What Is Legionnaires' Disease?: Patient Education

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American Thoracic Society


What is Legionnaires’ Disease?

Legionnaires’ disease (also called legionellosis) is
an infection of the lung (pneumonia) that can lead
to difficulty breathing, respiratory failure or even
death. Infectious outbreaks are commonly associated
with exposure to water supplies contaminated with
Legionella (such as air conditioners).

What causes Legionnaires’ Disease? What are the signs and symptoms of Legionnaires’
Legionnaires’ disease was first described in 1976 when disease?
an outbreak infected attendees of the American Le- The signs and symptoms of Legionnaires’ disease are
gion convention. A family of bacteria called Legionella similar to other types of pneumonia that are caused by
causes Legionnaires’ disease. The most common cause bacteria. These include:
of Legionnaires’ disease is Legionella pneumophila, but ■■ Shortness of breath
Legionella species other than pneumophila exist and
■■ Cough
can also cause illness. Legionella bacteria are a part of

the environment. They grow best in warm water but ■■ Fatigue

can also grow in cool water supplies. Infections have ■■ Decreased appetite
been associated with contamination of the following
■■ Fever
water sources:
■■ Chills
■■ Water towers/evaporator condensers
■■ Muscle aches (also called ‘myalgias’)
■■ Shower heads/faucets
■■ Diarrhea
■■ Hot tubs
■■ Headaches
■■ Ultrasonic misters
■■ Confusion
■■ Humidifiers
How is Legionnaires’ Disease diagnosed?
■■ Decorative fountains
Legionnaires’ disease most commonly causes pneu-
■■ Plumbing networks monia and is diagnosed by symptoms, physical exam-
Who gets Legionnaires’ Disease? ination findings, chest x-ray and blood tests. Legionella
People are exposed to Legionella by inhaling (breathing is one of many causes of pneumonia. For more infor-
in) water droplets that contain the bacteria. Summer mation about pneumonia, please visit www.thoracic.
and early fall are the most common times of the year org/patients. Your healthcare provider may perform
for infections to occur. Persons over 50 years of age, additional testing to decide if Legionella is the cause of
who are current or former smokers, those with chron- your pneumonia. These laboratory tests may include:
ic diseases such as chronic obstructive lung disease ■■ Urine test: Legionella has several naturally occurring
(COPD) or diabetes, or those with a weak immune variations known as ‘species’ and ‘serotypes’.
system (immunocompromised) are at a higher risk of Although these differ to some extent, the symptoms
infection. Of note, Legionnaires’ disease is not passed they cause are similar. A urine test can detect the
from person to person. presence of the most common cause of Legionnaires’

Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol. 193 , P5-P6, 2016

ATS Patient Education Series © 2016 American Thoracic Society
American Thoracic Society


disease, called Legionella pneumophila serotype 1. If Legionnaires’ disease can die due to the infection.
your urine test is positive for Legionella, then you are Hence, avoiding exposure is the best way to reduce
believed to have Legionnaires’ disease. The limitation your risk of getting the disease.
of this test is that the not all serotypes of Legionella Can Legionnaires’ Disease Be Prevented?
can be detected using urine testing. This means
There is no specific vaccine for Legionnaires’ disease.
that a “negative” result does not entirely eliminate
Hence, the main thing you can do to prevent Le-
Legionnaires’ disease as the cause of your symptoms.
gionnaires’ disease is to ensure that different water
■■ Culture test: Samples may be collected to culture systems that Legionella can grow in, are kept clean.
(grow) the bacteria. The culture samples may be You should avoid exposure to water sources such as
collected from your sputum (also called phlegm or drinking water systems, decorative fountains and hot
mucus from the lungs). They can also be directly tubs if you are unsure about their cleanliness. Be sure
collected from your lungs, either by placing a scope that equipment at home such as air conditioners or
directly into your airways to collect a sample, shower faucets are frequently inspected and cleaned.
called “Flexible Bronchoscopy”, or by endotracheal People who are at risk for lung infections should get
aspiration, where samples are taken from your lungs vaccines for influenza and Pneumococcal pneumonia
when connected to a breathing machine. Rarely, as well as other age appropriate vaccines. Please ask
cultures from a lung biopsy may be used. A positive your healthcare provider about what vaccines you may
culture confirms the diagnosis of Legionnaires’ need. More information is available at www.thoracic.
disease. However, these cultures can take many days org/patients.
to grow, limiting how useful they are to diagnose the
disease early. Authors: Chad R. Marion DO, PhD, Charles S. Dela Cruz, MD,
■■ Blood test: Exposure to Legionella induces your PhD, Michael S. Niederman, M.D., MACP, FCCP, FCCM, FERS
immune system to make antibodies (proteins in Reviewers: Hrishikesh S Kulkarni, MD, Marianna Sockrider
the blood) that recognize the bacteria and help MD, DrPH
clear the infection. Your healthcare provider may
collect blood to test the level of antibodies at the
time of symptoms and weeks after your recover
R Action Steps
to determine if your immune system produced ✔✔ Do not smoke and avoid regular tobacco smoke exposure.
antibodies to Legionella. This test is used at times to ✔✔ If you are prescribed medicine for an infection, take all doses
as prescribed.
confirm diagnosis.
✔✔ Seek immediate medical attention if you have symptoms of
It is important to know that if these above tests are pneumonia and difficulty breathing.
“negative” (or do not indicate the presence of Legionel- ✔✔ Talk with your health care provider if you are sick and think you
may have pneumonia.
la), you may still have Legionnaires’ disease.
Healthcare Provider’s Contact Number:
How is Legionnaires’ Disease Treated?
Legionnaires’ disease can be treated using an antibi-
otic. However, not all antibiotics are effective against
Legionella. It is important that your healthcare provider
make the correct diagnosis to ensure that they pre- References:
scribe an effective antibiotic. However, antibiotics that U.S. Centers for Disease Control
cover a wide range of bacteria are often prescribed http://www.cdc.gov/legionella

until a definite diagnosis is made. If you are very ill, you United States Department of Labor
may need to be admitted to the hospital. If you devel-
World Health Organization
op severe pneumonia, you may even need the assis- http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs285/en/
tance of a breathing machine (mechanical ventilator).
Medline Plus (National Library of Medicine/
Please see the Patient Information Series on Mechani- National Institutes of Health)
cal Ventilation at www.thoracic.org/patients. https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/legionnairesdisease.html

Is Legionnaires’ Disease Fatal?

This information is a public service of the American Thoracic Society.
You can die from severe Legionnaires’ disease. It is The content is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a
estimated that up to 30% of patients diagnosed with substitute for the medical advice of one’s health care provider.


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