DGCA Guidelines For Monsoon Ops

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Guidelines for Monsoon Operations

Dispatch 1. Crew are to study the departure, enroute, destination and alternate airfield
officer, if reqd. Latest meteorological weather update must be requested
from Flight Dispatch/AOCS.
2. Check NOTAMs for runway condition, braking action(If reported), approach
lighting etc
3. MEL requirements: Weather Radar & Windshield wipers must be
serviceable. For any other MEL apply the MEL and Operational procedure
and check that performance is within limits.
4. Use weather charts to determine location and altitude of possible CB,
storms, and brief accordingly.
5. FUEL : Crew are authorized to uplift additional fuel and are to use good
judgement for carriage of additional fuel. Due consideration to be given to
enroute weather, expected holding, destination and alternate weather and
other such factors. Please refer OM-A Chapter 12, para12.
Pre-flight 1. EXTRACT to OVERRIDE during heavy rain. Keep both Packs ON. EXTRACT pb
can be restored to AUTO if heavy rain stops or after Take Off.
2. Parking brake should be ON.
Taxi 1. Review windshear and predictive windshear actions during Take-off
&Take briefing.
Off 2. Wet surface may be slippery and the Taxi speeds limitations mentioned in
OMB are only maximum values. Restrict taxi speeds so as to have adequate
control. Be extra vigilant when taxiing over painted surfaces.
3. Carry out weather radar test during Taxi, as per SOP.
4. No supervised take-off and landings permitted in actual monsoon
conditions. As per STL CAR
5. Evaluate take-off conditions and delay take-off if required.
6. Select the most favourable runway and use weather radar to evaluate
weather conditions on Take-off path.
7. Use TOGA thrust in case of expected windshear conditions
8. Use ENG MODE selector to IGN if heavy rain or severe turbulence is
expected after takeoff (Refer FCOM PRO NOR SOP 11 for additional
9. Monitor airspeed and speed trend closely.
10. Bird Menace: Ensure runway & take off path clear. Take assistance of ATC.

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Enroute/Descent 1. Weather radar:
 Refer Operations Notice 10 for various Radars on company fleet.
 Use AUTO/MAN mode, good management of radar tilt & gain.
 Carefully observe shapes, more than colours (FCTM ADV WXR)
 Avoid blind alley effect, use both high and short ND range

2. Circumnavigation:
 Avoid RED areas as per guidance in OM(B)
 During departure/arrival/10000 ft -5NM
 Above 10000 and below 25000-10NM
 Areas of steep gradient-20NM at all altitudes
 Above 25000-20NM
 Above 35000 additional margin may be considered
3. Turbulence:
Avoid flying through turbulence but if inadvertently encountered
follow QRH & OM. Advise crew & passengers. Use AP & A/THR for
moderate turbulence. For severe turbulence follow actions as
mentioned in QRH/severe turbulence. Use harness, seat belts and all
white lights in thunderstorms. (Refer FCTM PR NP SP 10 -10 and QRH)
Approach & 1. Approach Briefing:
Landing  ILS approaches to be preferred over NPA. In case ILS is not
available CDFA procedure is to be used for approach.
 Approach briefing prior to TOD should include actual landing
distance calculation for the relevant runway surface condition.
Review actions for bounce/long float.
 Review windshear procedure in case of windshear conditions.
 Landing distance calculation should be done diligently. Be aware
of runway surface conditions. Damp means wet. In heavy rain,
consider Braking action GOOD TO MEDIUM, unless reported
otherwise by ATC
 Review GA procedure and be mindful of weather in the GA path.
 THR REV MAX recommended on landing if surface wet.
 Flaps as per FCTM (CONF-3 for expected windshear conditions,
CONF-3 or FULL for turbulence, CONF-FULL gives better handling
in turbulent conditions, CONF-3 provides more energy and less
 CONF-FULL, MED Auto Brakes and THR REV MAX is the preferred
LDG configuration in case of actual monsoon conditions but the
operating crew is the best judge.
 Use Auto Brakes appropriately, deceleration to be confirmed by
speed trend and deceleration felt by crew.
 Selection of IDLE THR REV from MAX should be a deliberate
action and not as a habit.
 Pay attention to crosswinds (review x-wind limits) and stabilized
approach parameters.
 In case of actual monsoon conditions early stabilized
approaches are mandatory. 1000 ft callout mandatory (
Stabilsed or Go around)
 Discuss use of rain repellant/Windshield wipers.
 Consider CMV
 Refer RCAM and if meteorological conditions are likely to change
or under active precipitation, consider performing a backup in-
flight landing performance assessment associated with the worst
likely runway condition.

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 Adhere to crosswind limitations as per company. Fly-smart
application does not restrict the crosswind limitation while
computing the landing performance, in case of gusts (35kts
restricted by company)

2. Approach:
 Optimum level of automation should be used to reduce workload.
If A/THR performance is unsatisfactory, disconnect and control
thrust manually.
 Check Go-Around path.
 Maintain correct approach speed so that the landing distance
does not increase.

3. Landing:
 Consider Hydroplaning, condition of tyres(Pre flight) glide path
angle, runway length and slope
 Be mentally prepared for GA
 GA in case long float is mandatory
 Do not aim for a soft touchdown. land firmly at 1000ft aiming
 Select reverse thrust ASAP
 Fly the nosewheel smoothly, but without delay, on to the runway
and don’t attempt aerodynamic braking
 Keep aircraft aligned with centerline
 If lateral control is difficult, reduce reverse thrust symmetrically (if
necessary). Regain control with rudder, and differential braking.
 Speed should be well under control before runway vacation.
 Taxi with caution
 FUEL : MDF is a theoretical figure. Any diversion to alternate is a
very dynamic situation and there will be multiple factors
involved. Crew are to give due consideration to all factors and
consider diverting with adequate margin above the MDF, so as to
remain compliant with the fuel policy.

Post Flight 1. In case of bird strike, mandatory to fill the bird incident report.
2. Post flight walk around mandatory incase of suspected bird hit
3. all incidents of lightning strikes should be reported in PDR for
maintenance action.
Miscellaneous 1. DO NOT attempt landing off an unstablized approach. GA should
be carried out if unstablized.
2. Landings on runways with reported braking action poor is not
3. Effective tools: SPEED SPEED & WINDSHEAR aural warnings,
ALPHA FLOOR protection, SRS pitch order, high AOA protection
and GS mini protection (FCTM PR NP SP 10)
4. Due to arrival congestions and diversions, change in patterns/
aircraft swaps may be done by OCC, based on priority of flights.
5. In case of diversion, company should be informed as soon as
workload permits, it is preferred just before diversion for
coordination. If unable through ACARS, use ATC or relay through
other company aircrafts.

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