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Contributed by Douglas Cline

Professor (Physics) at University of Rochester

This chapter briefly reviews the historical evolution of classical mechanics since considerable insight can be gained from study of the
history of science.

 1.1: Introduction
This chapter briefly reviews the historical evolution of classical mechanics since considerable insight can be gained from study
of the history of science. There are two dramatically different approaches used in classical mechanics.

 1.2: Prehistoric Astronomy

Astronomy is the earliest branch of classical mechanics. Astronomical observatories date back to around 4900BC when wooden
solar observatories, called henges, were built in Europe.

 1.3: Greek Antiquity

The great philosophers in ancient Greece played a key role by using the astronomical work of the Babylonians to develop
scientific theories of mechanics.

 1.4: Middle Ages

The Dark Ages involved a long scientific decline in Western Europe that languished for about 900 years. Science was
dominated by religious dogma, all western scholars were monks, and the important scientific achievements of Greek antiquity
were forgotten. A few note worthy scholars stand out.

 1.5: Age of Enlightenment

The Age of Enlightenment is a term used to describe a phase in Western philosophy and cultural life in which reason was
advocated as the primary source and legitimacy for authority. A number of philosophers and mathematicians made significant
contributions in this era.

 1.6: 19th Century

The zenith in development of the variational approach to classical mechanics occurred during the 19th century primarily due to
the work of Hamilton and Jacobi.

 1.7: The 20th century revolution in physics

The two greatest achievements of modern physics occurred in the beginning of the 20th century. The first was Einstein’s
development of the Theory of Relativity; the Special Theory of Relativity in 1905 and the General Theory of Relativity in
1915. This was followed in 1925 by the development of quantum mechanics.

Douglas Cline (University of Rochester)

1.1 Updated 6/6/2019

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