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© Kamla-Raj 2018 Int J Edu Sci, 23(1-3): 7-13 (2018)

PRINT: ISSN 0975-1122 ONLINE: ISSN 2456-6322 DOI: 10.31901/24566322.2018/23.1-3.1069

Development and Effectiveness of a Textbook on Advanced

Mathematics for Engineering Programs
Harold Jan R. Terano

College of Engineering, Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges, Philippines

E-mail: haroldterano@cspc.edu.ph
KEYWORDS ADDIE Model. Book. Engineering Education. Instruction. Instructional Material

ABSTRACT Advanced Engineering Mathematics is a course that introduces higher concepts of mathematics and
its applications to engineering. A textbook was developed to supplement the teaching-learning processes. The
study had utilized the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate) model in developing the
instructional material. The acceptability of the contents, structure and format and assessment in the IM was
determined using a validated evaluation instrument. The instrument together with the IM was distributed to 22
engineering professors from various academic institutions and 80 engineering students using expert-based method
of obtaining evaluation. Thirty civil engineering students were the participants to test the effectiveness of the
material. Results showed that the IM is highly acceptable, and is effective and found that there is a significant
improvement in the students’ performance in the pretest-posttest. The study is important in providing an
effective IM for engineering students to improve their proficiency in advanced engineering mathematics.

INTRODUCTION demic performance (Quisumbing et al. 2017).

Textbooks are materials containing all the top-
Education is an important aspect for every- ics that should be discussed in a particular
one in succeeding life and future. It helps a lot in course. These instructional materials should be
combating life challenges and difficulties. curriculum based and substantial for the pur-
Knowledge, skills and values gained through- pose of teaching and the learning of the stu-
out the education period enables every individ- dents. To concretize and substantiate learning,
ual to be confident in their respective lives. it is important to provide adequate, appropriate
Learning in the sense of cognitive improve- and varied instructional materials (Tominez et
ment is a multi-faceted construct related to mul- al. 2013).
tiple educational and individual factors (Drigas Instructional design models are useful in
and Karyotaki 2014). It has been an actively fo- developing course materials for effective teach-
cused on the process of acquiring new objec- ing-learning processes. Instructional designers
tive knowledge in the subject (Sousa-Vieira et al. use learning theories as a source for verifying
2015). The concept of a learner-centered and not strategies and as a foundation for intelligent
teacher-centered is the new vision of the whole selection of strategies (Ertmer and Newby 2013).
educational system (Maceiras et al. 2013). One According to Branch and Kopcha (2014), de-
of these factors include teaching and learning veloping instructional materials require a sys-
materials of various forms. Instructional materi- tematic approach and a more defined model.
als refer to the human and non-human materials There are variety of instructional development
and facilities, which can be used to ease, en- models. ADDIE model is an acronym for ana-
courage, improved and promote teaching and lyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate
learning activities. (Aldoobie 2015). The phases of ADDIE repre-
Instructional materials are very vital in the sent the fundamental concepts of instructional
teaching-learning processes. This is in a form of development process ensuring that the design
textbooks, reference text, the chalk and black- has to be student-centered, goal-oriented with
board, computer aided presentations and other meaningful performance and outcomes that can
materials that are important and useful in the dis- be validly measured (Reiser and Dempsey 2012).
cussion and teaching. Instructional material is a Advanced Engineering Mathematics is a
prominent factor toward academic excellence. It higher course in engineering mathematics. The
is remarkable for the teacher to develop instruc- course description for advanced engineering
tional material to guide the student in their aca- mathematics for civil and mechanical engineer-

ing is stated in CMO 29, s. 2007 and CMO 9, s. jor phases, namely, the development and evalu-
2008. ation phases. The development phase included
One of the significant challenges in teach- several stages such as planning, designing and
ing advanced engineering mathematics is on development of the proposed textbook. The eval-
how to deliver to the students the concepts of uation phase included the validation of the con-
the subject since majority of the topics focused tents, structure and format, and assessment, and
on higher topics in mathematics that needs prior evaluation on the effectiveness of the material.
knowledge of the basic engineering mathemat-
ics. Also, there is a need to revisit the arrange- Development Phase
ment of the topics taking into considerations
the pre-requisite topics. Several developments The planning phase of this study included
and evaluation study of instructional materials preliminary activities in which the researcher
were conducted (Terano 2015; Tabal 2015; Dio considered the analysis of the present require-
2017; Magulod 2017). Such studies are useful ments for the course based on the course de-
for other professors who intended to design scription and outlines of the Philippine Commis-
their instructional materials related to their fields sion on Higher Education (CHED). The design
of specializations. of the material considered the contents and struc-
ture and format. Along the contents, the research-
Objectives er considered the minimum requirements for the
course in accordance with the CHED. Table 1
This study focused on the development and shows the outline for the course as prescribed
effectiveness of a textbook in advanced engi- in the CHED CMOs.
neering mathematics. Specifically, this study Along the structure and format, the research-
sought to address the following objectives, er devised his own style on how he can make
namely, 1) to design a textbook in terms of con- the material based on the needs of the students
tents, structure and format, and assessments; 2) and on how this material can capture the inter-
to determine the acceptability of the material in ests of the students. This is to take note that
terms of contents, structure and format, and as- according to Quisumbing et al. (2017), it is im-
sessments; and 3) to test the effectiveness of portant for a teacher to develop instructional
the proposed textbook. material to guide the student in their academic
Evaluation Phase
This research employed a descriptive-devel-
opment research design in the whole processes After the completion of the textbook, twen-
of the research. The study considered two ma- ty-two (22) engineering professors from the var-
Table 1: Course requirements

Course title: Advanced Engineering Course title: Advanced Engineering

Mathematics for CE Mathematics for ME
Course description: A study of selected topics in Course description:A study of selected topics in
mathematics and their applications in advanced mathematics and their applications in advanced
courses in engineering and other allied sciences. It courses in engineering and other allied sciences. It
covers the study of Complex numbers, Laplace and covers the study of Complex Numbers, Laplace and
Inverse Laplace Transforms, Power Series, Matrices Inverse Laplace Transforms, Power series, Fourier
and Determinants, Vector Analysis and Numerical series, Matrices and Determinants, Vector Analysis
Methods. and Numerical Methods.
Course Outline: Course Outline:
1. Complex Numbers 1. Complex Numbers
2. Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms 2. Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms
3. Power Series 3. Power Series
4. Fourier Series 4. Fourier Series
5. Vector Analysis 5. Vector Analysis
6. Numerical Methods 6. Numerical Methods

ious universities and colleges in the Bicol re- To test the effectiveness of the material, the
gion evaluated the material as expert evaluators. researcher seek permission from the Dean of the
They were five (5) professors from the Cama- College of Engineering of the Camarines Sur
rines Sur Polytechnic Colleges (CSPC), three (3) Polytechnic Colleges to allow the researcher to
professors from the Bicol University College of conduct experimental study to 30 engineering
Engineering (BUCENG, Legazpi City), three (3) students as his participants in the study. The
professors from the Bicol University Polangui researcher conducted one-group pretest-post-
Campus (BUPC), three (3) professors from the test experimental research design in testing the
University of Northeastern Philippines (UNEP), effectiveness of the material as part of the vali-
two (2) professors from the University of Saint dation process. t-test was used to determine if
Anthony (USANT), three (3) professors from there is a difference between the results of the
the Sorsogon State College (SSC) and three (3) pretest and posttest.
professors from the Camarines Norte State Col-
lege (CNSC). Data were collected in January 2017. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Each of them received a sample copy and
were asked to evaluate the acceptability of the The development and evaluation of the text-
contents, structure and format and assessment book in advanced engineering mathematics were
of the material. Also, another group of evalua- conducted to satisfy the objectives of this re-
tors on the acceptability of the material were the search, namely, the design, acceptability and the
80 engineering students in 2 universities, name- effectiveness of the textbook in advanced engi-
ly, Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges and Uni- neering mathematics.
versity of Northeasthern Philippines who had
used the material. Since they had used the mate- The Design of the Material
rial, they were able to answers evaluation forms
given to them to evaluate the acceptability of The textbook in advanced engineering math-
the contents, structure and format and assess- ematics is composed of nine (9) chapters together
ment of the material. Weighted mean was used with its discussions, sample problems and exer-
in order to consolidate the results that was ob- cises. Table 3 shows the contents of the book
tained based on the response of the evaluators. against the content topics in accordance with
The computed mean ratings were evaluated ac- the minimum requirements of the Commission
cording to the scale as shown in Table 2. on Higher Education (CHED) in the Philippines.
Identifying the contents of instructional materi-
als can be aided with sample syllabi or course
Table 2: Likert scale website (Peterson 2003).
The design of the material was carefully
Scale Verbal interpretation
made to enhance the interests of the students in
4.50 – 5.00 Highly acceptable the course. Each chapter has the format and se-
3.50 – 4.49 Very acceptable quence using English as the language. The or-
2.50 – 3.49 Acceptable der of presentation is as follows: (1) Chapter
1.50 – 2.49 Fairly acceptable
1.00 – 1.49 Not acceptable
Number and Title which provides the order and
name of the chapter respectively; (2) Chapter

Table 3: Contents of the book

CHED requirements The proposed textbook

I. Complex Numbers Chapter 1: Complex Numbers and Complex Variables

II. Laplace Transforms Chapter 2: Laplace Transforms
III. Power Series Chapter 3: Infinite Series
IV. Fourier Series Chapter 4: Power Series
V. Matrices and Determinants Chapter 5: Fourier Series
VI. Vector Analysis Chapter 6: Matrices and Determinants
VIII. Numerical Methods Chapter 7: Vector Analysis
Chapter 8: Numerical Methods
Chapter 9: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations

Overview which provides an introduction and since the objectives developed are based on
overview of the topics that were included in each Bloom’s Taxonomy (Adams 2015). The contents
chapter; (3) Chapter Outline which indicates the are highly acceptable considering that during
list of the topics that was covered by the chap- the designing of the IM, the CHED course out-
ter; (4) Learning Objectives which indicates the lines were used as a guide to ensure that the
objectives or learning outcomes of the study required standards and competencies are met.
after the completion of each chapter; (5) Lesson The results also imply that the contents are suit-
Number and Topic which indicates the order and able to the learner’s ability and needs. This re-
the name of the topic in every chapter, respec- sult was supported by Reiser and Dempsey
tively; (6) Discussions which is the presenta- (2012), that suitability is attained when the con-
tion of the basic concepts, formulas, theories tents are student-centered and goal oriented
and insights of the lesson; (7) Sample Problems coupled with relevant activities.
and Solutions which are carefully solved prob- Table 5 shows that the acceptability of the
lems in every lesson/topic; and (8) Exercises textbook in terms of the structure and format are
which are the activities that will be done by the highly acceptable. The results imply that the
students after taking the lesson. According to structure, format and presentation of the dis-
Hartley (2013), the format and sequence of in- cussions are suitable to the level of student un-
formation have practical significance to clarify derstanding. The findings also suggest that
the structure of the text and help the readers there is clarity in the discussions of the topic
gain access to the information. and presentation of concepts and theories. It is
further assumed from the results that the sample
Acceptability of the Material problems and solutions that were developed are
based on the objectives and are clearly illustrat-
The acceptability of the textbook was done ed for easy understanding of the topic. Accord-
by tabulating the data gathered on the evalua- ing to Hartley (2013), students have different
tion of the textbook by a total of twenty-two needs and preferences in the learning preferences
professors and eighty engineering students. and the clarity of the discussion could help ad-
Table 4 shows that the acceptability of the text- dress such variation. Clarity in the text is man-
book in terms of the contents are highly accept- datory and regarded as the most effective crite-
able. Taking into considerations the indicators rion for an effective instructional material (IM)
evaluated, the results confirmed that the gener- (Gerson 2000).
al contents of the IM which include the topics, Table 6 shows that the acceptability of the
problems and exercises are aligned with the ob- textbook in terms of the assessment are highly
jectives of the lesson. The results imply that the acceptable. The results confirmed that the exer-
contents could provide students the instruction- cises given are sufficient for the students to learn
al strategies that would enhance their cognitive, the concepts and theories in every topic in each
psychomotor and affective domains of learning chapter. According to Paas and Sweller (2014),
Table 4: Acceptability of the contents

Indicators Students Professors Total


1. Support of the objectives to the topics, 4.83 0.380 4.73 0.538 4.78 HA
problems and exercises
2. Relevance of the problems and exercises on 4.86 0.344 4.59 0.577 4.73 HA
the topics
3. Relevance of the problems and exercises 4.93 0.263 4.91 0.287 4.92 HA
on the objectives
4. Suitability of the topics to the learning ability 4.90 0.300 4.77 0.419 4.84 HA
of the students
5. Suitability of the discussions on the interests 4.88 0.331 4.82 0.386 4.85 HA
and needs of the students
Total 4.88 0.038 4.76 0.118 4.82 HA

Legend: WM-Weighted Mean; SD-Standard Deviation; VI-Verbal Interpretation; HA-Highly Acceptable


Table 5: Acceptability of the structure and format

Indicators Students Professors Total


1. Simplicity of the structure 4.93 0.263 4.91 0.287 4.92 HA

2. Organized format 4.96 0.190 4.86 0.457 4.91 HA
3. Clear presentation of the discussions 4.90 0.300 4.77 0.419 4.84 HA
Total 4.93 0.030 4.85 0.071 4.89 HA

Legend: WM-Weighted Mean; SD-Standard Deviation; VI-Verbal Interpretation; HA-Highly Acceptable

Table 6: Acceptability of the assessment

Indicators Students Professors Total


1. Sufficiency of the Exercise given 4.88 0.331 4.55 0.498 4.72 HA

2. Clearly stated problems 4.91 0.283 4.68 0.466 4.80 HA
3. Suitability of the exercises to the level of the learner4.85 0.357 4.82 0.386 4.84 HA
Total 4.88 0.030 4.68 0.135 4.79 HA

Legend: WM-Weighted Mean; SD-Standard Deviation; VI-Verbal Interpretation; HA-Highly Acceptable

sufficient exercises avoids overloading the learn- terms of the contents, structure and format, and
er’s cognitive capacity. The results also showed assessment.
that the problems are clearly stated, and exercis- Generally, the developed material is highly
es are suitable for the level of the learner. As- acceptable in terms of its contents, structure and
sessment must be parallel to and able to mea- format and assessment. This only implies that
sure the learners’ ability to perform what is de- the developed material is suitable for use in engi-
scribed in the objectives (Dick et al. 2014). Prob- neering programs. Results of the study support
lem sets will enhance the critical thinking of stu- the claims of Dio (2017), Tabal (2015) and Terano
dents. Terano (2015) stressed that, the focus on (2015), that developed instructional materials were
tertiary curriculum should not only be on the appropriate to be used in the classroom.
theoretical aspects but also on the skills which The developed material was highly accept-
involve activities that will enhance the critical able based on the evaluations as discussed in
thinking of students. the previous section. Some of the suggestions
Table 7 shows the summary of the perceived and recommendations of the evaluators were;
acceptability of the textbook along its contents, (1) include an overview of each chapter, (2) pro-
structure and format and assessment. As shown vide separate page (one whole page) for the start
in the table, the various indicators as perceived of every chapter, and (3) include in every chap-
by the professors and students, it is found that ter page the list of topics/chapter outline. Based
there is no significant difference on their per- on these suggestions, the researcher had revised
ceptions on the acceptability of the textbook in the material.

Table 7: Over-all results of the acceptability of the textbook in advanced engineering mathematics

Indicators Weighted means F-value p-value

Students Professors

Content 4.88 4.76 4.36 0.070 *

Structure and Format 4.93 4.85 3.51 0.134 *
Assessment 4.88 4.68 6.06 0.069 *
Total 4.90 4.76 6.61 0.062 *

Legend: *not significant at 0.05 level of significance


Effectiveness of the Textbook in of the material was carefully made to enhance

Advanced Mathematics for Engineering teaching-learning processes in the course. Each
chapter has the format and sequence using En-
The effectiveness of the textbook was test- glish as the language. The material is highly ac-
ed using the one-group pretest-posttest experi- ceptable based on the evaluations of professors
mental design among the group of third-year and students in terms of the contents, structure
civil engineering students in one state college and format, and assessment. The material is ef-
in the Bicol region. This was conducted to de- fective based on the results of the pretests and
termine the effectiveness of the developed text- posttests of the students. The material is suit-
book. Pretest was conducted before the actual able for use in engineering programs. The con-
utilization of every chapter of the material. Post- tent of the material was revised based on the
test was conducted after the utilization and ex- suggestions and recommendations of the eval-
posure to the developed material to determine uators.
whether there is a significant difference in the
pretest percentage scores and the posttest per- RECOMMENDATIONS
centage scores of the students. Table 8 shows
the mean performance of the civil engineering The proposed material can be used in the
students during the pretest and posttest includ- various institutions of higher learning offering
ing the corresponding t-value for each topic. courses in advanced engineering mathematics.
As observed in Table 8, the students signif- Further evaluation can be done to improve the
icantly improved during the posttests as com- content, structure and format and assessment
pared to the pretests. The pretest results of the of the material. Item analysis can be conducted
topics Complex Numbers and Complex Variables, to further improve the acceptability of the mate-
Laplace Transforms and Matrices and Determi- rial in terms of the assessment. The professors
nants showed that some of the students had al- and students in advanced engineering mathe-
ready prior knowledge about these topics while matics can use the material for an effective teach-
the remaining topics showed that the students ing and learning processes. Revisions on the
had no background at all. Generally, there is a content can be done in accordance with chang-
significant improvement in their performance in es and updates in curriculum. This material can
the posttest as compared to their pretest results. serve as input to other researchers in conduct-
ing similar studies.
The design of the Textbook in Advanced
Engineering Mathematics follows the minimum The author would like to acknowledge the
requirements for the course in accordance with participation of the professors and students from
the CHED CMOs of the Philippines. The design various institutions of higher learning in the Bi-

Table 8: Effectiveness of the textbook in improving the performance of the students

Indicators Mean performance (%) t-value

Pretest Posttest

Complex Numbers and Complex Variables 55.83 88.33 10.50 *

Laplace Transforms 12.67 83.83 52.74 *
Infinite Series 0.83 86.00 74.92 *
Power Series 0.00 84.33 70.73 *
Fourier Series 0.00 83.83 71.86 *
Matrices and Determinants 63.00 90.17 8.57 *
Vector Analysis 1.33 88.83 63.78 *
Numerical Methods 0.00 89.33 68.34 *
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations 0.00 88.67 75.60 *
Total 14.85 87.04 89.20 *
Significant at 0.05, t cri = 2.045

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