Review of An Eco-Industrial Park

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BENVGEEB: Industrial Symbiosis

“Review of an Eco-Industrial Project: London

Sustainable Industrial Park”


Cresentia Monica Hadiputri

27 April 2015
Word count: 2727

Paper submitted in part fulfilment of the

Degree of Master of Environmental Design and Engineering

Bartlett School of Energy, Environment and Resources

University College London
Review of an Eco-Industrial Park Project: London Sustainable
Industries Park
1 Introduction
Industrial estates have been growing fast since 1970 and it provides a fundamental service and
goods production. However, environmental damage is frequently a result from industrial estate
existence (UNEP, 1997). Therefore, it is important to especially targeted exemplar eco-industrial
park (EIP) such as London sustainable industries park to be aligned with industrial symbiosis principle
so it can perform more efficient with zero environmental damage.
This paper is written to assess London sustainable industrial park within industrial symbiosis
principles and also to establish challenges and future opportunities of the development in built
environment and economical aspect.

1.1 London Sustainable Industries Park

London sustainable industries park (LSIP) is located in Barking, Dagenham, East London. The site
is accessible through Dagenham railway station and Barking underground station. South side of LSIP
is directly facing Thames River. It was previously lake and deep docks in 19th Century after the
reparation of Thames wall in 1719 and then factories and dockyards started to fill in Dagenham into
became industrial site.
The LSIP vision is “Opportunity of closed loop system, with occupiers sharing resources and
exchanging waste or by-products to achieve working efficiency. This symbiosis by design delivers real
benefits, cost savings and competitive advantages for occupied customers (Mayor of London,
2015).” In addition, “Low-carbon industries represent a growth market, which will support a new
generation of jobs for Londoners but also bring cleaner, energy efficient businesses that contribute
to a better quality of life (Mayor of London, 2015).”LSIP is fully supported by The Mayor and London
Borough of Barking and Dagenham which included in £10.3m works programme to establish a new
Current LSIP has 42.5 acres developed land with 11 commercial plots of varying size ranging
from 1 to 8 acres. As per Figure 1, plot 7A and 11 has been occupied by TEG and closed loop
recycling since 2009. TEG does an anaerobic digestion (AD) for organic waste, while Close Loop
Recycling (CLR) recycles plastic. Other 8 and 7 acres are under offer to Chinook urban mining and
Re-Food respectively. From academic sector, there is Institute of Sustainability (IFS) on plot 4
hosting University of East London’s Sustainability Research Institute’s C2C Demonstrator facility.
Overall, 65% of LSIP will be occupied in 2016 and supposed to be 100% waste free business site on
LSIP provides land with infrastructure such as urban woodland with tree lined roadways, level
serviced plots, 21 MW electrical Substation on site, electric vehicle charging points, intensive robust
landscaping; to support BREEAM ‘Excellent’ business and industrial pace, prime for investment and
development (Mayor of London, 2015).
In terms of demographic condition around LSIP, according to Annual population survey 2013
(ONS, 2013) Barking and Dagenham has 77,300 residents in work, and a further 22,200 who would
like a job. In addition, Barking and Dagenham's contains a higher proportion of workers in
Manufacturing, High-tech Manufacturing, and 'Water Supply, Sewage and Waste' than any other
borough, and is also above the London average for Construction, 'Wholesale and retail trade; repair
of motor vehicles and motor cycles', Transport and Storage, and Education." (ONS, 2011). LSIP is a
suitable business site for employment growth.

Figure 1 Site map of London sustainable industrial park (Source: LSIP website)

2 Methodology
Table 1 Evaluation framework (Adopted from UNEP Technical Report No. 39)
Evaluation criteria Detailed analysis concerns
Site design Carrying capacity of the site
Maintain natural areas and indigenous vegetation
Retain natural system drainage
Increasing density of development
Design energy efficient sites
Environmentally sensitive construction
method Minimising disruption of natural areas
Reducing waste outputs
Reducing energy and water requirement for
Developing environmentally appropriate Transport, energy, water supply, waste water
infrastructure treatment, used material management and building
Economy Opportunity and investment to local area

Table 1 shows an evaluation framework which will be used to asses LSIP in different criteria and
detail analysis. There are four main criteria which adopted from UNEP technical report 39 (UNEP,
1997); (1) Site design, (2) Environmentally sensitive construction method (3) Developing
environmentally appropriate infrastructure and (4) Economy. These four criteria are relevant to
aforementioned current condition of LSIP. However, the condition itself may be insufficient to
conduct evaluation of its full performance, as there are only few tenants who operate. There are
detailed concerns in different aspects within criteria. Each detailed concern will be assessed with
UNEP Environmental guideline for new industrial estates. The framework will be breakdown
furthermore in detailed requirements with points based system (Appendix A). Each aspect has one
maximum point to achieve. There will be zero point when the aspect is not fulfilled. In exception,
economy criteria will be evaluated generally and separated from point based system due to
insufficient data resource. This system is only to measure LSIP implementation of sustainable
industrial guideline. Each parameter will be critically analysed, yet the weight is equal between
parameters. The fact that one parameter may be important than others is neglected to simplify the
marking system.

In addition, site visit and interview is also conducted on 16 April 2015 particularly with TEG to
observe and information collection in symbiotic process in LSIP. Data and information about LSIP
symbiosis scheme and material flow plan are mostly taken from Darryl Newport’s lecture slide
(Newport, 2015), director of Sustainability Research Institute in University of East London who doing
research in LSIP, Demonstrator feasibility study (Institute for Sustainability, 2012) and LSIP website
(Mayor of London, 2015).

3 Findings
3.1 Site Design
Site design is mostly implementing the site design guideline from UNEP Technical Report 39.
The score is 12 points out of 16 point. This most of the undone is minor things. It will not give a
significant environmental impact to LSIP site

3.1.1 Carrying capacity of the site

Carrying capacity in nature is not absolute and it depends on flexibility and interaction between
people and the environment (Arrow, et al., 1995). The site is previously brownfield site and it is the
perfect site to start industrial estates. As per policy 3B.12 in Interim Guidance LSIP, LSIP required to
secure capacity for appropriate facility for recycling and processing waste (Developmet Projects
Planning Service London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, 2003)In current condition of LSIP,
environmental resource of the site is still enough to support the ecosystem because it is not fully
developed. Even if LSIP were established, it will be occupied by clean tech sector which
environmentally self sustain.

3.1.2 Maintain natural areas and indigenous vegetation

LSIP landscape is designed by Vogt landscape. Regular tree grid is covering the entire perimeter and
act as urban forest which practically use for carbon dioxide absorption (). The design allows natural
spaces to integrate. However, at this early stage trees are just start to grow (Figure 5 and Figure 9).
The site is also unlikely to have high erosion risk due to relatively flat plateau. Robust landscape
around plots also acts as a buffer zone between the neighbouring plots. However, the landscape is
only at perimeter and cannot have recreational benefit for employees.
As per policy DD8 for habitat corridor, buffer on the adjacent sides of The Goresbrook is
mandatory (Developmet Projects Planning Service London Borough of Barking and Dagenham,
2003). Vogt is assumed to restore the area with indigenous vegetation to realise their vision. It is to
integrate the existing industrial landscape into new form of alluvial urban forest, yet it is still too
early to claim it ‘urban forest’.

3.1.3 Retain natural system drainage

The proximity to Thames River is beneficial to this site to integrate cost effective landscape
strategy in retaining natural drainage system. However, this also needs to be carefully managed in
order to keep the water surface uncontaminated (UNEP, 1997). LSIP proposed deep swales along the
roadways and naturally interconnecting it with proposed foul sewer which ends to existing sewer.
Roof water storage also prepared on each plot to promote rain water harvesting system; in order to
minimise clean water usage in industrial process. LSIP protect the water bodies and prevent large
amount of storm water runoff directly to the existing stream, The Goresbrook, by installing
attenuation pond near plot 4.

3.1.4 Increasing density of development

Increasing density of development can creates more efficient network infrastructure which can save
development cost. Unfortunately, the plot is not compact and relatively scattered. LSIP North part
(plot 1 to 6) is compact enough to make the further additional infrastructure more efficient. On the
other side, plot 7-11 is not a compact block and might hinder symbiotic relation between plots.

LSIP is initially design to be involved with various production of renewable energy generation such as
waste facility, material recycling, sustainable construction material and environment service and
training related to the sector (Sergison Bates Architect, 2009). Therefore, tenants will guarantee to
be clustered together and able to perform symbiotic relationship.

3.1.5 Design energy efficient sites

Sergison Bates Architects design the plots to be facing South in response to climate condition in
London. This plot orientation can optimize passive solar gain to encourage tenants in minimizing
domestic energy usage to design more efficient building. There is no specific strategy applied to
response local climatic condition on seasonal basis. LSIP development is strategically prepared the
land and infrastructure to provide the opportunities of creating BREEAM Excellent business;
however specific strategy to local climate is depends on tenants.

Figure 2 LSIP North infrastructure. Source: MUSCOs (Newport, 2015)

3.2 Environmentally sensitive construction method

LSIP data resource on construction method is very limited, therefore only relevant information
that will be cover in this part. With brownfield as its existing site, the construction is assumed to
have no major disruption of natural areas. It show a positive improvement in terms of landscape
character because it is appropriately site in brownfield and will regenerates better infrastructure.
Figure 5 shows that LSIP has intention to reduce waste outputs by using demolition waste as
bollard and landscape feature along roadways. Yet it is not enough to cover all requirements in
reducing waste outputs (Appendix A). Energy and water requirement for maintaining landscapes
also might be reduce by various selections of trees. Over 650 trees have been planted at LSIP along
the avenue (Mayor of London, 2015). It is a combination of large and smaller trees. Larger trees such
as Alder, Silver Birch, Beech and Lime are planted in area away from high level. Smaller trees such as
Maple, White Birch, Hornbeam and Goat Willow will be maintained below cable clearance zone.
The use of BREAAM is compulsory in construction phase according to intern guidance of LSIP.
Overall, LSIP perform an environmentally sensitive construction method by applying four out of five

3.3 Developing environmentally appropriate infrastructure
LSIP has been implemented 50 % of the basic appropriate infrastructure. The score obtain are
16 points out of 32 points. Majority is because integrated infrastructure between plots for symbiosis
has not applied yet.

3.3.1 Transport
There is no designated shared parking lot in the area. Pavement is only visible at main roundabout
near plot 4. There is hardly porous paving but big swell drainage can cover water absorption on site.
Transport for material is relatively easy in this strategic area due proximity to railways, port and
airport (Figure 1). Transport for people is easy to manage since this is not considered as dense
estates. Bus, commuter or trains inside the estates might be important in the future when the work
force is large. LSIP provide bicycle lane and pedestrian trail for individual travels within estates.
Transportation management plan is assumed to be established by transport engineers, URS.

3.3.2 Energy
TEG and Close Loop Recycle has not built any agreement in any symbiosis process. Both of
them use electricity resource from grid. As TEG is able to produce electricity as AD product, they can
re-use the electricity and sell the residual energy to grid. It is assumed that buildings are properly
insulated due to site vision to achieve BREEAM excellent rating. LSIP is trying to maximise the use of
renewable energy by using PV panel and build pasivehaus for LSIP hub (Figure 10) in plot 4.
Figure 3 show the symbiosis networks between TEG, Close Loop Recycle and Chinook. CLR is
the first plant in the world to use state of art technology to sort, wash and super clean the plastics
and recycle into plastic pellets. It is capable to recycle up to 35000 tonnes of plastic bottles per year.

Figure 3 Holistic symbiotic scheme in LSIP. Adopted from (Institute for Sustainability, 2012). Green dashed line represents
potential networks in the future.

TEG has many opportunities to supply by-products such as methane, heat, compost and CO2.
TEG and CLR are currently possible to exchange products. TEG can provide their residual heat to CLR
to rinse their plastic inputs. In return, CLR can give paper sludge for TEG to process (Figure 4).
However, both are not adjacent to each other, and piping works will be difficult to plan yet it is
possible to realise. It is also not very efficient to link TEG and CLR to Chinook because it is even
further.It is also a great opportunity to expand the networks outside to neighbouring estates, such
as warehouses to exchange energy with service and to Barking Riverside residential development.
Chinook residual hot water from its power plant creates 16 MW power and 64MW heat that can be
transfer and enough to provide district heating system for 10800 houses.

Figure 4 Potential symbiotic cycle between TEG, Close Loop and Chinook. Source: (Newport, 2015)

3.3.3 Water supply and waste water treatment

LSIP is supporting the resident companies to install water conserving technologies such as low
flush toilet to reduce domestic consumption. LSIP also conserve water by using more absorption
such as deep swale drainage and robust landscape. Resident company like TEG also re-use rain water
harvesting on site to substitute some of water resource in AD process. It also improves cost
efficiency for TEG. Other plot also has been provided with roof water storage pond for rain water
catchment. Waste water is not produce between TEG and CLR. It is not necessary yet to build a
construction wetland for common treatment plant. In the future, waste water from Chinook also
potential for fish farming or green houses.

3.3.4 Used material management

LSIP is focusing on environmental service industries which currently all work in recycling sector.
Multi material recycling centre can be overtook by Chinook or symbiotically exchange by products to
a suitable product. Until another manufacture reside in LSIP, it may not necessary to have
designated storage to utilise by-product in the right time.

3.3.5 Building
As per memorandum of understanding, all resident company must maximise the opportunity to
work in clean tech sector and support LSIP vision (Newport, 2015). TEG and CLR building is assumed
to be BREEAM excellent by using sustainable architecture. IFS pop up home is BREEAM excellent
certified. It can temporarily accommodate and dismantled to be relocated somewhere else in LSIP.
This concept will manage to tackle embodied emission problem of building temporary building.

Figure 7 Natural water stream and bicycle
lane. Source: (Mayor of London, 2015)

Figure 5 Roadway and swale drainage. Figure 8 Attenuation pond. Source: (Mayor
Source: (Mayor of London, 2015) of London, 2015)

Figure 6 Site plan. Source: (Google,


Figure 9 Green infrastructure. Source: Figure 10 LSIP hub and IFS pop up home.
author. Source: author.

3.4 Economy
Added value is important to expand useful possibilities of by-product in increasing economic
value. Indirect and direct economic benefits also can be affect different value. According to
Jacobsen, low value by-product often motivated by indirect economy benefits and high value by-
product is motivated by direct economic benefits.
LSIP has a great potential to grow into sustainable park with triple bottom line addressing
economic, social and environmental performance. However, current LSIP has not implemented any
symbiosis networks between resident companies. Industrial symbiosis principle is to create resource
efficiency based on by-product synergy, exchange and utility sharing among different facility
(Jacobsen, 2006); yet the local economy is still improved mainly because it implements sustainable
practice by improving material, energy and waste efficiency and reducing turnover of companies. as
a result, CLR will expand the plant another 2.75 acres to plot 10 due to its success.

4 Conclusions
LSIP is having a great base design and infrastructure for now with approximately 60% fulfilled
requirement according to UNEP. The location is very strategic, however it lack of internal public
transport. LSIP density is not centralized. It is very inefficient to create infrastructure in disperse plot.
On the other side, other industries also have the same potential to cooperate, especially on the
South side of LSIP due to proximity to other industries. However, other industries are not in the
same policy framework and vision which also can be the weakness. LSIP also need more regulation
and incentive from government to get more sectors on board. In addition, resident company are all
in the similar sector, waste management, make these industries less resilient and need more
diversity. It is possible to have company such as sustainable construction product, wood recycling
company or Horticulture Company. With more diversity, opportunity of by-product synergy will be
much wider.

Arrow, K. et al., 1995. Economic growth, carrrying capacity, and the environment. Ecological
Economics, Volume 15, pp. 91-95.
Developmet Projects Planning Service London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, 2003. Dagenham
DockInterim Planning Guidance for a Sustainable Industrial Park, London: London Borough of Barking
and Dagenham.
Google, 2015. Google Earth. [Online]
[Accessed 2015].
Institute for Sustainability, 2012. C2C BIZZ LSIP Demonstrator Feasibility Study, London: University
East London.
Mayor of London, 2015. London Sustainable Industries Park. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 April 2015].
Newport, D., 2015. London Sustainable Industries Park: An exemplar for The Clean Tech Sector.
London: s.n.
ONS, 2011. Office for National Statistics. [Online]
Available at:
ONS, 2013. Annual Population Survey. [Online]
Available at:
Sergison Bates Architect, 2009. 116 Sustainable Industries Park. [Online]
Available at:
UNEP, 1997. The Environmental Management of Industrial Estates UNEP Technical Report No. 39,
France: UNEP.
UNEP, 2000. Global Environment Outlook 2000, London: Earthscan.

Appendix A. Point Base System

NO Criteria Requirement Sub-requirement Points points
A1 Carrying capacity of the site 1 1
Maintain natural areas and Allow natural spaces, wildlife corridors and patches to
A2 indigenous vegetation remain Carbon dioxide absorption 1 1
Minimum erosion 1 1
Recreational benefits for employees 0 1
Buffer zones to neighbouring communities, reducing
noise, light and visual pollution 1 1
Restore developed areas with indigenous vegetation 1 1
Utilise developed lands fully before clearing new areas
by design building clusters 1 1
A3 Retain natural system drainage Designate wetlands and waterways for conservation 1 1
Avoid filling in wetlands and mangrove areas or altering
contours on floodplains 1 1
Limit road or utility crossings of waterways 1 1

Protect water bodies 1 1

Increasing density of
A4 development Designate areas of estates for particular type of uses 0 1
Cluster business closer together with compact
arrangement to provide opportunities of symbiotic
relationship 1 1
Develop shared infrastructure such as loading areas,
parking spaces and storage to facilitate among small
business 0 1
A5 Design energy efficient sites Orient lots to optimize passive solar gain 1 1
Determine local climatic condition of the area on
seasonal basis 0 1
Total point criteria A 12 16

NO Criteria Requirement Points points
B1 Minimising disruption of natural areas Developing the land blocks rather than focusing on individual lots 1 1
Erosion control and sedimentation plans 1 1
B2 Reducing waste outputs The reuse of building materials 0 1
B3 Reducing energy and water requirement for landscaping Use of selected species and varieties in landscaping 1 1
Compatibility with local conditions and environments in preparing guidelines for
landscaping 1 1
Total point criteria B 4 5

NO Criteria Requirement Sub-requirement Points Full points

C1 Transport Roads and parking Limit impervious parking spaces and paved areas 1 1
use porous paving wherever possible 0 1
Locate close to existing transportation system
Transportation of materials (railways, port, airports) 1 1
Place companies that rely heavily on transportation
services 0 1
Where the work force is large, plan and develop mass
Transportation of people transit (bus, commuter, trains) 0 1
Where individuals travel frequently within the estate,
provide cycle lanes or trails 1 1
Develop a transportation management plan 1 1
Use most fuel efficient technology in power
C2 Energy Optimize energy use generation 0 1
Explore cascading and cogeneration opportunities 0 1
Cascading can be used within a single facility between
separate plants 0 1
Encourage the use of heat exchangers for heating and
cooling in industrial operation 0 1
Insulate buildings to reduce heat loss in cold
condition and heat gain in hot condition 1 1

The estate can encourage energy efficient lighting for
its own infrastructure 1 1
Maximise use of renewable energy 1 1
Carefully install and regularly check water supply lines
C3 Water supply Conservation and efficient use to minimise leakage 1 1
Encourage resident companies to install water
conserving technologies 1 1
Landscape with hardy and water saving plants 1 1
Re-use Practice water cascading 0 1
Spray water onto roofs in hot climates to cool
building to reduce air-conditioning cost 0 1
Irrigate with waste water, rainwater or snow melt 0 1
Rain water harvesting 1 1
Waste water for irrigation, and heated water for fish
C4 Waste water treatment Re-use waste water farming or green houses 0 1
Consider zoning specific section of industrial estate
exclusively for water using clients 1 1
Establish a common waste water effluent treatment
plant (CETP) Constructed wetlands 0 1
Establish storm water management systems 1 1
Establish storage area for useful by products that can
C5 Used material management be use at later date or multi materials recycling centre 0 1
Composting organic wastes to produce fertilizer or
biogas 1 1
Developing hazardous waste treatment facility on
large estates 0 1
Building and operating a dry landfill or incinerator 0 1
Promotes more environmentally compatible building
C6 Building using sustainable architecture 1 1
Apply codes, covenants and restriction to guarantee
that building on estates meet official standard 1 1
Total point criteria C 16 31


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