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Being too long has increased the risk of obesity, cramps, back pain and muscle tension; It is
also very likely to lead to bad posture. But if several physical activities are carried out.

The micro-movements are very good exercises and investigations. In a study conducted at
the Mayo Clinic, based in Rochester, Minnesota, a group of volunteers aged 20 to 25
consumed an additional 1000 calories for eight weeks. By the end of the study, some
participants had gained up to seven kilograms, while others had only one kilogram.

The people who surrounded him the least were the most restless: they got up, they
stretched, they changed their position in the chair, etc.

The study showed that small movements burn the calories that the other mode is
stored as fat.

Here are some ideas to better suit your type of work ...

Walk or use a bicycle. If it is the work center is not too far from home, it is better to use a
bicycle or walk. All you have to do is calculate the time.

Use a chair that fits the body. It is very important that the chair where you are going to
keep a place for many hours sea ergonomic, that is to say that suits the needs of the body.
There is also a novel trend that involves replacing the chair with a Pilates ball; This helps a
lot because it forces us to maintain balance and strengthen muscles, especially the

Sit correctly. The custom of the body being comfortable and the blood flow flowing easily
must be taken into account, and as a result, it is not an improvement in concentration. To
get a correct posture, you must adjust the chair in the manner that the feet to the 90 degree
angles with the feet, knees and hips. The back and neck should be erect. The lower back
should always be supported on the backrest to avoid spinal problems. Crossing the legs
should be avoided so as not to stop circulation.

Stop every half hour or whenever you can. You have to take advantage of any
opportunity to compare it, such as when talking on the phone, instead of calling a person
who is on another floor, going to speak directly with her, etc. We will always find an excuse
to move, with it we will give a truce to the back and burn some calories.

Save equipment to exercise on the desk. Exercise devices can be used while reading text
on the computer screen or making a call. You can have dumbbells, elastic bands, etc. No
large or expensive appliances can be stored easily.

Breath deeply. You have to take time to breathe deeply from time to time, hold the air for a
few seconds and relax as you exhale. This helps to exercise the abdominals.
Take breaks every so often. So there are too many tasks to accomplish, it is necessary to
pause to clear the mind. These breaks can also be used for stretching or small walks within
the workplace.

Use the snack time to exercise. People who do not have time to exercise can use
lunchtime to make plates, squats, etc. Then they can take a light refrigerant such as a
sandwich and a natural juice.

Remember that it is very important, you should not miss the opportunities to do it,
your body will be appreciated and your health will improve noticeably.

By: Dany F. A. C.

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