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Varnishes are more or less transparent liquids which are used to provide a protective surface coating in

much the same way as paints do” At the same time they allow the original surface to show but add a
lustrous and glossy finish to it. All varnishes have basically the same components as paints.

Varnish is a transparent, hard, protective finish or film primarily used in wood finishing but also for other
materials. Varnish is traditionally a combination of a drying oil, a resin, and a thinner or solvent. Varnish
finishes are usually glossy but may be designed to produce satin or semi-gloss sheens by the addition of
"flatting" agents.

Types of varnishes

Natural resin varnishes:

Body made from natural resin obtained from certain trees. Natural resin obtained from living trees or
from fossils(which are superior) Vehicle in varnish is the same as used in oil-based paint. Resins dissolved
in oil ► mixture heated to temperature (500-600OF) depending on the amount of gloss required. Oil and
natural resin varnish ► OLEO RESINOUS varnish. Thinner and dryers used in varnish are the same as used
in oil based paints

Modified natural-resin varnishes:

Made from natural resin ► altered by chemical action. Common resin is heat treated with glycerin to
form a gum. This gum is treated as the body for the varnish. Less expensive varnish than the oleo
resinous varnish

Synthetic resin varnish:

Synthetic varnish produced by plastic industry

Chemicals used include nitrocellulose, amino resins, silicon etc

Vehicle most often the same as for oleo resinous varnish

Coal tar derivatives may be used as thinners

Dryer is also the same as for other types of varnishes


Long oil varnish:

Long oil contain 40 to 100 gal of oil per 100 lbs of resin

Takes longer time to dry

Moderate gloss

Marine and spar varnish belongs to this group

Tung oil used ► impervious to water

Medium oil varnish:

Medium-oil contain 12 to 40 gal of oil per 100 lbs of resin

They dry faster ► harder

Harder film than long-oil varnish but are not impervious to water

Floor varnish belongs to this group

Short oil resins:

Short-oil contain 5 to 12 gal of oil per 100 lbs of resin. Dry rapidly ► form a hard, britle film that
withstand much rough usage. Polishing varnish belongs to this group

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