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1. Broadly defined, the subject matter of any audit d. It concentrates on seeking out aspects of
consist of operations in which waste would be
a. Financial statements reduced by the introduction of controls.
b. Economic data
c. Assertions 6. The auditor communicates the results of his or her
d. Operating data work through the medium if the
a. Engagement letter
2. An audit of financial statements is conducted to b. Audit report
determine if the c. Management letter
a. Organization is operating efficiency and d. Financial statement
b. Auditee is following specific procedures or 7. Which of the following types of auditing is
rules set down by some higher authority performed most commonly by CPA’s on a
c. Overall financial statement statements are contractual basis?
stated in accordance with the applicable a. Internal Auditing
financial reporting framework b. Income tax auditing
d. Client’s internal control is functioning as c. Government auditing
intended d. External auditing

3. Most of the independent auditor’s work in 8. Independent auditing can best be describe as a
formulating an opinion on financial statement a. Professional activity that measures and
consist of communicates financial accounting data
a. Studying and evaluating internal control b. subset accounting
b. Obtaining and examining evidential matter c. Professional activity that attest to the fair
c. Examining cash transaction presentation of financial statement
d. Comparing recorded accountability with d. Regulatory activity that prevents the
assets issuance of improper financial information

4. In financial statement audits, the audit process 9. Which of the following statements is not a
should be conducted in accordance with distinction between independent auditors and
a. The audit program internal auditors?
b. Philippine standard on auditing a. Independent auditors represent third party
c. Philippine accounting standards users external to the auditee entity,
d. Philippine Financial Reporting Standards whereas internal auditors report directly to
5. Which of the following best describe the b. Although independent auditors strive for
operational audit? both validity and relevance of evidence,
a. It requires the constant review by internal internal auditors are concerned almost
auditors of the administrative controls as exclusively with validity.
they relate to operations of the company. c. Internal auditors are employees of the
b. It concentrates on implementing financial auditee, whereas independent auditors are
and accounting control in a newly organized independent contractors.
company. d. The internal auditor’s span of coverage goes
c. In attempts and is designed to verify the fair beyond financial auditing to encompass
presentation of a company’s results of operational and performance auditing.

10. Which of the following has the primary

responsibility for the fairness of the representations
made in the financial statements?
a. Client’s management
b. Audit Committee
c. Independent auditor
d. Board of Accountancy

11. An audit of the financial statements of KIA

Corporation is being conducted by an external
auditor. The external auditor is expected to
a. express an opinion as to the fairness of
KIA’s financial statements.
b. express an opinion as to the attractiveness
of KIA for investment purposes.
c. certify the correctness of KIA’s Financial
d. examine all evidence supporting KIA’s
financial statements.

12. Which of the following statements about

independent financial statements audit is correct?
a. The audit of financial statements relieves
management of its responsibilities for the
financial statement
b. An audit is designed to provide limited
assurance that the financial statements
taken as a whole are free from material
c. The procedures required to conduct an
audit in accordance with PSAs should be
determined by the client who engaged the
services of the auditor.
d. The auditor’s opinion is not an assurance as
to the future viability of the entity as well as
the effectiveness and efficiency with which
management has conducted the affairs of
the entity.

13. The reason an independent auditor gathers

evidence is to
a. Form an opinion on the financial statements
b. Detect fraud
c. Evaluate management
d. Evaluate internal controls

1. An intentional act by one more individuals among b. Both Statements are true
management, employees, or third parties which c. II only
results in misrepresentation of financial statement d. Both statements are false
refers to
a. Error 5. What primarily differentiates fraud from an error
b. Noncompliance a. Materiality
c. Fraud b. Effect on misstatements
d. Illegal acts c. Intent
d. Frequency of occurrence
2. The responsibility for the detection and prevention
of errors, fraud and noncompliance with laws and 6. The term “error” refers to unintentional
regulations rests with misrepresentation of financial information.
a. Auditor Examples of errors are when
b. Client’s legal counsel I. Assets have been
c. Fraud misappropriated
d. Illegal acts II. Transactions without substance
have been recorded
3. The auditor’s best defense when material III. Records and documents have
misstatements in the financial statements are not been manipulated and falsified
uncovered in the audit is that IV. The effects of the transaction
a. The audit was conducted in accordance have been omitted from the
with generally accepted accounting records
principles a. all of the above statements are true
b. Client is guilty of contributory negligence b. only statements I and III are true
c. The audit was conducted in accordance c. all of the above statements are
with PSAs false
d. Issuing a representation letter to the d. only statement II and IV are true

7. Which of the following best identifies the two

4. The following statements relate to the auditor’s
responsibility for the detection of errors and fraud. types of fraud?
Identify the correct statements. a. Theft of assets and employee fraud.
I. Due to the inherent limitation b. Misappropriation of asset and
of the audit, there is a defalcation.
possibility that material c. Management fraud and employee
misstatements in the financial fraud.
statements may not be d. Fraudulent financial reporting and
detected. management fraud.
II. The subsequent discovery of
material misstatement of the 8. Which of the following statements best
financial information resulting describe an auditor’s responsibility to detect
from fraud or error does not, errors and fraud?
in itself, indicate that the a. An auditor should assess the risk
auditor failed to follow the that errors and fraud may cause the
basic principles and essential financial statements to contain
procedures of an audit. material misstatements and should
a. I only design the audit to provide

reasonable assurance of detecting 11. The most difficult type of misstatement to

errors and fraud that are material detect is fraud based on
to the financial statements. a. The over recording of transaction
b. An auditor is responsible to detect b. The non-recording of transactions
material errors, but has no c. Recorded transactions in subsidiaries
responsibility to detect material d. Related party receivable
fraud that are concealed through
employee collusion or management 12. If an auditor was engaged to discover errors
override of the internal control or fraud and the auditor performed extensive
structure. detail work, which of the following could the
c. An auditor has no responsibility to auditor be expected to detect?
detect errors and fraud unless
analytical procedures or tests of a. Misposting if recorded transactions
transactions identify conditions b. Unrecorded transaction
causing a reasonably prudent c. Counterfeit signatures on paid checks
auditor to suspect that the financial d. Collusive fraud
statements were materially
misstated. 13. Which of the following statements is
d. An auditor has no responsibility to incorrect?
detect errors and fraud because an
auditor is not an insurer and an a. The responsibility for the
audit does not constitute a prevention and detection of fraud
guarantee. and error rests with management.
b. The auditor is not and cannot be
9. “The auditor would ordinarily expect to find held responsible for the detection
evidence to support management of fraud or error.
representations and not assume that they c. In planning an audit, the auditor
necessarily correct”. This is an example of should assess the risk that fraud or
error may cause the financial
a. Unprofessional behavior statements to contain material
b. An attitude of professional misstatement.
skepticism d. The risk of not detecting material
c. Due diligence fraud is higher than the risk of not
d. A rule in code of professional detecting a material misstatement
conduct. arising from error.
10. Which of the following statement is true?

a. It is usually easier for the auditor to

uncover fraud than errors.
b. It is usually easier for the auditor to
uncover errors than fraud.
c. It is usually equally difficult for the
auditor to uncover errors or fraud.
d. Usually, the auditor does not design
procedures to uncover fraud or errors.

1. The primary responsibility for establishing and c. Control environment

maintaining an internal control rests with d. Safeguard over access of assets
a. The external auditors 8. In evaluating the design of the entity’s internal
b. The internal auditors control environment, the auditor considers the
c. Management and those charged with certain subcomponents of control environment and
how they have been incorporated into the entity’s
d. The controller or the treasurer
processes. Subcomponents of control environment
2. The fundamental purpose of an internal control is to would include
a. Safeguard the resources of the organization a. Integrity and ethical values
b. Provide reasonable assurance that the b. Commitment to competence
objectives of the organization are achieved c. Organizational structure
c. Encourage compliance with organization d. Information and communications systems
d. Ensure the accuracy, reliability and
9. Which of the following components of an entity’s
timeliness of information
internal control structure includes the development
3. Which of the following is not one of the three of employee promotion and training policies?
primary objectives of effective internal control? a. Control activities
a. Reliability of financial reporting b. Control environment
b. Efficiency and effectiveness of operations c. Information and communication
c. Compliance with laws and regulations
d. Quality control system
d. Assurance of elimination of business risk.

4. Which of the following internal control objectives 10. Which of the following subcomponents of the
would be most relevant to the audit? control environment define the existing lines of
a. Operational objective responsibility and authority?
b. Compliance objective a. Organizational structure
c. Financial reporting objective b. Management philosophy & operating style
d. Administrative control objective
c. Human resource policies and practices
5. An act of two or more employee to steal assets and d. Management integrity and ethical values
cover their theft by misstating the accounting
records would be referred to as: 11. Which of the following is not one of the
a. Collusion subcomponents of the control environment?
b. A material weakness a. Management philosophy and operating
c. A control deficiency style
d. A significant deficiency
b. Organizational structure
6. Which of the following is not one of the c. Adequate separation of duties
components of an entity’s internal control? d. Commitment to competence
a. Control risk
b. Control activities 12. Which of the following deal with ongoing or
c. Information and communication periodic assessment of quality of internal control by
d. The control environment management?
a. Quality control activities
7. The overall attitude and awareness of an entity’s
b. Monitoring activities
board of director concerning the importance of the
internal control usually is reflected in its c. Oversight activities
a. Computer-based controls d. Management activities
b. System of segregation of duties

1. These are acts of omission or commission by the

entity being audited, either intentional or 6. The principle of confidentiality applies to:
unintentional, which are contrary to the prevailing a. Professional accountants in public practice
laws and regulations. b. Professional accountants in commerce and
a. Fraud industry
b. Misappropriation c. Professional accountants in government
c. Noncompliance d. All professional accountants
d. Defalcation
7. The principle of confidentiality imposes an
2. In order to achieve the objectives of the obligation on professional accountants to refrain
accountancy profession, professional accountants from:
have to observe a number of prerequisites or a. Disclosing confidential information to
fundamental principles. The fundamental principles another party even if client authorizes the
include the following except disclosure
a. Objectivity b. Using confidential information acquired as a
b. Professional competence and due care result of professional and business
c. Technical standards relationships to their personal advantage or
d. Confidence the advantage of the third parties
c. Disclosing information to defend
3. The principle of professional competence and due themselves in case of litigation
care imposes certain obligations on professional d. Responding to an inquiry or investigation
accountants. Which of the following is not one of conducted by the Professional Regulatory
those obligations required by this principle? Board of Accountancy
a. To act diligently in accordance with
applicable technical and professional 8. A CPA should not disclose confidential information
standards obtained during an audit engagement in which one
b. To be fair, intellectually honest and free of of the following situations?
conflict of interest a. When the security of the state requires
c. To become aware and understand relevant b. With the consent of the client
technical, professional and business c. In defense of himself when sued by his
developments client
d. To obtain professional knowledge and d. To a successor auditor without the client’s
experience to enable them to fulfil their permission
9. Which of the following is considered a violation of
4. The phase of professional competence that requires rules on confidentiality?
a professional accountant to adopt a program a. The CPA discloses information to protect his
designed to ensure quality control in the own interest in the course of legal
performance of professional services consistent proceedings
with technical and professional standards is: b. The CPA discloses information to a
a. Attainment of professional competence successor auditor after obtaining the
b. Maintenance of professional competence client’s permission
c. Application of professional competence c. The CPA discloses information to another
d. Review of professional competence CPA in compliance with a quality control
review conducted by the BOA
5. The essence of the due care principle is that the d. The CPA divulges information disclosed to
auditor should not be guilty of: him by a prospective client.
a. Bias
b. Errors in judgement 10. In which of the following circumstances would a
c. Fraud CPA be bound by the ethics to refrain from
d. Negligence

disclosing any confidential information obtained

during course of a professional engagement?
a. The CPA is issued summon enforceable by
the court order which orders the CPA to
present confidential information
b. A major stockholder of a client company
seeks accounting information from CPA
after the management declined to disclose
the requested information
c. Confidential client information is made
available with the client’s permission
d. An inquiry by the PRC and the CPA needs
the disclosure to defend himself

11. The principle of professional behaviour requires a

professional accountant to
a. Be straightforward and honest in
performing professional services
b. Be fair and should not allow prejudice or
bias, conflict of interest or influence of
others to override objectivity
c. Perform professional services with due
care, competence and diligence
d. Act in a manner consistent with the good
reputation of the profession and refrain
from any conduct which might bring
discredit to profession

12. Which of the following most accurately states how

objectivity has been defined by the Code of Ethics?
a. Being honest and straight forward in all
professional and business relationships.
b. A state of mind that permits the provision
of an opinion without being affected by
influences that compromise professional
c. A combination of impartiality, intellectual
honesty and a freedom from conflict of
d. Avoiding facts and circumstances that could
reduce the public confidence in the
professional accountant’s report

13. Which fundamental principle is seriously threatened

by an engagement that is compensated based on
the net proceeds on loans received by the client
from a commercials bank?
a. Integrity
b. Objectivity
c. Confidentiality
d. Professional behaviour

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