushin lL4 $10:
fupolev SB-2 Terminal: l l 12 13 14
Rate: 2
Roll 2 2 2
Turn Rata: Jl| JN Fl12 Ft12
ii:*l*gi .t*:r*..i.'rlt':.*.;llil.l ,ilii.'lii,,,ir':'i''ruri:i'',li lii illti:1,:'lri:irrt*#:
In a long vic
attd<s of 1 to 4 squadrons Cllmbi-2:. 4 s s 5
3-4: 4 4 4 4
5S: 3 4 4 4
7$: 2 2 2
Dlve scc.: 2{6)' 2(6). 2(6)' 2(6).
Guns: -5
c 7 10
Ammo: 20 20 14 10
Hlb: Z0 20 22 24
CrllTable: D D D D
Sight Table: C
-lnitiation: c D D
1d4 1d4 1d4 1&
Cellirg: 5135 7t50 7t15 7t15

Mission Mix For the'OPERATION BARBAROSSA' sub-Period

June 1941 to December 1941:
- 00-09-Flnnleh
Roll agaln: Front
1O-99-European Front

Pllot Mir OO€9-Russian, 7G99-Axis.

lDffannan doee sscorbd close suDport miselon. Pllot mix tor hls sconarlo: 00-29-Ruesian, 3G99-Axis. Each Axis pilot rolls: 00-59-Attack aircraft
60-99-Escort fuhter. Attack aircrift roll ldz for inltiation, escort must bo wlthln 60 irphas of attaok Escort is tied b he atiadq may not lsave room
to drase enemf aircraft until attadors have escaped. ]f a$ack leavim he oom are under attiacl<, sscort must @ntinue with attack craft May not
oursue furtrer ftan 'l0 feot from tre ettack alrcrait whlle they are b€ing stalked or attacked. Roll lor target 1-Troops on marcfi, z-Truck aonvoy,
3-Adlbrv mdffon,4-Susoecbd command oostbulldino), $6.AimeE. Attack enters in tarset room, 1 lrom lines,4 trom homs alrfleld, +2(40mln)
fuel. lt llo-wh as continous i$acfq reenterlng'pllots are Riissian. lf atteck ls In other than target room, re-enter normally. It taryet ls alrfield, re-
enbdng pllob are taldng ofi.
-- -- rolt tOl forunescofbd dose eupoort mleslon. Pilot mix for Sris sconarlo: 0O€9-Russian, 70-99-Axis. All Russians are flying Attadc Attack aircraft
Inltiation. noil tor tbh*: l-Troops on march, 2-Truck convoy, 3-Artillery position, 4-$uspected command post(building), 5{-Alrlield--
Attack enterE in tarrget rcom, 1 from llnes,4 trom home alrfield, +2(40mln) on fuel. lf flown as continous attac*, all r€€ntoring pllots ala Flussian. n
attack aircraft harre-left targit mom, re-enter normally. Re-enbring Russians may be in ftghters.

{!{f-f,xie slese escorbd level bomber raid. Escort must etiart wittrln 60 btral inches of bombars. Fighter mix: O049-Russian pilob' 5-0-99-Axis.
fimet-rott OOtl-Zg-Clty c-enbi,4-5-Trooo corrcentrations, 6-7-Rail yards, 8-Airfield. Over-tiarget, 2lrom lines, 5 from home field, +2 luel.
All b€nbring pilob are hueslan. ll the attack ls on an alrfield: Russians: 0O€9-taking ofl, 40-99-enters normally.

CIS- Axis f[hter sweep,2 from llnes,4 from home, +2 fuel, all rg€ntsr Russian.

Ground TargeF roll for flak

lf this is a Finnish Front
Scenario: 00-24*Finn ish
pilot, 25-99-Gsrman

Finnish Fightrs:
00{6-Policarpov l-153
07€6-Fokker D.21
37-7l-Morans MS.406
73-99*Curtiss Hawk-75

Finnish Lwd Bombrs:

squadrons of 9 to 12
1€ squadrons per attack.
Grman Fighters:
00-14-Bf 110C
15-19-Macchi MC200
(ltalian Only,
European front only)
20-39-Bf 109E4
40€9-Bt 109F-2
70-99-Bf 109F-4
78 yps: Moserschm eserschmitt u nkers Ju nkers

Axis aircraft
Bf 109F-2
Bf 109F-4 Ju 878 Ju 88A4
"FriE' Stuka
Continued Minimum: 4 4 23
Gruise: g I 57
Axis Attek: Mar.l -2: 10 10 68
00€4-Ju 87 Stuka 3-4: 11 11 78
3549-Ju 88 5-6: 11 11 68
50-64=Bf 1 10ClE 7€: 10 10
65-69-MC,200 9-10:
70-99-Bf 109E Terminal: io 16 10t14 1U14
Roll Rate: 214 a4 3 4
German Level bombere: Turn Rate: El15 g1S Ft12 Ct20
Do 17, He 1 1 I H-6, Ju ,ilillEifOtn:iffiffifiiXiii,riiiitlil'fir,,,iii,,.,i ,,,',liilill,',,,,,-,:,:',i,',,'ll,i:',:,,,:',',,,$,,:,,',,,i

SM.81 (ltlaian), Ca.31 I Climb 1-2: S s 2 2

3-4: 5 c 2 2
Splane vics, squadrons 5-6: 4 4
of 9 aircraft in vics of vics 7€: 4 4
1 1

3 to 10 squdrons in an sl0:
attack. Dive acc.: Z(gl 2(e) 2(6) 2(6)
Guns: 6+2 e(2) 2txl1d ZtlexldN
Ammo: 16ts0 12(30) 30r30 30 all
Mig 3
Hits: gz 32 28 46(+1)
GrifTable: E E c B
Sight Table: B B E E
f nifiation: ldT 1d7 1d2 1d4
Ceiling: 8lB0 8130 6f70 5130

Russian Aircrafi ype: dEarpov Polcarpov Policarpov Mikoyan n VUU

-153 f t-16/m18 t-lilffiz4 Mic-il3 LaGG-3 Yak-l Su-Z
Fighters: Chaika Hata Rata
00-1 1-Policarpov Mlnimum:3304444
t-l52/153 Cruise:s667866
12€9-Policarpov Max.1-2:7g9101Ogg
l-16/m18 34: I I 9 tt 1O tO 9
40-59-f -161m24 5-6:7881ttOg8
60-79-MiG-113 78:6771i9O-
80€6-LaGG-3 $10:
87-99-Yak-1 Termlnal: 12 13 14 15 t6 14 12
'RoffRate: 2 2 2 2 2 2 g
Russian Attrck: Tum Rab: Jn Fnz Fn2 Ehi E/15 ElrS Olte
1-2-Sukhoi Su-2 riti8d ii]lF.f i'i1[ii:iiil.1S1 *;ri:r :liillilllii,ri*4iiilrifilillll]ii.rlilji
3-6-llyushin lL-z Gllmbt-2: 5 5 5 4 4 4 g
Russlan Lwef Bombers: 5-6:-4 4 4 4 g g
llyushin DB-3 78i2229-z 1

llyushin lL-4 sl0:

Tupolev SB-2 Dive a@.: 2(6)' 2(6). 2(6)' z(i)' e(i). 2(8). 2(6).
Petevlov PE-2 Guns: 5 7 10 6+2 I 6+2 Sfixedf;ld
(Very Rare) Ammo: 20 14 10 1g 12 12 30
Squadroos-1 2aircraft Hits: 20 22 24 24 30 2g 32
ln a long
In lono vic CrilTable: D D D c D c D
attacks of 1 to 4 squadron Sight Table: C D D c c B E
Initiation: 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d2
Geilino: 7150 7115 7t15 8n0 7BA 7na 6/€0
yp8: snrn
Minimum: 4
Mo(.1-2: I
3-4: 7
5-6: 7
9-10: toricaf sid+note:
Terminal: 12 Russian 'Lettef namo dasignatiqls often denote a group effort in building airplanes.
Roll Rate: 3 LaGG =Lavochkin €orbu nov€ udkov
Turn Rate: E/15 M iG -'llikoyan€ urevich
Zegfn:,,,FaCfgf l,',',;,:'l
: :,,,,:,,,.:1;i{}.:,,,;':,

Glimb 1-2: 3
3-4: 2
5-6: 1
Dive acc.: Z(71
Guns: gfixed/ld
Ammo: 1Slg0
Hits: 60
Crit.Table: E
Sight Table: E
f nitiation: ld?
Ceiling: iEA
--' 79

Mission llix For the sub-Periods January to June l%2,July to Decembet 1%\
Rollasain:oooe-Finnish Fronr
1O-99-European Front
January tO June 194i1, July to December 1943
Pllot Mix 00{9-Russian. 7&99-Axis.
S49-Gennan dose ascorbd closo support misslon. Pilot mix for this scsnario: 00-29-Russian, 3&99=Axis. Each Axls pilot rolls: O0-sg-Atack aircratl.
60-99-Eecod tighter. Attack alrcidft roll ld2 for Inltaton, escort must be wlthin 60 inches ot attack Escort is tied to the attack, may not leave rooin
lo chase enemy aircraft unul atleckers have escap€d. f anack leaving he oom ar€ under attacb €scort must continue with attac{craft. May not
pursue turther than l0 toet ftom the attack alrcraft whlle they are belng stalk€d or attacked. Roll for taroet 1-Trooos on march. 2-Truc* coniyov.
3-Artille.ry position, 4-Suspected command post(bulHlng), $O-Alrfield. Atiack enters in target room, l-from lines, 4 lrom homei alrfield, +2(40niih)
on tuel. lt tlsyn as continols attack, rc€nt€ring pilob are Ruesian. ll Bttack is in oharthanlarget room, re€ntsr normally. I tar!€t is iidield, rs- '
enbring pilob are taking otf.
S{9-Russian unescorbd doea support mlselon. Pilot mk lorhls scenario:O0€9-Russian, 7G99-Axis. All Russians are ffying Attack Attack aircraft
roll 1d2 for Inttiation. Roll fortiripet l-Troops on march, 2-Truck convoy, S-Artlllery posltion,4=Suspeded command oo=stbul6ino). S{-Airfield.
Attack € targ€t room, I Fom lines, 4 from home_alrfield,.+2@0mih) on.fuel. lf down as continoirs attack, re-enbritng pilob ard'Russian. lf
dtack ls In oher than target room, re'onbr normally. Recnbrirg Russian pllob may be In fighters.
$59-Busslan escorbd mlsslon. Roll: {D-59-Russlan atack mlsslon; 60-991!ussian level bomlar raid. ATTACK: pllot mtx: @€9-Russlan,
70-99-Axis. Attack alrcrai roll td2 br lnltiafion, escort must be wlhin 60 inches of attack Roll for attack targ'et: 't-Troofrs on march, 2druck
c9tlY9y,.+Artiller;l posltion, 4-Suspeclod command po6{bullding), 5_{irAirfteld. Atack enbrs in target room, I from linds, 4 from home airfield,
+2(40min) on tuel. lf ffown as oontinous altacl! ro€nbrino pllob are Russian. lf attack ls In otrarthin tamet room. re+ntbr normallv.
LEVEL BOMBER RAID: Escort must start wlfiin 60 totallnbies of bombere. Flghtrer mk: 0G49-RussianiSOSS-a1;r. Taroet roll d6: 1-2€-Citv
center, 4-S-Troop coqcenlations, Q-7-fla!.!yq(s.81Nirfie!. Qv-e-r trrget, 2 from lines, 5 from home field, +2 fuel. All ro€nt--edrq pilob are Axis. it
he attack is on an airfield: A{s pllots roll:0039-Taking off,4Ggg-Enbrs normally.
q}84-Axls close escortsd level bomber rald. Escort must start wlthin 60 btal lrches ot bombers. Flohbr mix: 0G49-Russlan ollob. 50-99-Axts.
Target rolldB 1-2€-Clty_cenbr, t€:Troop concentrations,6-1-Rail yards,8-AEield. OverErget,2lrom lines, 5lrom'hom6 tield, +2 tuel.
All ro€nterirE pllob are-Russlan. lf he attack ls on an alrfield: Russia'ns: 00€9-Tarking ofi, r0-99-Enters normally.

95S- Axis FigLter Sweep, 2 fon lines, 4lroq fome, +2 fuel, all re+nbr Russlan.
fAxis aircraft: I l-153 MS.406 HawkTSA-7 80 Bt 110C MC.200 Bf 109E4 |
lJanuary to June 1942 I Chaika Pratt& WhiL ZarstOrer 'Emil" I
lf this is a Finnish Front
lfunario: fMlnfmum:34gg4gel
lCrulse: 567698e,
lRllo! 25-99-German lMa.<.1-2:759899S1

rFinnish Fighters: l3+:899910910 1

I O0{g-Policarpov l-1 53

i (captured) or l-16
+10: 12
|I Termlnal:
1&29-Sufrer Morane 14 t6
g 15 14 16 16 |
13egg=Curtiss Hawk-75 I Tum RoflRata: z 2 2 4 z 214 |

I Rate: Jn gl5 c/10 Fl12 E/15 Ft12 gis

IFinnish Ltrsf Bombars: iiliit:iiiniii*"1liii l,:i,ftiijiilliua*rlitiitr;iiiil

I elenheim | {.WtjF.fffiHi;Liilliirii8r';r
Climbl-z: 5 4 4 ,, I

sguadrons of 9 to 12 I 5 3 4 S I

1€ squadrons p€r attack. 13.{:45343451

l5{: 44333441
German Fighters: lzO:2g22zg4l
00{g-Macchi MC200 I Dive ae.: 2(6)' 2(6)' 2(71 2(71' 2(6) 2{8) 2(9) I

(ltalian OnlY, I Guns: 5 |

European front only) I 6i2 I 9 8r;4i1 6(i2) 9(2)

I Ammo: 20 8p,0 20 r0 3U4A 25 t2(30)
or IAR8O(Euro only)
10-19=Bf 109E4 I Hits: 20 2, 26 24 94 25 I

2S29*Bf 109F{ lOrlt.Table: DCDDBDeI

30€9-Bf 109F4 I SightTable: D B B C E D e
Inltlation: 1d4 1d4 1d4 I

g0-gg=Bf 109G-2 I 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d7 |

t celling: 7ts0 7n0 7rc0 7n0 8e0 8t40 8125 )
Gisman Attack:
00-19*Hs 1?3 or Ju 88 ype: Mesgrscnm m sssrschmitt unKers Junkers enschel Henschel
or Do 17 or Da 217 Bf 109F-2 Bf I 09F4 Bf 109G.2 Ju 87D Ju 88A4 HS 123 HS 126
20-29-Hs 126 'FriE' 'Fritz' 'Gustav' Stu]<a
30-64-Ju 87D Minimum i 4 4 4 2 3 2 2
65-74*Fw 189A or Cruise: I I I 6 7 6 5
Bv 141 (fantasy) Ma,x.1-2: 10 10 10 7 I 6 6
75€9-Bf 11OCIE or 34: 11 11 11 7 I 6 6
MC200 5€: 11 11 12
I I 5
g0-96-Bt 109E4ft 7€: 10 10 11
97-99=Bt 109F-2 9-10: -
Tarminal: 16 16 17 10 lU14 10 11
Grman Levsl Bombers: Roll Rate i A4 u4 a4 3 4 2 3
Do 217, He 11 1H-6, G/10
Ju 88A l,i,li,l,lr;,;;:;:;1:r7,,;';'$;,',

ftalian Level Bombrs: 3*4: 5 c 5 2 2 3 2
SM.81, Ca.311 5-6: 4 4 4 1 1 2
7€: 4 4 4 1

3-plane vics, squadrons 9-10: -

of I aircraft in vics of vics Dive aw.i 2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(6) 2(6) 2(6) 2(6)
3 to 10 squadrons in an Guns: 6+2 e(2) e(2) mtzd ZtlexldN 2 1f ixod/ld
attack. Ammo: 16130 12(30) 12(30) 30/30 30 all 30 30 all
HiF: 32 92 35 28 46(+1) 26 26
Crit.Table: E EE c B D D
Sight Table: B BB E E D E
Initiation: 'ld7 1d7 1d8 1d2 1d4 1d4 1d3
Ceiling: 8i30 81130 8170 6na 5R0 6ft4 6/30
yp8: Dornier Dornier EAGffi[lr Blohm&voss
Do 172 Do 217E Fw 189A BV 141

3 2 3
7 6 6
7 I 6 7
7 I 6 7
7 9 6

2(6) 2(6) 2(7\

2fixed/dft ZlixedfZtail
tnril6J,'/" 6fidxdl3d&/1w
30 all 30 all
30 all 30 all
*r'" 3a(+1)
1d3 1d3 1d2 1d2
5fl4 5/60 5/60

.t-1orml6 re'w,wr
tparoov rersarpev t-19ni24 a yak 1 Su_2
Russian Airsatt i:iE5'- Mis 1r3 UG-G
January to June 1942 Ohaika Ratra Bata
SHBIS;I icarpov r- 1 orm I
95-34-f -1ilm24
I u8f.l.,?3!'b10o8
3S€g-MiG 3
4S54-LaGG 3
5$79-Yak I e-l0: : 12
13 '14 1-5 10 14 12
80€7'Curtiss Hawk 81 Termlnal:
RollRab: z 'i 2 2 i z 3
88-91-Hunicans lla
9Z-gg-Yak7b Tum Rab: Jn r-nz rfi2 el-'is ers E/15- D/18
Russian Attrk:
00{g-l-1Sg s-{:L4q41!2,
1s'l9-l-1 61m24

2(g)' e1fu' 218r zql' 2(s)'
2G28-BgU 2(6r
2943-Bell P€9D o,ot#: s -Y' td -oV -P- ti+2 8flx6dl3d
m i+ rq l't \? 12 30
5&54-Hunicane lla Ammo:
Hits: m 2' 4 3^o 28 32
g$99-pe-2 CrttTable:D5'b- CqcD
shtrtTabte:oDDdE-BE r& 1d4 1d2
Russiar Level Bombers:
llYushin DB-3
-lniuallon: 1d4 1d4
celllns: Trso ii6
iiis efrb 1{'
iBo. tno ano
llYushin lL-4 Yakovlev
fuPolev SB-2
Petevlov Pe-Z
ype: 'lL-zn Hawker
Hawk 81 P400 P-39D YakTb
Tomahawk Airacobra Airacobra
Doqilas A-20C Sturmovik Mk lla 44
North American Minimum: 43 4 4
B-25 Mitchall Cruise: 56 6
10 10
Max.l-2: 89 10
10 10
Squadrofls-l2aircraft 3-.{: 79 10 10
10 10
in a long vic 5-6: 7 10 9 g8
attiacks oft to 4 squadrons 7€: -9
s10: 16
Terminal: 1-4 18 16
3 gt4233
Roll Rate:
Ft12 E/15- El15 915

3-4'. 2 4333
5-6: I 33
acc.:gfixed/1d 2(71', 2(9) 2(8) 2{q)
i 6+4 10 10
Ammo: 15ts0 13 15 15 15
Hits: 32 36 36
CrilTabla: E
Table: E
Sioht BB 1d4 1d4
1d2 1d4
4tig 7l5A
Ceiling: 1nQ 6f7A
Aris aircrdt:
July to December
ff this is a Finnish Front
Scsnario : 00-24-F in nish
pilot, 25-99-German

Finnish Frghtrs:
00-{9-Pol icarpov l- 1 53
(captured) or l-16
1Gzg-Super Morane
3trgg-Curtiss Hawk 75
Flnnlsh Lovd Bombers:
equadrons of 9 to 12
1€ squadrons per attack.
Gsman Fighters:
0&09-Mamhi MC-200
(ltalian Only,
European tront only)
or lAR80(Euro only)
1&1g-Bf 1ogE{
2V29-'Bf 109F-2
30€9-Bf 109F-4
g0-99-Bf 10gG-2

Gbrman Attaclc:
0&19-HS 143 or Ju 88
or Do 17 or Do 21
YP€: Meserschm gserscn m gssgrscnm unK9rs u nKers ensc 6nsc
20-29-HS 126 88A-4
3e04-Ju 87D Stuka Bf 109F-2 Bf I 09F 4 Bf 109G-2 Ju 87D Ju HS 123 HS 126
65-7t+-Fw 189A or 'FriE' 'FriE" 'Gustav' Stuka
,Minlmum: 4 4 4 2 3 2 2
BV 141(fantasy)
7ffig-Bf Crulse: g I I 6 7 6 5
110C/E or
MC200 Ma,x,l-2: 10 10 10 7 I 6 6
9f96-Bt 10gE4n 3{: 11 11 11 7 8 6 6
g7-gg-Bf 109F-2 5€: 11 11 12
I : I :
. 78: 10 10 11
German lovel bombers: Termlnsl: lU14 10 11
Do 217, He I I lHS, 16 16 17 10
Ju 88A, SM81 (ltlalian),
Foll Rate: 214 u4 u4 3 4 2 3
Ca-31 1(ltalian)

Splane vics, squadrons

ol 9 aircraft in vics ol vics
34: 5 55 2 3 2
3 to 10 squadrons in an
5€: 4 44 I 2 1

7€: 4 44
Divs acc.:
2(e) 2(e)
l fixridll d
Ammo: 10t30 12(30) 12(30) 30i30 30 all 30 30 all
Hits: 32 32 35 28 a6(+1) 26 26
Crlt.Table: E EE c B D D
Sight Table:
-lnitiation: B BB E E D E
1d7 1d7 1d8 1d2 1d4 1d4 1d3
Ceiling: 8I30 8/30 wa 6na 5I30 6n0 6130

yp8: Dornier rnter u oss

Do 172 Do 217E Fw 1894 BV 141

3 3 2 3
6 7 6 6
7 I 6 7
7 I 6 7
7 I 6 6

Dive acc.: 2(6) 2(6) 2(6) 2(71

Guns: l flex/l dMtw OfidxdlSdlvllw 2tixadldft 2fixedl2tail
Ammo: 30 all 30 all 30 all 30 all
Hits: a8(+1) 3a(+1) 32 32
Crit.Table: A A A D
Sight Table: E E E E
Initiatio n: 1d3 1d3 1d2 1d2
Ceiling: 6n0 5na 5/60 5/60
82 ype: 'ol|carpov olrcarpov vocnKtn av0cnKtn VIgV Sukhoi ovlov
l-16/m18 l-161m24 t aGG-3 l€-5 Yak-1 Su-2 Yak-1 m
Rata Rata
Russian Aircraft 3 3 4 4 4 4 4
July to December 1%2 6 6 I I 6 6 7
9 I 10 10 I I I
I 9 10 11 10 I 10
00104-Policarpov l-1 6/m 18 I I 10 11 I I 9
7 7 I 10 I I
3&31_La_S 14 16 16 14 14
32-{4-Yak-1 222 2g 2
45-53-Bell P-39D
54-59-Hawk 87
Ft12 V15 D18
Et15 0fi8 915
.t, ;t..

6&99-Yak-7MYak-g 544 4g 1
4 4 4 4 2 4
Russian Attar*: 4 3 4 3 1 3
0&07-Policarpov l-16 2 3 2 2
0&15-l-1 Am24 Dive acc,: 2(6)" 2(6). 2(8)' 2(8). 2(8)' 2(6)' 2(8).
t &19-l_aGG-3
Guns: 7 10 I I 6+2 Sfixed/3d I
Ammo: 14 10 12 l2 12 10
Hib: n 24 30 32 28
32 28
S&34-Hurrbana lla
CritTable: D D c D c D c
Sight Table: D D c c B E B
Initiation: 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 rd2 1d4
Ceif ino: 7 t15 7 t15 7BA 7t30 7 t10 6/60 7t30
Russian Levd Bombers:
llyushin DB€ yp8: shin
Hawker Curtiss e 9V
llyushin lL4
Tupolev SB-2
Hunicane Hawk 87A€ P400 P-39D Yak-7btg
Sturmovik Mk fla Kifryhawk Airacobra Airacobra
Peteylov Pa-2 Minimum: 43 4 4 44
Douglas A-20C Cruise: 56 7 7 77
North American Marl-2: 89 10 10 10 10
B-25 Mibhell 3*4: 79 10 10 10 10
5€: 7 10 10 10 10
Squdroos- 1 2aircraft
In a long vic
7€; -9 I 99
attacks of 1 to 4 squadrons Tsrminal: 12 14 18 16 16 14
Roll Rate: 3 314 23 3
g1s 2
Turn Rate: Et15 Ft12 E/15 El15 E/15
il;,EO6g111r,F $:i',,,i,l,, .,,:.,r:',' . {.':,,:,:,:,: ,:,: ;,:,:,.:r::,;,',:,'.r,:,:,:,ii:,:.';,,',:,i,.,:,:,,,i,r:,:,'$::l:::':

Glimb 1-2: 3 4 3 3 35
34: 2 4 3 3 3 4
5-6: 1 3 3 3 4
7{.: 3 2 2 3
Dlve am.: 2(71 2(7J', 2(e) 2(81 2(8) 2(8)'
9fixed/ld 7 10 10 10 I
1 5t30 13 15 15 15 10
Hib: 60 32 35 36 36 28
CrifTable: E c E c c c
Sight Table: E B B D D c
InitiaUon: 1d2 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4
Ceilins: 5EA 8t30 7 t10 4t50 7t50 7t30

Aircraft Mix: January to June 19f,1

Axis aircraft:
January to June 19+3
lf this is a Finnish Front
Scenario: 00-24=Fi nn ish
pilot, 25-99-Gsrman

Finnish Lwd Bombere :

squailrons of 9 to 12
1€ squadrons per attack.
Axie Fightrs:
00{9=M acchi MC.Z00( lt)
1 0-1 4'.Macchi MC.202(lt)
or Super Morand
(Finnish onty)
15-29=Bf 109 Fa(A.xis)
3049=Fw 190A-3'
50-69=Bf 109G- 2 or
Bf 109c-6/R6
70€9-Bf 109G-6
90-99=Bf 109G-6AM
Aris aircrdt:
July to December
ff tfris is a Finnish Front
Scenario : 00-24-F in nish
pilot, 25-99-German

Finnish Frghtrs:
O0-09-Polbarpov l-153
(captured) or l-16
1Gz9-Supor Morane
3&9g-Curtiss Hawk 75
Flnnlsh t-ovd Bombers:
equadrons of 9 to 12
1€ squadrons per atack.
Gsman Fighters:
0&09-Mamhi MC200
(ltalian Only,
Eurooean front onfy)
or lAH8O(Euro onlyl
1&1g-Bf 1ogE{
zVZSr-,Bf 109F-2
30€9-Bf 109F{
g0-99-Bf 109G-2

Gbrman Attack:
0&19=HS 1a3 or Ju 88
or Do 17 or Do 21
20-29-HS 126
30€4-Ju 87D Stuka
65-74-Fw 189A or
BV 141(fantasy)
75€9*Bf 110ClE or
9f96-Bt 109E4n
g7-gg-Bf 109F-2

Srman Lovel bombers:

Do 217, He 11 1HS,
Ju 88A, SM81 (ltlalian),
Ca.31 1(ltalian)

Splane vic€, squadrons 34: 5 5 5 3 2

of 9 aircraft in vics of vics
3 to 10 squadrons in an
4 11 2

Diveacc.: 2(g) 2(e) 2(e) 2(6) _e(01 2(6) 2(6)

Guns: 6i2 e(2) e(2) ZtixdtZd 2tlexldV 2 l fixed/ld
Ammo: 10130 12{30) 12(30) 30130 30 all 30 30 all
Hits: gz 32 35 28 a6(+1) 26 26
Grit.Table: E E E CB D D
Sight Table: B
-lnitiation: B B EE D E
fil 1d7 1d8 1d2 1d4 1d4 1d3
Ceiling: 8130 8r30 w0 6nA 5130 6n0 6i30

ype: Dornier flOrnigr ult tslonm&voss

Do 172 Do 217E Fw 189A BV 141

Minimum: g 3 2 3
Cruise: 6 7 6 6
Marx.l-2: 7 I 6 7
3-4: 7 I 6 7
5-6: T I 6 6
Terminal: llllg
n]n 12 10
Roll Rate: 3 34
Turn Rate: Etts Cn} G/10 G/10

Climbl-Z: 2 2 3 3
34: 2 2
5-6: 2
Dive acc.: 2(6) 2(6) 2(6) 2(7)
Guns: l flex/i dMlw OfldxdlSdlvllw Ztixedldft Ztixedf?tail
Ammo: 30 all 30 all 30 all 30 all
Hits: 4B(+1) 5a(+1) 32 32
Crit.Table: A A AD
Sight Table: E E EE
Initiation: 1d3 1d3 'tdz 1d2
Ceiling: 6n0 5n0 5/60 5/60
ype: M8ssorEchmitt tvte$erschmitt Focke-wulf Junkers unKers nscfie JUnKErS
Bf 109G{ Bf 109F-4 Fw 190A-g Ju B7D Ju 88A*4 HS 123 Ju 87G
ontinued DB605AM 'FriE" W0rger Stule Stukalanti tank
Attdr: Minimum:444-z 3 2Z
is Cruise:9986 7 6S
00{9*HS 126 Ma,x.1-2: 11 10 i0 T I 66
I0.49-Ju 87D or Ju 87G 3.4: 12 11 11 T I 60
5&59-HS 129 5-6: 12 11 '12 z
0S9-Fw 189or BV 141
F79-Bf I 10E
tr8g-Bf 109F*4
7$: 11
Terminal: 17

16 t0
t0 10
Fw 190A€
loll!tr: a4 q4 1t2 g 4 C g
_ TuqaRa[q: D/18
Gbrman Lwel bomberc:
iiilttqq$ffi@iii{itilli,i+:iil6 :;:il :;r?.'',.1,rr;irxrijiir,i 8:l+t*lrtfllllii,:.rl,.i;,::r.
Clfmbl-2: 6 5 4 2 2 1------ 2
Do 217, He 1 I 1H€, $4:5542291
u 88A,,S fyl.8'l (ltlaian), 5€:4441121
1a.31 1(ltalian) 7{:449-
lane vic€, squadrons
9-10: - - -
9 aircraft in vbs of vics
Dive acc.: 2(e) 2(e) 2(8) 2(6) 2(6) 2(6) 2(6)
3 to 10 squadrons in an
Guns: 10 e(2) 10 XxfA Ztlaxldlv 2 lm?lnd
Ammo: 12 12(30) 16 30130 30 all 30 I (30)t3o
attack. Hils: 36 32 35 28 a6(+1 ) 26 32'
CrllTable: E E F c B DC
Sbht Table: B B D E E DE
Initiation: 1d8 1d7 1d6 1d2 1d4 1d4 1d2
Ceilirry: 865 8t30 8/10 6na 5130 6n0 6n0

rype: Henschel Focke-Wulf Blohm&Voss Mssssrschmitt

Tg'#' HS 1298-1 Fw 189A BV 141 Bf 110C
Minimum: z 3 2 3 4
Cruise: s 6 6 6 I
Max"l€: o 7 6 7 I
5-6: o 7 6 7 10
I 9 I 10
Tsrminal: 1l 12 12 10 14
Foll Rate: g 3 3 4 4
Turn Rate: G/10 Fl12
iliilEls0l$ifitffif:Iitililii ti;*llril.,.,,*ii;,'*i1,'''.:.,.*lli::,: ixilffiii
Climb 1Q,: g 2
3.{: z 2 2 2 3
Fw 190A
6S: I 1 I 1 3
7€: 2
Dive acc.: 2(6) 2(6) 2(6) 2(71 2t6)
Guns: lfixdd/ld l0fixed Ztixadldlt Xixadn|o'il 8+4|l
Ammo: 30 all 11 30 all 30 all 90t40
Sight Table: E B E E E
Initiation: 1d3 1d2 1d2 1d2 1d6
Ceiling: 6/30 5n0 5160 5/t0 8n0

yp8: v SVOCnK|n unrss 9V

Russian Airgaft l-1flim?4 P.39D LaGG-3 La-c Yak-1 Hawk 87A-3 Yak-7/gb
January to June 1943 Rata Airacobra Kittyhawk
Minimum: 3 4 4 4 4 44
Fryhters: Cruise: 6 7 I I 6 77
00{9=Policarpov l-16 Max.l -2: 9 10 10 10 I 10 10
10-14-LaGG-3 3{: I 10 10 11 10 10 10
15-2,P-39D 5-6: I 10 10 11 I 10 10
23-25-Hawk 87
7S: 7 I I 10 I 99
50-S3-Hurricane lla Terminal: 14 16 1l 16 14 1b 14
S4-57-LA-5 Roll Rate: 2 3
gts2 2 2 2 2
58€8-Yak-7b19 Tum Rate: Fl12 El'ts D18 FJ15 915 E/15
89-98=La-5FN :liXl&tirflifidgd',lu:iiiit#l:i,iiririlf;:iititi.,#Lir::iii' ii:tiiri*iii:#rliiri.r#iiilir.ifiii:g
99-99=Spitfire Vc Climb 1-2: 5 3 4 4 4 3 4
34: 4 3 4 4 4 3 4
Ruesian Attrck: 5-6: 4 3 4 3 3 4
00-09-f -16 7f: 2 2 : 3 2 2 3
10-14-LaGG-3 9-10:
15-29-P-39D Dive acc.: 2(6)' 2(8) 2(8). 2(8). 2(8). 2(e) 2(8)'
30-&4*Hawk 87 Guns: 10 10 I 9 6+2 10 I
35-79-lL-2 Ammo: 10 15 12 12 '|'2 15 10
80-99-Pe-Z HiF: 24 36 30 32 28 35 28
Crit.Table: D c c D c E c
Sight Table: D D c c B B B
nitiation: 1d4
f 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1 d45 1d4
Ceiling: 7115 7EA 7F'0 7t30 7t10 7t10 7F,0
ype: llyushin awker Lavochkin ffi7rnailne PetlYakov
84 ussian Alrcra Hurricane La-5FN Spitfire Pa-Z
January to June 1943 Mk lla Mk Vc
4 3 4 g4

c 6 I I
Rusgian Lwd Bombss: I I 11 10
llvushin DB€ 7 I 11 11 I
llvushin lL4 7 10 12 10 I
I fuoolev SB-2 9 11 10
PeteYlov PE-2-
Dou6las A-20C 16
Noilh American
B-25 Mitchell Ft12 cn$

Squadrofls-l Zatrcratt 52
fn a lorq vic 52

atrcks oit to 4 squadrons 41


2(7\ 2{71' 2(8)' 2(8)' 2(6)

7 I tO 4f ix8d/lv
9fixed/l d
15/30 13 12 I 3o all
60 32 30 32 36+t
E c D CA
E B c BE
1d2 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d2
8i30 7t30 s/55 u15

Aircraft for July 1943 to Decernber 1943

Russian Airsaft
July to December 1943
1G,l 1-Hawk 87
lz-|4-Hunicana lla
Russlsl Attek:
ztrzg-Hawk 87

Russian Aircratt

Russidt Level Bombers:

llvushin lL4
P'etaylov Pe-2
Douglas A-20C
North American
B-25 Mitchell

lh a long vic
attiacks of 1 to 4 squadrons
Mission ilix For the sub-Periods 1944 and 194{15
Roll again : 0009-Finnish Front
10-gg-Europsan Front
Pilot Mir O0€9-Rusddn, 7G99-Axls.
Gl9.€ermaS dosa escorbd cloee support mission. Pilot mix for tris scenario: 00-29-Rueeian, 30-99-Axis. Each Axis pilot rolls: 00-59-Attack aircraft.
60-99-Escort frghter. Attack alrcrift roll 1d2 for Inltiation, escort must b€ within 60 inches of attack Escort is tied to the attack, may not leav€
room to dtase enemy alrcrafi until attackerE have escaped. It afrack leaving he room are under attack, escort must continue with httiack craft
May not pursue turtrbr than lOtget lrom he atlack aircrdt whlle they qrq loirp stalkod or attacked. Roll for target l-Troops on march, z-Truck
m4vgy, 3-Artillery posltion, tt-Suepected command post(building), $6-Aldield. Attack enters in target room, 1-trom linas, 4 trom home alrfield,
+2(40mln) on fuel. lf ffown ascontinog-s dtack, re-entering pllob are Russian. lf attac* ls ln other than target room, re€nter normally. lt targot ls
airfield, re+nbrlng pllob ara taking off.
2|I29-Russian unescorbd dose supoort mlesion. Pilot mk for his ecenario: 0G69-Russian, 7$,99-Axis. All Fussians ara flylng Attack. Atlack aircraft
roll 1d2 for inltiation. Roll for tbipat l-Troops on march, 2-Truck mnvoy, 3-Artlllery posltion, 4-Suspected command-post(bullding), S€-Airfield.
Attack enters ln target room, I Fom llnss, 4 from home airfield, +2(40min) on tuel. ll flown as contrnoils attack, re-enbiing dilob are Russian. lf
attack ls In oher han targst room, rmnbr normally. Re€nbring Russian pllots may b€ In fightsrs.
iltO-Russlan escorbd mlsslon. Roll:fl)€9-Russlan Attack misslon; 6G99-Russian Level bomber raid. ATTACK: Pilot mk 0&69-Russian,
70-99-Axis. Attack alrcraft mll ld2 br lnltaffon, escort must be wlthin 60 Inches ol attack Roll for Attrack target 1-Troops on march, z-Truck
oonvoy, 3-Artillery poelton,.f-Suspsctod command post(bullding), S€-AlrfieE. Attiack onbrs in ta0et room, I trom line's, 4 trom home airfield,
i?(€mln) o4 !e[. lf fiown as condnous ettack, ts€nbrlng pilob ars Ruselan. f atd( ls In other $an targot room, rrcnter normally.
LEVEL BOMBER MID: Eecort mugl etart wlhln 60 total incies of bombers. Fighbr mk: 0Ou49-Russian pilob, 50-99-Axis.
Targat roll d6: l-2€clty cenbr, 4-5-tp@ conc€ntrations, F7-rail yards, 8-airfield. Ovor tiaEot, 2 lrom lines, 5 from home fieb, +2 tuel.
All re-enbring pllots are A:ds. lf the dtad< ie on an airfield: Aris pilob roll: 00€g-Taking ofi, 40-99-Enters normally.

70{9-Afs cloee escorbd level bomber rald. Escoil must start ulthin 60 btal irches ol bomb6rs. Flohter mix: 00.49-Russian pilob, 50-99-6b.
Target roll d6: l-2€-Glty canbr,4€-Troop oonoentrations, S7-Rall yeds, 8-Alrfi€ld. Overlarget, 2 from lin€s, 5 troni home field, +2 tuel.
All re€nbrlng pllob ara Rueslan. It the atack ls on an alrfield: Russians: O0€g-Taklng of, {-99-Enters normally.

Aircraft for 1944

ypo: uesseS;$5itt Focke-Wulf Focke-Wulf Mssssrscfimitt essersch mitt Messerscfi m essergcnm
Axis aircraft: Fw 190A-4 Fw 190A€ Bf 109G-6 Bf109G-14 Bf 109G-10 Bf I 10E
1944 'Gugtiav' W0rger W0rger DB60SAM DB6O5ASM DBoOSDCM Zerst0rer
Minimum: 4 4 4 4 44 4
Axis Fighters: Cruise:
9 I I 9 I 9 I
OSO9=Bf 109G-2
Max"l -2: 10 10 10 11 11 12 I
10-39-Fw 190A-4 3.4: 11 11 11 12 12 12 10
4gi-49=Fw 190A€ 5€: 12 12 12 12 12 12 10
50€9-Bf 109G6-Am 7€: 11 11 11 11 12 12 9
70€4:Bf 109G-14 9-10: 11 12
8S99-Bf 109G-10 Terminal: 17 16 16 17 17 17 1-4
Roll Rate: 44 1f2 1n u4 u4 u4 4
0G29-Ju 87DlG
3tr39*Fw 1898v141 3{: 5 4 4 c 6 6 3
40.49=Hs 1298
50-59=Do 217 5€: 4 4 3 4 5 5 3
60-69=Bf 1 10E 7€: 4
: 3 4 4 4
9-10: 2 2
70-79=Me 410
Diva acc.: 2(e) 2(8) 2(8) 2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(6)
80€4=Bf 109G-2 12 10 10 10
Guns: e(21 10 8+411
85-99-Fw 190F Ammo: 12(30) 16 16 12 12 12 30/40
Hib: 35 35 36 36 36 36 34
CriLTable: E F F E E E B
Sight Tabla: B D D B c c E
Initiation: 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6
Ceiling: 8n0 8/10 8/10 ffs5 9/1 0 9/30 8n5
ypo: Messerschmitt Henschel Focke-Wulf Focke-Wulf Dornier Junkers Junkers
410 HS 129
Me Fw 189A Fw 190F Do 21 7E Ju 87D Ju 87G
Hornisse B-1 g-2 W0rger Stuka $tuka/anti tank
Minimum: 4 3 2 4 3 33
Cruise: 96568 7 65
Ma,r,1-2: 10 7 6 6 10 I 76
3.4: 11 7 6 6 11 I 76
5-6: 11 6 6 6 11 76
78: 10 10 :
Terminal: 15 12 12 16 I 1/13 10 10
Roll Rate: 4 3 3ln 3 3 3
G/10 Cn0 , ,, ,.9 lz9 g1 5 Dl18

34 222
3{: 24 221
5-6: 3
9-10 i

1t ?1i
Dive acc.: 2(6) 2(6) 2(6) 2(8) 2(6) ?(ql 12tx
xind ^.2(6)
Guns: l2fixeil lbrear 1Ofix 12tix Ztixedldlt 11 6fixedA atvrtw (zllzd
Ammo: 28140 11 30 all rz 3o ail 30130 I (30)/ 30
Hits: 38 50 32 38 5a(+1) 28 32
Crit.Table: B B AF A' c C
Sight Tabie: E B ED EEE 1d2
Initiation: l dG 1d2 1d2 1d4 1d3 1d2
Ceiling: 7ft} 5na 5/60 7 nA sna 6/70 6170

Russian Aircraft
yps: uruss vrev Y al(ovlev vrev Yakovlev
Hawk 87A-3
Yak-719b Yak-gD/DD Yak-3 Yak-gP
4 4 4 4 4 4
Fighters: 4
0044-Bell P-39Q 10 11
7 7
7 7 I I
10 10 11 11
05{6-Hawk 87 10 11 10 10 11
07{9-Bell P-63 12 12
10 12 10 10 10 11 11
15-59-Yak 9D
10 11 I I I 10 11
60€9-La-5FN 15
90-94-La-7 15 15
95-99*Yak€ or 9P 22 2
EI15 915 jl
Ruaslan Attrck:
.:1.;1;ii,: i1 .;,;: . .li ir![:;:

00{9-P€9D 55 c
10-14-Hawk 87 45 5
15-19-P-&j 45 4
20-79-,lL-Z 33 3
80€9-Pe2 Divem.: 2(g'l 2(8) 2(e) 2(8)' 2(g)r
S-94-lL-10 2(8)' 2(gl.
10 I I I 9
15 10 10 12 12
Hib: 36 38 35 28 30 30 32
CriLTabfe: E E E c c c
Sight Table: c
D D B c c D D
Initlation: 1d4 1d4 1d45 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d4
Ceillrg: 6n0 8n0 7tl0 7BA 7t50 8/10 8/1 0

Russian Aircraft yps: ev snrn e ilyu9ntn

continued La-sFN La-7 Yak-97 tL-2 M3 Pa-2 Ir--r o
37mm gun Sturmovik Sturmovik
Russian Lsvel Bombers: 4 4 4 4 4 4
I I 7 3 6 6
lfyushin fL{ 11 12 11 I I I
Petevlov PEZ 11 12 11 7 I I
Dou{las A-20C 12 12 10 7 I I
North American t1 11 I
B-25 Mitchelf

In a long
lono vic
attacl$ of 1 to 4 squad

Diwm.: 2(8)' 2(8)' 2(8)' 2(71 2(6) 2(71

Guns: I 10 I 11 fixedl3d 4fixtsd/lv l2fixed/6d
Ammo: 12 15 10 1?JzA 30 all 12n0
HiF: 30 30 30 66 36+1 7A
Crit.Table: D D c E A E
Sight Table: c D c E E E
Initiation: 1d4 1d6 1d2 1d2 1d2 1d2
Ceilirg: 7BA 7F,0 7t50 5n0 6/1 5 5t4A

German Aircraft for 1g4S

Axis aircraft:
ype: Focke-Wulf u esserschmitt mifr ossgrschmitt ossgrscnm
1 945
Fw 190A€ Fw 190D-9 Ta 152H Bf 109c-6 Bf 109G-14 Bf 109G-10 Bf 109K
W0roer 'Dora-Nine' with DB605AM DB6OSASM DB6OSDCM D8605L
Minimum: i 4 4 4 4 4 4
Axie Fighters: Gruise: I I I I I I I
0&29-Fw 190A€ Ma,x.1-2: i 0 11 10 11 11 12
30-34-Fw 190D-9 3-4: 11 12 12 12 12 12
35-59=Bt 109G-6AM S6: tz 12 13 12 12
6&79-Bf 109G-14 7-8: 11 , 12 13 11 12
80€9-Bf 109G-10 9-10: - 13 11 12
90-94-Bf 109K Terminal: l6 16 15 17 17 17
Roll Rate: In
95i97*Ta 152 or DoSBS 17
1n 4 u4 u4 u4 u4
98-99-Me 262A Turn Rate: CfZ} CnO Dll g Dll8 D/l8 D/18 D/18
Attdr: $1ii;;,,;i : ' 'r, , . ...'.'
' ;,.' i,:,.r,1.,:

Climbl-Z: 4
;',r:.',,,!,r,; :,.,' - : ., ..,'.:,::,:,::.., :

$.,:;1;]1:'1,.], r..,',:,:,:,:,',:,'':'
$.',,:,,,f,',.,:, .::.:,.,,:,,,:,',..:.ll'. S,.,:,,
4 6 6 6 6
00-29-Ju 87D/G 3-4:4S4 c 6 6 6
3G39'*Fw 1898v141 5-6: 4 4 3 4 o 5 5
40-49-Hs 1298 7-8: g 3 3 4 4 4 4
50-59-Do 217 9-10: 3 2 2 2
60-69-Ma 1 10G Dive acc.: Z(8) 2{8} 2(8) 2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(e)
7&79-Me 410 Guns: 1'1' 11 12 10 10 10 12
80€4-Bf 109G-6 Ammo: 16 12 12 12 '12 12 12
8S99-Fw190F HitE: 96 36 36 36 36 36 36
Crit.Table: F E tr tr
t- E

Sight Table: D
D D B c c c
Initiation: t d6 1d8 1d10 1d8 1d8 1d8 rd8
Ceiling: 8145 8125 10/50 8i/55 911 0 9130 9/30
Russian Aircraft for 1945
Russian Aircraft
I 945

gg4t4-Bell P€9Q
05{9-Bell P-63
75-99-Yak-3 or 9P

Buselan Attrck:

uss|an ype: upolev Yakovlev ilyus nin rtlYfiOv lvushin

continued Tu-2 Yak-97 lL-2 M3 l Pe-2 Ir--r o
37mm gun Sturmrovik Sturmovik
Russian Lwd Bombers: Minimum: 4 4 4 4 4
Gruise: 6 7 D 6 6
llvushin lL{ Ma,x.1-2: I 11 I I I
Peteylov Pe-2 9-4: I 11 7 I I
Douglas A-20C 5-6: I 10 7 I I
North American 7_8: I I
B-25 Mitchell 9-10:
Terminal: 12 15 12 12 12
Squadrofls*1 2aircraft Roll Rate: 4 2 343
ln a long vic Tum Rate: Cf20 E/1 5 E/15 Ct20 Ct20
attacks of 1 to 4 squadrons iillfUgfnlifr fl,,,,,'t,lt,t,';:iir,'i;lli'$

Climb 1-2: 3 323

3-4: 3 4 222
5-6: 2 4 111
7_8: 1 3
Dive acc,: 2(6) 2(8). 2(71 2(6) 2(71
Guns: l lfixedl3dtsv I I l fixedl3d 4tivt.3d,l1v l2fixed/6d
Ammo: 10t30ts0 10 1?JzA 30 all 12t20
Hib: 36+1 30 66 36+1 70
Crit.Table: A c E A E
Sight Table: E c E E E
Initiation: 1d4 1d2 1d2 1d2 1d2
Ceiling: 7na 7rco 5n0 6/1 5 5140
Period 6:
Airwar over China, Burma, India
"The Green Hell Airwar"
oll For Sub Period:
q)-14-December 1941 to June 1942
l$z9FrJuly 1942 to December 1942
30-44qJanuary to June 1943 Brewster Buffalo
Curtiss Hawk 75 45-Shjufv to December 1943
OGT4qJariuary to June 1%4
7s#)qjulv tO ugcom0er
TSr€ghqJuly to December 1944
rst The Ceylon Raid rYas a
Decembdr 1941 to June 1942 There is some overlap esg Ftlots gn Rsscue for this period: Navy only raid.
The Period of ReUoat with the first sub period directions 2-34 Alll€d pilots rofi:
for tha Allies in Period 4. 00-79=*rescued by Ch inese, The Japanese pilob are
"The Victory Sicknessn Due to suoplY and Allied piloF enter from returned to action. Navy Carrier only. They
istace prbbt-ems, pilob anv direction 80€9-Dies of Exposure. must fly the rest of their
of he Japanese d
missions in the Pacific
ara limitad to 1 mission lf ths Ceyion raids are 90-99=Capture by Japan
rolled, Japanese enter Japanee Pilots: (period 4)
Pilot Mir 00-64..Japanese per monh,
65_99=Attied 2-?, allies 5€-1-2 00-79-Lost
80-99-Fleturn to servics

Mission Mix For The sub-Periods of 1941 and 1942

: --
d}0hfaDeneee closa egcorted canier attadr bomber rald by the Japanese Navy In Geylon and the.,lMlan Ocean. ll aircralt are +2 to fuel, 1 from -.
taffit g t-o-O-to-trom himi carrterd oier *ater. There 'are no ti$er lrlendly ehlps or islands, pllob shot down arq _alwqyq lost ercept over the fleet
RoIl ld10 br target l-2-14-Alli€d alrfreH; S-Suppty conge$rafrgn; 6-Clty center,_Z-.ShlPPlqln habor;9-10-N€val shipping on high seas.
(Japaneee Navy'pilots and defending Allled piloti inay only fly his mission twbe) Pllot roll:0G59-Attaclq 60-99-Escort

(n3€Hapanese close escorbd lerel bo4ber raid by the Japanese Arqr11. All ai-rcr. at_ary +3 to.tuel, I from .Targel_3-tg -a flg.m home base over land,
---- iOEtromtrlinOtyshipeorlslands.Roll ldl0lortarget:1-23.{-Afliedairfleld; 5{-SupplyconcenttationtT€'$l0=Citycenter.

'- --
r0Fagdapanoee close escorbd aild< bomber strlko. All aircraft are +3 to fuel, I lrom Tqqsi 3 to 4 from home bass over land . Roll 1d10.for target:
i-Znd[tieO iimltJ: S-e-Suooly concentration: 7€-Allied army position; $1O-Sh'ipping in harbor. |t $e sbike is against an airfield:
00r39-New or re-entddng pllot le-taklrp off,4}99'Pllot €nters or re€nters normally. @-sg-Attad( pilot, 60'99-Escort

5G59-r,apan6se fighbr sweep overAllled brritory. Range and distancos are rolled up as the strike mission above.
lylth dl the $ova J4sree nl6lonr: All r€fntering pllots are Allied Pilots. lf the strike is against an Airfleld: 00€9-New or ro-€ntering
pilot is taklng o4 lO-gg-pitot r$€nbr8 normalty.

flr{giAilted escoded bomber raid. ()o-79,level bomber raH, 8G99-flghter bomber or attack raH. 4!! qlrcraf! qre .+3 b.tuel ! f1oT.fapet, 3 to 4 lrom
- dff 6e'inei6na, iti ffiibt
ls trlenOtv io lttteO pitoG excefrt the immediate target area Roll l dl 0-!o1 terqot 1-2-3-4-Attack on Japanese
mllltary baee(sumly dump, headquarters, iailhed, irmy base eb), S-Japanese transports d sea; 6-7€-9qrapanese aimeld; r0-Japan€se
shipping in harbbi. hta{i Migeione: 0Gsg-Atach 60-99-Escort
g|Fgg-Allied ffghter sweep ovrrJapanese Positions. Dlstancas rolled as bomber rau above.

Wl$r all tho dove mlsslons: All rs€ntsrlng pllob are Japanese pilots. lf fre sFike is against an airfield: 00-39-new or re-entering pilot is
taking off, 40-99-pilot enb|8 or re€nt€rs normally.

Soeclal Note: With all the above missions: I the tarset is Japanese shipping on the high seas, in habor, or landing at a beach, all Japanes€.fighter pilots :i

niake a special roll: 00-29-That they were special FI M 'Pste' pilots catapult launched ttom th€ ships thgms€lv€s. I nese pilols entgr In sucK I al crulse
spesd. rJ

Ground Targeb roll for nak. ,'i

reo Atr ,i

January to June 1gl.2

00:O4=Blenheim lVf or
O5-28*Brewstor 339
29€9-Hawk 75(Chines€
and Commonwoalth)
40-63-P-408(AVG) or
7s€Z-Huniciine I
83{9-Hurricans llb or
Sea Hurricane llb

1-Blanheim lV or Hudson
Z-Hawk 75
3-Brewstsr 339
$Hunicane I
Levef Bombsrs:
Hudson, Blanheim,
Wellirqtofi , 825C, 3plane
vics. afdts
vics, aild<s bybv sing
scuadron of 9 to 12
lied aircratt of early ypo: Brewstar
1942 continued. 339 Hunirmna Hudson Blenheim lV
Buffalo MK IIb bomber
Minimum: 3 3 33
Cruise: 6 6 66
Ma)L 1-2: I I 78
3'4: I 9 77
5€: I 10 77
7€: 7 I
Terminal: 14 14 10 10
Roll Rate: 2 u4 33
Tum Rate: Fl12 Fl'12 Dl18 Dl18
7.2; 3
Climb 4 2 3 Brewster Buffalo
3-{: 3 4 2 2
7€: 2
3 i?
Dive &.: z[l. 2Fl', 2(6). 1(5)'
Guns: I 7 Arxedf.?d 2chin tur.ll2d
Ammo: 15 13 30/30 25n5
Hits: 24 32 36 ?A
Crit"Table: D c AA
Sbht Table: D
-fnitiation: B EA
1& 1d6 1d4 1d4
Ceffirg: 7f30 8I30 6rt0 5/60

Japanese Aircratt Mix

December 1941to
June 1942
Nsr/t fightrs:
00{5 Mitsubishi C5M
06€5-Mibubishi A5M4
36-99-Mitsubishi AOMZ
Army Fightss:
00-74-Nakaiima Ka27
75-96-Nakaii ma Ki.43-l
97-99-Nakajima Ka.44

Nryv Attrk:
Ydkosuka D3Y"Judy"
Nakajima BSN'Katb'
Army Attack:
Mibubishi Ki.1 5, Ki.30,
Ki.32, Ki,51, Ki.4g

ilavv Level bombers:

Mi-bubishi GgM, G4M

Army Lwef Bombers:

Mitsubishi Ki.21 , Ki.48
squadrons of 9, long Yics,
1-3 squadrons.
Aichi s
B5 D3A-1 Ki.4iB Ki.30 Ki.51 Ki.32
'Kate' 'Val' 'uly" 'Ann" "Sonia' 'Mary"
Minimum: 3 3 3 3 I 3
Cruise: c 7 5 5 5 c
Malt.l -2: 6 I I 7 7 7
34: 7 I I I 7 I
5€: 7 I 7 7 7 7
7$: I
Terminal: 12 1i 11 1i
Roll Rate: 3 4 tr
rJ 4
Turn Rate: El15 fll5 EJl5
rrr,frgnfil',Fn0t0fiiiji,l,,.* ffi,r,iriri |1:;$,,;;1, io;,.,$i,

Climb 1-2: 3 2 2 2
34: 2 2 2 2
5S: 1 1 1 1

Dive acc.: e(i)' 2(6) 2(6)' 2(6) 2(6) 2(6)
Guns: 1f ixed/ld l fixed/ld l flexrzd l fixed/1d 6+2fixed/1d ltixedl2d
Ammo: 30r39 30I30 30130 30a0 15i30 30130
Hits: 26 24 30 26 30 26
Crit.Table: D D A DDC
Sbht Table: E E E EEE
Initiation: 1d2 1d3 1d3 1d4 1d4 1d2
Geiling: 5/60 g.20 7na 5t4A 5140 5n0
90 Late 1942
llied Aircraft YPe: Brewster urtiss uunts$ Curtiss I u rtiss awKer
July to December 1942 339 Hawk 75A Hawk 81/P408 Hawk 87lP40E P4OK Hurricane
Butfalo (Cyclone) Tomahawk la Kittyhawk la Kittyhawk lll Mk lla/b
Fighters: Minimum: g 3 4 4 4 3
00-1O-Brswster 339 Cruise: o 7 6 7 7 6
7-Hawk 75(Comm. Max.1-2:I I 10 10 10 9
1 1-1
& Chinese) 34: I I 10 10 10 I
1*25-P408(U.S.) 5-6: I I 10 10 10
26-54-P40E(U.S.) 7€: 7 I ? I 9 I
53-63-p40K 9-10: -
64-99-Hunicana lla/t Terminali 14 16 18 18 1g 14
Roll Rate: z 2 2 2 2 u4
Attd<: Turn Rate: Fnz G/10 915 Etl5 v1 5 Ftl2
1-Blenheim lV or Hudson
,, l, :,

$,', '
' 'd :: ,,,,1,,,,.,,,

{:,,.,,,,.,,:., '

Climb g 3 3 3 3 4
3-Brewster 339 3.{: 3 3 3 3 3 4
4-P-408 5-6: 2 3 3 3 3
5-Hurricane I 7€: z 2 ? 2 2 3
6-P40E 9-10:
Dive €pc.: 2(71. 2(71' 2(e) 2(el 2(e) 2(71.
Levol Bombers: Guns:
I 4 6+4 10 10 7
Hudson, Blenheim, 15 2A 15 15 15 13
Wellington, 825C, Splane Hib: 24 26 34 35 36 32
vbs, attacks by single CrilTable: D D E E E c
sguadron of 9 to 12 Sight Tabla: D B B B B B
ln ifiafion: 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6
Ceilirq: 7t30 7 t50 v7a 7na 7na 8l30

Japanese Aircraft
Late 1942
Army Fighters:
00-14-Nakaiima K,-27
1S-Z9-Nakajima Ki.45
30-69-Nakaji ma Ki.4i|-l
82-99=Nakajima Ki.4
Armv Attdr:
Miisubishi Ki.1 5, Ki.30,
Ki.51, Ki.4g

Army Levd Bombsrs:

Mitsubishi Ki.z1, Ki.48

squadrons of 9, long vics,

1€ squadrons.

yps: ibubish usuDts

Ki.48 Ki.30 Ki.51
"tgt' "Ann' 'Sonia'
Minimum: 3 3
Cruise: 5 c- 5
Max.l-Z: I 7 7
34: I I 7
5-6: 7
78: i i
Terminal: 11 11 11
Rate: 5
Roll 4 5
Rate: Ul5
915 vl5
' :
,:,,:',.,' ',.,,',,1:,:,
:,,.,.'.1.. ' .': : t .'l ',:'..1';::':.: ; $:;:1.1:;

Climb 1-2:
3 2 2
3-4: 3 2 2
5-6: 2
7f: 1 i i
Dive acc.: 2(6)' 2(6) 2(6)
Guns: l flexl2d l fixed/1d 6+2fixed/1d
Ammo: 90/90 30/30 1 5t30
HiF: g0 26 30
Crit.Table: A D D
Sight Table: E E E
nitiation: 1d3
f 1d4 1d4
Ceiling: TEA 5t4A 5t40
Mission Mix For The sub-Periods of 194i1
Usual Pilot mk in his period:O}59-.lapanes€ pilol,60-99-Allied pllot
(D29qJapanese close escorted level bomber raH by the Japanese Army. All aircraft are +-3 to fuel, I from Target, 3 to 4 from home baso over land,
1d6 trom other friendly baEe or clty. Foll 1dl0lor targ€t: 1-2-Allled airfield; S-Supply dump; 46 -City center; 7{-Shipping in harbor;
*10-Tru€k convoy on road or barges on riwr. lnitial pilot mk for this scenario: OO$9dapanese escort pilot, 70-99-Allied interceptor.
fl!99-JQpanese glose escorbd atack bomber Elrlko. Allaircratt are +3 to fuel, I trom Target, 3 to 4 from home bass over land . Roll 1d10 for tiarget:
1-z€4-Allied airfield; SSfupply concentration; 7€-Allied army position; 9-10-Shipping in harbor.
f he strjke is agalnst an airfieH:0G39-New or re€nt€ring pilot is takirg ofi, lo-99-Pilot enters or re€nters normally.
Inltial pllot mix 6r tris scenarlo: 0G69-Japanese escort pllol 70-99-Allled Int€rcsptor.
ao{g-t apansso fighbr sweep owrAllied bnibry. Range and dlstances are rolled up as the strike mission above.
With all $o SoyoJqrgrse mlcslons: All re+ntering pilots are Allied pilob. lf the sFike is against an alrfieH: OG39-re€ntsring pilot is
taking off; 4G99-pllot re+nbrs normally.

E0{9-Alllod escodd bomber rald. 00-79-Level bomber raid,8$9*Fighter bombsr or attack raid. All aircraft are +3 lo tuel, 1 trom Tary€t, 3 tc 4 lrom
home base over land, all bnlbry ls lrlendly b Allled pilob except ths immediate target area. Roll l dl 0 tor target: 1-2€4-Atack on Japanese
mllitary base(supply dump, headquarters, rallhead, army base eb); SqJapaness transpods at sea; 6-7€-9{apansse airlieb; 1O-Japanese
shlppifu In hirbbi.Pilot Mix d)-2'LJapaneso Inbreptor, 30-99-Allied escort lf a sFiks mission: 00-59-Sfike Pilot, 6G99-EscorL
$+Allled fighbr sweop overJapanese poslffons. Distances rolled as bomber rald above.
Wltr all tho &ove mleelons: All rFenbrlng pllob are Japanese pilots. lt ths sfke b agalnet an airlield: 00€9-naw or re.antrarirry pilot is
taking olf,4G99 pllot enbrs or re-enbrs normally.

Capanese Aircraft
January to June 1943
Army Fryhtrs:
Army Attadr:

Armv Lwd Bombers:

Mibubishi Ki-21, Ki-48

squadrons of 9, long vics,

1-3 squadrons,

ied Aircra rewstgr urtiss Surtiss urtiss ristol er

January to June 1943 339 Hawk 75A P.4OB P4OEfi Beaufighter Hurrbans
Buffalo (Cyclone) Tomahawk Kittyhawk FB.MK VI Mk lla/t
Flghters: 3 3 4 4 4 3
0&12-Brewster 339 6 7 6 7 7 6
(Commonwealth) I I 10 10 I 9
1 3-1 O=Beaufighter I I 10 10 I I
17-23=Hawk 75(Comm& 8 I I 10 I 10
Chinese) 7 I I I
2g-59=P40E/t((u.s) '14 16 18 18 14 14
6tr99=Hurricane I l(Comm) 2 2 2 2 4 314
F t12 Gt10 Efi 915 D/18 F112
'.,,,,,{ ,,' '$,', ,', |t:r4,,,
Attack: .,,.l'.{i,''.'. ..,'',,:r,'{, ,,.. ,,,;,;LL1:i';',{,,;;:;,;;':1:'

1-Beaufighter 3 3 3 3 4 4
2-Hawk 75 3 3 3 3 3 4
3-Brewster 339 2 3 2 3 3
2 2 2 ? 3
S-Hurricane ll
6-P-40E 2(7r'. 2(71. 2(e) 2(e) 2(6)' 2(7l,.
I 4 6{4 10 11
Lwel Bombers: 15 20 15 15
Hudson, Blenheim, 24 26 u 36 M
Wellington, 825C, 3plane D D E E
vics, attacks by singie
1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d6
squadron of 9 to 12
7 t30 7t50 6ft4 7 t10 il44 8/30

Japanese Aircraft ypo: Kawasaki Nekalime awas ,taKaltma awasakr
Late 1943 Ki.45 Ki.€:fc/tl Ki,61-tb Ki.4,l'-la Ki.48
'Nick' "Oscar" "Tony" "Tojo' 'Lify"
Army Fighters: Minimum: 4 g 'Sgnia'
Cruise: I 4 4 3g
Ma,r.1-2: g 6
7 I 5S
15-60-Ki.48-lclf l
34:99 10 9 8z
61-69*Ki.61 lb
7&99-Ki.U 5-6: 9 10 10 9T
Ti:99 9 10 10 77
10 I
Army Attak: Terminal: 14 15
1=Ki.S1 lolf Rate: 4
Tum Rate: El15
Z-Ki.4B Hlg Et15
3-Ki.45 ilir:::Z :l,l't,ii$,r'ilir : 915
Climb 1-Z: 4
.: r$;.,,:,:.,,;,..1
ii;;:;;;:;::',;1,',:. :
;;,;,::':;r,;,;1:; ;7;,
4"'Ki.43 4
3-4: 4 4
3 2
5-6: 3 4
3 2
Army Lavel Bombers: 7$:Zg 2
Mitsubishi Ki-Zl, Ki.4g $10: 1

Dive acc.i Z(7l'.

sqladrons of 9, lohg vics,
Guns: 'g' 2(Tl'
'6' e(i). 2(6). 2(6)'
1-3 squadrons.
Ammo: g ZA
6+2 ltlexnd 6+2fixed/1d
_ Hits: gZ
20 30t30 I 5t30
24 26
^ Grlt.Table: B
30 Table: E
b D A
nitiafion :
f 1d4 1d6
Ceiting: TtS} Tn-O
u45 7t20
1d3 1d4

Allied Airgatt orth American --EurtiF Bristol Hawkor

Late 1943 P-51A P4OEIK Beaufighter Hurricane
h Ame
Muslang Kittyhawk
'4 FB.Mk Vl Mk ila/b Apache
Fighters: 4 4g 4
9q- 1 1 - P43A(IJS&C hi nese) 97 76 I
!?-52-P40Ei((us) 11 10 89
5&g3-Hunicarie lf' 11 10 99 11
94_99-P_51A(US) 11 11

9 : ro
00-09.' Beauf ighte r(Com
1 0i39--HawkTS(Chint
m) 1'4
43t44 iq r rir o
5ffi9-P40E(us) D/18 Ft12 vis
,tri;,,iii,,,$irri,.i;,,;ri..i ,ii.iii,iiilXt: .ift,'i,1r1ii1111t1;'..,i*r*.1;E;
70€4-H unicdne i | (Gom m t 444
85-99-A€6 0r P-5iA(US)' 3*4: 4 3 344
5-6: 3 3
Level Bombers: 7€: 2 2 ?34 33
B.eaufort, B2SC, 3plane 9-10:
vbs, attacks by sinole Dive acc.: e(i). 2(7). etiot 2(e) e1ilr 2(7!', 2(10)
squadron of g io 12- Guns:
I 10 11 7 10
20 15 16 13
Hib: 24 26 36 36
CrilTable: 44 32 36
Sbht Table: B B B
E B c E
Initiation: 1d5 1d4 1d6
1d6 1d4 1d6 1d4
Ceiling: 8t70 7t50 7t60 7na 6t40 8t30 7r20

Mission Mix For The sub-Periods of 1g44and lg{g;

Usual Pilot mix in this period:
00€gJ"p"nese pitol cO-gg=AilieO birot.
ffFS9rlaPanese close escort€d level b-omber raid by the.Japanggg
rrom orher friendrv base or citv. n?il oio ioiiarseri j:2;iii6d4rry.All aircraft are +3 to fuel, I trom targej,_g tg.{ trgm home basa over land, 1d6
;ilfr;id"; E:E,T.rirjia;;p;4n :gii!
convoy on road or barges on iiver' Initial pilot mix tortnis'scJnaioi
ob:olJapanese escort pilot-, !ir19,; -7€=shippine in harbor; e_1'-rruck
70-9v-nreo Inrerceptor.
!g:*',fr,#,?,,6J,o&To:sih?,8,x';:Bj:'" base over ,and . Ro,, ldlo ror rarsst:
ff the strike is aoainst'an
drneff: 6oisl-l.iif ii rb-enteiilg p.i|gi6_!"o16'Jn, ao-gs--ijifoi'E,iiiifii-,I-ente|s
Initial pilot mix t6r tris scenariE oir-os-u'd;inise normaily.
escort pilot, 7o-gg=Ailied interceptor.
4o{9rlapanose fighter sweep over Allled tenltory. Range
and distancas are rollect up as the strike mission above.
wlth at the soveJpzrese mrssions: Arr re-entering pirob are A[ied pirob.
oo€g-Allied escorted bomber.rald'.00{p-Lgve! bomber raid,
home base over land, all tenitory is tr-ienoriio 9Gg!^lig$91 uomber.or.aftack rakl.All aircraft are +o to fuel, I trom Target, 3 to 4 from
mititary base(suDDly
irrieo_o_11_otlgxceqi$g immeolat6 target iiEi. n;iiiibror target 1-2€{-Atrack on Japanese
srr,ppins ii-Ffirr."ffiiif,''-l3f#$"ifr',i15i,i:,ffll,os:,"rgfi"X*ili:?xif',fir**ru;*#3rCi*ri#ff##li:H"
$s-1111"6 fighter sw€op over Japanese positions.
Distances rolled as bomber raicl above.
Wth ail tha &ove I
-t kirs;di-ct!8;!EffiglJfr"*T;H*"lF#"?,J.apanese pilots. lr the strike is asainst an Airrietd: 00€e: new
or ro-€nterins pitor ts
Ground Tarysb roll tor flak
Japanese Airraft
January to June 1944
Army Fighters:
9&99-Ki'44-f lb
Army Attrck:
Army Lwel Bombils:
Mibubishi Ki.21, Ki.48
sgudrons of g, lorg YiGs,
1€ squadrons.
Note on Toio Gun sysbms
The firs! gun lisUng
is the standard guns.
Double rces may oot for
gun table u. Tnpli
taDre r10. I nprg aor
may have gun table 12.

January to June 1944
Fryhtes gtd Attdr:
00{3-Hawk 75(aU< only)
04{5-P-43(C h insse only
attack only)
06-25= P40l((Ftr&Atk U S)
26-52-Hu nicri n e ( Ft r&At<'
53€0- P €8G (Ftr&Atk,U S )
61S9-A€6 or P-51A
(Ftr&ail<, US)
Z&78-$piffrrg W(Ftr only
8&99-P-51B(ftr only US)

Lwd Bombers:
Beaufort, B25C
B-29, Splane vics, attacks
by 2 or 3 squadrons of g to

ype: orthAmerican uupermanne

P40D3>19 P-518(-3) Spitfire
Thundsrbolt Mustahg Mk Vc
Minlmum: 4 43
Cruise: I 96
Ma:cl-Z: 11 11 10
34: 12 12 11
5€: 12 13 10
7{-: 12 12 10
9-10: 11 12
Terminal: 18 18 16 Curtiss P40 E
Rofl Rate: 112
Turn Rata: Cl20

4 4
3 4
2(10) 2(8\.
I t0
20 14
36 32
E c Republic P-43A Lancer
1d8 1d6
9125 8140
Japanese Alrcra
Late 1944
Armv Fiohters:
10{6-Ki.43 llb
47-56-Ki,61 -lb-Kai

Army- Attdt:

ArmY Level Bombss:

Mi6ubishi Kiz1, Ki.48
squadrons of 9, long vics,
1€ squadrons.
Note on Tojo Gun systems
The first gun listing
is he stiandard guns.
Double aces may opt for
gun table 10. Triple apgs.
may have guns on table 12

Late 19ar.
OGt 5=Hurricane llb
27€9'-Spitfi re Vc(Co m)
6$73-Spitfi re V | | l(Com m)
74-99-P-51 B/C

09-.35-Beauf thter
Level Bombers:
BeaufoG B25C
B-29, 3plane vica, attacks
by 2 or 3 squadrons of 9 to

ype: HepuDllc onn Ame upermarine tiupermanne

P40D3>19 P-518/C(€) Spitfire Spitfire
Thunderbolt Mustiang Mk Vc Mk Vlll
4 4 33
I I 69
11 11 10 10
12 12 11 11
12 13 10 12
12 12 10 11
11 12 - 11
18 18 16 15
P47D-3 Thunderbolt
1t2 4 33
cn0 D/18
Ft12 E/15
$:,,.,.,,,,''',::,.,,'.,':.',...,,,:, c.: ,

3 4 c 5
3 c c c
3 4 4 4
3 3 4 3
2 3 2
Dive acc.: 2(10) 2(10) 2(8). 2(8)
Guns: zxg I 10 10
Ammo: 20 2A 14 14
Hits: 45 36 32 32 North American P-51A Mustang
CrilTable: F E c E
Sight Table: B B B B
Initiation: 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d7
Ceiling: 9/1 0 gl?'3 8140 g/40
1 945
Japanese Aircraft
1 945
Army Fightrs& Attrk:
gg44-Ki.45(Ftr ard AU()
05-1 7 -,Ki.43 | lb Ff&aU<)
I 8-25-Ki.6 1 -l l(ftr onfy)
26€6-K i.44-llb(ftr o n ly)
37-75-Ki.84-l(fti only)-'
76-99-Ki.B4-t l(ru only;

Army Lwel Bombers:

MiFubishi Ki.21 , Ki.48
sq_udrons of 9, long Yics,
1-3 squadrons.

Note on Toio Gun svstems

Tha first gun listing
is the standard ouns.
Double aces qdy gpt for
gun table 10. Tripki aoes
may havs guns on table 12

Allied Aircraft
0F13-Hunbane llb
18-2S-gpitfitd vc(US)
6z€9-Spitfi ra V | | | (Com m )
00{6=Hunbane lV

Lwd Bombers:
Beaufort, B25C
B-29, Splane vics, attiacks
by 2 or 3 squadrons of 9 to

yp8: North Amsrican North Amerban North American Hawker

P-518/C(-3) P-51D P-SIDIK Hurricane
uutF* Mustang Mustang Mk lV
Minimum, 443
Cruise: I 996
Max.1-2: 11 11 11 I
3*4: 12 12128
5-6: 19 13138
7$: 12 12 12
9-10: 12 12 12
Terminal: 1g 17 18 14
Roll Rate: 4 445
Turn Rate: Dll8 D/18 D/18 E/15
.lfiEggn fjlii;,.;'iii.'i': ,i,:i1iiii','i,,,,''',,,'..,'.,

Climb 1-2: 4 553

3-4: 5 443 -47D Th undebolt
5-6: 4 442 Repub lic P

7€: 3 33
9-10: g 3 3
Diva acc,: Z(t-8 0) 2(10) 2(10) 2(7)',
Guns: 10 10 11
Ammo: ZA 20 20 11
HiF: 36 39 39 38
Crit.Table: E E E E
Sight Table: B D D B
Initiation: 1 dB 1d8 1d8 1d4
Ceiling: 9lZ5 9/35 9125 8/30
Period 7:
Airwar in the Mediterranian
he Campaign in Sicily and ltaly
Roll for $ubPriod:

O}A1-')anuary 1943 to June 19#l

Gurtiss P40F Warhawk 25;49!qJuly 1943 to Decsmber 1943
Curtiss P-40E/K (Kittyhawk)
50i74-.Jariuary 19/14 to June 1944
75;€9'-July I 944 to March 1945

Axis missions enter Axis pilots are limited to Defensive fightefti on For all missions of either Over enemy territory
directions:1 -2-6 four missions per monft eiher side may enter skjo, roll 00-29-A Allied pilots roll:
from any direction, roll mission that flies 00-69-Escape to Allied
Allisd missions enter Allied plloF flying long normally. extensive ly overwatgr. lines
directions:3 -4- 5-6 range aircraft are Use the usual overwatsr 7O-99=Captured usa
allowed 3 missions per Allied aircraft delending rgscug rules. the normal
This is a very active month against Axis missions escape roll
period. Alliod Pilots are always rolled on the Over Land Allied piloF
flyirg short rango fighers Short rarqe fighter List. over friandly or neutral
get 1 mission per month_ gre always rescued.

Mission Mix for all Sub-Periods:

llloaqtrds slgse escorbd supply mleslon using transpofis. This is an ovorvater mission. The alrcraft are 1 from tiargel 3 from lriendly terrltory, 5 from
home base. Slrul+endln*t eecort alrcraft ara +.3 fudl, mul0-engined aircrat are +6. Typlcal aircraft Ju 52, He 111(as transports), Glgants.
All flghters must-be witlhln 60' ot transporto and must remaln close, tc and from under normal rules. Re-entering Aircraft: OO{9-Allied, 7tr99-Axis.

O5-19*Axis close esc,orbd level bomber brmaton raid. The alrcraft are 2 lrom target 3 from ftlendly tenitory, 5 lrom home base. Slngle-engined airctaft
are +.3 fuel, muld-englne alrcraft are +0. Typlcal targeb: 1-Shlps In harbor; 2-Beachhead shipping; 3-4-5-Beachhead supply dumps,
S7-Trucks or armoiparks;8-ClU center; bWarehouses; 10:11-12-Allled airfield. All fuhlelcmust be within 60' of bomb6rs and must remain
dose, to and ftom under normal rLles. Re-snbrlng Alrcraft 0G69-Allied,70-SS-1x;t.
2!F2{rAxls close escorbd close support sfriks, or tadbal air stike using attrack and toFedo bombers. In close formatlon, in stlck 1 or 2, Over largeT 4
for single engine fight€ls,
fuel icr
bnttory, 5 fromhome base, +2 fu61
from friendly bnltory, fighters, +4 for
fighteqs, lor bomb€rE targots: 1-Shl]
bombers and multi engined fighters. Typical targ8ts: 1-Shipe in in
harbor; 2-daacfrheil shimlml
harbor: 2-dear*rhed 3{€-Beac*rhead supply
shipplm;3.4€-Beacfihead dumos: F7-Trrcks or marcfilng
suoolv dumps; road: 8-City
trooos on road;
marcfilno troops csntEr: g-Warehouses,
8-Citv csntEri
Z-Allied alrflgld.
10-t 1-t
10-1 Atiack am
alrffeld. A[acK brpedo DOmDsrs(ilOwn
and K]rpAoO bombers(ffoivn Only_ shipplng) may be either inn formation
against snlppln(
only agalnst tiargot, 3 to 6 aircra
on a single tiarget,
formation on-a aircraft, or
indlvidually flown.
indlviduallv may not oxcood
Escort mav
frown. EgCOrt
flOwn. exceed number
exCe€d numb€r Ol bombers. For
of bomberc..
Dombers. Fgr
FOr large groups, €rn
lalg_e. gloups, erh SX
sh DOmDers
bombers may Oe escorted Dy
bg esCOn€O different s8ctlon
by a Omergnt ssciion Or
fighters. For groups ol l2 or lees pllob, ffy Ure bombers indlvidually. Hbll:-00-59-Bomber, 6G99-Flghter. Re-entar on C normal roll for tha period.

Allied close escorbd dose suDood strike, or tac'tical alr stike using attack and ton€do bombers. In close formation, in stick 1 or 2, Over target, 4
trom friendly tenltory, 5 from hiime base, +2 tuel for slngle englne fighbrs, +4 tor bombers and multi engined fight€rs. Typical targets: 1-2-Ships
in hartor; 3-4-TnJcf€ or msrchlng boops on ryad; !{-Targete ot opportunity; 7€-Axis militiary position-s s-qcft is tanls on road, p.lllbox-es,
artillerv: +tO-e{8 alrfreld. lt $e [am€tls an airffeid: q)39-enbdns'dnd re-ehbring aircratt are iakinE oft. Attad< and torpedo bombers(flown only
aalndt'shiooino) mav be eiher In to=rmaton on a slnole taroel 3 6 6 aircraft, or indlvkJually flown. Escoil may not exceed number ol bombers. For
la--rrge grou#, edbtr sti bombere may be eecorbd by I difbient section ol fighbrs. For groups of 12.or less pilots, fly the bombers individually.
RoIl' d)€g-Bomber, 6G99-Flghter. Rlent€r on a normal roll lor he period. ll no sscort is rolled, this becomes an intruder raid.
,r6Llgi.Alligd close escorbd long ranse level bomber brmation raid. The bombers are 2 fromta€Et, 6 lrom frierdly t€nitory, 9 from home baee. Escort
alrcraft (drawn trom tre ldno rinoe llghter list only) are +3 fud tor tre mission. Typtcal tiargets: 1-Z-Ships in harbor; s-Trucks or armor parke;
l-S{-C'ity center. All 6ghte-r8 mrist b6 witrin 60' ol bombers and must remaln clirbe, to and from undei normal rul€s. Re-entoring aircralt are Axis.
5G8gL1111"6 close escorted shod ranse level bomber formation raid. The bombers are over target 2 from lriendly tenitory, 4 lrom home base. Escort
-- -- alrcratt lOiawn irom he ahoar;mo fiShbr list only) are +2 tud lor ttre misslon. Typical tirgeb: 1-2-Ships-in harbcir; 3-Trucks or armor padts;
4-5€-Citv center- All ltohters must be within 60' of bombers and must remain close, to and trom under normal rulos.
R+enterihg Aircraft: d, OOCg-etb, 70-99-Allled.
q)-gglrA||i€d flghtar sweep over Axls Enltory. Dlstances, enty and so on are rolled as Sre immedlately above fighter/bomber raid only without Bombers.

Ground Targeb roll for flak.

ied Aircraft umss u uD8rmanne upermanna upermanne

January to June 1943 P4OK P40F/t bpitfire Spitfire P-38G/H Soitfire
Soitfire A€6A
. Kittyhawk lfl Warhawk Mk Vc tF.trtt< Vc Lighfring Mn txc APache
Short Range Fightrs: Minimum: 4 4 3 3 434
00- I 9-P40K/t(ittyhawk
Cruise: T 7 7 7 998
|| |
Max-l-2: 10 10 10 10 11 10 11

20-37-P40FA(US only) 3-4: 10 10 11 10 11 11 11

38-69=Spitfire Vc & LFVc 5-6: 10 10 10 10 12 12 10

(US and Comm.) 7-8: g 10 10 I 11 11 10
ly) 9-10: - 11 -
7 0-92=P-38G/tl
g3-gg-Spitfire Mk lX
( USon
Terminal: 1g 18 15 15 14 15 1 1/16
(US and Comm) Roll Rate: z 232 534
Turn Rate: Ell S E/15 Fl12 Fl12 D/18 E/l 5 915
,tr,,,Z$U$l ffiir.::ii,,1l
i.Ft :;,, {.,il;,;,:,:y1,:1,,',, -:,,,, .,,,,',.:,:,,'.,,

iffruff,?ionnters: Climb l-2: 3 455 454

00€g*P_3gH 3-4: 3 355 354
9&93=A€6A 5-6: 3 344 344
94-97=P-51A 7-8: z 343 233

9-10: i
Dive a6.: 2(e) 2(8)' 2(8). 2(8) 2(q)
Guns: 10
10 10 10 io'
14 14

Ammo: 1g 15 I I 15
Hib: g6 32 32 36 32 36
Crit.Table: E
c c eicl EB
Sight Table: B B

lnitiation: 1d6 1d7 1d7 1d4
Ceiling: 7fiA
v25 8ls5 9/40 7t20 I


ili rcra ype: Bristol Bell r' 7

eHavilland North American rnencan
continued Be aufiohte r P€9C Hurrbane Hurricane Mosquito P-51 P-51A
FB.N Airacobra Mk llc MK IV FB.Mk Vl Mustang Mustang
Attdt/Fi g hterto m bers : Minimum: 4 4 3 3 444
ggp94-$eauflghter Cruise: 7 7 6 6 e88
05-1 4-P€9C [Frerrch onlv] Ma,x.l€: I 10 I I 10 10 11
15-29-Hunicdne llc or lV' 3-4: I 10 I I 11 11 11
39r44-P401fl(iwhawk I 5€: 10 10 10 10 11

4sF4g-Mosquito- 7€:
: 9 9 I 10 11
5$79-P+0F(Free French $10:
and US) Terminal: 14 16 14 14 iq 1; 1l
ggr44-A€6(US only) Rate: 4
Roll 3 u4 5 4 4 4
8ffi9-P-51A or P-51 Rab: D/18
Tum El15 Fl12 FJ15 Dl18 E/15 E/15
9}gg-Spiffire Vc or Lf Vc liiil *;rit'+,,,it::+,riii;i*ii:tiii,,
Cfimb l-2: 4 3 4 3 4 4 4
L,evel Bombsrs: 34: 3
'5S: 3 4 3 3 4 4
llodium: B-25C, 8-26, 2 3 3 2 3 3 4
Boston, Maryland, 7€: 2 3 3 2 3
Weflington $10: :
aE.: 2(6).
Dive 2(8) 2(7)' 2(7l''* 2(8)t 2(e) 2(e)
Lotrg Guns: t 1 10 11 11 11 11 I
HtE; sa4D Ammo: 16 15 I 11 I 13 2A
vbs of vics Hits: 44 36 32 38 38 33 33
formations of 12, CrilTable: B c c E B E E
24 or 36 Sight Table: E
D B B c B B
nitiation: 1& 1& 1d2 1d2 1d6 1d6 1d6
Celling: 6/40 7t50 8/30 il70 7 t50 7t40 7t40

Aircraft ype: Mgsserscnm an9 lgserscnmm Focf(o-wull
January to June 1943 Bf 110C/E Re2001 cR.42 G.50bis MC.200 Bf-l09E{ Fw 190A-4
Zerst6rer Falco ll Falco Freccia Saetta "Emil' W0rger
Flghters: Minimum: 4 3 3 3 3 44
0F07'MC200 or Fiat Cruise: 9 I 6 7 I 88
G,50 Max.l -2: I I I I I I 10
09-22-Rs.2001 3-4: 10 10 7 9 9 l0 11
2349-MC202 5€: 10 I 7 I I 10 12
5&59-Bf 109F4 (lt. only) 74: 9 I 7 8 I I 11
6S74-Bf 109G-2(Ger. 9-10:
AU Tsrminal: 14 16 13 15 16 16 16
7544-Pw 190 A*4 Roll Hate: 4 3 2 2 2 u4 1n
gffig-Mc.zos vl Rate: E/l5
Turn Ft12 Hl8 Ft12 Ft12 915 D/l8
gggA-Bf 109G-6(Ger. iirill.l il':,:,iiiirlii::1iii:11i:1.1:,].:iii.,; :lilliiill:iilli"ll.------_'-

&L) Climbl-2: 3 4 4 4 4 5 4
g$gg=Bf 109G-6AM 34: 3 4 4 4 4 54
(German only) 5€: 3 3 3 3 4 44
7S: 2 3 2 3 3 43
Attack: 9-10:
00{9*Fiat CR.42 Dive acc.: 2(6) 2(8) 2(71 2(8) 2(8) 2(e) 2(8)
10€4=Bf 110E Guns: 8+411 6+2 6 6 6{+2) e(2) 10
3S54=Fiat G.50 or MC200 Ammo: SA4A 25 25 25 25 12(30) 16
55-69-Bf 109E-7 HiB: 34 24 27 25 25 32 35
7$79-Re.2002 Crit.Tabls: B c .D D D EF
go€g-Bf F4 Sight Table: E D D D D BD
9&99*Fw 190A*4
Initiation: 1 do 1d5 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d7 1d6
Ceilino: W0 8/65 7t45 7n0 u40 8f2s 8110

- Plans:
Torpedo ype: Maccnt oserscnm essgrscnm esserscnm lgrane
SM.79, He 111 MC2A2 Bf 109F-4 Bf 109G-2 Bf 109G-6 Bf r 09G-6 MC205V-1 Rs .2002
Folgore 'FriE" 'Gustav' 'Gustiav" DB605AM Valtro A riete
Reecue: Minimum: 4 4 4 4 44 3
oANT 2.5A1, 506 Cruise: I I I I 99 I
Malt.l-Z: 10 10 10 11 11 10 I
Lwd Bombers: 34: 11 11 11 12 12 11 I
SM.79, He 11 1H, 5-6: 10 11 12 12 12 12 I
Ju 88, 78: 10 10 1'l 11 11 11 I
Fiat BR.20m, 9-10:
cANT 2,10A7 Terminal: 17 16 17 17 17 17 16
Squadroo - 9 aircraft
' Roll Rate: 2 u4 u4 a4 a4 2 3
vic of vics formation Turn Rate: El15 915 D/18 D/18 D/18 El15 Fl12
1 to 3 sq" par strike ,,:::i.,:, :;';1:f ;,;.;:,

Climbl-Z: 5 5 5 5 654
NOTE: unless noted in the 3-4: 4 c c 5 D 4 3
list, Germans fly German 5-6: 4 4 4 4 4
4 3
aircraft, ltalians fly ltialian 78: 3 4 4 4 3
Dive acc.: 2(9) 2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(8)
Guns: 6+2 e(2) e(2) 10 10 6+2 6+2
Ammo: 25 12(30) 12(30) 12 12 25 25
Hits: 32 32 35 36 36 32 25
Crit.Table: C E E E EE D
Sioht Table: C B B B BC c
: 1d7
n 1d7 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d7 1d4
Ceilino: 8/60 8130 w0 8/60 8/55 $na 7n0
Late 1 943

Axis Aircraft ype: Mssserschm {eoorang iat itine u

July to December 1943 Bf 11oC/E Re-.2001 cR.42 G.50bis MC.200 D.520 Fw 190A-4
Zerst6rer Falco ll Falco Freccia Saetta W0rger
Fighters: Minimum: 4 3 3 3 3 4 4
00-0 1 -Dewoiti ne D.520( It) Cruise: I I 6 7 I 7 I
02-07-Re.2001 Max.1-2: 9 I I I I 9 10
08'22*MC.202 3{: 10 10 7 I I 10 11
23€9-Fw 190A4 5-6: t 0 I 7 I 8 I 12
4&54-Bf 109G-2(Ger. 78: I 9 I I I
& lt.) $10: ! 11

55-69-MC.205, Fiat G.55 Terminal: 14 10 1g 15 16 15 16

Re.200S Roll Rate: 4 3 Z z 2 2 1n
70€4-Bf 109G-6(Ger. Turn Rata: 915 FllZ HE FllZ Ft12, FJl5 D/l8
':1:...;,'....' ,.. :,

&rr) 5 .,.,':,:t:,::.'.,::..,:...,. .i.,',,',5,,,i,,',,, ...:......:.. ..... ..r. .i..;.1

Climbl-2: 3

85-99-Bf 109G-6AM 4 4 4 4 4 4
(German only) 3-4:3444 4 4 4
5-6: 33gg 4 3 4
Attdr: 7€: 2gZg 3 3 3
00{9-Fiat CR.42 9-10:
10-14-Hs 126 Dive acc.: 2(6) 2(8) 2(71 2(8) 2(8) 2(71' 2(8)
15-33-Ju 87D(Ger.& tt.) Guns: 8+:411 6+2 6 6 6(+2) 6+4 10
34€9-Hs 129 Ammo: 30/40 25 25 25 25 7(30) 16
4&51-Fiat G.50 or MC200 Hits: 94 24 27 25 25 28 35
5263-Bt 1 10E or Me 210 CrilTable: B c D D D c F
or Rg*ZOOZ Sight Table: E D D D D B D
S+79-Bf 109 G-A or G-G Initiation: 1d6 1d5 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6
80-99-Fw 190A{ Ceiling: tr20 8165 7t45 7na a4a 8/1 0 8/1 0

Torpedo Plans:
SM.79, He 11 l
Axis Aircraft-late 1 943
cANT 2,501 , 5m
lgYel Bombors:
SM-79, He 1 11H,
Ju 88,
Fiat BR20m,
oANT 2.1007
Squdroo - 9 airsaft
vic of vics formation
1 to 3 sq. per strike

NOTE: unfess noted in tra

lisL Germans fly German
af rcraft, ]tialians fly ltalian

NOTE: As of September
I 9#1, ltaly sunehderad.
Some pilob became
neutral. Some defected b
and flew for ths Alliss, but
Eaw no ac'tion. And a faw
flsw in the North for ths
Ngzl's in he nil
afrficrce of $e RSl. So, !p8: enscne JunKers anscna gnscno ess8rscflm
Pilob flyirg in the period HS 126 Ju 87D HE 1298-1 HS 1298-2 Me 210
roll after flyrry 6 missions: Stul€ Hornissa
00-79-Neutral or Allied Minlmum: 3 3 3 I 4
Grulse: 5 5 6 5 9
Max.l€: 6 7 7 6 10
3*4: 6 7 7 6 10
5€: 5 7
: : 10
Termlnal: 11 1i 12 12 15
Roll Rate: 3 3 3 3 4

Cfimb 1.2: 3 3 2 23
34: 2 2 2 23
i i 1i
Divs acc.: ztol 2(6) 2(71' 2(7l,. 2(6)
Guns: lfixed/ld Ztixed'fad lOfixed l2fixed 1 lfixedl3-3t
Ammo: 30 all 30t30 11 11 2f't4A
Hits: 26 30 50 50 36
CrilTable: D c B B B
Sight Table: E E B B E
InitiaUon: 1d3 1d4 1d3 1d3 1d6
Celling: 6i30 4Fl} 5n0 afl0 6na

January 1944 to June 1944

iss io n generdo r u nchang d Pilot llin0o6grAl Ii €d, 6Gg$'Ari$

Allied Aircratt ype: urtiss upermarine Supermarine Lockheed Supermarine Rspublic

January to Junel*4 P40F/L Spitfire Spitfire P-38G/H P-38J Spitfire P-40D3>19
Warhawk Mk Vc LF.Mk Vc Lightning Lightning Mk lX Thunderbolt
$hort knge Fightrs:
Minimum: 4 334 4 34
0tr1 4-P40F/L(I S only)
Cruise: 7 779 I 98
15.46-Spitfire Vc & LFVc
Ma,x.1-2: 10 10 10 11 11 10 11

(US and Comm.) 3.4: I 0 11 10 11 11 11 12

5-6: 10 10 10 12 12 12 12
47-59=P-38G/H (U S on ly)
7{^: 10 10 I 11 12 11 12
60€2-P-38"J(US) 9-10: 12 11 11
74-79=Soiffire Mk lX Terminal: 18 15 15 14 15 15 18
(LJS qnd Comm)
Rofl Rate; 2 3 2 5 4 3 112
gsgg-P-s18 Turn Rate: 915 Fl12 Fl12 D/18 cf20
E/15 CnA

tfrl'Sffi,?i onntens: Climbl-Z: 4 5 5 4 4 53


3-4: 3553 4 53
00€0-P€gH 5€:3443 4 43
31€7-P€8J 7$:3432 3 33
38-47-P47D 9-10: - 3 22
Divs acc.: 2(9) 2(8)' 2(8). 2(8) 2(8) 2(8) 2-(19)
Guns: 10 10 10 10 10 10 2xg
Ammo: 15 14 14 l4 14 14 2A
HiF: 35 32 32 36 38 32 45
Crit.Table: E c c B(c) B(c) EF
Sight Table: B B B D D BB
lnitiation: 1d7 1d6 1d2 1d7 1d8 1d7 1d8
Ceiling: 8/1 0 8t40 8n5 8/65 9l1A 9140 u1a
awtrr-- DeHavilland mn-ffioiican North Ame
100 P.39Q Hurricane Hurricane Mosquito P-51 P-51A
Mk llc MK IV FB.MK VI Mustang Mustang
Allied Aircraft
FB.MK VI Airacobra
3 g4 44
4 4
6 69 88
7 7
Ig 10 10 11
I 10 9
I 11 11 11
Attrk/Fightrtombers: 9 10
trt 10 11
03-05- P -39Q (Fre.4ch on ly)
9 10
9 ? 10 11

06-24=Hurricane llc or lv 18
2sc6-P401(Kittyhawk II I
14 16 14 14 14

37-39-Mosquito 4 3 314 S4 E/15

+Mg-Pa0F(Free French D/18 El15 F 112 Et15 D/18 FJ15
and US) ..; .:.1. 1 ,,,$,. ..'...::.{:..,......4 '...,$......'..;'.'.'':..:.,
l..iti 3l':.',i',',,.t'.'1''''

4 3 4 " O4 44
53-57=P-51 or P-514
S8€g-spitfire Vc or LFVc
90-92-P 47D
- 3
3 ?3 34
gg-gg-P-3&J 2(71. 2(e.)' 2(e) 2(s)
2(6). 2(8) 2(7)',
ir 11 11 I
Lwd Bombrs:
11 11 11
11 15 13 2A
25 14 11
38 38 33 33
B-25J, 8-26
44 36
vics of vics,
formations of 36
,ld4 1d2
1d2 1d6 1d6 1 do
6140 7n0 8130
7140 7AA
H?F; B-24D
ncan ffiP-518(-3) Curtiss
box of 48 ype:
A€6 .- P:40ry lll
Aprche Mustrahg KittYhawk
4 4- 4
I 97
11 11 10
11 12 10
10 13 10
10 129
18 18
,' , ;: :-$,-'. '' ''. t :,
E/1 5
-,', :5,'.:

2(e) 2(10)
'8 2(9)
15 2A 15
36 36 35
1d4 1dg
7 t20 7110

anschel esserschm eggiane

ype: esserschmitt iat Re.2002 MC.202
MC.200 HS 129B'-2 Me 410
Axis Aircraft Bf 110G G.50bis
Hornisse Ariete Folgore
January to June 1944 Zerst6rer Freccia Saetta 4
3 4 3
Minimum: 4 3 3
I 6 9 I I
Gruise: I 7
10 I 10
SbqTHn b .z oz ttiar ano n v) Ma,x.1-2: 10 I 9 6
I 11
i I

2046-Fw 190A-6(Ger.)

3-4: 10 I 6 11
I 10
47-6.3=MC.205, Fiat G.55
5-6: 10 I I I
9 10
Re.2005 7f; 10 I I 10

O4-75=Bf 109G-6 or 9-10: 12 16 16 17

Bf 109G-6/R6 Terminal: 14 15 16 2
3 4 3
(Ger. and lt-) Roll Rate: 4 2 2 FJ15
Fl12 Fl12 cl20 Fl12 'fl
76€7-Bf 109G-6AM Turn Rate: cn0 Fl12 :$ , ,4 rf:
(Ger. and lt.)
gg-99=Bf 109G-6AS
Zooftt,,FSon' ,, ' {3 :i 4,,
r: r
: i $1

4 4 5
Glimb 1-2: 4 2 4 3
Ger onlY) 3-4: 3 4 3 4
4 3
3 3 i 3 3 3

00-09-HS 1298(Ger.) 9-10: 2(7\ 2(8) 2(e)

10-19-MC.200 or Fiat 2(6) 2(8\ 2(8) 2(7\' 6+2
Dive acc.: l2fixed 12 fiil3-3d 6+2
G.50(lt.) Guns: XJ1lixJ&d 6 6(+2) 25 25
25 25 11 2U4Al40
2A-29-Bf 110G(Ger.) Ammo: 30/40 ?5 32
50 38
3g-44-M e 410(Ger) Hits: 36 25 25
B B D c
45-57'R e.2002 1G er. & lt. ) Crit.Table: B D D
\,, c
D D 1d7
58-99=Bf 109G-6 or Sioht Table: E
1d3 1d6 1d4
Fw 1904-6 -ln 1d6 1d6 8/60
itiatio 1d6
5na 7 /70 7ft?
Ceilins: &25 7FA 8140
' Planes:
SM.79, He 1 11
Ai rcraft-Early 1 TUre:
" Foclte-Wul' BSS9rSCnm esserschmitt Macc Fiat Reooiane sserschm
continued Fw 190A{ Bf 109GS 109G€ MC3o5V-lll
Bf c.55 nelloos Bf 109G-0/R6
W0rger 'Gustiav" DB605AM Veltro Centauro $agittario gun Pods
Rescus: Minimum: 4 4 44 44 4
GANT 2.501, 506 Cruise: 8 9 99 10 I I
Max.1-2: 10 11 11 10 11 10 11
Lavel Bombers: 3-'4: 11 12 12 11 11 11 12
SM.79, He 11lH, 5-6: 12 l2 12 12 11 12 12
Ju 88, 7€: 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
Fiat BR20m, 9-10:
oANT 2.10a7 Termlnal: 16 17 17 17 17 17 17
$quadror - 9 aircrafi Rate: ,112
Roll a4 a4 2 334t5
vic of vics formation Tum Rate: D/18 D/18 Dl18 Dl18 FJ15 915 Dt18
I to 3 sq.per strike il't.{ffi.l lliiii.iiiililiffii-rir,,','ri,r,,'i,,',.,,,,

Climb 1-2: 4 565 454

NOTE: unlass noted in the 3-.4: 43 5 c 4 444
list, Germans fly Garman 5€: 3 4 4 4 443
aircraff ltalians ffy ltalian 7€: 4 4 4 333
Dive acc.: 2(8) 2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(e)
Guns: 10 10 10 11 12 12 12
Ammo: 16 12 t2 16 20 16 12
H[s: 36 36 36 94 32 v 36
CrilTable: F E E E E E E
Siqht Tabla: D
-lnitiation: B B
c B
1do 1d8 1d8
lino: 8/10 IrtO 8/55 w0 9na 860 u40
ypo: rs Messgfticnm
Ju 87D Bf 109G-6
Stuka DB605AS
Minimum: 24
Cruise: 59
Max.l -2: 7 11
3{: 712
Terminal: 11 17
RollRate: 3 u4
Tum Rate: E/15 D/18
ili l:,:,:,:i.1,:1,;,:i,:';i,,.,N;,,,tl','i':":'::,,,. i,i.,,i.,.,i,i,, "tni',rfi,,,,

Gflmb 12: 36
34: 25
5€: 15
7f; -4
Dive acc.: 2(6) 2(9)
Guns: Ztixadl?d 10(12)
Ammo: 30130 12(10)
HiF: 30 36
CriLTable: C E
Sioht Table: E B
nitiation: 1d4 ldg
Ceiling: 4F,0 8ft0

July 1944 to March 1945

Pilot mix: (Xl$S)-Allisd, 7&Sq1a1t

ype: supermarine Lockheed epu Hepuoltc upgrmarine North Ama n North America
Allied Aircraft Spitfire p€gJ P40D3>19 P-47D-20 to26 Spitfire P-518(-3) P.51 D
July 1944 to March 1 945 Mk Vc Ughtning
-4 Thunderbolt TBolt(Bubble) MK IX Mustang Mustang
Minimum: 3 4 4 3 4 4
Short Range Fighters: Cruise: 7 I I I I 9 I
00-09=spit vc(us& com m) Ma,x.1-2: 10 1 1 11 11 10 11 11
09-19-p-38J(US) 34: 11 11 12 12 11 12 12
20-62=P47D 5€: 10 10 12 12 12 12 13 13
63€6=Spitfire lX(Gom m) 7f; - 12 12 12 11 12 12
g7-95=P-51 B
9-10: 12 11 11 11 12 12
g6-gg-P-51 D Terminal: 15 15 18 17 15 18 17
(99-99 FantasY Roll-
' Roll Hate: 3 4 1t2 1n 3 4 4
YP80, The first 4 Turn Rate: Fl12 Cf20 cn0 cna FJ15 D/18 D/18
YP80s wors sent to ttalY '. : '. r , ,,.:..:.:.$ :;. '.
:;,,,,,,,,,,,':5',,,','1 , ; ';
; , .'l;
r1::1 :1' ,',,,,,',.,,,,',,,,,,'r,,',,,,,,,',,'

to tU to intercept a jet. Ae Climb 'l-2: 5

4 3 4 5 4 5
bonlrses do not count. 34:54 3 4 3 5 4
1 mission limit. PiloF who 5-6: 4 4 3 3 4 4 4
fly this mission may onlY fly 7f.:43 3 3 3 3 3
again in Korea) 9-10: - 3 2 2 2
3 3
Dive aa,.: 2(8). 2(8) 2(10) 2(10) 2(8) 2(10) 2(10)
Guns: 0 1 10 zx8 Zxg 10 I 10
Ammo: 14 14 2A 2A 14 2A 2A
Hib: 32 38 45 48 32 36 39
Crit.Table: C B(C) F F E E E
EightTable: B D' B B B B D
Initiation: dO
- ,ad7 1d8 1dB
1 1 dB 1d8 1d8
Geilinc: 8/40 9/1 0 9/1 0 9/10 9t40 9n5 9i35
awker ffi DeHavilland Gurtiss
YP€OA Hurricane Hurricine FB.VI Hawk
KittYharvk lll
July 1944 to March 1945 Shooting Star Mk llc Mk lV Mosquito 87A-3
5 3 344
Long Harge Fightrs: 11 6 697
004-0-P-38J(US) 15 I Ig 10 10
41-57-P47D I 11 10
58-77-P-51 B(US&Comm)
14 10
? 1so ttt
7882-P-51D(US&Comm) 14 I
8&99-P-51 B-7(USonly)
14 14 14 18
Attd</Fi g hter+o m bers : u4 c 4 2
O OOe- M o:sq u i to t U S& G o m)
O3{g-Hunibana llc
1olz1'-Kittyhawk lll
22-33-SPitfire Vc 4 3
3446-P-5tB or D (US& 3 2
Commonwealth) 3
Divs ircc.: 3(1 1) 2(71' 2(7l,.
Levd Bombrs: Guns: 10 11 11
lldium: Ammo: 12 11 1l
B-2Sr, 8-26 Hib: 50 32 38
vbs of vics CdlTable: F c E
formafrons of 36 D B B
Sight Table:
lniUaton: td8 1d2 1d2
Geilirn: 8n5 8I30 6na

Axis Aircraft Veltro
July 1944 to March 1945 44
I 10
Fiohtere: 10 11
00--19-Fw 190A€ 11 11
20 | l-MC205 or Fiat 12 11
G.55 or R4.2005 11 11
45-69-Bf l09G€AM(Gar
& r.) 17 17
70-79-Bf 109G-6AE Zg
(Gar. onlY) D/18 v15
80-94-Bf 109G-14(Ger- i'4
glt,) _
95-99-Bf 109G-10 4 4
(Ger.onlY) 4 4
4 3
Attrk: $10:
00-O4-Re2AA2 2(8) 2(8) 2(e) 2(e)
Divg €pc.: 2(6) 2(7\ 2(8)
15-24-M a 410 or Bf 1 10G 12 fixl3-3w 6+2 11 11 11 12
25-%-Fw 190 F Guns: a(lliixr2d 16 16 2A
95-99-Arado Ar 2348 Ammo:
36 40 uE 32
There are no level bomber GrilTable: B c B
missions in this sub-Period Sloht Table: E E c D D
1d8 1d8
-lnitiaSon: 1d6 1d4 1d6 1d4
for the Axis. 1d6 8n2 9r20
CailinE: 8125 7na 7n0 8145 7n0

sserschmiil lgsserscnml esCerschmitt

yps: leoqiane Bf 109G-10 Ar 2349;
ne-joos Bf 109G-6 Bf 109G-6 Bf 109G-14
Sagittario DB6OSAM
4 4 4 3
4 4
I I I I 9 10
11 11 11 12
10 11
12 12 12 13
11 12 13
12 12 12 12
12 12 13
11 11 12 12
11 12
17 17 17 17
u4 u4 u4 a4 c
D/l8 Bt26
D/l8 D/18
;:.::;1'';1;t;;;,. $,..;t;;1,;::r,1;;qli.
:''$i,.::i..,.::,:i: i:,::::j:.:, $jf::':j

6 6 4
0 6
c 6 6 4
c 3
c c 3
4 3
4 4 4 4
2 2
2(e) 2(e) 2(e) 3(1 1)
Dive acc.: 2(g) 2(e)
10[121 10[121
Guns: 12 10 10t121
12[1 0l 12[101
Ammo: 16 12 12[101
36 36 38
HiF: & 36
CrilTable: E tr,
c c B
Sisht Table: C
1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6
1d8 1d8 860
v7a s/1 0 9130
Ceilins: 8/60 8/55
Period 8:
Airwar Europe
June 1943 to Marcn i g+S

Rofl For Sub Period: Af liad aircraft sntsr tsocause ot the extensive alrys build up by thti
0&29-\rune 1943 to Dmmbar l g4g from eysry '.rogfn'.sntered by an Allied pit6i- Any room has a
A0€Sdanuary 1944 to June tg44 directions: 1-5-6 lTLr,
ba expected l0Pr6chance(1on a d10)
111 to have targets of opporfuniiy,
70!€9rdufy 1 !t44 to Marcfr 1945 ano many guns. of being a to'wn or city.'
Axis aircraft enter roll flakup ld3timesi1.
Tha Focus here ls on the Daytime Bomber fromany direction. For.gyery room an Axis player will roll
Otfensive by tre 8th and gth U.S, Al*orces. and set up guns and dummies on a maD: It also has ld6 heavy
PiloB fly normal carser ftak.
!=2 lbht ilah 2=3light flak, 3=1 lisht, 1 inediu
Ifgb 4=2light, 2 meilium, 5-6=3 li-ght ,2 med,

Irlission [lix-JunC
Usual pllot mix: 00-Sg-Aflied, 00-SS-pDdt

0Ggg'Allied low lswl Intrurder rald. Allled ffghters and. fighbr

_bombers enter In stick _1 or 2. Tars_eF Ct.CppouJlylrygg_pr{yceo .ly German ptayer,
o-,i irivii' il.S-uspi?il8.-5'uftit6: t ils Ecenario may not be trown wn€n more
1 -Trucks: 2-Tralns; g-Troops; +-fdx gunitn-ofi^Crs;-s-eoab
than I 0_ptayers p*tdpau. Hoit: oo-z+Jerneo, 7+g-g-rxis. nrf re-enreili ri,osllTirii'a;affii' i%;i t-.6'ri,rE
+2 tuel for slrplei englie, +5lor mulfl.
i rrfi ';illi5,'
dose eEcortedfglt^olmedium bomber ratd. Allied fighters start-wllhln 60' ot bombers. Flghbrs must stay within
00-74'Alli6d fiohter,7F994erman, sll re-enbr asGermin. i troilchid;i,i.,F;m 0' ot bombers.
+5 br multi+n6lne.-Targats qp:.t-z<-Ctty_{n1er;-l-5ri6 F,i,1rij,_7fi; tome 116ro, *Ciudriris6 6ngtn6 right€^,
Fni'i,v€rffi;f ij:H,irorGfi;fi'oJi,iiera. I an airfietd is rhe -
target 00-29-dnorrng Axts pflot rs taHng itr. Tiig6ts areliriiirt-an? iiib"n.
D7&11;1e6 ligtlbr eweep ovet^Eugq", oo69-Allied, 70-99 enbr Axls. All re€nt€r Axle. All allled enbr bgether, rolt 1d4.
Ergland 7 trom hcjme, +2 fuel'foi stngte engine, iS toiniirtii. 1 from channet, 5 from

75{}l-Axis fighbr bomber lnhtder rald over Enoland. Ro-ll:

.0G49-Allied,5G99-Axis, all re+nter Allied. Over beach, 4 trom Europe, S frrom home, +2
tuol for slnglo englne, +4 for muld. Roll f d2 lor altitude.

SseAllied shallow Dsnetration rald oror Eurooe bv USHeavy Bornbers.. Foll.'ldO lor number_o! Bgogq irom the Channel.
I Roll ls a I or s 2, the
bombers are uiider doee
.escort by fighteic. dombers ar6 rdo rom tariit. Eidilrd_adiz-ruii:iibii;l's musr extt when tuel surptus is o)fiaustd.
ll he bombere are B to 6 trom Normirdy, tren_trey are onry eJcoqq fr tiiliiiiej-ii6b'-ro[d p5s'rirr.r,is' miJsion, ziiiti,its you a p€8).
Alliedp-llobwhoroll0G2senbrasexis.ltbombe6;ret;6scofteA-,tti.eiiroiilingb-,irtri'irriSsion-T;)t. iilto66;hii-"iitflli.irbersreach2
rooms from oast then roll normally tor eide. (lt ls recommended $ithe andon ltttid;i.-"Lrii'eil;
bs used to trd( miseions.)
9o€O-Axls fighbr 8w8€p over England, near berch, 4 fom Europe, +2 tuel. OG4g-Allied, E0-99-Axis, all re-snbr Allled.
Ground Targeb roll for flak.

lied Aircraft iype: uoHaviiland Hawker Hawker supsrmerine upermanng tiupermarine Hawker
June to December 1943 Mosquito Hurrlcane Hurricane boitfire Spitfire Spitfire Typhoon
FB,Mk Vl Mk tV Mk ilc nlf Vc Vc
LF.Mk Mk Xlt(Griffon) I'ilr U
Attdr/lntruder: Minimum:4ggg 344
0G12=MosQuito (UK only) Cruise: 9666 777
13€2=Hurricane llc or lV Max.1-2: 10 I g t0 10 11
3*4: 11 I g 11 10 12
g344-[H[fi}lU r, ra or rl 5-6: 10 I 10 t0 10 11
(Ul( only) 7f: I - 9 10 11

4ffi4-$HtfirsVc(US & 9-10: ? 11

Termlnal: '14 ,4 14 16 t5 16
'i t5
65-71-Sptifire LFVg - Tum BollRab: 4 _34 _gt4 g i B
Rate: D/r8 E/15 FllZ Fl12 f nz elts OlrA
r z-r 6JIn,[lJl[l u Kon ry) iili|rii1FfipP'.'i.i;'''i{li'::':':':jl'i.-..i:.l:.:'''#:'..''j'|ii;jit;'..i;l!j]',j'I'':.

Cllmbl-2: 4 --"3 c o o 4
95-99=Spitfire Xll 34:3345SS4
Fighters: 7€:3-34S42
00:28-Spitfire Vc(UK & 9-10:
u5) Dive acr'.: 2(8). 2(7l,' 2(71', 2(8). 2(8) 2(8)' 2(8)
29.34-P€8G/H(USonlv) Guns: 11 11 11 10 10 l0 11
35€7-P 47ClD(USonli) Ammo: I 11 88 8148
88-99-Spitfire lX(Ul( only) HiF: 38 38 32 32 36
Level Bombrs{fedium:
Crit.Table: B
Sight Table: C

Havoc, Beaufort, Initiation: 1d6 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d3 1d6 1d4
Wdlington, 8-26 Ceilino : 7150 6n0 8i30 8t40 8125 8n0 7$0
12 to 48 aircraft in
groups of 12
Hosw Bombers:
B-17E-1 2 aucraft ma:(
.YDe: North Amencan orth American orth Amgrtcan orth Ame -ockheed Republic SuPermarine
Mustang I Mustang la Mustang ll Mustano lll P-38G/H P47C SPitfire
(P-s1) (P-514) (P-518) Lightning Thunderbolt Mk lX
Minimum: . {P-51)
4 4 4 4 443
Cruise: I I I I 989
Malc.l-2: 10 10 11 11 11 10
3-4: 11 11 11 12 11 11 11
5-6: 10 10 11 13 12 12 12
78: 10 10 11 12 11 ',12 11
$10: 12 - 11 11
Terminal: 18 18 18 1g 14 18 15
Roll Rats: 4 4
4 4
ff; R;6: E/is E/15 E/15 D/18
laOgm1,i,F,,' iiil,.riitti,iilllliitiilri$'.iiir
"-='cllmb'i-e---*-4-^-^--*--*--4- 4 S;:irilmr*:,1#il:' ''*;:1':'r;iril'r;
4 4 3 c
34: 4 4 4 c 3 3 5
5-6: 3 3 4 4 3 3 4
7$: 2 2 3 3
2 3
$10: 2(8)
Dive ffi.: 2{e) 2(e) 2(e) 2(10) 2(8) 2(10)
Guns: 8{4 11 I I 10 zfr 10
Ammo: 20 13 20 20 14 20 14
Hits: 33 33 uF
Grit.Table: E E
Table: B B B D B B
1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d7 1d8 1d7
Caillng: 7na 7na 7re0 9n0 8/65 9/10 st40

yPa: mitt SSSerSC f-od(g wull m SSSgrscnm SSSerSCnm Messerschmitt

Axis Aircraft Bf 110G Me 410 Fw 190A-4 Bf 109G6n6 Bf 109G-6 Br 109G-6 Bf 109G-6
June to December 1 Zerst6rer Hornisse W0rger gun pods 'Gustavl DB6OSAM DB6OSAS
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Attrk: 9 9 I I I I I
00-14-Bf I I oE/G 10 10 10 10 11 11 11
15-20=Me 410 10 11 11 11 12 12 12
21€6-Fw 1904-4 10 11 12 11 12 12 12
g7-99-Bf 109G-6 10 10 11 10 11 11 12

Odt 0=Bt 1t 0G
1 1-16-Me 410
17€6-Fw 190A4
67-77-Bf 109G-6 or
Br 109G-6/R6
7944'Sf 109G€AM
g$99-Bf 10S-6AS

Note: Bf 109G-6 Pilob: 2(6) 2(6) 2(8) 2(e) 2(e)

eigl zigt
Gun Table 12 available Zr_fi.Iixnd 12fix.f3€w 10 12 1 0[1 1 0[12] 1 0[1 2l
to 10+ kill acas onlY. 20t40 2An0l40 16 12 1 0l
2l'! 1 2_[10] 1 2[1 0l
36 38 35 36 96 36 36
1d6 1d6 1d6 1d7 1d8 1d8 1d8
8125 7n0 8/1 0 u40 8/60 8/55 $nA

January lg4" June 1944
mix: 00-59=Allied, 6g-pg-Axis
in stbk 1 2. TaqQF q! gpporrtunitv are oroduced bv GerT.ln-player'---
oo'tg-Allied tow tevet intnrder raid. Allied_figtrbrs and fighter bo4bers entsrri';'fi-6idusiiciou-sr
1-Trucks; 2-Trains; 3-Troops; ,r-Ft4 ggns in $!iit;E:6i# il; buildihgs. This Scenaho.mav notbe flown *heh more
engine, +5 for multl.

2G49-Allled close escorted level bomber raid by light and medium bo-mers. Allied fuhters start-within 60' of bombers' Fighters must stav wihin 10' of
75-99-German, ;ift;n#;d!rm-an. i t-rorf i-h;r;.el,.5 iiom Eirgi?ndr Tlrom trdme tield, +2 tu'el
single angine
bombers. ogz4-Aliad fuhrer,
fi6i;6;, ;5i; rirtffiruf#.]iadg6;;e, i:t3-tity caior; l_-s_ub pe.ns over coast; S=Harbor tarsets; 6=Airfield.
It an airfietd is ure targiii'Ogi9--rntLring Axis pilot is taking otf. Targets are aircraft ard hangars'
roll 1d4. I from channel' 5 from
sg5g-Allied fishter sweep ovsr Europe, 00-69-Allied, 70-99 ent6r.Axle. All re-enter Axis. All Allied 6nter tog9thor,
England 7 from hdme, +2 fuel'for single engine, +5 tor mulU.
from Europe, 5 from home' +2
6&69-Axis fighter bombor intruder raid over England. Roll: o04g-Allied, 5G99,Axis, all re-enter Allied. over beach,4
tuel foisingle engine, +4 lor multi. Roll 1d2 for altitude'

7s'esr-Alliad lons ranse heavy bomber rairJ. Bombersare ldf Q kom ldendlv !.€I!9^fl-a$,1t1?Il"l]91q!1".1,P$p.?t:.F^tglt-39Hid:::$rYS
escon rules. This means $at dunng m8lr es@rl parloo uroY musr lor]l'lrll wlurrrr re vr rrre wrrrwrs e'r'eee e'e'
if,i't'?Yl'1,"'t"'t'r,"".l.&';#;'ileiiifrii'iiiitHinG';line-Wqry1s^I191'-!-5l-'.-"-9fl19:9ill3':^tT:Y5% -' "'- - - '
or down b 20% ammo. rr oimigodor low on animo, triv rirCv oiit-v pq9-t-lqqqr.AllligltleP^"ll"l-T1-":JlPljll"""Togltf:'fl,iff
ranss rist
ilsr unress ilii"Slz"i'f"f,rYi;ft'ililhi,fi'
bomberc ars
unrsss Dclmo6rs I e] < rreril lrEilvry rElrrv'r' u's" tfi6;,;;;!{,ti!;1!ii!'lq!^1;9ry.$:-;'^:*fd;gl#i*B
e-e ";]a;H,rd ilil;n a;;oi. wntn thees-cohare *Ji"P"t*"'l
done with
Zlro-tg dre
anO sueer
shoot up targets ewurrs,rrrv @
sr opportunity
r.rrsErr of as rolled
'v"w ", u,s p'e.v"
in^the_ previous genoralor(unl€
ilaid biAn6d nientelns plfqqllj
piiots: Re_enteitng piloE roll: o0{9-Ailied,
g rooms.
r.oqms, the
tho mission
missi6n wit'
wih rhb Bombers is over. Oii-ttr'C rorrirwing low
nb ^BgSggb.?"31'-?illl:,P,llPYiH"'E:"1?J1'"?:!.
tevil exii-raU 6'lAttieO pltots:, P:g?*Ti*l
c-ontinue rater'
ib"-'6i.ffi5:iii!"di[EY;hldUiff#"tlEti6:5i-Fishi6i'ilqi:1t tti,r!]e1,i;e'dri'.-q*ru{*99l91!E!919,":
rhe crerman anack on tne boirberg mav may c-ont'nue
qdiil]]gi'i';#ffi;'#1ijrJ. Lir-res rC-e-nre'i as nei'e'scort-Esio-rt6o o'om6ers iray not be ailacked if escort
is killed.
Roll missions: 1-2-3j4*City cantgr; 5-6=r3il yards.

Ground TargaF roll for flak

llied Aircraft yp8: HawKgr r uparmanne upermannS e alvKer
January to June 1944 Mosguito Hunbane Hurrbane SpiUire Spitfire iffire Typhoon
FB.MK VI Mk lv Mk th Mk Vc Mk lXc iriffon)
Xll(Griffon) Mk lb
Attack/lntruder: 4 3 3 3 3 44
gg{4-Mosguito (UK only) I 6 6 6 I 77
05-1O-Hunbana llc or lV 10 I I 10 10 11 11
(UK only) 11 I I 11 11 12 12
11-18-Mugtian-g'1, la or ll 10 I 10 10 12 11 11
(UK only) I I 10 11 11 11
lg€4-SP-itfire Vg(US & 11
ulq 16 1; 15
35*{5-P€8J(US) 3 2 3
46-91 -P47D(US) E/15 E/1 5
92-93-Spitfire Xl l(U l0
94-97-Mustarp ||l(Ulq 3 5 4
98-99=Typhoon lb(UK) 5 5 4
4 b 3
Short Rarrye Fqhters: 3 4 2
00-17-Spitfire Vc(UK & 2
us) 2(8). 2(71. 2(7l'. 2(8). 2(8) 2(8). 2(8)
18-29-P€8J(USonly) 11 11 11 10 10 10 11
30€2-P-{TDiUSonlv} 15 11 11 14 14 14 15
63 -79-9 pltfiq X (U K&U S) 38 38 32 32 32 36 36
g0-97-P-518 B c c c E E E
98-99-Spit 9/1 6e(US), or c B B B B B D
Spiffire xlv(Ulq 1d6 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d7 1d6 1d4
7tso 6t70 8130 8140 8/65 8na 7t$A

Hg$Ssglruntere: yPe: orth American ortn Amarrc )nn Amsncan Ftepubltc Loclfioect sup9rmanne supormarine
21-72-P47D *ril*0(!-st I Mustang ll P-518(€) P-40D3>19 P-3&f Spitfire Spitfire
(P-s1A) Mustan! lll Thunderbolt Lightning Lf.Mk 9/16e Xlv€i(Griffon)
Minlmum: 4 4 44433
lovd llediumBomht: Cruise: I I 989e9
Max.l-2: 10 11 11 11 11 11 11
Havoc, Beaufort, 3{: 12 12 12
Wellington, 8-26 11 11 11 12
5-6: 10 11 13 12 12 11 13
12 to 48 bombers in
groups at 12
78: 10 11 12 12 12 11 12
9-10: 12 11 12 10 11
Fhaw Bombers: Terminal: 18 18 18 18 15 16 17
8.17F, B-24D
Roll Rate: 4 4 4ln4 2 3
48 bombers in a box
Tum Rab: E/15 E/15, D/18 Cl20 Cn} E/15 FJ15
-"""".ct|fb ;1 -::;;+.1i;;,;nffi.illiiiiiltiiitii ...,:,.r:.i.,':i
r;,r.:.1..::'ri:.'.:1.l,i4.:ti;'..+,if:iliiir..''':'''5i;iitii#iii;iri ti_
3-4: 4 4 5 3 4 5 5
5€: 3 4 4 3 4 4 5
7S: 2 3 3 3 3 3 4
9-10: 3 2 3 2 2
Dive ffi.: 2(9) 2(e) 2(10) 2(10) 2(8) 2(8) 2(8)
Guns' 8+4 11 I I zx8 10 10 10
Ammo: 2A 13 20 20 20 14 14 14
Hhs: gg
CrltTable: E
u 36 45
F B(c)
38 32
Skght Table: B B B BD DD
Initiation: 1dO 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d8
Ceifing: 7140 7t60 9125 9/10 9/1 0 9n0 w40

yps: 9S99rSCnm Messerschmitt Focke-Wulf oss8rscnm Messerschmitt

Axis Aircraft Bf 110G Me 410 Fw 190A€ Bf 109G6/R6 Fw 190F Bf 109G-6 Bf 109G-€,t14
January to June 1944 Zerst6rer Hornisse W0rger gun pods W0rger DB6O5AM DBoOSASM
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Intrudrs: 9 I I I I 9 I
00-19-Bf 1 10G 10 10 10 10 10 11 t1
2049*Me 410 10 11 11 11 11 12 '12
50-99-Fw 190F 10 11 12 11 11 12 12
10 10 11 10 10 11 12
Fiohtrs: 11
0o--1S-Bf 11 0G 16 16 16 16 17 17
16-24*Me 410 4 1n 4t5 112 u4 214
24-72-Fw 1g0A-6 cnc. Dllg D/18 D/l8 D/l9
73€9=Bf 109G-6/R6 1i,1,,,,,,i,',,,,,,i$ .,lt',1,;:,t;,11,,:,,',;,;;ti';yu;:.1;:,"i;,;;: i',,::,,,,,1,i ,ii,,it,,l,:6

or Bf 109G-6AM 444 6 6
90-99-Bf 109G-6A$ or 444 4 5 6
Bf 1 09G-14 333 4 4 5
133 3 4 4
Note: Bf 109G-6 pilob: 2
Gun Table 12 available 2(6) 2(6) 2(8) 2(e) 2(8) 2(9\ 2(e)
to 10+ kill aces only. 2x1ltaxnd 12fixl3-3w. 12 12 11 10[121 10[121
2AA0 20//4014a 16 12 12 12[101 12[10]
36 38 36 36 38 36 36
E ED B D B c
1d6 1d6 1d6 1d7 1d4 1d8 1d8
8n5 7n0 8/10 u40 7n0 8/55 9/10

Mission Mix: July 1g44to March 1945

Usuat pilot rnix: 00-69-Alli#, 70-99-Axis
Pilot Mix: 00-29=Allied,30-99'Axis'All re-
dFlg.Axis escortad close support rirld. Over.Allle-d lines, 1 irom rrieldly lines,4 hom home base, +3 fuel'
re-entering Allied pilots roll:00-39-
enrerino oitors are e|tlitlXritferinlnlircran roiiiitz to enter. noltioitirget: 1-Allied airtieid(entering and
tiiiitig ;tij; t:Oug i; troops;g,edt6ry positions;4-Supply dump, S-Truck convoy, 6=Armor.
Pilot Mix 00'49-Allied' 5G99=Axls' All
angl-Alliad escort€d ctose support raH. Oyel germgn lines, I trom friendly-lines, 4 from home !apg.' *9 fuel.
re-enterino German pilots roll: 00-39-
re-entering plrot arj 66lfi-ari. [rrartrn aircranioii io_2 to Enter. hotf tor arget 1-Axis airfi€b(enterino and 2-Dug'introops,
takino orfl.o"rr"nlioji''d-'ibf,fifidFi;iiii;i'd:-ftiis.;upi6rareatwiyitamngott,propiairplanbsaretopcovei.);
3-Ariillery positions; 4-Supply dump' 5-Truck convoy' 6'Armor'
gs*(gtAllisd ctose oscoil€d level borqb_er qld^by light and medlum bo-mers. Allied lighters start wi$in 60' of bombers. Fiohters must stav within 10' of
bombers. oo-z+-nlrieo-riii'6i ?-igg-C;'rdn;;ifid;i;;;c#ran. il;or; channe_['s.tiom eirstalo-7
trom hri'me tiatd, +2 tu'el sinsle ensine
nifriers. +S for muft--eriglrii. fargits are: t-i-S-City ce.qter; 4-lub pens over coast; s-Harbor targets; 6=Airfield.
iruffiifr;id i;ti6 targeiio6-zg:Enoring Axis pilot is takins off. Targiets are airctaft and hangars.
'!d19 from friendly terrilory and anoher ld10 from the tamet. Escorb are under extended
5Ggg-Allied long rang€ heavy bomber rald..Bombers are are damaged by,more than 75'h or
esc-on rur€s. r n'r rlffrfiii-Jiriilih€,-i'; &b-n perioc irrei must redrain riittiin is' ot trabombers unless thdy
lor three rodms(r6ll on long.range list
down to 20% ammo. lf damaged or tou on -d5, thrt nii'y ciN-w run 16r tr6me.iflnghiers enter and escort down to 1or 2(roll) and
untsss bombers arE'i'oi7'iifii minOtv Lnttory,-dtl6n irsi-6nort range- lisg. After 3 rooirs the €scort are required to 'are
done witr their 3
;iffifti'4frl6 6i;p6tidity A ;.;untr fi ili;ii'd,viogs gtaerapi(u'ntess bamruEo oi tow on amgrol. wtren tre escort
pllots: R+bntering piloB roll: 00-39-Allled'
rooms, me mrssron;iffit-x1ij d'9fr-66ij;iJqvd;. d; t$rdr'owing-t-ddievet exii raidbv Allled '10-99'Axis.
later,. aftar the escort
Axis Dlob rorr: oo<il-Afi&liCi, Stl-gs-Fighri t$tit ttre go-up agrees, the Germin atack on he lqlnbgryf $ay. continue1-2-3-4-city canter'
&affiio Xil;. Airrii r+e_-nt-ei ai new eicori.'EJdied EombtrE maf not be attacked it €scort is killed. Roll missions:
s€-Rdl yards.

ground Targets roll for flak.

Allied Aircraft
July 1944 to March 1945
0Sl3Mustang ll
(Ul( onlY)
1 4-Z2-spitfi re Vc(U S on ly)
7S9O-Typhoon lb
91 -g7-MListang lll-lv (UR
98-99-Tempesl V(UK)

Silrort Ranga Fighters:

0$30-P.47D(early or late)
3l-il-spitfire Mk I
Offi3-Sbiffire Mk 9/16e
97-99-spitfi re X lV(G riffo n)
07-31 -P47D
3242-P-51 B
4$79=P51D yps: North Ame lepuDltc Supermarins up€rmanne
so€e-P{1q(-7) P-518-3 P{7M Spitf ire Spitfip
g0-gg-P-51 K Must'ang lll TBolt(Bubble) LF.Mk 9/16e XlVe(Gritfon)
Minimum: 4 3 3
Level Bombers Cruise: I I I I
Macl-2: 11 11 11 11
Uqht or Medium: 3-4: 12 12 12 12
Hivoc, Beaufort, Well ington 5-6: 19 13 11 13
8-26, A-26 7-8: 12 13 11 12
12 to 48 bombers in 9-10: 12 12 10 11
groups o| 12 Terminal: 18 18 16 17
Holl Rate: 4 1t2 2 3
Heaw Bombers: Turn Rate: D/18 cn0 E/l5 915
.,!.gg;p','Fa6r: :;1 ,$,:
,. .F

c . . :..::
B.17G,B-zN ' Orl:: r

48 bombers in a box ' Climb 1-2: 4 4 5 5

of 48 3-4: 5 4 5 5
5-6: 4 4 4 c
7-8: 3 3 3
9-10: 3 3 2
Dive acc.: 2(10) 2(10) 2(8)
Guns: I zfr 10 10
Ammo: 20 2A
Hib: go 4g
Crit.Table: E D
Sioht Table: B
1d8 1d6
l dB gl40
Ceif ing: }ns 9/50 9na

Axis Aircraft TYP: Junksrs sserschmftt Messerschmift Focke Wulf

Me 410
Messerschmitt Focke-Wulf Masserschmitt
Jufy tgq6-march 194r Ju BBG Zerst6rer Bf 110G Fw 190A-6 Bf 109G6/R0 Fw 190F Bf 109G-6
Hornisse W0rger gun pods W0rger DB605AM
Minimum:3444 444
Glose $upport:
Cruise: 7998 s89
0c_23-Bf 1 10G
Ma,x.1-2: I 10 10 0 10 1 10 11
24-54-Me 410
55-94-Fw 190F 3'4: I 10 11 11 11 11 12
95-99-Ar 2348 or 5€: I 10 11 12 11 11 12
Me 262 7{.: - 10 10 11 10 10 11
Fbhters: Terminal: 12 14 16 16 16 16 17
00-i3-Bf 110G or Roll Rate: 4 4 4 1n 4t5 1n a4
Ju 88G Tum Rate: CnO CnA CnA D/18 D/18 Cn} D/18
14-19-Me 410 iHHdili,iFraddni:riif tf i:::r:rrijiriif ti#jr
20-20-Fw 1SA€ C|imbi-a s
3 4 4 446
(Destroyer) 3-4: 2344 445
2746-,Fw 190A€ or 5€: 2 33 3 344
Fw 190 A€ or 7€: 23 3 334
Fw 190D-g
47$7-Bf 109G€/Ro Diva acc.: 2(6) 2(6) 2(6) 2(8) 2(e) 2(8)
11 .?(9I-
or Bf 1O9G€AM Guns: 9+1 lfixtsd *l1frxnd 12fixl3€w 12 1'2 10[12]
68-79-Bf 109G€AS or Ammo: f 6/40 2W40 20140140 16 12 11 12[101
Bf 109G-14 Hits: 46(+1) 36 38 36 36 38 36
80€9-Bf 109G-10 Grit.Table: B BB F EFE
90-9.3-Bf 109K Sight Table: E EE D BDB
94-95-Ta 152C or H Initiation: 1dO 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d7 1& 1d8
96-99-Do 385 or Ceiling: 8125 8n5 7n0 8/10 u40 7n0 865
, He 162 or
ypo: Messerschmitt Messerschmtt Focke-Wulf Focke-Wulf Focke-Wulf Mssserschmitt Focke-Wu
Me 262 or
Ma 163 Bf 09G-6/14
1 Bf 109G-10 Fw 190A€ Fw 190A€ Fw 190D-9 Bf 109K{ Ta 1 52H
(99)-Go ?29(Fantasy) DB605ASM DB6O5DCM St0rmbock W0rger 'Dora-9" DB605L
Minimum: 4 4 4 44 4 4
Note: Bf 109G piloF: Gruise: 9 I I 89 I I
Gun Table 12 available Ma,x.1-2: 11 11 10 10 11 11 10
to 10+ kill rces only. 3-4: 12 12 11 11 12 12 12
5€: 12 12 12 12 12 13 13
7f; 12 12 11 11 12 12 13
9-10: 11 12 12 13
Terminal: 17 17 16 16 1; 17 15
Roll Rate: U4 A4 2 112 1n a4 4
Tum Rats: D/18 D/18 CnO CnO ct20 D/:!8 D/18
,:,,,.',,,,,,,,,,,,,,r,5,,,,:,,l**iillii'ir:,li;ilt.,iiii;lilitffi:ll'i..,...i..' lill*llllffiffi.
34: 6 6 4 4 5 6 4
5-6: 5 5 3 4 4 5 3
7€; 4 4 3 3 3 4 3
9-10: 2 2 2 3
Dive acc,: 2(9) 2(e) 2(8) 2(8) 2(8) 2(e) 2(8)
Guns: l0't121 10[121 9+1 1 11 11 12 12
Ammo: l2h 0l 12[10I 12 16 12 12 12
H its: . i0 36 40 36 36 36 36
Crit.Table: E E F F E E E
Table: C c D D D c D
nitiation: l dB 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1dl 0
Ceiling: 9/10 9/30 8/O5 u45 8125 9t30 10/50

ypa: Focke-Wulf gr Heinkel Messerschmitt Messerschmitt Gotha raoo

Ta 1 52C Do335A-1 He 1624 Me 262A Me 1638 Go 229 ArZilB
Pfeil Vollsjager $chwalbe Komet Btitr
4 4 5 5 4 4 5
9 12 14 14 14 12 10
11 13 16 15 17 17 12
12 13 16 15 17 17 13
13 13 16 15 17 17 t3
12 13 15 15 17 17 13
14 16
18 17 18 17

4 2 4 c
cna i D/l8 sn6
::.: tl:: :

'..::..... . . i..:...4l, .. 1.'.:. ......r. .... ..i ,, :',1i'.lr;,fi '' i,t i':::,,1'.i;;i1 ;,1 ,'r,.,.
5 2A b 4
5 20 5 4
4 20 4 3
4 20 4 3
4 3
2(8) 2(8) 2(10) 3(1 1) 3(1 1) 2(10) 3(1 1)
11 11 10 2x12 12 25-12
12 15 10 15 10
40 26 38 28 32 38
D c D D c c B
1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6
7na 8n0 en0 8/50
8n0 8140 10125
st ancrs and llesserschmltts

Messerschmitt Bf 109F4
Critical Hits


lightly armored radials
NOTE: All indicated minuses to the crew bailing out of a
damaged aircraft are clumulative, howsvsr, the total may not 00-64=No Effect
exceed 95%. 65-67-Canopy jammed, no escape unless roll of 80-99 rolled
before escape try.
Remember that on all rolls, high numbers mean success, low 68-70=Struclural hits, 00-30=failure+ minus 30% to crew escape
failure. 71-74=Engine hits, -3 maximum and cruise speeds, climb
CRITICAL TABLE A 75-80-Engine out, aircraft slows down at least 2MPlturn
Bomber critical hits. 81-82-Control hits, roll doubled, tum radius doubled.
83-85-Controls shot away, out of control -ga% crew escape.
00-50-No effe61 86-93=Fuel hiF, 40minutes rang6, 00-30-onboard fire+minus
51-S9-Nearest Gunner hit-no further fire from that gun 30o/o Crgw eS0ape.
60-64-Pilot(s) hit, abort mission, drop bombs and run. 94-96-Pilot wounded, roll rate doubled, turn radius doubled, -
65-69-Struclural damsge, roll of O040-airframe collapse and - 30oh crew escape.
g0% to crew oscapo-Airoaft destoyed. 97-99-Pilot Killed
70-75=!ngine damage, -Zlop speed and cruise, abort mission,
aircratt leaves formation CRITICAL TABLE E
76-80-Fuel hiF,-z0minurtes to range, roll of 00-30-onboard armored liquid cooled engines
fire+and abandon aircraft.
81-85*Fuel hits, 4Ominutes range, 00- 35= onboard fire and 00€5-No Etfect
30% to crew escapg. 66-70-Radiator hit, 3 remaining turns of power to engine out
86-90-Gontrols damagsd, bomb run abrted, 71-73=Canopy jammed, no escape unless roll of 80-99 rolled
S-91 -Controls shot away, aircraft out of contol, -30% to crew belore escape try.
escape 75-76-Sfuclural hits_, 00-30=failure+ minus gA% to crew escape
92-99-Pilot(s) killed, crew abandon airgaft. 77-79-Engine hiF, -3 maximum and cruise speeds, climb
CR.lTrcAL TABLE B 80830*Engine out, aircraft slows down at least 2MPlturn
Armored twin engined bombers 84-86=Control hits, roll doubled, turn radius doubled.
Twin engined fighters. 87-89-Controls shot away, out of control -30% crew escapo.
90-94-Fuel hiF, 40minutes range, 00-30=onboard fire+minus
00-00=No Effect 3A% crew escaps.
61-63-Nearest gunner hit-no further fire or no effecl if no 95-97-Pilot wounded, roll rate doubled, turn radius doubled, -
gunner. g0o/o Crew esGape.
64-67-Controls hit, Roll rate doubled, turn radius doubled. 98-99=Pifot Killed
68-72=StruclUral hits, 00-30 indicates airframe failure+-3O% to
crew escape. CRITICAL TABLE F
7g-77-One engine out, -3 maximum and cruise speeds, climb armored radial engines
halved, roll for enging..
78-83-Fuel hits, -20minutes rangs, 0S30 = onboard fire and 00-70-No Etfect
30% crelv sscape. 71-73-Canopy jammed, no escape unless roll of 80-99 rolled
84-89=Controls shot away, out of control , .8}o/o crew escape. before escape try.
90-95-Pilot hit, roll doubled, turn radius doubled, -20o/o to 74-77=Struclural hits, 00-30=failure+ minus 30o/o to crew escape
escape. 78-81-Engine hits, -3 maximum and cruise speeds, climb
96-99-Pilot(s) killed halved.
82-83=Engine out, aircratt slows down at least 2MPlturn
CRTTICAL TABLE C 84-87-Control hits, roll doubled, turn radius doubled,
lightly armored liquid cooled fighters 88-91-Controls shot away, out of control -30% crew escape.
92-94-Fuel hits, 40minutes rango, 00-30=onboard fire+minus
00-60-No Effect 30% crew gscape.
61-64-Radiator hit, 3 remaining tums of power to engine out 95-97-Pilot wounded, roll rate doubled, turn radius doubled, -
65-67=Canopy jammed, no escape unless roll of 80-gg rolled 30o/o Crew esGape,
before escapo try. 98-99-Pilot Killed
68-70=Structural hiF, 00-30-failure+ minus 30% to crew escapo
71-74-Engine hits, -3 maximum and cruise speeds, climb Notes:
halved. A)rolling up engine damags twica equals engine out
75-80-Engine out, aircraft slows down at least 2MP/turn
B)Rolling up control hits twice equals controls shot away.
81 -82=Control hits, roll doubled, turrl radius doubled.
83-85=Gontrols shot away, out of control -30% crow oscape. C)Rolling up Pilot wounded twice equals pilot killed.
86-93-Fuel hits, 40minuies range, 00-30=onboard fire+minus
30% crew escape. D)Fuel hiF are defined as l0minutes equals about 1 2A' room. Where
94-96-Pilot wounded, roll rate doubled, tum radius doubled, - the aircraft is +Z0minutes fuef and loses 40, this is a fatal crit that only
30% crgw escape. the victum knows aboutl
97-99=Pilot Killed
E)When the aircraft is on fire:rolf 1d6, 1>4-Fuel tanks on fira; 5-6= Fira in
enoine and €pcossories. lf in Enoine: roll 1d6 for turn it takes to cook ths
pildtgfuing him time to gat out. lF tfre tanks ara on fire, roll 1d6 every
impulse after the first: a 1=ths aircraft blows up and kills evsryglo on
board. The expiosion has a 2' radius for the !urposes of checking to see
if somona runs into tha debris. lf the aircraft fs in ram check ranga of the
blast check ram and run normally. lf tha ram misses, but the aircraft is
within the blast radius, roll 2r10 sided die(0=0) and take those hiF.

F)Aircraft shot out of control fly a baflistic tr4actory-sse level bombing

rules and run the aircraft as a 1000 pound bombl
North American P-51D Mustang
Formation Bombers
generic specs:

British Bornbers
Amiot Bloch et LeO Potez Arms.-Whit Bristo Bristol Vickers
'9u 6tr1/63.1 | Whitley Blanheim UIV Beaufort Wellington
143 214 6 93 4V451
Mlnimum: 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3
Cruise: 4 4 6 7 c 5 6 6 5
Max.l -2: 5 b I 7 7 6 I I 7
3{: c 5 9 I I 6 7 I 7
5-6: 5 5 I I 7 6 7 7 7
7€: I 5
Tsrminal: 10 10 13 11 12 I 10 11 10
Roll Rate: 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4
Turn RatB: CnO Qn0 craa Bn6 cr20 Bn6 Cn0 cnO 8126
Zo o m Facto r :riirilrriii*$, :,riiliii;:riir',' i:::ir;i?t::,',i",, ,' ,.,t8'':.1 il,','i,,i,,i',,,,ilii*i:i''t:'.i:r,$:;;,:,.i ,,i,,,.,,&,ilt,ii'if :iij.Ji :,,rQ:,t;i1i;ii,,,,1,,p'i,'ir:',',,,,1$;lii;li:;:.r:.:,l.:;:iiri,liiliiii- $:iliill;rl|ii:hiri,:i,,;,iliii',i.: 2 '

Cfimb 1-2: 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 2
34: 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2
5-6: I 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

7€: 1 1

Dive Am.: 1(4)' 1(4). 1(4)' 2(6)' 2(6)r 1(4)' 2(6)' 2(6). 1(4)'
Guns Nose lflexable 1flex. 6+2tixed 1flex. 4flxod 3flxed 2 2flex
Chin: l fixed 1 (mkl )2
Dorsal: 1 ; ; 6 i 2 2
Ventral: 1 1 1
Tail:: 4 4
Ammo: 30all 30all 14n, 30all 30all,20dor 2Oall 30all 25all 40all
Hits: 3a(+1) a0(+1) 28 3O(+1) 30 30(+1) 28(+1) 50(+ 1l
CrilTable: A A AA B A A A
Sight Table: A A AA E A A A
pperational Alt: 2n0 u70 ?rT0 3t40 3t40 4n5 3t30 3I30

German Bornbers:
Dorn ier Dornier rnier e einkel g Junkers Junkers
Do.1 7Z Do.215 Do217 Hs.l1 1H-6 He.l 1 1H-20 He.177 A Fw.200C Ju.5?3m Ju.86P
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2
6 7 7 6 6 6 c 4 5
7 I I 7 7 I 5 b 6
7 I I 7 7 9 6 5 6
7 7 I 7 7 I 6
6 ws&
ll I
Roll Rats:**.
Turn Rate:s teagJ2g
Cn} CiElA
3 5

4 Fq
ZOOm FactOr:$*l*ll*lil$lL::i.i,,., ,fiiirti,r,iiil,',i,::lii',ii,,ii:'3,,..,,: ili;'i',i,,,'iii'fiiriir'ri'n,;,,,i,,iii,':*i,iii:,'r'lili.$,'iiii'li'r;,i#iiii,;,..',gii#'lii',i'|lri-it
'ii;1 i; : :': : i:'11:';illli:': lt':ni:i :': : .'i]:ii':n'i:in:'1;tnl: 1: 1:
. : :i:ii :i'i]:fli
Climbl-Z:7 2 2 2 2 221 12
3*4: t- 22 D 2 111 2 a

5-6: ] 22 11 I
T 2 2
7€: * : 1

9-10: ,
Dive i#.;.q)brir. 2(6). 2(6). 2(6)' 2(6)' 2(6). 2(6)' 1(5)' 1(4)' 1(4)' 2i,4',"
Guns Npper-Btfl;'x. 2flex. fflex. 2flex 6flex 6flex. 2flsx. 6flex.
1f lex **x
Chin: I fss 6f ixed
Dorsal:'L I 3 6 6n 1 1 i ?
Ventral: I 2 2 a,

Waist: t-
1 2 3
i 1

Tail:: 2
Ammo: 1',. 30all 3Oall 30all 30all 3Oall 30all 30all 3Oall 3Oall 30all 3**t
50(+1) il(*1) 46{. !
_ I'liFqi {.+g(+r )' 50(+1) 50(+1) 52(+1) 70(+21 56(+2) 36(+1) 38(+1) }

CrilTable:*3 A A AA A A A A A A h
Sight Table:6. A A AA A A A A A A ,
Opera:tional n[: ! il s U30 3/30 3130 3/60 3/60 3/60 3/60 z30 2F,0 3/60 3ffi
stancts and flesserschmitts
essersch m itt 8f,109 F-4
Forrnation Bombers
generic specs

Italian Bombers aneso Bombers

:iat nawasaKr Kau MiFubishl MiFubishl ibubi
;apron Caproni )ra-Ma
2.1007 Ca.311 Ca.313 BR. 20b ls SM.7 Ki.€'Lily' Ki. 48-ll G3M'Nell' G4M'Betty' Ki.21'Sally'
Minimum: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Cruise: 6 c- 6 6 6 c 6 5 c- 6
Max.l-2'. I 6 7 I I I I T 7 7
34: I 6 I I I I I 7 I I
5-6: 7 5 7 I 7 7 I 7 7 I
Termlnal: 10 10 10 10 13 11 12 11 12 1t
RollRate: 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 5 c f,
Turn Rab: CnO otl8 D/18 an0 cn0 cna Bt26 grza Bt28 B/28

ZOO1 FaCtOr:,:1:Xifiii.i.,,.*$:lirilllll*il':::.,jiiffiiiil:,,,flli.',,::u:
', $:,: .,,r. r..,:i..:i;::,:i1i'.:i.:: ffilli:'iiiiiil i,iri,'*-rr3'':,,.'*,ilii,i:1;i1i1;,,,','o','; :riii,,Arii: 3
Climb 1-2: 2 2

3 zg 2
2 2 2 a.

5-6: 1 I 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 I
9-10: r,{,' t
Dive Aca: 1(5) 2(6)' 2(6)' 2(6)' 2(6)' 2(6)' 2(6) 1(5)' 1(5)' ,-:

Guns Nose Sflex lffxed 6f ixad 3flex. 3fixed l flex l flex lfler ffiex 1 ' .ll-

Dorsal: 3 3 3 32 3 2 2 ]
Ventral: 3 1 3 1

Waist: 1 1- : 1 1

Tail:: 1 6
gOaf f
Ammo: 30 3Oall 30all 30all SOall 30all 30all 30all ''.j *i
Hits: a0(+1) 2g 30 38(+1) M(+1) 30 34 38(+1) 32(+1) i",i + t
CrilTable: A A A A BA A A A t
Sight Table: A A A A AA A A A
Operational alt: u2a u45 3/30 3t30 4tg0 3t30 3I30 3n0 3na ::-.i-

Ja anese Bombers Russian Bombers United StatesBombers

upolev HOerng Boeing Boeing Boeing
Ki.67'Peggy' K1,49 Pa2 s82 B-17C B-17E/F B-17G B-29 * *a*"on

Minimum: 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 t
Cruise: 7 6 6 0 4 6 6 6 I t'
Marl-2: Ig I I 7 c; I I 7 I ?

34: I I I D I I I I J
5€: 9 9 I 8 I I I 10 t

7€: 7 I I I I
Terminal: 12 12 12 12 912 12 12 13 .*lIF

Fate: 5
Roll 6 4 445556gl20
Tum Hab: Br:20 BnA CnO D/18 sl26 N40 N4A N4A .t" {i}
ZOOm Fagt9f:iiiiliiiiilti{.l ilio,,,i'i,'u,,',,,1'. ,,':l
.', a.

Cllmb 1-2: 2 2 2 31 !
2 2 31 t
t 1 2
7€: 1-
Dive Acc.: 1(5)' 1(5)' 2(6)' 2(6)' 1(4) 1(4) 1(4)' t9) 1(5)
Guns Nose 3flex. 3fl9x. 4fixed Ztlax Zflex 3flex.

; 3
Wdst: 3 3 3 3 3 6 3
Tail:: 6 6 6 6 s
Ammo: 30all 3Oall 30all 3Oall 30all 4Oall 40all 40all 40all {4*l
Hits: 36(+1) 36(+1) 36(+ 1) 35(+1) 36(+2) 75(+21
,A e0(+2) 9a(+2) 1 10(+.3) *i. el
CritTable: A A A A A A A A A
Sioht Table: A A A A A A A A A t
?-BA 4130 f...?{
eridonal alt: 3140 u30 ?J3A 3130
s t anq s and l{essersEhntts 111
North American P-51D Mustang
Formation Bombers
generic specs
uouqlas Douglas Douglas LJouglas Lockheed Marun Martin Marfn Martin B-
B-18Bolo DB7 Bostion A-20C Havoc A-20G Havoc 214 Hudson B-10 (13e) l6TMaryland 87Bal tm org Marauder
Minimum: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4
Cruise: 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 6
Max.l-2: 5 8 I I 7 7 I I I
3..4: 6 I 10 10 7 7
i I I
5€: 5 8 I I 7 7 I I
7€: :
Terminal: 10 1'2 14 14 10 10 11 14
Roll Rate: 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4
Tum Rate: Cn0 Cn0 cr20
cEa cna cno Bt26 B126
ZOOm FAft0r:iil:,:i iri'. it,r+':i'iiliiri:r*.;i,r'riiir.8,,;'i,i,r,,',,i,,,i;,'
,,,',,,i,.$ll5illll illii'".'::.:::::*'S,,,i'll'

Cfimb 1-2: 2 3 3 1 2
I 2 2 2
1 1 I 1
7€: :
Dive Acc.: 1(5) 2(6) 2(6) 2(6) etot 2(6) 2(6) 2(6) 2(71
Guns Nose l flex. l flex 4fixed lOfixad 2fixed 1f lex 4fixed 4fixed 3ffax
Ghin: 2fixed 6fixed
Dorsal: 2 2 ; ; ; ;
2 2
: : i 1

Tail:: 6
Ammo: 30all 30all 30all 30all 40ail
30all 3Oall 30all
HiF: 36(+1) 32(+1 36(+1) a0(+1) 44(+ 1 l
3tl(+1) 3a(+1) 38(+1)
CrilTabla: A A A A A A A B
Sioht Tabie: A A A A A A A A
Operd:tional Alt: 3i30 3t30 3I30 3I30 2130 ?/}0 3r30 3/J0


&. ype: North Amerban\

B-25C Mibhell B-25J Mibhell
Minimum: 33
il Cruiss: 77
Max.l -2: 88
34: 98
5-6: 88
n 9-10:
Terminal: 1-4 14
Rate: 4
Roll 4
Turn Rate: Cl20 B126
Zoom Factor:;t;ilrlr*: fi,':iii'::',:' iix,iiillii'.;"''-'i;i:r:iiil,'.,', ii,lli,i,,'i,iO,,,i,,i',;,,:,i;,ifi,;,:,:i,,',',i,i

Climb 1-2: 2 2
3-4: 2 2
5-6: 1
Dive Aca: 2(6) 2(6)
Guns Nose lflexable lOfixed
Dorsal: 6 ;
Waist 3
Tail:: 6
Ammo: 40all 40all
Hib: 4a(+1) 48(+1)
CrilTable: B B
Sight Table: A A
Operational Alt 4140 4t10
E *g gg
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Must anos and l{esserschmltts
Messerschmitt Bf 1 09F-4
Critical Hits


lightly armored radials
NOTE: All indicated minuses to the crew bailing out of a
damaged aircratt are dumulative, howev€r, the total may not 00-64-No Effect
exceed g5%. 65-67-Canopy iammed, no e$cape unless roll of 80-99 rolled
before escape try.
Rsmember that on all rollg, high number$ mean success, low 68-70=Struclural hits, 00-30=failure+ minus 30Yo to crew sscape
failure. 71-74-Engine hiF, -3 maximum and cruise speeds, climb
CHTT$AL TABLE A 75-80-Engine out, aircraft slows down at least zMPlturn
Bomber critical hiF. 81-82-Control hib, roll doubled, tum radius doubled,
83-85-Controls shot away, out of control -30% crew escape.
00-50-No effect 86-93-Fuel hits, 4Ominutes range, 00-30*onboard fire+minus
51-S9-Nearest Gunner hit-no furfter fire from fiat gun g0ah cr€rv escapg.
60-64-Pilot(s) hit, abort mission, drop bombs and run. 94-96-Filot wounded, roll rate doubled, turn radius doubled, -
65-69-Structural damage, roll of O040-airframe collapse and - 30% crew oscaoe.
30% to crew escape-Aircraft desfoyed, 97-99-Pifot Killed '

70-75-Engine damago, -2 top speed and cruise, abort mission,

aircratt leaves formation CRITICAL TABLE E
76-80-Fuel hits,-zOminutes to range, roll of 00-30=onboard armorad liquld cooled engines
fi re+and abandon aircraft,
81-85-Fuel hits, -4Ominutes range, 0S 85- onboard fire and 00€5-No Etfact
30% to crew egcape. 66-70=Radiator hit, 3 ramaining turns of power to engine out
86-90'Controis damag#, bomb run aborted, 71'73=Canopy jammsd, no esCape unleis roll of 80-99 rolled
90-91-Controls shot away, airgatt out of contol, -00% to crew before escape try.
escape 75-76-Sfuctural hits. 00-80=failure+ minus 30% to crew e$capo
92-99-Pilot(s) kill€d, crew abandon aircratt. 77-79-Engine hiF, -3 maximum and cruise speeds, climb
CHTNCAL TABLE B 80830-Engine out, aircratt slows down at least 2MPlturn
Armored twin engined bombers 84-86-Control hiF, roll doubled, turn radius doubled.
Twin engined fighters. 87-89-Controls shot away, out ol control -30% crsw escap6.
90-94-Fuel hiF, 40minutes range, 00-30=onboard fire+minus
00-60=No Etfect 30% crew egcaps.
61-63=Nearest gunner hit-no further fire or no stfect if no 95-97-Pilot wounded, roll rate doubled, turn radius doubled, -
gunner. 30% crerv escap6.
&4-67-Controls hit, Roll rate doubled, tum radius doubled. 98-99-Pilot Killed
68-72=Structural hits, 00-30 indicates airframe failure+-3O% to
crew escapo. CRITICAL TABLE F
7$-TTnOne engine out, -3 ma:rimum and cruise speeds, climb armored radial engines
halved, roll for engins.,
78-83-Fuel hits, -ZOmin[tes rangs, 00-30 - ooboard fire and 00-70-No Effect
30% crew escapo, 7l-73-Canopy jammed, no escape unless roll of 80-99 rolled
84-89-Controls shot away, out of control, -30% crerv e$capo. before escape try.
90-95'=Pilot hit, roll doubled, turn radius doubled, -20o/a to 74-77-Struclural hits-, 00-30=failure+ minus 30% to crew escaps
SSCape. 78-Sl iEngine hiF, -3 maximum and cruise speeds, climb
96-99-Pilot(s) killed halved.
82-83-Engine out, aircraft slows down at least zMPfir.rrn
CHTTEAL TABLE C 84-87=Control hiF, rofl doubled, turn radius doubfed.
lightly armorsd liquid cooled fighters 88-91-Controls shot away, out of control -30% crew oscape.
92-94-Fuel hits, 4Ominutes range, 00-30=onboard fire+minus
00-60-No Effect
61-64-Radiator hit, 3 remaining turns of power to engine out
65-67=Canopy jammed, no es-ape unless roll of 80-gg rolled
30% crew oscape.
95-97-Pilot wounded, roll rate doubled, turn radius doubled, -
30% crew escapg.
before escape try. 98-99-Pilot Killed
68-70*Structural hiF, 00-30-failure+ minus 30% to crew escape
71-74-Engine hits, -3 maximum and guise speeds, climb
75-80-Engine out, aircraft slows down at leas 2MPltum
A)rolling up angine damage twice equals engine out I
B)Rollirq up conbol hits twice equals controls shot arryay.
81-8z-Control hits, roll doublsd, turn radius doubled.
83-85=Gontrols shot away, out of confol -g}o/a crew escapo, C)Rollirg up Pilot wounded twice equals pilot kill€d.
86-93*Fuel hits, 4Ominuies rangs, 00-30=onboard fire+minus
30% crsw escape. DlFuel hits are defined as lOminutes equals about I 2A' room, Where
94-96=Pilot wounded, roll rate doubled, tlrn radius doublsd, - the aircraft is +2Ominutes fuel and fosss 40, ttris is a fatal crit that only
30% crsw escapg.
97-99=Pilot Killed
the victum knows aboutl

E)When tha aircraft is on fira:roll 1d8, 1>.4-Fusl tanks on fire; 5{- Fire in
engine and accessorise. lf in Engina: roll 1d6 for turn it takes to cook the
pilotgiving him time to get out, fF the tianks are on firo, roll 1d6 every
impulse3fter the first a 1=the aircraft blows up and kills evsrygle on
board. The explosion has a 2' radius for the purposes of checking to see
if sornone runs into tha dsbris- lf ttre aircraft is iri ram chack rango of he
blast, cfiack ram and run normally. lf the ram missss, but the aircraft is
within ths blast radius, roll 410 sided dia{0=0} and take those hib.

FJAircraft shot out of control fly a ballistb trajectory-sso level bombing

rules and run the aircrafi as a 1000 pound bbmbl ;
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Gun Tables @pyright s ,tg
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TfiIe 'A.SPI-{ e-ry;t* t.,* Tfila Ery5S L.t" CS&-** "8 g* TfiIe e*;o* 3{.-r}5 lgbe
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rrnored twin engined bornbers Lighlly armored liquid cooled ligh Lighlly armored radial Arrnored liquid cooled engines rmored radlal engineo
win engined llghlers.
00{0-No Ellecl 00-6.1-No Elfecl 00-65-No Elfect 00'70-No Ellecl
0-60-No Ellecl 6l -64-Radialor hil,3 remaining lurns 65-67-Canopy iammed, no escape 66'70-Radialor hil, 3 remaining lurns 71-73-Canopy jarnmed, no escaPe
| -63-f{earesl gunner hil'no lurlher ol power lo crgine oul unless roll ol 80'gg rolled ol power lo engine oul unless roll of 80-89 rolled
lire or no elfecl if no gunner. 65-67-Canopy larnrned, no €scape belore escape |ry. 7l -73-Canopy jammed, no escape belore escaPe lrY.
.f'67-Conhols hll, Roll rale doubled, unless roll ol 80{g rolled 68-70-Strucfural hils, 00'30-lailure & unless roll ol 80-gg rolled 7{-77-struclural hi ls, 00'30-l iilure
lurn radius doubled. belore escaoe try. minus 30X lo ctew escape before escape lry. & rninus 30X to ctew
8-72-Slruclural hils, 00'30 indicates 68-70-Slruslural hils, 00-30-lailure & 71-74-Engine hils, '3 rnorimum and 75-76-Struclurd hils, 00'30-lailure & escaPe
airlrsne lailure & '30i{ lo minus 30X lo creif, escape cruise speeds, dimb halved. minus 30X lo ctew eseape 78-81-Engine hils,'3 madmurn and
crew escape. 7l-7{-F:rgine hlts, -3 rnaximurn and 75-80-Engine oul, aircrall slows 77-79-Engine hils,'3 maximum and cruise sPeeds, dimb halved.
3-77-One engine oul, -3 rnaximum crulse speeds, ciimb halved. down at lesl ZttlP/lurn cruise speeds, dimb helved. 8Z-83-Engine oul, aircrafl slows
and cruise speeds, dlmb 75-80-Engine out, aircralt slows 8l -82-Control hits, roll doubled, lurn 80830-Engine oul, aircrafi slows down al leasl 2MP/turn
halved. dorrn al leasl2MP/l urn radius doubled- down al leasl 2MP/lurn 8{-87-Confol hils, roll doubled, luln
-83-Fuet hlts, -Z0rninules tange, 8l -82-Gonlrol hils, roll doubled, lurn 83-85-Conbols shol away, oul ol 8.1-86-Confol hits, roll doubled, lurn radius doubled.
00'30-onboard lire & '30X radius doubled. confol & '30X cre\r escape. radius doubled. 88-91-Contols shol awEy, o-ut ol
crew escape. 83-8S-Conlrols shol a*ay, out of 86-03-Fud hils, -40rninules range, 87-80-Confols shot away, oul ol control '30X ctew escape.
,l'8S-Contols shol away, oul ol control & -30X crew escape. 00'3{l-onboard lire & rninus conlrol, -30X crew escape. 82-8{-Fud hils, -.l0rninuls tange,
conlrol & -30X ctew escape. 86-S3-Fueil hits, -{0minules range, 30X crewescaPe. 00-84-Fuel hils, -40rninules range, 00-30-onboard lire & minus
{5-Pilot hil, roll doubled, lurn 00-30-onboad lire & rninus 8.1-08-Pilol wounded, roll rate 00-30-onboard lire & rninus 30X crewescape.
radius double* -?0X lo 30?( crew €scape doubled, lurn radius 30X crss esc:lpe. S5-97'Pilot wqunded, roll rate
escape" 84-06-Pilol wpunded, roll rale doubled, -3gX ctew 95'S7-Pilol wounded, roll rale doubled, turn rdius
6{9-Pitolts} hilled doubled,tum radius doubled, escape. doubled, turn radius doubled, -30X ctew escape
30X crew escape. 07-00-Pilot Killed doubled, -30X c?ew escape. 08-00-Pilol Killed
7'89-Pilol Killed 08-99-Pilol Killed

Ir btanos & il{ ess srsc

I ctntrol sheet
varcion 5
'Aircratt Type :
'lot: *enario:

I Player Name:

-Turn Recorii
I h

I mmo(Forward
tl zl sl rl
5t 6 71 8l el
91 r0 ill
10ill 121
1 1g 14 15 16


". |:.1 i'111'. 1'.. ri':. i.1. l:. iii.,:..11..:lr .i;|ii.

. .r l.i .i:1ir,,
r; r-.j.... t.t:,::.t.:t.).\ ..,.,::

u 31 31 4l 5t 61 71 8l q lq rrl 121 13t t4 1g t6

71 8l I Ild fil rzl rg 14 rS 16

1l 21 3l ll5 tl 8l el 10 rrl rel rs 14 15 16
I LevelrForward.
Al I other d irections......,80

T*le B c T$la D
I LavelrForward
'{g :', '[gygl/Forwerd
50 LevellSide
;:;:90 ,,',:'lgyr6ltfigaf r 1:
,' LeveUFonryard
:{g .:
:. r[Q
LeveuHgar :.
LewlrTlea' '.,'79 , 'Lgv€lr'Rgar
AboverFonvard 40 AboverForward AboverFonvard 40 Above/Forward 45
AbowEide ' 50 :1[!916/l$ida ' 'i
:: :, ; Atrgy$SiCtg ,
I Above/lsids 45 45
, :
', :, ,:,:,
Above/Flear 7A AbovelRear AboverTlear 60 Above/Rear 50
Belon'rForrtard 55' ' EglotfFgrward
BslowForuard 's5 , '' Bglow/Forward , 55
Below/Side " 60 BelowlSide Below/Side 60 Below/Side 55
BelorvrTlear ,80 Belo$rFlear Belou'rTlear g0 Befo#Floar 90


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