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Marks – 50
I. Listening and speaking 3m
Helen Keller was born to Arthur H. Keller and Kate Adams. She was healthy and
active at birth. She spoke her first words at the age of six months and could walk at
the age of one year. When she was nine months old, she became seriously ill and
suffered from high fever. She was not the same active child after her sickness she
could neither see nor hear. In spite of disability she was independent. Her parent s
found a teacher Miss Ann Sullivan who helped Helen to learn words and spell nouns
like doll, pin etc.

Answer the following questions

1. Who were Helen Kellers parents?

2. When did Helen Keller start walking
3. What happened to Helen Kellers health?

II. Answer the following questions

1. Who is ‘I’ in the poem?
2. Who creates the world?
3. Who were Helen Kellers friends
4. How did Helen Keller inspire differently abled people?
5. Do parents sense the pain of her child

III. Give the opposite

1. Lazy 2. Forget 3. Hate 4. Careless

IV. Write the question form

1. This is my pen 2. I like Kabadi 3. She is going to School

V. Write the meanings

1. Woe 2. Groan 3. Infant

VI. Imagine you are suffering with fever and did not go to School for a week. Your friend
called you to enquire about your health. How would you describe

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