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Alberta Home Educators and

an American Proposal to Ban Home Education

by Michael Wagner
In 2012, Alberta’s home educators (led by the and Shepherd argue that increased regulation is not
Alberta Home Education Association and the Home a reasonable solution because home educators fight
School Legal Defence Association of Canada) were against it so tenaciously. The evidence they offer to
instrumental in defeating a legislative proposal to support their point is the Alberta situation in 2012,
have all instructional materials conform to human where home educators fought (and beat!) an attempt
rights legislation. In effect, the proposed legislation to subvert their parental rights.
would have forbidden parents from using curriculum Fineman and Shepherd claim that the Alberta
that upheld Christian sexual morality. The long arm of legislation opposed by home educators in 2012 was
the state would reach into homes to ensure all children “designed to address hate crimes.” They then add that
would be taught “progressive” views of sexuality. This the “Education Ministry interpreted the School Act to
was a clear threat to parental rights. prohibit homeschools, private schools, and Catholic
At the time, the conflict over this legislation schools from teaching students that being gay is a
received international attention. Later, once the matter sin” (p. 99). After briefly describing the reason home
was settled and the proposal defeated, the conflict was educators objected to the new law, Fineman and
no longer newsworthy. However, the international Shepherd conclude, “If a homeschooling parent can
interest did not disappear altogether. Some left-wing be compelled neither to teach civic virtue and respect
law professors in the United States are now using for law nor to submit to the most basic monitoring
this episode as a reason to advocate for a ban on and regulation, then the only alternative is to prohibit
homeschooling altogether. Yes, the victory of Alberta’s homeschooling, so that the child will be exposed to
home educators in 2012 continues to reverberate at those lessons in a school setting” (p. 99).
the international level. Who says we don’t matter? In essence, they argue that since home educators
have been so successful defending their rights and
Opposing Freedom freedoms, homeschooling must be completely banned.
In 2016, Martha Fineman and George B. Shepherd, Allowing home education to exist legally provides a
both professors at Emory University School of Law in basis from which home educators can fight against
Atlanta, Georgia, wrote an article for the University increased regulation, and therefore outlawing home
of Baltimore Law Review entitled, “Homeschooling: education will remove that basis.
Choosing Parental Rights Over Children’s Interests.”
Martha Fineman has been an influential left-wing This is not the only reason Fineman and
legal theorist and political philosopher for decades, so Shepherd provide to support their case for prohibiting
her ideas cannot be safely ignored. homeschooling, but it is the one where Alberta is used
as an example of what they oppose. The other reasons
Fineman and Shepherd make no bones about are even worse, if you can believe it. To a large degree,
their anti-freedom agenda. They state their conclusion Fineman and Shepherd want to ban homeschooling to
forcefully: “Because of the harms homeschooling prevent parents from teaching their children that the
causes to children and society, it should be prohibited” Bible is literally true.
(p. 96). They offer a number of reasons for their
conclusion, but one of those reasons is buttressed with Biblical Truth “Harms” Children
the Alberta example. Fineman and Shepherd are particularly concerned
that children are being taught from Bible-based
Alberta 2012 materials in many families. The biblical nature of
Many legal scholars have written articles against much homeschooling is easily confirmed by looking
homeschooling in recent years, but most of them at popular curriculum. They write, “Although no
recommend heavy regulation of homeschooling as the textbook is perfect, there is a substantial level of
solution to the supposed problem. However, Fineman factual misstatement in the standard textbooks used
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by homeschooling evangelical Christians. The ‘science’ Well, for instance, some parents “enforce religious
presented in these textbooks is often factually wrong, patriarchal ideals — such as restricting their daughters’
with many of the false statements springing from the educations to ensure they can only be homemakers
assertion that everything in the Bible is literally true. and not pursue any outside employment, or expecting
This insistence that Biblical statements are literal truth children to work rather than learn” (p. 88). They do
leads to instruction that can be sharply out of touch not like the idea of girls growing up to be homemakers.
with the rest of the modern world” (p. 85).
They also complain that “Many of the proponents
In their view the Bible is not true, and therefore and practitioners of homeschooling have been
they believe that children who receive conservative publically critical of social or public values such
Bible teaching will not be prepared for real life and as toleration and expanded notions of equality”
will not be able to function in secular society. In this (p. 64). The citation they give for this point is an
respect, homeschooling “harms” the children. item by HSLDA’s Michael Farris explaining some
negative implications of the U.S. Supreme Court’s
Biblical Truth “Harms” Society same-sex marriage ruling. So when they say many
Besides harming the children, society is also homeschoolers have been critical of “social or public
harmed when parents “indoctrinate” their children values,” they are referring to those of us who believe in
“with extreme views.” As they put it, “This type of traditional Christian morality. In other words, biblical
indoctrination reinforces the falsehoods sometimes Christianity is the source of many of the “extreme
taught to homeschooled children, leading to conflict views” they are concerned about.
with the scientific truth taught at more inclusive public
schools. This not only harms the individual student, it Ideological Conformity
harms the greater cohesion of society, creating discord Fineman and Shepherd want all children to
and strife that prevent our country from working be compelled to attend public schools. This way
toward common goals” (p. 86). all children can be educated in progressive sexual
morality and the secularist worldview. In short, the
What kind of “extreme views” do they mean?
state should compel all children to be taught Fineman

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Alberta Home Educators and an American Proposal to Ban Home Education

and Shepherd’s personal social and political beliefs. In Shepherd’s policy recommendations. For the most
their view, “The state fails when it does not effectively part, the Anglosphere nations (Britain and the
educate children about sexual, gender, and other forms countries it founded) have historically maintained
of diversity or when it inadequately addresses bullying, the greatest degree of individual liberty in the world.
harassment, and discrimination” (p. 70). For the state The United States may be most exemplary in this
to “succeed” then, everyone must be taught left-wing respect. If America falls into the grasp of the left-wing
ideology. That is, all children must be instructed in extremism advocated by Fineman and Shepherd, the
progressive views of sexuality and gender, etc. world would be a much darker place.
Interestingly, Fineman and Shepherd are clear that In 2012, Alberta’s home educators showed the
they dislike the freedom for homeschooling that is world that they take freedom seriously when they
allowed in the United States. Their country provides pushed back against the social engineering in our own
more freedom for home education than perhaps any province. It’s to our credit that the enemies of freedom
other. Fineman and Shepherd see that as detrimental. have noticed this achievement and are not happy
Why can’t the United States just abolish freedom as about it.
so many other countries have done? Or, as they put
it, “We finally conclude that homeschooling should be Michael Wagner is an
independent researcher and
prohibited, conforming America’s approach to state
writer with a PhD in political
responsibility in regard to education to that of many science from the University
of our peer nations” (p. 60). Apparently the “peer of Alberta. His most recent
nations” they admire are countries such as Germany book is True Right: Genuine
and Sweden that essentially ban homeschooling. Conservative Leaders of
Western Canada. He and his
Individual liberty is an obstacle to social engineers wife have eleven children and have been home educating
for over 20 years.
who want to use state power to usher in their
concept of an ideal society by force. Their solution,
as in the case of Fineman and Shepherd, is to
eliminate freedom so that the government can
coerce its citizens to conform without any legal
The only positive thing that can be said about
Fineman and Shepherd is that they are clear and
honest about their objectives. They don’t try to
be subtle or hide behind academic jargon. They
openly demand the end of our freedom. This is a
so-called “progressive” goal for education policy in
the twenty-first century.

Fineman and Shepherd’s article demonstrates
that there is an international dimension to the
struggle for homeschooling freedom. Although
they are American, they use the success of Alberta’s
home educators as an example of what they are
fighting against. They also hold up countries that
don’t respect parental rights and individual liberty
as positive examples for the United States to follow.
Needless to say, it would be a disaster if the
United States or Canada accepted Fineman and
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