Factor Analysis

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Factor Analysis

Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation Analysis N
Have you used Nokia 1.08 .269 128
Do you feel 1.07 .257 128
Symbian/windows OS was
the reason for the failure of
How likely price factor will 3.34 1.377 128
influence your buying
preference towards Nokia
How Likely will your favourite 2.92 1.423 128
brand ambassadorinfluence
you to buy Nokia
How likely will you buy a 3.22 1.363 128
Nokia phone, just out of
Now that Nokia has 3.16 1.319 128
partnered with android OS,
how likely would you
consider buying a Nokia

Correlation Matrix
How likely price
Do you feel factor will
Symbian/windo influence your
ws OS was the buying
Have you used reason for the preference
Nokia before? failure of Nokia towards Nokia
Correlation Have you used Nokia 1.000 .148 .118
Do you feel .148 1.000 -.024
Symbian/windows OS was
the reason for the failure of
How likely price factor will .118 -.024 1.000
influence your buying
preference towards Nokia
How Likely will your favourite .037 -.071 .733
brand ambassadorinfluence
you to buy Nokia
How likely will you buy a -.090 .158 .018
Nokia phone, just out of
Now that Nokia has .076 -.033 .920
partnered with android OS,
how likely would you
consider buying a Nokia

Correlation Matrix
How Likely will Now that Nokia has
your favourite partnered with
brand How likely will you android OS, how
ambassadorinfluen buy a Nokia phone, likely would you
ce you to buy just out of consider buying a
Nokia Nostalgia Nokia smartphone
Correlation Have you used Nokia before? .037 -.090 .076
Do you feel Symbian/windows -.071 .158 -.033
OS was the reason for the failure
of Nokia
How likely price factor will .733 .018 .920
influence your buying preference
towards Nokia
How Likely will your favourite 1.000 .041 .837
brand ambassadorinfluence you
to buy Nokia
How likely will you buy a Nokia .041 1.000 .025
phone, just out of Nostalgia
Now that Nokia has partnered .837 .025 1.000
with android OS, how likely would
you consider buying a Nokia

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .648
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 397.459
df 15
Sig. .000

Initial Extraction
Have you used Nokia 1.000 .781
Do you feel 1.000 .716
Symbian/windows OS was
the reason for the failure of
How likely price factor will 1.000 .886
influence your buying
preference towards Nokia
How Likely will your favourite 1.000 .826
brand ambassadorinfluence
you to buy Nokia
How likely will you buy a 1.000 .782
Nokia phone, just out of
Now that Nokia has 1.000 .952
partnered with android OS,
how likely would you
consider buying a Nokia

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Explained
Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 2.676 44.599 44.599 2.676 44.599 44.599
2 1.178 19.634 64.233 1.178 19.634 64.233
3 1.090 18.175 82.408 1.090 18.175 82.408
4 .723 12.058 94.466
5 .272 4.530 98.996
6 .060 1.004 100.000

Total Variance Explained

Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Component Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 2.672 44.532 44.532
2 1.140 18.994 63.526
3 1.133 18.882 82.408

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Component Matrixa
1 2 3
Have you used Nokia .123 .442 .755
Do you feel -.057 .844 .039
Symbian/windows OS was
the reason for the failure of
How likely price factor will .941 .022 .022
influence your buying
preference towards Nokia
How Likely will your favourite .905 -.047 -.073
brand ambassadorinfluence
you to buy Nokia
How likely will you buy a .035 .518 -.716
Nokia phone, just out of
Now that Nokia has .976 -.003 -.022
partnered with android OS,
how likely would you
consider buying a Nokia

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.a

a. 3 components extracted.

Rotated Component Matrixa

1 2 3
Have you used Nokia .079 -.170 .864
Do you feel -.083 .606 .585
Symbian/windows OS was
the reason for the failure of
How likely price factor will .938 -.004 .079
influence your buying
preference towards Nokia
How Likely will your favourite .908 .007 -.040
brand ambassadorinfluence
you to buy Nokia
How likely will you buy a .050 .862 -.191
Nokia phone, just out of
Now that Nokia has .975 .006 .031
partnered with android OS,
how likely would you
consider buying a Nokia

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.a
a. Rotation converged in 4 iterations.
Component Transformation Matrix
Component 1 2 3
1 .999 -.006 .051
2 -.029 .749 .662
3 -.042 -.663 .748

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

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