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Data Base Management System

(BBA -108)



Faculty Name: Praveen Kumar Singh



Introduction to Database Systems: File System versus a DBMS, Advantages of a DBMS,
Describing and storing data in a DBMS, Queries in a DBMS, Structure of a DBMS, People
who deal with database, introduction to Data Models, Architecture of DBMS.

Learning Objectives
Through this unit, the students will be able to understand:
 Fundamental concepts of database systems
 Terms related to key concepts of databases
 Main features and function of the DBMS
 What is a file?
 List the different properties of a file.
 How DBMS overcome the drawbacks of traditional file system
 Find out how to open Microsoft access blank database.
 How to create and manipulate data in tables.
 Create a simple database of their own (example: class lists with details)
 Role of various people who design and deal with database.
 Importance of data models in finding constraints, relation and representation of data
in any organization.
 How data is stored physically and what type of data is created depending on
organization’s need
 How queries are executed after storing the data.

 Definition of the following terms:
Database (ii) DBMS (iii) Program Data independence (iv) Meta Data (v) Schema.
 Description of Three Schema architecture and need of mapping between schema
 Introduction of data model and its types: hierarchical, network and relational model.
 Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach
 Explain the advantages of DBMS over traditional file system
 What are the responsibilities of the DBA and the database designers
 Discuss the types of languages and interfaces provided by the DBMS.
 Structure of DBMS
 Different types of queries used in Ms-Access

Examples, activities, clippings & cases used
 Students will be made to go through a sample data collection at the beginning. They
will gather information for a specific assignment in their respective domains (e.g.
Bank Statement, Electricity/Telephone Bills) and store it without using databases and
further elaborating the problems they incurred in the absence of appropriate tools and
After few lectures, they will be asked to repeat same task using databases in order to
compare two approaches and gather the benefits of using databases.
 An example of "school management system" will be taken and usage of DBMS
software "Edu Smart" will be demonstrated to have knowledge of various queries
such as creating a table, inserting a value etc used in databases.
 A link "
systems-dbms.html#lesson" would be shared to gather examples related to all data
 An example of account opening in a bank, facebook will be discussed to understand
the structure of DBMS.
 All the actors of database will be discussed using an example of "online college


Entity Relationship Model: Overview of Database Design, Entities, attributes, and Entity
sets, Relationships and Relationship sets, additional features of the ER Model, Conceptual
database design with the ER model – Entity versus attribute, entity versus relationship.
Relational model: Introduction to Relational model, foreign key constraints, enforcing
integrity constraints, Querying relational data, logical database design: ER to relation,
introduction to views, destroying/altering tables and views, Codd’s rules.

Learning Objectives
Through this unit, the students will be able to:
 Explain main phases of database design.
 Define Entities and different attributes types.
 Differentiate between relationship instance, relationship type and a relationship set.
 Identify relationships among different entities.
 Explain the concept of weak entity type.
 Design an E-R diagram for the given mini world description.
 Explain the naming conventions used for high level data model.
 Define Domains, Attributes, Tuples, Relations, super key, candidate key, and primary
 Explain the characteristics of Relations.

 Explain inherent constraints of the relational model.
 Explain various DDL and DML commands.
 Identify the type of constraints violated by each update operation.
 Conceptual model using ER diagrams and their representation in RDBMS
 Importance of creating views
 How any DBMS can be converted RDBMS for a good database design

 Discuss the role of a high level data model in the database design process
 What is an entity type and an entity set?
 What is a relationship type? Explain the differences among a relationship instance, a
relationship type, and a relationship set
 When is the concept of weak entity type used in data modelling? Define the terms
i)owner entity type ii) Weak entity type iii) identifying entity type, and iv) partial key
 Define the following terms i) Candidate key ii) Super key iii) Primary key
 List and explain the characteristics of Relations.
 Discuss the entity and referential integrity constraints. Why is each, considered
 Conceptual database design with the ER model-
Entity versus attribute
Entity versus relationship
 Learn the Concept of views
 12 Rules defined by Dr. E.F. Codd to convert DBMS to RDBMS

Examples, activities, clippings & cases used

 An example of order processing database to deal with customer placing orders at
Starbucks will be discussed to gain insight on entities, attributes and various types of
 (Link:
 ER modelling case study based on “Database management systems 3ed, R.
Ramakrishnan and J. Gehrke exercise 2.6” will be discussed.
 An example of hospital case, football club, bus company and university database will
be demonstrated to make students gain full knowledge of entity vs. relationship.
 (Link:
 An exercise, for making ER diagram and then transforming it into ER modelling will
be given by making a group of 6 students. (link:
 Group Activity: Design a ER Model, schema and instance for a given application
scenario and perform the basic retrieval operations.


Schema Refinement & Normal Forms: Introduction to schema refinement, functional

dependencies, examples motivation schema refinement, reasoning about functional
dependencies, normal forms, decompositions, normalization (Up to 3rd Normal Form)

Learning Objective
Through this unit, the students will be able to:
 Identify update, insertion and deletion anomalies.
 Identify possible keys given an instance.
 Identify possible functional dependencies in a relation.
 Determine all keys in a schema.
 What normalization is and its role in database design process..
 Transform lower normal form to higher normal forms.
 Learn denormalization.
 Decompose a schema up to 3rd Normal Form

 Describe benefits of relational model.
 Informal guidelines for designing relational schemas.
 Describe insert, delete and update anomalies.
 Define first normal form, second form and third normal form.
 Describe the problems associated with tables that are not in 1NF, 2NF or 3NF.
 Create a dependency diagram showing functional dependencies within a table.
 Transform Un-normalized data to first normal form.
 Transform first normal form to second normal form.
 Transform second normal form to third normal form.
 Situations requiring denormalization to generate information efficiently.
 Describe lossless join and dependency preserving decomposition.

Examples, activities, clippings, cases used

 Various examples will be discussed to show how different anomalies affect the design
of good database
 Few examples such as order card, students detail table will be discussed to define
functional dependencies.
 Multiple choice questions will be given to check the performance of students in group
of 8-10 students.


Concept of Objects:
Objects, tables, queries, forms, reports, modules, Database creation and manipulation

SQL Queries : The form of a basic SQL query, Union ,intersect, Expect, introduction to
nested queries, aggregate operators , Null values

Learning Objectives
Through this unit, the students will be able to:
 Find out how to open Microsoft access blank database
 Create a simple database of their own, (example: class lists with details.)
 Explain how to add new field ,delete field, change filed name and change field
 Explain how to prevent from making mistakes when entering data.
 Add the field properties for a field in a table.(student details)
 Explain how to arrange the data using a reference key.
 Explain how to rearrange data in a specific order.
 Add a primary key to a table.
 Create a form to make data entry easy.
 Enter data using a table and form.
 create table, forms, reports, modules and queries
 To Understand and execute SQL commands
 Discuss the use of commands of Structured Query Language: data definition and
manipulation commands, views, nested queries with the help of example
 Create, modify, delete and update database schema using SQL commands;
 Deal with database objects like Tables, views using SQL.

Creating Database: Getting started, Wizards, Reviewing the database wizard, documenting
the database.

Creating Tables: Designing tables, working with tables in design view, field properties,
naming fields, data types, assigning table names, making tables efficient objects within
database, setting primary keys, indexes, using table wizard.

Creating Queries: Reviewing queries, working with query design grid-adding tables, adding
fields, sorting records, planning for null values, using simple query wizard-summarizing your

SQL Queries: The form of a basic SQL query, Union, intersect, and expect, introduction to
nested queries, aggregate operators, Null values.

Examples, activities, clippings & cases used

 This session will be covered in lab, students will try all commands in computer.
 Assignments will be given to students for learning basics in MS-Access
 On the LCD, show a database which stores student’s information.
 Open Microsoft Access and open a blank database table to create students’ records.
 Ask the students to open a blank database simultaneously.
 Make sure every student has opened and could follow the instructions
 Show them how to choose a table name. Select the data type for a field in a table.
 Explain how to add new field , delete field, change filed name and change field sizes.
 Explain how to prevent from making mistakes when entering data.
 Add the field properties for a field in a table.(student details)
 Explain how to arrange the data using a reference key.
 Explain how to rearrange data in a specific order.
 Add a primary key to a table.
 Create a form to make data entry easy.
 Enter data using a table and form.
 Save the database
 On LCD , SQL commands with their syntax will be given , and students will try all

 Assignments will be given to students for learning basics in SQL

 A team project will be constructed in which students will work in groups of 4 to
ensure diversity. The goal is to develop an application that uses DBMS (ex: inline
bookstore). The deliverables will be an initial survey, the actual software (MS-Access,
My SQL), complete test cases, technical report and peer evaluation.
 On the spot quizzes will be conducted from time to time to ensure that the students
keep abreast with the materials, also to make classes more interactive.
 There will be a class test after every 15 days to check the performance of students.

Books Referred :

1. Book Title-“Simplified Approach to DBS” Sixth Edition (2009) by Parteek Bhatia-

Gurvinder Singh, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana- New Delhi, Noida (UP)
2. Book Title-“Fundamentals of Database Systems” Third Impression (2007) by
Elmasri- Navathe- Somayajulu-Gupta, published by Pearson Education India, Delhi
3. Book Title – “Database Management Systems” by Ramakrishnan, R. and J. Gehrke,
McGrawHill, Company, Higher Education, 2000.
4. Book Title-“Database management System” second Edition (2009) by Vijay Krishna
Pallaw, Asian Books Publisher, Delhi.

5. Book Title-“Database system concepts” Fourth Edition (2010) by Silberschatz
Abraham, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth , Mcgraw-Hill publication
6. Book Title-“SQL, PL/SQL: The Programming Language Of Oracle” 4th Revised
Edition (2010) by Ivan Bayross, BPB Publication

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