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TAHUN PELAJARAN : 2018 – 2019


Kompetensi Dasar/ SEMESTER TINGKAT Indikator No. Soal
Sub Kompetensi KD SD SK
At Work  Membuat gambaran tentang 1. Make a description of the following jobs!
pekerjaan sebagai a chef, a a. A Chef
nurse, a mechanic and an b. A nurse
electrician. c. A Mechanic
d. An Electrician
Simple Present Tense  Mengubah kalimat simple 2. Change these sentences into positive, Negative and
persent tense yang tersedia ke Introgative!
dalam bentuk positive, a. (+) She plays badminton in the yard today
negative and introgative. b. (-) They don’t enjoy the sunset
c. (?) Do we like to make a big sand castle?
Simple Past Tense  Mengubah kalimat simple 3 Change these sentences into positive, Negative and
past tense yang tersedia ke Introgative!
dalam bentuk positive, a. (+) They bought a new bag yesterday
negative and introgative. b. (?) Did she read a newspaper yesterday?
c. (-) We did not writing a letter two weaks ago?
Simple Future Tense  Mengubah kalimat simple 4 Change these sentences into positive, Negative and
future tense yang tersedia ke Introgative!
dalam bentuk positive, a. (+) They will go to japan next week
negative and introgative. b. (-) She will not buy a new bag tomorrow
c. Will He send a new gift next day?
Conditional sentences  Membuat 3 contoh kalimat 5 Make 3 examples of conditional sentences type 1 !
conditional sentence type 1
Conditional sentences  Memberikan bentuk 6 Give the correct form of the verb in brackets to make
conditional sentences yang a conditional sentences type 2!
tepat. a. If we____(have) a yacht, We___(sail) the
seven sail
b. My Brother____(reply/not) your sms, If
He___ (be) angry
Conditional sentences  Membuat contoh kalimat 7 Make 3 examples of conditional sentences type 3!
conditional sentences type 3
Complaining Letter  Menjawab pertanyaan 8 Dear Sir,
berdasarkan teks yang tersedia
We are sorry to have to inform you that your last
delivery was not up to your usual standard. The
material seems too loosely woven and is inclined
to pull out of shape. By
separate mail, we have sent you a cutting from
this material, also one from cloth of an early
consignment, so that you can compare two and
see the difference in texture.
We have always been able to rely on the high
quality of the materials you sent us and we are all
the more disappointed in this case because we
supplied the cloth to new customers. As we shall
have to take them back, we must ask you to let us
know, without delay, what you can do to help us
in getting over this difficulty.We are looking
forward to hearing from your soon.


Ucok Sinaga
Purchasing Man

8. What does the sender of this letter complain about?

9. What does the writer want the producer to do?
10. “we have always been able to rely on the high
quality…”(paragraph 2). The synonym of the word
underlined is….

Standart Soal : Bobot Soal :

1. Normatif = 15 Soal 1. Mudah = 25 %

2. Adaftif = 10 Soal 2. Sedang = 50 %
3. Produktif = 10 Soal 3. Sukar = 25 %

Disahkan Oleh Kerasaan 2018

WAKA Kurikulum Guru Mata Diklat


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