Modul Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas Ix Semester 1 K

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USER T.A 2016/2017

Conversation 1.
Rahel : Hey, Daniel! How was the economics competition? Did you and your team go home with
the trophy? Daniel : Thank God, we did. Fortunately we succeeded to get the first place.
Rahel : Wow that’s a good job, Dan. Congratulation on your team success! Daniel : Thank
you very much for saying so, Rahel. So, how about you and your team in astronomy
competition? Rahel : Unfortunately, I and my team didn’t get the first place. We got the third
place but I was really happy since we had won over many other teams and gone that far. Daniel
: That’s the spirit, Rahel! I am sure you and your friend did it very well. I congratulate you on
your great success. Rahel : Thank you very much, Daniel. We still have to learn more to be
the first like your teams did. Daniel : Cool! Let’s fight for the next competition!
Conversation 2. Farhan : So, how long has it been since the first publishing of your first novel?
Yola : It’s been 3 weeks since then. Farhan : So, how many copies have been sold this far?
Yola : Thank God. Many people seem to like it very much. Since the first publishing 3 weeks
ago, there have been over 500 copies sold. Farhan : Splendid! I’d like to congratulate you on
your success at your first time publishing your novels. Yola : Thank you very much, Mr.
Farhan. It’s very kind of you to say so Farhan : Keep the good work, Yola. I know you could be a
great author someday.
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 1
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil Conversation 3.
You : Hey,....whats up? Friend : Nothing much. How are you? You : I'm fine....How about you.?
Friend : I’m very good,and you know..,I'm so happy because I got scholarship. I'm just waiting
this for a long time.. You : Wow,congratulation,i'm happy to hear that. I know you deserve to
accept that. Friend : Thank you.
Many good things can happen to people, like graduating from school, getting promotion or getting
engaged. How do you express your best wishes to someone who is experiencing one of these
happy moments?
Using Congratulatory Expressions and Its Responses
· Congratulation!
· I congratulate you in getting the scholarship
· Congratulation for you successes.
· Happy graduation, congratulation wish you all the best.
· Please accept my heartiest congratulations
· You have done such a wonderful job, congratulation
· Congratulation for your new baby, wish you happily ever after.
· Congratulation, you got the first rank. I know you can do your best.
· I know you will win the game, and now you are the winner, congratulation.
· Thanks
· Thanks so much
· Thanks a million
· Thanks a lot
· Thank you for your kindness
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil Exercise 1.

Completing the dialog by using the sentences in the box!

a classmate in senior high school I’ll come to your party

congratulations am happy to hear that

Adi : Good morning Uncle Bob. My parents say that you are getting married. Is that true? Bob :
Yeah,,, Adi : Gee, ________________________. Who’s the lucky woman? Bob : Carol,
________________________. Adi : Well, I _________________________________ Bob :
thanks! But don’t just wish me the best. You have to come to the wedding party. Adi : When is
the big day? Bob : The 13th next month. I will send you an invitation. Please do come! Adi :
Sure thing! _____________________________ Bob : I can see you are! Thanks again.

Exercise 2.

Create your own short dialog with your friends (choose one topic: Promotion, New baby,
Scholarship, Competition, engagement, first rank, etc) by using the congratulatory
expression and perform your dialog in front of the class.

Exercise 3.

Arrange the following sentences into good dialogs. 1. Asti : I heard you
graduated with honors. Congratulations! You did it!
Asti : That’s great! Go for it! Good luck! Asti : What are you going to do
next? Get a job? Bob : Thanks! Bob : No, I am going to the States next
moth to get my Master’s. Bob : Thanks a lot! . 2. Eko : Hi, Tri. I heard you
and Anto are getting engaged next month.
Congratulations! I know he is a real nice guy. I am happy for you. Eko : I hope I can
make it. But in case something comes up. I wish you all the best. Eko : When is it? Fitri :
It’s on March, the 3rd. Fitri : Thanks a lot. Come to the engagement party, will you?



A: Hello Anna, will you come to Rita’s house tonight? B: I am afraid I can’t. A: Why? Do you
wanna go to with your boyfriend. B: No, my father is sick. I have to make sure that somebody
can take him care before I go. A: I am so sorry to hear that and I hope your father gets
better as soon as possbile. B: Thank for your hope. A: You’re welcome Anna.


A: What’s going on? You look sad. B: Nothing. A: Tell me, I know that you
are having a trouble. B: Would you like to listen? A: I always be here. B:
My father has a debt, a very big debt, and we must pay it next week. A:
Oh my God. I wish your family can fix this soon. B: Thank you. A: No

A: Do you know the man sitting over there? B: Yes, he is the buthcer. A: I heard a sad story
from him. B: What is that? Would you like to tell me? A: But you have to keep this secret. B:
Yes I will. A: My father is doctor and the butcher checked his health to my father. B: And then?
A: My father told me that the butcher has a cancer in his lung. B: Really? A: Yes, and the
butcher doesn’t want his family know this, so that’s why I asked you to keep this secret. B: Oh
my God. Let’s hope for the best. He is a good man.


A: What I really want is to have a car. B: Buy it now. Your father is a

rich man. You’d be easy to ask a car. A: No. I don’t want. I wish I can
buy it by my money.
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil B: I don’t believe you can do that. A: I will prove it. Next
year this dream will come true. B: Yeah, I wish.

The Difference between Words: Wish and Hope

There is a lot of confusion about the difference between the words “wish” and “hope”. The
word “hope” is used to talk about possible situations that we desire in the past, present or
future. The important thing to note is that these situations are POSSIBLE. For example:

I hope you had a good time at the party last night.

I haven’t looked outside yet. I hope it’s not raining.

I hope my boss will give me a promotion this year.

I hope my boss gives me a promotion this year.

The last two examples are about the future. In English, we can use the future tense or the
present tense after the word “hope” to talk about the future. Both are natural.

On the other hand, “wish” is used to talk about situations that we desire, but which are the
opposite of the current reality or which are impossible. We can use wish + past tense to talk
about our situation right now. Even though we use the past tense, we are NOT talking about
the past. For example:

I wish I had a car. (In reality, I don’t have a car now, but I want one).

I wish I didn’t have to work tomorrow. (In reality, I have to work tomorrow, but I don’t want
I wish I were tall. (In reality, I’m short, but I want to be tall).

I wish I could play the piano. (In reality, I can’t play the piano, but I want to).

Exercise 1.

Continue the following sentences properly. Example: Arkan is an OSIS chairperson candidate.
He hopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Answer: He hopes he will be the chosen

1. Floods have inundated many parts of Jakarta. We do hope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.

My sister is going to have a job interview test. Wish her . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.
Aldo is going to be fifteen next month. He hopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.
We heard that Bonar had an accident. Hopefully, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 5. Mrs. Jenny is very busy with her work, so she doesn’t
have time for her family. She hopes

Exercise 2. Arrange the following sentences into

good dialogs.

1. A: Tomorrow my lil brother will celebrate his birthday.

A: You have a job in your home? A: Oh I see. Ok no problem. A: Thank
you. You should come. B: I am sorry, I can’t go anywhere tomorrow. B:
Yes, there will be my cousin and my mother ask me to take him care. B:
Good. I hope he has a nice birthday party.

2. Gina : Hi, Jean. How are you doing?

Gina : What happened to him? Gina : I'm sorry to hear that. But you still go to school?
Gina : I hope your dad will get better soon. Gina : What's wrong? Jean : Bad. Jean :
Yea, my mom told me that I have to go to school. She is in the hospital
to accompany my dad. Jean : He got cancer. Jean : Yea, I hope so. Jean :
My father got sick. He has to stay in the hospital for a few days to get
medical care.

Exercise 3. Interview five of your friends about

their hopes. Write the results of the interview in
the table. Then, report the result in front of the
Example: (Interview) Sherly : What do you hope for at the moment?
Boy : I hope my football team wins the interschool football match. No.
Your friend’s name Hope 1. 2. 3.

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 4. 5.

(Report of the interview) I have interviewed five friends. First, I interviewed Boy. He will have an interschool football
match and he hopes his team wins.


Compliment is an expression that we show or say to express/give praise. Some people

use compliments to “butter up” somebody or to flatter in order to increase good will, for example:

o on his/her general appearance o if you notice something new

about the person’s appearance o when you visit someone’s house
for the first time o when other people do their best

Examples of Complimenting:

▪ What a nice dress!

▪ You look great.
▪ You look very nice/beautiful/handsome.
▪ I really must express my admiration for your dance.
▪ Good grades!
▪ Excellent!
▪ Nice work!
▪ You really look great!
▪ What a charming hat!
▪ That’s fantastic!
▪ Terrific. Well done!
▪ What a charming shirts!
▪ That’s a very nice jacket!
▪ You look very nice.
▪ I like your new hair style!
▪ You’re terrific.
▪ You are fantastic.

Andi had passed on his final semester test. On the way home, he meets Desi, his friend.
She congratulates and compliments Andi.
Desi : Hi, Andi. How are you doing? Andi : I am fine, thanks. Desi : It’s very nice to meet
you here, Andi. You look great today! I love your new hair style. Andi : Thank you very
much, Desi. You look great, too.

Desi : Thanks, Andi. By the way, how was your test? Have you got the result? Andi : Yes, I’ve
got it. You know what? I have passed for the final test. I’m so happy right now. Desi : That’s
great. Congratulations! How’s the score? Andi : Thanks God. I got the highest score for the test.
Desi : Wow, that’s amazing. I know you are very smart, Andi. Well done! Andi : Thanks for your
compliment, Desi. You are so kind. Desi : Never mind Andi. It’s my pleasure.
Write short dialogs based on the pictures. Use the expression of congratulating and
1. 2.
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 8
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 3.


Expressing agreement

• I agree with you 100 percent.

• I couldn't agree with you more.
• That's so true.
• That's for sure.
• (slang) Tell me about it!
• You're absolutely right.
• Absolutely.
• That's exactly how I feel.
• Exactly.
• I'm afraid I agree with James.
• I have to side with Dad on this one.
• No doubt about it.
• (agree with negative statement) Me neither.
• (weak) I suppose so./I guess so.
• You have a point there.
• I was just going to say that.
Expressing disagreement

• I don't think so.

• (strong) No way.
• I'm afraid I disagree.
• (strong) I totally disagree.
• I beg to differ.
• (strong) I'd say the exact opposite.
• Not necessarily.
• That's not always true.
• That's not always the case.
• No, I'm not so sure about that.


Andrew : What do you think about math?
Caterine : Actually, it is very easy to learn. Do you think so?
Andrew : I don’t think so. I have troubles when I study about it. I always get bad score.
Caterine : If you will get good score, you have to practice exercise everyday.
Andrew : I am with you. But I do not have friends to discuss together.
Caroline : You can join with me if you want to learn about it. Please come to my house if
you have free time to learn math.
Andrew : Okey, I agree. By the way. My friends say that they can learn math without
practice the questions.
Caroline : That’s true. But not all of people can do it. Practice is more important, than
remember of pattern.
Andrew : You are absolutely right
Mr. Zoe : What do you think of my new house? Shane : It is beautiful. I think. Oh you have many
novels in your new house. Mr. Zoe : Yeah, some. I like Andrea Hirata’s novels. Shane : How do
you feel about Andrea Hirata’s novels ? Mr. Zoe : I feel they are great novels. Shane : Yes, you
are right. I think it is going to rain. Mr. Zoe : I don’t think so. Look outside at the sky! It’s so clear.
No clouds there. Shane : But I watched the weather forecast yesterday. It said that today is
going to rain. OK Mr. Zoe see you.
Exercise 1. Choose the appropriate answer from these questions.
1. Your friend says, ''Lets go out tonight'' and you think it's a good idea. You say:

I'm agreeing.
2. Your friend asks, ''What about getting a pizza tonight?'' You think it's a good idea and say:

I'm not sure.
3. You and a friend want to buy a birthday present for another friend. You suggest buying tickets
for a concert then ask your friend :
I agree.

I'm agree.

I agree to you.

I agree with you.

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 10
Do you think I'm right?
4. Someone says, ''It's cold today'' and you agree. You say:

You so right!
5. Your friend is talking about a film you both saw and says it was fantastic. You agree and say:

I agree up for a point.
6. Someone says something you completely agree with. You say:

I couldn't agree with you more.
7. Someone says that your home football team will win their next match. You don't really agree
and say:

I'm not so sure.
8. You are discussing politics with a friend and they say something that you ''half'' agree with.
You say:

I part agree with you.
9. Someone says something you disagree with. You say:

Are •
you agree?

Do you agree?

You're right!

You've right!

I absolute agree.

I completely agree.

I agree in total.

I couldn't agree with you less.

I'm not quite sure.

I'm not real sure.

I agree up to a point.

I don't total agree with you.

I don't agree.
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 11
I not agree.
10. You know that you and your friend will never agree about something! You say:

Lets disagree.
Exercise 2. Choose A, B, C, or D as the best answer.
1. Jane : I think English is very difficult.
Anis : ..........
a. I am fine, thanks. b. It is great. c. Yes, they are. d. Don’t you learn English ?
2. What do you think about our English teacher ?
a. Aren’t they dilligent b. Don’t you like it ? c. I know her d. Are you hungry ?
3. Bella : I think Ratih is very diligent ? Don’t you agree ?
Anita : ..................
a. Do you like it ? b. I don’t think that’s right. c. I know her. d. Are you hungry ?
4. Alice : In my opinion, the National Final Examination should be stopped.
Anna : ................
a. I think you’re right
I'm •
not agree.

Lets agree to disagree.

Lets argue again.

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 12
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil b. Sorry, I’m very busy. c. I know the subject very well. d.
Yes, I do.

5. Bill : I think reading novels is interesting.

Eric : ...................

a. Are you sleepy ? b. Do

you know the girl ? c. Taht’s
just what I think. d. Yes, I


Asking Suggestions:
- What do you recommend we do about .....? -
What would you advices us to do? - Do you
have any suggestions? - What would you do
about ...? - What do you think I should do? -
What do you suggest? - Would you like to ..... -
Shall we go ....

Giving Suggestions:
- I would recommend that you .... -
My advice would be to ... - May I
suggest that we ... - If I were you, I
would .... - I think you should .... -
Maybe you should ... - Why do not
you ...

Example : John : Hi John , would you like to do something with me this weekend ? Jane : Sure
. What shall we do ? John : I do not know . Do you have any ideas ? Jane : Why do not we see
a movie ? John : That's sounds good to me . Which movie shall we see ? Jane : Let's see "
Action Man 4 " . John : I'd rather not . I do not like violent films . How about going to " Mad
Doctor Brown " ? I hear it's quite a funny movie . Jane : OK . Let 's go see that . When is it on ?
John : It 's on at 8 o'clock at the Rex . Shall we have a bite to eat before the movie ?

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil Jane : Sure , that sounds great . What about going to that
new Italian restaurant ' Michetti 's ' ? John : Great idea ! Let 's meet there at six . Jane : OK . I'll
see you at ' Michetti 's ' at six . Bye . John : Bye .

Exercise 1. Choose the best option for each


1) Hey Jim, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go to the movies with us?

2) So, we all want Italian, right? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that restaurant near the beach?

3) What can we do this evening? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . we watch the game in a bar?

4) A: It's so hot in here!

B: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . get out of here and go that bar near the bay!

5) Helen called and said she's going for a walk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . going with her?

6) I'd like to do something different this weekend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .go sailing!

7) A: What shall we do?

B: I don't know... It's not very warm and it looks as if it's going to start raining. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a play? I think there's a new one in the auditorium.

8) A: Next month we have some days off. Is there anything special you want to do?
B: Yes!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go to Madrid! The Cirque du Soleil's new
show will be there that week!

9) It's warm and sunny, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . go roller-skating!

10) A: Would you like to go shopping on Saturday?

B: I can't, I don't have much money right now. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hiking? The weather is really nice and it's cheaper

Exercise 2. Arrange the following sentences into

good dialogs.

1. A: I have a task from my teacher. I must search a song in English. Do you have any
ideas? A: That's a good idea. Thanks for your advice. A:
I know, but what song must download? B: Never mind.
B: Greenday song in DOS album. That must be great. B:
It's okay. Let search in internet.

2. Ramlan : Hi Renny , would you like to do something with me this weekend ?

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil Ramlan : It’s on at 8 o’clock at the Rex . Shall we have a
bite to eat before the movie? Ramlan : That’s sounds good to me . Which movie shall we
see? Ramlan: I’d rather not. I do not like violent films. How about going to “Mad Doctor
Brown“? I hear it’s quite a funny movie Ramlan : I do not know . Do you have any ideas?
Ramlan : Bye . Ramlan: Great idea ! Let ‘s meet there at six . Renny : Sure . What shall we
do ? Renny: OK. Let’s go see that. When is it on? Renny: Why do not we see a movie?
Renny: Let’s see “Iron Man 4”.. Renny: OK . I’ll see you at “Wong Jowo” at six . Bye . Renny:
Sure, that sounds great. What about going to that new Italian restaurant “Wong Jowo” ?


There are several ways to express obligation in English.

• must
• need to
• It is necessary to
• have to
• have got to
• I am obligated/obliged to . . . . .
• It is obligatory to

Note that each of these, except must, is followed by “to” and an infinitive verb. Also note that
you will have to conjugate have and need to the appropriate form. Though all of these are used,
must, need to, and have to are the most common. Notice several expressions of obligations that
were used:

• Everyone in the U.S.A. must file their taxes with the Internal Revenue Service (or IRS)
by this date.
• ...we have two weeks more before we have to file and pay our taxes.
• If you have to file through the mail, you will still probably need to print your tax forms from
the IRS website.

Writing questions that express obligation:

• Do you need to file taxes in Canada and the U.S.?

• When do I need to complete my tax return?
• You don’t have to file electronically, do you?

Examples in the past:

• Last year, she had to file her taxes early.

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil • I did not have to use a professional accountant to file
my taxes.
• We needed to keep our receipts for our purchases as proof.
• They did not need to pay any additional taxes.

Examples in the future:

• Next year, I will need to file taxes again.

• She will have to use different tax forms.
• Will we have to file in the U.S. next year?


Put the words in the correct order to form a grammatically correct sentence.

1. obligatory/file/Is/electronically?/to/it 2.
necessary/keep/to/copies/It/of/returns./tax/is/your 3.
year?/When/next/will/taxes/we/to/file/need 4.
must/taxes/send/my/I/today. 5. tax/returns/by/finished/April
15th./All/be/must 6. before/closes./post
office/She/go/to/has/to/got/it/the 7.
or/you/I/complete/taxes,/it?/do/Did/our/to/have 8.
father/to/additional/this/My/has/pay/taxes/year. 9.
need/you/taxes?/Do/to/file 10.


Procedure text tells how to do or to make something (spoken and written).

Generic structure of descriptive text:
a. Goal
b. Materials
c. Step

Activity 1
Listen to the dialogue below.
Fiona : How do you cook soto instant noodle?
Julian : That’s easy. First put the instant noodle into 400 ml of boiling water.
Boil it for 3 minutes.
Fiona : Then the seasoning and oil?
Julian : Yes, put the seasoning and oil on a bowl, and then add hot seasoning.
Fiona : And then what?
Julian : Put the cooked noodle together with the soup into the bowl. Finally, mix it well.
Now, the delicious noodle is ready.
Fiona : That sounds easy.

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil Notes:
The words first, then, next, and finally are used to tell a procedure. First is used to begin
the procedure. Then is used to tell steps during the procedure. Finally is used to end the
Activity 2
Match the verbs in A and the phrases in B based on the listening above
1. Put
2. Boil
3. Add
4. Mix
18 a. The water
b. The seasoning and oil
c. The soup well
d. The noodle
Activity 3
Based on Activity 2, write the steps to cook Soto instant noodle in the blanks below. Practise
telling the procedure with your partner.
1. First......
2. Then..........
3. Finally..........
Activity 4
Read the following text and answer the questions.
How to Boil an Egg
Things you need:
1. 1 egg
2. 1 small saucepan
3. 0,5 litre of water
What to do:
1. Fill the saucepan with a litre of water
2. Bring water to boil
3. Put egg in water with spoon
4. Boil for 4 minutes
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 5. Turn off the stove
6. Drain saucepan
7. Serve egg in egg cup
Serving suggestion: Warm buttered toast, cut into slices and
dipped into the egg makes a tasty treat.

1. To avoid the egg being broken, what should you do?
2. “ ... makes a tasty treat.” Can you give synonym for the
word in italic?

Activity 5
Read the text below and answer the questions.
a sheet of paper
a tube of glue
a cutter
a ruler
• Take a sheet of paper.
• Draw a pattern by using your ruler.
• Cut the paper following the pattern.
• Fold it.
• Put some glue on it.
• Press it to get a good form.

1. What is the title of the text?
2. What materials do you need to make an envelope?
3. What do you have to prepare fi rst to make an envelope?
4. Do you need any glue for it?
5. What is the final step to make the envelope in a good form?

Activity 6
Choose a, b,c, or d for the correct answer.
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil Do you want to save your money without going to the
bank? You need saving from things arround you. Can, bottle, cardboard, for instance are
things that you can use for savings. The following is steps how to make savings from can.
Materials needed: can, hammer, nail, colorful paint.

1. First, prepare the can. Place it on a flat surface like a table or on the floor. 2.
Second, make a hole by using nail. Hit it using the hammer on the one side of
the can. The hole maybe around 10cm. 3. Third, color
the can using paint. 4. Finally, your savings is

(Adapted from:

1. How can you make a hole on the can?

a. By using the nail. b. By hitting the can using a hammer. c. By hitting
the nail on the one side of the can. d. By putting a nail and a hammer
on the one of side of the can. 2. What should we place on a table/on the
a. A can c. A bottle b. A hole d. A cardboard 3. The hole
that is made on the can may be....... 10cm.
a. Exactly c. More than b. Less than d. Approximately

How to Make Brownies


o 150 gram of butter o 150 gram of

dark chocolate o 300 gram of flour o
4 eggs o 600 gram of regular sugar o
1 tsp vanilla extract Steps:

1. Melt the chocolate with the butter. 2. Stir the eggs with the sugar and the
vanilla extract. 3. Preheat the oven at low temperature. 4. Combine the
mixes you made. 5. Add the flour and stir with a wooden spoon. 6. Grease a
brownie tin. 7. Add a little flour to cover the tin. 8. Add the brownie dough. 9.
Bake for 10-30 minutes. 10. To check the brownies, put aknife in the mix.
The knife must be moist!

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 11. Eat it 15 minutes after you took it out of the

4. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To show steps in making brownies. b. To inform about homemade
brownies. c. To explain simple ways to make brownies. d. To mention
materials needed to make brownies. 5. Grease a brownie tin. The
underlined word is synonymous with...
a. Oil c. Open b. Clean d. Crack 6. How long we
should bake the dough?
a. Less than 30 minutes. b. Up to 30 minutes c. About 30 minutes d. Not less than
10 minutes 7. The knife must be moist!. The opposite meaning of the underlined
word is..
a. Wet c. Dry b. Smooth d. Slick a.

Easy to Use and Efficient

The new Megatron microwave oven brings the latest cooking technology into your kitchen.
This microwave oven uses state of the art magnetic technology to heat your food

It is safe, clean, and most of all, very efficient.

Just follow the steps below:

1. Plug in the microwave, no need to press an ON button, the microwave is

always ready to use!

It is in a standby mode to save power.

2. Put your food in the Megatron microwave bowl. Made of durable non-stick plastic.
Multi purpose and easy to clean. Come free with your purchase of the Megatron
microwave oven. 3. Put the bowl into the microwave, close the oven door. 4. Press
the Auto Cook Button. Choose from options: Meat, Vegetable, Rice,
Cake and Microwave Meal. 5. Press the START button. The microwave oven will cook the
food in a matter
of minutes. It will stop automatically when the food is done. 6. When the microwave stops,
press the OPEN button and take the bowl out of
the oven. Your meal is ready to serve.

8. What is the text about?

a. How to purchase the megatron oven.

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil b. How to stop and press the megatron microwave
bowl. c. How to use a microwave. d. How to clean a multi-purpose microwave. 9. What must
we do first if we want to operate the new Megatron microwave oven?
b. Put the food in the microwave oven. c. Use a
standby mode. d. Press the on button. e. Plug in
the microwave oven. 10. The text shows that the
product can cook...
a. Very fast c. Rather quickly b. Really easily d. Fairly slowly

Activity 6
Choose a, b,c, or d for the correct answer.

How to Stop Nose Bleeding

1. First, loosen the clothing around your neck. 2.

Put a cotton pad in thr bleeding nostril. 3. Then sit
down with your head leaning forward. 4. Squeeze
your nose until it stops bleeding. 5. If your nose
continues to bleed, call a doctor.

1. From the text we know that the last thing to do to stop nose bleeding is . . . .
a. See a doctor for profesionsl help. b.
Change the cotton pad in the nostril. c. Lay
down on the floor to stop bleeding. d. Keep
on squeezing the bleeding nostril.

2. From the text we are suggested that we would . . . .

a. Not lean backward when have nose bleeding. b. Call a
doctor immediately in a case of nose bleeding. c. Squeeze
your nose until it stops bleeding. d. Never put a cotton pad
in bleeding nostril.

3. “. . . . until it stops bleeding.”

The underlined word refers to . . . .

a. head b.
cloth c. nose
d. cotton

The following text is for questions number 4-6.

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil How to Repel Mice

Mice might look cute, but they can be harmful pets that destroy household items, eat
and mess with food and can spread severe disease through their faces and parasites
they carry. Here some useful tips on how to repel house mice:

1. Use peppermint, put the peppermint near wall corners. 2. Pour generous amount
of peppermint oil on cotton balls. 3. Place the saturated cotton balls on areas where
mice are possibly seen-around counter
tops, under the sofas in your living room. 4. Put them behind shelves, wall corners or on
the floor beneath your kitchen sink.

4. Why do we use peppermint to repel mice? Because . . . .

a. Peppermint is fresh to breath. b. Mice
love the peppermint. c. Mice will die of
breathing mint. d. Mice hate the smell of

5. From the text above, we can conclude that . . . .

a. Mice spread severe disease through faces. b.
Peppermint is useful to repel mice c. Mice love
peppermint. d. We can place oil everywhere to
repel mice.

6. “Put them behind shelves . . . .”

The word “them” refers to . . . .

a. pets b.
peppermint c. cotton
balls d. peppermint

How to Make a Milkshake

The ingredients:

• 4 cups of vanilla ice cream

• 2 cups of milk
• 4 teaspoons of chocolate flavors (optional)
• Fresh strawberries
The steps:

1. Place milkshake glassess into the freezer for an hour. 2. Soften ice cream. It is
easier to make a shake when the ice cream is slightly soft.

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 3. Take ice cream out of the freezer in a few minutes
before makingthe shake. 4. Place the ice cream and milk, then add chocolate flavors into
the blender.blend the
mixture on the high speed for about two minutes but don’t leave it in the blender for a long
time because the shake will melt quickly. 5. Take the glassess out of the freezer as soon
as the blending is complete,then pour
the shake mixture into the the forsty glassess. 6. Drop a strawberry on the
milkshake and the shake is ready to be tested.

7. Based on the text, why should we used soft ice cream?

a. To soften ice cream. b. To
melt shake quickly. c. To
make shake easily. d. To
melt the mixture.

8. From the text, we know that . . . .

a. It is suggested to put milkshake into the frosty glassess. b. It
is suggested to blend the milkshake and strawberries. c. We
should taste strawberries before tasting milk shake. d. We must
put strawberries into the mixture.

9. “ . . . . but don’t leave it in the blender . . . .”

What does the word it refer to?

a. strawberries b.
ice cream c.
mixture d. favor

Pergedel Tempe (Tempe Flitters)

The ingridients to make pergedel tempe are:

• 150 gr tempe
• 2 tablespoons of fried shallots
• 3 kaffir lime leaves
• 1 tablespoon of flour
• 1 egg
• 1 cup of vegetable oil frying
To make the spice paste, you need:

• 3 large chilies, seeds removed

• 3 smalls chilies
• 2 red shallots
• 2 cloves of garlic
• 1⁄2 teaspoon of chopped galangal
• 1⁄2 teaspoon of coriander seeds
• 1⁄2 teaspoon of salt
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil • 1⁄4 teaspoon of shrimp paste Here are the instructions
to make pergedel tempe:

1. Mash the tempe with a fork or place in the bowl of a food processor and blend until it
becomes coarse bread crumbs. 2. Grind the spices in a mortar and a pestle or a place in
the bowl of a food processor
and blend to be smooth paste. 3. Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the spice
paste, find shallots and lime
leaves and egg then stir it. 4. Shape tempe into small fritters. 5.
Fry them until they become golden brown on the both sides. 6.
Prepare them with spice paste.

10. Why should we pestle of food processor? Because we need it . . . .

a. To mash tempe into small fritters b. To
shape tempe into small fritters c. To mix
tempe to be smooth paste d. To grind
tempe to be smooth paste

11. From the text above, we know that . . . .

a. We need six ingredient to make spice paste b. We
should fry pergedel tempe with spice paste c. We eat
pergedel tempe with spice paste d. We should mix
tempe and spice paste

12. “. . . . until they become golden brown on the sides.” The word they refers to . . . .
a. the fritters b. the
eggs c. the fried
shallots d. the lime

How to Make Ice Cream

The ingredients to make ice cream:

• 2 cups of milk (not skim) or cream

• 2 tablespoons of sugar
• 1 teaspoon Vanilla
• Several cups of Ice
• 1 cup of rock salt The
apparatus you need are:

• Tub or large coffee can to hold salt and ice

• Glass bowl
• Mixer
• Ice cream scoop
• Storage container for freezer Here are the instructions that
you must follow to make ice cream:

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 1. Set up the cooling apparatus. Stir ice and salt in large
container. 2. Mix all ingredients in the glass bowl. 3. Fill the bowl with ice and rock salt. 4.
Mix the ice cream in the small container vigorously to avoid the forming of ice crystal.
The ice mixture will be cool until it turns into ice cream. 5.
Store it in the freezer if you do not serve it.

13. What should you do to keep the ice cream does not melt?
a. Store it in the freezer b. Mix it in
the small container c. Store it in the
small container d. Put it in the glass

14. From the text above, we can conclude that . . . .

a. Don’t let the forming of ice crystal by mixing it vigorously. b. We
need expensive apparatus to make a delicious ice cream. c. The
mixture will be ice cream when you mix all ingredients. d. We store
ice cream in the large container to avoid melting

15. “ . . . . until it turns ice cream.”

a. the freezer b. the ice
crystal c. the ice mixture
d. the small container

How to Make a Greeting Card


• Hard paper.
• Various stickers.
• Colouring pens.

• Fold the paper into two.

• Decorate the front page with the various stickers.
• Open the paper.
• Write the name of the receiver of the card at the upper part with
colouring pens.

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 16. We write the name of the sender of the card on the . . .
a. Front page of the card b. Upper part of the second page c. Center part of the page d. Under
the content of the message
17. From the text we can conclude that the various stickers are used to make the card . . . .
a. easy b. useful c. beautiful d. expensive
18. How many steps are to make Chicken Cuts?
a. Three b. Four c. Five d. Seven
19. Where do you usually find the next above?
a. In a story book b. In a drawing book c. In pile of books d. In a recipe book
20. The following things should be done in the steps of making Chicken Cuts, except . . . .
a. Cook the chicken in plastic bag for about ten to fifteen minutes b. Cut chicken into small
27 Chicken Cuts
o 1 pound of chicken o 4 cups of cooking oil o 1 cup of flour o 1 teaspoon of salt o 1
teaspoon of pepper o A dash of chilli powder
The Steps:
First, put flour, salt pepper, and chilli powder in plastics bag and shake to mix. Next, cut chicken
into small pieces, add them to the bag and shake to coat the chicken with seasoned flour. After
that, heat the oil in a heavy frying pan over medium-high heat and cook the chicken for about
ten to fifteen minutes or until the chicken is golden brown. Finally,
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil c. Shake flour, salt pepper, and chilli powder in plastics bag
d. Add the pieces of chicken to the bag and shake to coat the chicken with seasoned
21. What does the word “them” in second line refers to?
a. Chicken cutting b. Flour c. Drain chicken d. Chili powder
22. What should we do after we clean and drain the rice?
a. Grated the coconut b. Add some sliced onions c. Add the thick coconut milk d. Serve with egg
and cucumber
23. How many cups of coconut milk do we need?
a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four
24. “ . . . clean the rice and drain it.”
The word clean has similar meaning with . . . .
a. Sweep b. Remove c. Rinse d. Clear
25. “ . . . clean the rice and drain it.”
28 Nasi Lemak
o 1 cup rice o 3 screw pine leaves o Salt to taste o 2 cups thick coconut milk
o First, clean the rice and drain it. o Then, 2 cups of thick coconut milk, screw pine leaves, and
salt to the rice. o If you desire, you can also add in some sliced onions and ginger. o Cook the
rice for one hour. o Finally, serve this rice with sliced hard-boiled eggs, cucumber and sambal
ikan Bilis.
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil The word “it” refers to . . . .

a. Pine leaves b.
Coconut milk c.
Rice d. Salt


The present continuous tense is formed from the present tense of the verb be and the
present participle (-ing form) of a verb:

1. We use the present continuous tense to talk about the present:

• for something that is happening at the moment of speaking:

I’m just leaving work. I’ll be home in an hour.

Please be quiet. The children are sleeping.
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil • for something which is happening before and after a
given time:

At eight o’clock we are usually having breakfast. When I

get home the children are doing their homework.

• for something which we think is temporary:

Michael is at university. He’s studying history.

I’m working in London for the next two weeks.

• for something which is new and contrasts with a previous state:

These days most people are using email instead of writing letters.

What sort of clothes are teenagers wearing nowadays? What sort of music are they
listening to?

• to show that something is changing, growing or developing:

The children are growing quickly.

The climate is changing rapidly.
Your English is improving.

• for something which happens again and again:

It’s always raining in London.

They are always arguing.

George is great. He’s always laughing.

Note: We normally use always with this use.

2. We use the present continuous tense to talk about the future:

• for something which has been arranged or planned:

Mary is going to a new school next term.
What are you doing next week?

3. We can use the present continuous to talk about the past:

• When we are telling a story

• When we are summarising the story from a book, film or play


Positive Sentence
• Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb-ing (Present participle) + object
• Subject + am/is/are + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object
Examples : I am playing cricket.
He is driving a car They are reading their lessons.
Negative Sentence
• Subject + auxiliary verb + not + main verb-ing (Present participle) + object
• Subject + am/is/are + not + (1st form of verb + ing) + objecT
Examples : I am not playing cricket.
He is not driving a car They are not reading their lessons.
Interrogative Sentences
• Auxiliary verb + Subject + main verb-ing (Present participle) + object
• Am/is/are + Subject + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object
Examples : Am I playing cricket?
Is he driving a car? Are they reading their lessons?
Choose the correct form
am playing
is playing
are playing
am playing
I _____ football.
He ____ video games.
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 31

is playing

are playing
am playing

is playing

are playing

am playing

is playing

are playing

am playing

is playing

are playing

am playing

is playing

are playing
It ____ golf.
You ____ the piano.

You _____ tennis.

She ____ rugby.

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 32
are playing


1) (we / go to the cinema later) .

2) (they / work now) .

3) (you / not / walk) .

4) (they / learn new things)? .

5) (when / he / start work)? .

6) (why / I / stay at home)? .

7) (it / get dark)? .

8) (we / not / win) .

9) (they / not / bring a cake) .

10) (the dog / not / play with a ball)
am playing

is playing

are playing

am playing

is playing
They ____ basketball.
We ____ the guitar.
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 33

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 11) (why / it / rain now)? .

12) (how / she / travel)? .

13) (where / you / work)? .

14) (what / we / watch)? .

15) (you / meet your friend at four)


The past continuous describes actions or events in a time before now, which began in the
past and is still going on at the time of speaking. In other words, it expresses an unfinished
or incomplete action in the past.

It is used:
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil • Often, to describe the background in a story written in
the past tense, e.g. "The sun was shining and the birds were singing as the elephant
came out of the jungle. The other animals were relaxing in the shade of the trees, but the
elephant moved very quickly. She was looking for her baby, and she didn't notice the
hunter who was watching her through his binoculars. When the shot rang out, she was
running towards the river..."
• to describe an unfinished action that was interrupted by another event or action, e.g. "I
was having a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang."
• to express a change of mind: e.g. "I was going to spend the day at the beach but I've
decided to get my homework done instead."
• with 'wonder', to make a very polite request: e.g. "I was wondering if you could
baby-sit for me tonight."

Forming the Past continuous

The past continuous of any verb is composed of two parts : the past tense of the verb "to be"
(was/were), and the base of the main verb +ing.

Subject was/were base + ing

They were watching


She was reading


She wasn't reading


Was she reading?

Interrogative negative

Wasn't she reading?

To play, past continuous

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I was playing I was not playing Was I playing?

You were playing You were not playing Were you playing?

He was playing He wasn't playing Was he playing?

We were playing We weren't playing Were we playing?

They were playing They weren't playing Were they playing?


Put the verbs into the correct form.

1. When I phoned my friends, they (play) monopoly.

2. Yesterday at six I (prepare) dinner.
3. The kids (play) in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.
4. I (practice) the guitar when he came home.
5. We (not / cycle) all day.
6. While Alan (work) in his room, his friends (swim) in the
7. I tried to tell them the truth but they (not / listen ) .
8. What (you / do) yesterday?
9. Most of the time we (sit) in the park.
10. I (listen) to the radio while my sister (watch) TV.
11. When I arrived, They (play) cards.
12. We (study) English yesterday at 4:00 pm .


Write correct sentences:

Yesterday at 6 pm your family were doing different things. Write positive sentences in
past progressive.

1. My mother / read / a novel

2. My father / watch / a movie
3. My elder sister / writing / in her diary

4. My two brothers / listen / to the radio

5. My little sister and I / not / watch / a movie 6.
We / talk / about school


Make the positive or negative past continuous

1) Julie (sleep) at three o'clock. .

2) You (study) at three o'clock. .

English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 3) Luke (read) at three o’clock. .

4) I (work) at three o’clock. .

5) They (eat) chocolate at three o’clock. .

6) John (play) tennis at three o’clock. .

7) We (watch) TV at three o’clock. .

8) He (use) the internet at three o’clock. .

9) You (cook) lunch at three o’clock. .

10) We (travel) to London at three o’clock. .

11) Mrs Brown (not/walk) in the garden when the murder happened. . 12) Mr Black
(not/work) in his study when the murder happened. .

13) Miss Jones (not/talk) to Mr. White when the murder happened. .

14) You (not/play) cards when the murder happened. .

15) Dr Ford (not/read) in his room when the murder happened. .

16) Mr. and Mrs. Green (not/eat) in the dining room when the murder
happened. .

17) Mr Blue (not/drink) coffee in the library when the murder happened. .

18) The maid (not/clean) the bedrooms when the murder happened. .
19) I (not/listen) to music when the murder happened. .

20) The dogs (not/play) outside when the murder happened.


Future Continuous has two different forms: "will be doing " and "be going to be doing." Unlike
Simple Future forms, Future Continuous forms are usually interchangeable.

FORM Future Continuous with "Will"
[will be + present participle]
• You will be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.
• Will you be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight?
• You will not be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.
FORM Future Continuous with "Be Going To "
[am/is/are + going to be + present participle]
• You are going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.
• Are you going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight?
• You are not going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight.
REMEMBER: It is possible to use either "will" or "be going to" to create the Future Continuous
with little difference in meaning.
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil Use the Future Continuous to indicate that a longer action
in the future will be interrupted by a shorter action in the future. Remember this can be a real
interruption or just an interruption in time.
• I will be watching TV when she arrives tonight.
• I will be waiting for you when your bus arrives.
• I am going to be staying at the Madison Hotel, if anything happens and you need to contact
• He will be studying at the library tonight, so he will not see Jennifer when she arrives.
Notice in the examples above that the interruptions (marked in italics) are in Simple Present
rather than Simple Future. This is because the interruptions are in time clauses, and you cannot
use future tenses in time clauses.
Put the verbs into the correct form.
English, IX SMP, KURTILAS, Ganjil 1. At midnight we (sleep) w ill be sleep.
2. This time next week we (sit) at the beach.
3. At nine I (watch) the news.
4. Tonight we (cram up) for our English test.
5. They (dance) all night.
6. He (not / play) all afternoon.
7. I (not / work) all day.
8. (eat / you) at six?
9. (drive / she) to London?
10. (fight / they) again?


Make the future continuous:

1) At three o’clock tomorrow, I (work) in my office. .

2) At three o’clock tomorrow, you (lie) on the beach. .

3) At three o’clock tomorrow, he (wait) for the train. .

4) At three o’clock tomorrow, she (shop) in New York. .

5) At three o’clock tomorrow, it (rain). .

6) At three o’clock tomorrow, we (get) ready to go out. .

7) At three o’clock tomorrow, they (meet) their parents. .

8) At three o’clock tomorrow, he (study) in the library. .

9) At three o’clock tomorrow, she (exercise) at the gym. .

10) At three o’clock tomorrow, I (sleep).


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