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Monthly Bulletin on

Foreign Trade STATISTICS


Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Statistics Division
(Data Analytics Unit)

Suggestions/feedback may be sent to Dr. P C Mishra,

Statistical Advisor,at
Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page i
Foreign Trade Data Analytics – Highlights
As per the Quick Estimates, India’s merchandise export in April 2019 was US$ 26073.47 million as
compared to US$ 25908.37 million in April 2018, registering a positive growth of 0.64%.
As per the Provisional Estimates, the top ten principal commodities of export during April, 2019,
constituting 46 percent of India’s total export, along with percentage share and major destinations are:
1. Petroleum Products (14.10%)-Singapore (17.17%), U Arab Emts (13.21%), U S A (7.51%)
2. Pearl, Precious, Semiprec Stones (6.46%) - U S A(35.02%), Hong Kong (33.45%), Belgium (9.21%)
3. Drug Formulations, Biologicals (4.48%)-U S A (41.38%), Russia (3.03%), South Africa (2.85%)
4. Gold & Other Prec Metal Jewellery (4.18%)-UAE (64.03%), U S A (13.41%) Hong Kong (10.92%)
5. Organic Chemicals (3.86%)-China P Rp (37%), U S A (7.91%), Malaysia (7.28%)
6. RMG Cotton Incl Accessories (2.87%)-U S A (26.69%), U Arab Emts (11.28%), U K (10.12%)
7. Aircraft, Spacecraft and Parts (2.46%)-U S A (41.08%), U K (11.97%), Singapore (9.95%)
8. Iron and Steel (2.14%) – Nepal (13.16%), U Arab Emts (7.82%), Vietnam Soc Rep (7.1%)
9. Cotton Yarn (1.81%) -China P Rp (37.51%), Bangladesh Pr (13.46%), Pakistan Ir (5.21%)
10. Product of Iron & Steel (1.81%)- U S A (25.47%), U Arab Emts (7.87%), Germany (5.56%)

As per the Final Estimates at ITC-HS 8 digit level, India’s export of Diamond (Other than Industrial
Diamond) Cut or otherwise worked but not mounted or set (ITC- HS 71023910) has increased about 4.28%
during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During April-March 2019, it has increased about 1.11% over April-
March 2018. UAE and Hong Kong registered a negative growth of 15% and 5.16 % respectively and
export to Japan, USA and China P Rp have increased about 55%, 9% and 6% respectively during the current

India’s export of High Speed Diesel (ITC- HS 27101930) has increased about 26.38% during 2017-18 over
the year 2016-17. During April- March 2019, it has increased about 32.11% over April- March 2018.
Singapore is the dominant market for export of the product and registered a negative growth of 2.02 %
during the current year. Higher export growth is registered to Taiwan (1225%) and UAE (86.58%) during
the current year.

India’s export of Aviation Turbine Fuel (ITC- HS 27101920) has increased about 18% during 2017-18
over the year 2016-17. During April- March 2019, it has highly increased about 44% over April- March
2018. Export to Netherland has highly increased to US$ 3,093.02 million during the current period from
US$ 1,259.10 million during April- March 2018. Export to Sri Lanka DSR, Egypt A Rp and UAE have
also increased about 162%, 160% and 102% respectively during the current year.

India’s export of Jewellery of Gold Unset (ITC- HS 71131910) has increased about 47% during 2017-18
over the year 2016-17. During April- March 2019, it has highly increased about 55% over April- March
2018. UAE is the dominant market for export of the product over the years. During April-March 2019,
it was US$ 7600 million while it was just US$ 4,588 million during April- March 2018. Export to
Turkey and Malaysia registered a high positive growth of 94% and 82% respectively during the current

India’s export of Other Shrimps and Prawns (ITC-HS 03061790) grew up by 42% during 2017-18 over the
year 2016-17. During April- March 2019, it registered a negative growth about 10% over April- March
2018. Export to China PRP has highly increased with 393% during the current year. USA is the dominant
market of export of the product over the years and it registered a negative growth of 4.73% during the
current year.

India’s import of Petroleum oils (ITC-HS 27090000) has increased about 24% during 2017-18 over the year
2016-17. During April- March 2019, it has increased about 31% over April- March 2018. Import from USA
has highly increased by 489% during the current year. Import from UAE registered a negative growth of
10% during 2017-18 which shows a turnaround with a rise of 55% during the current period.

India’s import of Non-industrial diamonds unworked (ITC-HS 71023100) has increased about 17% during
2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During April- March 2019, it declined by 20% over April- March 2018.
Belgium and UAE are the dominant source of import of the product.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page ii

India’s import of Liquified Natural Gas (ITC-HS 27111100) has increased about 35% during 2017-18 over
the year 2016-17. During April- March 2019, it has increased about 30% over April- March 2018. Qatar is
the most dominant source of import of the product and recorded a positive growth of 30% during the current
year. Higher import was recorded from Trinidad (681%), U S A (221%) and Oman (198%) during the
current year.

India’s export to USA recorded a positive growth of 13% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During
April-March 2019, it registered a positive growth of 9% over the corresponding period of previous year.
Diamond Cut other than industrial diamond is the most dominant product of export and registered a
positive growth of 9% during the current year. Export of Turbo Jets (143%) and Motor Car with cylinder
capacity >=1500cc But <3000cc (108%) has highly increased during the current year.

India’s export to UAE has declined by 10% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During April- March
2019, it has improved with positive growth of 7% over the period April- March 2018. Unset Gold
Jewellery is the most dominant product with positive growth of 66%. Higher export was recorded for the
products, viz., Aviation Turbine Fuel (103%) and High speed diesel (87%). Export of Floating/
submersible drilling/ production platforms has increased from US$ 0.03 million in April- March 2018 to
US$ 303.27 million in April- March 2019.

India’s export to China PRP has increased by 31% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During April- March
2019, it has increased by 26% over April- March 2018. Major products which have registered a high
positive growth are Other Shrimps and Prawns (393%), Indian Cotton Of Staple Length 28.5Mm (1.4/32)
& above But Below 34.5Mm (294%), Linear low density polyethylene (146%), Polyethylene having a
specific gravity 0.94 /More (180%) and Benzene (91%).

India’s export to Hong Kong has increased by 5% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During April- March
2019, it has declined by 12% over April- March 2018. Diamond Cut (Other Than Industrial Diamond) is
the most dominant product of India’s export to Hong Kong and declined by 5% during the current period.
Export of silver jewellery set with gems has declined from US$ 1834 million in April- February 2018 to
just US$ 321 million in April-March 2019. Export of other coins has highly increased by 713% during the
current year.

India’s import from China PRP has increased by 25% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During April- March
2019, it declined about 8% over April- March 2018. Import of Other of telephone for cellular networks
(72%), Populated, Loaded or Stuffed Prntd Circuit Birds (74%), solar cells/photovoltaic cells (50%) and
other parts of telephonic/telegraphic apparatus (32%) has declined during the current period. Higher import
was registered in Parts of electronic integrated circuits and micro assemblies (9774%), and Monolithic
integrated circuit digital (295%).

India’s import from USA has increased about 19% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During April- March
2019, it has increased by 33% over April- March 2018. Import of Diamond (Other Than Industrial
Diamond) cut or otherwise worked, Petroleum oils & oils obtained from bituminous minerals crude,
Bituminous coal and Liquified Natural Gas and has highly increased during the current year. The import
Aeroplanes & Other Aircraft of An Unladen Weight >2000 Kg But Not Excdng 15000 Kg., Turbo-Jets Of
A Thrust>25 Kn and Steam Coal has decreased during the current year.

India’s import from Switzerland has increased about 10% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During April-
March 2019, it has declined about 4% over April- March 2018. Import of Diamond (Other Than Industrial
Diamond) and unwrought silver has highly increased during the current year. Other non-monetary
unwrought forms of gold are the most dominant product of import and it has declined by 12% during the
current period.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page iii

Foreign Trade Data Analytics – Highlights ........................................................................................ ii

FOREIGN TRADE DATA ANALYTICS .......................................................................................... 1

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 1

A. Quick Estimates of Foreign Trade ..................................................................................................... 1

A.1 India’s Merchandise Trade ....................................................................................................... 1

A.2 India’s Services Trade ............................................................................................................... 2
A.3 India’s Overall Trade ................................................................................................................. 3
A.4 Sectoral Analysis of Merchandise Trade Based on Quick Estimates (QE)........................... 4
B. India’s Merchandise Trade Based on Provisional Estimates (PE) ..................................................... 5

B.1 Export Scenario ......................................................................................................................... 5

B.1.2 Export by Principal Commodities....................................................................................... 5
B.1.3 India’s Export: Region-wise................................................................................................ 7
B.1.4 Export by Destination ........................................................................................................ 8
B.2 Import Scenario ........................................................................................................................ 9
B.2.2 Import by Principal Commodities ...................................................................................... 9
B.2.3 India’s Import: Region-wise ...................................................................................... 11
B.2.4 Import from Sources ................................................................................................. 12
C. Analysis based on ITC (HS) 8-digit level ......................................................................................... 14

C.1 India’s Merchandise Export at 8-digit ITC (HS) level ......................................................... 14

C.2 India’s Merchandise Import at 8-digit commodity level ................................................... 22
D. Analysis based on Markets for 8 digit ITC (HS) level...................................................................... 30

D.1 India’s Merchandise Export by Destination at 8-digit ITC (HS) level................................. 30

D.2 Source-wise India’s Merchandise Import at 8-digit commodity level .............................. 37
E. Export Scenario: State-wise .............................................................................................................. 44

F. Summary Tables ............................................................................................................................... 46

Table 1: Performance of India's Merchandise Trade ............................................................................ 46

Table 2: India’s month-wise Merchandise Trade.................................................................................. 46

Table 3: India’s month-wise Services Trade......................................................................................... 47

Table 4: India’s month-wise Overall Trade (Merchandise plus Services) ............................................ 47

Table 5: India’s Merchandise Export of QE Groups: Growth for last 2 years and current year ........... 48

Table 5 (contd.): India’s Merchandise Export of QE Groups: Growth for last 2 years and current year
.......................................................................................................................................................... 49

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page iv

Table 6: India’s Merchandise Import of QE Groups: Growth for last 2 years and current year ........... 50

Table 6 (contd.): India’s Merchandise Import of QE Groups: Growth for last 2 years and current year
.......................................................................................................................................................... 51

Table 7: India’s Merchandise Export of QE Groups: Month-wise ....................................................... 52

Table 7 (contd.): India’s Merchandise Export of QE Groups: Month-wise.......................................... 53

Table 8: India’s Merchandise Import of QE Groups: Month-wise ....................................................... 54

Table 8 (contd.): India’s Merchandise Import of QE Groups: Month-wise.......................................... 55

Table 9: India’s Export by Principal Commodity ................................................................................. 56

Table 10: India’s Import by Principal Commodity ............................................................................... 57

Table 11: India’s Export by Destination ............................................................................................... 58

Table 12: India’s Import by Sources ..................................................................................................... 59

Table 13: India’s Export by Region ...................................................................................................... 60

Table 14: India’s Import by Region ...................................................................................................... 61

Table 15: India’s Export by 8 digit HS code level ................................................................................ 62

Table 15 (Contd.): India’s Export by 8 digit HS code level ................................................................. 63

Table 15 (Contd.): India’s Export by 8 digit HS code level ................................................................. 64

Table 16: India’s Import by 8 digit HS code level ................................................................................ 65

Table 16 (Contd.): India’s Import by 8 digit HS code level ................................................................. 66

Table 16 (Contd.): India’s Import by 8 digit HS code level ................................................................. 67

Table 17: India’s Export by Destination for 8 digit HS code level ....................................................... 68

Table 17 (Contd.): India’s Export by Destination for 8 digit HS code level ........................................ 69

Table 17 (Contd.): India’s Export by Destination for 8 digit HS code level ........................................ 70

Table 18: India’s Import by Source for 8 digit HS code level .............................................................. 71

Table 18 (Contd.): India’s Import by Source for 8 digit HS code level ................................................ 72

Table 18 (Contd.): India’s Import by Source for 8 digit HS code level ................................................ 73

Table 19: India’s Export Profile: State-wise Share ............................................................................... 74

Table 20: India’s Export Profile: State-wise Growth............................................................................ 75

Table 21: India’s performance in Global Trade ................................................................................... 76

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page v



Merchandise foreign trade data are compiled on the basis of flows/movements of goods across the
custom frontiers of India by DGCI&S. The value of import is based on CIF, i.e. Cost, Insurance and
Freight whereas the value of export is on FOB (Free on Board). The foreign trade statistics are released
in three phases:

(i) Monthly Quick Estimates are released by fifteenth of the following month,

(ii) Principal Commodity level data is released within 30 days, and

(iii) Detailed 8-digit commodity level data are released within 60 days.

All these data are provisional and are dynamically revised till it is finalised on the basis of late receipt of
data. This Report contains analysis of these three categories of latest available data.

FETERS are used as input in compilation of balance of payments (BoP) for India and released by
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) within 45 days. The foreign trade in Services data are compiled from these
monthly RBI releases.

A. Quick Estimates of Foreign Trade

The Quick Estimates of Merchandise Foreign Trade are grouped into 30 major commodities.

A.1 India’s Merchandise Trade

In April 2019, India’s merchandise export was US$ 26,073.47million as compared to US$
25,908.37million in April 2018, registering a positive growth of 0.64%. In April 2019, India’s
merchandise import was US$ 41,400.50million as compared to US$ 39,627.11million in April 2018,
registering a positive growth of 4.48%. As a result, trade deficit during April 2019 has increased as
compared to April 2018.

Figure 1 depicts the merchandise trade performance for the period April 2019 over the corresponding
period of the previous year.

Figure 1: Merchandise Trade Performance


Value in US$ Million




20000 Apr, 18
Apr, 19




Export Import Trade Balance

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 1

The month-wise merchandise export, import, trade balance since April 2016 is given in Table 2. The
trend of merchandise export, import and trade balance over the months of May, 2018-April, 2019 is
depicted at Figure 2.

Figure 2: Trend of Merchandise Trade for last 12 months

50000 44802 44387 45724 44678
43917 42820 43649 42344 43440
41101 41401

Value in US$ Million

28866 27143 27813 27841 27806
20000 25808 26638 26015 26342 26718 26073


-9556 -10892
-10000 -15050 -14979 -14538 -14759 -15327
-17659 -18579 -17911 -18040 -17633

May, 18 June, July, 18 Aug, 18 Sept, 18 Oct, 18 Nov, 18 Dec, 18 Jan, 19 Feb, 19 Mar, 19 Apr, 19
Exports Imports Trade Balance

A.2 India’s Services Trade

In April 2019, India’s export was US$ 17,563million as compared to US$ 16,834million in March 2018,
registering a positive growth of 6.59%. In April 2019, India’s import was US$ 10,915million as
compared to US$ 10,280 million in March 2018, registering a positive growth of 10.55%.

Figure 3 depicts the services trade performance for the period April- March 2019 over the corresponding
period of the previous year. It shows that value of export for April- March, 2019 was US$ 2,04,760
million as compared to US$ 1,57,928 million during April- March 2018, registering a positive growth of
29.65%. The total value of import in April- March 2019 was US$ 1,26,357 million as compared to US$
94,932million during April- March 2018, registering a positive growth of 33.10%. As a result, trade
balance for services during April- March 2019 has improved as compared to April- March2018.

Figure 3: Services Trade Performance


Value in US$ Million






Export Import Trade Balance

April-Mar, 2018-19 April-Mar, 2019-20

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 2

The month-wise services export, import, trade balance since April, 2016 based on the press releases of
RBI is given in Table 3. The trend of services export, import and trade balance over the months of
April2018- March, 2019 is depicted at Figure 4.

Figure 4: Trend of Services Trade for last 12 months

17563 17553 17927 17745 17944
18000 16872 16526 16815 16677 16584
16173 16381

Value in US$ Million

10915 11376 11027 11365

12000 10850
10208 10299 10354 9946 10099 10109 9809


6648 6573 6703 6435 6716 6568 6551 6718 6775 6579
5965 6172


Apr, 18 May, 18 June, 18 July, 18 Aug, 18 Sept, 18 Oct, 18 Nov, 18 Dec, 18 Jan, 19 Feb, 19 Mar, 19

Exports Imports Trade Balance

A.3 India’s Overall Trade

In March 2019 India’s overall export was US$ 50,492 million as compared to US$ 43,514 million in
March 2018, registering a positive growth of 9.41%. In March2019 India’s overall import was US$
54,805 million as compared to US$ 50,865 million in March 2018, registering a positive growth of

Figure 5 depicts the overall trade performance for the period April-March 2019 over the corresponding
period of the previous year. It shows that total value of export for April-March, 2019 was US$ 5,34,250
million as compared to US$ 4,78,288million during April-March 2018, registering a positive growth of
11.70%. The total value of import in April-March 2019 was US$ 6,39,443 million as compared to US$
5,70,793 million during April-March 2018, registering a positive growth of 12.03%. As a result, overall
trade deficit during April-March 2019 has increased as compared to April-March 2018.

Figure 5: India's Overall Trade Performance


Value in US$ Million

300000 April-Mar, 2018-19
200000 April-Mar, 2019-20


Export Import Trade Balance

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 3

The month-wise overall export, import, trade balance since April, 2016 is given in Table 4. The trend of
overall export, import and trade balance over the months of April 2018-March 2019 is depicted at
Figure 6.

Figure 6: Trend of Overall Trade for last 12 months

54125 55101 55237 56078 54777 54805

60000 52766 53758 53720 52128
40000 45039 45733
Value in US$ Million

43514 44015 43361 44339 44222 43453 42692 44087 43302




-10000 -2781 -4313

-7352 -9085 -8544 -7987 -8041
-11086 -11876 -11739 -11324 -11065
Apr, 18 May, 18 June, 18 July, 18 Aug, 18 Sept, 18 Oct, 18 Nov, 18 Dec, 18 Jan, 19 Feb, 19 Mar,19

Exports Imports Trade Balance

A.4 Sectoral Analysis of Merchandise Trade Based on Quick Estimates (QE)

India’s merchandise exports of QE groups for last 2 years and the current year is given in Table 5. The
month-wise quick estimate of export for 30 major commodities April, 2018- April, 2019 is given in
Table 7. The trend of export of 10 major commodities for last 12 months is depicted at Figure 7.

Figure 7: Trend of Export values of Major Commodities for last 12 months





Value of Export (US$ Million)






May, 18 June, 18 July, 18 Aug, 18 Sept, 18 Oct, 18 Nov, 18 Dec, 18 Jan, 19 Feb, 19 Mar, 19 Apr, 19
Engineering Goods Petroleum Products
Gems And Jewellery Organic And Inorganic Chemicals
Drugs And Pharmaceuticals RMG Of All Textiles
Cotton Yarn/Fabs./Madeups, Handloom Products Etc. Electronic Goods
Rice Plastic And Linoleum

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 4

India’s merchandise imports of QE groups for last 2 years and the current year is given in Table 6. The
month-wise quick estimate of import for 30 major commodities since April, 2018 - April, 2019 is given
in Table 8. The trend of import of 10 major commodities for last 12 months is depicted in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Trend of Import values of Major Commodities for last 12 months



Value of Import (US$ Million)






May, 18 June, 18 July, 18 Aug, 18 Sept, 18 Oct, 18 Nov, 18 Dec, 18 Jan, 19 Feb, 19 Mar, 19 Apr, 19

Petroleum, Crude & products Electronic goods Gold

Machinery, electrical & non-electrical Pearls, precious & Semi-precious stones Coal, Coke & Briquettes, etc.

Organic & Inorganic Chemicals Transport equipment Iron & Steel

Artificial resins, plastic materials, etc.

B. India’s Merchandise Trade Based on Provisional Estimates (PE)

Provisional estimates of merchandise trade data are based on 168 principal commodities and countries.

B.1 Export Scenario

B.1.2 Export by Principal Commodities

During April 2019, the highest export of US$ 3,674.59 million was recorded in Petroleum Products
which constitute the largest share of 14.10% in India’s total export. The top ten principal commodities of
export during April-March 2019 along with percentage share are (i) Petroleum Products (14.10%) (ii)
Pearl, Precious, Semiprecious Stones (6.46%), (iii) Drug Formulations, Biological (4.48%), (iv) Gold &
Other Precious Metal Jewellery (4.18%), (v) Organic Chemicals (2.83%),(vi) RMG Cotton Incl
Accessories (2.87%), (vii) Aircraft, Spacecraft And Parts (2.46%),(viii) Iron and Steel (2.14%), (ix)
Cotton Yarn (1.81%), (x) Marine Products (1.81%) and these top 10 principal commodities together
accounted for about 44% of India’s total export.

The value of export of top 40 principal commodities along with the percentage change is given at Table

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 5

Figure 9 depicts the percentage change in top ten principal commodities during April 2019 as compared
to the corresponding period of the previous year. It shows that the highest growth of 30.58% registered
in export of commodity Organic Chemicals among the top ten principal commodities followed by
Electric Machinery and Equipment (25.66%), Petroleum Products (23.84%), Drug Formulations,
Biologicals (11.46%) and Products of Iron & steel (7.24%).Only Iron & Steel registered a negative
growth of 13.37% during the current year.

Figure 9: Export of Top 10 Commodities during April 2019

4500 319.93 350
Value of Export (US$ Million)

3500 300

Percentage Change
1500 150
500 40.45 100
30.20 21.42
11.77 11.22 7.38 50
-500 -6.33
-24.00 -33.61 0
-1500 -50
-2500 -100

Apr-18 Apr-19 % Change

Three Major Destinations of Export of Top 10 Principal Commodities (Apr 2019):

Following Table depicts the top three destinations of export of the respective commodity along with the
percentage share:

S. No. Principal Commodities Major Destinations

1 Petroleum Products
(17.17%) (13.21%) (7.51%)
2 Pearl, Precs, Semiprecs Stones
(35.02%) (33.45%) (9.21%)
3 Drug Formulations, Biologicals
(41.38%) (3.03%) (2.85%)
Jwlery (64.03%) (13.41%) (10.92%)
5 Organic Chemicals
(37%) (7.91%) (7.28%)
6 Rmg Cotton Incl Accessories
(26.69%) (11.28%) (10.12%)
7 Aircraft, Spacecraft And Parts
(41.08%) (11.97%) (9.95%)
8 Iron And Steel
(13.16%) (7.82%) REP (7.1%)
9 Cotton Yarn
(37.51%) PR (13.46%) (5.21%)
10 Product of Iron & Steel
(25.47%) (7.87%) (5.56%)

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 6

B.1.3 India’s Export: Region-wise

India’s export is made to the Regions of (i) Asia, (ii) America, (iii) Africa, (iv) Europe, (v)
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) & Baltics and (vi) Unspecified Region. The value of India’s
export to various Regions during April 2019 along with percentage change is given at Table 13.

The percentage share of various Regions in India’s total export during the period of April 2019 is given
in Figure 10. It shows that Asia Region constitute the highest share of 48.69% in India’s total export
followed by America Region with 20.45% during April, 2019.

Figure 10 : Region-wise share in India's Export during April 2019

Unspecified Region
CIS & Baltics Europe
1.05% 19.55%

Asia America
48.69% 20.45%

The detailed profile of export to Asia Region is given in the following Table. It reveals that the highest
export of US$ 3,249.52million was recorded to West Asia-GCC during April 2019 and it constitutes the
share of 12.46% followed by NE Asia which constitutes the share of 12.176% in India’s total export.

India’s Export to Asia Region (Value in US$ Million)

Asia Region Apr, 18 % Share Apr-, 19(P) %Share % Change
West Asia- GCC 3,787.19 14.59 3,249.52 12.46 -14.20
NE Asia 3,196.54 12.32 3,173.03 12.17 -0.74
ASEAN 2,668.77 10.28 3,120.47 11.97 16.93
South Asia 2,084.44 8.03 1,878.09 7.20 -9.90
Other West Asia 725.87 2.80 1,046.55 4.01 44.18
East Asia (Oceania) 385.1 1.48 226.8 0.87 -41.11
Total Export to Asia Region 12,847.92 49.51 12,694.46 48.69 -1.19

Figure 11 shows the comparative picture of export to various Regions during April 2019 over the
corresponding period of previous year. It shows that the highest positive growth of 18.93% was
registered in export to Region CIS & Baltics followed by Africa (9.48%) during April, 2019 over the
corresponding period of previous year.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 7

Figure 11 : India's Export by Region

14000 20

12000 18.93
Value of Export (US$ Million)


Percenmtage Change





0 -5
Europe Africa America Asia CIS & Baltics
Apr-18 Apr-19 % Change

B.1.4 Export by Destination

During April 2019, the highest export of US$ 4130.19 million was recorded to destination USA which
constitutes the largest share of 15.84% in India’s total export. The top ten destinations of export during
April-March 2019 along with percentage share are (i) USA (15.84%) (ii) UAE (9.11%), (iii) China PRP
(5.53%), (iv) Singapore (4.12%),(v)Hong Kong (3.01%),(vii) Bangladesh PR (2.62%),(vi) UK (2.61%),
(viii) Germany (2.53%),(ix) Malaysia (2.44%)and (x) Nepal (2.26%)and these top 10 destinations
together accounted for about 50% of India’s total export.

The value of export to top 40 destinations along with percentage change is given at Table 11.

Figure 12 depicts the comparative picture of export to top ten destinations during April 2019 over the
period of April 2018. It shows that the highest growth of 82.19% was registered in export to Singapore
followed by Malaysia (11.47%) and China PRP (11.10%) during April 2019. Export to Hong Kong and
Bangladesh Pr registered a negative growth of 18.57% and 18.54% respectively during the current

Figure 12: Top 10 Destinations of Exports during April 2019

6500 100
Value of Export (US$ Million)

4500 80
Percentage Change

11.10 11.47 20
-1500 -7.24
-12.30 0
-18.57 -18.54
-3500 -5.21
-8.64 -20

-5500 -40

Apr-18 Apr-19 % Change

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 8

Top Three Major Principal Commodities exported to top ten Destinations (Apr, 2019):

Following Table depicts the top three principal commodities of export of the respective destination along
with the percentage share:

Destinations Major Principal Commodities
(14.28%) (11.7%)
2 U Arab Emts JWLERY
(20.43%) STONES (4.73%)
3 China P Rp ORGANIC CHEMICALS (25.8%)
(9.88%) (7.71%)
(16.52%) (3.53%)
(71.87%) (15.17%) (1.68%)
6 Bangladesh Pr MADEUPS ETC.
(7.43%) (6.99%)
(11.13%) (8.81%)
(10.73%) (4.71%)
(24.99%) (12.64%)
10 Nepal ETC
(24.96%) (15.97%)

B.2 Import Scenario

B.2.2 Import by Principal Commodities

During April 2019, the highest import of US$ 9271.71 million was recorded for the commodity
Petroleum crude which constitutes the largest share of 22.39% in India’s total import. The top ten
principal commodities of import during April- March, 2019 along with percentage share are (i)
Petroleum: Crude (22.39%), (ii) Gold (9.59%), (iii) Pearl, Precious, Semiprecious Stones (5.09%), (iv)
Petroleum Products (3.20%), (v) Coal, Coke And Briquittes Etc. (2.91%), (vi) Telecom Instruments
(2.91%),(vii) Electronics Components (2.36%),(viii) Organic Chemicals (1.53 %), (ix) Iron and Steel
(1.09%) and (x) Indl. Machinery for Dairy Etc. (1.02%) and these top 10 principal commodities together
accounted for about 52% of India’s total import.

The value of import of top 40 principal commodities along with percentage change is given at Table 10.

Figure13 depicts the percentage change in top ten principal commodities during April, 2019 over the
corresponding period of previous year. It shows that the highest growth of 393.23% was registered in
import of IC Engines And Parts among these top ten commodities followed by Consumer
Electronics(326.83%), Inorganic Chemicals (103.20%), Electronics Instruments (100.85%) and Pearl,
Precs, Semiprecs Stones(69.30%). It reflects that import of Iron and Steel has significantly declined by
55.79%. Electronics Components has also declined by 32.61% during the current period.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 9

Figure 13 : Imports of Top 10 Commodities during April 2019
15000 450
10000 326.83
Value of Import (US$ Million)

5000 300

Percentage Change

-5000 100.85 150

-10000 9.64 50
69.30 103.20 1.94
-32.61 0
-15000 4.96 -55.79
-20000 -100

Apr-18 Apr-19 % Change

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 10

Three Major Sources of Import of Top ten Principal Commodities (Apr 2019):

Following Table depicts the top three sources of import of the respective commodity along with
percentage share:

S. No. Principal Commodities Major Sources

1 Petroleum: Crude
(19.51%) (17.51%) (7.56%)
2 Pearl, Precs, Semiprecs Stones
(25.64%) (25.29%) (19.62%)
3 Petroleum Products
(25.01%) (21.23%) (10.95%)
4 Consumer Electronics
(39.6%) (12.38%) (12.07%)
5 Electronics Instruments
(30.65%) (11%) (9.22%)
6 Inorganic Chemicals
(12.9%) (12.41%) (12.28%)
7 Ic Engines And Parts
(15.72%) (14.03%) (9.25%)
8 Electronics Components
(33.81%) (24.73%) (11.34%)
9 Aluminium, Products Of Aluminm
(24.2%) (11.04%) (9.17%)
10 Iron And Steel
(21.31%) (9.55%) (9.3%)

B.2.3 India’s Import: Region-wise

India’s import is made from the Regions of (i) Asia, (ii) America, (iii) Africa, (iv) Europe, (v)
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) & Baltics and (vi) Unspecified Region.

The value of India’s import from various Regions during April 2019 along with percentage change is
given at Table 14. The percentage share of various Regions in India’s total import during the period of
April 2019 is depicted at Figure 14. It shows that the Asia Region constitutes the highest share of
59.33% in India’s total import followed by Europe Region with 15.99% during April 2019.

Figure 14: Region-wise share in India's import during April 2019

Unspecified Region
CIS & Baltics 0.04%
3.04% Europe

Asia 13.58%

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 11

The detailed profile of import from Asia Region is given in the following Table. It reveals that the
highest import of US$ 9,657.48million was recorded from NE Asia during April 2019 and it constitutes
the share of 23.33% in India’s total import.

India’s Import from Asia Region (Value in US$ Million)

Asia Region Apr, 18 % Share Apr, 19 (P) % Share % Change
NE Asia 8,617.27 21.57 9,657.48 23.33 12.07
West Asia- GCC 5,861.91 14.67 6,075.73 14.68 3.65
ASEAN 4,966.39 12.43 4,847.55 11.71 -2.39
Other West Asia 3,253.77 8.14 2,869.02 6.93 -11.82
East Asia (Oceania) 1,351.78 3.38 879.70 2.12 -34.92
South Asia 253.85 0.64 232.89 0.56 -8.26
Total Import from Asia Region 24,304.98 60.84 24,562.38 59.33 1.06

Figure 15 shows the comparative picture of import from various Regions during April, 2019 as
compared to the corresponding period of previous year. It shows that the highest positive growth of
41.29% was registered in import from CIS & Baltics followed by America (19.34%) during April, 2019
over the corresponding period of previous year.

Figure 15 : India's Import by Region

30000 50

25000 40
Value of Import (US$ Million)


Percentage Change
20000 19.34

6.05 10
10000 1.06






5000 -12.29 -10


0 -20
Europe Africa America Asia CIS & Baltics
Apr-18 Apr-19 % Change

B.2.4 Import from Sources

During April, 2019, the highest import of US$ 5319.61 million was recorded from China PRP which
constitutes the largest share of 12.85% in India’s total import. The top ten sources of import during April
2019 along with percentage share are (i) China PRP (12.85%) (ii) USA (7.63%),(iii) Switzerland
(5.95%), (iv) UAE (5.54%), (v) Saudi Arab (5.28%), (vi) Iraq (4.41%),(vii)Korea RP (3.62%), (viii)
Indonesia (3.18%) (ix) Hong Kong (3.17%) and (x) Singapore (2.96%) and these top ten sources
together accounted for about 55% in India’s total import.

The value of import from top 40 sources along with percentage change is given at Table 12.

Figure 16 depicts the comparative picture of import from top 10 sources during April, 2019 over the
period of April, 2018. It shows that the highest positive growth of 77.54% was registered in import from
Switzerland followed by Korea Rp(30.22%), USA (26.01%), Hong Kong (14.44%), Saudi Arab

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 12

(12.06%), China PRP (8.99), Iraq (7.72) and UAE (5.64%), and during April, 2019. Import from
Singapore registered a negative growth of (3.48)% during April, 19 as compared to same period of
previous year.

Figure 16 : Top 10 Sources of Import during April 2019

6500 90
Value of Import (US$ Million)


Percentage Change
2500 60

500 50
30.22 40
-1500 26.01
14.44 30
15.07 20
-3500 12.06
-5500 8.99 -3.48
7.72 0
-7500 -10

Apr-18 Apr-19 % Change

Top Three Major Principal Commodities imported from Top ten Sources (Apr 2019):

Following Table depicts the top three principal commodities of import of the respective source along
with the percentage share:
Sources Major Principal Commodities imported
(8.41%) (8.26%)
(17.31%) STONES (13.25%) (6.3%)
3 Switzerland BIOLOGICALS
(90.33%) (2.64%)
4 U Arab Emts STONES
(19.48%) (18.29%)
(74.28%) (10.55%)
(1.67%) (1.08%)
(14.48%) (9.76%)
8 Indonesia ETC VEGETABLE OILS (9.61%)
9 Hong Kong STONES
(24.95%) (16.03%)
10 Singapore
(12.16%) PERIPHERALS (8.89%) (8.33%)

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 13

C. Analysis based on ITC (HS) 8-digit level
Detailed 8 digit commodity level data are released with the time lag of 60 days.

C.1 India’s Merchandise Export at 8-digit ITC (HS) level

The details of top 100 commodities at 8 digit ITC HS code level for the last two years and the current
year along with the percentage change are given at Table 15.

The details of export scenario of top 15 8-digit level commodities as per Table 15 in respect of
corresponding top ten destinations for the last two years and the current year are as follows:

1. Top ten destinations in respect of ITC HS Code 71023910 (Diamond (Other than Industrial
Diamond) Cut or otherwise worked but not mounted or set)
(Value in US$ Million)
% Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar, %
S.No. Destinations 2016-17 2017-18
Change 2018 (P) 2019 Change
1 Hong Kong 9075.17 9855.36 8.6 9,855.36 9,346.89 -5.16
2 USA 7361.36 7546.47 2.51 7,546.47 8,241.03 9.2
3 Belgium 1624.31 1676.93 3.24 1,676.93 1,734.72 3.45
4 U Arab Emts 1662.94 1388.95 -16.48 1,388.95 1,176.62 -15.29
5 Israel 963.13 935.59 -2.86 935.59 956.33 2.22
6 Thailand 519.55 576.93 11.04 576.93 524.2 -9.14
7 Japan 237.35 247.95 4.47 247.95 384.66 55.13
8 China P Rp 137.13 215.1 56.86 215.1 227.62 5.82
9 Switzerland 172.77 192.17 11.23 192.17 192.28 0.06
10 Australia 155.84 163.29 4.78 163.29 155.86 -4.55
Total of above destinations 21,909.55 22,798.74 4.06 22,798.74 22,940.21 0.62
% Share of above 97.18 96.97 -- 96.97 96.50 --
India’s Total Export of
22,545.06 23,510.93 4.28 23,510.93 23,771.55 1.11

India’s export of diamond (other than industrial diamond) has increased by 4.28% during 2017-18 over
the year 2016-17. During April-Mar 2019, it has increased by 1.11% over April-Mar 2018. Out of top 10
destinations of export of the product, UAE, Thailand, Hong Kong and Australia registered a negative
growth of 15%, 9%, 5% and 5% during April-Mar, 2019 over April-Mar18.

2. Top ten destinations in respect of ITC HS Code 27101930 (High Speed Diesel)
(Value in US$ Million)
Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
S.No. Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 Singapore 1898.01 4054.27 113.61 4,054.27 3,972.45 -2.02
2 Israel 1015.45 1044.23 2.83 1,044.23 1,571.20 50.46
3 Malaysia 406.91 901.53 121.56 901.53 1,482.29 64.42
4 Netherland 947.59 886.38 -6.46 886.38 1,265.64 42.79
5 Turkey 1217.81 912.72 -25.05 912.72 1,196.32 31.07
6 Nepal 513.59 722.05 40.59 722.05 953.9 32.11
7 Taiwan 78.38 68.42 -12.72 68.42 906.79 1,225.41
8 U Arab Emts 437.2 474.07 8.43 474.07 884.52 86.58
9 Mozambique 681.02 531.74 -21.92 531.74 677.86 27.48
10 Sri Lanka Dsr 314.49 524.61 66.81 524.61 563.08 7.33
Total of Above destinations 7,510.45 10,120.02 34.75 10,120.02 13,474.05 33.14
% Share of above 62.19 66.30 -- 66.30 66.82 --
India’s Total Export of
12,077.21 15,263.55 26.38 15,263.55 20,164.05 32.11

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 14

India’s export of High Speed Diesel has increased by 26.38% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17.
During April-Mar, 2019, it has increased by 32.11% over April-Mar 2018. Singapore is the dominant
market for export of the product and declined by 2.02% during the current period. India’s export of the
product to Taiwan has highly increased by 1225% during April-Mar, 2019 over April-Mar2018. Share of
export to above top ten destinations increased over the years.

3. Top ten destinations in respect of ITC HS Code 27101920 (Aviation Turbine Fuel)
(Value in US$ Million)
% Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
S.No. Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change
Change 2018 (P) 2019
1 Netherland 427.46 1259.1 194.56 1,259.10 3,093.02 145.65
2 Unspecified 1729.35 2105.9 21.77 2,105.90 2,617.23 24.28
3 France 747.62 229.56 -69.29 229.56 449.44 95.78
4 Egypt A Rp 0 144.1 0 144.1 373.93 159.5
5 U Arab Emts 227.42 147.53 -35.13 147.53 298.93 102.62
6 USA 3.03 243.9 7945.41 243.9 286.19 17.34
7 Mauritius 162.95 205.55 26.14 205.55 237.57 15.58
8 Kenya 246.09 198.51 -19.34 198.51 214.04 7.83
9 Sri Lanka Dsr 49.61 69.97 41.05 69.97 183.65 162.48
10 UK 5.74 145.84 2440.36 145.84 163.01 11.77
Total of Above destinations 3,599.27 4,749.96 31.97 4,749.96 7,917.01 66.68
% Share of above 65.71 73.75 -- 73.75 85.61 --
India’s Total Export of
5,477.51 6,440.97 17.59 6,440.97 9,248.09 43.58

India’s export of Aviation Turbine Fuel has increased by 17.59% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17.
During April-Mar 2019, it has highly increased by 43.58% over April-Mar 2018. Export to Egypt A RP,
Sri Lanka DSR, Netherland and UAE and has highly increased during the current period over the
corresponding period of previous year.

4. Top ten destinations in respect of ITC HS Code 27101219 (Other of light oils and
(Value in US$ Million)
Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
S.No. Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 U Arab Emts 2683.57 3437.08 28.08 3,437.08 4,508.63 31.18
2 Singapore 1291.54 891.88 -30.94 891.88 741.79 -16.83
3 USA 292.52 689.06 135.56 689.06 679.55 -1.38
4 Oman 1148.45 872.41 -24.04 872.41 483.05 -44.63
5 China P Rp 296.18 299.58 1.15 299.58 445.37 48.66
6 Iraq 0 152.34 0 152.34 439.78 188.68
7 Nepal 139.87 186.11 33.06 186.11 270.55 45.37
8 Saudi Arab 101.77 179.44 76.31 179.44 243.57 35.74
9 Korea Rp 221.28 188.81 -14.67 188.81 203.84 7.96
10 Malaysia 177.22 318.56 79.75 318.56 184.99 -41.93
Total of Above destinations 6,352.40 7,215.27 13.58 7,215.27 8,201.12 13.66
% Share of above 82.16 86.53 -- 86.53 90.97 --
India’s Total Export of
7,732.16 8,338.53 7.84 8,338.53 9,015.28 8.12

India’s export of the product has increased by 7.84% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During
April-March 2019, it has increased by 8.12% over April- Mar2018. Share of export of the product to

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 15

above top ten destinations has increased to 91% during April-March, 2019while it was just 87% during
April- March, 18. Export of the product to Iraq and China P Rp has also highly increased by 188.68%
and 48.66% respectively during the current period.

5. Top ten destinations in respect of ITC HS Code 71131910 (Jewellery of Gold Unset)
(Value in US$ Million)
Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
S.No. Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 U Arab Emts 3239.19 4588.24 41.65 4,588.24 7,600.02 65.64
2 Singapore 187.74 214.84 14.43 214.84 314.15 46.22
3 Hong Kong 82.56 131.08 58.76 131.08 203.56 55.3
4 USA 57.9 61.66 6.5 61.66 82.48 33.76
5 Malaysia 10.92 33.22 204.12 33.22 60.32 81.56
6 UK 52.15 286.96 450.29 286.96 53.96 -81.19
7 Qatar 1.43 21.61 1411.07 21.61 34.86 61.3
8 Canada 7.85 8.97 14.23 8.97 11.34 26.39
9 Australia 3.36 8.42 150.61 8.42 8.53 1.38
10 Turkey 3.31 4.18 26.26 4.18 8.11 94.02
Total of Above destinations 3,646.41 5,359.18 46.97 5,359.18 8,377.33 56.32
% Share of above 98.85 98.91 -- 98.91 99.67 --
India’s Total Export of
3,688.95 5,418.27 46.88 5,418.27 8,405.06 55.12

India’s export of Jewellery of Gold Unset has increased by 46.88% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-
17. During April-March 2019, it has highly increased by 55.12% over April-Mar2018. UAE is the
dominant market for export of the product over the years. Export to UAE was recorded at US$ 7600.02
million in April-March 2019 while it was just US$ 4588.24 million during April-Mar 2018, thereby
showing an increase of 65.64%.

6. Top ten destinations in respect of ITC HS Code 30049099 (Other medicines put up for retail
sale N.E.S)
(Value in US$ Million)
Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
S.No. Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 USA 2230.22 1862.99 -16.47 1,862.99 2,146.62 15.22
2 South Africa 249.18 325.9 30.79 325.9 334.6 2.67
3 UK 129 130.96 1.52 130.96 158.52 21.05
4 Nigeria 145.73 134.07 -8 134.07 152.72 13.91
5 U Arab Emts 22.89 30.22 32.05 30.22 126.84 319.73
6 Kenya 167.55 106.55 -36.41 106.55 118.07 10.82
7 Canada 74.27 89.9 21.03 89.9 116.39 29.47
8 Philippines 81.58 78.42 -3.87 78.42 95.3 21.53
9 Uganda 75.53 83.26 10.23 83.26 92.52 11.12
10 Russia 117.03 95.01 -18.82 95.01 91.54 -3.65
Total of Above destinations 3,292.98 2,937.28 -10.80 2,937.28 3,433.12 16.88
% Share of above 61.41 56.71 -- 56.71 59.13 --
India’s Total Export of 30049099 5,362.49 5,179.62 -3.41 5,179.62 5,806.41 12.1

India’s export of other medicines has decreased by 3.41% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During
April-March 2019, it has increased by 12.1% over April-Mar 2018. Share of export of the product to
above top 10 destinations has increased to 59% during April-March 2019 from 57% during April-Mar

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 16

2018. All above top ten destinations except Russia registered a positive growth in export of the product
during the current period. USA is the dominant market for export of the product over the years.

7. Top ten destinations in respect of ITC- HS Code 10063020 (Basmati Rice)

(Value in US$ Million)

S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 Iran 564.28 904.73 60.33 904.73 1,556.17 72
2 Saudi Arab 671.08 829.61 23.62 829.61 938.91 13.17
3 Iraq 337.32 435.52 29.11 435.52 399.43 -8.29
4 U Arab Emts 467.66 437.66 -6.41 437.66 297.62 -32
5 Yemen Republc 103.28 161.04 55.92 161.04 209.95 30.37
6 Kuwait 149.37 177.91 19.1 177.91 177.11 -0.45
7 USA 112.17 149.01 32.84 149.01 168.74 13.24
8 UK 101.55 159.17 56.73 159.17 106.08 -33.35
9 Oman 75.48 89.64 18.75 89.64 96.61 7.78
10 Qatar 72.47 82.08 13.26 82.08 76.08 -7.31
Total of Above destinations 2,654.66 3,426.37 29.07 3,426.37 4,026.70 17.52
% Share of above 82.74 82.18 -- 82.18 85.45 --
India’s Total Export of
3,208.60 4,169.56 29.95 4,169.56 4,712.42 13.02

India’s export of Basmati Rice has increased by 29.95% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During
April-March 2019, it has increased by 13.02% over April-Mar 2018. Export of Basmati rice to UK,
UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Iraq has declined during April-March 2019 over the period April-Mar, 2018.

8. Top ten destinations in respect of ITC-HS Code 27101290 (other of light oils and
(Value in US$ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 China P Rp 285.51 810.33 183.82 810.33 1,609.18 98.58
2 USA 1168.01 1325.42 13.48 1,325.42 1,273.24 -3.94
3 Korea Rp 487.7 343.45 -29.58 343.45 436.01 26.95
4 Singapore 382.75 387.13 1.14 387.13 323.46 -16.45
5 Japan 284.15 522.06 83.73 522.06 242.85 -53.48
6 U Arab Emts 84.22 83.58 -0.76 83.58 75.32 -9.88
7 Taiwan 473.93 318.45 -32.81 318.45 52.29 -83.58
8 Philippines 55.66 149.8 169.15 149.8 50.47 -66.31
9 Venezuela 0 0 0 37.07
10 UK 0 46.92 0 46.92 33.33 -28.96
Total of Above destinations 3,221.93 3,987.14 23.75 3,987.14 4,133.22 3.66
% Share of above 92.97 97.72 -- 97.72 98.28 --
India’s Total Export of
3,465.41 4,080.29 17.74 4,080.29 4,205.41 3.07

India’s export of the product has increased by 17.74% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During
April-March 2019, it registered a positive growth of 3.07% over April-Mar 2018. USA was the most
dominant market of export of the product during 2016-17 and 2017-18 but during the current period
China PRP became the most dominant market of the product as export to China PRP has increased to
US$ 1609.18 million from US$ 810.33 million in April-Mar, 2019 thereby witnessed an increase of

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 17

98.58%. Venezuela is the new market for export of the product with export of US$ 37.07 million during
the current period.

9. Top ten destinations in respect of ITC- HS Code 03061790 (Other Shrimps and Prawns)
(Value in US $ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 USA 1367.46 1957.16 43.12 1,957.16 1,864.65 -4.73
2 Vietnam Soc Rep 721.55 1178.71 63.36 1,178.71 682.99 -42.06
3 China P Rp 36.72 75.55 105.72 75.55 372.3 392.79
4 Japan 283.68 329.44 16.13 329.44 301.94 -8.35
5 U Arab Emts 109.77 155.25 41.44 155.25 150.2 -3.25
6 Belgium 93.24 122 30.85 122 101.85 -16.52
7 UK 108.43 147.49 36.02 147.49 100.02 -32.18
8 Canada 69.97 113.49 62.19 113.49 96.21 -15.22
9 Netherland 90.25 105.46 16.85 105.46 84.22 -20.14
10 Russia 35.69 56.24 57.57 56.24 56.43 0.34
Total of Above destinations 2,916.76 4,240.79 45.39 4,240.79 3,810.81 -10.14
% Share of above 90.82 92.69 -- 92.69 92.21 --
India’s Total Export of
3,211.72 4,575.25 42.45 4,575.25 4,132.94 -9.67

India’s export of other shrimps and prawns grew up by 42.45% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17.
During April-Mar 2019, it registered a negative growth of 9.67% over April-Mar 2018. Export to China
PRP has increased to US$ 372.3 million during April-Mar 2019 from US$ 75.55 million in April-Mar,
2018. Export to 8 countries out of top ten has declined during the current period. All the 10 top
countries registered positive growth during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17.

10. Top ten destinations in respect of ITC- HS Code 76011010 (Aluminium Ignots-not alloyed)
(Value in US$ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar, (P)
Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 2019
1 Malaysia 263.76 771.1 192.35 771.1 891.87 15.66
2 Korea Rp 705.68 713.27 1.08 713.27 493.23 -30.85
3 Turkey 86.29 208.03 141.08 208.03 443.67 113.28
4 Mexico 96.86 79.51 -17.91 79.51 204.05 156.63
5 Taiwan 64.41 68.21 5.9 68.21 174.25 155.44
6 Japan 65.05 135.28 107.96 135.28 169.51 25.3
7 Italy 134.65 122.23 -9.22 122.23 151.7 24.11
8 Singapore 51.19 81.98 60.15 81.98 146.26 78.4
9 Thailand 16.99 53.4 214.35 53.4 101.44 89.98
10 Brazil 31.67 51.61 62.98 51.61 89.15 72.73
Total of Above destinations 1,516.55 2,284.62 50.65 2,284.62 2,865.13 25.41
% Share of above 79.99 79.50 -- 79.50 87.37 --
India’s Total Export of
1,895.95 2,873.88 51.58 2,873.88 3,279.41 14.11

India’s export of the product has increased by 51.58% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During
April-Mar2019, it registered a positive growth of 14.11% over April-Mar 2018. Export of the product to
all the countries except Korea RP has increased during the current period. Share of export of the product
to above top 10 destinations has increased to 87% during April-Mar 2019 from 80% during April-Mar

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 18

11. Top ten destinations in respect of ITC- HS Code 02023000 (Boneless Meat of Bovine
animals, Frozen)
(Value in US$ Million)
S.No. % Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change
Change 2018 (P) 2019
1 Vietnam Soc Rep 1932.76 2140.17 10.73 2,140.17 1,536.88 -28.19
2 Malaysia 350.72 363.62 3.68 363.62 361.21 -0.66
3 Indonesia 228.06 95.5 -58.12 95.5 323.32 238.54
4 Iraq 128.21 155.87 21.57 155.87 169.89 8.99
5 Philippines 100.51 117.59 16.99 117.59 119.73 1.82
6 Egypt A Rp 301.05 248.79 -17.36 248.79 110.26 -55.68
7 Myanmar 0 0 0 102.86
8 Saudi Arab 129.34 95.43 -26.22 95.43 91.97 -3.63
9 U Arab Emts 79.74 68.61 -13.96 68.61 88.04 28.31
10 Algeria 107 55.95 -47.71 55.95 50.75 -9.29
Total of Above destinations 3,357.39 3,341.53 -0.47 3,341.53 2,954.91 -11.57
% Share of above 90.03 88.28 -- 88.28 89.14 --
India’s Total Export of
3,729.35 3,785.10 1.5 3,785.10 3,314.94 -12.42

India’s export of Boneless Meat of Bovine animals, Frozen grew up by 1.5% during 2017-18 over the
year 2016-17. During April-Mar2019, it registered a negative growth of 12.42% over April-Mar 2018.
Vietnam is the most dominant market of export of the product over the years. Myanmar is the new
market for export of the product with US$ 102.86 million during April-Mar 2019.

12. Top ten destinations in respect of ITC-HS Code 84111200 (Turbo-Jets of a thurst>25 kn)
(Value in US$ Million)
S. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
No. 2018 (P) 2019
1 USA 109.24 391.26 258.15 391.26 952.39 143.42
2 Germany 56.34 659.38 1070.43 659.38 524.36 -20.48
3 Singapore 7.44 144.64 1844.38 144.64 374.14 158.67
4 Belgium 10.27 83.99 718.08 83.99 275.31 227.78
5 UK 25.6 205.93 704.52 205.93 263.44 27.93
6 China P Rp 13.77 149.05 982.4 149.05 207.47 39.19
7 Japan 12.9 79.19 513.72 79.19 146.22 84.65
8 France 5.6 60.42 979.18 60.42 83.49 38.19
9 U Arab Emts 12.9 86.5 570.38 86.5 55.64 -35.68
10 Turkey 31.72 99.3 213.06 99.3 55.15 -44.47
Total of Above
285.78 1,959.66 585.72 1,959.66 2,937.61 49.90
% Share of above 87.51 92.23 -- 92.23 94.05 --
India’s Total Export of
326.56 2,124.64 550.61 2,124.64 3,123.45 47.01

India’s export of Turbo-jets grew up by 550.61% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During April-
Mar 2019, it registered a positive growth of 47.01% over April-Mar 2018. Belgium, Singapore, USA,
and Japan registered a high positive growth during the current period. Share of export of the product to
above top 10 destinations has increased to 94% in the current period.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 19

13. Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code 87032291 (Motor Car with Cylinder
Capacity>=1000Cc but < 1500Cc with Sprk-Igntn)
(Value in US $ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 Mexico 793.78 850.38 7.13 850.38 651.38 -23.4
2 South Africa 403.42 451.16 11.83 451.16 382.3 -15.26
3 Saudi Arab 152.95 247.45 61.78 247.45 285.4 15.34
4 UK 237.77 150.83 -36.57 150.83 159.84 5.98
5 Chile 118.75 157.32 32.48 157.32 148.89 -5.36
6 U Arab Emts 85.69 121.53 41.82 121.53 148.2 21.95
7 Italy 157.19 135.47 -13.82 135.47 113.05 -16.55
8 France 56.51 114.25 102.17 114.25 104.42 -8.6
9 Indonesia 71.2 185.22 160.13 185.22 106.74 -42.37
10 Algeria 84.54 144.59 71.04 144.59 92.38 -36.11
Total of Above
2,161.80 2,558.20 18.34 2,558.20 2,192.60 -14.29
% Share of above 60.92 71.98 -- 71.98 72.66 --
India’s Total Export of
3,548.55 3,553.95 0.15 3,553.95 3,017.53 -15.09

India’s export of the product has increased by 0.15% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During
April-Mar 2019, it registered a negative growth of 15.09% over April-Mar 2018. Mexico, the most
dominant market of the product witnessed negative growth of 23.4% during the current period.

14.Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code 87089900 (Other Parts and accessories of Vehicles
of Heading 8701-8705)

S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,

Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 USA 467.25 552.47 18.24 552.47 655.37 18.63
2 Turkey 255.32 189.23 -25.88 189.23 181.87 -3.89
3 Brazil 107.57 167.9 56.08 167.9 173.77 3.5
4 Germany 139.27 148.85 6.88 148.85 160.49 7.82
5 Mexico 117.41 120.56 2.68 120.56 141.48 17.35
6 Vietnam Soc Rep 11.6 87.63 655.39 87.63 137.68 57.11
7 Italy 88.13 112.82 28.02 112.82 109.67 -2.79
8 U Arab Emts 31.67 37 16.84 37 79.24 114.16
9 Thailand 97.92 99.72 1.84 99.72 74.83 -24.97
10 France 44.64 76.26 70.84 76.26 69.83 -8.43
Total of Above
1,360.78 1,592.44 17.02 1,592.44 1,784.23 12.04
% Share of above 58.32 60.98 -- 60.98 63.33 --
India’s Total Export of
2,333.11 2,611.58 11.94 2,611.58 2,817.50 7.88

India’s export of the product has increased by 11.94% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During
April-Mar 2019, it registered a positive growth of 7.88% over April-Mar 2018. USA, the most dominant
market of the product witnessed positive growth of 18.63% during the current period.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 20

15. Top ten destinations in respect of ITC- HS Code 29024300 (P-Xylene)
(Value in US$ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 China P Rp 148.51 922.69 521.29 922.69 1,511.10 63.77
2 Malaysia 148.05 218.61 47.66 218.61 370.88 69.65
3 Indonesia 143.32 159.71 11.44 159.71 314.85 97.14
4 Pakistan Ir 88.35 82.3 -6.84 82.3 199.46 142.34
5 Thailand 24.03 41.77 73.84 41.77 187.14 348.04
6 U Arab Emts 0 0 0 88.25
7 Mexico 0 0 0 27.41
8 Taiwan 26.35 48.27 83.16 48.27 25.48 -47.21
9 Portugal 0 0 0 10
10 USA 22.31 0 0 9.06
Total of Above destinations 600.92 1,473.35 145.18 1,473.35 2,743.63 86.22
% Share of above 93.30 93.73 -- 93.73 99.75 --
India’s Total Export of
644.06 1,571.87 144.06 1,571.87 2,750.39 74.98

India’s export of P-Xylene grew up by 144.06% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During April-
Mar 2019, it registered a positive growth of 74.98% over April-Mar 2018. Thailand, Pakistan Ir and
Indonesia registered a high positive growth during the current period.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 21

C.2 India’s Merchandise Import at 8-digit commodity level
The details of import scenario of top 15 8-digit level commodities as per Table 16 in respect of
corresponding top Ten sources for last two years and the current year are as follows:

1. Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code 27090000 (Petroleum oils and oils obtained
from bituminous minerals crude)
(Value in US$ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar, (P)
Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 2019
1 Iraq 11,616.72 17,544.24 51.03 17,544.24 22,265.04 26.91
2 Saudi Arab 13,674.09 15,262.60 11.62 15,262.60 21,381.04 40.09
3 Iran 8,908.61 8,978.76 0.79 8,978.76 12,110.72 34.88
4 U Arab Emts 6,784.04 6,122.20 -9.76 6,122.20 9,512.48 55.38
5 Nigeria 6,748.95 8,192.30 21.39 8,192.30 9,432.34 15.14
6 Venezuela 5,505.88 5,859.30 6.42 5,859.30 7,247.67 23.7
7 Kuwait 2,946.39 5,283.96 79.34 5,283.96 5,430.90 2.78
8 Mexico 1,842.30 2,751.73 49.36 2,751.73 4,260.78 54.84
9 USA 0.00 609.47 0.00 609.47 3,588.91 488.86
10 Angola 2,146.34 3,080.08 43.50 3,080.08 3,282.46 6.57
Total of Above sources 60,173.32 73,684.64 22.45 73,684.64 98,512.34 33.69
% Share of above 85.10 84.33 -- 84.33 86.38 --
India’s Total Import of
70,705.39 87,372.27 23.57 87,372.27 114,042.12 30.52

India’s import of Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals crude has increased by
23.57% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During April-Mar 2019, it registered a positive growth of
30.52% over April-Mar 2018. Import from all the top 10 countries registered a high positive growth
during April-Mar 2019 over April-Mar 2018. Iraq is the most dominant source of import of the product.

2. Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code 71081200 (Other Non-Monetary unwrought
forms of gold)
(Value in US$ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar, (P) %
Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change
2018 2019 Change
1 Switzerland 15,371.63 17,162.23 11.65 17,162.23 15,168.70 -11.62
2 Ghana 1,759.03 2,392.29 36.00 2,392.29 3,017.98 26.15
3 U Arab Emts 3,255.86 3,532.55 8.50 3,532.55 2,506.35 -29.05
4 Peru 583.96 1,775.01 203.96 1,775.01 2,207.36 24.36
5 USA 1,406.36 2,057.22 46.28 2,057.22 2,079.83 1.1
6 South Africa 1,693.64 1,276.60 -24.62 1,276.60 1,296.07 1.52
7 Bolivia 169.99 662.88 289.96 662.88 848.72 28.04
8 UK 53.13 75.70 42.49 75.7 847.1 1,019.06
9 Burkina Faso 205.91 536.67 160.64 536.67 806.85 50.34
10 Hong Kong 319.38 705.22 120.81 705.22 574.68 -18.51
Total of Above sources 24,818.89 30,176.37 21.59 30,176.37 29,353.64 -2.73
% Share of above 90.88 89.88 -- 89.88 89.51 --
India’s Total Import of
27,308.10 33,574.65 22.95 33,574.65 32,792.88 -2.33

India’s import of other non-monetary unwrought forms of gold has increased by 22.95% during 2017-18
over the year 2016-17. During April-Mar 2019, it decreased by 2.33% over April-Mar 2018. Import of
the product from U K registered a high positive growth of 1019.06% during April-Mar 2019 over April-

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 22

Mar 2018. Switzerland is the most dominant source of import of the product over the years and
witnessed a negative growth of 11.62% during the current period.

3. Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code 71023100 (Non-Industrial Diamonds

unworked/simply sawn cleaved or bruted)
(Value in US$ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 Belgium 4,883.59 3,894.88 -20.25 3,894.88 6,210.33 59.45
2 U Arab Emts 3,897.50 4,097.05 5.12 4,097.05 5,359.80 30.82
3 Botswana 1,302.98 1,632.42 25.28 1,632.42 867.61 -46.85
4 Israel 1,042.08 937.92 -9.99 937.92 794.83 -15.26
5 Hong Kong 956.82 2,233.64 133.44 2,233.64 677.87 -69.65
6 Russia 2,220.30 3,446.53 55.23 3,446.53 498.1 -85.55
7 South Africa 460.57 416.47 -9.57 416.47 383.28 -7.97
8 Singapore 267.28 267.93 0.24 267.93 268.13 0.07
9 Canada 548.35 1,153.04 110.28 1,153.04 251.73 -78.17
10 UK 41.36 168.55 307.52 168.55 199.92 18.61
Total of Above sources 15,620.83 18,248.43 16.82 18,248.43 15,511.60 -15.00
% Share of above 92.88 92.96 -- 92.96 98.94 --
India’s Total Import of
16,818.83 19,630.41 16.72 19,630.41 15,677.74 -20.14

India’s import of non-industrial diamonds unworked has increased by 16.72% during 2017-18 over the
year 2016-17. During April-Mar 2019, it declined by 20.14% over April-Mar 2018. Share of import of
the product from above top ten sources has increased to 99% during April-Mar, 19 while it was just 93%
during April-Mar 2018. Belgium is the most dominant source of import of the product during April-Mar
2019 and also grew by 59.45% over April-Mar 2018. Six out of the top ten sources have negative growth
during the current period.

4. Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code 27111100 (Liquified Natural Gas)
(Value in US$ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 Qatar 3,410.75 4,119.18 20.77 4,119.18 5,354.94 30
2 Nigeria 712.11 1,101.63 54.70 1,101.63 1,186.68 7.72
3 Angola 134.31 529.01 293.87 529.01 708.63 33.95
4 Australia 521.55 730.74 40.11 730.74 626.02 -14.33
5 Oman 102.99 205.57 99.61 205.57 613.11 198.25
6 USA 155.17 164.03 5.71 164.03 527.14 221.37
7 Equtl Guinea 344.49 369.36 7.22 369.36 398 7.75
8 U Arab Emts 164.74 118.98 -27.78 118.98 236.51 98.79
9 Trinidad 159.54 21.14 -86.75 21.14 165.04 680.88
10 Malaysia 18.42 86.50 369.53 86.5 123.49 42.77
Total of Above sources 5,724.07 7,446.14 30.08 7,446.14 9,939.56 33.49
% Share of above 95.33 91.69 -- 91.69 94.14 --
India’s Total Import of
6,004.74 8,121.29 35.25 8,121.29 10,558.24 30.01

India’s import of Liquified natural gas has increased by 35.25% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17.
During April-Mar 2019, it increased by 30.01% over April-Mar 2018. Import from Trinidad has
registered a positive growth of 680.88% during the current period. The above top ten sources together

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 23

have contribution of about 94% in total import of the product and have high positive growth during the
current period.

5. Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code 27011920 (Steam coal)

(Value in US$ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar, (P)
Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 2019
1 Indonesia 4,454.76 5,668.16 27.24 5,668.16 6,231.79 9.94
2 South Africa 1,864.92 2,885.70 54.74 2,885.70 2,339.80 -18.92
3 USA 212.73 714.47 235.86 714.47 570.78 -20.11
4 Mozambique 151.99 311.05 104.65 311.05 425.86 36.91
5 Australia 166.31 195.68 17.66 195.68 338.25 72.86
6 Singapore 0.00 0.00 0.00 264.51
7 Switzerland 0.00 0.00 0.00 114.38
8 U Arab Emts 0.00 0.00 0.00 63.31
9 Russia 152.24 92.24 -39.41 92.24 52.64 -42.93
10 Colombia 64.94 30.32 -53.31 30.32 31.42 3.61
Total of Above sources 7,067.89 9,897.62 40.04 9,897.62 10,432.74 5.41
% Share of above 99.34 99.72 -- 99.72 99.51 --
India’s Total Import of
7,115.04 9,925.22 39.50 9,925.22 10,483.59 5.63

India’s import of steam coal has increased by 39.50% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During
April-Mar 2019, it has increased by 5.63% over April-Mar 2018. Indonesia is the most dominant source
of import of the product during the current period. Singapore, Switzerland and UAE are the new source
of import of the product.

6. Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code 27011910 (Coking coal)

(Value in US$ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 Australia 5,350.49 6,973.31 30.33 6,973.31 7,396.65 6.07
2 Canada 353.60 627.03 77.33 627.03 892.18 42.29
3 USA 179.56 756.92 321.54 756.92 849.7 12.26
4 Mozambique 141.51 441.31 211.85 441.31 403.98 -8.46
5 Singapore 0.00 0.00 0.00 296.45
6 Indonesia 0.00 208.66 0.00 208.66 199.15 -4.56
7 U Arab Emts 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.69
8 Russia 34.32 54.64 59.23 54.64 85.17 55.88
9 New Zealand 65.84 116.75 77.34 116.75 80.49 -31.06
10 Austria 0.00 4.68 0.00 4.68 14.02 199.36
Total of Above sources 6,125.32 9,183.30 49.92 9,183.30 10,308.48 12.25
% Share of above 99.79 99.47 -- 99.47 99.91 --
India’s Total Import of
6,138.37 9,231.96 50.40 9,231.96 10,317.58 11.76

India’s import of coking coal has increased by 50.40% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During
April-Mar 2019, it increased by 11.76% over April-Mar 2018. Import from Austria and Canada has
registered a high positive growth during the current period. Singapore and UAE are the new source of
import of the product with US$ 296.45 million and US$ 90.69 million respectively during April-Mar
2019. Australia is the most dominant source of import of the product during the current period.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 24

7. Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code 71023910 Diamond (Othr Thn Indstrl Diamond)
Cut Or Otherwise Worked But Not Mounted Or Set

S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,

Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 USA 333.61 285.77 -14.34 285.77 5,408.30 1,792.54
2 Hong Kong 1,143.42 872.99 -23.65 872.99 2,821.44 223.19
3 Belgium 183.98 193.80 5.34 193.8 393.55 103.07
4 U Arab Emts 543.94 435.37 -19.96 435.37 290.59 -33.25
5 Thailand 8.20 5.75 -29.86 5.75 185.05 3,118.97
6 Japan 11.98 12.83 7.08 12.83 157.92 1,130.84
7 Botswana 2.55 4.10 60.76 4.1 106.28 2,490.50
8 Israel 71.07 55.75 -21.56 55.75 103.24 85.2
9 Switzerland 8.47 7.92 -6.56 7.92 103.99 1,213.82
10 China P Rp 1.11 2.21 99.05 2.21 15 578.77
Total of Above sources 2,308.33 1,876.49 -18.71 1,876.49 9,585.36 410.81
% Share of above 94.51 19.25 -- 19.25 99.05 --
India’s Total Import of
2,442.31 9,748.28 299.14 9,748.28 9,677.65 -0.72

India’s import of Diamond (Other than Industrial Diamond) Cut or otherwise worked but not mounted or
set has increased by 299.14% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During April-Mar 2019, it declined
by 0.72% over April-Mar 2018. Import from Thailand, Botswana, USA, China PRP, Japan and
Switzerland has registered a high positive growth during the current period. USA is the most dominant
source of import of the product during the current period.

8. Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code 85177090 (Other parts of

Telephonc/Telegrphic Apparts)
(Value in US$ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 China P Rp 4,812.37 5,408.69 12.39 5,408.69 3,653.69 -32.45
2 Hong Kong 215.62 143.75 -33.33 143.75 1,693.18 1,077.85
3 Vietnam Soc Rep 393.13 436.06 10.92 436.06 584.52 34.05
4 Korea Rp 376.92 292.11 -22.50 292.11 323.14 10.62
5 Taiwan 22.50 18.40 -18.20 18.4 104.89 469.89
6 Japan 73.73 48.54 -34.15 48.54 60.98 25.62
7 USA 23.95 27.97 16.75 27.97 37.63 34.57
8 Singapore 77.17 85.82 11.21 85.82 28.96 -66.26
9 Thailand 11.61 23.41 101.65 23.41 23.95 2.3
10 Mexico 72.88 28.66 -60.67 28.66 14.77 -48.48
Total of Above sources 6,079.88 6,513.41 7.13 6,513.41 6,525.71 0.19
% Share of above 97.14 97.11 -- 97.11 99.00 --
India’s Total Import of
6,258.64 6,707.40 7.17 6,707.40 6,591.72 -1.72

India’s import of other parts of Telephonic/Telegraphic Apparatus has increased by 7.17% during 2017-
18 over the year 2016-17. During April-Mar 2019, it has declined by 1.72% over April-Mar 2018.
Import from Hong Kong and Taiwan registered a very high positive growth during the current period.
China PRP is the most dominant source of import of the product. Share of import of the product to above
top 10 sources is increasing over the years.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 25

9. Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code85176290 (Other of machines for the reception,
conversion and transmission or regeneration of voice, images or other data, including swift)
(Value in US $ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 Vietnam Soc Rep 8.49 299.32 3,425.08 299.32 1,424.93 376.05
2 China P Rp 895.35 1,391.55 55.42 1,391.55 1,213.88 -12.77
3 Hong Kong 319.42 318.36 -0.33 318.36 642.64 101.86
4 Mexico 204.39 337.54 65.15 337.54 492.29 45.85
5 Singapore 246.25 285.28 15.85 285.28 433.7 52.03
6 USA 169.66 249.88 47.28 249.88 232.14 -7.1
7 France 26.22 44.25 68.79 44.25 156.76 254.29
8 Israel 79.15 132.03 66.81 132.03 155.32 17.64
9 Malaysia 137.94 114.39 -17.07 114.39 149.77 30.92
10 Korea Rp 7.25 450.75 6,117.21 450.75 84.73 -81.2
Total of Above sources 2,094.12 3,623.35 73.02 3,623.35 4,986.16 37.61
% Share of above 87.70 88.54 -- 88.54 93.44 --
India’s Total Import of
2,387.86 4,092.50 71.39 4,092.50 5,336.13 30.39

India’s import of other of machines for the reception, conversion and transmission or regeneration of
voice, images or other data, including swift has increased by 71.39% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-
17. During April- Mar 2019, it has increased by 30.39% over April-Mar 2018. Vietnam Soc Republic is
emerging as a dominant source of import for the product. During April-Mar 2019, import of the product
from Vietnam was US$ 1424.93 million while it was just US$ 299.32 million during April-Mar 2018.
Import from China PRP registered a negative growth of 12.77 during the current period.

10. Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code 88024000 (Aeroplanes And Othr Aircraft,Of An
Unladden Weight Exceeding 15000 Kg)

S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,

Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 France 2,177.98 2,883.77 32.41 2,883.77 2,732.52 -5.24
2 Germany 274.87 289.70 5.39 289.7 1,275.23 340.2
3 USA 2,362.65 1,251.34 -47.04 1,251.34 409.06 -67.31
4 U Arab Emts 0.00 0.00 0.00 230.34
5 Oman 0.00 343.88 0.00 343.88 193.51 -43.73
6 Bangladesh Pr 0.00 0.00 0.00 104.62
7 Kuwait 0.00 0.00 0.00 89.14
8 Finland 0.00 0.00 0.00 86.4
9 Malaysia 34.32 22.85 -33.42 22.85 49 114.42
10 Ireland 0.00 208.78 0.00 208.78 15.75 -92.45
Total of Above sources 4,849.82 5,000.32 3.10 5,000.32 5,185.57 3.70
% Share of above 95.26 84.40 -- 84.40 100.00 --
India’s Total Import of
5,090.91 5,924.56 16.38 5,924.56 5,185.58 -12.47

India’s import Aeroplanes And Othr Aircraft,Of An Unladen Weight Exceeding 15000 Kg has increased
by 16.38% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During April-Mar 2019, it has declined by 12.47%
over April-Mar 2018. Import from Germany registered a very high positive growth during the current

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 26

11. Sources in respect of ITC-HS Code 85423100 (Monolithic Integrated Circuits-Digital)
(Value in US$ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar, (P)
Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 2019
1 Hong Kong 24.76 23.52 -4.98 23.52 1,972.53 8,286.16
2 China P Rp 269.42 438.64 62.81 438.64 1,733.06 295.1
3 Singapore 113.84 126.68 11.29 126.68 537.96 324.65
4 Korea Rp 45.86 70.02 52.68 70.02 98.46 40.63
5 USA 17.73 25.92 46.21 25.92 72.73 180.61
6 Taiwan 56.85 80.71 41.97 80.71 64.17 -20.48
7 Japan 54.01 78.10 44.59 78.1 57.75 -26.05
8 Finland 37.05 59.65 61.00 59.65 41.93 -29.72
9 Malaysia 61.81 79.95 29.35 79.95 34.41 -56.96
10 Thailand 24.55 36.00 46.65 36 33.22 -7.74
Total of Above sources 705.88 1,019.19 44.39 1,019.19 4,646.22 355.87
% Share of above 90.22 92.57 -- 92.57 98.37 --
India’s Total Import of
782.36 1,101.04 40.73 1,101.04 4,723.04 328.96

India’s import of Monolithic Integrated Circuits-Digital has increased by 40.73% during 2017-18 over
the year 2016-17. During April-Mar 2019, it has increased very high by 328.96% over April-Mar 2018.
Import from Hong Kong registered a very high positive growth followed by China PRP, Singapore and
USA during the current period. As a result the above top ten sources constitute about 98% share in total
import of the product during the current period. It was just 90.22% and 92.57% during 2016-17 and
2017-18 respectively.

12. Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code27111300 (Liquified Butanes)

(Value in US $ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 Saudi Arab 927.96 1,148.62 23.78 1,148.62 1,402.97 22.14
2 Qatar 752.79 859.63 14.19 859.63 1,332.68 55.03
3 U Arab Emts 350.01 505.81 44.51 505.81 834.27 64.94
4 Kuwait 264.32 338.48 28.06 338.48 471.07 39.17
5 Singapore 0.00 0.00 0.00 142.92
6 Baharain Is 0.00 6.47 0.00 6.47 35.41 447.23
7 Iran 9.67 27.93 188.74 27.93 24.35 -12.83
8 Angola 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.83
9 Korea Rp 0.19 0.20 7.91 0.2 9.51 4,612.54
10 Taiwan 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.83
Total of Above sources 2,304.94 2,887.14 25.26 2,887.14 4,273.84 48.03
% Share of above 99.74 99.67 -- 99.67 99.59 --
India’s Total Import of
2,310.99 2,896.59 25.34 2,896.59 4,291.30 48.15

India’s import of the product has increased by 25.34% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During
April-Mar 2019, it has increased by 48.15% over April-Mar 2018. Import from all the countries
registered a positive growth during 2017-18 and the current period. Singapore, Taiwan and Angola are
the new markets of import of the product. Import from Korea RP registered a very high positive growth
during the current period.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 27

13. Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code15111000 (Crude Palm Oil and Its Fractns)
(Value in US $ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 Indonesia 2,482.88 3,249.93 30.89 3,249.93 2,341.27 -27.96
2 Malaysia 1,409.82 1,226.93 -12.97 1,226.93 1,009.41 -17.73
3 Singapore 0.00 0.00 0.00 187.41
4 Thailand 0.00 278.16 0.00 278.16 107.87 -61.22
5 Papua N Gna 5.99 13.93 132.43 13.93 20.9 50.02
6 Philippines 13.68 18.74 37.01 18.74 7.3 -61.05
7 Spain 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08
8 Cambodia 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07
9 Liberia 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01
10 Germany 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
Total of Above sources 3,912.37 4,787.69 22.37 4,787.69 3,674.32 -23.25
% Share of above 99.46 100.00 -- 100.00 100.00 --
India’s Total Import of
3,933.48 4,787.69 21.72 4,787.69 3,674.32 -23.25

India’s import of the product has increased by 21.72% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. During
April- Mar 2019, it has declined by 23.25% over April-Mar 2018. Indonesia is the most dominant source
of import of the product over the years but its share has declined from 68% in April-Mar 2018 to 64% in
April-Mar 2019 to total import of the product. Singapore, Spain, Cambodia, Liberia and Germany are the
new source of import of the product.

14. Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code 27111200(Liquified Propane)

S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar, (P)

Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 2019
1 Qatar 605.91 762.45 25.84 762.45 1,199.91 57.38
2 Saudi Arab 392.72 610.46 55.44 610.46 952.51 56.03
3 U Arab Emts 326.09 519.69 59.37 519.69 749.79 44.27
4 Kuwait 114.61 247.44 115.91 247.44 368.98 49.12
5 Singapore 0.00 0.00 0.00 154.91
6 Baharain Is 0.00 3.96 0.00 3.96 38.42 871.27
7 Iran 7.16 28.32 295.68 28.32 23.24 -17.94
8 Bermuda 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.87
9 Norway 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.47
10 Angola 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.36
Total of Above sources 1,446.49 2,172.32 50.18 2,172.32 3,497.46 61.00
% Share of above 99.94 99.69 -- 99.69 99.91 --
India’s Total Import of
1,447.33 2,179.03 50.56 2,179.03 3,500.66 60.65

India’s import of Liquified Propane has increased by 50.56% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17.
During April- Mar 2019, it has increased by 60.65% over April-Mar 2018. Singapore, Bermuda, Norway
and Angola are the new market of import of the product.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 28

15. Top ten sources in respect of ITC-HS Code71069100 (Unwrought Silver)
(Value in US $ Million)
S.No. Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar,
Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
2018 (P) 2019
1 UK 111.23 544.48 389.52 544.48 1,029.05 89
2 Hong Kong 459.47 1,364.93 197.07 1,364.93 951.63 -30.28
3 Russia 171.63 393.50 129.28 393.5 323.91 -17.68
4 China P Rp 402.44 316.06 -21.46 316.06 319.1 0.96
5 USA 38.90 5.60 -85.61 5.6 288.19 5,049.14
6 Netherland 5.50 55.11 901.28 55.11 117.12 112.53
7 Switzerland 82.31 40.03 -51.37 40.03 90.28 125.55
8 Uzbekistan 0.00 65.24 0.00 65.24 91.83 40.75
9 Kazakhstan 0.00 14.27 0.00 14.27 73.13 412.62
10 Korea Rp 183.26 22.39 -87.78 22.39 52.91 136.37
Total of Above sources 1,454.74 2,821.61 93.96 2,821.61 3,337.15 18.27
% Share of above 88.71 94.72 -- 94.72 95.81 --
India’s Total Import of
1,639.88 2,979.00 81.66 2,979.00 3,483.22 16.93

India’s import of Unwrought Silver has increased by 81.66% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17.
During April-Mar 2019, it has increased by 16.93% over April-Mar 2018. Share of top ten sources
increased over the years. Import of the product from USA has increased to US$ 288.19 million during
Apr-Mar, 19 as compared to just US$ 5.6 million in Apr-Mar, 18.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 29

D. Analysis based on Markets for 8 digit ITC (HS) level

D.1 India’s Merchandise Export by Destination at 8-digit ITC (HS) level

The details of top 100 destinations at 8 digit ITC HS code level for the last two years and the current
year along with the percentage change are given at Table 17.

The details of export scenario of top ten destinations as per Table 17 in respect of corresponding top
fifteen 8-digit level commodities for the last two years and the current year are as follows:

1. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of destination USA

(Value in US$ Million)
S. Apr- Mar, Apr- Mar %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18 % Change
No. 2018 (P), 2019 Change
1 Diamond(Othr Thn Indstrl
71023910 Diamond)Cut Or Otherwise 7361.36 7546.47 2.51 7,546.47 8,241.03 9.2
Worked But Not Mounted Or Set
2 Other Medcne Put Up For Retail
30049099 2230.22 1862.99 -16.47 1,862.99 2,146.62 15.22
Sale N.E.S
3 3061790 Other Shrimps And Prawns 1367.46 1957.16 43.12 1,957.16 1,864.65 -4.73
4 Jewellery Of Gold Set With
71131930 1421.43 1293.73 -8.98 1,293.73 1,346.64 4.09
5 27101290 Other 1168.01 1325.42 13.48 1,325.42 1,273.24 -3.94
6 84111200 Turbo-Jets Of A Thrust>25 Kn 109.24 391.26 258.15 391.26 952.39 143.42
7 Motor Car Wth Cylndr
87032391 Cpcty>=1500cc But <3000cc 0.6 394.24 65127.51 394.24 718.56 82.27
Wth Sprk-Igntn
8 27101219 Other 292.52 689.06 135.56 689.06 679.55 -1.38
9 Otr Prtsandaccssrs Of Vhcls Of
87089900 467.25 552.47 18.24 552.47 655.37 18.63
Hdg 8701-8705
10 Toilet Linen And Kitchen Linen,
Of Terry Towelling Or Similar
63026090 703.26 635.48 -9.64 635.48 655.24 3.11
Terry Fabrics, Of Cotton, Other
Than Handloom
11 Bedsheets And Bed Covers Of
63041910 423.06 417.81 -1.24 417.81 525.04 25.67
12 Othr Prts Of
88033000 498.54 600.65 20.48 600.65 473.5 -21.17
13 Motor Car Wth Cylndr
87032191 0.05 258.05 483141.2 258.05 433.85 68.12
Cpcty<=1000 Wth Sprk-Igntn
14 30049079 Other Antihypertensive Drugs 266.65 273.64 2.62 273.64 416.42 52.18
15 Other Herbicides-Anti-Sprouting
38089390 191.28 265.72 38.91 265.72 397.28 49.51
Total Of Above Commodities 16500.93 18464.15 11.90 18464.15 20779.38 14.34
% Share Of Above To India’s Export To USA 39.09 38.56 -- 38.56 39.68 --
India’s Export To USA 42,212.27 47,878.48 13.42 47,878.48 52,365.17 9.37

India’s overall export to USA recorded a positive growth of 13.42% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-
17. During April-Mar 2019, it registered a positive growth of 9.37% over the corresponding period of
previous year. Diamond Cut (Other Than Industrial Diamond) is the most dominant product of India’s
export to USA over the years, registered a significant positive growth of 9.2% during April-Mar, 2019
over the period April-Mar, 2018. Export of (i) Turbo-Jets Of A Thrust>25 Kn, (ii) Motor Car with
cylinder capacity >=1500cc But <3000cc with spark-Ignition and (iii) Motor Car with cylinder
capacity<=1000 with spark-ignition to USA has highly increased during 2017-18 over 2016-17 and
during April-Mar 2019 over the corresponding period of previous year.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 30

2. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of destination UAE
(Value in US $ Million)
S. % Apr- Mar, Apr- Mar
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18 % Change
No. Change 2018 (P), 2019
1 71131910 Jewellery Of Gold Unset 3239.19 4588.24 41.65 4,588.24 7,600.02 65.64
2 27101219 Other 2683.57 3437.08 28.08 3,437.08 4,508.63 31.18
Diamond(Othr Thn Indstrl
3 71023910 Diamond)Cut Or Otherwise 1662.94 1388.95 -16.48 1,388.95 1,176.62 -15.29
Worked But Not Mounted Or Set
4 85171290 Other 108.84 157.86 45.04 157.86 968.88 513.75
5 27101930 High Speed Diesel (Hsd) 437.2 474.07 8.43 474.07 884.52 86.58
6 89059090 Other Under Hdng 8905 457.08 859.05 87.94 859.05 500.1 -41.78
7 71189000 Other Coin 687.05 816.78 18.88 816.78 499.84 -38.8
Non-Industrial Diamonds
8 71023100 Unworked/Simply Sawn Cleaved 534.06 555.84 4.08 555.84 361.39 -34.98
Or Bruted
Jewellery Of Gold Set With
9 71131940 Precious And Semi Precious Stones 377.81 389.07 2.98 389.07 321.32 -17.42
Other Than Diamonds
Jewellery Of Gold Set With
10 71131930 689.86 530.64 -23.08 530.64 304.73 -42.57
Floatng/Submersible Drllng/Prdctn
11 89052000 246.83 0.03 -99.99 0.03 303.27 1,127,301.12
12 27101920 Aviation Turbine Fuel (Atf) 227.42 147.53 -35.13 147.53 298.93 102.62
13 10063020 Basmati Rice 467.66 437.66 -6.41 437.66 297.62 -32
14 28182010 Alumina Calcined 159.03 254.77 60.2 254.77 284.76 11.77
Other Oil And Oil Prodcts Of
15 27079900 Distilation Of High Temp. Coal 128.97 153.91 19.34 153.91 283.78 84.38
Tar, Etc.
Total Of Above Commodities 12107.51 14191.48 17.21 14,191.48 18594.41 31.03
% Share Of Above To India’s Export To UAE 38.84 50.42 -- 50.42 61.80 --
India’s Export To UAE 31,175.50 28,146.12 -9.72 28,146.12 30,089.40 6.9

India’s overall export to UAE has declined by 9.72% during 2017-18 over the year 2016-17. While
during April- Mar 2019, it has increased by 6.9% over the period April-Mar, 2018, Top 15 products
together have positive growth of 31.03% during April-Mar, 2019 as compared to the same period of
previous year. Export of Floating/submersible drilling/production platforms has highly increased to US$
303.27 million in Apr-Mar 19 from just US$ 0.03 million during Apr-Mar 18.

3. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of destination China PRP

(Value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr- Mar %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18 Mar,
No. Change (P), 2019 Change
1 27101290 Other 285.51 810.33 183.82 810.33 1,609.18 98.58
2 29024300 P-Xylene 148.51 922.69 521.29 922.69 1,511.10 63.77
3 26011210 Agglomerated Iron Ore Pellets 622.69 718.53 15.39 718.53 766.76 6.71
Other Petroleum Oils And Oils
4 27101990 Obtaine Frombituminous Minerals 133.29 298.68 124.08 298.68 546.5 82.97
Indian Cotton Of Staple Length
5 52010015 28.5mm (1.4/32) And Above But 256.82 117.89 -54.1 117.89 464.72 294.19
Below 34.5mm
6 27101219 Other 296.18 299.58 1.15 299.58 445.37 48.66
Castor Oilandits Frctns Othr Thn
7 15153090 263.8 422.92 60.32 422.92 372.67 -11.88
Edble Grade
8 3061790 Other Shrimps And Prawns 36.72 75.55 105.72 75.55 372.3 392.79
9 52051210 Grey 282.29 261.87 -7.23 261.87 364.22 39.09
Polyethylene Hvng A Spcfc Grvty
10 39012000 89.68 128.49 43.28 128.49 359.94 180.13
0.94 /More
11 25161100 Granite Crude Or Roughly Trimmed 323.77 373.73 15.43 373.73 353.83 -5.33

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 31

Linear L0w Density P0lyethylene
12 39011010 16.73 135.09 707.3 135.09 332.35 146.02
Ferro-Chromium Carbon Contng>4%
13 72024100 310.38 298.43 -3.85 298.43 293.54 -1.64
By Wt
14 52052410 Grey2401 268.58 218.33 -18.71 218.33 279.74 28.13
15 29022000 Benzene 5.7 121.66 2035.57 121.66 232.64 91.23
Total Of Above Commodities 3340.65 5203.77 55.77 5,203.77 8,304.86 59.59
% Share Of Above To India’s Export To China PRP 32.84 39.03 -- 39.03 49.59 --
India’s Export To China PRP 10,171.89 13,333.53 31.08 13,333.53 16,748.37 25.61

India’s overall export to China PRP has increased by 31.08% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During
April-Mar 2019, it has risen by 25.61% over the period April-Mar, 2018. Share of above 15 products has
increased in total export to China PRP over the years from 39.03% in April-Mar, 2018 to 49.59% in
April-Mar 2019.

4. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of destination Hong Kong

(Value in US$ Million)

% Apr- Mar, Apr- Mar %
3 HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18
Change 2018 (P), 2019 Change
Diamond(Othr Thn Indstrl
1 71023910 Diamond)Cut Or Otherwise 9,075.17 9,855.36 8.60 9,855.36 9,346.89 -5.16
Worked But Not Mounted Or Set
2 27101930 High Speed Diesel (Hsd) 24.34 169.03 594.34 169.03 529.01 212.97
Jewellery Of Gold Set With
3 71131930 822.10 699.71 -14.89 699.71 426.48 -39.05
4 71131120 Silver Jewellery Set With Gems 2,308.74 1,834.25 -20.55 1,834.25 320.62 -82.52
5 71131910 Jewellery Of Gold Unset 82.56 131.08 58.76 131.08 203.56 55.3
6 71189000 Other Coin 0.03 21.49 69,214.19 21.49 174.64 712.76
Laboratory-Created Or Laboratory
7 71049010 Grown Or Manmade Or Cultured 0.00 100.62 0.00 100.62 151.36 50.42
Or Synthetic Diamonds
Otherwise Wrkd Rubies Sapphires
8 71039100 146.39 146.43 0.03 146.43 132.29 -9.66
And Emerals
Non-Industrial Diamonds
9 71023100 Unworked/Simply Sawn Cleaved 77.17 89.82 16.40 89.82 110.6 23.14
Or Bruted
Jewellery Of Gold Set With
10 71131940 Precious And Semi Precious Stones 46.16 75.91 64.43 75.91 108.93 43.51
Other Than Diamonds
11 33012590 Others 0.91 21.43 2,246.40 21.43 100.09 367.17
Other Stone Cut(Topaz
12 71039990 60.06 75.03 24.93 75.03 70.87 -5.55
Aquamarine Etc)
Salted, Not Dried Or Smoked And
13 3057200 In Brine Fish Heads, Tails And 42.13 36.95 -12.30 36.95 62.13 68.14
14 72142090 Others 0.00 108.58 0.00 108.58 58.78 -45.86
Lreather Further Of Bovin Full
15 41071100 Grains- Unsplit Of Whole 40.84 65.04 59.26 65.04 54.38 -16.39
Total of Above Commodities 12726.6 13430.73 5.53 13,430.73 11,850.63 -11.76
% Share of Above To India’s Export To Hong Kong 90.60 91.43 -- 91.43 91.55 --
India’s Export To Hong Kong 14,047.24 14,690.27 4.58 14,690.27 12,943.85 -11.89

India’s overall export to Hong Kong has increased by 4.58% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During
April- Mar 2019, it has declined by 11.89% over April-Mar 2018. Diamond Cut (Other Than Industrial
Diamond) is the most dominant product of India’s export to Hong Kong over the years and it registered a
negative growth of 5.16% during the current period.Other Coinand High speed diesel witnessed high
growth of 713% and 213% during the current year. Silver jewellery set with gems has declinedfrom US$
1834 million in April-Mar 18 to US$ 321 million in April-Mar 19.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 32

5. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of destination Singapore
(Value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr- Mar, Apr- Mar %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18
No. Change 2018 (P), 2019 Change
1 27101930 High Speed Diesel (Hsd) 1898.01 4054.27 113.61 4,054.27 3,972.45 -2.02
2 89059090 Other Under Hdng 8905 290.59 283.82 -2.33 283.82 1,041.78 267.05
3 27101219 Other 1291.54 891.88 -30.94 891.88 741.79 -16.83
4 27101950 Fuel Oil 157.29 281.13 78.73 281.13 381.58 35.73
5 84111200 Turbo-Jets Of A Thrust>25 Kn 7.44 144.64 1844.38 144.64 374.14 158.67
6 27101290 Other 382.75 387.13 1.14 387.13 323.46 -16.45
7 71131910 Jewellery Of Gold Unset 187.74 214.84 14.43 214.84 314.15 46.22
8 89040000 Tugs And Pusher Craft 352.82 93.2 -73.59 93.2 244.03 161.84
Floatng/Submersible Drllng/Prdctn
9 89052000 742.87 137.9 -81.44 137.9 230.28 67
10 89051000 Dredgers 28.16 67.45 139.51 67.45 222.79 230.32
11 88033000 Othr Prts Of Aeroplanes/Helicopters 191.78 223.56 16.57 223.56 204.35 -8.59
Non-Industrial Diamonds
12 71023100 Unworked/Simply Sawn Cleaved Or 203.26 194.22 -4.45 194.22 175.66 -9.56
Other Petroleum Oils And Oils
13 27101990 Obtaine Frombituminous Minerals 250.07 145.34 -41.88 145.34 146.37 0.71
14 76011010 Aluminium Ingots-Not Alloyed 51.19 81.98 60.15 81.98 146.26 78.4
15 27101920 Aviation Turbine Fuel (Atf) 669.2 304.36 -54.52 304.36 134.72 -55.74
Total Of Above Commodities 6704.71 7505.72 11.95 7,505.72 8,653.81 15.30
% Share Of Above To India’s Export To Singapore 70.10 73.57 -- 73.57 74.84 --
India’s Export To Singapore 9,564.58 10,202.82 6.67 10,202.82 11,563.22 13.33

India’s overall export to Singapore has increased by 6.67% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During April-
Mar2019, it has increased by 13.33% over April-Mar 2018. Export of Tugs and pusher
craft,Floatng/Submersible Drllng/Prdctn Pltforms and Other Petroleum Oils And Oils Obtaine
Frombituminous Minerals Nes to Singapore has turnaround from negative growth in 2017-18 over 2016-
17 to high positive growth during April-Mar 2019 over April- Mar 2018. Share of above 15 products has
been seen increasing in total export to Singapore over the years.

6. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of destination UK

(Value in US$ Million)
Apr- Apr-
S. % %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18 Mar, Mar (P),
No. Change Change
2018 2019
1 84111200 Turbo-Jets Of A Thrust>25 Kn 25.6 205.93 704.52 205.93 263.44 27.93
Othr Prts Of
2 88033000 231.59 197.93 -14.53 197.93 178.93 -9.6
3 27101920 Aviation Turbine Fuel (Atf) 5.74 145.84 2440.36 145.84 163.01 11.77
Motor Car Wth Cylndr
4 87032291 Cpcty>=1000cc But < 1500cc Wth 237.77 150.83 -36.57 150.83 159.84 5.98
Other Medcne Put Up For Retail
5 30049099 129 130.96 1.52 130.96 158.52 21.05
Sale N.E.S
6 61112000 Babies Garments Etc Of Cotton 174.32 158.76 -8.93 158.76 155.34 -2.15
7 61091000 T-Shirts Etc Of Cotton 132.61 148.84 12.24 148.84 139.58 -6.22
Diamond(Othr Thn Indstrl
8 71023910 Diamond)Cut Or Otherwise 131.37 127.81 -2.71 127.81 133.34 4.33
Worked But Not Mounted Or Set
9 25162000 Sandstone 86.06 120.48 40 120.48 114.32 -5.11
10 64039190 Lthr Ftwear Of Othr Sole 86.33 100.66 16.6 100.66 106.56 5.86
11 10063020 Basmati Rice 101.55 159.17 56.73 159.17 106.08 -33.35
12 62044390 Othr Dresses Of Synth Fibres 75.46 97.93 29.77 97.93 103.48 5.66
13 71131930 Jewellery Of Gold Set With 136.8 114.5 -16.3 114.5 102.66 -10.34

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 33

14 3061790 Other Shrimps And Prawns 108.43 147.49 36.02 147.49 100.02 -32.18
Prts Of Othr Excvtng,Lvlng,Tmpng
15 84314930 And Excvtngmchnry Fr Earth 40.75 63.3 55.35 63.3 87.1 37.6
Total Of Above Commodities 1703.38 2070.43 21.55 2,070.43 2,072.22 0.09
% Share Of Above To India’s Export To UK 19.97 21.36 -- 21.36 22.27 --
India’s Export To UK 8,530.07 9,691.07 13.61 9,691.07 9,304.32 -3.99

India’s overall export to UK has increased by 13.61% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During April- Mar
2019, it has declined by 3.99% over April-Mar 2018. Turbo-Jets Of A Thrust>25 Kn is the dominant
product of export to UK and registered high positive growth during 2017-18 over 2016-17 as well as in
April- Mar 2019 over April-Mar 2018. Export of Basmati Rice has declined by 33.35% during the
current period.

7. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of destination Bangladesh PR

(Value in US$ Million)
S. Apr- Mar, %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18 % Change Mar (P),
No. 2018 Change
Indian Cotton Of Staple Length
1 52010015 28.5mm (1.4/32) And Above But 599.9 715.73 19.31 715.73 674.03 -5.83
Below 34.5mm
2 27101930 High Speed Diesel (Hsd) 91.94 254.86 177.22 254.86 490.55 92.48
3 27160000 Electrical Energy 334.94 378.93 13.13 378.93 412.09 8.75
4 52052410 Grey2401 205.69 230.34 11.99 230.34 258.09 12.05
Motr Cyclwth Cylndr Cpcty >75
5 87112029 180.28 273.73 51.84 273.73 255.6 -6.62
Bt<=250 Cc
6 52052310 Grey 152.19 180.69 18.73 180.69 180.83 0.08
3-Wheeler Goods Vhcls,Wth Cmprsn
Igntn Intrnl Cmbstn Pstn Engn Wth
7 87042219 90.02 108.47 20.49 108.47 155.9 43.73
G.V.W.>5 Tons Bt <=20 Tons :Lorry
8 52094200 Denim 119.84 141.36 17.96 141.36 137.59 -2.66
Fers Prdct Obtnd By Drct Rdctn Of
9 72031000 58.44 86.88 48.67 86.88 136.48 57.08
Iron Ore
Rice Excptg Parboiled (Excl Basmati
10 10063090 18.31 597.7 3163.49 597.7 127.5 -78.67
Chassis Fr Vhcls Hdng 8704 Excp
11 87060042 87.5 119.24 36.27 119.24 112.54 -5.62
Petrl Drvn
12 7031010 Onions Fresh Or Chilled 145.45 123.19 -15.3 123.19 103.06 -16.34
Parts And Accessories Of
13 87141090 13.25 70.15 429.27 70.15 93.4 33.15
Motorcycle Excl. Saddle
Oil Cake Of Soyabean,Solvent
14 23040020 17.9 55.87 212.15 55.87 73.61 31.76
Extracted (Defatted) Variety
Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate):
15 39076100 Having A Viscosity Number Of 78 0 68.92 0 68.92 72.73 5.53
Ml/G Or Higher
Total Of Above Commodities 2115.65 3406.06 60.99 3,406.06 3,284.00 -3.58
% Share Of Above To India’s Export To Bangladesh
31.02 39.54 -- 39.54 36.55 --
India’s Export To Bangladesh PR 6,820.11 8,614.35 26.31 8,614.35 8,986.00 4.31

India’s overall export to Bangladesh PR has increased by 26.31% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During
April-Mar 2019, it has increased by 4.31% over April- Mar 2018. Export of Indian Cotton Of Staple
Length 28.5Mm (1.4/32) And Above But Below 34.5Mm is the most dominant product during the
current period and witnessed a positive growth during 2017-18 over 2016-17 but in current period it has
declined by 5.83%. Export of Rice excepting parboiled (excl basmati rice) has highly declined by
78.67% during the current period while the export of the product was during 2017-18.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 34

8. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of destination Germany
(Value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr- Mar
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18 Mar, % Change
No. Change (P), 2019
1 84111200
Turbo-Jets Of A Thrust>25 Kn 56.34 659.38 1070.43 659.38 524.36 -20.48
Otr Prtsandaccssrs Of Vhcls
2 87089900 139.27 148.85 6.88 148.85 160.49 7.82
Of Hdg 8701-8705
3 61091000 T-Shirts Etc Of Cotton 163.27 165.82 1.56 165.82 147.46 -11.07
Othr Prts Of
4 88033000 138.96 246.16 77.14 246.16 89.92 -63.47
Of A Kind Used On
5 40117000 Agricultural Or Forestry 0 89.57 0 89.57 88.17 -1.57
Vehicles And Machines
Blouses,Shirts Etc Of Man-
6 62064000 85.87 93.73 9.16 93.73 83.78 -10.62
Made Fibres
Other Medcne Put Up For
7 30049099 47.55 75.73 59.26 75.73 83.01 9.62
Retail Sale N.E.S
8 64039190 Lthr Ftwear Of Othr Sole 62.64 67.02 6.99 67.02 68.48 2.18
Motor Car Wth Cylndr
9 87032291 Cpcty>=1000cc But < 1500cc 84.91 91.17 7.37 91.17 65.54 -28.11
Wth Sprk-Igntn
Flexible Intermediate Bulk
10 63053200 Containers Of Man Made 37.06 56.2 51.63 56.2 62.66 11.5
Textile Materials
11 94036000 Other Wooden Furniture 48.77 55.83 14.48 55.83 59.98 7.43
12 64061020 Leather Uppers(Prepared) 49.33 56.64 14.8 56.64 58.48 3.25
13 42023120 Wallets And Purses Of Leather 61.26 61.22 -0.07 61.22 57.38 -6.28
14 87083000 Mounted Brake Linings 28.16 45.94 63.13 45.94 57.21 24.54
Mens Or Boys Shirts Of
15 62052000 68.33 58.45 -14.45 58.45 56.6 -3.17
Total Of Above Commodities 1071.72 1971.71 83.98 1,971.71 1,663.52 -15.63
%Share Of Above To India’s Export To Germany 14.92 22.70 -- 22.70 18.70 --
India’s Export To Germany 7,181.61 8,687.80 20.97 8,687.80 8,897.26 2.41

India’s overall export to Germany has increased by 20.97% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During April-
Mar 2019, it has increased by 2.41% over April- Mar2018. Turbo-jets of a thrust>25 kn is the most
dominant product of export to Germany. It registered a high positive growth during 2017-18 over 2016-
17 but during April- Mar 2019 it witnessed a negative growth of 20.48% over the corresponding period
of previous year.

9. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of destination Netherland

(Value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr- Mar, Apr- Mar %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18
No. Change 2018 (P), 2019 Change
1 27101920 Aviation Turbine Fuel (Atf) 427.46 1259.1 194.56 1,259.10 3,093.02 145.65
2 27101930 High Speed Diesel (Hsd) 947.59 886.38 -6.46 886.38 1,265.64 42.79
Castor Oilandits Frctns Othr Thn
3 15153090 75.02 136.62 82.12 136.62 116.2 -14.95
Edble Grade
4 8061000 Grapes Fresh 91.85 100.32 9.21 100.32 113.61 13.26
5 85176290 Other 11.43 73.74 544.96 73.74 105.81 43.49
6 3061790 Other Shrimps And Prawns 90.25 105.46 16.85 105.46 84.22 -20.14
7 29022000 Benzene 2.24 65.76 2832.61 65.76 80.37 22.21
8 76011010 Aluminium Ingots-Not Alloyed 30.64 16.41 -46.43 16.41 73.77 349.42
9 61091000 T-Shirts Etc Of Cotton 51 62.33 22.22 62.33 71.42 14.58
10 8013220 Cashew Karnel, Whole 42.4 83.41 96.72 83.41 69.81 -16.3
Flexible Intermediate Bulk
11 63053200 Containers Of Man Made Textile 35.82 48.69 35.95 48.69 60.06 23.34
12 85171290 Other 0 0.5 12,153.66 0.5 58.57 11,557.15

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 35

13 94036000 Other Wooden Furniture 25.16 39.41 56.66 39.41 53.69 36.23
Wire Of Stainls Stl Thicker Than
14 72230091 34.02 44.1 29.62 44.1 46.45 5.34
1.5 Mm
15 28182010 Alumina Calcined 0 0 0 46.08
Total Of Above Commodities 1864.88 2922.23 56.70 2,922.23 5,338.72 82.69
%Share Of Above To India’s Export To
36.78 46.67 -- 46.67 60.58 --
India’s Export To Netherland 5,069.69 6,261.14 23.50 6,261.14 8,812.03 40.74

India’s overall export to Netherland has increased by 23.50% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During
April- Mar 2019, it has increased by 40.74% over April-Mar 2018. Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) is the
most dominant product and registered high positive growth during 2017-18 over 2016-17 as well as in
April-Mar 2019 over April-Mar 2018. Share of above 15 products is increasing in total export to
Netherland over the years.

10. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of destination Nepal

(Value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr- Mar, Apr- Mar %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18
No. Change 2018 (P), 2019 Change
1 27101930 High Speed Diesel (Hsd) 513.59 722.05 40.59 722.05 953.9 32.11
2 72071920 Mild Steel (M.S.) Billets 224.91 394.13 75.24 394.13 530.76 34.66
3 27101219 Other 139.87 186.11 33.06 186.11 270.55 45.37
Othr Lqfd Petrlm Gases And
4 27111900 165.25 171.97 4.07 171.97 252.49 46.82
Gaseous Hydrcrbn
Rice Excptg Parboiled (Excl
5 10063090 160.7 179.43 11.66 179.43 189.55 5.64
Basmati Rice)
Motr Cyclwth Cylndr Cpcty
6 87112029 121.15 134.3 10.85 134.3 131.11 -2.37
>75 Bt<=250 Cc
7 25231000 Cement Clinkers 95.84 181.66 89.54 181.66 124.06 -31.71
8 27160000 Electrical Energy 103.7 127.6 23.05 127.6 120.23 -5.77
9 27101920 Aviation Turbine Fuel (Atf) 61.62 93.33 51.45 93.33 112.79 20.86
Strips Of Flat-Rold Prdcts In
10 72083940 Coils Of A Thckns< 3 Mm Hot- 40.34 65.6 62.62 65.6 98.4 49.99
Other Bars And Rods Of Free
11 72139110 32.89 76.11 131.4 76.11 95.24 25.15
Cuting Steel Electrode Quality
12 10059000 Other Maize (Corn) 84 92.86 10.55 92.86 94.46 1.72
Mchnry Wth A 360 Dgr.
13 84295200 91.74 136.71 49.02 136.71 83.1 -39.21
Rvlvng Supr-Strctr
Sheets Of Flt Rld Prdcts In
14 72091820 Coils Nt Frthrwrkd Thn Cold 41.74 63.77 52.79 63.77 69.35 8.75
Rld Of Thckns < 0.5mm
Other Mchncl Shovls,Excvtrs
15 84295900 61.53 80.28 30.46 80.28 66.87 -16.7
And Shovl Loadrs
Total Of Above Commodities 1938.87 2705.91 39.56 2,705.91 3,192.86 18.00
% Share Of Above To India’s Export To Nepal 35.55 40.92 -- 40.92 42.03 --
India’s Export To Nepal 5,453.59 6,612.96 21.26 6,612.96 7,597.29 14.88

India’s overall export to Nepal has increased by 21.26% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During April-
Mar 2019, it has increased by 14.88% over April-Mar 2018. High speed diesel is the dominant product
of export to Nepal over the years.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 36

D.2 Source-wise India’s Merchandise Import at 8-digit commodity level
The details of top 100 sources at 8 digit ITC HS code level for the last two years and the current year
along with the percentage change are given at Table 18.

The details of import scenario of top ten sources as per Table 18 in respect of corresponding top fifteen
8-digit level commodities for the last two years and the current year are as follows:

1. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of Source: China PRP

(Value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr- Mar, Apr- Mar %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18
No. Change 2018 (P), 2019 Change
Othr Parts Of Telephonc/Telegrphc
1 85177090 4812.37 5408.69 12.39 5,408.69 3,653.69 -32.45
Personal Computer
2 84713010 1993.35 2525.73 26.71 2,525.73 2,243.09 -11.19
3 85423100 Monolithic Integrated Circuits - Digital 269.42 438.64 62.81 438.64 1,733.06 295.1
S0lar Cells/Photovoltaic Cells Whethr
4 85414011 2817.34 3418.96 21.35 3,418.96 1,694.04 -50.45
Or N0t Assembled In M0dule/Panel
5 31053000 889.89 697.72 -21.59 697.72 1,408.59 101.88
Hydrgnorthphospht(Diamonm Phospht)
6 85176290 Other 895.35 1391.55 55.42 1,391.55 1,213.88 -12.77
Popltd, Loaded Or Stuffd Prntd Crcuit
7 85177010 974.37 4360.59 347.53 4,360.59 1,148.93 -73.65
8 85076000 Lithium-Ion 292.02 505.56 73.12 505.56 775.94 53.48
9 85299090 Othe Parts Fr Othr Use 924.42 998.72 8.04 998.72 719.22 -27.99
10 85171290 Other 3607.13 2508.38 -30.46 2,508.38 690.84 -72.46
11 27040090 Other Cokes Of Coal 390.39 581.07 48.84 581.07 662.9 14.08
Urea Whether Or Not In Aqueous
12 31021000 223.61 235.74 5.43 235.74 488.86 107.37
Other Heterdcyclic Cmpnds With
13 29339900 273.88 398.72 45.58 398.72 478.1 19.91
Nitrogen Hetro Atom (S) Only
Parts Of Electronic Intgrtd Circts And
14 85429000 6.97 4.8 -31.14 4.8 473.77 9,773.99
Micro Assmblies
Parts And Accessories Of Motorcycle
15 87141090 263.41 289.20 9.79 289.2 435.52 50.59
Excl. Saddle
Total Of Above Commodities 18633.92 23764.07 27.53 23764.07 17820.43 -25.01
% Share Of Above To India’s Import From China PRP 30.41 31.11 -- 31.11 25.34 --
India’s Import From China PRP 61283.03 76380.70 24.64 76380.70 70318.03 -7.94

India’s overall import from China PRP has increased by 24.64% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During
April- Mar 2019, it has declined by 7.94% over April- Mar 2018. Import of Parts of electronic integrated
circuits & micro assemblies has highly increased to US$ 474 million in Apr-Mar 2019 from just US$ 5
million in Apr-Mar 2018.

2. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of Source: USA

(Value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr- Mar, Apr- Mar %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18
No. Change 2018 (P), 2019 Change
Diamond(Othr Thn Indstrl Diamond)Cut
1 71023910 Or Otherwise Worked But Not Mounted 333.61 285.77 -14.34 285.77 5,408.30 1,792.54
Or Set
Petroleum Oils And Oils Obtained From
2 27090000 0.00 609.47 0.00 609.47 3,588.91 488.86
Bituminous Minerals Crude
Other Non-Monetary Unwrought Forms
3 71081200 1406.36 2057.22 46.28 2,057.22 2,079.83 1.1
Of Gold
4 84111200 Turbo-Jets Of A Thrust>25 Kn 844.38 1789.13 111.89 1,789.13 1,139.52 -36.31
5 27011910 Coking Coal 179.56 756.92 321.54 756.92 849.7 12.26
Aeroplanes And Othr Aircraft,Of An
6 88023000 Unladen Weight >2000 Kg But Not 525.35 33.65 -93.6 33.65 794.99 2,262.87
Excdng 15000 Kg
7 29011000 Saturated Acyclic Hydrocarbons 57.17 466.61 716.20 466.61 693.91 48.71

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 37

8 8021100 Almonds Frsh Or Driedin Shell 518.30 668.22 28.92 668.22 615.12 -7.95
9 27011920 Steam Coal 212.73 714.47 235.86 714.47 570.78 -20.11
Bitumns Coal W/N Pulvrsd But Nt
10 27011200 72.00 133.45 85.36 133.45 550.51 312.51
11 47079000 Othr Incl Unsorted Waste And Scrap 291.28 405.06 39.06 405.06 540.86 33.53
12 27111100 Liquified Natural Gas 155.17 164.03 5.71 164.03 527.14 221.37
Aluminium Scrap Coverd By Isri Code
13 76020010 Tablettabloid,Taboo,Taint/Tabor,Take, 111.09 186.50 67.89 186.5 467.87 150.86
Talap, Talcred,Taldack,Taldon,Ta
Othr Resdus Of Petrlm Oils/Of Oils
14 27139000 268.84 220.75 -17.89 220.75 436.96 97.95
Obtained From Bituminous Minerals
Aeroplanes And Othr Aircraft,Of An
15 88024000 2362.65 1251.34 -47.04 1,251.34 409.06 -67.31
Unladen Weight Exceeding 15000 Kg
Total of Above Commodities 7338.49 9742.59 32.76 9742.59 18673.46 91.67
% Share of above to india’s import from usa 32.90 36.61 -- 36.61 52.70 --
India’s import from USA 22307.44 26611.03 19.29 26611.03 35434.33 33.16

India’s overall import from USA has increased by 19.29% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During April-
Mar 2019, it has increased by 33.16% over April-Mar 2018. Import of Diamond (Other Than Industrial
Diamond) Cut or otherwise worked but not mounted or set has highly increased to US$ 5408 Million
during the current period as against US$ 286 million during April- Mar 2018. Share of the above 15
products together has also highly increased over the years.

3. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of Source: UAE

(Value in US $ Million)
S. % Apr- Mar, Apr- Mar %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18
No. Change 2018 (P), 2019 Change
Petroleum Oils And Oils Obtained From
1 27090000 6784.04 6122.20 -9.76 6,122.20 9,512.48 55.38
Bituminous Minerals Crude
Non-Industrial Diamonds
2 71023100 Unworked/Simply Sawn Cleaved Or 3897.50 4097.05 5.12 4,097.05 5,359.80 30.82
Other Non-Monetary Unwrought Forms Of
3 71081200 3255.86 3532.55 8.50 3,532.55 2,506.35 -29.05
4 27111300 Liquified Butanes 350.01 505.81 44.51 505.81 834.27 64.94
5 27111200 Liquified Propane 326.09 519.69 59.37 519.69 749.79 44.27
Othr Coppr Wire Wth Max Crs-Sec
6 74081190 288.24 381.00 32.18 381 578.51 51.84
7 89059090 Other Under Hdng 8905 19.32 0.63 -96.72 0.63 472.62 74,387.42
Other Petroleum Oils And Oils Obtaine
8 27101990 29.60 243.22 721.67 243.22 448.87 84.55
Frombituminous Minerals Nes
9 72044900 Other Waste And Scrap 162.08 246.96 52.37 246.96 418.11 69.3
10 27101290 Other 401.03 303.85 -24.23 303.85 332.57 9.45
Polyethylene Hvng A Spcfc Grvty 0.94
11 39012000 207.77 224.54 8.07 224.54 325.78 45.09
12 27101219 Other 122.37 32.84 -73.16 32.84 312.93 852.96
Diamond(Othr Thn Indstrl Diamond)Cut
13 71023910 Or Otherwise Worked But Not Mounted Or 543.94 435.37 -19.96 435.37 290.59 -33.25
Aluminium Scrap Coverd By Isri Code
14 76020010 Tablettabloid,Taboo,Taint/Tabor,Take, 163.86 210.78 28.63 210.78 271.65 28.88
Talap, Talcred,Taldack,Taldon,Ta
15 33012590 Others 1.97 54.12 2652.29 54.12 242.64 348.37
Total Of Above Commodities 16553.68 16910.61 2.16 16910.61 22656.96 33.98
% Share Of Above To India’s Import From UAE 76.96 77.79 -- 77.79 76.12 --
India’s Import From UAE 21509.83 21739.11 1.07 21739.11 29765.70 36.92

India’s overall import from UAE has increased by 1.07% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During April-
Mar 2019, it has increased by 36.92% over the period April-Mar 2018. Import of Petroleum oils and oils
obtained from bituminous minerals crude is the most dominant product of import from UAE has

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 38

turnaround from negative growth of 10% in 2017-18 over 2016-17 to high positive growth of 55%
during April-Mar 2019 over April-Mar 2018.

4. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of Source: Saudi Arab

(Value in US$ Million)

S. % Apr- Mar %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18 Mar,
No. Change (P), 2019 Change
Petroleum Oils And Oils Obtained From
1 27090000 13674.09 15262.60 11.62 15,262.60 21,381.04 40.09
Bituminous Minerals Crude
2 27111300 Liquified Butanes 927.96 1148.62 23.78 1,148.62 1,402.97 22.14
3 27111200 Liquified Propane 392.72 610.46 55.44 610.46 952.51 56.03
Diamonm Hydrgnorthphospht(Diamonm
4 31053000 401.32 488.34 21.68 488.34 937.62 92
Aluminium Scrap Coverd By Isri Code
5 76020010 Tablettabloid,Taboo,Taint/Tabor,Take, 194.29 279.68 43.95 279.68 254.88 -8.87
Talap, Talcred,Taldack,Taldon,Ta
6 27131100 Petroleum Coke Not Calcined 248.92 362.88 45.78 362.88 248.2 -31.6
7 27101960 Base Oil 17.10 40.50 136.88 40.5 193.72 378.27
8 29053100 Ethylene Glycol (Ethanediol) 408.47 408.42 -0.01 408.42 174.67 -57.23
9 28141000 Anhydrous Ammonia 113.97 177.29 55.56 177.29 172.82 -2.52
10 39021000 Polypropylene 178.10 255.89 43.68 255.89 163.1 -36.26
11 29025000 Styrene 309.87 268.67 -13.30 268.67 151.61 -43.57
Other Petroleum Oils And Oils Obtaine
12 27101990 22.37 53.31 138.24 53.31 143.45 169.1
Frombituminous Minerals Nes
Linear Alkylbenzene (Sodium
13 38170011 108.34 88.74 -18.09 88.74 119.92 35.13
Dodecylbenzene Sulphonate )
14 29051100 Saturated Methanol (Methyl Alcohol) 137.60 147.55 7.23 147.55 118.77 -19.5
15 29161210 Butyl Acrylate 80.92 101.41 25.33 101.41 111.95 10.39
Total Of Above Commodities 17216.04 19694.36 14.40 19694.36 26527.23 34.69
% Share Of Above To India’s Import From Saudi Arab 86.20 89.24 -- 89.24 93.15 --
India’s Import From Saudi Arab 19972.40 22069.96 10.50 22,069.96 28,479.21 29.04

India’s overall import from Saudi Arab has increased by 10.50% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During
April-Mar 2019, it has increased by 29.04% over the period April-Mar2018. Import of other petroleum
oils & oils obtained from bituminous minerals crude is the most dominant product of import from Saudi

5. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of Source: Iraq

(Value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr- Mar, Apr- Mar %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18
No. Change 2018 (P), 2019 Change
Petroleum Oils And Oils
1 27090000 Obtained From Bituminous 11616.72 17544.24 51.03 17,544.24 22,265.04 26.91
Minerals Crude
Dry Dates Soft (Khayzur Or Wet
2 8041020 64.23 64.11 -0.19 64.11 67.92 5.94
3 27132000 Petroleum Bitumen 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.9
Othr Lqfd Petrlm Gases And
4 27111900 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.74
Gaseous Hydrcrbn
Other Grain Of Bovine In Wet
5 41041900 1.24 0.57 -53.68 0.57 0.89 55.55
State Incldngwet-Blue
Taned/Crust Skin Of Sheep Or
Lamb Without Wool Whether
6 41051000 4.64 4.16 -10.37 4.16 0.67 -83.92
Or Not Split But Not Further
Prepared. In Wet State
Othr Incl Unsorted Waste And
7 47079000 0.00 0.81 0.00 0.81 0.36 -55.35

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 39

8 90278090 Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28
Vssls And Othr Floatng Strctrs
9 89080000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28
Fr Breakng Up
Othr Degresd Wool Nt Crbnsd
10 51012900 0.53 0.20 -62.89 0.2 0.17 -12.58
Nor Crded/Cmbd
11 41022910 Sheep Skins 0.23 0.27 16.90 0.27 0.17 -37.79
Other Wool,Greasy,Incl Fleece-
12 51011900 0.47 0.37 -20.18 0.37 0.16 -56.07
13 30049049 Other Anticancer Drugs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16
Wste And Scrp Of Unblechd
14 47071000 Kraft Papr Or Paprbord Or 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09
Corgtd Papr/Paprbord
15 41022110 SHEEP SKINS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08
Total Of Above Commodities 11688.06 17614.73 50.71 17614.73 22371.91 27.01
% Share Of Above To India’s Import From Iraq 99.83 99.99 -- 99.99 100.00 --
India’s Import From Iraq 11707.94 17615.81 50.46 17615.81 22372.47 27.00

India’s overall import from Iraq has increased by 50.46% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During April-
Mar 2019, it has increased by 27.00% over the period April-Mar 2018. Above 15 products imported
from Iraq constitute about 100% share to the total import from Iraq over the years.

6. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of Source: Switzerland

(Value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr- Mar, Apr- Mar %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18
No. Change 2018 (P), 2019 Change
Other Non-Monetary Unwrought
1 71081200 15371.63 17162.23 11.65 17,162.23 15,168.70 -11.62
Forms Of Gold
Other Medcne Put Up For Retail Sale
2 30049099 66.94 72.28 7.98 72.28 160.25 121.72
3 27011920 Steam Coal 0.00 0.00 0.00 114.38
4 15071000 Soya Bean Crude Oil W/N Degummed 0.00 0.00 0.00 111.76
Diamond(Othr Thn Indstrl
5 71023910 Diamond)Cut Or Otherwise Worked 8.47 7.92 -6.56 7.92 103.99 1,213.82
But Not Mounted Or Set
Other Unrefined Copper;Copper
6 74020090 0.00 0.00 0.00 103.41
Anodes For Electrolytic Refining
Chemical Wood Pulp Dissolving
7 47020000 0.02 92.73
8 71069100 Unwrought Silver 82.31 40.03 -51.37 40.03 90.28 125.55
Petroleum Oils And Oils Obtained
9 27090000 0.00 0.00 0.00 78.31
From Bituminous Minerals Crude
Immunological Products, Put Up In
10 30021500 Measured Doses Or In Forms Or 0.00 30.35 0.00 30.35 62.93 107.32
Packings For Retail Sale
Blister Copper For Electrolytic
11 74020010 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.51
Wrst-Wtchs,Electrly Operated,W/N
12 91021100 Incrprtng Stop-Wtch Fclty With 5.15 29.99 482.61 29.99 42.62 42.1
Mchncl Display Only
Flt-Rld Prdcts Of Silicon Elctrcl Stl
13 72251100 0.00 0.00 0.00 42.03
Grain Oriented
Othr Non-Monetry Semi Mnfctrd
14 71081300 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.1
Frms Of Gold
15 32151990 Othr Prtng Ink And Printrs Colrs 120.65 75.19 -37.68 75.19 38.63 -48.63
Total of Above Commodities 15655.17 17417.99 11.26 17417.99 16295.63 -6.44
% Share of Above To India’s Import From Switzerland 90.76 92.05 -- 92.05 90.15 --
India’s Import From Switzerland 17248.68 18923.05 9.71 18923.05 18076.88 -4.47

India’s overall import from Switzerland has increased by 9.71% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During
April- Mar 2019, it has decreased by 4.47% over the period April-Mar 2018.Other non-monetary
unwrought form of gold is the most dominant product and import of the product has declined by 11.62%

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 40

during April-Mar 2019 over April-Mar2018. Import of (i) Diamond(other than industrial diamond)cut or
otherwise worked but not mounted or set and (ii) Unwrought silver has decreased during 2017-18 over
2016-17, but import of these products during the current period has highly increased over the same
period of previous year.

7. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of Source: Hong Kong

(Value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr- Mar %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18 Mar,
No. Change (P), 2019 Change
Diamond(Othr Thn Indstrl
1 71023910
Diamond)Cut Or Otherwise 1143.42 872.99 -23.65 872.99 2,821.44 223.19
Worked But Not Mounted Or Set
Monolithic Integrated Circuits -
2 85423100 24.76 23.52 -4.98 23.52 1,972.53 8,286.16
Othr Parts Of Telephonc/Telegrphc
3 85177090 215.62 143.75 -33.33 143.75 1,693.18 1,077.85
4 85423200 Memories 2.60 16.51 535.23 16.51 1,160.98 6,931.65
5 71069100 Unwrought Silver 459.47 1364.93 197.07 1,364.93 951.63 -30.28
Non-Industrial Diamonds
6 71023100 Unworked/Simply Sawn Cleaved 956.82 2233.64 133.44 2,233.64 677.87 -69.65
Or Bruted
7 85176290 Other 319.42 318.36 -0.33 318.36 642.64 101.86
Other Non-Monetary Unwrought
8 71081200 319.38 705.22 120.81 705.22 574.68 -18.51
Forms Of Gold
Popltd, Loaded Or Stuffd Prntd
9 85177010 62.06 202.71 226.67 202.71 570.07 181.22
Crcuit Brds
Personal Computer
10 84713010 9.43 5.82 -38.29 5.82 368.9 6,240.04
11 85076000 Lithium-Ion 5.97 7.71 29.06 7.71 267.44 3,370.24
Digitl Procesng Units Excl Of Sub
Hdngs 847141 And
12 84715000 847149,Wh/Not Cont One/Two 19.57 40.55 107.22 40.55 233.68 476.3
Typs Of Uni,Like
Storg/Input/Output Uni
13 85171290 Other 43.00 20.03 -53.42 20.03 207.23 934.75
Other Stone Cut(Topaz
14 71039990 28.57 27.75 -2.86 27.75 203.76 634.27
Aquamarine Etc)
15 85258090 Other 8.60 4.22 -50.92 4.22 196.73 4,560.60
Total of Above Commodities 3618.69 5987.71 65.47 5987.71 12542.76 109.48
% Share of Above To India’s Import From Hong Kong 44.11 56.09 -- 56.09 69.73 --
India’s Import From Hong Kong 8204.18 10675.98 30.13 10675.98 17986.95 68.48

India’s overall import from Hong Kong has increased by 30.13% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During
April- Mar 2019, it has increased by 68.48% over the period April-Mar 2018. Except 3 products all the
products witnessed very high positive growth during the current period. Percentage share of 15 products
has highly increasing over the years.

8. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of Source: Korea Rp

(Value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr- Mar, Apr- Mar %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18
No. Change 2018 (P), 2019 Change
1 85423900 Other 323.26 437.97 35.48 437.97 816.66 86.46
2 27101960 Base Oil 473.38 629.34 32.95 629.34 791.21 25.72
Oth Poly Vinyl Chloride Not Mixd
3 39041090 71.83 218.98 204.86 218.98 365.57 66.95
With Othr
Othr Parts Of Telephonc/Telegrphc
4 85177090 376.92 292.11 -22.50 292.11 323.14 10.62
Otr Prtsandaccssrs Of Vhcls Of Hdg
5 87089900 281.56 330.37 17.33 330.37 313.86 -5
6 85423200 Memories 12.5 16.55 32.43 16.55 306.67 1,752.88

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 41

Strips Of Flat-Rold Prdcts In Coils Of
7 72083840 A Thckns>=3 But< 4.75mm Hot- 135.57 235.38 73.62 235.38 270.25 14.82
Othr Prdcts Of Iron/Non-Alloy Steel
8 72104900 157.65 208.04 31.96 208.04 233.51 12.24
Otherwise Pltd/Cotd Wth Zinc
9 87084000 Gear Boxes 183.71 220.39 19.96 220.39 219.87 -0.24
Zinc,Not Alloyd,Contng By
10 79011100 252.47 295.93 17.22 295.93 204.46 -30.91
Wt>=99.99% Zinc
11 84798999 Other 57.61 49.39 -14.26 49.39 196.68 298.2
Vssls And Othr Floatng Strctrs Fr
12 89080000 144.62 297.17 105.49 297.17 195.15 -34.33
Breakng Up
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Styrene
13 39033000 130.04 154.64 18.92 154.64 178.69 15.55
Plates Of Flat-Rold Prdcts Not In Coils
14 72085110 65.86 234.61 256.22 234.61 148.2 -36.83
Ofthckns Excd 10 Mm Hot-Rld Pickld
Othr Flt Rld Prdcts In Coils Nt Frthr
15 72091790 Wrkd Thn Cold Rld Of 72.24 80.14 10.93 80.14 145.52 81.58
Thckns>=0.5mm But<1mm
Total Of Above Commodities 2739.22 3701.01 35.11 3701.01 4709.44 27.25
% Share Of Above To India’s Import From Korea Rp 21.77 22.62 -- 22.62 28.10 --
India’s Import From Korea Rp 12585.35 16361.77 30.01 16361.77 16758.76 2.43
India’s overall import from Korea Republic has increased by 30.01% during 2017-18 over 2016-17.
While during April- Mar(P)2019, import has increased by 2.43% over the period April-Mar18. Product
Memories has highly increased to US$ 307 million in Apr-Mar 2019 from just US$ 17 million in Apr-

9. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of Source: Singapore

(Value in US $ Million)
S. % Apr- Mar %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18 Mar,
No. Change (P), 2019 Change
Monolithic Integrated Circuits -
1 85423100 113.84 126.68 11.29 126.68 537.96 324.65
Digitl Procesng Units Excl Of Sub
Hdngs 847141 And
2 84715000 847149,Wh/Not Cont One/Two 453.13 501.99 10.78 501.99 483.4 -3.7
Typs Of Uni,Like
Storg/Input/Output Uni
3 89059090 Other Under Hdng 8905 27.41 13.82 -49.57 13.82 460.43 3,231.53
4 85176290 Other 246.25 285.28 15.85 285.28 433.7 52.03
5 29025000 Styrene 282.15 435.31 54.28 435.31 365.52 -16.03
6 29024300 P-Xylene 189.17 178.70 -5.54 178.7 340.68 90.64
7 85423900 Other 58.53 87.58 49.63 87.58 308.96 252.76
8 27011910 Coking Coal 0.00 0.00 0.00 296.45
Non-Industrial Diamonds
9 71023100 Unworked/Simply Sawn Cleaved 267.28 267.93 0.24 267.93 268.13 0.07
Or Bruted
10 27011920 Steam Coal 0.00 0.00 0.00 264.51
Personal Computer
11 84713010 102.24 101.50 -0.72 101.5 242.69 139.09
12 27101960 Base Oil 146.32 183.86 25.66 183.86 221 20.2
13 85171290 Other 9.18 1.34 -85.42 1.34 208.1 15,447.31
14 15111000 Crude Palm Oil And Its Fractns 0.00 0.00 0.00 187.41
15 29152100 Acetic Acid 93.17 122.97 31.98 122.97 176.65 43.66
Total Of Above Commodities 1988.67 2306.96 16.01 2306.96 4795.59 107.87
% Share Of Above To India’s Import From
28.06 30.90 -- 30.90 29.45 --
India’s Import From Singapore 7086.57 7466.99 5.37 7466.99 16281.58 118.05

India’s overall import from Singapore has increased by 5.37% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During
April-Mar 2019, it has highly increased by 118.05% over the period April- Mar 2018. Despite high

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 42

positive growth during current year, share of the top 15 products together to total import of the product
has reduced to 29% from 31% in April- Mar 2019. Coking coal and Steam coal are the new products of
import from Singapore.

10. Top fifteen 8-digit level products in respect of Source: Indonesia

(Value in US $ Million)
S. % Apr- Mar, Apr- Mar %
HS Code Description 2016-17 2017-18
No. Change 2018 (P), 2019 Change
1 27011920 Steam Coal 4454.76 5668.16 27.24 5,668.16 6,231.79 9.94
2 15111000 Crude Palm Oil And Its Fractns 2482.88 3249.93 30.89 3,249.93 2,341.27 -27.96
3 15119020 Refined Blchd Deodrsed Palmolein 1723.90 1657.54 -3.85 1,657.54 985.48 -40.55
Bitumns Coal W/N Pulvrsd But Nt
4 27011200 296.68 341.85 15.23 341.85 758.23 121.8
5 26030000 Copper Ores And Concentrates 608.40 724.17 19.03 724.17 393.82 -45.62
6 40012200 Technically Spcfd Natrl Rubr(Tsnr) 291.47 433.41 48.70 433.41 342.57 -20.96
Other Industrial Monocarboxylic
7 38231900 167.39 270.30 61.48 270.3 259.7 -3.92
Fatty Acid
8 89059090 Other Under Hdng 8905 184.29 51.69 -71.95 51.69 211.61 309.41
9 27011910 Coking Coal 0.00 208.66 0.00 208.66 199.15 -4.56
10 28182010 Alumina Calcined 0.00 0.00 0.00 194.26
11 72026000 Ferro-Nickel 50.19 129.84 158.73 129.84 171.12 31.79
12 74081990 Others With Cross Section<=6mm 133.94 173.01 29.17 173.01 140.4 -18.85
13 28141000 Anhydrous Ammonia 19.10 37.91 98.42 37.91 127.32 235.88
Anodes Cathodes Ingots Pigs Slabs
14 80011090 99.31 146.13 47.14 146.13 119.82 -18.01
And Other Primary Forms Of Tin
Bleached Or Semi-Bleached Non-
15 47032900 Coniferous Chemical Wood Pulp 112.77 121.35 7.61 121.35 109.2 -10.01
Total Of Above Commodities 10625.08 13213.95 24.37 13213.95 12585.74 -4.75
% Share Of Above To India’s Import From Indonesia 79.13 80.38 -- 80.38 79.44 --
India’s Import From Indonesia 13427.99 16438.80 22.42 16438.80 15843.93 -3.62

India’s overall import from Indonesia has increased by 22.42% during 2017-18 over 2016-17. During
April-Mar 2019, it has declined by 3.62% over the period April- Mar 2018. Steam coal is the dominant
product of import from Indonesia. Alumina Calcined is the new product of import from Indonesia.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 43

E. Export Scenario: State-wise

The details of State-wise export for last two years and the current year along with percentage share and
percentage change are given at Table 19, while State-wise export in terms of percentage change in last
two years is given at Table 20.

Figure 17shows State-wise percentage share of 16 major States (with contribution of more than 1%
share) and unspecified sources (4.30%) in India’s total merchandise export during April-March 2019. It
reflects that Maharashtra has the highest share of 22.10% followed by Gujarat (20.45%) and Tamil Nadu
(9.26%) during April-March 2019.16 States contribute about 96% of total exports. The remaining States
have less than 1% share in India’s total export.

Figure 17: Percentage Share of States in India's Export during April-March, 2019
Andhra Haryana West
Pradesh 4.20% Bengal
Uttar Pradesh 2.96%
4.27% 3.01%
Delhi Telangana
Karnataka 2.19%
Rajasthan Uttarakhand
Unspecified 2.14% 0.71%
Madhya Pradesh Dadra & Nagar Haveli
1.94% 0.65%
Odisha Goa
1.91% 0.63%
Tamil Nadu Other Punjab Bihar
9.26% 4.30% 1.83% 0.50%
Himachal Pradesh
0.38% Chattisgarh
Maharashtra 0.38%
Daman & Diu
Gujarat 22.10% 0.32% Pondicherry
20.45% 0.12%
Jammu & Kashmir

Figure 18 shows State-wise percentage growth of 16 major States during 2017-18 and April-
March2019. It reflects that most of the States have a positive growth except Orissa, Karnataka, Andhra
Pradesh and Gujarat in April-March 2019 over April-March 2018.The State of Uttarakhand has highest
positive growth of 62% in April-March 2019 over April-March 2018 and during 2017-18 over 2016-17.

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 44

Figure 18: Export Performance (% Growth) of 16 Major States during 2017-18 and
April-Feb 2019

% Growth


% Change in 2017-18 over 2016-17 % Change in 2018-19 over 2017-18

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 45

F. Summary Tables

Table 1: Performance of India's Merchandise Trade

(Value in US$ billion)
Years Export % Change Import % Change Trade Balance
2016-17 275.85 5.17 384.36 0.88 -108.50
2017-18 303.53 10.03 465.58 21.13 -162.05
2018-19 (P) 329.54 8.57 513.09 10.20 -183.55
2019-20) (April) 26073.47 0.64 41400.50 4.48 -15327.03
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata (P: Provisional)

Table 2: India’s month-wise Merchandise Trade

(US$ Millions)
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Trade Trade Trade Trade
Months Export Import Export Import Export Import Export Import
Balance Balance Balance Balance
April 20863 25689 -4826 24579 38835 -14256 25951 39950 -14000 26073 41401 -15327
May 22407 28286 -5879 23947 38279 -14332 28866 43917 -15050
June 22656 30917 -8261 23013 37055 -14042 27143 44802 -17659
July 21692 29305 -7613 22293 34215 -11922 25808 44387 -18579
August 21597 29303 -7706 23355 36071 -12716 27813 45724 -17911
Sept 22769 31840 -9071 28567 37963 -9396 27841 42820 -14979
Oct 23361 34495 -11134 22889 37501 -14613 26638 44678 -18040
Nov 20066 33462 -13396 26293 41390 -15098 26015 43649 -17633
Dec 24056 34602 -10546 27833 42031 -14198 27806 42344 -14538
Jan 22356 32261 -9905 25409 41083 -15674 26342 41101 -14759
Feb 24727 34248 -9521 26033 38335 -12303 26718 36274 -9556
March 29302 39947 -10645 29316 42823 -13507 32548 43440 -10892
Total 275852 384357 -108505 303526 465581 -162055 329490 513086 -183596 26073 41401 -15327
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata
Note: Figures for April, 2019 is quick estimate

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 46

Table 3: India’s month-wise Services Trade

(US$ Millions)
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Months Export Import Trade Export Import Trade Export Import Trade
Balance Balance Balance
April 12908 7183 5725 12904 7222 5682 17563 10915 6648
May 13460 7922 5538 13430 7615 5815 16173 10208 5965
June 13322 8389 4933 13388 7457 5931 16872 10299 6573
July 12775 7409 5366 13178 7334 5844 17,553 10,850 6703
August 13381 8054 5327 13701 8658 5043 16526 10354 6172
Sept 13773 8304 5469 13732 8450 5282 16381 9946 6435
Oct 13113 7680 5433 14152 8700 5452 16815 10099 6716
Nov 13338 8323 5015 15392 9647 5745 16,677 10,109 6568
Dec 13804 8294 5510 16005 9859 6146 17,927 11,376 6551
Jan 13570 8409 5161 16337 9847 6490 17,745 11,027 6718
Feb 13060 7235 5825 15,709 10,143 5566 16,584 9809 6775
March 14179 8267 5912 16,834 10,280 6554 17,944 11,365 6579
Total 160683 95469 65214 174762 105212 69550 204760 126357 78403

Source: Monthly Press Releases, RBI

Note: Data on trade in services is available upto March, 2019

Table 4: India’s month-wise Overall Trade (Merchandise plus Services)

(US$ Millions)
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Trade Trade Trade
Months Export Import Balance Export Import Balance Export Import Balance
April 33771 32872 899 37483 46057 -8574 43514 50865 -7352
May 35867 36208 -341 37377 45894 -8517 45039 54125 -9085
June 35978 39306 -3328 36401 44512 -8111 44015 55101 -11086
July 34467 36714 -2247 35471 41549 -6078 43361 55237 -11876
August 34978 37357 -2379 37056 44729 -7673 44339 56078 -11739
Sept 36542 40144 -3602 42299 46413 -4114 44222 52766 -8544
Oct 36474 42175 -5701 37041 46201 -9161 43453 54777 -11324
Nov 33404 41785 -8381 41685 51037 -9353 42692 53758 -11065
Dec 37860 42896 -5036 43838 51890 -8052 45733 53720 -7987
Jan 35926 40670 -4744 41746 50930 -9184 44087 52128 -8041
Feb 37787 41483 -3696 41742 48478 -6737 43302 46083 -2781
March 43481 48214 -4733 46150 53103 -6953 50492 54805 -4313
Total 436535 479826 -43291 478288 570793 -92505 534250 639443 -105193
Source: DGCI&S and RBI

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 47

Table 5: India’s Merchandise Export of QE Groups: Growth for last 2 years and current year
(Value in US$ Million)
QE Groups 2017-18 2018-19 % Change
1 Engineering Goods 78695.69 83704.54 6.36
2 Petroleum Products 37465.08 47954.54 28.00
3 Gems And Jewellery 41544.44 40043.65 -3.61
4 Organic & Inorganic Chemical 18508.5 22573.87 21.96
5 Drugs And Pharmaceuticals 17282.81 19188.46 11.03
6 Rmg Of All Textiles 16706.94 16138.94 -3.40
7 Cotton Yarn/Fabs./Madeups, Handloom Products
Etc. 10260.36 11206.44 9.22
8 Electronic Goods 6393.12 8880.96 38.91
9 Plastic And Linoleum 6851.13 8609.08 25.66
10 Rice 7806.15 7630.71 -2.25
11 Marine Products 7389.22 6793.90 -8.06
12 Leather And Leather Manufactures 4826.33 4978.20 3.15
13 Man-Made Yarn/Fabs./Madeups Etc. 4610.06 4363.45 -5.35
14 Meat, Dairy And Poultry Products 5289.13 5140.47 -2.81
15 Mica, Coal And Other Ores, Minerals Including
Process 3115.37 3272.22 5.03
16 Spices 3776.88 4175.24 10.55
17 Ceramic Products And Glassware 2131.78 2635.67 23.64
18 Fruits And Vegetables 2513.33 2394.85 -4.71
19 Handicrafts Excl. Hand Made Carpet 1471.06 1316.23 -10.53
20 Cereal Preparations And Miscellaneous Processed
Item 1823.34 1839.02 0.86
21 Carpet 1416.64 1543.52 8.96
22 Oil Meals 1429.82 1481.74 3.63
23 Iron Ore 1174.34 1195.65 1.81
24 Oil Seeds 934.25 983.04 5.22
25 Tobacco 968.57 822.09 -15.12
26 Tea 837.36 831.04 -0.75
27 Coffee 1093.16 1461.93 33.73
28 Cashew 922.41 654.33 -29.06
29 Jute Mfg. Including Floor Covering 335.08 324.95 -3.02
30 Other Cereals 248.59 317.21 27.60
31 Others 15705.21 18564.05 18.20
India’s Total Export 303526.15 331019.99 9.06
India’s Total Export excl. Petroleum products 266061.07 283065.45 6.39

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 48

Table 5 (contd.): India’s Merchandise Export of QE Groups: Growth for last 2 years and current year
(Value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr Apr % %
QE Groups Apr, 18 Apr, 19
No. Change 2018-19 2019-20 Change Share
1 Engineering Goods 7189.13 6681.14 -7.07 7189.13 6681.14 -7.07 25.62
2 Petroleum Products 2812.98 3677.89 30.75 2812.98 3677.89 30.75 14.11
3 Gems And Jewellery 3297.94 2856.58 -13.38 3297.94 2856.58 -13.38 10.96
4 Organic & Inorganic Chemical 1793.63 2063.71 15.06 1793.63 2063.71 15.06 7.91
5 Drugs And Pharmaceuticals 1468.11 1527.22 4.03 1468.11 1527.22 4.03 5.86
6 Rmg Of All Textiles 1349.81 1409.53 4.42 1349.81 1409.53 4.42 5.41
7 Cotton Yarn/Fabs./Madeups,
Handloom Products Etc. 896.50 844.22 -5.83 896.50 844.22 -5.83 3.24
8 Electronic Goods 559.60 715.06 27.78 559.60 715.06 27.78 2.74
9 Plastic And Linoleum 673.27 640.99 -4.79 673.27 640.99 -4.79 2.46
10 Rice 643.69 589.43 -8.43 643.69 589.43 -8.43 2.26
11 Marine Products 503.07 471.72 -6.23 503.07 471.72 -6.23 1.81
12 Leather And Leather
Manufactures 418.01 388.61 -7.03 418.01 388.61 -7.03 1.49
13 Man-Made
Yarn/Fabs./Madeups Etc. 344.96 349.91 1.43 344.96 349.91 1.43 1.34
14 Meat, Dairy And Poultry
Products 390.44 330.88 -15.25 390.44 330.88 -15.25 1.27
15 Mica, Coal And Other Ores,
Minerals Including Process 279.27 297.42 6.50 279.27 297.42 6.50 1.14
16 Spices 340.68 284.69 -16.43 340.68 284.69 -16.43 1.09
17 Ceramic Products And
Glassware 184.33 224.39 21.73 184.33 224.39 21.73 0.86
18 Fruits And Vegetables 211.73 224.13 5.86 211.73 224.13 5.86 0.86
19 Handicrafts Excl. Hand Made
Carpet 86.00 198.45 130.76 86.00 198.45 130.76 0.76
20 Cereal Preparations And
Miscellaneous Processed Item 138.46 141.30 2.05 138.46 141.30 2.05 0.54
21 Carpet 121.39 115.91 -4.51 121.39 115.91 -4.51 0.44
22 Oil Meals 111.17 107.26 -3.52 111.17 107.26 -3.52 0.41
23 Iron Ore 93.73 95.08 1.44 93.73 95.08 1.44 0.36
24 Oil Seeds 69.30 80.53 16.20 69.30 80.53 16.20 0.31
25 Tobacco 83.88 73.20 -12.73 83.88 73.20 -12.73 0.28
26 Tea 49.80 64.90 30.32 49.80 64.90 30.32 0.25
27 Coffee 80.40 63.84 -20.60 80.40 63.84 -20.60 0.24
28 Cashew 45.09 42.49 -5.77 45.09 42.49 -5.77 0.16
29 Jute Mfg. Including Floor
Covering 22.28 22.15 -0.58 22.28 22.15 -0.58 0.08
30 Other Cereals 30.76 17.01 -44.70 30.76 17.01 -44.70 0.07
31 Others 1618.96 1473.83 -8.96 1618.96 1473.83 -8.96 5.65
India’s Total Export 25908.37 26073.47 0.64 25908.37 26073.47 0.64 100.00
India’s Total Export excl.
Petroleum products 23095.39 22395.58 -3.03 23095.39 22395.58 -3.03 85.89
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata (Note: The analysis is based on the Quick Estimates Groups of commodities, latest
available upto April, 2019)

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 49

Table 6: India’s Merchandise Import of QE Groups: Growth for last 2 years and current year
(Value in US$ Million)
QE Groups 2017-18 2018-19 % Change
1 Petroleum, Crude & products 108658.69 140465.83 29.27
2 Electronic goods 52890.68 57470.77 8.66
3 Machinery, electrical & non-electrical 33657.21 32821.08 -2.48
4 Gold 32908.94 37898.38 15.16
5 Pearls, precious & Semi-precious stones 22901.23 26168.25 14.27
6 Coal, Coke & Briquettes, etc. 34278.91 27079.21 -21.00
7 Organic & Inorganic Chemical 20631.46 23803.22 15.37
8 Transport equipment 14617.59 17618.39 20.53
9 Iron & Steel 14487.66 15678.76 8.22
10 Artificial resins, plastic materials, etc. 12811.67 14735.32 15.01
11 Non-ferrous metals 22732.55 18357.92 -19.24
12 Vegetable Oil 11637.48 9924.88 -14.72
13 Chemical material & products 6663.38 7725.92 15.95
14 Metaliferrous ores & other minerals 5480.69 6361.89 16.08
15 Fertilisers, Crude & manufactured 6027.35 6126.27 1.64
16 Medcnl. & Pharmaceutical products 9096.90 7547.09 -17.04
17 Wood & Wood products 5376.34 7467.37 38.89
18 Professional instrument, Optical goods, etc. 4754.56 5168.52 8.71
19 Machine tools 3519.58 4645.31 31.98
20 Silver 2887.51 3216.44 11.39
21 Dyeing/tanning/colouring mtrls. 3213.80 3755.01 16.84
22 Project goods 2092.60 2141.22 2.32
23 Fruits & vegetables 2077.61 2366.36 13.90
24 Textile yarn Fabric, made-up articles 1837.29 1903.78 3.62
25 Pulp and Waste paper 1154.55 1311.94 13.63
26 Pulses 2908.33 1144.22 -60.66
27 Leather & leather products 1009.17 1061.71 5.21
28 Newsprint 979.32 632.42 -35.42
29 Cotton Raw & Waste 776.67 977.67 25.88
30 Sulphur & Unroasted Iron Pyrts 165.88 217.11 30.88
31 Others 23345.40 21644.10 -7.29
India’s Total Import 465581.00 507436.36 8.99
India’s Total Import excl. Petroleum crude &
products 356922.31 366970.53 2.82

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 50

Table 6 (contd.): India’s Merchandise Import of QE Groups: Growth for last 2 years and current year
(Value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr Apr % %
QE Groups Apr, 18 Apr, 19
No. Change 2018-19 2019-20 Change Share
1 Petroleum, Crude & products 10412.57 11377.27 9.26 10412.57 11377.27 9.26 27.48
2 Electronic goods 4153.73 4319.25 3.98 4153.73 4319.25 3.98 10.43
3 Machinery, electrical & non-
electrical 2579.50 3972.28 53.99 2579.50 3972.28 53.99 9.59
4 Gold 2898.65 3086.46 6.48 2898.65 3086.46 6.48 7.46
5 Pearls, precious & Semi-precious
stones 2246.12 2335.68 3.99 2246.12 2335.68 3.99 5.64
6 Coal, Coke & Briquettes, etc. 2342.73 2134.16 -8.90 2342.73 2134.16 -8.90 5.15
7 Organic & Inorganic Chemical 2000.05 1998.75 -0.06 2000.05 1998.75 -0.06 4.83
8 Transport equipment 1295.96 1438.53 11.00 1295.96 1438.53 11.00 3.47
9 Iron & Steel 1255.54 1299.79 3.52 1255.54 1299.79 3.52 3.14
10 Artificial resins, plastic
materials, etc. 1146.73 1157.81 0.97 1146.73 1157.81 0.97 2.80
11 Non-ferrous metals 1580.29 1079.46 -31.69 1580.29 1079.46 -31.69 2.61
12 Vegetable Oil 918.31 728.25 -20.70 918.31 728.25 -20.70 1.76
13 Chemical material & products 583.93 627.22 7.41 583.93 627.22 7.41 1.52
14 Metaliferrous ores & other
minerals 488.62 548.96 12.35 488.62 548.96 12.35 1.33
15 Fertilisers, Crude &
manufactured 498.24 491.44 -1.36 498.24 491.44 -1.36 1.19
16 Medcnl. & Pharmaceutical
products 938.52 478.11 -49.06 938.52 478.11 -49.06 1.15
17 Wood & Wood products 412.05 425.22 3.20 412.05 425.22 3.20 1.03
18 Professional instrument, Optical
goods, etc. 394.20 421.44 6.91 394.20 421.44 6.91 1.02
19 Machine tools 335.00 411.18 22.74 335.00 411.18 22.74 0.99
20 Silver 239.12 274.75 14.90 239.12 274.75 14.90 0.66
21 Dyeing/tanning/colouring mtrls. 481.66 250.00 -48.10 481.66 250.00 -48.10 0.60
22 Project goods 162.48 182.20 12.14 162.48 182.20 12.14 0.44
23 Fruits & vegetables 202.49 163.63 -19.19 202.49 163.63 -19.19 0.40
24 Textile yarn Fabric, made-up
articles 125.96 145.09 15.19 125.96 145.09 15.19 0.35
25 Pulp and Waste paper 81.92 114.06 39.23 81.92 114.06 39.23 0.28
26 Pulses 44.11 103.28 134.14 44.11 103.28 134.14 0.25
27 Leather & leather products 75.54 79.92 5.80 75.54 79.92 5.80 0.19
28 Newsprint 81.08 66.87 -17.53 81.08 66.87 -17.53 0.16
29 Cotton Raw & Waste 67.43 57.35 -14.95 67.43 57.35 -14.95 0.14
30 Sulphur & Unroasted Iron Pyrts 19.93 14.83 -25.59 19.93 14.83 -25.59 0.04
31 Others 1564.65 1617.26 3.36 1564.65 1617.26 3.36 3.91
India’s Total Import 39627.11 41400.50 4.48 39627.11 41400.50 4.48 100.00
India’s Total Import excl. Petroleum
crude & products 29214.54 30023.23 2.768 29214.54 30023.23 2.77 72.52
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata (Note: The analysis is based on the Quick Estimates Groups of commodities,
latest available upto April, 2019)

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 51

Table 7: India’s Merchandise Export of QE Groups: Month-wise
(Value in US$ Million)
QE Groups Apr, 18 May, 18 June, 18 July, 18 Aug, 18 Sept, 18 Oct, 18
1 Engineering Goods 7189.13 7145.85 6743.20 6328.48 7239.95 6996.69 6374.28
2 Petroleum Products 2812.98 5237.80 4068.99 3905.95 3818.50 4399.65 4546.38
3 Gems And Jewellery 3297.94 3683.60 3507.35 3189.32 3320.47 3749.91 3490.88
Organic And Inorganic
4 1793.63 1723.77 1791.31 1684.32 1984.46 1942.59 1852.26
5 Drugs And Pharmaceuticals 1468.11 1518.52 1580.83 1415.27 1686.65 1658.09 1514.45
6 RMG Of All Textiles 1349.81 1338.57 1357.46 1274.83 1292.18 1103.32 1130.95
Cotton Yarn/Fabs./Madeups,
7 896.50 940.86 986.22 914.82 1072.15 951.45 910.52
Handloom Products Etc.
8 Electronic Goods 559.60 603.59 648.22 682.59 700.16 701.34 785.70
9 Plastic And Linoleum 673.27 679.97 712.67 675.66 777.92 724.42 720.71
10 Rice 643.69 737.24 713.44 657.01 543.85 434.61 451.56
11 Marine Products 503.07 558.61 558.31 575.37 562.09 707.83 689.40
12 418.01 418.80 403.41 376.35 459.48 432.74 412.49
Yarn/Fabs./Madeups Etc.
Meat, Dairy And Poultry
13 344.96 361.78 305.86 375.80 407.25 425.71 362.41
Leather And Leather
14 390.44 425.90 453.90 473.19 480.96 414.24 412.04
15 Spices 279.27 274.93 250.37 256.39 241.19 248.53 263.08
Mica, Coal And Other Ores,
16 340.68 347.21 362.19 317.62 350.56 330.9 313.78
Minerals Including Process
Ceramic Products And
17 184.33 204.06 199.72 181.18 230.00 210.4 226.66
18 Fruits And Vegetables 211.73 177.77 153.68 159.89 177.88 175.48 226.64
19 Iron Ore 86.00 85.50 85.25 67.57 61.77 126.79 130.56
Handicrafts Excl. Hand Made
20 138.46 147.86 157.67 150.82 167.36 147.26 146.45
Cereal Preparations And
21 121.39 116.55 120.81 115.74 135.02 139.34 133.48
Miscellaneous Processed Item
22 Carpet 111.17 122.33 120.75 112.74 125.44 121.24 137.60
23 Oil Seeds 93.73 89.46 104.92 97.76 96.79 71.37 83.70
24 Tobacco 69.30 84.41 101.54 73.11 83.48 82.89 70.78
25 Coffee 83.88 85.38 88.98 56.91 55.65 58.98 49.80
26 Tea 49.80 54.71 60.58 72.93 75.18 73.05 77.88
27 Oil Meals 80.40 83.36 116.00 100.18 108.07 66.21 79.26
28 Cashew 45.09 52.96 53.46 62.79 49.14 48.24 48.03
29 Jute Mfg. Inc Floor Covering 22.28 26.84 26.96 28.90 31.69 30.88 26.10
30 Other Cereals 30.76 42.47 37.93 28.25 18.38 28.57 23.25

31 Others 1,618.96 1,490.78 1,829.98 1,360.96 1,487.38 1285.51

India’s Total Export 25908.37 28861.44 27701.96 25772.70 27841.05 27952.20 26976.59
India’s Total Export excl. Petroleum
23095.39 23623.64 23632.97 21866.75 24022.55 23552.55 22430.21
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 52

Table 7 (contd.): India’s Merchandise Export of QE Groups: Month-wise
(Value in US$ Million)
QE Groups Nov, 18 Dec, 18 Jan, 19 Feb, 19 Mar, 19 2018-19 Apr-19
1 Engineering Goods 5933.14 7162.11 6513.37 6662.48 9415.86 83704.54 6681.14
2 Petroleum Products 5140.85 4207.78 3214.47 3071.42 3529.77 47954.54 3677.89
3 Gems And Jewellery 2796.28 2610.90 3247.49 3726.02 3423.49 40043.65 2856.58
Organic And Inorganic
4 1872.43 2008.32 1863.69 1730.55 2326.54 22573.87 2063.71
5 Drugs And Pharmaceuticals 1484.87 1659.76 1586.58 1613.88 2001.45 19188.46 1527.22
6 RMG Of All Textiles 1129.02 1374.30 1526.95 1544.26 1717.29 16138.94 1409.53
Cotton Yarn/Fabs./Madeups,
7 830.54 890.85 889.92 877.05 1045.56 11206.44 844.22
Handloom Products Etc.
8 Electronic Goods 794.12 834.64 771.30 868.17 931.53 8880.96 715.06
9 Plastic And Linoleum 779.38 754.87 721.42 619.93 768.86 8609.08 640.99
10 Rice 421.41 645.06 723.89 731.26 927.69 7630.71 589.43
11 Marine Products 639.02 607.20 432.38 432.89 527.73 6793.90 471.72
12 370.71 412.18 420.06 388.14 465.83 4978.20 388.61
Yarn/Fabs./Madeups Etc.
Meat, Dairy And Poultry
13 357.7 381.53 332.69 293.99 413.77 4363.45 349.91
Leather And Leather
14 401.93 437.17 441.03 397.13 412.54 5140.47 330.88
15 Spices 282.13 265.02 249.62 272.65 389.04 3272.22 297.42
Mica, Coal And Other Ores,
16 306.9 350.59 337.40 352.71 464.70 4175.24 284.69
Minerals Including Process
Ceramic Products And
17 236.1 274.32 224.52 222.47 241.91 2635.67 224.39
18 Fruits And Vegetables 156.86 181.80 199.66 262.16 311.30 2394.85 224.13
19 Iron Ore 143.88 121.89 125.98 126.80 154.24 1316.23 198.45
Handicrafts Excl. Hand Made
20 146.7 151.42 162.52 150.94 171.56 1839.02 141.30
Cereal Preparations And
21 124.12 127.92 131.74 128.69 148.72 1543.52 115.91
Miscellaneous Processed Item
22 Carpet 134.11 133.48 124.91 110.79 127.18 1481.74 107.26
23 Oil Seeds 116.98 104.32 129.56 90.39 116.67 1195.65 95.08
24 Tobacco 79.22 89.19 66.39 87.94 94.79 983.04 80.53
25 Coffee 52.41 49.00 54.08 81.02 106.00 822.09 73.20
26 Tea 70.81 80.99 72.42 68.21 74.48 831.04 64.90
27 Oil Meals 168.36 193.35 160.01 112.78 193.95 1461.93 63.84
28 Cashew 75.58 71.61 47.54 42.91 56.98 654.33 42.49
29 Jute Mfg. Inc Floor Covering 28.32 30.76 25.71 23.09 23.42 324.95 22.15
30 Other Cereals 20.93 24.14 17.32 17.84 27.37 317.21 17.01
31 Others 1407.39 1691.25 1545.56 1559.05 1937.75 18564.05 1473.83
India’s Total Export 26502.20 27927.72 26360.18 26667.61 32547.97 331019.99 26073.47
India’s Total Export excl. Petroleum
21361.35 23719.94 23145.71 23596.19 29018.20 283065.45 22395.58
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata (Note: The analysis is based on the Quick Estimates Groups of commodities,
latest available upto April, 2019. Figures for April, 18 to April, 19 is based on quick estimates)

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 53

Table 8: India’s Merchandise Import of QE Groups: Month-wise
(Value in US$ Million)
QE Groups Apr, 18 May, 18 June, 18 July, 18 Aug, 18 Sept, 18 Oct, 18
1 Petroleum, Crude & products 10412.57 11497.60 12725.60 12348.87 11830.10 10913.36 14209.88
2 Electronic goods 4153.73 4987.56 4889.37 5118.72 5584.28 5691.13 5243.09
3 Gold 2579.50 3478.64 2385.09 2963.91 3639.42 2593.81 1684.66
Machinery, electrical & non-
4 2898.65 3226.54 3270.73 3152.77 3829.52 2964.54 2979.32
5 Coal, Coke & Briquettes, etc. 2246.12 2176.32 2221.57 2059.29 2288.38 2048.56 2268.34
Pearls, precious & Semi-
6 2342.73 2221.20 2770.28 2508.10 1916.23 2654.49 1827.56
precious stones
7 Organic & Inorganic Chemicals 2000.05 2098.84 2093.85 2031.20 2102.22 1946.7 2132.14
8 Iron & Steel 1295.96 1475.89 1443.06 1599.37 1537.26 1436.05 1478.11
Artificial resins, plastic
9 1255.54 1360.98 1335.12 1373.20 1391.41 1326.54 1355.52
materials, etc.
10 Non-ferrous metals 1146.73 1238.62 1297.55 1295.82 1356.50 1257.15 1305.41
11 Transport equipment 1580.29 1240.46 1469.02 1289.37 1499.83 1120.58 1459.94
12 Vegetable Oil 918.31 922.13 843.83 715.55 1033.76 925.58 745.56
13 Chemical material & products 583.93 687.01 633.31 635.75 651.52 656.61 690.05
Medcnl. & Pharmaceutical
14 488.62 542.52 622.75 580.19 542.91 481.36 531.97
15 Wood & Wood products 498.24 517.86 498.16 521.57 529.25 521.71 510.29
Metaliferrous ores & other
16 938.52 518.66 644.40 764.79 569.93 549 704.31
Fertilisers, Crude &
17 412.05 856.89 961.43 621.37 493.54 499.24 413.60
Professional instrument, Optical
18 394.20 417.39 421.24 424.78 454.43 434.34 433.11
goods, etc.
19 Machine tools 335.00 394.56 366.54 341.09 447.14 370.24 412.00
20 Dyeing/tanning/colouring mtrls. 239.12 283.41 264.67 291.08 301.85 286.73 294.77
21 Silver 481.66 445.02 364.24 158.76 158.05 295.48 526.20
22 Fruits & vegetables 162.48 178.70 164.49 157.47 169.52 165.58 246.59
23 Project goods 202.49 226.62 90.13 130.79 188.56 185.72 152.05
Textile yarn Fabric, made-up
24 125.96 161.17 168.64 159.14 171.95 174.9 175.80
25 Pulp and Waste paper 81.92 94.43 114.27 119.81 129.52 121.1 114.49
26 Pulses 44.11 39.80 62.77 65.53 121.36 115.58 112.40
27 Leather & leather products 75.54 87.42 93.22 97.54 98.86 83.83 86.20
28 Cotton Raw & Waste 81.08 72.36 81.51 69.35 61.51 54.23 35.08
29 Newsprint 67.43 75.46 79.50 82.41 85.25 98.33 100.88
30 Sulphur & Unroasted Iron Pyrts 19.93 17.95 11.29 8.05 18.76 26.79 9.86
31 Others 1564.65 1948.67 1916.56 2100.91 2032.75 1931.52 1868.47
India’s Total Import 39627.11 43490.68 44304.19 43786.55 45235.57 41930.78 44107.65
India’s Total Import excl. Petroleum
29214.54 31993.08 31578.59 31437.68 33405.47 31017.42 29897.77
crude & products
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 54

Table 8 (contd.): India’s Merchandise Import of QE Groups: Month-wise
(Value in US$ Million)
QE Groups Nov, 18 Dec, 18 Jan, 19 Feb, 19 Mar, 19 2018-19 Apr-19
1 Petroleum, Crude & products 13493.37 10672.32 11240.61 9375.56 11745.99 140465.83 11377.27
2 Electronic goods 4382.24 4250.25 4724.26 3770.51 4675.63 57470.77 4319.25
3 Gold 2758.06 2568.32 2313.53 2582.77 3273.37 32821.08 3972.28
Machinery, electrical & non-
4 2910.66 3081.22 3294.34 3078.1 3211.99 37898.38 3086.46
5 Coal, Coke & Briquettes, etc. 2246.80 2262.07 2249.18 2002.7 2098.92 26168.25 2335.68
Pearls, precious & Semi-
6 1587.73 2526.25 1556.83 2157.43 3010.38 27079.21 2134.16
precious stones
7 Organic & Inorganic Chemicals 1995.86 1793.84 1945.91 1750.94 1911.67 23803.22 1998.75
8 Iron & Steel 1483.88 1428.17 1520.90 1342.26 1577.48 17618.39 1438.53
Artificial resins, plastic
9 1283.47 1208.28 1298.59 1160.45 1329.66 15678.76 1299.79
materials, etc.
10 Non-ferrous metals 1201.19 1245.00 1259.32 1022.48 1109.55 14735.32 1157.81
11 Transport equipment 1820.87 1895.31 1822.05 1388.37 1771.83 18357.92 1079.46
12 Vegetable Oil 685.56 721.56 743.30 705.24 964.50 9924.88 728.25
13 Chemical material & products 674.67 659.55 665.39 562.14 625.99 7725.92 627.22
Medcnl. & Pharmaceutical
14 507.53 536.94 516.83 464.86 545.41 6361.89 548.96
15 Wood & Wood products 510.75 497.33 552.16 467.03 501.92 6126.27 491.44
Metaliferrous ores & other
16 662.58 716.73 508.09 481.38 488.70 7547.09 478.11
Fertilisers, Crude &
17 684.58 740.04 747.29 495.94 541.40 7467.37 425.22
Professional instrument, Optical
18 410.20 478.66 406.49 386.17 507.51 5168.52 421.44
goods, etc.
19 Machine tools 352.08 406.90 416.08 380.05 423.63 4645.31 411.18
20 Dyeing/tanning/colouring mtrls. 268.56 243.88 259.81 211.42 271.14 3216.44 274.75
21 Silver 381.75 293.85 357.67 183.01 109.32 3755.01 250.00
22 Fruits & vegetables 193.49 185.10 200.50 147.67 169.63 2141.22 182.20
23 Project goods 325.48 288.67 139.17 91.6 345.08 2366.36 163.63
Textile yarn Fabric, made-up
24 159.68 154.68 166.74 148.57 136.55 1903.78 145.09
25 Pulp and Waste paper 101.29 105.21 104.93 107.08 117.89 1311.94 114.06
26 Pulses 102.45 138.04 146.29 60.15 135.74 1144.22 103.28
27 Leather & leather products 91.69 84.41 92.95 89.61 80.44 1061.71 79.92
28 Cotton Raw & Waste 26.13 25.61 33.57 33.84 58.15 632.42 66.87
29 Newsprint 86.69 87.69 79.36 63.63 71.04 977.67 57.35
30 Sulphur & Unroasted Iron Pyrts 37.14 17.44 21.00 27.88 13.80 229.89 14.83
31 Others 1746.48 1691.69 1702.67 1524.18 1615.55 21644.10 1617.26
India’s Total Import 43172.91 41005.01 41085.81 36263.02 43439.86 507449.14 41400.50
India’s Total Import excl. Petroleum
29679.54 30332.69 29845.20 26887.46 31693.87 366983.31 30023.23
crude & products
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata (Note: The analysis is based on the Quick Estimates Groups of commodities,
latest available upto April, 2019. Figures for April, 18 to April, 19are based on quick estimates)

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 55

Table 9: India’s Export by Principal Commodity
(Value in US$ Million)
S. No. Principal Commodities Apr, 18 % Share Apr, 19 (P) % Share % Change
1 Petroleum Products 2822.35 10.88 3,674.59 14.10 30.20
2 Pearl, Precs, Semiprecs Stones 2216.04 8.54 1,684.17 6.46 -24.00
3 Drug Formulations, Biologicals 1045.00 4.03 1,167.98 4.48 11.77
4 Gold And Oth Precs Metl Jwlery 978.84 3.77 1,088.63 4.18 11.22
5 Iron And Steel 828.34 3.19 1,005.74 3.86 21.42
6 Organic Chemicals 696.55 2.68 747.96 2.87 7.38
7 Rmg Cotton Incl Accessories 152.84 0.59 641.84 2.46 319.93
8 Motor Vehicle/Cars 839.78 3.24 557.57 2.14 -33.61
9 Electric Machinery And Equipme 336.80 1.30 473.04 1.81 40.45
10 Products Of Iron And Steel 503.64 1.94 471.74 1.81 -6.33
11 Marine Products 411.40 1.59 461.81 1.77 12.25
12 Cotton Fabrics, Madeups Etc. 171.40 0.66 454.32 1.74 165.06
13 Indl. Machnry For Dairy Etc 387.90 1.49 451.09 1.73 16.29
14 Auto Components/Parts 563.00 2.17 414.89 1.59 -26.31
15 Ship, Boat And Floating Struct 418.65 1.61 388.61 1.49 -7.17
16 Aluminium, Products Of Aluminm 363.95 1.40 357.08 1.37 -1.89
17 Residul Chemicl And Alled Prod 290.67 1.12 297.42 1.14 2.32
18 Manmade Yarn,Fabrics,Madeups 312.43 1.20 293.17 1.12 -6.16
19 Rice -Basmoti 286.70 1.10 286.03 1.10 -0.23
20 Plastic Raw Materials 245.83 0.95 273.15 1.05 11.11
21 Bulk Drugs, Drug Intermediates 165.41 0.64 228.26 0.88 37.99
22 Cotton Yarn 204.84 0.79 225.57 0.87 10.12
23 Rmg Manmade Fibres 191.87 0.74 210.95 0.81 9.94
24 Buffalo Meat 178.98 0.69 195.26 0.75 9.10
25 Spices 710.07 2.74 186.99 0.72 -73.67
26 Rmg Of Othr Textle Matrl 1076.98 4.15 151.85 0.58 -85.90
27 Agro Chemicals 168.49 0.65 146.06 0.56 -13.31
28 Rice(Other Than Basmoti) 161.61 0.62 140.87 0.54 -12.84
29 Ic Engines And Parts 488.91 1.88 129.80 0.50 -73.45
30 Other Misc. Engineering Items 290.07 1.12 127.62 0.49 -56.01
31 Dyes 356.41 1.37 126.17 0.48 -64.60
32 Electronics Instruments 101.43 0.39 78.83 0.30 -22.28
33 Electronics Components 263.93 1.02 68.50 0.26 -74.05
34 Footwear Of Leather 412.51 1.59 67.11 0.26 -83.73
35 Two And Three Wheelers 457.90 1.76 36.37 0.14 -92.06
36 Cotton Raw Incld. Waste 609.75 2.35 35.58 0.14 -94.16
37 Granit, Natrl Stone And Prodct 170.16 0.66 30.34 0.12 -82.17
38 Aircraft, Spacecraft And Parts 109.54 0.42 30.10 0.12 -72.52
39 Gold 445.90 1.72 4.72 0.02 -98.94
40 Copper And Prdcts Made Of Copr 191.82 0.74 4.01 0.02 -97.91
Total 20,628.69 79.49 17,415.79 66.80 -15.57
Others 5,322.01 20.51 8,654.33 33.20 62.61
India's total Export 25,950.69 100.00 26,070.12 100.00 0.46
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata(P: Provisional) (Note: (i) Others includes remaining principal commodities including
other commodities (ii) The above listed 40 principal commodities are fixed based on the top 40 principal
commodities of export during the year 2017-18 )

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 56

Table 10: India’s Import by Principal Commodity
(Value in US$ Million)
Principal Commodities Apr, 18 % Share Apr, 19 (P) % Share % Change
1 Petroleum: Crude 8,456.42 21.17 9,271.71 22.39 9.64
2 Gold 2,346.29 5.87 3,972.28 9.59 69.30
3 Pearl, Precs, Semiprecs Stones 2,006.56 5.02 2,106.07 5.09 4.96
4 Petroleum Products 309.94 0.78 1,322.94 3.20 326.83
5 Coal,Coke And Briquittes Etc 599.72 1.50 1,204.55 2.91 100.85
6 Telecom Instruments 592.62 1.48 1,204.23 2.91 103.20
7 Electronics Components 198.24 0.50 977.77 2.36 393.23
8 Organic Chemicals 938.76 2.35 632.61 1.53 -32.61
9 Iron And Steel 441.13 1.10 449.67 1.09 1.94
10 Indl. Machnry For Dairy Etc 953.02 2.39 421.32 1.02 -55.79
11 Plastic Raw Materials 344.11 0.86 404.29 0.98 17.49
12 Vegetable Oils 257.71 0.65 383.84 0.93 48.94
13 Electric Machinery And Equipme 682.28 1.71 331.59 0.80 -51.40
14 Computer Hardware, Peripherals 182.46 0.46 306.18 0.74 67.81
15 Electronics Instruments 2,245.81 5.62 292.71 0.71 -86.97
16 Residul Chemicl And Alled Prod 2,579.63 6.46 250.00 0.60 -90.31
17 Aircraft, Spacecraft And Parts 749.35 1.88 208.91 0.50 -72.12
18 Fertilezers Manufactured 1,472.84 3.69 163.63 0.40 -88.89
19 Ship, Boat And Floating Struct 942.27 2.36 162.18 0.39 -82.79
20 Inorganic Chemicals 293.39 0.73 114.92 0.28 -60.83
21 Aluminium, Products Of Aluminm 43.33 0.11 103.28 0.25 138.39
22 Auto Components/Parts 835.14 2.09 86.80 0.21 -89.61
23 Copper And Prdcts Made Of Copr 266.95 0.67 86.73 0.21 -67.51
24 Products Of Iron And Steel 1,098.22 2.75 72.23 0.17 -93.42
25 Consumer Electronics 380.74 0.95 44.06 0.11 -88.43
26 Medical And Scientific Instrum 202.80 0.51 37.17 0.09 -81.67
27 Other Misc. Engineering Items 297.81 0.75 33.50 0.08 -88.75
28 Bulk Minerals And Ores 572.30 1.43 32.95 0.08 -94.24
29 Silver 650.97 1.63 23.33 0.06 -96.42
30 Ac, Refrigeration Machnry Etc 399.64 1.00 22.08 0.05 -94.48
31 Bulk Drugs, Drug Intermediates 186.31 0.47 19.89 0.05 -89.33
32 Paper, Paper Board And Product 67.97 0.17 19.59 0.05 -71.17
33 Machine Tools 481.58 1.21 18.94 0.05 -96.07
34 Ic Engines And Parts 392.85 0.98 12.89 0.03 -96.72
35 Othr Rubber Prodct Excpt Footw 916.85 2.29 11.57 0.03 -98.74
36 Project Goods 466.67 1.17 10.75 0.03 -97.70
37 Other Construction Machinery 364.76 0.91 5.86 0.01 -98.39
38 Fresh Fruits 368.82 0.92 5.77 0.01 -98.43
39 Pulses 438.64 1.10 4.05 0.01 -99.08
40 Gold And Oth Precs Metl Jwlery 148.17 0.37 0.13 0.00 -99.91
Total 35,173.10 88.04 24,833.00 59.98 -29.40
Others 4,777.34 11.96 16,568.07 40.02 246.81
India's total Import 39,950.44 100.00 41,401.07 100.00 3.63
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata(P: Provisional) (Note: (i) Others includes remaining principal commodities including
other commodities (ii) The above listed 40 principal commodities are fixed based on the top 40 principal
commodities of import during the year 2017-18)

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 57

Table 11: India’s Export by Destination
(Value in US$ Million)
S.No. Destinations Apr, 18 % Share Apr, 19 (P) % Share % Change
1 USA 4123.08 15.89 4130.19 15.84 0.17
2 U Arab Emts 2600.36 10.02 2375.74 9.11 -8.64
3 China P Rp 1298.23 5.00 1442.3 5.53 11.10
4 Singapore 589.95 2.27 1074.81 4.12 82.19
5 Hong Kong 962.7 3.71 783.88 3.01 -18.57
6 Bangladesh Pr 838.81 3.23 683.27 2.62 -18.54
7 UK 717.85 2.77 680.47 2.61 -5.21
8 Germany 750.62 2.89 658.31 2.53 -12.30
9 Malaysia 571.54 2.20 637.1 2.44 11.47
10 Nepal 635.6 2.45 589.57 2.26 -7.24
11 Netherland 482.46 1.86 582.99 2.24 20.84
12 Saudi Arab 545.79 2.10 485.91 1.86 -10.97
13 Belgium 588.09 2.27 453.7 1.74 -22.85
14 Vietnam Soc Rep 583.71 2.25 449.77 1.73 -22.95
15 Japan 359.98 1.39 421.04 1.62 16.96
16 Turkey 519.96 2.00 419.6 1.61 -19.30
17 Indonesia 375.71 1.45 404.72 1.55 7.72
18 Iran 229.28 0.88 402.33 1.54 75.48
19 France 408.18 1.57 399.56 1.53 -2.11
20 Italy 462.63 1.78 393.97 1.51 -14.84
21 Korea Rp 453.95 1.75 373.42 1.43 -17.74
22 Spain 340.84 1.31 351.52 1.35 3.13
23 Thailand 327.49 1.26 346.94 1.33 5.94
24 Nigeria 194.63 0.75 299.49 1.15 53.88
25 Mexico 353.73 1.36 290.82 1.12 -17.78
26 Sri Lanka Dsr 273.19 1.05 282.48 1.08 3.40
27 South Africa 513.99 1.98 267.37 1.03 -47.98
28 Brazil 233.29 0.90 253.35 0.97 8.60
29 Israel 229.19 0.88 249.58 0.96 8.90
30 Canada 219.73 0.85 228.86 0.88 4.16
31 Kenya 220.14 0.85 220.3 0.85 0.07
32 Egypt A Rp 211.05 0.81 194.48 0.75 -7.85
33 Russia 167.03 0.64 187.44 0.72 12.22
34 Australia 348.28 1.34 184.9 0.71 -46.91
35 Pakistan Ir 202.73 0.78 177.69 0.68 -12.35
36 Taiwan 117.7 0.45 150.66 0.58 28.00
37 Oman 295.96 1.14 136.37 0.52 -53.92
38 Philippines 145.35 0.56 128.2 0.49 -11.80
39 Poland 118.34 0.46 124.6 0.48 5.29
40 Tanzania Rep 77.38 0.30 74.55 0.29 -3.66
Total 22,688.52 87.43 21,992.25 84.36 -3.07
Others 3,262.17 12.57 4,077.87 15.64 25.00
India's total Export 25,950.69 100.00 26,070.12 100.00 0.46
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata (P: Provisional) (Note: (i) Others includes remaining destinations (ii) The above
listed 40 destinations are fixed based on the top 40 destinations of export for the year 2017-18),

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 58

Table 12: India’s Import by Sources
(Value in US$ Million)
S.No. Sources Apr, 18 % Share Apr, 19 (P) % Share % Change
1 China P Rp 4880.89 12.22 5,319.61 12.85 8.99
2 USA 2507.32 6.28 3,159.50 7.63 26.01
3 Switzerland 1387.97 3.47 2,464.19 5.95 77.54
4 U Arab Emts 2171.94 5.44 2,294.40 5.54 5.64
5 Saudi Arab 1950.04 4.88 2,185.31 5.28 12.06
6 Iraq 1696.3 4.25 1,827.26 4.41 7.72
7 Korea Rp 1149.41 2.88 1,496.73 3.62 30.22
8 Indonesia 1144.72 2.87 1,317.27 3.18 15.07
9 Hong Kong 1146.12 2.87 1,311.60 3.17 14.44
10 Singapore 1268.25 3.17 1,224.08 2.96 -3.48
11 Japan 1084.68 2.72 1,156.55 2.79 6.63
12 Germany 1115.65 2.79 1,007.18 2.43 -9.72
13 Malaysia 1184.61 2.97 854.94 2.07 -27.83
14 Belgium 960.08 2.40 836.44 2.02 -12.88
15 Russia 459.59 1.15 832.61 2.01 81.16
16 Australia 1288.05 3.22 828.33 2.00 -35.69
17 Iran 1333.9 3.34 771.69 1.86 -42.15
18 Nigeria 754.35 1.89 678.81 1.64 -10.01
19 Qatar 769.39 1.93 677.14 1.64 -11.99
20 Kuwait 568.75 1.42 675.15 1.63 18.71
21 Mexico 417.04 1.04 662.44 1.60 58.84
22 Vietnam Soc Rep 575.22 1.44 659.60 1.59 14.67
23 Thailand 634.37 1.59 651.02 1.57 2.62
24 Venezuela 479.53 1.20 616.21 1.49 28.50
25 South Africa 554.46 1.39 616.17 1.49 11.13
26 UK 745.92 1.87 525.68 1.27 -29.53
27 Ghana 355.45 0.89 424.18 1.02 19.34
28 Italy 398.1 1.00 392.87 0.95 -1.31
29 Taiwan 355.58 0.89 372.72 0.90 4.82
30 Netherland 268.42 0.67 292.52 0.71 8.98
31 France 467.44 1.17 282.30 0.68 -39.61
32 Canada 263.66 0.66 254.11 0.61 -3.62
33 Oman 368.12 0.92 217.04 0.52 -41.04
34 Ukraine 279.91 0.70 201.16 0.49 -28.13
35 Peru 339.35 0.85 183.43 0.44 -45.95
36 Chile 140.09 0.35 157.43 0.38 12.38
37 Argentina 160.6 0.40 151.87 0.37 -5.44
38 Brazil 216.88 0.54 137.65 0.33 -36.53
39 Turkey 139.92 0.35 104.51 0.25 -25.31
40 Angola 626.11 1.57 24.18 0.06 -96.14
Total 36,608.18 91.63 37,845.88 91.41 3.38
Others 3,342.26 8.37 3,555.19 8.59 6.37
India's Total Import 39,950.44 100.00 41,401.07 100.00 3.63
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata(P: Provisional). (Note: (i) Others includes remaining sources (ii) The above listed 40
sources are fixed based on the top 40 sources of import for the year 2017-18)

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 59

Table 13: India’s Export by Region
(Value in US$ Million)
% %
Regions Apr, 18 % Share Apr, 19 (P)
Share Change
1) Europe 5,060.70 19.50 5,097.95 19.55 0.74
1.1 EU Countries 4,415.36 17.01 4,536.66 17.40 2.75
1.2 European Free Trade Association (EFTA) 109.59 0.42 126.61 0.49 15.53
1.3 Other European Countries 535.74 2.06 434.68 1.67 -18.86
2) Africa 2,217.51 8.55 2,427.70 9.31 9.48
2.1 Southern African Customs Union (SACU) 529.96 2.04 287.16 1.10 -45.81
2.2 Other South African Countries 82.57 0.32 182.81 0.70 121.40
2.3 West Africa 518.30 2.00 696.69 2.67 34.42
2.4 Central Africa 80.55 0.31 115.01 0.44 42.78
2.5 East Africa 582.48 2.24 651.46 2.50 11.84
2.6 North Africa 423.64 1.63 494.58 1.90 16.75
3) America 5,371.24 20.70 5,332.04 20.45 -0.73
3.1 North America 4,696.54 18.10 4,649.87 17.84 -0.99
3.2 Latin America 674.70 2.60 682.17 2.62 1.11
4) Asia 12,847.92 49.51 12,694.46 48.69 -1.19
4.1 East Asia (Oceania) 385.1 1.48 226.8 0.87 -41.11
4.2 ASEAN 2,668.77 10.28 3,120.47 11.97 16.93
4.3 West Asia- GCC 3,787.19 14.59 3,249.52 12.46 -14.20
4.4 Other West Asia 725.87 2.80 1,046.55 4.01 44.18
4.5 NE Asia 3,196.54 12.32 3,173.03 12.17 -0.74
4.6 South Asia 2,084.44 8.03 1,878.09 7.20 -9.90
5) CIS & Baltics 229.52 0.88 272.97 1.05 18.93
5.1 CARs Countries 23.75 0.09 30.63 0.12 28.97
5.2 Other CIS Countries 205.77 0.79 242.34 0.93 17.77
6) Unspecified Region 223.79 0.86 245 0.94 9.48
India’s Total Export 25,950.69 100.00 26,070.12 100.00 0.46
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata (P: Provisional)

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 60

Table 14: India’s Import by Region
(Value in US$ Million)
Region Apr, 18 % Share Apr, 19 (P) % Share
1) Europe 6,242.98 15.63 6,620.98 15.99 6.05
1.1 EU Countries 4,681.52 11.72 4,003.99 9.67 -14.47
1.2 European Free Trade Association (EFTA) 1,418.97 3.55 2,497.98 6.03 76.04
1.3 Other European Countries 142.49 0.36 119.01 0.29 -16.48
2) Africa 3,784.97 9.47 3,319.78 8.02 -12.29
2.1 Southern African Customs Union (SACU) 630.72 1.58 725.33 1.75 15.00
2.2 Other South African Countries 734.82 1.84 172.00 0.42 -76.59
2.3 West Africa 1,822.02 4.56 1,691.26 4.09 -7.18
2.4 Central Africa 65.56 0.16 70.86 0.17 8.08
2.5 East Africa 159.73 0.40 69.98 0.17 -56.19
2.6 North Africa 372.12 0.93 590.35 1.43 58.65
3) America 4,712.59 11.80 5,624.24 13.58 19.34
3.1 North America 3,188.03 7.98 4,076.04 9.85 27.85
3.2 Latin America 1,524.57 3.82 1,548.20 3.74 1.55
4) Asia 24,304.98 60.84 24,562.38 59.33 1.06
4.1 East Asia (Oceania) 1,351.78 3.38 879.70 2.12 -34.92
4.2 ASEAN 4,966.39 12.43 4,847.55 11.71 -2.39
4.3 West Asia- GCC 5,861.91 14.67 6,075.73 14.68 3.65
4.4 Other West Asia 3,253.77 8.14 2,869.02 6.93 -11.82
4.5 NE Asia 8,617.27 21.57 9,657.48 23.33 12.07
4.6 South Asia 253.85 0.64 232.89 0.56 -8.26
5) CIS & Baltics 889.59 2.23 1,256.87 3.04 41.29
5.1 CARs Countries 128.67 0.32 188.43 0.46 46.44
5.2 Other CIS Countries 760.92 1.90 1,068.44 2.58 40.41
6) Unspecified Region 15.32 0.04 16.82 0.04 9.79
India’s Total Import 39,950.44 100.00 41,401.07 100.00 3.63
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata (P: Provisional)

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 61

Table 15: India’s Export by 8 digit HS code level
(value in US$ Million)
Sl. % Apr- Apr-Mar %
Hs Code Commodity 2016-17 2017-18
No. Change Mar, 18 (P), 19 Change
Diamond(Othr Thn Indstrl
1 71023910 Diamond)Cut Or Otherwise Worked 22,545.06 23,510.93 4.28 23,510.93 23,771.55 1.11
But Not Mounted Or Set
2 27101930 High Speed Diesel (Hsd) 12,077.21 15,263.55 26.38 15,263.55 20,164.05 32.11
3 27101920 Aviation Turbine Fuel (Atf) 5,477.51 6,440.97 17.59 6,440.97 9,248.09 43.58
4 27101219 Other 7,732.16 8,338.53 7.84 8,338.53 9,015.28 8.12
5 71131910 Jewellery Of Gold Unset 3,688.95 5,418.27 46.88 5,418.27 8,405.06 55.12
Other Medcne Put Up For Retail Sale
6 30049099 5,362.49 5,179.62 -3.41 5,179.62 5,806.41 12.1
7 10063020 Basmati Rice 3,208.60 4,169.56 29.95 4,169.56 4,712.42 13.02
8 27101290 Other 3,465.41 4,080.29 17.74 4,080.29 4,205.41 3.07
9 3061790 Other Shrimps And Prawns 3,211.72 4,575.25 42.45 4,575.25 4,132.94 -9.67
Boneless Meat Of Bovine Animals ,
10 2023000 3,729.35 3,785.10 1.50 3,785.10 3,314.94 -12.42
11 76011010 Aluminium Ingots-Not Alloyed 1,895.95 2,873.88 51.58 2,873.88 3,279.41 14.11
12 84111200 Turbo-Jets Of A Thrust>25 Kn 326.56 2,124.64 550.60 2,124.64 3,123.45 47.01
Motor Car Wth Cylndr
13 87032291 Cpcty>=1000cc But < 1500cc Wth 3,548.55 3,553.95 0.15 3,553.95 3,017.53 -15.09
Otr Prtsandaccssrs Of Vhcls Of Hdg
14 87089900 2,333.11 2,611.58 11.94 2,611.58 2,817.50 7.88
15 29024300 P-Xylene 644.06 1,571.87 144.06 1,571.87 2,750.39 74.98
16 71131930 Jewellery Of Gold Set With Diamond 3,511.32 3,115.09 -11.28 3,115.09 2,727.85 -12.43
17 89059090 Other Under Hdng 8905 1,397.09 1,942.25 39.02 1,942.25 2,242.78 15.47
Motor Car Wth Cylndr
18 87032391 Cpcty>=1500cc But <3000cc Wth 1,197.49 1,732.12 44.65 1,732.12 1,909.96 10.27
Indian Cotton Of Staple Length
19 52010015 28.5mm (1.4/32) And Above But 1,438.51 1,693.09 17.70 1,693.09 1,895.80 11.97
Below 34.5mm
Other Petroleum Oils And Oils
20 27101990 1,482.11 1,442.89 -2.65 1,442.89 1,887.30 30.8
Obtaine Frombituminous Minerals Nes
21 61091000 T-Shirts Etc Of Cotton 1,726.21 1,741.19 0.87 1,741.19 1,847.06 6.08
Motr Cyclwth Cylndr Cpcty >75
22 87112029 1,329.85 1,555.02 16.93 1,555.02 1,657.36 6.58
Bt<=250 Cc
23 85171290 Other 162.48 209.41 28.88 209.41 1,598.10 663.14
24 10063010 Rice Parboiled 1,456.52 1,813.03 24.48 1,813.03 1,503.11 -17.09
25 88033000 Othr Prts Of Aeroplanes/Helicopters 2,210.44 1,889.66 -14.51 1,889.66 1,437.52 -23.93
Non-Industrial Diamonds
26 71023100 Unworked/Simply Sawn Cleaved Or 1,662.52 1,589.48 -4.39 1,589.48 1,357.12 -14.62
27 29022000 Benzene 546.43 1,027.64 88.06 1,027.64 1,180.54 14.88
28 71189000 Other Coin 723.98 893.84 23.46 893.84 1,161.95 30
Othr Refnd Sugar Includng Centrifugal
29 17019990 1,159.98 734.23 -36.70 734.23 1,113.11 51.6
Floatng/Submersible Drllng/Prdctn
30 89052000 1,223.65 137.93 -88.73 137.93 1,085.79 687.22
Electrodes Of A Kind Used For
31 85451100 125.30 431.77 244.60 431.77 1,075.18 149.01
Toilet Linen And Kitchen Linen, Of
Terry Towelling Or Similar Terry
32 63026090 1,058.82 984.93 -6.98 984.93 1,058.88 7.51
Fabrics, Of Cotton, Other Than

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 62

Table 15 (Contd.): India’s Export by 8 digit HS code level
(value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar
Hs Code Commodity 2016-17 2017-18 % Change
No. Change 18 (P), 19
39076100 Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate): Having 0.00 842.74 0.00 842.74 1,045.32 24.04
33 A Viscosity Number Of 78 Ml/G Or
34 26011210 Agglomerated Iron Ore Pellets 682.73 883.24 29.37 883.24 1,039.22 17.66
10063090 Rice Excptg Parboiled (Excl Basmati 736.96 1,370.26 85.93 1,370.26 1,023.19 -25.33
29420090 Other Diloxanide Furoate, 960.28 878.83 -8.48 878.83 947.55 7.82
Cimetidine, Famotidine Nes
72024100 Ferro-Chromium Carbon Contng>4% 765.14 924.50 20.83 924.5 945.38 2.26
By Wt
38 27101950 Fuel Oil 575.48 931.93 61.94 931.93 932.6 0.07
39 76012020 Aluminium Billets - Alloyed 235.39 640.61 172.15 640.61 910.34 42.1
40 52052310 Grey 686.96 776.49 13.03 776.49 883.46 13.78
38089390 Other Herbicides-Anti-Sprouting 538.14 659.54 22.56 659.54 849.11 28.74
87032191 Motor Car Wth Cylndr Cpcty<=1000 850.19 769.19 -9.53 769.19 848.68 10.33
Wth Sprk-Igntn
29339900 Other Heterdcyclic Cmpnds With 534.99 682.23 27.52 682.23 846.5 24.08
Nitrogen Hetro Atom (S) Only
44 54023300 Textured Yarn Of Polyesters 767.61 805.05 4.88 805.05 832.37 3.39
45 52052410 Grey2401 753.82 741.10 -1.69 741.1 827.43 11.65
46 38089199 Other Insecticide Nes 462.76 610.34 31.89 610.34 827.21 35.53
47 62052000 Mens Or Boys Shirts Of Cotton 882.20 828.58 -6.08 828.58 816.56 -1.45
48 72071920 Mild Steel (M.S.) Billets 399.18 841.20 110.73 841.2 813.97 -3.24
49 39021000 Polypropylene 544.32 596.41 9.57 596.41 812.07 36.16
15153090 Castor Oilandits Frctns Othr Thn 616.95 966.99 56.74 966.99 810.07 -16.23
Edble Grade
51 72023000 Ferro-Silico-Manganese 565.26 847.26 49.89 847.26 764.39 -9.78
73269099 All Other Articles Of Iron/Steel Nes 615.44 724.35 17.70 724.35 762.96 5.33
52 Other Steering Or Rudder Equipment
For Ships And Boats, N.E.S.
53 63041910 Bedsheets And Bed Covers Of Cotton 597.38 613.20 2.65 613.2 753.4 22.86
54 71131120 Silver Jewellery Set With Gems 3,843.27 3,237.53 -15.76 3,237.53 744.1 -77.02
87032120 Three-Wheeled Vehicles Wth Cylndr 359.34 479.27 33.37 479.27 739.23 54.24
Cpcty<=1000 Wth Sprk-Igntn
63053200 Flexible Intermediate Bulk 460.39 602.75 30.92 602.75 734.94 21.93
56 Containers Of Man Made Textile
57 68022390 Others 772.22 721.91 -6.52 721.91 734.28 1.71
40117000 Of A Kind Used On Agricultural Or 0.00 677.47 0.00 677.47 695.52 2.66
Forestry Vehicles And Machines
59 30049079 Other Antihypertensive Drugs 493.84 506.23 2.51 506.23 689.56 36.21
60 28182010 Alumina Calcined 446.06 508.16 13.92 508.16 671.43 32.13
61 61112000 Babies Garments Etc Of Cotton 644.82 633.85 -1.70 633.85 663.95 4.75
23040030 Meal Of Soyabean,Solvent Extracted 346.09 492.95 42.43 492.95 660.9 34.07
(Defatted) Variety
63 89051000 Dredgers 277.93 247.08 -11.1 247.08 659.85 167.05
30049069 Other Nonsteroidal Antiinflamatory, 594.66 598.13 0.58 598.13 642.52 7.42
Analgestics And Antipyratic Drugs
71131940 Jewellery Of Gold Set With Precious 595.97 666.12 11.77 666.12 642.27 -3.58
65 And Semi Precious Stones Other
Than Diamonds
66 85176290 Other 165.56 486.76 194.01 486.76 610.27 25.37

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 63

Table 15 (Contd.): India’s Export by 8 digit HS code level
(value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar %
Hs Code Commodity 2016-17 2017-18
No. Change 18 (P), 19 Change
67 62114300 Other Garments Of Man-Made Fibres 608.66 644.02 5.81 644.02 605.76 -5.94
68 8013220 Cashew Karnel, Whole 744.52 873.16 17.28 873.16 604.1 -30.81
69 84818030 Industrial Valves(Excl Pressure-Reducing 589.91 664.13 12.58 664.13 598.59 -9.87
Valves,And Thrmstcly Contrlld Valves)
70 62044390 Othr Dresses Of Synth Fibres 514.45 589.11 14.51 589.11 591.79 0.46
71 38089290 Others Fungicide Nes 511.95 510.60 -0.26 510.6 589.35 15.42
72 69072100 Of A Water Absorption Coefficient By 0.00 391.07 0.00 391.07 578.56 47.94
Weight Not Exceeding 0.5%
73 9042110 Of Genus Capsicum 585.28 530.28 -9.40 530.28 577.83 8.97
74 30049049 Other Anticancer Drugs 404.93 481.72 18.96 481.72 570.67 18.47
75 89040000 Tugs And Pusher Craft 886.92 343.07 -61.32 343.07 566.38 65.09
76 62064000 Blouses,Shirts Etc Of Man-Made Fibres 646.63 628.28 -2.84 628.28 565.38 -10.01
77 52051210 Grey 427.25 449.79 5.28 449.79 564.33 25.47
78 79011100 Zinc,Not Alloyd,Contng By Wt>=99.99% 540.03 859.87 59.22 859.87 562.71 -34.56
79 84089090 Others 285.92 307.52 7.56 307.52 559.34 81.89
80 62063000 Blouses,Shirts And Shirts-Blouses Of 591.64 625.89 5.79 625.89 548.03 -12.44
81 87019300 Other Tractors, Of An Engine 0.00 502.94 0.00 502.94 547.11 8.78
Powerexceeding 37 Kw But Not
Exceeding 75 Kw
82 72083940 Strips Of Flat-Rold Prdcts In Coils Of A 662.94 737.51 11.25 737.51 544.09 -26.23
Thckns< 3 Mm Hot-Rld,Excl.Pickl
83 39011010 Linear L0w Density P0lyethylene (Lldpe) 61.12 253.69 315.08 253.69 543.53 114.25
84 61099090 T-Shirt Etc Of Othr Fibres 672.42 622.51 -7.42 622.51 534.64 -14.12
85 27160000 Electrical Energy 438.64 506.53 15.48 506.53 532.32 5.09
86 94036000 Other Wooden Furniture 395.02 464.46 17.58 464.46 531.96 14.53
87 89069000 Other Under Hdng 8906 325.41 69.71 -78.58 69.71 519.57 645.3
88 12074090 Other Sesamum Seeds W/N Broken 350.53 433.27 23.60 433.27 514.51 18.75
89 27079900 Other Oil And Oil Prodcts Of Distilation 196.97 260.94 32.48 260.94 506.98 94.29
Of High Temp. Coal Tar, Etc.
90 29349900 Other Heterocyclic Compounds 448.27 447.46 -0.18 447.46 503.91 12.62
91 87083000 Mounted Brake Linings 342.17 419.70 22.66 419.7 492.02 17.23
92 39012000 Polyethylene Hvng A Spcfc Grvty 0.94 143.94 210.03 45.91 210.03 479.92 128.51
93 29419090 Other Antibiotics 447.69 438.67 -2.02 438.67 479.14 9.23
94 87041010 Dumpers Designed Fr Off-Highway Use 166.94 357.16 113.95 357.16 479.07 34.13
Wth Net Wt >8 Tons And Maxm Pay-
Load >=10 Tons
95 13023230 Guargum Treated And Pulverised 367.47 517.65 40.87 517.65 475.8 -8.08
96 84834000 Gears And Gearng,Excl Toothd 190.75 328.09 72.00 328.09 464.2 41.48
Wheels,Trnsmsn Elmnts Prsntd
Seprtly;Ball Scrws;Gear Boxsand Speed
Chngrs,Incl Torque C
97 62044220 Dresses Of Cotton 458.98 461.86 0.63 461.86 460.05 -0.39
62034200 Trousers Bib And Brace Overalls 403.81 445.87 10.42 445.87 459.39 3.03
98 Breeches And Shorts Of Cotton For Mens
And Boys
99 12024210 Kernels, H.P.S 756.06 497.93 -34.14 497.93 450.06 -9.61
100 84819090 Other Parts Of The Items Undr Hdg 8481 270.38 349.16 29.14 349.16 447.16 28.07
Total 137,868.32 159,447.46 15.65 159,447.46 179,732.69 12.72
% Share Of Above Commodities To Total Export 49.98 52.53 52.53 54.55
India's Total Export 275,851.92 303,525.64 10.03 303,525.64 329,476.60 8.55
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 64

Table 16: India’s Import by 8 digit HS code level
(value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr- Apr-Mar %
Hs Code Commodity 2016-17 2017-18
No. Change Mar, 18 (P), 19 Change
Petroleum Oils And Oils Obtained From
1 27090000 70,705.39 87,372.27 23.57 87,372.27 114,042.12 30.52
Bituminous Minerals Crude
Other Non-Monetary Unwrought Forms Of
2 71081200 27,308.10 33,574.65 22.95 33,574.65 32,792.88 -2.33
Non-Industrial Diamonds Unworked/Simply
3 71023100 16,818.83 19,630.41 16.72 19,630.41 15,677.74 -20.14
Sawn Cleaved Or Bruted
4 27111100 Liquified Natural Gas 6,004.74 8,121.29 35.25 8,121.29 10,558.24 30.01
5 27011920 Steam Coal 7,115.04 9,925.22 39.50 9,925.22 10,483.59 5.63
6 27011910 Coking Coal 6,138.37 9,231.96 50.40 9,231.96 10,317.58 11.76
Diamond(Othr Thn Indstrl Diamond)Cut Or
7 71023910 2,442.31 9,748.28 299.14 9,748.28 9,677.65 -0.72
Otherwise Worked But Not Mounted Or Set
8 85177090 Othr Parts Of Telephonc/Telegrphc Apparts 6,258.64 6,707.40 7.17 6,707.40 6,591.72 -1.72
9 85176290 Other 2,387.86 4,092.50 71.39 4,092.50 5,336.13 30.39
Aeroplanes And Othr Aircraft,Of An Unladen
10 88024000 5,090.91 5,924.56 16.38 5,924.56 5,185.58 -12.47
Weight Exceeding 15000 Kg
11 85423100 Monolithic Integrated Circuits - Digital 782.36 1,101.04 40.73 1,101.04 4,723.04 328.96
12 27111300 Liquified Butanes 2,310.99 2,896.59 25.34 2,896.59 4,291.30 48.15
13 15111000 Crude Palm Oil And Its Fractns 3,933.48 4,787.69 21.72 4,787.69 3,674.32 -23.25
14 27111200 Liquified Propane 1,447.33 2,179.03 50.55 2,179.03 3,500.66 60.65
15 71069100 Unwrought Silver 1,639.88 2,979.00 81.66 2,979.00 3,483.22 16.93
16 84713010 Personal Computer (Laptop,Palmtop,Etc) 2,148.75 2,672.49 24.37 2,672.49 2,966.84 11.01
Diamonm Hydrgnorthphospht(Diamonm
17 31053000 1,685.34 1,569.87 -6.85 1,569.87 2,955.18 88.24
18 84111200 Turbo-Jets Of A Thrust>25 Kn 948.05 2,053.65 116.62 2,053.65 2,710.92 32.01
Aluminium Scrap Coverd By Isri Code
19 76020010 Tablettabloid,Taboo,Taint/Tabor,Take, Talap, 1,400.03 2,041.39 45.81 2,041.39 2,467.34 20.87
20 15071000 Soya Bean Crude Oil W/N Degummed 2,791.16 2,559.02 -8.32 2,559.02 2,350.26 -8.16
21 89059090 Other Under Hdng 8905 1,506.42 961.41 -36.18 961.41 2,345.74 143.99
S0lar Cells/Photovoltaic Cells Whethr Or N0t
22 85414011 3,196.50 3,837.57 20.06 3,837.57 2,159.73 -43.72
Assembled In M0dule/Panel
23 85177010 Popltd, Loaded Or Stuffd Prntd Crcuit Brds 1,180.94 4,855.72 311.17 4,855.72 2,120.72 -56.33
24 28092010 Ph0sph0ric Acid 1,469.07 1,731.94 17.89 1,731.94 2,113.19 22.01
25 27011200 Bitumns Coal W/N Pulvrsd But Nt Aglomrtd 863.01 885.58 2.61 885.58 2,056.80 132.25
26 72044900 Other Waste And Scrap 1,121.09 1,369.34 22.14 1,369.34 2,017.39 47.33
27 15121110 Sunflower Seed Oil Crude 1,459.23 1,823.11 24.94 1,823.11 1,966.02 7.84
28 31021000 Urea Whether Or Not In Aqueous Solution 1,154.40 1,452.72 25.84 1,452.72 1,887.82 29.95
29 85423200 Memories 69.05 109.73 58.92 109.73 1,871.75 1,605.76
30 39041090 Oth Poly Vinyl Chloride Not Mixd With Othr 482.39 1,360.77 182.09 1,360.77 1,814.28 33.33
Digitl Procesng Units Excl Of Sub Hdngs
31 84715000 847141 And 847149,Wh/Not Cont One/Two 1,216.00 1,518.82 24.90 1,518.82 1,795.38 18.21
Typs Of Uni,Like Storg/Input/Output Uni
32 26030000 Copper Ores And Concentrates 2,725.96 4,319.07 58.44 4,319.07 1,753.58 -59.4
Otr Prtsandaccssrs Of Vhcls Of Hdg 8701-
33 87089900 1,457.41 1,792.10 22.96 1,792.10 1,718.34 -4.12
34 27101960 Base Oil 1,011.42 1,447.06 43.07 1,447.06 1,704.76 17.81
35 27040090 Other Cokes Of Coal 804.12 1,418.39 76.39 1,418.39 1,688.71 19.06
36 85423900 Other 847.87 1,076.16 26.92 1,076.16 1,616.82 50.24
37 8013100 Cashen Nuts Fresh/Dried In Shell 1,317.62 1,374.57 4.32 1,374.57 1,566.68 13.98
38 72042190 Othr Wst And Scrp Of Stainless Steel 848.75 1,112.07 31.02 1,112.07 1,513.32 36.08

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 65

Table 16 (Contd.): India’s Import by 8 digit HS code level
(value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr- %
Hs Code Commodity 2016-17 2017-18 Mar
No. Change Mar, 18 Change
(P), 19
39 15119020 Refined Blchd Deodrsed Palmolein 2,191.94 1,931.51 -11.88 1,931.51 1,500.76 -22.3
40 28182010 Alumina Calcined 416.80 850.92 104.16 850.92 1,359.69 59.79
Other Petroleum Oils And Oils Obtaine
41 27101990 405.56 1,278.91 215.34 1,278.91 1,342.87 5
Frombituminous Minerals Nes
42 85299090 Othe Parts Fr Othr Use 1,271.58 1,354.02 6.48 1,354.02 1,312.69 -3.05
43 47079000 Othr Incl Unsorted Waste And Scrap 673.59 949.13 40.90 949.13 1,299.81 36.95
44 27011990 Other Coal W/N Pulvrsd But Ntagldmrtd 697.82 1,199.75 71.93 1,199.75 1,293.66 7.83
45 85076000 Lithium-Ion 328.65 547.60 66.62 547.6 1,229.23 124.48
46 85171290 Other 3,739.95 2,602.50 -30.41 2,602.50 1,216.51 -53.26
47 84798999 Other 647.75 649.90 0.33 649.9 1,204.70 85.37
48 31042000 Potassium Chloride 1,011.06 1,160.20 14.75 1,160.20 1,190.11 2.58
49 98010013 Power Project 1,235.29 795.16 -35.63 795.16 1,170.24 47.17
Aeroplanes And Othr Aircraft,Of An Unladen
50 88023000 1,148.74 378.15 -67.08 378.15 1,149.69 204.03
Weight >2000 Kg But Not Excdng 15000 Kg
51 87084000 Gear Boxes 742.88 1,004.36 35.20 1,004.36 1,076.50 7.18
52 74081990 Others With Cross Section<=6mm 492.40 903.43 83.47 903.43 1,066.74 18.08
53 29025000 Styrene 831.46 1,015.28 22.11 1,015.28 1,063.51 4.75
54 48010090 Other Newsprints 829.06 741.96 -10.51 741.96 930.07 25.35
55 27131100 Petroleum Coke Not Calcined 981.59 1,319.59 34.43 1,319.59 928.68 -29.62
56 29024300 P-Xylene 994.64 782.13 -21.37 782.13 924.05 18.15
57 28141000 Anhydrous Ammonia 703.97 784.61 11.45 784.61 914.57 16.56
58 85258090 Other 365.17 592.58 62.28 592.58 883.04 49.02
Othr Msrngandchckng
59 90318000 572.29 645.46 12.79 645.46 818.99 26.88
60 39012000 Polyethylene Hvng A Spcfc Grvty 0.94 /More 734.42 739.51 0.69 739.51 810.36 9.58
61 85238020 Discs With Information Technology Software 947.29 1,327.45 40.13 1,327.45 796.2 -40.02
62 29011000 Saturated Acyclic Hydrocarbons 118.41 550.99 365.31 550.99 790.58 43.48
63 39021000 Polypropylene 603.95 761.04 26.01 761.04 768.18 0.94
64 85044090 Others 530.33 743.53 40.20 743.53 767.38 3.21
65 8021100 Almonds Frsh Or Driedin Shell 605.52 786.94 29.96 786.94 755.03 -4.06
Vssls And Othr Floatng Strctrs Fr Breakng
66 89080000 629.56 917.29 45.70 917.29 753.57 -17.85
67 84818090 Others 554.99 659.43 18.82 659.43 743.03 12.68
68 29051100 Saturated Methanol (Methyl Alcohol) 441.21 620.63 40.67 620.63 742.43 19.62
All Other Articles Of Iron/Steel Nes Other
69 73269099 Steering Or Rudder Equipment For Ships And 453.88 511.75 12.75 511.75 728.49 42.35
Boats, N.E.S.
70 40012200 Technically Spcfd Natrl Rubr(Tsnr) 509.81 650.04 27.51 650.04 701.2 7.87
71 85340000 Printed Circuits 374.46 444.33 18.66 444.33 682.38 53.57
72 89051000 Dredgers 273.91 679.34 148.02 679.34 680.41 0.16
Other Heterdcyclic Cmpnds With Nitrogen
73 29339900 406.93 565.25 38.90 565.25 659.69 16.71
Hetro Atom (S) Only
74 39269099 Othr Article Of Plastic Nes 702.15 708.65 0.93 708.65 649.42 -8.36
75 27101290 Other 1,075.58 645.48 -39.99 645.48 645.12 -0.06
Othr Coppr Wire Wth Max Crs-Sec
76 74081190 428.96 439.81 2.53 439.81 636.84 44.8
77 30049099 Other Medcne Put Up For Retail Sale N.E.S 506.33 611.98 20.87 611.98 633.36 3.49
78 85389000 Other Parts Of Hdg 8538 517.96 589.36 13.78 589.36 632.46 7.31

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 66

Table 16 (Contd.): India’s Import by 8 digit HS code level
(value in US$ Million)
S. % Apr-Mar, Apr-Mar %
Hs Code Commodity 2016-17 2017-18
No. Change 18 (P), 19 Change
79 89052000 Floatng/Submersible Drllng/Prdctn Pltforms 822.97 724.13 -12.01 724.13 622.42 -14.05
80 52010020 Foreign Cotton Of All Staple Lengths 939.85 971.48 3.37 971.48 620.63 -36.12
81 84099990 Other Parts Of Semi Diesel Engines 465.32 587.16 26.18 587.16 609.83 3.86
82 29152100 Acetic Acid 289.19 451.00 55.95 451 603.64 33.84
83 85371000 Bords Etc For A Voltage<=1000 Vlts 369.36 461.21 24.87 461.21 595.55 29.13
84 85258020 Digital Cameras 267.79 348.19 30.03 348.19 595.31 70.97
85 27101950 Fuel Oil 245.24 516.36 110.55 516.36 584.62 13.22
Othr Lqfd Petrlm Gases And Gaseous
86 27111900 970.01 986.80 1.73 986.8 584.06 -40.81
Brass Scrap Covered By Isri Code Drink ,
87 74040022 Ebony,Enerv,Elder,Engel,Erin,Grape,Honey, 433.65 535.40 23.46 535.4 583.2 8.93
88 85369090 Other 355.17 441.20 24.22 441.2 575.75 30.5
89 27131200 Petroleum Coke Calcined 201.05 403.05 100.47 403.05 559.35 38.78
90 98010019 Other Projects 534.40 678.72 27.01 678.72 554.14 -18.36
Cathods And Sectns Of Cathods Of Refind
91 74031100 134.98 243.17 80.15 243.17 550.78 126.5
92 84314990 Prts Of Othr Macnry Of Hd 8426,8429,8430 382.59 448.34 17.19 448.34 548.53 22.35
Other Unrefined Copper;Copper Anodes For
93 74020090 280.77 498.99 77.72 498.99 547.48 9.72
Electrolytic Refining
94 29053100 Ethylene Glycol (Ethanediol) 902.88 906.87 0.44 906.87 532.09 -41.33
95 39074000 Polycarbonates 304.62 397.33 30.43 397.33 528.09 32.91
96 85176990 Othr Apartus,Fr Carrier/Digital Line Systm 837.07 662.07 -20.91 662.07 527.07 -20.39
Othr Resdus Of Petrlm Oils/Of Oils
97 27139000 311.40 266.73 -14.35 266.73 526.97 97.57
Obtained From Bituminous Minerals
98 75021000 Nickel,Not Alloyed 398.93 436.43 9.40 436.43 517.64 18.61
Parts And Accessories Of Motorcycle Excl.
99 87141090 318.01 358.66 12.78 358.66 512.39 42.86
Othr Atmtc Rgltng/Cntrlng
100 90328990 403.31 464.58 15.19 464.58 511.25 10.05
Total 232,955.21 297,842.26 27.85 297,842.26 337,340.37 13.26
% Share Of Above Commodities To Total Import 60.61 63.97 63.97 65.72
India's Total Import 384,356.55 465,580.51 21.13 465,580.51 513,321.93 10.25
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 67

Table 17: India’s Export by Destination for 8 digit HS code level
(value in US$ Million)
S. No. Apr-Mar Apr-Mar(P),
Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
(P), 18 19
1 USA 42,212.27 47,878.48 13.42 47,878.48 52,365.17 9.37
2 U Arab Emts 31,175.50 28,146.12 -9.72 28,146.12 30,089.40 6.9
3 China P Rp 10,171.89 13,333.53 31.08 13,333.53 16,748.37 25.61
4 Hong Kong 14,047.24 14,690.27 4.58 14,690.27 12,943.85 -11.89
5 Singapore 9,564.58 10,202.82 6.67 10,202.82 11,563.22 13.33
6 UK 8,530.07 9,691.07 13.61 9,691.07 9,304.32 -3.99
7 Bangladesh Pr 6,820.11 8,614.35 26.31 8,614.35 8,986.00 4.31
8 Germany 7,181.61 8,687.80 20.97 8,687.80 8,897.26 2.41
9 Netherland 5,069.69 6,261.14 23.50 6,261.14 8,812.03 40.74
10 Nepal 5,453.59 6,612.96 21.26 6,612.96 7,597.29 14.88
11 Belgium 5,656.89 6,206.88 9.72 6,206.88 6,727.90 8.39
12 Vietnam Soc Rep 6,786.56 7,813.08 15.13 7,813.08 6,507.32 -16.71
13 Malaysia 5,224.86 5,701.56 9.12 5,701.56 6,429.84 12.77
14 Italy 4,902.18 5,709.85 16.48 5,709.85 5,591.22 -2.08
15 Saudi Arab 5,110.28 5,410.70 5.88 5,410.70 5,553.38 2.64
16 Turkey 4,626.59 5,090.70 10.03 5,090.70 5,452.17 7.1
17 Indonesia 3,488.12 3,963.77 13.64 3,963.77 5,275.60 33.1
18 France 5,250.05 4,900.27 -6.66 4,900.27 5,232.61 6.78
19 Japan 3,845.73 4,734.22 23.10 4,734.22 4,858.50 2.63
20 Sri Lanka Dsr 3,913.15 4,476.46 14.40 4,476.46 4,706.92 5.15
21 Korea Rp 4,241.42 4,460.98 5.18 4,460.98 4,705.14 5.47
22 Thailand 3,133.44 3,653.83 16.61 3,653.83 4,426.71 21.15
23 Spain 3,424.99 3,995.11 16.65 3,995.11 4,181.77 4.67
24 South Africa 3,545.95 3,825.21 7.88 3,825.21 4,066.97 6.32
25 Mexico 3,460.98 3,782.79 9.30 3,782.79 3,841.55 1.55
26 Brazil 2,400.46 3,063.49 27.62 3,063.49 3,800.40 24.05
27 Israel 3,087.16 3,364.05 8.97 3,364.05 3,786.52 12.56
28 Australia 2,957.79 4,012.32 35.65 4,012.32 3,519.69 -12.28
29 Iran 2,379.61 2,652.37 11.46 2,652.37 3,511.01 32.37
30 Nigeria 1,764.11 2,254.92 27.82 2,254.92 3,005.21 33.27
31 Egypt A Rp 2,067.35 2,392.34 15.72 2,392.34 2,886.31 20.65
32 Unspecified 2,470.14 2,429.68 -1.64 2,429.68 2,862.32 17.81
33 Canada 2,004.12 2,506.15 25.05 2,506.15 2,850.01 13.72
34 Taiwan 2,183.64 2,156.67 -1.23 2,156.67 2,607.07 20.88
35 Russia 1,937.06 2,113.39 9.10 2,113.39 2,389.70 13.07
36 Oman 2,728.30 2,439.46 -10.59 2,439.46 2,242.12 -8.09
37 Kenya 2,194.29 1,974.57 -10.01 1,974.57 2,071.84 4.93
38 Pakistan Ir 1,821.87 1,924.28 5.62 1,924.28 2,066.56 7.39
39 Iraq 1,111.45 1,462.23 31.56 1,462.23 1,788.66 22.32
40 Philippines 1,482.52 1,692.83 14.19 1,692.83 1,743.63 3
41 Tanzania Rep 1,783.57 1,618.80 -9.24 1,618.80 1,704.04 5.27
42 Qatar 784.56 1,471.88 87.61 1,471.88 1,602.85 8.9
43 Poland 1,197.81 1,541.36 28.68 1,541.36 1,572.73 2.03
44 Kuwait 1,497.99 1,365.66 -8.83 1,365.66 1,331.13 -2.53
45 Myanmar 1,107.89 966.19 -12.79 966.19 1,205.20 24.74

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 68

Table 17 (Contd.): India’s Export by Destination for 8 digit HS code level
(value in US$ Million)
S. No. Apr-Mar Apr-Mar(P),
Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
(P), 18 19
46 Switzerland 978.06 1,083.84 10.82 1,083.84 1,186.09 9.43
47 Mauritius 881.38 1,077.15 22.21 1,077.15 1,160.77 7.76
48 Colombia 784.50 939.14 19.71 939.14 1,116.85 18.92
49 Mozambique 1,009.97 900.58 -10.83 900.58 1,073.31 19.18
50 Chile 674.34 763.56 13.23 763.56 989.79 29.63
51 Algeria 841.89 823.23 -2.22 823.23 940.27 14.22
52 Sudan 748.71 822.72 9.88 822.72 921.94 12.06
53 Djibouti 280.41 376.46 34.25 376.46 790.67 110.02
54 Sweden 708.93 771.50 8.82 771.5 792.22 2.69
55 Ethiopia 773.50 683.88 -11.59 683.88 766.03 12.01
56 Baharain Is 471.71 556.82 18.04 556.82 739.96 32.89
57 Portugal 669.66 747.32 11.60 747.32 743.87 -0.46
58 Yemen Republc 446.13 563.46 26.30 563.46 741.32 31.56
59 Denmark 692.94 784.10 13.16 784.1 737.9 -5.89
60 Peru 696.42 760.68 9.23 760.68 721.03 -5.21
61 Ghana 681.03 635.78 -6.64 635.78 717.33 12.83
62 Afghanistan Tis 506.34 709.75 40.17 709.75 715.44 0.8
63 Togo 315.70 408.68 29.45 408.68 694.09 69.84
64 Morocco 373.91 432.32 15.62 432.32 680.03 57.3
65 Bhutan 509.28 546.12 7.23 546.12 656.2 20.16
66 Senegal 634.10 724.11 14.19 724.11 639.24 -11.72
67 Jordan 522.41 540.82 3.52 540.82 578.82 7.03
68 Uganda 494.48 532.26 7.64 532.26 580.07 8.98
69 Gibraltar 1,286.88 290.68 -77.41 290.68 575.13 97.86
70 Argentina 510.72 708.71 38.77 708.71 562.9 -20.57
71 Somalia 504.04 455.52 -9.63 455.52 536.71 17.82
72 Ireland 485.28 536.08 10.47 536.08 530.51 -1.04
73 Greece 381.07 433.87 13.86 433.87 503.27 15.99
74 Austria 383.16 460.03 20.06 460.03 483.13 5.02
75 Hungary 406.29 402.69 -0.89 402.69 458.08 13.75
76 Cote D' Ivoire 418.66 511.75 22.24 511.75 448.64 -12.33
77 Romania 257.55 398.90 54.88 398.9 430.27 7.86
78 Czech Republic 533.14 405.36 -23.97 405.36 429.11 5.86
79 Benin 447.89 479.72 7.11 479.72 426.9 -11.01
80 Guinea 354.95 377.94 6.48 377.94 404.84 7.12
81 Ukraine 310.16 330.10 6.43 330.1 390.78 18.38
82 New Zealand 309.66 352.85 13.95 352.85 379.78 7.63
83 Zambia 237.21 294.29 24.06 294.29 319.02 8.4
84 Slovenia 251.61 284.13 12.93 284.13 314.02 10.52
85 Norway 244.89 359.98 47.00 359.98 312.85 -13.09
86 Guatemala 241.23 291.93 21.02 291.93 305.37 4.6
87 Tunisia 255.42 281.77 10.32 281.77 304.21 7.96
88 Congo D. Rep. 199.19 225.07 13.00 225.07 302.94 34.6
89 Ecuador 197.73 279.80 41.51 279.8 297.96 6.49
90 Angola 154.63 234.92 51.92 234.92 282.36 20.2

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 69

Table 17 (Contd.): India’s Export by Destination for 8 digit HS code level
(value in US$ Million)
S. No. Apr-Mar Apr-Mar(P),
Destinations 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
(P), 18 19
91 Lebanon 210.65 257.10 22.05 257.1 268.59 4.47
92 Finland 269.74 282.55 4.75 282.55 256.11 -9.35
93 Malta 137.23 195.86 42.73 195.86 229.52 17.18
94 Panama Republic 220.21 227.05 3.10 227.05 227.26 0.09
95 Maldives 197.79 217.00 9.71 217 221.54 2.09
96 Dominic Rep 224.98 196.92 -12.47 196.92 215.81 9.6
97 Bulgaria 239.53 173.24 -27.68 173.24 213.35 23.15
98 Malawi 178.42 199.60 11.87 199.6 201.55 0.98
99 Uzbekistan 108.97 132.72 21.79 132.72 201.41 51.76
100 Madagascar 213.70 228.11 6.75 228.11 196.38 -13.91
Total 270867.81 297937.11 9.99 297937.11 323325.05 8.52
% Share Of Above Commodities To
98.19 98.16 98.16 98.13
Total Export
India's Total Export 275852.43 303526.16 10.03 303,526.16 329,477.13 8.55
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 70

Table 18: India’s Import by Source for 8 digit HS code level
(value in US$ Million)
S. No. Apr-Mar Apr-Mar(P),
Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
(P), 18 19
1 China P Rp 61,283.03 76,380.70 24.64 76,380.70 70,318.03 -7.94
2 USA 22,307.44 26,611.03 19.29 26,611.03 35,434.33 33.16
3 U Arab Emts 21,509.83 21,739.11 1.07 21,739.11 29,765.70 36.92
4 Saudi Arab 19,972.40 22,069.96 10.50 22,069.96 28,479.21 29.04
5 Iraq 11,707.94 17,615.81 50.46 17,615.81 22,372.47 27
6 Switzerland 17,248.68 18,923.05 9.71 18,923.05 18,076.88 -4.47
7 Hong Kong 8,204.18 10,675.98 30.13 10,675.98 17,986.95 68.48
8 Korea Rp 12,585.35 16,361.77 30.01 16,361.77 16,758.76 2.43
9 Singapore 7,086.57 7,466.99 5.37 7,466.99 16,281.58 118.05
10 Indonesia 13,427.99 16,438.80 22.42 16,438.80 15,843.93 -3.62
11 Germany 11,583.67 13,295.71 14.78 13,295.71 15,021.46 12.98
12 Iran 10,506.51 11,111.52 5.76 11,111.52 13,525.64 21.73
13 Australia 11,154.48 13,993.75 25.45 13,993.75 13,130.89 -6.17
14 Japan 9,754.64 10,973.35 12.49 10,973.35 12,772.62 16.4
15 Nigeria 7,659.48 9,501.33 24.05 9,501.33 10,884.71 14.56
16 Malaysia 8,933.59 9,011.58 0.87 9,011.58 10,791.83 19.76
17 Qatar 7,646.22 8,409.02 9.98 8,409.02 10,721.70 27.5
18 Belgium 6,624.63 5,993.41 -9.53 5,993.41 10,469.19 74.68
19 UK 3,664.96 4,806.75 31.15 4,806.75 7,562.09 57.32
20 Thailand 5,415.40 7,134.46 31.74 7,134.46 7,441.81 4.31
21 Kuwait 4,462.28 7,165.69 60.58 7,165.69 7,430.82 3.7
22 Venezuela 5,512.06 5,866.37 6.43 5,866.37 7,258.95 23.74
23 Vietnam Soc Rep 3,320.56 5,018.55 51.14 5,018.55 7,192.23 43.31
24 South Africa 5,833.75 6,834.70 17.16 6,834.70 6,520.01 -4.6
25 France 5,707.77 6,524.16 14.30 6,524.16 6,323.28 -3.08
26 Russia 5,552.30 8,573.46 54.41 8,573.46 5,840.44 -31.88
27 Mexico 2,944.52 3,930.26 33.48 3,930.26 5,577.03 41.9
28 Italy 3,895.01 4,706.89 20.84 4,706.89 5,292.02 12.43
29 Taiwan 3,142.89 3,926.25 24.92 3,926.25 4,577.22 16.58
30 Brazil 4,114.69 5,498.22 33.62 5,498.22 4,406.43 -19.86
31 Netherland 1,895.71 2,512.63 32.54 2,512.63 4,059.65 61.57
32 Angola 2,596.49 4,323.85 66.53 4,323.85 4,027.49 -6.85
33 Ghana 1,938.54 2,710.05 39.80 2,710.05 3,763.41 38.87
34 Canada 4,131.52 4,728.51 14.45 4,728.51 3,489.91 -26.19
35 Oman 1,290.50 4,264.29 230.44 4,264.29 2,757.60 -35.33
36 Peru 1,076.69 2,376.86 120.76 2,376.86 2,405.39 1.2
37 Turkey 1,207.31 2,132.20 76.61 2,132.20 2,388.27 12.01
38 Ukraine 2,481.47 2,355.97 -5.06 2,355.97 2,341.10 -0.63
39 Argentina 2,500.75 2,229.20 -10.86 2,229.20 1,954.99 -12.3
40 Israel 1,961.12 2,066.51 5.37 2,066.51 1,931.58 -6.53
41 Algeria 605.12 1,260.98 108.39 1,260.98 1,696.96 34.57
42 Spain 1,968.77 1,663.37 -15.51 1,663.37 1,680.50 1.03
43 Egypt A Rp 1,163.77 1,292.93 11.10 1,292.93 1,677.82 29.77
44 Sri Lanka Dsr 602.20 772.63 28.30 772.63 1,472.82 90.62
45 Sweden 1,161.12 1,464.47 26.13 1,464.47 1,326.85 -9.4

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 71

Table 18 (Contd.): India’s Import by Source for 8 digit HS code level
(value in US$ Million)
S. No. Apr-Mar Apr-Mar(P),
Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
(P), 18 19
46 Morocco 792.93 779.63 -1.68 779.63 1,326.69 70.17
47 Chile 1,226.34 2,092.15 70.60 2,092.15 1,237.55 -40.85
48 Jordan 828.24 984.98 18.92 984.98 1,116.25 13.33
49 Finland 1,011.67 1,401.33 38.52 1,401.33 1,124.08 -19.78
50 Mozambique 546.29 931.75 70.56 931.75 1,097.43 17.78
51 Colombia 593.96 592.80 -0.20 592.8 1,054.98 77.97
52 Bangladesh Pr 701.68 685.65 -2.29 685.65 1,039.22 51.57
53 Botswana 1,307.39 1,638.29 25.31 1,638.29 974.48 -40.52
54 Tanzania Rep 948.49 1,029.71 8.56 1,029.71 903.47 -12.26
55 Burkina Faso 256.42 632.57 146.69 632.57 881.27 39.32
56 Bolivia 173.54 667.25 284.49 667.25 852.21 27.72
57 Poland 690.98 766.99 11.00 766.99 793.39 3.44
58 Sudan 245.15 452.07 84.41 452.07 742.63 64.28
59 Austria 908.34 973.33 7.15 973.33 716.43 -26.39
60 Kazakhstan 521.29 907.43 74.08 907.43 708.78 -21.89
61 Senegal 315.85 564.94 78.87 564.94 658.99 16.65
62 Equtl Guinea 797.85 755.64 -5.29 755.64 634.12 -16.08
63 New Zealand 504.44 643.71 27.61 643.71 630.78 -2.01
64 Cote D' Ivoire 455.81 441.70 -3.10 441.7 603.05 36.53
65 Brunei 627.85 434.83 -30.74 434.83 591.1 35.94
66 Philippines 494.62 764.36 54.54 764.36 581.1 -23.98
67 Dominic Rep 674.86 645.81 -4.30 645.81 566.57 -12.27
68 Baharain Is 290.69 431.12 48.31 431.12 539.63 25.17
69 Denmark 481.55 564.55 17.24 564.55 537.23 -4.84
70 Myanmar 1,067.25 639.64 -40.07 639.64 521.49 -18.47
71 Zambia 743.90 1,094.98 47.19 1,094.98 510.5 -53.38
72 Pakistan Ir 454.49 488.56 7.50 488.56 494.87 1.29
73 Chad 169.36 149.47 -11.75 149.47 476.13 218.55
74 Nepal 445.13 438.38 -1.52 438.38 466.4 6.39
75 Gabon 69.46 395.39 469.24 395.39 456.01 15.33
76 Afghanistan Tis 292.90 433.78 48.10 433.78 435.44 0.38
77 Ireland 525.82 795.01 51.19 795.01 422.51 -46.85
78 Guinea 279.20 514.63 84.32 514.63 414.26 -19.5
79 Congo P Rep 156.52 198.81 27.02 198.81 405.65 104.04
80 Cyprus 66.59 13.46 -79.79 13.46 393.78 2,826.57
81 Benin 207.40 223.02 7.53 223.02 375.81 68.51
82 Bhutan 307.82 377.99 22.80 377.99 368.99 -2.38
83 Norway 566.79 842.08 48.57 842.08 366.47 -56.48
84 Cameroon 359.11 212.82 -40.74 212.82 343.2 61.27
85 Romania 317.36 411.72 29.73 411.72 315.29 -23.42
86 Togo 138.42 163.80 18.34 163.8 303.93 85.54
87 Madagascar 119.82 167.67 39.94 167.67 293.11 74.82
88 Czech Republic 539.25 669.54 24.16 669.54 258.84 -61.34
89 Slovenia 101.68 112.08 10.23 112.08 249.21 122.35
90 Hungary 218.78 270.84 23.79 270.84 241.15 -10.96

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 72

Table 18 (Contd.): India’s Import by Source for 8 digit HS code level
(value in US$ Million)
S. No. Apr-Mar Apr-Mar(P),
Sources 2016-17 2017-18 % Change % Change
(P), 18 19
91 Belarus 170.57 207.81 21.83 207.81 227.19 9.33
92 Ecuador 355.99 193.97 -45.51 193.97 219.25 13.03
93 Lithuania 271.16 189.38 -30.16 189.38 211.61 11.74
94 Trinidad 173.54 42.48 -75.52 42.48 195.37 359.93
95 Latvia 39.65 52.63 32.76 52.63 158.44 201.04
96 Azerbaijan 461.67 592.61 28.36 592.61 147.87 -75.05
97 Greece 121.95 96.11 -21.19 96.11 144.02 49.86
98 Libya 7.45 100.64 1,250.74 100.64 146.16 45.23
99 Kenya 104.36 72.57 -30.46 72.57 137.12 88.96
100 Tunisia 114.80 140.25 22.18 140.25 137.87 -1.7
Total of above 373708.32 452797.79 21.16 452797.79 510781.92 12.81
% Share of Above sources To India’s
97.23 97.25 0.03 97.25 99.51
Total Import
India's Total Import 384,357.03 465,580.99 21.13 465,580.99 513,322.42 10.25
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 73

Table 19: India’s Export Profile: State-wise Share
(value in US$ Million)
S No: States 2016-17 % Share 2017-18 % Share April-Mar, 2019 % Share
1 Maharashtra 67433.77 24.45 69731.48 22.99 72814.49 22.10
2 Gujarat 54213.62 19.65 66818.03 22.02 67401.18 20.45
3 Tamil Nadu 26452.98 9.59 29754.22 9.81 30524.25 9.26
4 Unspecified 11595.13 4.20 8685.29 2.86 20891.68 6.34
5 Karnataka 19685.00 7.14 18052.34 5.95 17351.26 5.27
6 Uttar Pradesh 12528.82 4.54 13803.90 4.55 16291.23 4.94
7 Haryana 11939.98 4.33 13019.53 4.29 14082.96 4.27
8 Andhra Pradesh 10694.39 3.88 13263.41 4.37 13832.88 4.20
9 West Bengal 8236.25 2.99 9148.22 3.02 9921.28 3.01
10 Kerala 4886.00 1.77 7308.07 2.41 9767.46 2.96
11 Delhi 10554.47 3.83 8713.88 2.87 9467.51 2.87
12 Telangana 6000.92 2.18 6568.71 2.17 7228.47 2.19
13 Rajasthan 5772.32 2.09 6952.05 2.29 7061.61 2.14
14 Madhya Pradesh 4436.82 1.61 5249.96 1.73 6382.37 1.94
15 Orissa 6070.62 2.20 7585.01 2.50 6303.15 1.91
16 Punjab 5276.65 1.91 5788.25 1.91 6038.07 1.83
17 Uttaranchal 896.76 0.33 1455.46 0.48 2351.18 0.71
18 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1562.90 0.57 2051.25 0.68 2143.38 0.65
19 Goa 2281.27 0.83 2103.17 0.69 2063.78 0.63
20 Bihar 823.53 0.30 1345.31 0.44 1640.33 0.50
21 Himachal Pradesh 1056.01 0.38 1221.67 0.40 1323.43 0.40
22 Chattisgarh 717.14 0.26 1116.53 0.37 1252.65 0.38
23 Jharkhand 942.84 0.34 1522.70 0.50 1243.44 0.38
24 Daman & Diu 727.80 0.26 956.98 0.32 1053.39 0.32
25 Pondicherry 310.55 0.11 415.05 0.14 392.79 0.12
26 Assam 430.03 0.16 382.35 0.13 369.76 0.11
27 Jammu & Kashmir 117.81 0.04 148.31 0.05 196.43 0.06
28 Chandigarh 89.34 0.03 69.93 0.02 71.89 0.02
29 Meghalaya 102.14 0.04 85.13 0.03 51.09 0.02
30 Sikkim 4.91 0.00 13.96 0.00 7.91 0.00
31 Andaman & Nicobar 2.33 0.00 31.46 0.01 4.01 0.00
32 Manipur 0.74 0.00 3.92 0.00 2.78 0.00
33 Nagaland 1.06 0.00 1.33 0.00 2.66 0.00
34 Arunachal Pradesh 4.93 0.00 5.32 0.00 2.23 0.00
35 Tripura 1.42 0.00 2.36 0.00 1.43 0.00
36 Mizoram 0.03 0.00 1.07 0.00 1.33 0.00
37 Lakshadweep 0.43 0.00 0.64 0.00 0.41 0.00
India's Export 275851.71 100.00 303376.23 100.00 329536.16 100.00
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 74

Table 20: India’s Export Profile: State-wise Growth
(value in US$ Million)
S No States 2016-17 2017-18 % Change Apr-Mar, 18 Apr-Mar, 19 % Change
1 Maharashtra 67433.77 69731.48 3.41 69731.48 72814.49 4.42
2 Gujarat 54213.62 66818.03 23.25 66818.03 67401.18 0.87
3 Tamil Nadu 26452.98 29754.22 12.48 29754.22 30524.25 2.59
4 Unspecified 11595.13 8685.29 -25.10 8685.29 20891.68 140.54
5 Karnataka 19685.00 18052.34 -8.29 18052.34 17351.26 -3.88
6 Uttar Pradesh 12528.82 13803.90 10.18 13803.90 16291.23 18.02
7 Haryana 10694.39 13263.41 24.02 13263.41 14082.96 6.18
8 Andhra Pradesh 11939.98 13019.53 9.04 13019.53 13832.88 6.25
9 West Bengal 8236.25 9148.22 11.07 9148.22 9921.28 8.45
10 Kerala 4886.00 7308.07 49.57 7308.07 9767.46 33.65
11 Delhi 10554.47 8713.88 -17.44 8713.88 9467.51 8.65
12 Telangana 6000.92 6568.71 9.46 6568.71 7228.47 10.04
13 Rajasthan 5772.32 6952.05 20.44 6952.05 7061.61 1.58
14 Madhya Pradesh 4436.82 5249.96 18.33 5249.96 6382.37 21.57
15 Orissa 6070.62 7585.01 24.95 7585.01 6303.15 -16.90
16 Punjab 5276.65 5788.25 9.70 5788.25 6038.07 4.32
17 Uttaranchal 896.76 1455.46 62.30 1455.46 2351.18 61.54
18 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1562.90 2051.25 31.25 2051.25 2143.38 4.49
19 Goa 2281.27 2103.17 -7.81 2103.17 2063.78 -1.87
20 Bihar 823.53 1345.31 63.36 1345.31 1640.33 21.93
21 Himachal Pradesh 1056.01 1221.67 15.69 1221.67 1323.43 8.33
22 Chattisgarh 942.84 1522.70 61.50 1522.70 1252.65 -17.73
23 Jharkhand 717.14 1116.53 55.69 1116.53 1243.44 11.37
24 Daman & Diu 727.80 956.98 31.49 956.98 1053.39 10.07
25 Pondicherry 310.55 415.05 33.65 415.05 392.79 -5.36
26 Assam 430.03 382.35 -11.09 382.35 369.76 -3.29
27 Jammu & Kashmir 117.81 148.31 25.89 148.31 196.43 32.45
28 Chandigarh 89.34 69.93 -21.73 69.93 71.89 2.81
29 Meghalaya 102.14 85.13 -16.65 85.13 51.09 -39.98
30 Sikkim 4.91 13.96 184.36 13.96 7.91 -43.33
31 Andaman & Nicobar 2.33 31.46 1247.74 31.46 4.01 -87.26
32 Manipur 1.06 1.33 25.82 1.33 2.78 108.84
33 Nagaland 0.74 3.92 432.13 3.92 2.66 -32.12
34 Arunachal Pradesh 4.93 5.32 7.92 5.32 2.23 -58.06
35 Tripura 1.42 2.36 66.00 2.36 1.43 -39.40
36 Mizoram 0.03 1.07 3638.24 1.07 1.33 24.16
37 Lakshadweep 0.43 0.64 47.38 0.64 0.41 -35.90
India's Export 275851.71 303376.23 9.98 303376.23 329536.16 8.62
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 75

Table 21: India’s performance in Global Trade

India's Export Performance: Percentage Share in World Trade (Calendar year wise )
Years India's Share in World India's Share in World India's Share in World
Merchandise Exports Commercial Services Merchandise Plus Services
Exports Exports
2011 1.65 3.18 1.94
2012 1.6 3.25 1.92
2013 1.66 3.12 1.95
2014 1.7 3.06 1.99
2015 1.62 3.2 1.98
2016 1.65 3.3 2.03
2017 1.68 3.47 2.1
India's Import Performance: Percentage Share in World Trade (Calendar year wise )
Years India's Share in India's Share in World India's Share in World
World Commercial Services Merchandise Plus Services
Merchandise Imports Imports
2011 2.51 2.99 2.6
2012 2.62 2.97 2.68
2013 2.45 2.73 2.5
2014 2.42 2.55 2.45
2015 2.25 2.59 2.32
2016 2.13 2.78 2.27
2017 2.48 3.02 2.60
India's rank in World trade (Calendar year wise )
Years Merchandise Merchandise Services Services
Exports Imports Exports Imports
2011 19 12 7 9
2012 19 10 7 10
2013 20 12 7 10
2014 19 13 8 11
2015 21 13 8 11
2016 21 14 8 11
2017 20 11 8 10

Monthly Bulletin on Foreign Trade May 2019 Page 76

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