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User Manual

Lesson This is the sheet that needs data input in regards to lesson observation. The data can be extracted
Observation Data from Teacher PMS scoresheet (go to 'Dashboard' tab).
on. The data can be extracted
Cluster: _C2015Jan_Selangor
School Name: SK Cyberjaya

Lesson Observation Data
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
MYR 2019 Establishing + 95.7% 91.4% 93.5% 98.9% 94.6% 86.0% 86.0% 84.9% 87.1% 94.6%
(LO 1)

YER 2019 Establishing + 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
(LO 2)
11 12 13 14
84.9% 73.1% 71.0% 97.8% 88.5%

0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

School Name: SK Cyberjaya
There is high quality leadership and management.
Strategic Goal 1: Sekolah amanah mempunyai kepimpinan dan pengurusan berkualiti tinggi.

1.1 School improvement planning and self-evaluation is a continuous process that is effectively monitored and implemented to ensure the transformation process is sequenced and effective.
Perancangan penambahbaikan sekolah dan penilaian kendiri merupakan satu proses berterusan yang dipantau dan dilaksanakan bagi memastikan proses transformasi dilaksanakan secara berterusan dan efektif.

Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence School Evidence

Sebuah jawatankuasa strategik yang efektif bersama pelbagai wakil pihak • A Strategic Committee has established independent, routine (at least 1 per term)
An effective strategic committee, with representatives from a variety of
17 stakeholders, meets termly to inform, monitor & evaluate progress in order to raise berkepentingan mengadakan mesyuarat pada setiap penggal untuk melapor,
memantau dan menilai perkembangan sekolah bagi meningkatkan standard dalam
• Evidence of a framework (TSSP) in order to evaluate progress There is evidence of
TSIP, TSSP and Tracker
Minutes of meetings
SLT interviews
standards in all aspects of the schools performance. semua aspek prestasi sekolah. positive impact

Comparisons are made of school progress against local, national and/or global Perbandingan perkembangan sekolah dibuat berdasarkan trend tempatan, nasional • There is evidence that key staff in the school are comparing their progress to SLT PMS Action Research projects
dan/atau global, termasuk Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan serta Barisan external measurements (ie) IB, MEB, International research, partner schools Not SLT interviews
16 trends, including the Education Blueprint and the SLT demonstrate a commitment Kepimpinan Kanan menunjukkan komitmen ke arah memberi sumbangan kepada confined to GB/SLT TSIP LE staff judgement
Model Trust School

to contributing to progress of the broader network of Trust Schools. kemajuan jaringan lebih luas Sekolah Amanah. • There is evidence of the SLT contributing to the TS network Minutes of Network meetings

• Long term planning - Strategic Plan and/or 3-5 year Road Map • Strategic Plan &/or 3-5 Year Road Map

5 The school can demonstrate that it incorporates principles of continuous Sekolah mampu menunjukkan bahawa ia menggabungkan prinsip penambahbaikan • Medium planning includes - TSIP • CPD calendar
15 improvement into its long, medium and short term planning processes. berterusan dalam proses perancangan jangka pendek, sederhana & jangka panjang. • Short term planning including - TSIP action plans • TSIP
• Independent analysis of CPD needs and priorities are clearly matched to planning • SLT interviews

• Stakeholders – Parents, PIBG, Teachers, students SEF

The annual SEF is an inclusive process that is understood by teachers, students and Kerangka Penilaian Kendiri (SEF) tahunan adalah suatu proses inklusif yang difahami • The feedback from surveys to stakeholders demonstrate that they are included in SLT interviews
14 parents and is embedded in school culture. oleh para guru, murid dan ibu bapa serta diterapkan dalam budaya sekolah. SEF supporting documents LE staff judgement
SEF and believe their contributions are valued Surveys

Systems are in place to analyse a range of school performance data to inform Terdapat sistem yang tersedia untuk menganalisis pelbagai data prestasi sekolah • TSSP Accreditation Documentation
• SLT routinely, lead the judgement of TSSP progress with Advisory Team • TSSP tracker
13 school improvement strategies & processes with the school being able to yang digunakan untuk strategi & proses penambahbaikan sekolah yang • SLT can describe focus areas in order to achieve TSSP Model School status • SLT interviews
demonstrate a continuous impact on student outcomes. membolehkan sekolah menunjukkan impak terhadap keberhasilan murid.

Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) mengadakan mesyuarat bulanan untuk menjejaki • The TSIP tracker process is an independent, monthly activity.
The SLT meets monthly to track progress towards its stated goals as identified in TSIP SLT interviews
12 the TSIP and appropriate actions are taken. perkembangan sekolah ke arah pencapaian matlamat yang disasarkan, seperti yang • Evidence in the tracker is presented to identify progress TSIP Tracker
termaktub di dalam Pelan Penambahbaikan Sekolah Amanah (TSIP). • Advisors monitor and may train new SLT

The school can show that it facilitates the successful adoption of the TSIP in line Sekolah dapat membuktikan bahawa ia telah berjaya mengadaptasikan Pelan • Stakeholders: Parents, PIBG, Teachers, PPD, JPN, SLT are independent in • Stakeholder reporting:
preparation and communicating to stakeholders • TSIP noticeboard/Presentations
11 with the school vision and communicates annual priorities and progress to key Penambahbaikan Sekolah Amanah (TSIP) dan melaporkan keutamaan dan
• SLT ensure a range of staff lead/participate in TSIP Action Plans • Meeting minutes, log of attendance, school calendar
SLT interviews
stakeholders. perkembangan kepada pihak berkepentingan.
• Advisors monitor and may train new SLT

• TSIP writing is an independent, routine activity.

4 Key priorities and SMART actions are successfully identified and actioned to Kepentingan utama dan tindakan SMART berjaya dikenal pasti dan digerakkan untuk • The schools are experienced in successfully implementing a TSIP TSIP SLT interviews
10 achieve TSIP/KPT targets. mencapai sasaran Pelan Penambahbaikan Sekolah Amanah/Sasaran Prestasi Utama • Advisors monitor, may train new SLT and provide assistance in refining English SEF
(TSIP/KPT) version

Penilaian Kendiri Sekolah (SEF) tahunan melibatkan pelbagai pihak berkepentingan, • Stakeholders – Parents, PIBG, Teachers, Students.
The annual SEF involves a range of stakeholders, including SLT, teachers, parents SEF SLT interviews
9 and students and their contributions are included in the SEF. termasuk Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT), guru, ibu bapa dan murid serta • Independent implementation of surveys and stakeholder feedback SEF Stakeholder supporting documents
sumbangan mereka disertakan dalam SEF. • LE staff monitor, may train new SLT

It is evident that the school collects, analyses and uses a comprehensive set of data Terbukti bahawa sekolah mengumpul , menganalisis dan menggunakan set data • SLT assess TSSP progress at least 3 times per year TSSP support documentation SLT interviews
8 effectively towards achievement of TS Programme Standards and Key Performance yang komprehensif untuk mencapai Standard Program Sekolah Amanah dan • SLT can describe focus areas in order to achieve TSSP Accreditation TSSP audit tool
Targets. Sasaran Prestasi Utama (KPT) • LE staff monitor

Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) mengesan perkembangan untuk memenuhi • TSIP Tracking is being led by the SLT with increasing independence.
• Tracking meetings occur regularly and there is evidence that participants are TSIP and TSIP Trackers, SLT interviews
7 The SLT is tracking progress towards its stated goals as identified in the TSIP. matlamat yang telah dikenal pasti melalui Pelan Penambahbaikan Sekolah Amanah prepared. School Calendar LE staff judgement
(TSIP). • Advisors support

Sekolah dapat menunjukkan bahawa ia telah berjaya mengadaptasikan proses SEF Evidence Files
The school can show that it facilitates the successful adoption of the SEF and TSIP • The school is experienced in successfully implementing a SEF/TSIP cycle with SLT interviews
6 process. Kerangka Penilaian Kendiri (SEF) dan Pelan Penambahbaikan Sekolah Amanah support. SEF provides evidence of wider input into the TSIP development TSIP LE staff judgement
(TSIP). TSIP Tracker

Beberapa keutamaan penting dan tindakan dikenal pasti bagi mencapai sasaran • SLT are able to co-author the TSIP with Advisor support. There is evidence that TSIP SLT meeting minutes
5 Some key priorities and actions are identified to achieve TSIP/KPT targets.
Sasaran Prestasi Utama/Pelan Penambahbaikan Sekolah Amanah (KPT/TSIP) identified next steps and priorities are decided by SLT TSIP Action Plans
SLT interviews
LE staff judgement

The school shows some collaborative development of the Trust School Sekolah membuktikan terdapat beberapa pembangunan kolaboratif Pelan Staff meeting minutes from SEF/TSIP workshops
4 Improvement Plan with a few stakeholders. Penambahbaikan Sekolah Amanah dengan penglibatan kecil pihak berkepentingan. • Stakeholders include teachers, parents and students Parent/teacher/student survey data

LO/LW data SEF
The school uses basic data to help inform development priorities in the school self- Sekolah hanya menggunakan data asas untuk melaporkan keperluan keutamaan • Basic data is defined as LO/LW data and survey information TSIP
3 evaluation process. pembangunan bagi proses penilaian kendiri sekolah. • SEF process led by LE staff Parent/teacher/student surveys SLT interviews
TSIP tracker
LE staff judgement

• MoE processes MoE School Strategic Plan SLT interviews

2 The school develops a yearly plan. Sekolah membangunkan pelan tahunan. • MoE School Strategic Plan & Annual Plan created. Minimal use of academic data MoE Annual Plan LE staff judgement
to inform decisions made. PIBG Strategic Plan

• Range of school data (curriculum, co-curriculum, discipline, attendance etc) SLT interviews
1 Collection and basic analysis of data is evident. Pengumpulan dan analisis data sebagai evidens. collected according to MoE requirements with minimal analysis MoE school data LE staff judgement
1.2 There is effective, values driven, school-wide distributed leadership at every level, and the range of leadership styles utilised is appropriate.
Wujudnya pengagihan kepimpinan yang efektif berteraskan nilai yang meluas di sekolah di setiap peringkat dengan penggunaan pelbagai gaya kepimpinan yang bersesuaian.

Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence School Evidence

• HODs and Panel Heads independently monitor use of effective pedagogical strategies in their
departments. Systems are embedded and evidenced through routines that involve regular
Sekurang-kurangnya 90% pemimpin pertengahan adalah pemimpin pembelajaran lesson judgements and monitoring teacher's lesson plans, use of assessment data. Minutes of departmental meetings Lesson observation forms
90% or more of middle leaders are effective leaders of learning who use • They lead and introduce new approaches to improving student outcomes in established PLC PLC documents
19 collaborative principles & practices to manage their departments. efektif, yang menggunakan amalan & prinsip kolaboratif dalam menguruskan meetings in which student progress is discussed Teacher planning Headcount analysis
jabatan mereka • They promote effective collaboration amongst their departmental staff through structured Student performance data Action research analysis of outcome of new approaches
opportunities for peer challenge and action research as well as peer feedback to teachers on
their planning, assessment documentation and approaches

• SLT takes ownership of this process and plans beyond the following year with at least a 5 year • SHCM Implementation Pack (TS SHCM forms)
talent plan. - Evidence of correspondence / discussion between
Model Trust School

Talent development, knowledge transfer and capacity building processes are embedded across Perkembangan staf, anjakan ilmu pengetahuan dan proses pembentukan keupayaan diterapkan GB/PK1 and PPD
• Identified talent have robust talent development plans that include focused professional Teacher Survey on Performance Management
all areas of the school and are evident in a pool of talent that drives continuous growth in the sepenuhnya di semua bahagian di sekolah dan merupakan evidens pada semua staf yang terus
18 school. Prevailing talent processes such as Workforce Planning, Performance Management, memacu kemajuan di sekolah. Proses-proses terkini seperti Perancangan Tenaga Kerja, development opportunities • PMS meeting minutes Number of staff in Extending and Enhancing Category
• An annual survey is conducted and at least 85% of staff indicate deep understanding of their
Talent Management and Succession Planning are evident. Pengurusan Prestasi, Pengurusan Bakat dan Perancangan Penggantian jelas kelihatan. own areas of development
• The school is able to promote its own talent and succession issues with the local PPD office

5 • Leadership styles may include Affiliative, Democratic, Authoritative, Coercive, • Leadership Styles Tool
• SLT interviews
School leaders model a wide range of appropriate leadership styles on a Pemimpin sekolah mempamerkan pelbagai jenis gaya kepimpinan yang bersesuaian Pacesetting, Coaching (Daniel Goleman)
17 daily basis in all aspects of running of their school. setiap hari dalam semua aspek pengendalian sekolah mereka. • LE judgement utilised as the primary assessment until assessment tool developed • LE judgement
• Teacher survey

• TSIP and SEF documentation

Embedded distributed leadership principles & practices extend beyond Prinsip & amalan pengagihan kepimpinan yang diterapkan bukan sekadar kepada • School annual calendar of activities
16 GPKs, Middle leaders and Advisory Teachers, to include teachers, students GPK, Pemimpin Pertengahan dan Guru Penasihat, malahan juga kepada guru, murid •decision
Systems are embedded for participation of teachers, students and parents in
making and leading activities in the school • Parents, teachers & student surveys SVG minutes
PMS teacher records
and parents. serta ibu bapa. • Minutes of PIBG meetings

Pemimpin sekolah di setiap peringkat aktif melibatkan diri dalam komuniti • School leaders are members of community organisations and bodies that promote learning
School leaders at all levels take an active interest in the community beyond their melangkaui sekolah mereka untuk menyebarkan nilai teras Sekolah Amanah dan and student outcomes Evidence of participation in these events can be
15 own school to promote Trust School core values and to model a deep sense of menjadi model tanggungjawab moral bagi meningkatkan standard dalam kalangan
• School leaders participate in forums and conferences as panelists and speakers presented
moral purpose to raise standards within and beyond their own school. • Stakeholders such as teachers, students, parents and community are fully aware of the Trust Annual school surveys
komuniti sekolah dan juga di luar sekolah. School vision and the role of SLT in promoting this

• SHCM Implementation Pack (TS SHCM forms)

Talent Development, knowledge transfer and capacity building systems and processes are Pembangunan staf, anjakan ilmu pengetahuan serta pembentukan kapasiti • SLT has completed all related Workforce and talent process documentation. - Evidence of correspondence / discussion between
integrated into school improvement processes. Prevailing talent processes such as Workforce disepadukan dalam proses penambahbaikan sekolah. • Succession plans are developed and the SLT ensure that talent related issues are raise during
14 Planning, Performance Management, Talent Management and Succession Planning are Proses-proses terkini seperti Perancangan Tenaga Kerja, Pengurusan Prestasi, quarterly meetings with PPD/JPN. (LE staff support) GB/PK1 and PPD
evident. Pengurusan Bakat dan Perancangan Penggantian jelas kelihatan. • School PMS Committee independently monitors teacher progress to identify potential talent • Minutes of School Committee meetings
• PMS plans, PIP plans and annual evaluation

70% or more of SLT and middle leaders are leaders of learning who use Sekurang-kurangnya 70% pemimpin pertengahan adalah pemimpin pembelajaran LO/LW records
• 70% of the Middle Leaders & SLT are leaders as learning as defined in the ML ML Leader of Learning template
13 yang memanfaatkan prinsip & amalan kolaboratif untuk pembentukan kumpulan
collaborative principles & practices to develop groups and/or individuals. dan/atau individu. leader of learning template TSIP tracker Departmental minutes
Records of SEF participation

• Leadership Style Tool

4 School leaders use more than one form of leadership style, as defined in Pemimpin sekolah menggunakan lebih daripada satu bentuk gaya kepimpinan, • Leadership styles may include Affiliative, Democratic, Authoritative, Coercive, • SLT interviews
12 the assessment tool, in the running of their school.
seperti yang dijelaskan dalam instrumen pentaksiran, untuk mengendalikan sekolah Pacesetting, Coaching (Daniel Goleman) • LE judgement
mereka. • LE judgement utilised as the primary assessment until assessment tool developed • Teacher survey

• Opportunities are created by SLT for identified leaders / teachers to take the lead in activities
Distributed leadership principles & practices are embedded in the school amongst GPKs, Prinsip & amalan pengagihan kepimpinan diterapkan secara efektif di sekolah dalam kalangan and share in decision making processes TSIP and TSIP action plans Lesson observation schedule
Middle leaders and Advisory Teachers with collaborative teamwork embedded in the school GPK, pemimpin pertengahan dan Guru Penasihat dengan kerjasama kolaboratif diterapkan • Identified leaders participate actively in the school SEF, writing of the TSIP, leading TSIP SEF process documentation
11 culture. Teachers are actively encouraged to show leadership within their classroom and dalam budaya sekolah.Guru-Guru digalakkan menunjuk kepimpinan mereka dalam bilik darjah related activities, Lesson Observations and leading PLCs Teacher survey
PLC records
through involvement with additional school activities. dan melalui penglibatan tambahan dalam aktiviti sekolah • Teachers are involved in SEF, Co-Curriculum and other school activities and are given LW schedule Evidence of collaborative activities
opportunities to participate in shared decision-making

• There is evidence that the SLT promote vision and values in assemblies, staff Assembly agendas School displays & newsletters
School leaders actively promote Trust School core values within and beyond the Pemimpin sekolah menyebarkan nilai teras Sekolah Amanah dengan aktif didalam
10 immediate school community to improve student outcomes. dan juga diluar komuniti sekolah bagi meningkatkan keberhasilan murid. meetings, parent activities, community events Meeting minutes PPTs for visitors
• Visual displays around the school and newsletters highlight TS core values Parent activity log Visitors' log (PPD/JPN visitors)

• SHCM Implementation Pack (TS SHCM forms)

• Processes are in place to support and develop existing, new and under-performing - Evidence of correspondence / discussion between PMS Committee minutes
Talent development, knowledge transfer and capacity building processes are Proses pembentukan bakat, anjakan ilmu pengetahuan dan pembentukan teachers and SLT GB/PK1 and PPD New/under-performing teacher support plans
9 developing. keupayaan sedang dibangunkan. • Talent Management & Succession Planning documentation is developed and • CPD plan SLT Meeting minutes
• PLC schedules & summaries
completed with support from the CHC coaches and LE advisory staff. Workforce planning documentation GB/Principal interviews
CPD plans

3 8 50% or more of the middle leaders are effective leaders of learning who show good Sekurang-kurangnya 50% pemimpin pertengahan merupakan pemimpin
support for staff. pembelajaran efektif yang memberikan sokongan positif kepada kakitangan.
• 50% of the Middle Leaders are leaders as learning as defined in the ML leader of
learning template
• ML Leaders of Learning Template
• LO & LW documentation
• Teacher Support Plans
Department meeting minutes
PLC documentation

Teacher targets
Distributed leadership principles & practices beyond GPKs & middle leaders across Prinsip & amalan pengagihan kepimpinan di luar linkungan Guru Pemimpin Kanan Activity reports
7 the school are starting to be implemented. (GPK) & pemimpin pertengahan merentasi sekolah telah mula dilaksanakan. • Teachers are leading activities that support TSIP implementation TSIP Action Plans Meeting minutes
TSIP tracker

• SHCM Implementation Pack (TS SHCM forms) SLT PMS

There are supported processes for knowledge transfer and capacity building across Proses pemindahan ilmu pengetahuan dan pembentukan keupayaan adalah terhad • Processes are in place to support and develop existing, new and under-performing - Evidence of correspondence/discussion between PMS Committee minutes
6 the school. merentasi sekolah. teachers and SLT
CPD/PK1 and PPD PLP system for ART tasks
CPD Plan
• New / under-performing teacher support plans PLC schedules


2 30% or more of the middle leaders are effective leaders of learning who show good Sekurang-kurangnya 30% pemimpin pertengahan adalah pemimpin pembelajaran • 30% of the Middle Leaders are leaders as learning as defined in the ML leader of ML Leaders of Learning template Work Plans & Teacher Support Plans
5 support for staff. efektif yang memberikan sokongan yang baik kepada kakitangan. learning template Department Meeting minutes Panel Head files
LO/LW documentation

Some responsibility and accountability has been delegated to GPKs & middle Terdapat Pengagihan tanggungjawab dan akauntabiliti di agihkan kepada Guru GPK/ML Job Descriptions (MoE) SLT Meeting minutes
4 leaders but there is a lack of clarity and consistency about roles and Pemimpin Kanan (GPK) & pemimpin pertengahan tetapi penjelasan dan konsistensi • Applies to both MoE & Trust School responsibilities TSIP - allocated responsibilities LE staff judgement
responsibilities. tentang peranan dan tanggungjawab adalah terhad.

MOE JD's for SLT School Organization Chart

3 Distribution of leadership is as per MoE requirements. Pengagihan kepimpinan adalah mengikut kehendak KPM. • MoE Leadership roles assigned according to MoE guidelines HODs & Panel Head job descriptions LE staff judgement
Minutes of SLT meetings

1 2 There is evidence of Senior & Middle Leaders working together as teams to

develop the school curriculum.
Terdapat evidens tentang kerjasama antara Pemimpin Kanan & Pemimpin
Pertengahan dalam membangunkan kurikulum sekolah • Annual curriculum Schemes of Work are completed with minimal collaboration MOE evidence folders
Annual Schemes of Work
PH/HOD Meeting minutes
LE staff judgement

• The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or the school can
1 DESCRIPTOR REMOVED - NOT APPLICABLE* DESKRIPTOR DIGUGURKAN - TIDAK BERKAITAN * demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it LE staff judgement
1.3 The school SLT members are regularly and actively engaged in professional learning and incorporate the new learning into their current practice.
Barisan SLT sekolah sering terlibat secara aktif dalam pembelajaran profesional dan menggabungkan pembelajaran baharu dengan amalan sedia ada.

Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence School Evidence

• Evidence of participation in and membership of

Penghasilan dan perkongsian pengetahuan adalah fokus utama kepada kepimpinan sekolah, professional networks at district and Trust School • Examples of presentations given outside the school
Knowledge creation and sharing is central to school leadership, with senior leaders being dengan pemimpin-pemimpin kanan terlibat dalam jaringan profesional di peringkat daerah dan
20 engaged in professional networks at district level and across the wider network of Trust schools
merentas jaringan yang melangkaui Sekolah Amanah, dengan memfokuskan pada • As in descriptor level • Records of collaboration with PPD/JPN to promote
focusing on the development of the wider system for sustainability and growth. • Participation in leadership PLCs effective Trust Schools approaches and systems
pembangunan sistem meluas untuk kelestarian serta kemajuan.

• CPD records
The SLT are leaders of learning who are engaged in refining the craft of Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan merupakan pemimpin pembelajaran yang sentiasa • Examples of action research projects and analysis of
• SLT are engaged in action research and promote action research and PLCs in the
19 teaching through; sharing new research, promoting action research and terlibat dalam memperhalusi teknik pengajaran melalui; perkongsian kajian baharu, school. Data is analysed to reflect on impact of new strategies on student learning. data that demonstrate investigation into impact on
Model Trust School

professional inquiry in the school. galakan kajian tindakan dan inkuiri profesional di sekolah. student outcomes

TSIP and SEF documentation

All SLT members can demonstrate a deep understanding and involvement Keseluruhan Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) dapat menunjukkan pemahaman • 100% of SLT are actively involved in SEF, TSIP monitoring, PMS, and can Evidence of SLT leadership in these processes eg
18 in Trust School systems and processes against the identified Trust School dengan jelas dan terlibat dengan sistem & proses Sekolah Amanah berdasarkan demonstrate deep understanding of TS Standards and links to their own TSIP and minutes of meetings, attendance records, interviews GB records of SLT involvement and engagement
Standards. Standard Program Sekolah Amanah yang telah dikenal pasti. development plans with teachers and surveys

The SLT focus on student learning and ensure that new ideas, projects and Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) memberi fokus terhadap pembelajaran murid dan • SLT demonstrates continuous focus on student outcomes and implements Event calendars
strategies to support underperforming students Minutes of meetings
17 strategies that are implemented will narrow the gap between high and memastikan idea, projek dan strategi baharu yang dilaksanakan akan merapatkan • School initiatives, projects and strategies are supported by data analysis and SEF Individual student performance data and analysis
low performers. jurang antara mereka yang berprestasi tinggi dan berprestasi rendah.
individual student performance tracking TSIP

The SLT actively fosters a culture that is conducive to continuous learning and Barisan Pemimpin Kanan (SLT) aktif menerapkan budaya yang kondusif agar • Positive school ethos is evident in the learning environment inside and outside
mencipta pembelajaran dan pembangunan yang berterusan melalui; pemantauan the classrooms CPD plans for teachers and school leaders Evidence of innovative practices
16 development through; the monitoring of teaching & learning practices and amalan pengajaran & pembelajaran serta mencipta peluang untuk semua merasai • Innovative practices that go beyond the TeachSmart programme Records of PLCs and findings shared with stakeholders LW and LO data
creating opportunities for all to learn within the context of the school. pengalaman pembelajaran dalam konteks sekolah.

70% or more of the SLT can demonstrate their understanding and Sekurang-kurangnya 70% Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) dapat menunjukkan • Understanding and involvement in TS Systems including TSIP tracker, PMS process, SLT Involvement checklist
15 involvement in Trust School systems and processes against the identified pemahaman dan pelibatan mereka dalam sistem dan proses Sekolah Amanah LO, LW, SEF, TSSP reviews
SLT interviews LE staff judgement
Trust School Standards. bersandarkan Standard Program Sekolah Amanah yang telah dikenal pasti. • Measurement tool is the SLT Involvement Checklist

Sekurang-kurangnya 70% Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) menghadiri semua

70% or more of the SLT attend all leadership CPD & can demonstrate the latihan kepimpinan Pembangunan Profesional Berterusan (CPD) & dapat • As per descriptor CPD Attendance Registrar
14 • Incorporation of new learning can be evidenced by ARC task / PLC task PMS documentation.
incorporation of new learning into their current practice. menunjukkan penggabungan pembelajaran baharu ke dalam amalan sedia ada completions and application LeadED portfolio

13 70% or more of the SLT is involved in cluster-wide PLCs to discuss & share Sekurang-kurangnya 70% Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) terlibat dengan Komuniti • As per descriptor
Pembelajaran Profesional (PLC) kluster dengan meluas untuk perbincangan &
PLC attendance & notes SLT interviews
ideas, problem-solve & track progress. perkongsian idea, menyelesaikan masalah & menjejaki perkembangan.
• SLT can discuss their involvement in the PLCs and identify the lessons learnt PMS documentation LE staff judgement

The SLT are leaders of learning with established practices in place for Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) adalah pemimpin pembelajaran dengan amalan- • The SLT regularly participate in scheduled LWs and LOs.
amalan yang telah diperkukuhkan seperti Rondaan Pembelajaran & Objektif Records of LWs and LO’s participation schedule. Newsletters, staff meetings, and public display
12 regular LWs & LOs to monitor and support the development of learning & Pembelajaran untuk memantau dan menyokong pembangunan pembelajaran & • The outcomes of LWs and LOs are analysed at SLT meetings and issues addressed Minutes of SLT meetings. boards.
teaching in the school. through action plans and reported on at subsequent meetings
pengajaran sekolah.

The SLT foster action research projects and professional learning that Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) menggalakkan Projek Kajian Tindakan dan • The SLT openly promote the value of action research with teachers and provide Action Research Projects.
11 explore and scaffold best practice in the school.
Pembelajaran Professional yang mencari dan mengcungkil amalan-amalan terbaik di adequate resources for projects to be completed and implemented. Action PMS documents.
sekolah. Research Project are completed. TSIP.

The SLT attend all relevant learning & teaching CPD and can accurately Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) menghadiri kesemua sesi Pembangunan • The SLT team are involved in the TeachSmart workshops and PLCs where possible Attendance records of CPD training.
10 assess teacher competencies.
Profesional Berterusan (CPD) TeachSmart dan dapat menaksir kompetensi guru • The SLT can accurately assess the LO using the rubric based on the LE LO Interview with SLT. LE LO monitoring and moderation audit
dengan tepat. monitoring processes LE staff judgement

50% or more of the SLT are involved in leadership PLCs to discuss & share Sekurang-kurangnya 50% Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) terlibat dalam
LeadED PLC attendance data PLC Summary sheet
9 ideas.
kepimpinan Komuniti Pembelajaran Profesional (PLC) untuk perbincangan & • 50% or more of the SLT are involved in leadership PLCs at the Cluster Level LE staff judgement Photos
perkongsian idea.

• LW process is implemented by the school personnel (schedules, timelines & use

3 The SLT have developed an independent Learning Walk process with basic Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) telah mewujudkan sebuah proses Rondaan of LW programme) LW schedule Staff / Department Meeting minutes
8 LW data & analysis
data being shared with teachers. Pembelajaran dan berkongsi data asas bersama guru. • LW data is analysed and shared with teachers in staff meetings, on staff room LE staff judgement
displays, within Department meetings with LE support

50% or more of the SLT can demonstrate their understanding and Sekurang-kurangnya 50% Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) dapat menunjukkan • Understanding and involvement in TS Systems which include TSIP tracker, PMS SLT Involvement checklist
7 process, LO, LW, SEF, TSSP reviews LE staff judgement
involvement in Trust School systems and processes. pemahaman dan penglibatan mereka dalam sistem dan proses Sekolah Amanah.
• Measurement tool is the SLT Involvement Checklist
SLT interviews

• ARC tasks are completed

• Evidence of key concepts from LeadED modules implemented in the school
6 The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) attend leadership and pedagogy CPD & Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) menghadiri kepimpinan & pedagogi Pembangunan • 100% attendance at LeadED except for legitimate reasons (ie: MoE directives, TeachSmart attendance data ARC Task folders
implement learning in the school. Profesional Berterusan (CPD) dan melaksanakan pembelajaran di sekolah. meetings) LeadED attendance data LE staff judgement
• There is some evidence of SLT TeachSmart attendance


2 5 30% or more of the SLT is involved in PLCs to discuss & share ideas. Sekurang-kurangnya 30% Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) terlibat dalam Komuniti
Pembelajaran Profesional (PLC) untuk perbincangan & perkongsian idea.
• 30% or more of the SLT are involved in leadership PLCs at the Cluster level
• Involvement is defined as making contributions to discussion held
LeadED PLC attendance data
LeadED PLC summary sheets LE staff judgement

The SLT is developing as leaders of learning through supported Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) sedang dibentuk menjadi pemimpin pembelajaran • SLT engage in LWs & formal/informal LOs LW schedule & forms
4 melalui pelibatan yang disokong oleh Rondaan Pembelajaran (LW) & Pencerapan Co-Curriculum LW schedule & forms
involvement in Learning Walks (LW) & Lesson Observations (LOs). Pengajaran (LO) • Scaffolded / supported by the LE staff LO schedule & forms

Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) mengendalikan Pencerapan Pengajaran mengikut

3 The SLT conducts Lesson Observations as per MoE requirements. kehendak KPM • As per descriptor MoE LO records LE staff judgement

1 2 DESCRIPTOR REMOVED - NOT APPLICABLE* DESKRIPTOR DIGUGURKAN - TIDAK BERKAITAN * • Shared is defined as within the SLT or with the teaching staff School CPD records
Staff Meeting minutes LE staff judgement

Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) menghadiri sesi taklimat & bengkel yang MoE (SPLG) Attendance records
1 The SLT attends compulsory MoE briefings & workshops. diwajibkan oleh KPM. • As per descriptor School calendar LE staff judgement
1.4 The school’s financial planning is linked to strategic objectives through an integrated budgeting process.
Perancangan kewangan sekolah berhubungkait dengan objektif strategik menerusi proses bajet bersepadu.

Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence School Evidence

Cash book
• Accounting transactions conform to MoE guidelines, SOP and accounting practices Annual Audit report Subsidary book
18 Expenditure conforms to MoE guidelines (scores are between 95% - 100%) Perbelanjaan mematuhi garis panduan KPM (skor antara 95% - 100%). • Checklist shown scoring marks is between 95% to 100% Resource use is monitored PV files
Receipt book
Model Trust School

The budget is robust (variance at Quarter 3 is less than 5%) in all of the respective Bajet yang disediakan adalah teguh (varians pada Suku Ketiga adalah kurang
17 categories. daripada 5%) dalam kesemua kategori. • As per descriptor Progress performance report.

5 • School finance committee actively seeks input from internal stakeholders such as
A school finance committee consults widely to develop a budget that provides for Jawatankuasa kewangan sekolah meminta nasihat secara meluas dalam SLT, Middle Leaders including HODs and PHs, PIBG and wider parent community. AMB & PCG budget & analysis
16 effective implementation of the curriculum and cost effectiveness. menyediakan bajet yang dapat menyediakan pelaksanaan kurikulum dan kos yang This happens independently and is a routine annual practice. TSIP budget details
efektif. • Budget is reflective of school teaching and learning priorities and linked to the Finance Committee composition & minutes

• Resources are managed effectively and purchases of resources are in line with
Human and financial resources are well managed for all school staff in meeting Sumber manusia dan sumber kewangan dikendalikan dengan baik untuk semua learning needs as identified in SEF and TSIP Meeting minutes show collaborative purchase decisions Finance Meeting minutes
15 instructional goals and supporting student learning needs. kakitangan sekolah dalam memenuhi matlamat pengajaran dan menyokong • Note: if there is a new Principal / HM / Finance Clerk or they are on extended SEF and TSIP SLT interviews
keperluan pembelajaran murid. leave, school finance activities are still well managed by other staff ie: SLT / HOD /

Cash book
• Accounting transactions conform to MoE guidelines, SOP and accounting practices Annual audit report Subsidary book
14 Expenditure conforms to MoE guidelines (scores are between 85% - 94%) Perbelanjaan mematuhi garis panduan KPM (skor antara 85% - 94%). • Checklist shown scoring marks is between 85% to 94% Resources use is monitored PV files
Receipt book

The budget is robust (variance is less than 5%) in most of the respective categories. Bajet yang disediakan adalah teguh (varians kurang daripada 5%) dalam kebanyakan
13 The most respective categories = 70% kategori. Kebanyakan kategori = 70%. • As per descriptor Progress performance report

The budgets are linked to the school’s TSIP, meets instructional goals and support Bajet yang disediakan berkait dengan TSIP sekolah, memenuhi matlamat pengajaran • TSIP has detailed finance section linked to ABM & PCG ABM & PCG budget TSIP Appendix - finance section
12 student learning needs. dan menyokong keperluan pembelajaran murid. • Budget clearly prioritises student learning needs TSIP Action Plans Payment Vouchers

The SLT uses input from staff to establish funding priorities and a balanced Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) menggunakan input daripada kakitangan bagi • The SLT uses the SEF process to establish school priorities. SEF SLT Meeting minutes related to finance
11 operational budget for school programmes. mengutamakan memperuntukan dana dan keseimbangan bajet operasi sekolah. • The SLT uses input from HODs & PHs to establish priorities PH/HOD meeting minutes Interviews: SLT / HOD / PH
• Departmental requests are considered and prioritised as part of the process.

• Accounting transactions conform to MoE guidelines, SOP and accounting practices Cash book
Subsidary books
10 Expenditure conforms to MoE guidelines (scores are between 75% - 84%) Perbelanjaan mematuhi garis panduan KPM (skor antara 75% - 84%). • Checklist shown scoring marks is between 75% to 84% Progress performance reports PV files
• The budgets are accurate in most categories as per descriptor Receipt book

3 9 The SLT include other staff members in decision making to draw up school budgets. Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) melibatkan kakitangan yang lain dalam membuat
keputusan untuk merangka bajet sekolah.
• The SLT consults with staff members to formulate a budget (with support from LE
staff) SEF Department requests

There is evidence that the school’s budget has some direct links to the TSIP goals. Wujud evidens bahawa bajet sekolah dikaitkan dengan matlamat TSIP. Bajet sekolah • The SLT can justify the allocation of budget amounts and alignment with the TSIP ABM & PCG budget TSIP Appendix - finance section
8 The school budget is comprehensible. boleh difahami. goals (with support from LE staff) TSIP Action Plans Payment Vouchers

• Cash book, subsidiary book

• SLT and finance support staff use MoE guidelines to review accounting • PV files, receipt book
7 Expenditure conforms to MOE guidelines. (scores between 65% - 74%) Perbelanjaan mengikut garis panduan KPM. (skor di antara 65% - 74%) transactions (65% – 74%) • Other financial documents Receipt book

Cash book
The school budget is framed in a manner that ensures adequate implementation of Bajet sekolah dirangka denga teliti bagi memastikan pelaksanaan kurikulum • SLT and finance support staff compile budget that ensures implementation of • ABM & PCG budget Subsidary book

6 the curriculum. mencukupi. curriculum • ABM & PCG analysis PV files

• With minimal justification Other financial documents
Receipt book

Keputusan berkaitan kewangan dibuat oleh Pengetua dengan berbincang dengan
5 Financial decisions are made by the Principal following some consultation with SLT. SLT. • As per Descriptor Interviews: SLT, KPT, PT & MOM

4 The budget variance is less than 7% Varians bajet adalah kurang daripada 7% • As per Descriptor Financial Audit Report
• Cash book / subsidiary book
• The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or that the school • Minutes of finance meetings
3 Expenditure conform to MoE guidelines. (scores <65%) Perbelanjaan mengikut garis panduan KPM. (skor <65%) can demonstrate it has 'Moved Beyond' it. • Accounting transactions

• ABM & PCG Budget analysis

1 2 The budget is prepared and financial planning is carried out by schools. Bajet disediakan dan perancangan kewangan dilaksanakan oleh sekolah.
• The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or that the school
can demonstrate it has 'Moved Beyond' it.
• Progress performance report
• LE staff judgement

• The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or that the school Financial Audit Report
1 The Principal is involved in financial decision making. Pengetua terlibat dalam membuat keputusan berkaitan kewangan sekolah. can demonstrate it has 'Moved Beyond' it. SLT and Finance Staff interview
1.5 Performance management of all staff is a rigorous process that contributes towards school improvement and sustainability.
Pengurusan prestasi kakitangan merupakan satu proses yang teliti yang menyumbang ke arah penambahbaikan dan kelestarian sekolah.

Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence School Evidence

The school has a rigorous programme of evaluating teacher effectiveness and links Sekolah mempunyai program penilaian keberkesanan guru yang rapi dan • SLT and ML are conducting LO’s and LW’s independently. There is embedded LO/LW LE staff judgement
19 this to professional development. berhubungkait dengan pembangunan profesional. practise of analysing this data and then planning CPD CPD calendar Interview with Key SLT
Model Trust School

Wujud amalan kolaboratif yang efektif untuk menyokong dan membentuk Peer observation
There are effective collaborative practices to support and develop staff in the kakitangan di sekolah dengan penekanan terhadap peningkatan pencapaian semua •Headcount/LINUS
Collaborative practices may include: Peer observation, Action Research, Action Research LE staff judgement
18 school with an emphasis on raising the achievement of all students. meetings, New teacher support, Team meetings Headcount/LINUS meetings Interview with Key SLT
murid. New teacher support

Analisis daripada proses Sistem Pengurusan Prestasi (PMS) digunakan untuk • The PMS Committee is operating independently. There is evidence in the SEF and PMS documentation LE staff judgement
17 The analysis of the PMS process is used to inform future school planning. menyediakan perancangan masa hadapan sekolah. TSIP of analysis from the outcomes of the PMS process TSIP Action Plans Interview with Key SLT

• The PMS target-setting is led by the SLT. Targets are linked to the TSIP.
PMS targets for SLT, counsellors and teachers are rigorous and SMART, Sasaran PMS untuk Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT), kaunselor dan guru adalah PMS documentation LE staff judgement
16 underpinning the school improvement framework. teliti dan SMART, yang menyokong kerangka penambahbaikan sekolah. • SLT and key staff can describe the links TSIP Action Plans Interview with Key SLT

SLT & middle leaders engage in formal & informal observations, provide feedback Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) & pemimpin pertengahan terlibat dalam
15 to staff & demonstrate how to use the teacher competency rubric to identify pencerapan formal dan tidak formal, menyediakan maklum balas kepada kakitangan • SLT and ML are conducting LO’s independently. LO’s are routine in the school and LO documentation, including schedules & feedback forms LO moderation tool
effective learning and teaching practices. & memahami cara penggunaan rubrik kompetensi guru. lead SLT can explain the implementation

Barisan Kepimpinan Kanan (SLT) & pemimpin pertengahan menggunakan pelbagai LO score analysis
SLT & middle leaders use a range of teacher data (e.g. LO, LW, attendance data) to data guru (cth. Objektif Pembelajaran, Rondaan Pembelajaran, data kehadiran) • Analysis of teacher data is completed to identify areas of improvement that are CPD calendar
14 identify areas of improvement to raise teaching & learning standards. untuk mengenalpasti bidang-bidang yang perlu ditambahbaikkan bagi menambah reflected in the CPD programme LW analysis SEF
baik pengajaran & pembelajaran. Lesson Planning checklist

A PMS Committee, that includes the middle leaders, implements, coordinates & Sebuah Jawatankuasa PMS, yang melibatkan pemimpin pertengahan, • The PMS Committee is operating independently.
PMS Committee minutes School calendar
13 monitors the Performance Management process in the school through target melaksanakan, mengkoordinasi & memantau proses Pengurusan Prestasi di sekolah • Meetings are led by SLT and the PMS process is embedded as a routine activity.
PMS schedule PMS documentation
setting, monitoring, feedback and reporting. melalui penetapan sasaran, pemantauan, maklumbalas dan laporan. • Advisors monitor process, may train new staff or support new initiatives (PBPP)

Proses PMS mengenal pasti guru yang berprestasi lemah dan mewujudkan pelan • The PMS committee identify underperforming teachers through evidence PMS Committee minutes
The PMS process identifies underperforming teachers and triggers support plans sokongan serta CPD yang berkaitan. Kemajuan guru ini dipantau oleh Jawatankuasa (LO/LW). LO & LW data Interview with SLT
12 and relevant CPD. The progress of these teachers is monitored by the PMS
PMS sehingga peningkatan dapat dilihat dan pencapaian guru berada pada tahap • The school has an established process to support plans and monitor. CPD calendar LE staff judgement
Committee until improvement is shown and teachers are on track. yang diinginkan. • Advisors monitor Teacher Support Plans

• The PMS target-setting is led by the SLT.

The target setting process for SLT, Middle Leaders, teachers, and counsellors is Proses penetapan sasaran untuk SLT, Pemimpin Pertengahan, para guru, dan • SLT can explain how the PMS target-setting is undertaken and explain why targets PMS documentation Interview with SLT
11 embedded in the school PMS procedures and the documentation reflects kaunselor diterapkan dalam prosedur PMS sekolah dan dokumentasinya were chosen. TSIP Action Plans LE judgement
achievable goals. menggambarkan matlamat yang dapat dicapai. • Advisors monitor and may train new SLT

SLT & Middle Leaders engage in formal & informal observations using the teacher SLT & Pemimpin Pertengahan terlibat dalam pencerapan formal & tidak formal • SLT and ML are conducting LOs, the moderation process and teacher feedback. LO & Teacher feedback forms
10 competency rubric and provide feedback to staff. menggunakan rubrik kompetensi guru dan menyediakan maklum balas kepada They are supported by Advisors, however, there is evidence of growing LO timetable LE staff judgement
kakitangan. independence

• There is evidence that the PMS Committee has met to moderate the teacher PMS
3 9 The PMS Committee coordinates & monitors the Performance Management
process in the school.
Jawatankuasa PMS mengkoordinasi & memantau proses Pengurusan Prestasi di
(LO schedules, issues data analysis, teacher portfolios reviews & moderation, under-
performing teachers), PMS outcomes and processes
• The meeting is led by SLT
Minutes of PMS Committee meetings
PMS documentation
School calendar
LE staff judgement

• There is evidence that PMS targets have been tracked PMS process documentation
There is a basic system in place to set and monitor targets for teachers, SLT and Wujud sebuah sistem penetapan & pemantauan sasaran untuk para guru, SLT dan SLT interviews
8 counsellors. kaunselor. • There is evidence that the PMS target-setting has been led by the SLT and/or MLs PMS documentation LE staff judgement
• SLT can explain how the PMS tracking and target-setting is undertaken Minutes of PMS Committee meetings

SLT engages in formal judgements using the teacher competency rubric and are SLT terlibat dalam membuat penilaian formal menggunakan rubrik kompetensi guru •are
SLT are conducting LOs using the teacher competency rubric with support. They LO schedule
7 supported to provide feedback to staff. dan disokong dengan menyediakan maklum balas kepada kakitangan.
co-observing, with Advisors as the lead.
LO feedback forms LE staff judgement
• LO timetables and feedback are led by the Advisors

CPD attendance data


6 SLT monitor & follow-up teacher attendance at CPD sessions. SLT memantau & melaksanakan tindakan susulan untuk kehadiran guru ke sesi CPD. • As per descriptor SLT interventions with non-attendees

There is a PMS process with schedules & structures in place led with support from Wujud sebuah proses PMS berjadual & berstruktur yang dikendalikan sepenuhnya • Schedules & structures are defined as the time-tabling of PMS events, together PMS schedules - LOs, PMS Committee meetings,
5 LeapEd Staff. oleh SLT. with the assigning of relevant staff to those PMS events moderation meetings LE staff judgement

Penetapan sasaran oleh SLT, kaunselor & guru adalah sebahagian daripada proses
4 The SLT, counsellors & teachers set targets as part of their PMS process. PMS mereka. • There is evidence of targets in the PMS. Target setting is led by LE staff PMS documentation

The SLT uses a PMS system to fulfil Government requirements observe staff once a SLT menggunakan sistem PMS untuk memenuhi kehendak Kerajaan yang mencerap Teacher performance Reports (Laporan Prestasi Guru
3 semester. kakitangan sekali untuk setiap penggal. • As per descriptor Tahunan) LE staff judgement

1 2 Data collected from lesson observations is used for MoE purposes only. Data yang dikumpul daripada pencerapan digunakan untuk hal-hal berkaitan KPM
sahaja. • As per descriptor SKPM records
Online data entry for MoE LE staff judgement

MoE CPD attendance (SPLG)

1 Teachers attend MoE CPD as required. Guru menghadiri sesi CPD KPM seperti yang dikehendaki. • Internal & external CPD PPD/JPN letters LE staff judgement
School attendance records for internal CPD
1.6 Staff utilisation and succession management processes contribute towards school improvement and sustainability.
Proses penggunaan tenaga kerja dan pengurusan penggantian kakitangan menyumbang ke arah penambahbaikan dan kelestarian sekolah.

Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence School Evidence

The SLT systematically monitors, reviews & adjusts school schedules & staffing for SLT memantau, meneliti & merombak penjadualan & pengagihan tugasan
17 optimum school performance as required. kakitangan secara sistematik untuk mengoptimumkan prestasi sekolah seperti yang •ofThere is an established review cycle that is independently implemented. Evidence
analysis leading to informed adjustments
Minutes of meetings
School Timetables
SLT interviews
LE staff judgement
Model Trust School

Perancangan penggantian diintegrasikan ke dalam proses perancangan sekolah dan • SHCM Implementation Pack (TS SHCM forms)
Succession planning is integrated into the school planning processes. All SLT semua SLT menunjukkan komitmen bagi memastikan pengganti pemimpin kelak • Initiatives are established and independently implemented to prepare future • CPD plans/Action Plans/Lead SLT interviews SLT interviews
16 demonstrate a commitment to ensuring sustainable continuous improvement dipupuk di sekolah bagi memastikan penambahbaikan berterusan yang lestari untuk leaders. There is an established handover and school induction process for new staff • Handover process to new staff LE staff judgement
through nurturing and cultivating future leaders within the school. menghadapi cabaran-cabaran yang bakal ditempuhinya. and SLT • Plans to support and train new staff

The school uses staff flexibly to provide additional support to meet the needs of Sekolah menggunakan fleksibiliti kakitangan dalam menyediakan sokongan School timetable SLT interviews
15 lower-level learners and/or higher achievers and to narrow the gap between these tambahan bagi memenuhi keperluan murid berprestasi rendah dan/atau mereka • Established practice that is responsive to the school’s needs TSIP LE staff judgement
groups. yang berprestasi tinggi serta merapatkan jurang antara kedua-duanya.

School Timetable
There are systems in place for staff to take on additional responsibilities to support Wujud sistem supaya kakitangan dapat memikul tanggungjawab baharu untuk Relief Teacher Policy SLT interviews
14 one other, for example a school-wide “Buddy” system. memberikan sokongan antara satu sama lain seperti sistem “Buddy” di sekolah. • As stated. Established practice LW data LE staff judgement
Lesson Plan checklist

Through effective timetabling and the utilisation of YA Trust School autonomies, SLT memastikan penyampaian kurikulum yang efektif dalam menyokong • There is an established programme demonstrating use of autonomies (ie) Special TSIP SLT interviews
13 the SLT optimises teaching time and ensures curriculum delivery that supports pembangunan holistik dan memaksimumkan potensi murid menggunakan Needs class, Generalist Teacher, Subject-based classrooms, Co-Co delivery times
Evidence of classes in action LE staff judgement
holistic development of students. Autonomi Sekolah Amanah YA sekiranya sesuai. Advisors monitor

• SHCM Implementation Pack (TS SHCM forms)


Succession management and Talent Development are prioritised through the Pengurusan penggantian dan Pembentukan Bakat diberi keutamaan melalui • The school can demonstrate that it has been pro-active in planning for • CPD plans/Action Plans/Lead SLT interviews SLT interviews
12 implementation of a succession plan/internal appointment proposal. pelaksanaan pelan penggantian/ pencalonan perlantikan dalaman. retirements and staff leaving and taken recommendations to JPN • Handover process to new staff LE staff judgement
• Plans to support and train new staff

Allocation is made for Advisory Teachers and Middle Leaders (from year two Peruntukan disediankan untuk Guru Penasihat dan Pemimpin Pertengahan (dari MidLED training documentation
onwards) to support whole school approaches according to KPT/TSIP initiatives and tahun dua) bagi menyokong keseluruhan pendekatan sekolah mengikut inisiatif AT notes and Action Plans SLT interviews
11 there is an established process for the continued identification and development of KPT/TSIP dan terdapat proses bagi pengenalpastian dan pembentukan Guru • As stated. Established practice Advisors monitor PMS Committee meetings LE staff judgement
new Advisory Teachers to continuously support peer coaching and CPD training. Penasihat baharu untuk terus menyokong kejurulatihan dan latihan CPD. TSIP

• Routine and effective process. School Timetable

There is a systematic process to ensure that there is effective teaching and learning Wujud sebuah proses sistematik bagi memastikan pengajaran dan pembelajaran • LW data demonstrates that there is effective teaching and learning in the absent Relief Teacher Policy SLT interviews
10 in an absent teacher’s classroom. yang efektif berlangsung ketika ketiadaan guru di bilik darjah. teachers classrooms LW data LE staff judgement
Lesson Planning checklist

Jadual waktu sekolah dibentuk dan diteliti untuk mengagihkan tugasan guru dengan • There is evidence of the timetable having been reviewed with any School Timetable & revisions related to timetable SLT interviews
9 The school timetable is developed and reviewed to effectively utilise staff. efektif. recommendations implemented Meeting minutes LE staff judgement

3 8 There are systems & processes in place to manage staff, curriculum & co-
curriculum delivery.
Wujud sistem & proses yang dilaksanakan untuk mengurus kakitangan, kurikulum & • Systems and processes are defined as release/blocked time for different staff and
menyampaikan kokurikulum. particular school activities
Timetables showing release/blocked time for different staff AT / ML / HOD meeting minutes
commitments Co-Co Steering Group minutes

There is a policy in place to ensure the students are being productive in an absent Wujud sebuah polisi untuk memastikan murid adalah produktif walaupun ketika • School-specific Relief Teacher policy is implemented Relief Teacher Policy SLT interviews
7 teacher’s classes. ketiadaan guru. • LW process is used to identify that students are productive in absent teacher LW data LE staff judgement

School Timetable SLT interviews

6 The school timetable is constructed to effectively utilise staff. Jadual waktu sekolah disediakan untuk mengagihkan tugasan guru dengan efektif. • The school timetable reflects teachers’options Teacher list with Options identified LE staff judgement

2 5 The SLT have identified strong teachers who can support the development of
learning and teaching in the school.
SLT telah mengenal pasti guru yang memiliki kekuatan yang dapat menyokong
pembangunan pembelajaran dan pengajaran di sekolah. • As per descriptor
AT selection process / GT selection
LO analysis

Staff attendance is tracked and there is a systematic process in place to cover Kehadiran kakitangan dijejaki dan wujud sebuah proses yang sistematik untuk • Staff attendance recording process is implemented Staff attendance documentation SLT meeting minutes
4 absent teachers. menggantikan guru yang tidak hadir. • A system is in place to cover absent teachers Teacher Relief process LE staff judgement
LW data

3 Staff attendance is recorded for MoE requirements only. Kehadiran kakitangan direkod hanya untuk memenuhi kehendak KPM. • As per descriptor MoE teachers attendance records LE staff judgement

1 2 The school timetable conforms to MoE requirements for planning and instructional Jadual waktu sekolah mengikut kehendak KPM untuk merancang waktu pengajaran.
time. • As per descriptor
MOE guidelines LE staff judgement

Staff are assigned teaching loads according to their subject specialisms, where Kakitangan diberikan tugasan mengajar mengikut opsyen mata pelajaran mereka Timetable
1 possible. sebaik mungkin. • As per descriptor Teacher lists with Options identified LE staff judgement
SG 1: There Exists High Quality Leadership and Management
Achievements for MYR 2019

Next Steps
Level Indicator Statements
SG 1: There Exists High Quality Leadership and Management
For analysis refer to indicat
Achievements for YER 2019

Overall Analysis (Strength and Areas for Development)






For analysis refer to indicator statements in TSSP document.

Future Development
Next Steps- Indicators Statements

School Name: SK Cyberjaya Y
Trust schools have high quality learning and teaching.
Strategic Goal 2:
Sekolah Amanah Mempunyai Kualiti Pembelajaran Dan Pengajaran Yang Tinggi

2.1 Effective pedagogies are embedded in teaching and learning in the school.


Pedagogi berkesan diterapkan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran sekolah.
Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence School Evidence
Model Trust School

LW data
90% or more of all teachers are reflective practitioners who use a Sekurang-kurangnya 90% guru merupakan pengamal reflektif yang Head count / (PBS) Pentaksiran

14 broad range of pedagogies and methodologies which maximise menggunakan pelbagai pedagogi dan metodologi yang memaksimumkan • As per descriptor Berasaskan Sekolah LO data - Competencies 1, 14

student achievement and potential. pencapaian dan potensi murid. School Based Assessment, including its
analysis/Action plan & monitoring tool

Pedagogical leaders, including Heads of Department, Panel Heads Pemimpin pedagogi, termasuk Ketua Bidang, Ketua Panitia dan Guru Penasihat,
and Advisory Teachers, participate in learning networks beyond the melibatkan diri dalam jaringan pembelajaran di luar sekolah untuk berkongsi • Attendance by SLT, Panel Heads and Middle Leaders to external meetings Record of external meetings or CPD
13 school to share Trust School Pedagogical best practices and amalan pedagogi terbaik Sekolah Amanah dan memperkenalkan corak • CPD for new staff to the Trust School attended.
introduce new learning amongst the Trust School Staff. pembelajaran baharu dalam kalangan warga Sekolah Amanah. Record of CPD for TS staff.

• Demonstrated by use of Collaborative Learning structures and one or more

70% or more of all teachers are reflective practitioners who use a Sekurang-kurangnya 70% guru merupakan pengamal reflektif yang pedagogical styles that are utilised to improve student learning

12 broad range of pedagogies and methodologies which maximise menggunakan pelbagai pedagogi dan metodologi yang memaksimumkan • Learning Walk data related to group work/active learning • LW (possible to compare across LW data) LO data - Competencies 1, 14

student achievement and potential. pencapaian dan potensi murid. • Panel records of Exam data analysis, Item analysis and Action Plans to meet student
needs as well as using a range of strategies to meet these needs

• Multiple styles of instruction, reflected and demonstrated through use of the

70% or more of teachers use multiple styles of instruction, Sekurang-kurangnya 70% guru menggunakan pelbagai gaya arahan dengan kerap different pedagogical strategies introduced in the training and reflected in the rubric.

11 including adapting their plans and approaches, to improve student termasuk menyesuaikan plan dan tindakan mereka bagi menambah baik • Lesson Planning Checklist LO data - Competencies 1, 7, 9, 10, 14.

If more than two strategies are evident this is seen as multiple
development and achievement. perkembangan dan pencapaian murid. • LW data related to use of group activities

• CPD programme for new teachers
There is a system in place by which mentors and professional Wujud pelaksanaan sebuah sistem di mana mentor menyokong guru baharu & • Tracked Support Plans for identified
• Middle Leader work plans include Teacher Support plans for underperforming teachers Targeted CPD programme for new teachers
10 learning communities support all new and under-performing guru yang berprestasi rendah, memantau perkembangan, membimbing,
teachers and these are monitored by the SLT. New teachers are part of PLC groups • Formal and Informal LO data for PLC & PLP lists
teachers, monitor progress, coach, model and provide feedback. menunjuk cara serta memberi maklum balas.
teachers on Support Plans

70% or more of teachers have an understanding of the Trust School Sekurang-kurangnya 70% guru memiliki persefahaman mengenai Tonggak LW data

9 Pedagogical Pillars and can demonstrate the fourteen teacher Pedagogi Sekolah Amanah dan dapat menunjukkan 14 kompetensi guru dalam • As per descriptor LO data - Overall mean (14 competencies)

Lesson Planning checklist
competencies in their teaching practice and planning. amalan pengajaran dan perancangan mereka.

50% or more of teachers use more than one style of instruction on Sekurang-kurangnya 50% guru menggunakan lebih daripada satu gaya arahan

8 • As per descriptor LO data - Competencies 9, 10, 12

a regular basis. dengan kerap. Lesson Planning Checklist

50% or more of teachers have an understanding and can Sekurang-kurangya 50% guru yang memilki sebuah pemahaman dan dapat LW data related to use of CL structures

7 demonstrate the fourteen teacher competencies and can display menunjukkan 14 kompetensi guru serta mempamerkan lebih daripada satu gaya • As per descriptor LO data - Overall mean (14 competencies)

more than one style of instruction. arahan. and collaborative learning (if possible)

• Mentors include Middle Leaders & teachers identified to support new and under- MidLED / AT selection process
Mentors are identified to support new and under-performing Mentor dikenal pasti bagi menyokong guru baharu dan guru berprestasi lemah performing teachers PMS Committee meeting minutes
6 teachers to meet their individual support plans. untuk memenuhi perancangan sokongan individu mereka. • Middle Leaders are trained by LE teams to develop Teacher Support plans for under- Teachers support plans
List of mentors, new & under-performing
performing teachers

30% or more of the teachers use more than one relevant style of Sekurang-kurangnya 30% guru menggunakan lebih daripada satu gaya arahan

5 • As per descriptor Lesson Planning checklist LO data - Competencies 9, 10, 12

instruction to improve student development and achievements. yang bersesuaian untuk menambah baik pembentukan dan pencapaian murid.

Sekurang-kurangnya 30% guru mempamerkan kandungan ilmu pengetahuan
30% or more of teachers display relevant content knowledge and yang bersesuaian dan menunjukkan pemahaman tentang pelbagai gaya Lesson Planning checklist (where

4 • As per descriptor LO data - Competencies 1, 3, 9, 10, 14

an understanding of different learning styles in lesson preparation. pembelajaran dalam persediaan mengajar. required)

Mentor-mentee records of support

Mentors are identified to support new and under-performing Mentor dikenal pasti untuk menyokong guru-guru baharu dan guru berprestasi
3 teachers. rendah.
• As per descriptor MidLED selection process;
Buddy system

10% or more of teachers use more than one relevant style of Sekurang-kurangnya 10% guru menggunakan lebih daripada satu gaya arahan • The granting of a ‘Yes’ is based on whether this statement is true or the school can

2 LE staff judgement LO data - Competencies 9, 10, 12

instruction to improve student learning and achievement. yang bersesuaian untuk menambah baik pembelajaran dan pencapaian murid. demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it

10% or more of teachers use resources other than text books to Sekurang-kurangnya 10% guru menggunakan sumber-sumber selain selain buku • The granting of a ‘Yes’ is based on whether this statement is true or the school can

1 LE staff judgement LO data - Competency 3

facilitate student learning. teks untuk memudah cara pembelajaran murid. demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it
2.2 There is a high level of engagement and collaboration of students during the lessons.


Wujud penglibatan dan kolaborasi murid yang tinggi semasa sesi pengajaran.
Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence School Evidence

90% or more of students use higher order thinking; whether that is Sekurang-kurangnya 90% murid menggunakan pemikiran aras tinggi; sama ada FrogAsia “zoom A” – self-directed

16 by being a reflective learner, using thinking tools, using problem dengan menjadi seorang pelajar yang reflektif, menggunakan instrumen berfikir, • As per descriptor assessment LO data - Competencies 11, 12

Model Trust School

solving techniques or by creating something new. menggunakan teknik penyelesaian masalah atau mencipta sesuatu yang baharu. FrogAsia log-in records by students and

90% or more of teachers demonstrate effective use of thinking Sekurang-kurangnya 90% guru menunjukkan penggunaan instrument berfikir
5 LW data (comparing across range of LW

15 tools according to a student’s ability, learning styles and/or secara efektif mengikut keupayaan, gaya pembelajaran dan/atau kecenderungan • As per descriptor LO data - Competencies 12, 13

interest. murid. data)

90% or more of teachers facilitate an environment that engages Sekurang-kurangnya 90% guru memudah cara persekitaran untuk melibatkan

14 • As per descriptor LW data LO data - Competencies 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

students and limits teacher direction. murid dan memberikan arahan yang terhad.

Pair/group-work activities support learning outcomes and promote Aktiviti kerja berkumpulan/berpasangan menyokong keberhasilan pembelajaran

13 students’ social and personal skills in 70% or more of classrooms. dan menggalakkan kemahiran peribadi dan sosial murid sekurang-kurangnya di • As per descriptor LO data - Competencies 9, 10

70% bilik darjah

70% or more of teachers facilitate a physical and emotional

environment where students are actively involved in their learning Sekurang-kurangnya 70% guru memudah cara persekitaran fizikal dan emosil di

12 and the teachers focus on facilitating the class rather than directing mana murid terlibat secara aktif dengan pembelajaran. Guru-Guru memberi • As per descriptor LO data - Competencies 4, 5, 9, 10

it. fokus memudahcara pembelajaran dan bukan memberi arahan

4 11 Sekurang-kurangnya 70% murid melakukan tugasan dan terlibat dalam

70% or more of students are on task and engaged in their lessons. pembelajaran mereka. • As per descriptor LW data

70% or more of teachers demonstrate effective use of thinking Sekurang-kurangnya 70% guru menggunakan pelbagai instrument berfikir

10 tools and provide opportunities for students to apply higher order dengan efektif dan memberi peluang kepada murid mereka mengamal strategi • As per descriptor LO data - Competency 12

and creative thinking strategies. aras tinggi dan pemikiran kreatif.

Teachers plan lessons to accommodate different students’ abilities, Guru-Guru merancang pengajaran mengikut keupayaan, gaya pembelajarann

9 • As per descriptor LO data - Competencies 1, 3, 13

learning styles and/or interests. dan/atau kecenderungan murid. Lesson Plan checklists

Guru menggunakan instrumen berfikir bilik darjah dalam 50% pengajaran

8 Teachers use classroom thinking tools in 50% of lessons. • As per descriptor LO data - Competency 12

mereka. Lesson Planning checklist

3 Open learning activities are used in the lesson to encourage Aktiviti pembelajaran bercambah digunakan dalam pengajaran bagi

7 • As per descriptor Lesson Planning Checklist LO data - Competencies 3, 12

students to work independently in 50% of lessons. menggalakkan murid untuk bebas bekerja dalam 50% pengajaran.

6 50% or more of students are on task in their lessons. Sekurang-kurangnya 50% murid melakukan tugasan dalam pengajaran mereka. • As per descriptor LW data

30% or more of teachers use thinking tools in the classroom. (e.g. Sekurang-kurangnya 30% guru menggunakan instrumen berfikir di bilik darjah

5 • As per descriptor LO data - Competency 12

graphic organiser, Fishbone, etc.) (cth.penyusun grafik, dsb) Lesson Planning Checklist

2 Open learning activities are used in the lesson to encourage Aktiviti pembelajaran bercambah digunakan dalam pengajaran untuk

4 • As per descriptor LO data - Competency 12

students to work independently in more than 30% of lessons. menggalakkan murid bebas bekerja dalam lebih daripada 30% pengajaran. Lesson Planning checklist

3 30% or more of students are on task in their lessons. Sekurang-kurangnya 30% murid melakukan tugasan dalam pengajaran mereka. • As per descriptor LW data

Sekurang-kurangnya 10% daripada keseluruhan aktiviti adalah berpusatkan • The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or the school can

2 10% or more of all activities are student centred. LW data LO data - Competencies 1, 3, 9 & 10

murid. demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it

The SL has an awareness that student disruption needs to be SLT mempunyai kesedaran bahawa masalah gangguan murid di bilik darjah perlu • The SLT has an awareness that student disruption needs to be addressed in the LW data
1 addressed in the classrooms. ditangani classrooms LE staff judgement
2.3 The learning environment (physical and emotional) supports effective learning.


Persekitaran pembelajaran (fizikal dan emosi) menyokong pembelajaran efektif.
Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence School Evidence

90% or more of students have the opportunity to seek out Sekurang-kurangnya 90% murid diberi peluang untuk mencari sumber yang • Teachers facilitate student use of ICT and other resources to progress new learning

17 resources to stimulate and maximise their learning. (e.g. research boleh digunakan bagi memaksimumkan pembelajaran mereka (cth. Projek • Lesson Plan checklist to monitor the use of ICT and other teaching and learning LW data tool to be deveoped LO data - Competencies 1, 3, 12, 13

projects). penyelidikan) resources
Model Trust School

90% or more of students make creative use of and take prudent Sekurang-kurangnya 90% murid –murid menggunakan sumber sekolah dengan

16 • As per descriptor LW data tool to be developed LO data - Competency 3

care of school resources. kreatif dan menjaganya dengan baik.

90% or more of learning environments support learning in an age Sekurang-kurangnya 90% persekitaran pembelajaran menyokong pembelajaran • LW data related to monitoring positive learning environments in classrooms, subject LW data

15 LO data - Competency 4

& subject appropriate manner. mengikut kesesuaian peringkat umur & mata pelajaran rooms and other specialist rooms Pictures of classroom displays

90% or more of teachers effectively use positive behaviour Sekurang-kurangnya 90% guru menggunakan strategi pengurusan perilaku • LW data related to the use of positive behaviour management strategies, rules and

14 LO data - Competency 5

management strategies. positif dengan efektif. routines

70% or more of teachers’ learning environments support learning Sekurang-kurangnya 70% persekitaran pembelajaran guru menyokong LW data

13 according to the age and ability levels of their students, and pembelajaran mengikut kesesuaian tahap umur, keupayaan pelajar, persekitaran • LW data related to positive classroom learning environments LO data - Competency 4

environments are subject appropriate. & mata pelajaran. Pictures of learning environments

70% or more of learning environments are safe, student-friendly, Sekurang-kurangnya 70% persekitaran pembelajaran adalah Selamat, mesra • Behaviour management classroom rewards and consequences strategies clearly displayed and
demonstrate mutual respect between peers and murid, terdapat saling hormat menghormati antara rakan dan dengan

demonstrated by students’ familiarity with expectations

12 LW data LO data - Competency 5

students/teachers. There is evidence of positive affirmations and murid/guru. Membuktikan terdapat penggunaan kata-kata positif dan strategi • Teacher praise/correction is specific not general – e.g. good boy/girl
behaviour management strategies. pengurusan perilaku. • LW data related to the use of positive behaviour management strategies, rules and routines

70% or more of teachers’ learning environments have up-to-date Sekurang-kurangnya 70% persekitaran pembelajaran menunjukkan hasil kerja
• LW data reflects that70% of classrooms have a range of student work displayed that

11 student work and achievements on display to support student terkini murid, pencapaian, dan menyokong perkembangan dan pembelajaran LW data LO data - Competency 4

learning and progress. murid. is changed regularly e.g. 2-3 weeks

• LW data reflects that 70% of teachers have appropriate resources that support learning,
70% or more of teachers use differentiated learning resources Sekurang-kurangnya 70% guru menggunakan sumber pembelajaran berlainan accessible to students
• Rules for care of equipment have been made clear to students and consequences are known

10 effectively to facilitate student learning and 70% of students make dengan efektif untuk memudah cara pembelajaran murid. 70 % murid menyedia LO data - Competency 3

• Students are able to identify appropriate resources for an activity Resources inventory
appropriate and creative use of and take care of equipment. sumber yang sesuai dan kreatif dan menjaganya dengan baik • Lesson Plan Checklist to monitor the use of a range of resources.
• Resource inventory lists are updated

50% or more of the classroom environments include student work Sekurang-kurangnya 50% persekitaran bilik darjah melibatkan pameran hasil LW data OR

9 • As per descriptor LO data - Competency 4

and basic subject area displays. kerja murid dan bahagian mata pelajara asas. Learning Environment Audit

3 50% or more of students make appropriate use of and take care of Sekurang-kurangnya 50% murid menggunakan peralatan dan menjaganya LW data OR

8 • As per descriptor LO data - Competency 3

equipment. dengan baik. Classroom inventory lists

50% or more of teachers effectively use positive behaviour Sekurang-kurangnya 50% guru meggunakan strategi pengurusan perilaku positif LW data OR

7 • As per descriptor LO data - Competency 5

management strategies dengan efektif. Learning Environment Audit data

30% or more of the classroom environments include student work Sekurang-kurangnya 30% persekitaran bilik darjah melibatkan paparan hasil kerja

6 • As per descriptor LW data LO data - Competency 4

and basic subject area displays. murid dan bahagian asas mata pelajaran.

30% or more of the teachers use learning resources effectively to Sekurang-kurangnya 30% guru menggunakan sumber dengan efektif untuk LW data

5 • As per descriptor LO data - Competency 3

facilitate student learning. memudah cara pembelajaran murid.

30% or more of teachers use positive behaviour management Sekurang-kurangnya 30% guru menggunakan strategi pengurusan perilaku

4 • As per descriptor LO data - Competency 5

strategies. positif.

LW data
• The granting of a Yes is based on whether the school can demonstrate that it has Student work book monitoring records
‘Moved Beyond’ this statement SLT interviews
LE staff judgement

Sekurang-kurangnya 10% paparan menggambarkan pembelajaran atau hasil • The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or the school can

2 10% or more of displays reflect current learning or student work. LE staff judgement LO data - Competency 4

kerja murid yang terkini. demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it

10% or more of teachers are consistent in their enforcement of Sekurang-kurangnya 10% guru konsisten dalam menguatkuasakan peraturan dan • The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or the school can

1 rules and expectations and show a limited use of positive LE staff judgement LO data - Competency 5

jangkaan serta menggunakan kata-kata positif yang terhad. demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it
2.4 All teachers are regularly and actively engaged in professional learning and development and incorporate new learrning into their current practice.


Semua guru dengan kerap dan aktif terlibat dalam pembelajaran dan perkembangan profesional serta menggabungkan pembelajaran baharu ke dalam amalan sedia ada.

Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence School Evidence

Data is used to identify, plan and implement internal CPD at the Data digunakan untuk mengenal pasti, merancang dan melaksana CPD dalaman • SLT and MLs, Panel Heads, HoDs, identify CPD needs for the whole through the SEF SEF records
Departmental meeting minutes reflect TSIP planning documents
14 whole school and departmental level, involving 90% or more of di seluruh sekolah dan di peringkat jabatan, melibatkan sekurang-kurangnya 90% process and through formal and informal lesson observation for departmental needs departmental needs LO data analysis
teachers. guru. • CPD attendance records show a minimum of 90% attendance CPD attendance records
Model Trust School

• A minimum of 90% of teachers show evidence of additional research, courses Samples of teacher portfolios;
90% or more of teachers go beyond their CPD/PLC sessions to Sekurang-kurangnya 90% guru melangkaui sesi CPD/PLC dengan menjalani attended in their Teach Smart portfolios Samples of Action Research undertaken
13 undertake further professional development and more than 30% of perkembangan profesional lanjutan dan lebih 30% guru menjalani Kajian • 30% of teachers have written evidence of Action Research recorded in PBPPP by teachers
teachers are undertaking Action Research. Tindakan
evidence folders or Teach Smart portfolios CPD planning

• PLCs are grouped and scheduled in the school annual calendar Annual calendar
Professional learning and Learning Communities are embedded in Pembelajaran Profesional dan Komuniti Pembelajaran diterapkan ke dalam • PLC groups are linked to SEF in terms of being actions arising from school or student PLC monitoring records
12 a continuous school improvement cycle. kitaran penambahbaikan sekolah yang berterusan. needs PMS folders – PLP observation samples
• PLC attendance is recorded as a requirement of teacher PMS PLC notes

• CPD, conferences, courses and professional meetings, beyond the Trust School Records of CPD attended other than Programme notes
Opportunities are provided for professional networking and Peluang untuk jaringan profesional dan perkongsian amalan terbaik disediakan network, are provided by the school. These could be sharing according to subject or
11 sharing of best practices beyond the Trust School network. melangkaui jaringan Sekolah Amanah. pedagogy or co-curricular or student management. This could also include the YA
Teach Smart and MoE compulsory PowerPoint/Hand-outs
training sessions Photographs from CPD sessions or conferences
Conference of other conferences attended

Systems for professional development are implemented and • Middle Leaders plan and present CPD based on school needs identified during SEF
professional learning communities are active in 70% of curricular Sistem bagi pembangunan profesional dilaksanakan dan komuniti pembelajaran process • PLC attendance records PLC groups and schedules
rakan sebaya aktif dalam sekurang-kurangnya dalam 70% bahagian kurikulum. • CPD planning/meeting minutes
10 areas which focus on improving student outcomes. Activities and
Aktiviti dan agenda mesyuarat Komuniti Pembelajaran Profesional berdasarkan
• PLCs are scheduled and monitored by SLT. PLC notes identify student needs and
• CPD materials
PLC attendance records
agenda items are determined by areas for improvement and how these are being addressed PLC notes
always based on student needs. keperluan murid dan bahagian untuk penambahbaikan. • PLC attendance records reflect a minimum of 70%

• SLT monitor Lesson Plans using set criteria and share feedback with teachers • Lesson Plan monitoring by SLT – records

Professional learning and teacher reflection are embedded Pembelajaran profesional dan refleksi guru diterapkan di seluruh sekolah dan
• PLP peer observations form part of ART after each CPD. This is monitored by the • PLP documentation including peer

9 throughout the school and is incorporated into practice. This is pembelajaran profesional digabungkan ke dalam amalan sedia ada. Ini LO data - Competency 14

evident in teacher planning and performance monitoring. didbuktikan dalam perancangan guru dan pemantauan pencapaian MLs and SLT observation feedback forms
• Teachers complete Action Plans after each CPD • Action Plans after each CPD

Professional Learning Communities and related professional • PLC attendance and CPD form a total of 10 contact sessions for all teachers for the
Komuniti pembelajaran professional dan kejayaan pembelajaran professional year • Sample SLT PMS folders
8 learning successes are stated clearly in the success criteria within
yang lain berkait rapat dengan PMS • PLC attendance is part of the final calculation of PMS end result for each teacher • PLC attendance records
the PMS forms. (10%)

Opportunities are provided for professional networking and Peluang disediakan untuk jaringan profesional dan berkongsi amalan terbaik • Cross cluster PLCs for SLT are held after each LeadED session Network PLC schedules
7 sharing of best practices across the Trust School network. merentasi jaringan Sekolah Amanah. • Middle Leaders network and share ideas and resources with other Trust Schools in Network PLC attendance lists
the cluster PLC minutes / summary notes

Sekurang-kurangnya 50% daripada guru mengaplikasikan pembelajaran mereka • Without support is defined as either SLT or Middle Leader support with minimal • LW Data (formative) associated with the LO data - Overall Mean Score (14

6 50% or more of teachers apply their learning from CPD sessions.

tanpa bimbingan berdasarkan sesi CPD. intervention from LE staff CPD modules may also be used competencies)

PLC schedules / agendas
5 The school has begun to implement and minute PLCs with support. Sekolah telah mula melaksana dan meminitkan PLC dengan sokongan. • Support is defined as LE or SLT supporting Middle Leaders to facilitate PLCs PLC minutes / summary notes LE staff / SLT / ML meeting schedules & minutes
PLC attendance lists

30% or more of all teachers attend the CPD sessions unless they Sekurang-kurangnya 30% guru menghadiri sesi CPD kecuali dengan sebab-sebab • CPD attendance shows a minimum of 30%, not counting those teachers required at CPD attendance records –

4 have a justifiable reason. yang kukuh. courses or have a medical reason MCs/letters/Maternity Leave approval

• 30% or more of the teachers achieve at least an 8 for the Application of Learning LW data
30% or more of teachers apply their learning from CPD sessions Sekurang-kurangnya 30% guru mengaplikasikan pembelajaran mereka daripada component of their Teacher PMS

3 Teacher Application of Learning results LO data - Overall Mean Score

with support. sesi CPD bersama sokongan. • Support is defined as either LE staff, SLT or Middle Leader support LE staff judgement

2 Teacher CPD attendance is recorded. Kehadiran CPD guru direkodkan. • As per descriptor CPD attendance records

CPD calendar
There is evidence of CPD impact when it relates to MOE Walaupun evidens bagi impak CPD apabila ia dikaitkan dengan kehendak KPM • The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or the school can
1 requirements, i.e curriculum changes iaitu oerubahan kurikulum. demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it
CPD attendance lists
SLT interview
2.5 Teachers use innovative assessment practices and adapt their teaching styles and methods where necessary to personalise learning experiences and maximise student progress.


Guru menggunakan amalan pentaksiran yang inovatif dan menyesuaikan gaya dan kaedah pengajaran di mana perlu bagi menyesuaikan dengan pengalaman pembelajaran dan memaksimumkan perkembangan murid.

Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence School Evidence

Where appropriate teachers create, implement and monitor IEPs Sekiranya bersesuaian, guru mencipta, melaksana dan memantau IEP (Pelan • IEPs are implemented following meetings with parents, teachers and medical Samples of IEPs
16 (Individual Education Plans) in consultation with relevant Pendidikan Individu) bersama-sama pihak berkepentingan yang berkaitan. professionals where necessary and these are reviewed and monitored by the SEN IEP meeting minutes
stakeholders. teacher/department head/SLT
Model Trust

LO data – Competency 2

15 Success criteria are regularly co-created with students. Kriteria kejayaan kerap dicipta bersama-sama murid. • 50% or more of the teachers score at Enhancing for LO Competency 2

(50% @ Enhancing)

90% of teachers consistently use assessment for learning practices 90% guru menggunakan amalan pentaksiran untuk pembelajaran secara PBS documents
• LW data related to monitoring AfL practices

14 to enable them to plan and set targets to meet the needs of konsisten bagi membolehkan mereka merancang dan menetapkan sasaran Individual student profile with reviews and next LO data – Competencies 1, 2, 7, 13

individual students. dalam memenuhi keperluan setiap individu murid. • Lesson Plan Checklist to monitor the use of AfL in planning steps
Headcount targets discussed
• Lesson Plan Checklist links to PBS, Individual
student profile , Headcount targets

70% of teachers consistently use assessment for learning practices 70% guru menggunakan amalan pentaksiran untuk pembelajaran bagi • LW data related to monitoring AfL practices LW data (possible to extrapolate from

13 in order to set targets and meet the needs of individual students. membolehkan mereka menetapkan sasaran dan memenuhi keperluan setiap existing LWs) LO data – Competencies 1, 2, 7, 13

• Lesson Plan Checklist to monitor the use of AfL in planning
individu murid.

70% or more of teachers use Assessment for Learning (AfL) Sekurang-kurangnya lebih 70% guru menggunakan strategi Pentaksiran untuk • LW data related to monitoring AfL practices LW data

12 techniques to encourage students to recognise their strengths and Pembelajaran (AfL) bagi menggalakkan murid mengenal pasti kemampuan LO data – Competencies 6,7 & 8

• Lesson Plan Checklist to monitor the use of AfL in planning
areas for development. mereka dan bidang untuk dibangunkan.

70% or more of teachers use their Assessment for Learning data to Sekurang-kurangnya 70% guru menggunakan data pentaksiran untuk LO data - Competency 1

11 pembelajaran mereka bagi membangun dan merancang peluang untuk • Lesson Planning checklist Teacher Records

develop and plan opportunities for student learning. pembelajaran murid.

70% or more of teachers modify and improve their teaching Sekurang-kurangnya 70% guru menyesuaikan gaya dan kaedah pembelajaran Exam - analysis of results – item analysis

10 • As per descriptor and planned programmes. LO data – Competencies 7, 14

practice to meet the learning needs of all students. mereka bagi memaksimumkan pembelajaran murid. Analysis through headcount.

70% or more of teachers are circulating the room, engaging with Sekurang-kurangnya 70% guru berlegar di bilik darjah, berbincang tentang

9 • LW data related to teacher monitoring of student work LW data LO data – Competencies 6 & 7

students, and checking on student progress. pembelajaran bersama murid, dan memeriksa perkembangan murid.

70% or more of teachers have success criteria focused on learning Sekurang-kurangnya 70% guru mempunyai kriteria kejayaan yang berfokus pada • 70% or more of the teachers reach Extending or above for Competencies 2 Lesson Plan checklists LO data – Competency 2


and shared with students throughout the lesson. pembelajaran dan berkongsi dengan murid sepanjang sesi pengajaran. • LW data related to the use of LO and SC LW data

Assessment for learning practices are evident in more than 50% of Amalan pentaksiran untuk pembelajaran adalah evidens bagi sekurang- LW data

7 • As per descriptor LO data – Competencies 2, 6, 7, 8

the classrooms but these are inconsistent. kurangnya 50% dalam bilik darjah. Lesson Planning Checklist

Sekurang-kurangnya 50% guru berlegar di bilik darjah, mengadakan
50% or more of teachers are circulating the room, having learning perbincangan tentang pembelajaran bersama murid dan menyemak

6 • As per descriptor LW data LO data – Competencies 6, 7

conversations with students and checking on student progress. perkembangan mereka.

50% or more of teachers have success criteria evident in planning Sekurang-kurangnya 50% guru mempunyai evidens tentang kriteria kejayaan

5 • As per descriptor LO data – Competency 1, 2

documents. dalam dokumen perancangan. Lesson Planning Checklist

Assessment for learning practices are evident in 30% or more of Pentaksiran untuk pembelajaran dibuktikan dalam lebih 30% bilik darjah tetapi

4 • As per descriptor LW data LO data – Competencies 6,7

the classrooms. tiada konsistensi.

30% or more of teachers are circulating the classroom and

3 Lebih 30% guru berlegar di bilik darjah dan memeriksa perkembangan murid. • As per descriptor LW data LO data - Competencies 7

checking on student progress.

• The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or the school can

2 10% or more of teachers are circulating the classroom. Sekurang-kurangnya 10% guru berlegar di bilik darjah. LE staff judgement LO data - Competency 7

demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it

Sekurang-kurangnya 10% guru menggunakan strategi pentaksiran untuk • The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or the school can

1 10% or more of teachers use assessment for learning strategies. LE staff judgement LO data – Competencies 6 and 7

pembelajaran. demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it
2.6 Students are able to identify and apply appropriate learning strategies to attain their learning targets. They are able to recognise their own strengths and those of others.


Murid dapat mengenal pasti dan mengaplikasikan strategi pembelajaran untuk mencapai sasaran pembelajaran mereka. Mereka dapat mengenali kemampuan dan kekuatan sendiri dan juga orang lain

Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence School Evidence

• Student Questionnaire
Model Trust School

90% or more of students make effective use of feedback from Sekurang-kurangnya 90% murid menggunakan maklum balas daripada guru • Focus Group discussion
dan/atau rakan sebaya dengan efektif untuk mengenal pasti dan
19 teachers and/or peers, to identify and apply appropriate learning
mengaplikasikan strategi pembelajaran dalam mencapai sasaran pembelajaran
• LOs
strategies to attain their learning targets. mereka. • Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

5 • Student Questionnaire
90% or more of students are able to articulate their success in Sekurang-kurangnya 90% murid dapat menerangkan dengan jelas kejayaan • Focus Group discussion
18 relation to learning targets and manage their own learning. mereka dalam sasaran pembelajaran dan dapat mengurus pembelajaran mereka • LOs
sendiri • Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

• Student Questionnaire
70% or more of students are given the opportunity to manage Sekurang-kurangnya 70% murid diberikan autonomi untuk mengakses dan • Focus Group discussion
17 their own learning through self-assessment, choice of activity and menguruskan pembelajaran mereka. • LO Competency 8 and 3
resources when appropriate. • Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

• Student Questionnaire
70% or more of students are capable of assessing their own Sekurang-kurangnya 70% murid dengan sendirinya dapat mengakses • Focus Group discussion
16 strengths and planning their next steps for learning. kemampuan mereka dan mengenal pasti langkah pembelajaran mereka yang • LO Competency 8
seterusnya. • Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

• Student Questionnaire

4 70% or more of students articulate their areas of progress, and Sekurang-kurangnya 70% perbincangan murid berkaitan pembelajaran mereka • Focus Group discussion
15 provide meaningful feedback to peers on learning achievements. dan dapat membincangkan perkembangan mereka dan pembelajaran rakan • LO Competency 8
sebaya mereka. • Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

• Student Questionnaire
• Focus Group discussion
70% or more of students can use relevant learning strategies to Sekurang-kurangnya 70% murid dapat menggunakan strategi pembelajaran yang
14 achieve their learning targets. bersesuaian untuk mencapai sasaran yang dikenal pasti.
• LO Competency 12
• Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

70% or more of students are provided with opportunities to • Student Questionnaire

Sekurang-kurangnya 70% murid diberikan peluang untuk menunjukkan • Focus Group discussion
13 demonstrate their learning achievements in unique and
pembelajaran mereka dan dibenarkan untuk memberikan respon individu. • Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment
individualised ways.

• Student Questionnaire
• Focus Group discussion
50% or more of students are given the autonomy to assess and Sekurang-kurangnya 50% murid diberikan autonomi untuk mengakses dan
12 manage their own learning. menguruskan pembelajaran mereka.
• LO Competency 8
• Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

• Student Questionnaire
Sekurang-kurangnya 50% murid dengan sendirinya dapat mengakses • Focus Group discussion
50% or more of students are able to assess their own strengths and kemampuan mereka dan mengenal pasti langkah pembelajaran mereka yang
11 identify their next steps for learning.
• LO Competency 8
seterusnya. • Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

• Student Questionnaire

Sekurang-kurangnya 50% murid membincangkan pembelajaran mereka dan • Focus Group discussion
50% or more of students talk as part of their learning and are able dapat membincangkan perkembangan mereka serta perkembangan
10 to discuss their progress, as well as that of their peers.
• LO Competency 8
pembelajaran rakan sebaya mereka. • Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

• Student Questionnaire
50% or more of students are able to use appropriate learning Sekurang-kurangnya 50% murid dapat menggunakan strategi pembelajaran yang • Focus Group discussion
9 strategies to achieve their identified targets. bersesuaian untuk mencapai sasaran yang dikenal pasti. • LO Competency 12
• Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

• Student Questionnaire
50% or more of students are given opportunities to demonstrate Sekurang-kurangnya 50% murid diberikan peluang untuk menunjukkan • Focus Group discussion
8 what they have learned, allowing for unique individual responses. pembelajaran mereka, dan dibenarkan untuk memberikan respon individual. • As per descriptor • Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

• Student Questionnaire
30% or more of students are given the autonomy to assess and Sekurang-kurangnya 30% murid diberikan autonomi untuk mengakses dan • Focus Group discussion
7 manage their own learning. menguruskan pembelajaran mereka secara kendiri. • As per descriptor • LO Competency 8

• Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

• Student Questionnaire
• Focus Group discussion
30% or more of students are able to assess their own strengths and Sekurang-kurangnya 30% murid dapat mengakses kemampuan mereka dan
6 identify their next steps for learning. mengenal pasti langkah pembelajaran mereka yang seterusnya. • LO Competency 8
• Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

• Student Questionnaire
2 5 30% or more of students talk as part of their learning and are able Sekurang-kurangnya 30% murid dapat membincangkan pembelajaran mereka
to discuss their progress, as well as that of their peers. dan dapat membincangkan perkembangan mereka dan perkembangan rakan
sebaya mereka.
• Focus Group discussion
• LO Competency 8
• Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

30% or more of students are able to use appropriate learning Sekurang-kurangnya 30% murid dapat mengguna strategi pembelajaran yang • Student Questionnaire
4 strategies to achieve their identified targets. sesuai untuk mencapai sasaran yang telah dikenal pasti. • Focus Group discussion
• Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

• Student Questionnaire
30% or more of students are given opportunities to demonstrate Sekurang-kurangnya 30% murid diberikan peluang untuk menunjuk guna • Focus Group discussion
3 what they have learned, allowing for unique individual responses. pembelajaran mereka, dan dibenarkan untuk memberikan respon individu. • As per descriptor • Teacher Questionnaire/Self Assessment

• The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or the school can Teacher Survey data
2 10% or more of teachers have high expectations of students. Sekurang-kurangnya 10% guru mempunyai jangkaan tinggi terhadap murid. demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it
SLT interview
LE staff judgement

Student Survey data
10% or more of students have self-confidence, self-belief, and drive Sekurang-kurangnya 10% murid memiliki keyakinan diri, kepercayaan diri dan • The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or the school can
1 for improvement. semangat untuk menjadi lebih baik. demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it
SLT interview
LE staff judgement
SG 2: The Quality of Teaching and Learning Has Improved
Achievements for MYR 2019

Next Steps
Level Indicator Statements
SG 2: The Quality of Teaching and Learning Has Improved
For analysis refer to indicator statements in TSSP document.
Achievements for YER 2019


Overall Analysis (Strength and Areas for Development)


Future Development

Next Steps- Indicators Statements


School Name: SK Cyberjaya
Strategic Goal Student achievement and potential has improved.
3: Pencapaian dan Potensi Murid Semakin Meningkat.

3.1 The Trust School identifies and provides support for students’ personal, social, intellectual and emotional development needs.
Sekolah Amanah mengenal pasti dan memberi sokongan terhadap keperluan pembangunan peribadi, sosial, intelektual dan emosi murid.

Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence

• The school values student input to school planning in a meaningful coaltion - • Student surveys
90% murid-murid rasa dihargai. Pihak sekolah berjaya melibatkan murid secara utilising formal (e.g. SVG) and informal structures (e.g. class discussions, use of • Active student voice group is evident, with a • student focus group interviews - e.g. contribution to
90% of students show that they feel valued. The school successfully engages with formal melalui kumpulan suara murid (Student Voice Group) atau dengan cara-cara 'Survey Monkey' or similar) to capture their contribution. There is evidence of annual SEF
17 students in a formal way through student voice groups (SVG) or by other means. lain.
formalised plan of action and reports of outcomes
• Co-Co Assessment Rubric
student input at every stage of school decision-making; and students are • SVG minutes
consulted routinely on important school improvement issues • photographic evidence - student activities - CAR 3.1.5 CAR 3.2.5, CAR 3.3.5 are supporting evidence

• IEPs
Individualised Education Plans (IEPs) are written for all students’ with specific Rancangan Pendidikan Individu (IEP) disediakan untuk semua murid mengikut • Evidence of ongoing target-setting and monitoring associated with IEPs for all • Staff planning files (teachers, counsellors)
keperluan akademik dan/atau tingkah laku khusus, dilaksanakan dan disemak • student files • Minutes of meetings with parents
16 academic and/or behaviour needs, are acted on and reviewed on a regular basis. students. Covers all curriculum and co-curriculum areas. Student analysis and
semula dari semasa ke semasa. (Melibatkan murid Pendidikan Khas - SEN dan murid feedback points are calendarised • Referral forms (teacher, counsellor) • School, co-curriculum and curriculum calendar
(To include SEN students and those that are gifted and talented). yang berkebolehan serta berbakat).

Students’ IEP records/student reports and

Model Trust School

There is recognition of the paramount importance of students’ holistic Wujud pengiktirafan tentang kepentingan keperluan pembangunan holistik murid • Holistic student needs are identified across curriculm, co-curriculm and age portofolios/ADAB;
15 development (personal, social, intellectual and emotional) needs and the school (sahsiah, sosial, intelektual dan emosi) dan pihak sekolah membuat perancangan cohorts. Action planning addresses these needs in an integrated approach across School assembly plans - evidence of a broad range of
effectively plans to meet these needs. yang efektif bagi memenuhi keperluan-keperluan ini the school guest speakers;

5 • IEPs
• Integration with criterion 16 (above) - counsellors are part of the review of IEPs • Evidence of counsellor programmes that value-add to
Counsellors provide input and support the implementation of IEPs for SEN and Kaunselor menyediakan input dan menyokong pelaksaan IEP untuk murid SEN dan for patterns that exist across age cohorts + individual targets for identified student development: career guidance; mentor-mentee, • Overview of communication touch-points with parents
14 gifted students and impact of these interventions reflects positively in student murid yang berkebolehan dan impak intervensi ini ditunjukkan secara positif dalam students. Included in the calendarised analysis and feedback points. Ensure group/individual counselling; leadership programmes and other stakeholders
achievement data. data pencapaian murid progress is acknowledged to stakeholders - including parents done on a regular basis

• Co-Co Assessment Rubric

The school must achieve 3.4.5 in the CAR • Evidence of: career talks and/or work experience
There is regular support for students in planning for the future through an Wujud sokongan dari semasa ke semasa untuk murid merancang masa hadapan • Key transition stages are identified for each age cohort. Programmes are CAR 3.1.5, CAR 3.3.5 are supporting evidence programme; personal / social programmes, prefect
13 established and effective transition and Co-curricular programme. melalui transisi yang efektif dan mantap seta melalui program kokurikulum embedded to prepare students for their pathway development - key stakeholders • Evidence of orientation programmes for: Year 6 - transit system (leadership camp); SVG; counsellor programme -
are identified to support and implement student programmes at transition points to secondary school; form 3 - form 4; form 5 - form 6; motivation talks; visits to career fairs; universities;)
form 6 - university/internship

80% or more of teachers plan and provide differentiated learning experiences for Sekurang-kurangnya 80% Rancangan Pengajaran Harian guru menyediakan
12 students according to their ability, interest and learning styles. pendekatan pembezaan dalam pembelajaran mengikut kebolehan, minat dan gaya • More than 80% of teachers in the LO have Establishing or above for LO 1 & 13 Lesson Planning checklist LO data - Competencies: 1 & 13
pembelajaran murid

Aspects of students’ holistic development (personal, social, intellectual and Aspek pembangunan holisitk murid (sahsiah, social, intelektual dan emosi) dikenal • The school has a process for identifying personal, social, intellectual & • Student data collection • Counsellor PMS and documents
11 emotional) are identified and supported, i.e. a Student Voice Group (SVG). pasti dan disokong, cth.Kumpulan Suara Murid (SVG). emotional needs of students and can demonstrate actions taken to provide • Analysis and next steps (personal, social, intellectual & • Co-Co Assessment Rubric
support as required emotional needs) CAR 3.1.3, CAR 3.2.4, CAR 3.3.4 are supporting evidence

Counsellor involvement in addressing student academic & behavioural issues is a Penglibatan kaunselor dalam menangani isu akademik dan tingkah laku murid • Involvement in addressing student behaviour, attendance & achievement issues
developing strength of the school and the positive impact on student outcomes melambangkan pembangunan kekuatan sekolah dan impak positif terhadap is defined as collection & analysis of data with next steps identified and Records of Counsellor involvement in collection & analysis
10 and behaviour is measured through analysis of behaviour, attendance and student keberhasilan dan tingkah laku murid di ukur melalui analisis tingkahlaku, kehadiran implemented of student behaviour, attendance & achievement data Related Counsellor Action Plans
achievement data. dan data pencapaian murid. • In the absence of a Counsellor, responsibility lies with GPK Hem

• Co-Co Assessment Rubric

The school must achieve CAR 3.4.4 • Documented programmes for career pathways (Sec)
There is planned provision for students in planning for the future through an Terdapat peruntukan yang terancang untuk murid merancang masa hadapan
9 established transition and co-curriculum programme. mereka melalui transisi yang kukuh dan melalui program kokurikulum. • As per descriptor • Documented Transition Programme (within year levels and Future Aspirations (Primary)
of the school) • CAR 3.1.4, CAR 3.4.5, are supporting evidence

Sekurang-kurangnya 70% Rancangan Pengajaran Harian guru memuatkan

70% or more of teachers plan and provide differentiated experiences for students perancangan untuk pendekatan pembezaan pembelajaran kepada murid dan
8 and monitor individual student progress.
• As per descriptor Lesson Planning checklist LO data - Competencies: 1 & 13
memantau kemajuan individu murid

• Student surveys
Student engagement is valued and both leadership team and teachers engage Keterlibatan murid dihargai dan pemimpin kanan dan guru melibatkan murid • SVG meeting minutes • SLT/teacher/student meeting minutes
• The valuing of student engagement is defined as seeking and using student
7 students using surveys, focus group discussions, shared leadership opportunities melalui kaji selidik, perbincangan kumpulan fokus dan peluang untuk berkongsi
input into identified school issues
• Student Focus Group evidence/ Prefect meeting • Co-Co Assessment Rubric
etc. kepimpinan. minutes CAR 3.1.5, CAR 4.2.4 are supporting evidence
Student survey data
6 Students’ personal, social and emotional developmental needs are identified. Keperluan pembangunan sahsiah, sosial dan emosi murid dikenal pasti. • As per descriptor
Counsellor / GPK HEM records

• Involvement in addressing student academic & behavioural issues is defined as
Counsellor involvement in addressing student academic and behavioural issues is Penglibatan kaunselor dalam menangani akademik murid dan isu tingkah laku Records of Counsellor involvement in the collection &
5 in early stages of development where data is collected. adalah di peringkat awal pembangunan pengumpulan data.
collection and analysis of data
analysis of student academic & behavioural data
• In the absence of a Counsellor, responsibility lies with GPK Hem

30% of lesson plans show differentiation; e.g. worksheets

30% or more of teachers plan and provide differentiated learning experiences for Sekurang-kurangnya 30% rancangan mengajar guru menyediakan pengalaman for most able/least able student;

4 students. pembelajaran pembezaan untuk murid • As per descriptor LO data - Comp. 1, 13; LO data - Competencies 1 & 13
Lesson plan checklist;

• Key transition stages are identified Transition programmes: (a) Counsellor / GPK HEM - Pra to (b) Co-Curriculum programme - SVG, Student leadership
3 There is a programme of actively supporting students in transition stages. Wujud sebuah program yang aktif menyokong murid di peringkat transisi. • Limited programmes are planned & implemented to prepare students for their Primary, Primary to Form 1, Form 2 to 3, Study Skills programmes
pathway development (key age cohorts) OR School calendar

Sekurang-kurangnya 10% guru merancang pendekatan pembezaan pembelajaran • The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or the school
2 10% or more of teachers plan for differentiation in their lessons. dalam pengajaran mereka. can demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it SLT judgement

• The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or the school
1 There is evidence that the school supports students in transition stages. Wujud evidens bahawa sekolah menyokong murid di peringkat transisi. can demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it SLT judgement
3.2 The school plans and implements an effective Co-curriculum framework that supports the holistic development of the students.
Sekolah merancang dan melaksanakan Kerangka Kokurikulum yang efektif bagi menyokong pembangunan holistik murid.

Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence

Model Trust School

• Curriculum links are stated within the schemes of work. Teachers create Schemes of work
Students are able to successfully transfer soft skill development across academic Murid berjaya memindahkan kemahiran insaniah dalam semua aktiviti akademik schemes of which describe how soft skills are being developed and this is Learning walk data and analysis SGM minutes
15 and co-curricular activities to make links with the wider world. dan kokurikulum untuk dihubungkan dengan dunia luar. evidenced within learning walks and student satisfaction surveys Events take CPD/PLC calendar Student surveys
place such as SVG projects camps, student led assemblies, skills clinics, joint Co-co trackers Co-co assessment rubric
ventures etc

School calendar
80% or more of staff delivering the Co-curriculum framework are competent and Sekurang-kurangnya 80% kakitangan yang melaksanakan kerangka kokurikulum • Staff competency is measured using the Co-Co Framework Staff Competency Co-Co Framework Staff Competency tool GPK KK records
14 submit schemes of work which reflect the five areas of the Framework and are adalah cekap dan menyerahkan rancangan pengajaran tahunan yang menunjukkan Tool Schemes of Work Teacher Activity files
held centrally. lima bidang Kerangka dilaksanakan secara berpusat Co-Co LW data
Co-Co Assessment rubric

• Soft skills and holistic development are identified as skills that involve • Co-Co Assessment Rubric
The development of soft skills and holistic development of students is evident Pembangunan kemahiran insaniah dan pembangunan holistik murid dibuktikan leadership, communication, teamwork and responsibility The school must achieve CAR 2.1.4
13 within schemes of work and promoted through identified activities. (leadership, dalam Rancangan Pengajaran Tahunan dan dipromosikan melalui aktiviti yang telah • Identified activities include SVG projects, camps, student-led assemblies, skills • Schemes of work showing identified leadership, • CAR 2.4.5, CAR 3.3.5, CAR 3.4.4 are supporting evidence
communication, teamwork and responsibility) dikenal pasti. (Kepimpinan, komunikasi, kerja berpasukan dan tanggungjawab). clinics, joint ventures etc communication, teamwork & responsibility activities

Attendance figures show that around 70% of students are involved in weekly Co- Rekod kehadiran menunjukkan bahawa sekurang-kurangnya 70% murid terlibat Student attendance records
12 curricular activities. dalam aktiviti kokurikulum setiap minggu.
• As per descriptor

4 70% of staff delivering the Co-curriculum framework are competent, they submit 70% daripada kakitangan yang melaksanakan kerangka kokurikulum adalah cekap, • Co-Co Assessment Rubric • CAR 1.4.4, CAR 2.1.4, CAR 2.3.5, CAR 4.1.4 are supporting
11 and act on schemes of work which reflect the five areas of the Framework and mereka menyerahkan dan bertindak mengikut Rancangan Pengajaran Tahunan yang • Staff competency is measured using the Co-Co Framework Staff Competency The school must achieve CAR 1.2.5 evidence
meet the needs of the students. menunjukkan lima bidang kerangka tersebut dan memenuhi keperluan murid. Tool • Co-Co LW data

• Co-Co Assessment Rubric

There is a range of activities suited to the students’ skill development and Terdapat banyak pilihan aktiviti yang sesuai mengikut pembangunan kemahiran dan The school must achieve 1.1.4 • Steering Group meeting minutes
10 interests. minat murid • Students are surveyed annually to allow for choice and measure satisfaction • Student survey results & analysis • CAR 2.1.4, CAR 3.1.3, CAR 3.1.4 are supporting evidence
• Co-Co tracker

• Effective is defined as: • Co-Co Assessment Rubric

An effective Co-curriculum framework has been implemented which is monitored Sebuah kerangka kokurikulum yang efektif dilaksanakan, dipantau dan disokong oleh - Regular Steering Group meetings The school must achieve CAR 2.3.4 • Steering Group meeting minutes
9 and supported by an active steering group, who meet monthly. kumpulan pemandu yang akan bermesyuarat pada setiap bulan. - Updating of the Co-Co tracker with Analysis of Co-Co Learning Walk data • Steering Group meeting calendar • Co-Co trackers
- Solving of Co-Co issues • CAR 1.2.4 are supporting evidence
- Planning ahead for Co-Co according to the Co-Curriculum Framework

• Schemes of Work - showing inclusion of soft skill • Steering Group meeting minutes
The development of soft skills in students is beginning to be developed (e.g. Pembangunan kemahiran insaniah murid mula dibangunkan (Kepimpinan, development (e.g. leadership, communication, teamwork • Co-Co Assessment Rubric
8 leadership, communication, teamwork and responsibility). komunikasi, semangat kerja berpasukan dan tanggungjawab). • As per descriptor and responsibility) CAR 2.1.3, CAR 2.4.3, CAR 3.3.3, CAR 3.4.2 are supporting
• Co-Co LW data/Co-Co trackers

Attendance figures show that around 60% of students are involved in weekly Co- Rekod kehadiran menunjukkan bahawa sekurang-kurangnya 60% murid terlibat Student attendance data
7 curricular activities. dalam aktiviti kokurikulum setiap minggu. • As per descriptor CAR: 1.3.3

• Co-Co Assessment Rubric
CAR 1.2.5, CAR 1.4.3, CAR 2.1.3, CAR 2.3.5 are supporting
50% of the staff delivering the Co-curriculum framework are competent, they 50% daripada kakitangan yang melaksanakan kerangka kokurikulum adalah cekap, evidence
Co-Co Framework Staff Competency tool
6 submit and act on schemes of work which reflect the five areas of the Framework mereka menyerahkan dan bertindak berdasarkan Rancangan Pengajaran Tahunan • As per descriptor
Co-Co Learning walk data and analysis Schemes of work
and meets the needs of students. yang menggambarkan lima bidang kerangka yang mememenuhi keperluan murid.

• Co-Co related staff meeting/PLC/CPD minutes • Co-Co Assessment Rubric


• GPK KK and the Steering Group are supported to share information about the
The Co-curriculum Framework is understood across the school. Monitoring takes Kerangka kokurikulum difahami oleh semua warga sekolah. Pemantauan dijalankan Co-Co framework in CPD, PLCs or staff briefings • Co-Co Learning Walk data CAR 1.2.2, CAR 2.1.3, CAR 2.3.3 CAR 2.1.3 are supporting
5 place but this is not regular or analysed towards making further improvements. tetapi tidak kerap atau tidak dianalisis untuk penambahbaikan lanjut. • SGM meeting minutes evidence
• Supported Co-Co Learning Walks take place with some analysis

The basic statutory requirements for co-curriculum are being met with a choice of Syarat asas statutori bagi kokurikulum dipenuhi dengan pilihan aktiviti yang • There is evidence that the basic Statutory Requirements are being met for Co-
4 activities of interest for the students. mengikut minat murid. Co Co-Co calendar & records

The importance of co-curricular activities is being realised in the school and there Kepentingan aktiviti kokurikulum direalisasikan di sekolah dan terdapat evidens yang • The importance of Co-Curriculum activities being realised is defined as Co-Co calendar Co-Co student attendance
3 is evidence of planning to meet students’ needs and preferences. menunjukkan perancangan untuk memenuhi keperluan murid. establishment of a Co-Co calendar, evidence of the planning of activities and the Co-Co planning documents LE staff judgement
monitoring of student attendance
Activities within the Co-Curriculum meet the basic regional Statutory Aktiviti-aktiviti dalam kokurikulum memenuhi syarat asas kehendak statutori • The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or the school
2 Requirements. wilayah. can demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it
Co-Co records

• The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or the school
can demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it
Co-Co calendar
3.3 The school plans provision that helps students establish ethical principles, the value of honesty and integrity to reduces the percentage of discipline issues.
Pihak sekolah merancang peruntukan yang membantu murid memupuk prinsip yang beretika, nilai kejujuran dan integriti untuk mengurangkan kadar peratusan isu disiplin.
Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence

• Ongoing demonstration of mutual respect is embedded in the school - Examples of role modelling (log of case studies -
There is strong evidence that teachers and students respect each other’s culture Terdapat evidens yang kuat menunjukkan guru dan murid saling menghormati permeates policy (written documentation - e.g. bilingual approaches) and curriculum + Co-Curriculum) media reports; Celebration of festivals and awareness programme of
14 and values. budaya serta nilai antara satu sama lain. practice (in/outside the classroom). Acknowledgement of good practice is routine School newsletter; various cultures.
(e.g. assemblies; student work displays). Discipline issues are minimal (see School assemblies (photographic evidence); School discipline records.
criterion 12 below)
Model Trust School

• The school behaviour policy is developed in a collaborative process that Mentor-mentee, Rakan Sebaya.
The school has rules and regulations that are drawn up in a school-specific Sekolah mempunyai peraturan dan undang-undang yang dirangka dalam polisi includes input from the SVG - and it incorporates an annual review as part of its Behaviour policy; Student assemblies (photographic evidence);
13 behaviour policy, where students are taking some responsibility for their own and tingkah laku khusus, di mana murid mempunyai tanggungjawab terhadap tingkah SEF analysis; i.e. it is a 'work in progress' and reflects emerging needs. Self SVG minutes; School newsletters.
others’ behaviour. laku mereka sendiri dan tingkah laku orang lain. management of student behaviour is acknowledged and reinforced. SEF analysis;

• Meets stated targets. Analysis of discipline data occurs routinely; and PMS Monthly school report to PPD;
Discipline issues as a percentage of the total student population: misconduct <4%, Isu disiplin, dalam bentuk peratusan daripada jumlah populasi murid:
12 moderate <2%, serious <1% Salah laku <4%, sederhana <2%, serius <1%
monitors the follow up by school personnel. Counsellor / GPK Hem / GPK1 KPIs School discipline record;
integrated to these targets. PMS meetings and records.

Trust Schools demonstrate respect for multiple cultures and values through joint Sekolah Amanah menunjukkan rasa hormat terhadap kepelbagaian budaya dan nilai Analysis of ethnic backgrounds of student intake. Celebration of festivals and awareness programme of
melalui projek dan kolaborasi bersama di sekolah dalam kalangan murid yang
11 projects and collaboration within the school amongst students from different
mempunyai latar belakang dan etnik yang berbeza, serta dengan komuniti di sekitar
• As per descriptor School calendar various cultures - calendarised.
ethnic backgrounds as well as within the community around the school. Evidence of multi-cultural student projects School discipline records.

There is a school-specific behaviour policy, rules are displayed and issues are

Terdapat polisi tingkaah laku khusus sekolah, peraturan dipaparkan dan isu-isu di School specific behaviour policy including guidelines to Counsellor // GPK HEM records - student / parent
10 identified and dealt with effectively and timely manner, including all forms of
kenal pasti serta ditangani secara efektif dan cepat termasuk semua jenis buli. • As per descriptor deal with bullying meetings & interviews

4 LW data
There is an ethos of positive behaviour with monitoring of student behaviour Terdapat etos tingkah laku positif dengan pemantauan terhadap tingkah laku murid • Based on Competency 5 at Establishing level in the classroom Behaviour management processes
9 evident throughout the school. yang dibuktikan di seluruh sekolah. • School-wide student behaviour management process in place outside of the Discipline data LO data - Competency: 5
classroom Counsellor / GPK HEM records

Positive behaviour practice is supported across the school with evidence of Isu disiplin, dalam bentuk peratusan daripada jumlah populasi murid: MoE discipline records
8 monitoring. misconduct <6%, moderate <3%, serious <1.5% Salah laku <6%, sederhana <3%, serius <1.5% • As per descriptor Judegment of GB / Principal / GPK HEM

• Behaviour management processes (e.g. recess duty

Positive behaviour practice is supported across the school with evidence of Amalan tingkah laku positif disokong di seluruh sekolah dengan evidens • Focus on classroom behaviour only rosters)
7 monitoring. pemantauan. • Based on Competency 5 at Establishing level • Discipline data
LO data - Competency: 5

Discipline issues as a percentage of the total student population: Isu disiplin, dalam bentuk peratusan daripada jumlah populasi murid: MoE discipline records
6 misconduct <7%, moderate <4%, serious <2% Salah laku <7%, sederhana <4%, serius <2%
• As per descriptor
Judgement of GB / Principal / GPK HEM

Peraturan dan undang-undang sekolah dirangka dalam polisi tingkah laku khusus • The school needs to show that they have created some guidelines specific to SLT meeting minutes
5 School rules and regulations are drawn up in a school-specific behaviour policy. sekolah. the school beyond the standard MoE behaviour policy School-specific behaviour guidelines


Discipline issues as a percentage of the total student population: misconduct Isu disiplin, dalam bentuk peratusan daripada jumlah populasi murid: MoE discipline data
4 <10%, moderate <5%, serious <2.5% Salah laku <10%, sederhana <5%, serius <2.5% • As per descriptor Judgement of GB / Principal / GPK HEM

• MoE guidelines are the sole reference point for student behaviour policy or Evidence of adherence to MoE behaviour policy
3 The school follows the MoE behaviour policy guidelines. Sekolah mematuhi garis panduan polisi tingkah laku KPM.
practice guidelines

1 2 DESCRIPTOR REMOVED - NOT APPLICABLE * DESKRIPTOR DIGUGURKAN - TIDAK BERKAITAN * • The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or the school
can demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it
Counsellor / GPK HEM discipline records

Discipline issues as a percentage of the total student population: Isu disiplin, dalam bentuk peratusan daripada jumlah populasi murid:
1 misconduct ≥10%, moderate <7%, serious <3% Salah laku ≥10%, sederhana <7%, serius <3% • As per descriptor MoE discipline records
3.4 The school plans and creates opportunities to improve student communication skills through promoting bilingualism.
Pihak sekolah merancang dan mewujudkan peluang untuk menambah baik kemahiran komunikasi murid melalui penggalakan dwi-bahasa.

Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence

• 80% of the documents used in/out of class are bilingual (e.g. teaching and LW and LO data.
80% or more of written correspondence is bilingual and the school offers bilingual Sekurang-kurangnya 80% surat-menyurat menggunakan dwi-bahasa dan sekolah learning resources; parent and community communication). The school Evidence of formal communication with / between
14 support to the wider community. menawarkan sokongan dwi-bahasa kepada warga sekolah. embraces its role in the wider community to encourage bilingualism (e.g. after- stakeholders - letters, school bulletin, PIBG meeting Record of parent/community bilingual support activities.
school language and literacy classes) minutes, staff meeting minutes.
Model Trust School

80% or more of students are proficient in reading, writing, speaking and listening Sekurang-kurangnya 80% murid fasih dalam bacaan, penulisan, lisan dan Exam results + school based assessment data.
13 in at least two languages. mendengar dalam sekurang-kurangnya dua jenis bahasa. • Evidence of assessment demonstrates proficiency by 80% of students Observation of English lessons, and evidence of student
participation in whole school activites such as assemblies

Communications displayed on notice boards - milestone
Sekurang-kurangnya 80% papan tanda/paparan di sekolah menggunakan dwi- • Target is met and is embedded. A coordination role is identified within the TSIP dates are calendarised for evaluation of signage and LW and LO data.
12 80% or more school signage/displays are bilingual. bahasa. and is reported against display data- e.g. as part of the annual SEF analysis, and TSIP.
monitored quarterly.

• Assemblies
• Integrated with criterion 14 above. Bilingual communication between students • Co-curriculum and curriculum LWs
• Competitions
11 Bilingual communication is embedded in 80% of school activities. Komunikasi dwi-bahasa diterapkan dalam 80% aktiviti sekolah and teachers is routine across 80% of school activities. They actively seek • School programmes - e.g. reading club, career
• Staff meetings
opportunities to further develop their language skills development

70% or more of students are able to communicate at a basic conversational level Sekurang-kurangnya 70% murid dapat berkomunikasi pada tahap asas perbualan
10 in at least two languages. dalam sekurang-kurangnya dua bahasa • Two languages are defined as BM & BI as per the MEB • Bilingual Assessment Tool

• Range is defined as 5 or more school activities where there is a bilingual

4 9 Bilingual communication is incorporated in a range of school activities. Komunikasi dwi-bahasa disepadukan dalam pelbagai aktiviti sekolah component
• School activities may include newsletters, assemblies etc)
• Bilingual is defined as BM & BI as per the MEB
Analysis of school activity data

70% or more of school signage/displays are bilingual and assemblies are regularly Sekurang-kurangnya 70% papan tanda/paparan sekolah menggunakan dwi-bahasa • % of permanent out of the classroom signs that contain both BM and BI (eg. Signage Survey data
8 conducted in more than one language. dan perhimpunan dikendalikan dalam lebih dari satu bahasa. toilet, office) Assembly programmes/notes/planning

30% or more of students are able to communicate at a basic conversational level Sekurang-kurangnya 30% murid dapat berkomunikasi pada tahap asas perbualan • As per descriptor
7 in at least two languages. dalam sekurang-kurangnya dua bahasa. • Two languages are defined as BM & BI as per the MEB • Bilingual Assessment Tool

There is some opportunity for students to improve their language skills outside of Terdapat beberapa peluang bagi murid menambah baik kemahiran berbahasa di • Language skills are defined as speaking, listening, reading or writing skills in any Records of opportunities provided for students to
6 language classes. luar kelas bahasa. language improve their language skills outside the classroom

• % of permanent out of the classroom signs that contain both BM and BI (eg.
5 30% or more of school signage/displays are bilingual. Sekurang-kurangnya 30% papan tanda/paparan sekolah dalam dwi-bahasa.
toilet, office)
Signage Survey data

• 6 activities are identified by the school.
Bilingual communication is evident in 30% or more of school activities. (E.g. Komunikasi dwi-bahasa jelas dalam sekurang-kurangnya 30% aktiviti sekolah
4 assemblies, newsletters, visitors, etc.) (perhimpunan, risalah, pelawat, dll).
• The school demonstrates how 2 of them have a bilingual component Analysis of school activity data LE staff judgement
• Bilingual is defined as BM & BI as per the MEB

• As per descriptor
20% or more of students are able to communicate in at least two languages at a Sekurang-kurangnya 20% murid dapat berkomunikasi dalam sekurang-kurangnya
3 basic level. dua jenis bahasa di peringkat asas.
• The two languages must be BM & BI as per the MEB LE staff judgement

• % of permanent out of the classroom signs that contain both BM and BI (eg.
2 10% or more of school signage/displays are bilingual. Sekurang-kurangnya 10% papan tanda/paparan sekolah dalam dwi-bahasa. toilet, office) LE staff judgement

• The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or the school
can demonstrate that it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it
LE staff judgement
3.5 The school meets, or exceeds, student key performance targets for statutory assessments.
Pihak sekolah mencapai atau melangkaui sasaran prestasi utama murid untuk penaksiran statutori.
Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence

Schemes of work;
The collection and analysis of student achievement data is embedded in practice Pengumpulan dan analisis data pencapaian murid digunakan dalam amalan guru, • Student achievement data is collated and analysed routinely. It is used to Student assessment data - school based + external exams; Student/teacher focus group interviews for SEF
inform lesson planning, schemes of work, IEPs/student target-setting. And KPT Curriculum analysis and next steps identified;
12 by teachers, senior and middle leaders. This data is used to allow the school to pemimpin kanan dan pemimpin pertengahan. Data ini digunakan bagi analysis(annual). TSIP monitoring (ongoing) with clear
Model Trust School

exceed its key performance targets. membolehkan sekolah melangkaui sasaran prestasi utamanya. monitoring demonstrates progress beyond school targets - with distributed Lesson plans of 90% and more; reporting mechanisms by key stakeholders (SLT/Middle
leadership and ownership being shared across the school staff IEPs leaders).

Class Register,
• Student attendance targets are met or exceeded. Key staff achieve their
Student (non-medical) absences account for less than 5% of the total attendance Ketidakhadiran murid (bukan atas sebab kesihatan) adalah kurang daripada 5% Online student attendance, Improvement programmes identified and monitored
11 rate. daripada jumlah kehadiran.
personal monitoring targets as identified in their own PMS process
Student attendance data (PMS reports).
Analysis of data,

Student achievement data is collated and analysed regularly by 80% or more of Data pencapaian murid dikumpul semak dan dianalisis dari semasa ke semasa oleh • LO data shows that 80% of teachers are analysing student achievement results Teacher planning files.
sekurang-kurangnya 80% guru, pemimpin kanan dan pemimpin pertengahan. Assessment data, analysis and next steps identified and
10 teachers, senior and middle leaders. Analysis is used to inform school
Analisis ini digunakan sebagai makluman untuk penambahbaikan sekolah,
to inform teaching and learning improvements. The SLT and middle leaders
incorporated into lesson plans.
improvement, teaching and learning. challenge teacher evaluations via LWs
pengajaran dan pembelajaran. TSIP

A Cohort tracking system is in place to allow the school develop relevant action Sebuah sistem pengesan kohort disediakan bagi membolehkan sekolah Cohort tracking system
9 plans to meet its agreed KPT student outcome targets membangunkan pelan tindakan yang relevan bagi memenuhi sasaran KPT • As per descriptor KPT target Action Plans
keberhasilan murid yang ditetapkan.

Data identifies student achievement deficiencies that may need to be addressed Data mengenal pasti kekurangan pencapaian murid yang mungkin perlu ditangani • Trends are identified from student achievement data. Action plans are Student achievement data & analysis with next steps
8 including - by gender, by subject and/or by teachers. termasuk - mengikut jantina, mata pelajaran dan/atau guru. developed to address those patterns (eg. across gender, Curriculum and Co- identified
Curriculum areas, and in terms of teacher performance) Related Action Plans

The school utilises the data and has procedures in place to strengthen teaching Sekolah menggunakan data dan mempunyai prosedur bagi memantapkan • Student achievement data is defined as both formative & summative data and Formative & Summative student assessment data with
7 and learning, with the impact is reflected in ongoing assessment data. pengajaran & pembelajaran dengan impaknya ditunjukkan dalam data pentaksiran is collated and analysed across all school years with next steps identified and analysis & next steps
secara berterusan implemented

Data kehadiran dikumpulkan dan sekolah mempunyai prosedur untuk

Student attendance data is collected and the school has procedures in place to Student attendance data
6 decrease non-medical absences by 1% each year.
mengurangkan ketidakhadiran bukan atas sebab kesihatan sebanyak 1% setiap • As per descriptor Student attendance improvement programme

Curriculum & Co-Curriculum student achievement data Post-mortem meeting minutes (at all year levels)
Student achievement data is collated and analysed across all school years. Analysis Data pencapaian murid dikumpul semak dan dianalisis sepanjang tahun
5 is used to inform teaching and learning. persekolahan. Analisis digunakan bagi memaklumkan pengajaran dan pembelajaran.
• Student achievement data is defined as summative achievement data (at all year levels) Item analysis with Action Plans - next steps identified
Head Count / PBS (at all levels) (at all year levels)

Attendance data is collected and the school has programmes in place to improve Data kehadiran murid dikumpul dan sekolah mempunyai program bagi Curriculum & Co-Curriculum student attendance data (at
4 attendance. meningkatkan kehadiran.
• As per descriptor
all year levels) with action plans
Records of intervention programmes

Curriculum & Co-Curriculum student achievement data
Data pencapaian murid dikumpul semak dan dianalisis oleh pemimpin kanan dan • Student achievement data is collated and analysed with next steps identified Post-mortem meeting minutes
3 Student achievement data is collated and analysed by senior and middle leaders.
pemimpin pertengahan. across key age cohorts only (Yr 1, Yr 6, Form 3, Form 5)
(at all year levels)
LE staff judgement
Head Count / PBS

• To achieve this descriptor, the school collates and analyses student Academic & Co-Curriculum student performance data &
2 Student performance data is collated and analysed as per MoE requirements. Data prestasi murid dikumpul semak dan dianalisis mengikut syarat-syarat KPM. performance data as per MoE requirements analysis

1 Student attendance data is collected for administrative purposes. Data kehadiran murid dikumpul untuk tujuan pentadbiran sahaja. • As per descriptor MoE Attendance records (Curriculum / Co-Curriculum)
SG 3: Student Achievement and Potential Has Improved
Achievements for MYR 2019

Next Steps
Level Indicator Statements
SG 3: Student Achievement and Potential Has Improved
For analysis refer to indicator statements in TSSP document.
Achievements for YER 2019


Overall Analysis (Strength and Areas for Development)


Future Development

Next Steps- Indicators Statements


School Name: SK Cyberjaya
Strategic Goal There exist strong relationship with parents and broader community that support effective student outcomes.
4: Wujud Hubungan yang Erat dengan Ibu Bapa dan Komuniti Umum yang Menyokong Kemenjadian Murid yang Efektif.

4.1 Parents are well informed about their child’s academic progress and skill development and support their child’s learning.
Ibu bapa dimaklumkan tentang kemajuan akademik dan pembangunan kemahiran serta menyokong pembelajaran anak mereka.
Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence School Evidence

Parents take an active part in discussions about provision and support, e.g. Ibu bapa terlibat secara aktif dalam perbincangan tentang peruntukan dan Parents actively involved in child’s IEP per semester.
14 contribute to the development of IEPs. sokongan, cth. Memberi sumbangan kepada pembangunan IEP. • Regular meetings scheduled, IEP tracks the progress of student outcomes IEP notated,
Record of parent attendance at meetings
Model Trust School

Mesyuarat tahunan ibu bapa mendapat sambutan yang baik (kehadiran • Annual event attendance log is kept - Note: % of parents; Total families used as base for % Attendance records at events
The annual parents' evening is usually well attended (80% or more). Parents sekurang-kurangnya 80%). Ibu bapa menerima maklum balas tentang kemajuan calculation Evidence of actions taken on parents’ comments
13 receive regular feedback on students' progress, and parents are encouraged to
murid dari semasa ke semasa dan ibu bapa digalakkan untuk menghubungi pihak
• Evidence of the school informing parents at least twice annually of student progress
Report cards centrally filed Policy / system encouraging parent contact
contact the school if they have any questions or concerns. • Systems / policy in place as evidence that the school is making every effort to encourage
sekolah sekiranya mereka mempunyai sebarang soalan atau kemusykilan. parental contact – log of contact

Most parents are actively linked via technology e.g.
Sekolah mempunyai sistem yang efektif bagi menggalakkan keterlibatan semua
The school has effective systems for engaging parents of all students to ensure • Regular communication with parents through newsletters and individually as Whatsapp Frog VLE etc.
12 that all students have stretched targets to maximise their potential. ibu bapa untuk memastikan semua murid telah mejangkau sasaran untuk need arises to inform re students Parent contact note for individual issues
memaksimumkan potensi mereka. Newsletters

Workshops are established to improve parental support for their children’s Bengkel-bengkel diadakan bagi meningkatkan sokongan ibu bapa terhadap Workshop attendance and presentation
11 education. pendidikan anak-anak mereka. • At least 3 targeted workshops held annually to engage parents Workshop flyer/communication showing subject area

Tindakan diambil dengan menggunakan perhubungan secara langsung List of contacts and dates contacted, outcomes of
Action is taken through direct contact (phone/visit) to reach out to parents that (telefon/lawatan) bagi menghubungi ibu bapa yang keberatan untuk terlibat Newsletters
10 do not engage with the school, annual targets for increased engagement are set dengan sekolah. Sasaran tahunan bagi meningkatkan keterlibatan ibu bapa turut • SLT identify a systematic approach for parents to be contacted directly contact. Attendance register at events
and tracked by the school SLT as part of the school improvement plan. dimuatkan dan dikesan oleh SLT sekolah sebagai sebahagian daripada pelan • The TSIP includes a target that focusses on increased parental engagement TSIP Photographs showing event/attendance
penambahbaikan sekolah. SEF

Peluang untuk membincangkan kemajuan murid diperluaskan bukan sahaja Workshop schedule, presentations
Opportunities to discuss student progress are extended beyond the annual dalam mesyuarat tahunan PIBG, tetapi juga melalui perjumpaan secara individu • There is an Open Day for parents focussed on student learning Attendance registers
9 parents’ meeting through individual meetings and bespoke opportunities that dan acara khusus yang memaklumkan ibu bapa tentang strategi yang boleh • Targeted workshops – e.g. how to help with reading, support at home Parent surveys/feedback
provide strategies to parents for supporting their child’s learning at home.
digunakan di rumah bagi menyokong pembelajaran murid. Report of Activities

The school has systems in place for supporting underperforming students by Pihak sekolah mempunyai sistem yang tersedia untuk membincangkan tentang
8 actively engaging their parents. (This could be a home-school contract or other murid yang berprestasi rendah dengan ibu bapa mereka. (Seperti kontrak rumah- • There are systems in place to engage parents of under-performing students Counsellor / GPK HEM / GPK 1 / AT / Teacher records
Parent interview log / notes
operating independently Workshop / meeting minutes
related support processes). sekolah (home-school contract) atau lain-lain proses sojkongan yang berkaitan).

• Annual parents’ meeting is defined as the AGM

Mesyuarat tahunan ibu bapa dihadiri oleh sekurang-kurangnya separuh daripada • The total parent attendance is at least 50% Parent attendance data
7 The annual parents’ evening is attended by at least half of parents. jumlah ibu bapa. GB / Principal sign-off
• Note: % of parents – total number of families used as the base for % calculation

Pelbagai kaedah digunakan untuk berbincang dengan ibu bapa tentang murid Analysis of student data identifying under-performing Records of meetings with parents of under-
6 Methods are used to consult the parents of underperforming students. yang berprestasi rendah. • There are systems in place to engage parents of under-performing students students performing students

The school has taken measures to improve the attendance at parent/teacher Pihak sekolah telah mengambil beberapa usaha bagi meningkatkan kehadiran di Promotional newsletters etc.
5 meetings. mesyuarat PIBG. • As per descriptor Parent / teacher meeting attendance data SLT / PIBG Meeting Minutes


Pihak sekolah menghantar maklumat berkenaan dengan pengajaran, • There is evidence of newsletters, a school website, or reports which include Information bulletins
4 The school sends out information regarding teaching, learning and assessment. pembelajaran dan penaksiran. information on teaching, learning and assessment Reports
School web-site

• The school can show that parents are advised on how they can support their Records of meeting with parents of underperforming

1 2 The school has an annual parent/teacher meeting to discuss student progress.

Sekolah mengadakan mesyuarat tahunan ibu bapa/guru bagi membincangkan
kemajuan murid. • As per descriptor
Parent attendance data at the annual parent / teacher

There is an informal method of consulting parents if their child is Terdapat kaedah tidak formal untuk berbincang dengan ibu bapa mengenai anak Diary notes
1 underperforming. mereka yang berprestasi rendah.
• As per descriptor
GPK HEM / Counsellor log
4.2 Parents are invited to participate actively in school activities. Parents are consulted on, and engaged in, the school's planning and decision-making processes.
Ibu bapa dijemput untuk mengambil bahagian dalam aktiviti sekolah. Pandangan ibu bapa diambil kira dan mereka terlibat dalam proses perancangan dan membuat keputusan sekolah.

Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence School Evidence

Penglibatan dengan ibu bapa diberi keutamaan melalui penggunaan • The school can demonstrate that it utilises electronic media based on available TSIP;
Engagement with parents is prioritised through the use of various forms pelbagai bentuk media elektronik yang dikendalikan oleh sekolah, technology / connectivity School budget;
13 of school-generated electronic media which is regularly updated by the • Note: “Various” identified as at least 2 / “Regularly” refers to having a schedule in place Minutes of PIBG and SLT meetings.
school administration and teachers, including web portal, emails, etc. dikemas kini dari semasa ke semasa oleh pihak pentadbiran sekolah dan • The school identifies a coordinator to lead further developments - this role is supported via School website;
juga guru, termasuk laman pertal, emel dsb. the school budget and is reflected in the TSIP Electronic newsletters and bulletins;
Model Trust School

• The use of a range of tools is encouraged to solicit parent satisfaction responses including Parent Survey results Student Survey data
12 90% or more of parents are satisfied with the support provided by the Sekurang-kurangnya 90% ibu bapa berpuas hati dengan sokongan yang Parent Survey, Input from Parent Focus groups (SEF analysis), Open Day feedback, PIBG
PIBG meeting minutes Parent Focus Group feedback
school for them and their children. diberikan oleh sekolah kepada mereka dan anak-anak mereka. meeting feedback
SEF analysis Open Day data
• Student survey indicates that they feel supported by teachers at the school

Pihak sekolah telah membangunkan struktur dan proses untuk • Identified structures and processes are used annually to ensure parental
11 The school has developed structures and processes to actively involve melibatkan ibu bapa secara aktif dalam proses penambahbaikan sekolah consultation in the SEF and TSIP process / feedback – results are reflected in the TSIP Schedule of SEF parent involvement
parents in the school improvement process each year. setiap tahun. TSIP action plans Parent Survey / Focus Group data SEF documentation

• School events could include major sporting or co-curriculum programmes, Attendance data.
10 70% parent attendance at a minimum of six parental school events 70% kehadiran ibu bapa pada sekurang-kurangnya enam acara sekolah Open Day, celebration of cultural festivals, or award ceremonies.
Newsletters and noticeboards.
throughout the year. sepanjang tahun. • Note: % of parents; Total families used as base for % calculation Web-site Parent communication board
• Communication – as described

Pihak sekolah melibatkan ibu bapa dalam perancangan Parent Survey / Focus Group feedback
9 The school has involved parents in school improvement planning penambahbaikan sekolah melalui kaji selidik, mesyuarat tahunan dan • There is evidence in the SEF and TSIP of parent consultation / feedback – SEF documentation
through surveys, annual meetings and suggestions. results are reflected in the TSIP action plans TSIP
meminta ibu bapa memberikan cadangan.

• The use of a range of tools is encouraged to solicit parent satisfaction responses Parental survey results
4 8
Surveys show 70% or more of parents are satisfied with the school
Kaji selidik menunjukkan sekurang-kurangnya 70% ibu bapa berpuas hati including Parent Survey, Input from Parent Focus groups (SEF analysis), Open Day
dengan operasi sekolah. feedback, PIBG meeting feedback
• 12 month time-frame
Parent Focus Group feedback
SEF analysis
Open Day data
PIBG minutes

50% parent attendance at a minimum of four parental school events throughout 50% kehadiran ibu bapa pada sekurang-kurangnya empat acara sekolah • School events could include major sporting or co-curriculum programmes, Open Day,
the year and the school communicates with parents in a variety of ways, sepanjang tahun dan pihak sekolah berhubung dengan ibu bapa melalui Attendance data Parent communication boards
celebration of cultural festivals, or award ceremonies
7 including newsletters and Parent Communication Boards. Parent attendance is pelbagai cara, termasuk buletin dan Papan Komunikasi Ibu Bapa. • Communication channels as described Newsletters Web-site
• Note: % of parents – total number of families used as the base for % calculation Information bulletins
monitored and acted upon. Kehadiran ibu bapa dipantau dan tindakan di ambil.

• The use of a range of tools is encouraged to solicit parent satisfaction responses Parental survey results
6 50% or more of parents are satisfied with the school operations. Sekurang-kurangnya 50% ibu bapa berpuas hati dengan operasi sekolah. including Parent Survey, Input from Parent Focus groups (SEF analysis), Open Day PIBG minutes Parent Focus Group feedback (supplementary)
feedback, PIBG meeting feedback SEF analysis

50% or more attendance at a minimum of two school events and a Sekurang-kurangnya 50% kehadiran dengan minimum dalam dua acara • Note: % of parents – total number of families used as the base for % calculation Newsletter evident
5 school newsletter has been established. sekolah dan buletin sekolah telah diwujudkan • Evidence of a school newsletter to inform parents about school events Parent attendance data

• Parent survey used as the tool Parental survey results


4 30% or more of parents are satisfied with the school operations. Sekurang-kurangnya 30% ibu bapa berpuas hati dengan operasi sekolah. • If no parent survey in place, discussion with GPK Hem, GB / Principal, feedback PIBG minutes
from PIBG SLT Interviews

• Regular can be defined as 4 calendared events per year with no specific School calendar
3 The school has established regular events for parental involvement. Pihak sekolah kerap mengadakan acara yang melibatkan ibu bapa. requirement for attendance levels Photos

Parent Survey
2 10% or more parents are satisfied with the school operations. Sekurang-kurangnya 10% ibu bapa berpuas hati dengan operasi sekolah. •school
The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or that the
can demonstrate it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it
GPK HEM interview
GB / Principal interview
LE staff judgement

• The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or that the TSIP
1 There are opportunities for parental involvement at school events. Wujudnya peluang untuk ibu bapa turut serta dalam acara sekolah. school can demonstrate it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it Parent Survey results
Parent attendance data at school events
4.3 The school has a programme for engaging with the community in the enhancement of students' education.
Sekolah mempunyai program yang melibatkan komuniti dalam memperkaya pendidikan murid.
Level Measures Description Mid Year Year End Examples of Evidence School Evidence

There is effective involvement between the school and its community Terdapat keterlibatan yang efektif antara sekolah dan anggota • Survey results indicate the school is seen as an integral part of its community. Evidence of meetings - including photos. Survey data;
SEF analysis and action;
13 members, including the PPD, JPN and MoE, with the school reflecting masyarakat termasuk PPD, JPN dan KPM dan pihak sekolah melakukan PPD and JPN officers are active in the school and promote it as a model to other
PMS documents;
Attendance by JPN and PPD at training modules or
on community feedback. refleksi terhadap maklum balas yang dterima daripada komuniti. stakeholders. Community input is sought to the annual SEF analysis TSIP tracker; cluster meetings.
Model Trust School

Meeting minutes.
Terdapat evidens yang menunjukkan wujudnya kerjasama dengan ahli • Formal and informal partnerships exist (sponsorship of programmes or Evidence showing active involvement in school
12 There is evidence that partnerships exist with community members that komuniti - yang menyumbang kepada peningkatan standard di seluruh infrastructure support - to attendance at school events). Diverse partners projects. • Co-Co Assessment Rubric
contribute to raising standards throughout the school. sekolah.
participate actively in school programmes (career talks, work experience, Co- TSIP CAR 4.1.5, CAR 4.3.5, CAR 5.2.4
Curriculum, school assemblies, festival celebrations) TSIP tracker

There have been a number of information sessions for community Terhadap beberapa sesi taklimat diadakan untuk anggota masyarakat • The school proactively informs its community about the TSP and/or MoE Evidence of workshop materials,
11 members according to identified needs. berdasarkan keperluan yang telah dikenal pasti.
initiatives - with calendarised information sessions, as well as activities that Attendance list and feedback forms with analysis and
respond to new or emerging needs next steps.

The school has developed structures to involve community members in Pihak sekolah mempunyai struktur bagi melibatkan anggota masyarakat • Community input to strategic planning is invited - via formal focus groups (SEF Meeting minutes.
10 Evidence showing active involvement on school
school improvement planning. dalam perancangan penambahbaikan sekolah. analysis); or anecdotally via business and social networking
projects and TSIP expectation

To ensure that there is support for the Trust School to maintain systems and Bagi memastikan sokongan agar Sekolah Amanah dapat mengekalkan sistem dan
processes, the SLT prioritise close partnerships with the PPD and JPN. proses, barisan kepimpian kanan sekolah mengukuhkan hubungan yang baik • PPD and JPN officers are active in the school and promote it as a model to Evidence of meetings. JPN presentations
9 Opportunities are utilised to engage relevant MoE officers through reporting of dengan PPD dan JPN. Peluang digunakan untuk melibatkan pegawai KPM dengan other stakeholders JPN/PPD officer attendance records (Official
Conference Speaking presentations
successes, raising of issues and inviting MoE officers to participate in school melaporkan kejayaan, mengemukakan isu serta menjemput pegawai-pegawai • Evidence of reporting to PPD / JPN on Trust School Programme Guestbook)
events. KPM untuk menyertai acara sekolah.

Trust School values and approaches to holistic student development, as Nilai dan pendekatan Sekolah Amanah terhadap pembangunan holistik murid, • Evidence of TS initiatives being shared including benchmarking visits (other Reports

4 well as community support for new projects or initiatives are actively Records
serta untuk meraih sokongan komuniti bagi projek atau inisiatif baharu schools, sponsors, PPD, JPN representatives) School website;
8 promoted through newsletters and direct meetings with the local disampaikan dengan aktif melalui buletin dan mesyuarat langsung bersama • Further evidence could include the GB / SLT / AT doing presentations about TS Photographic evidence Newspaper articles.
Letters or documents of activities of community based
community and business and State organisations. komuniti tempatan dan organisasi korporat. initiatives outside of the school organisation;

Terdapat sekurang-kurangnya empat kerjasama dengan anggota Log of Activities • Co-Co Assessment Rubric
A minimum of four partnerships that support the school and have a • The range of partners covers Curriculum and Co-curriculum support. This could
7 masyarakat yang menyokong sekolah dan mempunyai impak positif Report of Activities CAR 4.1.4, CAR 4.3.4, CAR 5.2.3
positive impact on student outcomes exist with community members. include Sporting groups, Universities, NGOs, Clubs etc
School Calendar
terhadap keberhasilan murid diwujudkan bersama komuniti.

Circulars TSIP
Community members have a significant role in at least two school TSIP tracker
Ahli komuniti mempunyai peranan penting dalam sekurang-kurangnya Letters
6 events and the school is beginning to reach out to local schools and • As per descriptor Attendance records • Co-Co Assessment Rubric
District Office to support school development. dua acara sekolah dan sekolah mula meraih sokongan dari sekolah- CAR 4.3.3, CAR 5.2.3
sekolah berdekatan dan juga Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah untuk Photographs

3 menyokong pembangunan sekolah mereka.

• Partnerships are defined as ongoing, external relationships with community Circulars TSIP tracker
5 A minimum of two partnerships exist with community members. Wujud sekurang-kurangnya dua kerjasama dengan anggota masyarakat. members that benefit the school/students
• Community members are defined as belonging to community organisations or
Attendance records • Co-Co Assessment Rubric
CAR 4.3.3
businesses Photographs

Anggota masyarakat dijemput untuk hadir ke acara sekolah dan wakil • Evidence of initiatives with community members Circulars
Community members are invited to school events and school Letters Special guest book (GB Office)

4 representatives attend community events to promote the school. sekolah menghadiri acara yang diadakan oleh komuniti untuk • School reps can identify at least 2 community events they have attended and Attendance records Invitations to community events
mempromosikan sekolah. explain how this promotes the school

2 SLT interview
• Community groups are identified by the SLT ie: Kampong community, Rotary LE staff judgement
3 The school forms positive relations with community members. Pihak sekolah menjalin hubungan yang positif dengan anggota Club etc Sponsorship of activities (financial or in-kind support)
• Co-Co Assessment Rubric
masyarakat. • Positive relationships defined as community groups who support the school in Community Activity reports CAR 4.3.2
some capacity

• The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or that the School Calendar
2 Community members have access to the school. Ahli komuniti mempunyai akses dengan sekolah. school can demonstrate it has ‘Moved Beyond’ it
Attendance data at school events
Letters of invitation

• The granting of a Yes is based on whether this statement is true or that the Community attendance data - for school events or School calendar;
Letters of invitation.
Student participation data in community events.
SG 4: The Involvement of Parents, Community and Other Stakeholders Has Increased
Achievements for MYR 2019

Next Steps
Level Indicator Statements
lders Has Increased


SG 4: The Involvement of Parents, Community and Other Stakeholders Has Increased
For analysis refer to indicator statements in TSSP document.
Achievements for YER 2018



Future Deve

Overall Analysis (Strength and Areas for Development)



lders Has Increased

Analysis (What has led to these achievements?)

Future Development

Next Steps- Indicators Statements

School Specific Priorities (Culture/Action/Impact)
Trust School Standards and Practices Scorecard 2019
School Name: SK Cyberjaya

Strategic Indicator Assessment

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
MY Final Score 0.0%
15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
15.0% 15.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
MY Final Score 0.0%
15.0% 15.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
15.0% 15.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
MY Final Score 0.0%
15.0% 15.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
MY Final Score 0.0%
10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
MY Final Score 0.0%
10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
MY Final Score 0.0%
10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15.0% 15.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0%
MY Final Score 0.0%
15.0% 15.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
15.0% 15.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3%
MY Final Score 0.0%
15.0% 15.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
15.0% 15.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
MY Final Score 0.0%
15.0% 15.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
MY Final Score 0.0%
15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
YE Final Score 0.0%
F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3%
MY Final Score 0.0%
15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
15.0% 15.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 5.0% 5.0%
MY Final Score 0.0%
15.0% 15.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 5.0% 5.0%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% 1.7%
MY Final Score 0.0%
15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% 1.7%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
30.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 5.0% 5.0%
MY Final Score 0.0%
30.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 5.0% 5.0%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3%
MY Final Score 0.0%
15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
30.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 10.0% 10.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
MY Final Score 0.0%
30.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 10.0% 10.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
15.0% 15.0% 20.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3%
MY Final Score 0.0%
15.0% 15.0% 20.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
MY Final Score 0.0%
15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
MY Final Score 0.0%
15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
YE Final Score 0.0%

F1 F2 F3 A MTS
Strategic Indicator Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
30.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
MY Final Score 0.0%
30.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
YE Final Score 0.0%
Summary of TSSP School Progre

MY 2019 YE 2019
1.1 0.0% 0.0%
1.2 0.0% 0.0%
1.3 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
Strategic Goal 1 0.0% 0.0%
1.4 0.0% 0.0% 90.0%
1.5 0.0% 0.0% 80.0%
1.6 0.0% 0.0% 70.0%
2.1 0.0% 0.0% 60.0%
2.2 0.0% 0.0% 50.0%
2.3 0.0% 0.0% 40.0%
Strategic Goal 2 0.0% 0.0%
2.4 0.0% 0.0% 30.0%
2.5 0.0% 0.0% 20.0%
2.6 0.0% 0.0% 10.0%
3.1 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
1.1 1.2
3.2 0.0% 0.0% S
Strategic Goal 3 3.3 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
3.4 0.0% 0.0%
3.5 0.0% 0.0%
4.1 0.0% 0.0%
Strategic Goal 4 4.2 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
4.3 0.0% 0.0%
f TSSP School Progress 2019

S C H O O L P RO G R ES S 2 0 1 8 BY I N D I C ATO R

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3
Strategi c Goa l 1 Strategi c Goa l 2 Strategi c Goa l 3 Strategi c Goa l

MY 2019 YE 2019
SK Cyberjaya
TSSP Progress Chart
Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard 4
Indicators -> 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3

Model T.S. 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Accreditation 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

3 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

2 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Progress towards

Overall Progress 0% 0% 0% 0%
SK Cyberjaya
TSSP Progress Chart
Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard 4
Indicators -> 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3

Model T.S. 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Accreditation 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

3 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

2 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Progress towards

Overall Progress 0% 0% 0% 0%

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