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International Journal of Mechanical and Production

Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)

ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001
Vol. 9, Issue 3, Jun 2019, 1051-1056
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.



Department of Mathematics, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

In this paper, some oscillatory criteria for the solutions of first order neutral delay difference equation with
negative coefficient are obtained. Here, I consider the neutral delay difference equation of the form,

∆(xn+rnxn-k)-qng(xn-m) =0, (1.1)

Where, nεN(n0), n0 is a nonnegative integer and ∆ is the forward difference operator.{qn} is the positive
sequences and {rn} is a real sequence, g is the continuous functions such that ug(u)≠0, for u≠0 . Also k, m are positive
integers. Here, ∆ is the forward difference operator defined by, ∆yn= yn+1-yn. By a solution of (1.1), we mean a real
sequence {xn} which satisfies the equation(1.1) for all nεN0. A solution {xn} of (1.1) is said to be oscillatory, if the terms of
the sequence are not eventually positive, or not eventually negative. Otherwise, it is called non-oscillatory. Equation (1.1)

Original Article
is said to be oscillatory, if all its solutions are oscillatory. Following this trend, in this paper, some sufficient conditions
for oscillation of all solutions of equation (1.1) is obtained.

KEYWORDS: Oscillation, Neutral & Difference Equations

2000 Mathematics subject classification: 39A10

Received: Apr 19, 2019; Accepted: May 09, 2019; Published: May 22, 2019; Paper Id.: IJMPERDJUN2019112


In recent years, the literature on the oscillation theory of neutral delay difference equations is growing
very fast. This is due to the fact that the neutral delay difference equations are a new field with interesting
applications in real world life problems. The obtained criteria improve some known results in the oscillatory
behavior of solutions of first order neutral delay difference equations. See for example [1-11] and the references
cited therein.


In this section, some sufficient conditions for the oscillation of all solutions of equation (1.1) are obtained.
Let us assume the following conditions.

• A1: Hn-a+l-m= qn-2a-m-qn-qn-a-mand Hn-a+l-m≥ 0.

• A2: rn-a-mHn-a+l-m≤ h1, qn-m[Hn-a+l-m]≤ h2, , for h1 , h2εN(n o )

Lemma2. 1[4]

Suppose, there exists a real number aεN(no), such that SCOPUS Indexed Journal

1052 G. Gomathi Jawahar

n−m −a
za(n) = rn- ∑q x
s =n−2 a−m
s s −m ≥ 1.

Let xn be an eventually positive solution of the difference inequality,

∆ (x+rnxn-k)-qnxn-m≥0 (2.1)


n−m −a
zn=xn+rnxn-+ ∑q x
s =n−2 a−m
s s −m (2.2)

Then eventually ∆zn≥0 and zn≤0.

To prove ∆zn≥0

n−m −a
∆zn = ∆(xn+rnxn)+∆( ∑q x
s =n−2 a−m
s s −m )


∆zn≥-Hn-a+l-mxn-a-m (2.3)

∆zn≥0. (2.4)

To prove zn≤0

Suppose zn> 0, there exists >0 such that zn>

n−m −a
From(2.2), xn> +rnxn-- ∑q x
s =n−2 a−m
s s −m

Let us consider two possible cases.

i){xn} is unbounded, then lim Xn=∞. Hence there exists a real sequence {vi}, i=1,2, ….∞, such that x(vi)→∞ as


Let x(vi)=max(xn)

n−m −a
x(vi)≥ +rnxn-- ∑q x
s =n−2 a−m
s s −m

x(vi) ≥ + x(vi) , which is a contradiction. Hence zn≤0.

ii)Suppose {xn}is bounded., then lim sup xn=L.


Let {vi} , i=1,2,…∞ , be a real sequence such that x(vi)→L, as i→∞.

Let x(vi)=max(xn)

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Qualitative Analysis on Existence of First Order 1053
Neutral Delay Difference Equations
n−m −a
x(vi)≥ +rnxn-- ∑q x
s =n−2 a−m
s s −m

x(vi)≥ +x(vi)

supx(vi) ≥ sup( +x(vi)), then L ≥ +L, which is a contradiction. Hence, zn≤0.

Lemma2. 2[4]

Suppose, there exists a real number bεN(n0) such that,

n − m −b
Zb(n)= r n- ∑
s = n − 2b − m
qsxs-m≤ 1 .

Let xn be an eventually negative solution of equation(2.1), and

n − m −b
Let zn=xn-rnxn-+ ∑
s = n − 2b − m

If the second order difference inequality ∆2xn-(1/ρk)Hn-b+l-m≥0,doesnot have


Suppose zn<0, there exists T<ρk, such that xn<0.

Let M1=max xn

n − m −b
Let zn=xn+rnxn-+ ∑
s = n − 2b − m
qsxs-m .

n − m −b
xT≤M1(rn-- ∑
s = n − 2b − m

xT≤ M1,By induction we can prove xn ≤ M1, for T+nρk≤n≤T+(n+1) ρk.

Let lim zn=α,


i)let α=0.Then there exists T1<T such that zn≥ M1.,

n+ ρ k
xn≤ {1/ρk} ∑z T1

ii)let α>0, Since ∆zn≥0 , we have zn≤α.

n − m −b
xn≤ α+ rnxn-( ∑
s = n − 2b − m

n − m −b
xn ≤ α+ M1(rn-- ∑
s = n − 2b − m
qsxs-m) SCOPUS Indexed Journal

1054 G. Gomathi Jawahar

xn≤ α+ M1

In general , xn≤ nα+ M1

Hence we have lim xn =∞. There exists T2<T1 , such that


n+ ρ k
xn≤{1/ρk} ∑z
n ,combining both cases there exists T*<T2, such that xn≤{1/ρk)

n+ ρ k
let yn= ∑z n , since zn<0, yn<0.

Hence we have, ∆yn=zn, ∆2yn=, ∆zn.

From(2.3), ∆zn≥-Hn-b+l-mxn-b-m

n+ ρ k
∆zn≥Hn-b+l-m ∑z n

n+ ρ k
Hence, ∆2yn- Hn-b+l-m ∑z n ≥0, which is a contradiction to the given condition of lemma 2. 2. Hence, zn≥0


Assume that { qn-a-m/(Hn-a+l-2m)} is a decreasing sequence and A1, A2 holds. Then every solution of equation (1.1) is


Suppose to the contrary that equation (1.1) has eventually negative solution. Then, from lemma (2.2)

∆zn≥0 and zn≥0. (2.5)

n −m −a
Now, ∆zn=∆(xn+rnxn)+ ∑q x
s =n −2 a −m
s s −m




∆zn ≥ Hn-a+l-mzn-a-m-h1Hn-a+l-mxn-m-a-k-Hn-a+l-m

n − m −a

s = n− 2 a − m
s (Hs+l-m/Hs+l-m) xs-m} -Hn-a+l-m(Ht+l-m/Ht+l-m) xt-l}

∆zn ≥-Hn-a+l-mzn-a-m+h1∆zn-k+Hn-a+l-m(qn-a-m/Hn-a+l-2m)(zn-zn-a-m)

∆zn ≥-Hn-a+l-mzn-a-m+h1∆zn-k+h2 (zn-m-zn-a-m)+h2(zn-a-m-zn-l)

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Qualitative Analysis on Existence of First Order 1055
Neutral Delay Difference Equations

∆zn ≥-Hn-a+l-mzn-l+h1∆zn-k+h2 (zn-m-zn-a-m)+h2(zn-a-m-zn-l)


Hence, by lemma 2.1, zn is eventually negative solution. This is a contradiction to the equation (2.5). Hence,
every solution of equation (1.1) oscillates.


In this paper, by using summation averaging techniques and comparison principle, some new oscillation criteria
for first order neutral delay difference equation is obtained. This result improves some of the result obtained in [4].


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