Assessment Cover Page: BSBPMG411 - Apply Project Quality Management Techniques

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Assessment Cover Page

BSBPMG411 - Apply project quality management techniques

Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
◻ I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or
plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s).
◻ I understand that if I If I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded,
action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me.
◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout
these assessment tasks.
◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment
◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Rodrigo Ferney Galarza Ramirez

Student name
Student ID number
Rodrigo Galarza Date16/06/2019
Student signature
Task 3
Task Number

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
Project Progress Report

Work completed to date

We show in the draft with which we are going to carry out the activities in the
project and, following the dates indicated, we will carry out step by step the
execution of the project with the manager and his team.

Draft of the total execution of the project


This budget was taken from the project manager as stipulated in the planning
of the work when these values were defined to invest in the final execution of
the project


About the initial budget some changes have been contemplated that we must
keep in mind and handle with the greatest precision because it has not been
possible to contact a technician who gives us the proper training for the use of

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
google and this is delaying very hard the execution of activities planned at the
beginning of the project. On the other hand the hosting is much out of the
initial budget for this reason we need to change the site immediately or we will
be forced to sharply reduce other expenses that would put us at risk the
execution of the project.

Project Change Analysis and Request Form

Project: Native Bush Web site Date: 10/02/19

Change Requestor: Rodrigo Galarza (assistant Change No: 1


Change Category (Check all that apply):

□ Schedule □ Cost □ Scope □

□ Testing/Quality □ Resources

Does this Change Affect (Check all that apply):

□ Corrective Action □ Preventative Action □ Defect Repair □ Updates

□ Other
Describe the Change Being Requested:
Request the change of accommodation because the budget does not cover
all the activity and I need to find a cheaper one. I also need to modify some
dates of the events because it was not possible to find a google instructor
on the dates stipulated initially.
Describe the Reason for the Change:
I do not want to make mistakes in the execution of the web page so it is
urgently required a change in the dates for my work team is prepared for
any eventuality that may arise in the future and to solve and improve each

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
Describe all Alternatives Considered:
In the case of not finding an instructor for my work team, I propose to send
two people from my crew to training abroad to avoid hosting and the google
instructor and they will be in charge of training the entire team of the most
appropriate way.
Describe any Technical Changes Required to Implement this Change:
 training abroad
 error tests and online surveys
 Increase the capacity for two days so as not to have any type of error
and be able to cover any void in the project.
Estimate Resources and Costs Needed to Implement this Change:

Describe the Implications to Quality and time:

If we do not take the correctives in time the website can be affected by a
series of errors that customers would easily notice, however to have a
balance in quality it is necessary to sacrifice the execution times to avoid
future inconvenient.

□ Approve □ Reject □ Defer

Justification of Approval, Rejection, or Deferral:
the change was approved in order to improve the quality of the project

Change Board Approval:

Name Signature Date

Rodrigo Galarza RG 07/04/2019

Update on Quality Compliance of Project Processes

At the moment, these are the quality standards affected:

Update on Product Quality Compliance

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
The total capacity of the entire work team is expected for the website designer
to show his final work to begin distributing the information and publicizing the
final result through the google networks
Quality Variances
it is necessary to identify the changes or deficiencies that the project has
regarding quality to implement adequate corrections so as not to affect the
time and the execution of the project

Quality Standard change Future plan

Change in budget due Train employees train two employees so
to complications with abroad. that they are the
google trainer. trainers of the crew
change the place of Find a more suitable avoid hosting and do
hosting accommodation that fits everything online
the needs of the project
change training dates give more days for change the initial dates to
for employees employee training give more importance to
the training of employees
without affecting the
other activities

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
Native Bush Spices Australia

Project Evaluation Report

• A project evaluation appraises the progress and performance
relative to the project’s initial or revised plan.
• Also appraises project against goals and objectives set for it
during selection process.
• Projects should be evaluated at a number of crucial points.
• Purpose is to improve process of carrying out project.

It is determined that the project will be carried out on the stipulated dates,
handling the appropriate times and always managing the margin of error for
eventual changes.

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
Performance against Quality Objectives
• Original criteria for selecting and funding project
• Success to date
• Business/Direct Success
• Future Potential
• Contribution to Organization’s Goals
• Contribution to Team Member Objectives

Performance against Quality Standards

the final project that ends with the execution of the web page gives us
satisfactory results in terms of security and design maybe we should improve
a bit in terms of the speed of the page because we have had several clients
who have complained because they do not provide the expected speed it is
estimated that for the following week a more complete evaluation will be done
to reinforce this topic and to be able to continue to feed the website of
excellent information for the public in general

Root cause analysis

We decided to look for the reason why the website was slow and we
discovered some flaws in the programming of the same, it is estimated that
these corrections last approximately a week since the main problem is in the
programming of the web and it is necessary to make adjustments from the
design to the configuration of the information for this reason must be done a
reconfiguration of the web tries to optimize some elements so that it works
properly for the clients maintaining the initial qualities

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K

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