Framework For Civil Engineering Research Addressing Safety and Sustainability Through Disaster Risk Reduction PDF

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7th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference, 21-22 Nov 2014, Palawan, Philippines

ISBN 978-616-374-596-5


Andres Winston C. Oreta1, Renan Ma. Tanhueco2 and Lessandro Estelito Garciano3
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, De La Salle, University, Manila, Philippines, Tel. 5244611,
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, De La Salle, University, Manila, Philippines, Tel. 5244611,
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, De La Salle, University, Manila, Philippines, Tel. 5244611,

The task of a civil engineer includes provision of safe, reliable and comfortable infrastructures for
housing, transport, communication, water supply and sanitation, energy, commercial and industrial
activities to meet the needs of a growing population. Today, there is an increasing demand for civil
engineers to focus their efforts on the protection and preservation of the environment. With the
increase in severity and frequency of natural disasters that devastated both developing and advanced
countries, planning, design and construction of infrastructures that are safe for people and at the
same time reduce their impact on further deterioration of the environment becomes a major
challenge. Civil engineers who are experts in the various fields of specialization in structural
engineering, transportation engineering, water resources engineering, geotechnical engineering and
construction engineering must embed in their tasks disaster risk reduction especially in hazard-prone
regions – for when they do this, they not only address safety but also sustainability – two important
issues for maintaining the balance and harmony between the built and natural environment. This
paper presents a research and action framework for civil engineers – researchers and practicing
engineers. Sample abstracts of researches on DRR at De La Salle University are also presented.

Keywords: Safety, Sustainability, Infrastructure Development, Hazard, Disaster Risk Reduction,

Civil Engineering


“Civil Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public and shall
strive to comply with the principles of sustainable development in the performance of their
duties.” This is one of the fundamental canons of the Code of Ethics of Civil Engineers.
Two keywords in this canon are ‘safety’ and ‘sustainable development.’
1.1 Designing for safety.
In every endeavour, civil engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of
the public. Protection of properties and other assets are only secondary. Houses and
buildings are designed and built by structural and construction engineers against
environmental loads due to gravity, earthquakes, wind, temperature and other external
forces to safeguard life or limb, property and public welfare. Bridges are designed and
constructed to resist loads due to traffic and external forces to assure safe and comfortable
travel of people and vehicles. Geotechnical engineers analyze the soil and foundation to
make sure that the structures built on them or against them will remain sound and stable. A
safe transportation is planned and managed by transportation engineers to move people and
goods safely without accidents and efficiently from one location to another by land, water or
7th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference, 21-22 Nov 2014, Palawan, Philippines
ISBN 978-616-374-596-5

air. Water resources engineers design innovative ways of providing safe potable drinking
water. Infrastructures are designed and constructed to utilize water for irrigation and for
producing safe energy. Flood control structures are put in place to protect people and
property from the harmful effects of flooding.

1.2 Addressing Sustainability.

Civil engineers shall strive to comply with the principles of sustainable development in the
performance of their duties. Sustainable development was first defined in 1987 by the
Brundtland Commission as “development that meets the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their needs.” In the 1992, Earth Summit in Rio de
Janeiro, sustainable development was defined as an “economic process that can be
maintained long-term in line with the earth’s carrying capacity.” Today sustainability is
seen in three-dimensions, namely ecological, economic and socio-cultural [1]. Ecological
sustainability is focused on three goals:
1) Protection of human health deals with human toxicity of building materials, reduction of
pollutants, sick building syndrome among others
2) Protection of the ecosystem includes waste avoidance, reduction of emissions and
pollutants and proper and efficient land use, and
3) Protection of natural resources deals with resource efficiency, energy use and recycling.

Ecological sustainability is related to infrastructure development. Civil engineers, being

major stakeholders in infrastructure development and the construction industry, must
practice activities in construction that contribute to ecological sustainability. Aside from
increasing the structure's serviceability, durability and reliability throughout its entire life,
construction must also address the following goals [2]:
• Decrease exhausting of primary raw materials and energy,
• Regulate consumption of renewable resources, and
• Decrease the amount of harmful emissions and wastes.
These goals do not only apply in construction but also in the various projects and activities
of civil engineers.

Environment Wasted Energy
Extreme Depleted Resources
Climate Change Hazards Debris

Natural Disaster
Hazards Risk DISASTER Impact
Outputs of SAFETY:
Development Human losses
Material Damage

Figure 1. Interaction of the Built and Natural Environment

1.3 Living in hazard-prone regions

We live in an environment where nature and infrastructures interact as shown in Figure 1.
Our built environment is a product of society’s utilization of resources and energy obtained
from nature. Infrastructure development, however, produces negative outputs like air
pollution and waste that have severe impact on human systems and the natural environment
including climate change. Nature, on the other hand, provides us with useful resources but at
7th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference, 21-22 Nov 2014, Palawan, Philippines
ISBN 978-616-374-596-5

the same time produces natural hazards that threaten the built environment. Achieving safety
and sustainability is a major challenge in regions or countries that are vulnerable to adverse
natural hazards like earthquakes, typhoons, floods, volcanic eruptions, drought and tsunamis.
Infrastructures, if vulnerable to these hazards, become inoperable making them useless.
Many buildings and bridges have collapsed in the past due to strong earthquakes and
tsunamis. Traffic leads to a standstill when roads and highways become flooded. Water
infrastructures become ineffective during water shortages due to drought. When these
disasters occur, the quality of life and safety of the people are affected. Safety from harm
due to collapsed buildings, safety from accidents during travel from office to homes and
lack of safe drinking water are examples of the impact of disasters on safety in hazard-prone
regions. Table 1 shows the impact of various types of hazards on (a) urban infrastructure,
(b) human health and safety, and (c) vulnerable communities/urban poor. These impacts of
hazards are directly related to the safety of the people and affect the infrastructures.

Table 1. Impact of Hazards

Hazards Urban infrastructure Human Health & Vulnerable Communities
& Built Environment Safety
Earthquakes • Damage & collapse of • Death & injuries • Displacement of seismic-
buildings, bridges & prone communities
Landslides • Damage of • Death & injuries • Displacement of landslide-
infrastructures near prone communities
cliffs & slopes
Tsunamis • Losses to coastal • Flood, debris and • Displacement of coastal
infrastructures, ports drowning deaths communities
and piers
Volcanic eruptions • Damage to • Death & injuries • Displacement of communities
infrastructures near • Air quality: skin & near volcanoes
volcanoes respiratory illnesses
( Based on a Table by Otto-Zimmermann, K. Ed., 2011[3]
Hazards Urban infrastructure Human Health & Vulnerable Communities
& Built Environment Safety
Temperature change; • Pavement & track • Air quality: skin & • Heat fatalities in congested
heat/cold waves damage from extreme respiratory illnesses slums due to poor air
heat • Thermal comfort circulation
• Intensified urban heat • Heat stroke &
island effect dehydration
• Water contamination
Drought • Difficulties for inland • Malnutrition & • Rural migration to cities
waterway dehydration • Scarce water in slums/informal
transportation • Reduced water settlements
• Ground water supply for drinking &
subsidence sanitation
Extreme precipitation • Overflowing drainage • Spread of water • Flooding of urban poor
patterns & flooding systems and waste borne and airborne settlements in hazardous
water treatment plants diseases flood plains
• Disruption of traffic & • Drowning deaths
transportation system
• Flooding of airports,
roads, rails, tunnels
Storm surge • Damage to roads, • Flood, debris and • Displacement of informal
bridges, ports, marine wind casualties settlers
infrastructure • Forced migration Relocation
Sea-level rise & coastal • Losses to coastal and • Saline intrusion: • Displacement of communities in
erosion water infrastructures effects on drinking low lying coastal areas and
water near rivers
7th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference, 21-22 Nov 2014, Palawan, Philippines
ISBN 978-616-374-596-5

Based on the trend of natural disasters between 1900-2011 of EM-DAT in Figure 2

(a), the number of natural disasters reported has increased drastically reaching more than
500 in year 2000. A positive observation from Figure (b) is that the number of people killed
have decreased from millions (during the 1900’s) to less than 500,000 deaths after 2000.The
most recent disasters with large fatalities are the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and

(a) Number of Disasters Reported (b) Number of People Killed

(c) Number of People Affected (d) Estimated Damage

Figure 2. Natural Disaster Trends in the World (1900 – 2011)

Tsunami (227898 deaths) and the 2010 Haiti earthquake (316000 deaths). Figures 2(c) and
(d), however, shows a gloomy trend. The number of affected people and the economic costs
due to the reported disasters are increasing. The reported economic damages from the 2011
Great East Japan or Tohoku earthquake was US$ 214 billion followed by damages due to
Hurricane Katrina of US$ 182 billion. The increase in the number of affected people and
damage costs may be attributed to the larger exposure and high vulnerability of the
community, infrastructures and investments to the hazards.

Sustainability is also at stake in hazard-prone regions. Disasters lead to wastage of

resources and energy and produces debris which contributes to environmental deterioration.
The large amount of disaster-caused waste and debris poses another environmental problem.
Debris removal is a major component of every disaster recovery operation. Soil, building
material, and green waste, such as trees and shrubs, make up most of the volume of disaster
7th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference, 21-22 Nov 2014, Palawan, Philippines
ISBN 978-616-374-596-5

debris. Disposal of hazardous materials complicates the problem. The most severe natural
disasters generate debris in quantities that can overwhelm existing solid waste management
facilities or force communities to use disposal options that otherwise would not be
acceptable. The volume of debris from past earthquakes are 15 million tonnes from the
Great Hanshin-Awaji (Kobe) earthquake, 20 million tonnes from the 2008 Sichuan
earthquake, and 10 million m3 found in Indonesia alone following the 2004 Indian Ocean
tsunami [4]. The debris of 20 to 25 million tonnes from the 2011 Great East Japan
earthquake is said to be15 times the annual waste production of the three most affected
prefectures - Fukushima, Iwate and Miyagi. In the port town of Ishinomachi, the tsunami
waste was equivalent to 100 years of collection [5]. Managing the disaster debris following
disasters in a post disaster recovery effort takes times and is costly. For example,
management of the tsunami debris of 1.35 million tonnes at Sendai city costs 92.5 Billion
Yen or US$ 1.15 Billion [6].


Addressing safety and sustainability issues in hazard-prone regions like the Philippines is a
challenge. However, by understanding the critical factors that contribute to disasters, a
framework for research and action for civil engineers can be formulated. The risk model:
Risk = Hazard x Elements at Risk x Vulnerability
simplifies our understanding of the cause of disasters. Figure 3 shows that the frequency and
intensity of a disaster depends on the
magnitude or scale of the hazard and HAZARD-PRONE REGIONS
degree of vulnerability of the elements at NATURAL HAZARDS
risk (people, assets, infrastructures).

Vulnerability is a function of physical,
Frequency & Intensity of Disaster
social, economic, environmental and
political factors but in the case of
infrastructures, vulnerability is related to VULNERABILITIES
the degree of safety and sustainable
features provided. DEGREE OF
2.1 DRR as a framework for research
One strategy to address safety and
sustainability is disaster risk reduction PEOPLE HUMAN HEALTH
concept and practice of reducing disaster
risks through systematic efforts to analyse
and manage the causal factors of disasters, Figure 3. The problem of safety and
including through reduced exposure to sustainability in hazard-prone regions
hazards, lessened vulnerability of people
and property, wise management of land and the environment, and improved preparedness
for adverse events.”

There are three important phases in DRR that must be considered to successfully realize
its objectives:
(a) Hazard Assessment. Know the hazards that threaten the assets (people, structures and
investment) of a community.

(b) Vulnerability Assessment. Identify the ‘elements at risk’ or ‘asset’ and their
vulnerabilities to the hazard that may trigger a potential disaster.
7th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference, 21-22 Nov 2014, Palawan, Philippines
ISBN 978-616-374-596-5

(c) Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction. Assess the risk to the hazard and identify how
the risk can be reduced by implementing risk reduction strategies. Risk reduction
involves decisions and actions addressing the following strategies:
• Prevention – Reduce or Avoid the hazard
• Mitigation – Reduce the vulnerabilities to the hazard
• Adaptation – Build capacity and resilience to the hazard

If we integrate DRR in the planning, designing, constructing and management of

infrastructures, then we will address safety and sustainability issues as shown in Figure 4.
Hence researches that aim to
reduce or avoid hazards and DISASTER RISK REDUCTION
reduce vulnerabilities on
infrastructures and the HAZARDS VULNERABILITIES
community will lead to
reduction of disaster risks.
Reduced disaster risks leads to SAFETY REDUCED SUSTAINABILITY
safer structures and improved RISKS
safety to the people. Reduced
disaster risks also leads to
sustainability since there will PEOPLE HUMAN HEALTH
infrastructures and less wastage PROTECTED ELEMENTS
of resources and less impact to
the people which translates to Figure 4. Role of DRR on Safety & Sustainability
better living conditions. When we protect our people, assets and infrastructures, we increase
the people’s resilience and health, preserve our resources and maintain the balance between
built and natural environment.

DRR research in civil engineering must be promoted in the academe. Depending on the
hazard, various researches that focus on the three phases of DRR – hazard assessment,
vulnerability assessment and risk assessment and reduction must be conducted. There are
various DRR strategies which can be investigated by researchers. Here are some examples:
• Flood risk reduction – hazard maps, land use management, flood forecasting, early
warning systems, flood control structures, evacuations from lowlands, expanded
flood plain areas, emergency flood reservoirs, preserved areas for flash flood water,
improved construction techniques, upgrading and rehabilitation of waterways,
declogging of sewerage canals, proper disposal of garbage and waste
• Seismic risk reduction – hazard maps, land use planning, resistant designs and
construction, building regulations and permitting systems, enforcement of urban
plans and building codes, seismic assessment and retrofitting of existing structures,
relocation from hazard-prone areas (fault-zones, coastal areas, unstable slopes, cliffs,
soft soil), early warning from tsunami, awareness and preparedness education
• Landslide monitoring and mitigation – risk mapping, environmental management,
GIS mapping on morphology, hydrogeology, land use and soil type; and
development of alternative land-use plans, soil stabilization, awareness programs
7th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference, 21-22 Nov 2014, Palawan, Philippines
ISBN 978-616-374-596-5

2.2 Framework for Action for Civil Engineers

Civil engineers have an enormous task towards realizing safe and sustainable infrastructure
development. The Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005-2015 [8] which focuses on
disaster risk reduction (DRR) is an appropriate guide for civil engineers to attain this goal.
The HFA was formulated and
adopted by 168 governments at Box 1. Goals of the Hyogo Framework for Action
the World Conference on Disaster
Reduction held in Kobe, Japan
and aims to promote a strategic
and systematic approach to
reducing vulnerabilities and risks
to hazards. It underscored the
need for, and identified ways of,
building the resilience of nations
and communities to disasters
through the five priorities for
action (Box 1, ISDR 2005). The
HFA approach to disaster risk
reduction encourages all
stakeholders to take into consideration the key activities listed under each of these five
priorities and should implement them, as appropriate, to their own circumstances and
capacities [8]. “If you could actually tackle these five things, you will be a safer nation and a
safer world,” Margareta Wahlström, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General
for Disaster Risk Reduction stated in one of her keynote speeches. Following the HFA,
engineers can contribute substantially in the implementation of the key activities especially
on those related to HFA2, HFA3 and HFA4. Among the key activities that civil engineers
can engage in are listed in Box 2.

Box 2. Key Activities of the HFA related to Civil Engineering

¾ Developing and maintaining people-centered early warning systems (HFA2).
¾ Developing infrastructure, capacities and methods for risk assessment, forecasting hazards,
vulnerabilities, disaster impacts (HFA2).
¾ Strengthening networks among disaster experts, managers and planners across sectors and between
regions and promoting and improving dialogue and cooperation among scientific communities and
practitioners working on disaster risk reduction (HFA3).
¾ Promoting disaster risk reduction knowledge, local risk assessment and training programmes in schools
and in the community (HFA3).
¾ Promoting the sustainable use and management of ecosystems such as better land-use planning and
development activities to reduce risk and vulnerabilities (HFA4).
¾ Implementing integrated environmental and natural resource management approaches that incorporate
disaster risk reduction, including structural and non-structural measures, such as integrated flood
management and appropriate management of fragile ecosystems (HFA4).
¾ Protecting and strengthening critical public facilities and physical infrastructure, particularly schools,
clinics, hospitals, water and power plants, communications and transport lifelines, disaster warning and
management centres, and culturally important lands and structures through proper design, retrofitting
and re-building, in order to render them adequately resilient to hazards. (HFA4).
¾ Incorporating disaster risk assessments into the urban planning and management of disaster-prone
human settlements, in particular highly populated areas and quickly urbanizing settlements (HFA4).
Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters
7th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference, 21-22 Nov 2014, Palawan, Philippines
ISBN 978-616-374-596-5


The faculty and students of the Civil Engineering Department at De La Salle University
which has specialized division in Structural Engineering (STE), Construction Technology
and Management (CTM), Transportation Engineering (TRE), Hydraulics and Water
Resources Engineering (HWR) and soon Geotechnical Engineering (GTE) have pursued a
number of researches on DRR that address the issue of safety and sustainability issues and
concerns in hazard-prone countries. Summarized below are abstracts of selected completed
researches and student thesis:

• Pull-Out and Pull-over Failure Probability of Residential House Roofs due to

Extreme Wind Speeds: A Case Study in Malate, Metro Manila [10]
This research investigated the probability of pullout and pullover failures of roof panels
in low-rise residential structures subjected to extreme wind speeds in Malate, Manila.
Using Monte Carlo simulation the pullout failure was determined as the main mode of
failure. A risk curve was obtained using the annualized expected loss and the average
annual exceedence probability of the wind speeds. A GIS map was developed to help
local authorities identify house roofs vulnerable to strong typhoons. This hazard map
may also help residents strengthen their roofs to lessen damage during typhoons.

• Development of an Alternative Referenced Wind Zone Map of the Philippines by

GEV Modelling And Kriging Interpolation Method [11]
The effects of climate change have brought
several impacts in the country including the
recent super typhoon Haiyan. To help
mitigate the risks due to extreme wind
speeds caused by climate change and
changing weather patterns the researchers
proposed a wind zone and contour map.
Contour and wind zone maps with 50, 75
and 100 – year return periods were therefore
developed. These maps showed a significant
change in the basic wind speed of the
current National Structural Code of the
Philippines (NSCP 2010). This map (Figure
5) can be used to help mitigate the effects of
extreme winds in the future. Figure 5: Alternative Wind Zone Map
(De Leoz [11])
• Environmental Impact Assessment of
Structural Systems of Residential Housing Units [12]
Structural engineers, aside from considering safety, serviceability and economy must
also address the sustainability of structures. The paper proposes a “Structural
Sustainability Index (SSI).” Five environmental impact parameters of structural systems
of houses were assessed using Life Cycle Assessment tools and a single score called as
SSI was derived. The SSI can be used for ranking houses based on environmental
impact and can be used as a parameter to guide structural engineers in comparing
various design alternatives and selecting “greener designs.”
7th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference, 21-22 Nov 2014, Palawan, Philippines
ISBN 978-616-374-596-5

• A Computer-Aided Semi-Quantitative Seismic Risk Assessment Tool To Promote

Safe School Buildings [13]

Following the seismic risk framework in Figure 6, a computer-aided earthquake risk

assessment tool that includes a checklist to assess qualitatively the school building’s
assets, seismic hazards and vulnerabilities to the various seismic hazards is developed.
In the framework, a seismic risk index is utilized which is defined as the product of
hazard, vulnerability and asset. Depending on the index, the school building may be
classified at low, medium or high risk to a specific seismic hazard. Based in the indices,
the school buildings in a specific compound are ranked and prioritized for further
detailed inspections and possible repair or retrofitting.

Figure 6. Framework for Seismic Risk Assessment (Brizuela and Oreta [13])

• Study on the Effects of Land Use Changes to the Urban Hydrology of Tarlac City,
Tarlac [14]
The study aims to estimate the storm run-off potential of small-watersheds draining to
the Masalasa Creek utilizing the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) curve
number hydrology methods under several hypothetical design rainfalls (5, 10,25, 50, 100
year return periods). The curve numbers were estimated for different land use zone
categories under existing land uses and the approved future land uses in Tarlac City.
Hydrographs generated between the two scenarios at different junctions and outlet points
of smaller creeks draining to the Masalasa creek revealed small differences. Inadequate
pipe culvert segments of Tarlac City’s drainage network near the central business area
were also identified utilizing EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM 5.0) for
different hypothetical single rainfall events (24 hrs). Studies are continued to make use
of LIDAR based terrain models and two-dimensional flood models to refine results. The
study was pursued to provide an assessment on Tarlac city’s flooding problems.
7th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference, 21-22 Nov 2014, Palawan, Philippines
ISBN 978-616-374-596-5

• Risk Analysis of Power Supply Due to Extreme Floods in San Juan, Surigao City,
Philippines [15]

The power supply system and its network components are at risk due to extreme floods.
Although various adaptive measures can reduce this risk, the infrastructure connected to
the substation are still at risk to extreme inundation primarily because of its elevation,
thus rendering the adaptation measures inadequate. In this paper, the authors use
geographic information technology to quantify
the risk of power loss to the consumers and the
ensuing economic loss to the power producer
considering various extreme inundation events.
These extreme flood events were based on
hypothetical rainfall with return periods of 2, 5,
10, 25 and 50 years (Figure 7). Specifically, the
authors developed a risk curve for the power
supply system in barangay San Juan, Surigao
City, Surigao Del Norte, Philippines. The study
shows that the percentage of households
vulnerable to extreme floods for each return
period are 22, 91, 93, 94 and 96. This power
outage translates to a potential money loss
range from US$ 1800 to US$ 36,000 for the Figure 7. 50-year return period for
power provider. flood depths
(Garciano et al [15])
Civil engineers must address the following safety
and sustainability issues and concerns in hazard-prone countries to realize ‘safe and
sustainable infrastructure development.’ The safety and sustainability problem in hazard-
prone regions can be summarized by the following key points:
• Disaster risk increases when a growing population and increasing investments are
exposed or located in hazard-prone regions.
• Disaster risk reduction must be embedded in the planning, design, construction and
management of infrastructures to reduce the impact of disasters to people, property and
• A higher performance level in design of infrastructures and systems must be
implemented in hazard-prone regions like the Philippines to make them more robust and
resilient to unexpected events.

Civil engineers play a major role in disaster risk reduction (DRR) which is a key to achieve
a safe and sustainable infrastructure development. The academe can contribute to this
challenge by pursuing researches related to DRR. The Civil Engineering Department of De
La Salle University is pursuing activities and researches towards this end.

The statement of the head of the UNISDR, Ms Margareta Wahlström during the 2013 Joint
Meeting of the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management and Pacific Climate Change
Roundtable in Fiji is very timely. She said: “Neither disaster nor climate change is an issue
for the future; it’s an issue for today.”
7th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference, 21-22 Nov 2014, Palawan, Philippines
ISBN 978-616-374-596-5

[1] Maydl, Peter (2004). “Sustainable Engineering: State-of-the-Art and Prospects,”
Structural Engineering International, J. of the IABSE, Vol. 14, No. 13, pp. 176-180.
[2] Hajek Petr (2002). “Sustainable Construction through Environment-Based
Optimisation,” Proc. IABSE Symposium Melbourne 2002 towards a Better Built
[3] Otto-Zimmermann, K. Ed. (2011). Resilient Cities. Proceedings of the Global Forum
2010, Springer

[ 4] Brown, C et al. (2011). “Disaster Waste Management: A Review Article.” Waste

Management, 31: 1085–98.
[5] Robin des Bois (2011). “The waste from the Japanese earthquake and tsunami,”
Progress Report,
[6] UNEP (2012). Managing post-disaster debris: the Japan experience, United Nations
Environment Programme
[7] UNISDR (2008). Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction.

[8] ISDR (2005). Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of
Nations and Communities to Disasters
[9] US Environmental Protection Agency (2010). Storm Water management Model User’s
Manual v.5, Water Supply and Water Resources Division, National Risk Management
Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH 45268
[10] I.P. Alvarez, J. Colobong, C. Decal, A. Tan and L. E. Garciano (2013). “Pull-Out and
Pull-over Failure Probability of Residential House Roofs due to Extreme Wind Speeds: A
Case Study in Malate, Metro Manila,” Undergraduate Thesis, DLSU,Manila

[11] T. DeLeoz, E. Kaw, A. Quidilla& J. Valbuena and L. E. Garciano (2014),

“Development of an Alternative Referenced Wind Zone Map of the Philippines by GEV
Modelling And Kriging Interpolation Method,” Undergraduate Thesis, DLSU,Manila
[12] N. Arcilla, J. Ong and A.W.C. Oreta (2013). “Environmental Impact Assessment of
Structural Systems of Residential Housing Units,” Undergraduate Thesis, DLSU,Manila

[13] K. Brizuela and A.W.C. Oreta (2014). “A Computer-Aided Semi-Quantitative Seismic

Risk Assessment Tool To Promote Safe School Buildings,” Undergraduate Thesis,

[14] J.V.Mercado, A.V.Peyra, J.Tadena, K.W.Zosa and R. T. Tanhueco (2014). “Study on

the Effects of Land Use Changes to the Urban Hydrology of Tarlac City, Tarlac,”
Undergraduate Thesis, DLSU,Manila
[15] L. E. Garciano, R. M. Tanhueco, T. Koike & I. Yoshida (2014), “Risk Analysis of
Power Supply Due to Extreme Floods in San Juan, Surigao City, Philippines,” Proc. 2nd
Int’l Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management (ICVRAM2014) and
the 6th Int’l Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis (ISUMA2014), July 12-14,
2014, University of Liverpool, UK

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