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Event Date Points

PRSSA Meeting 1/13/14 1

PRSSA Meeting 1/27/14 1
Regional Conference at MSU 2/7 – 2/8/14 4
PRSSA Meeting 2/24/14 1
Borshoff Diversity Workshop 3/1/14 2
PRSSA Meeting 3/31/14 1
Total: 10
PRSSA Meeting: 1/13/14 (1 point)

 The Greyhound Link is a new website to connect with other RSO’s

 There are several upcoming conferences this semester (I decided that I want to go to at least
 PRSSA still needs a historian. I want to be a part of the executive board, but probably not this

PRSSA Meeting: 1/27/14 (1 point)

 Learned about the company Formstack; I’ve never heard of it before

 Eva McKnight spoke to us about how she found herself working at Formstack
 She gave great advice to post-grads. One was that the first job is always the toughest, so power
on through that. Secondly, she said find a hobby, even if it’s as simple as watching Netflix

Regional Conference at Michigan State University: 2/7/14 – 2/8/14 (4 points)

 Surprised with how many seniors were there from MSU and that it was their first conference
 Learned about infographics and how they can really enhance projects
 Learned how to NOT make a business card

PRSSA Meeting: 2/24/14 (1 point)

 Our Orange Crush sales raised about $100 for Riley Children’s Hospital
 The blood drive is coming up in a few weeks
 I volunteered to go to the ISG Senate Meeting on March 1st to represent PRSSA (and it was
actually very fun!)

Borshoff Diversity Workshop: 3/1/14 (2 points)

 Learned different ways to engage the brain and enhance creativity; even if it’s as simple as
making up new words
 Met many new people who work at Borshoff and are very passionate about what they do
 Met a student from Butler with the same last name as my friend from back home. I asked if they
were related & he said no, but miraculously he knows my friend because many people think
they are related! Small world

PRSSA Meeting: 3/31/14 (1 point)

 Learned about the SkyZone outing for the next week (I went and had a blast!)
 All paid members must be at next week’s meeting for elections
 There are still spots open for the Nashville conference – I would like to go, but it’s inconvenient
that it’s on a Tuesday.

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