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Recruitment Policy of Uttara Foods & Feeds (Bangladesh) Ltd.

Company Profile

Uttara Foods and Feeds Private Limited (UFFPL) is a part of the (USD 650 Million)
Venkateshwara Hatcheries Group – considered the world’s most advanced poultry business –
was set up in 1998 by Mr. B. Venkatesh Rao, the young and unassuming Joint Managing
Director of the V.H. Group.

His father late Padmashri Dr. B. V. Rao’s dream to see India as the top most country on the
world’s poultry map, was not only in terms of numbers but also in terms of Quality, Value,
Productivity and Management. His dream was to see the country’s poultry sector emerge as one
of the major contributors to the rural economy. He wanted the V.H. Group to play a significant
role in obtaining handsome returns for the poultry farmers.

To make his father’s dream a reality, Mr. B. Venkatesh Rao, started “Uttara Foods and Feeds” in
1996 by setting up a State-Of-The-Art Plant in Pune to manufacture pelleted Poultry Feed by
importing technology & machinery from Buhler of Switzerland, a firm of international repute in
the field of Pellet Feed Technology.

A poultry feed manufacturing unit, with a production capacity of 4500 MT per month is setup in
Jashore, Bangladesh in 2010 for the manufacture of Broiler and Layer feed as per the
requirement of the Bangladesh market. This venture has provided better technology and market
access to the poultry industry of Bangladesh, which has ultimately benefitted thousands of
people employed in this sector.

After analyzing the market potential in Bangladesh and in other South East Asian countries, the
group has set up a first of its kind floating fish feed plant in Bangladesh with a production
capacity of 3000 MT per month. This unit with an investment of USD 6 million caters to the
requirement of the local market and exports to the neighboring countries.


The mission of the UFFBL is “Quality through technology”. The future of poultry & fish
industry in Bangladesh is promising and dynamic. Foreign companies are setting up and

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Recruitment Policy of Uttara Foods & Feeds (Bangladesh) Ltd.

expanding operation here. Competition is becoming harder. Only the fittest will survive.
Procedures must focus on quality and productivity.


The vision of the UFFBL is “To be one of the best managed commercial organizations in
Bangladesh in terms of quality, technology, innovation, operational excellence and growth. To
produce poultry and fish feed the highest international standards”.

Development of Human Resource Department at UFFBL

UFFBL committed to ensuring their business practices meet high standards and that their
employees behave ethical standards act responsibly and comply with the law. Competitive
advantages can only be achieved by building up highly motivated and skilled employees at all
levels that enable the organization to compete in a fiercely competitive market scenario and to
respond appropriately to the market needs, with regard to quality products and services and
technological innovations.

UFFBL puts maximum emphasis on its vision to be regarded as the best managed commercial
organizations in Bangladesh in terms of quality, technology, innovation, operational excellence
and growth. So the management of UFFBL has embarked upon on difficult program for
development of employee competence through continuous training and counseling. To enhance
all activities related to the development of Human Resource, the management has established a
Human Resource Department and hired experienced manager for its operation.

Human Resource Management

The term human resource refers to the people in an organization. Human resource
management (HRM or simply HR) is the management of an organization's workforce, or human
resources. It is responsible for the attraction, selection, training, assessment, and rewarding of
employees, while also overseeing organizational leadership and culture, and ensuring compliance
with employment and labor law.

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Recruitment Policy of Uttara Foods & Feeds (Bangladesh) Ltd.

Function of HR Department of UFFBL

The real art of Human Resources is in the right connection of all processes as they provide the
right support to managers and employees in the organization. The role of Human Resources is
about keeping the human capital competitive on the market and the logical grouping of HR
Processes helps to connect and manage the individual processes. Each organization divides the
HR Processes differently, but the main HR Processes are always in the same group in each
company as it is the market HR Best Practice. The main functions of this department of UFFBL
are following:

 Recruitment, selection and placement of the employees.

 Induction & training of newly appointed employees.
 Managing the attendance & leave of the employees.
 Maintenance of employees’ payroll, compensation & benefits.
 Appraisal, promotion, transfer & disciplinary action of the employees.
 Maintenance of personnel records.
 Government office liaison.

Recruiting and Selection Policies of UFFBL

Recruiting is the process of searching the potential job candidates in order to fill up the vacant
position of the organization and selection is the process of choosing the best candidate among the
available candidates those who are able to successfully perform the job. UFFBL follows both the
internal and external sources of recruitment. In case of internal source, they mainly follow –
promotion, transfer and job rotation and in case of external source they mainly follow –
advertisement. In case of recruitment and selection UFFBL considers the following process:

Manpower Planning

Manpower Planning which is also called as Human Resource Planning consists of putting the
right number of people, right kind of people at the right place, right time, doing the right things
for which they are suited for the achievement of goals of the organization. Human Resource

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Recruitment Policy of Uttara Foods & Feeds (Bangladesh) Ltd.

Planning has got an important place in the arena of industrialization. Human Resource Planning
has to be a systems approach and is carried out in a set procedure. The procedure is as follows:

 Analyzing the current manpower inventory

 Making future manpower forecasts
 Developing employment programmers
 Design training programmers

In UFFBL, they are using following technique to analyze their current manpower inventory &
future manpower forecasts.

Requisition for Recruitment

Departments’ head sends their requisition in a fixed form (Annexure-1) to the HR department
estimating the requirement of new staff in their respective department, then HR assesses &
identify it is needed to recruit the employee for achieving their target and goals.

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Recruitment Policy of Uttara Foods & Feeds (Bangladesh) Ltd.

1. Internal Source
Internal source included- promotion, transfer, job rotation, friends and relatives of
existing employees. In UFFBL promotion and transfer are typically directed by Chief
Executive Officer/Director with little involvement by the HRD.

2. External Source
When job opening cannot be filled internally, the HRD must look outside the
organization for expert employees. External source included- advertisement, employment
agencies, and campus recruiting. Usually, UFFBL considers the advertisement for their
external recruiting. They mainly circular the job advertisement in the online job portal &

Selection Panel

A selection panel will be made up of the senior management level. For recruitments in
managerial level (Grade M4) or above, at least one person from the HR should be present in the
final selection stage. The quorum is at least three (3) persons.

Screening and Short-listing Applications

Short listing is the responsibility of the selection panel. The criteria for selection will be
consistently applied to all applicants. If the pool of applicants is found to be weak, the selection
panel may recommend to the management that the post is re-advertised. When taking reference,
referees should be asked specific questions. These will include:

a. Length of time they have known the candidate.

b. Last regular contact with the candidate.
c. Capacity in which they have known the candidate.
d. Assessment of the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses.
e. Reasons for leaving.

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Recruitment Policy of Uttara Foods & Feeds (Bangladesh) Ltd.

Written Test

It is the most important and effective tool for judging the candidates. The written test includes IQ
test, behavioral competencies, and job knowledge.


The selection interview is a formal, in-depth conversation conducted to evaluate an applicant’s

acceptability. Through interviews the interviewers of UFFBL seek to answer three broad

1. Can the applicant do the job?

2. Will the applicant do the job?
3. How do the applicants compare with other who is being considered for the job?

Selection interview allows two-way exchange information: interviewers learn about the applicant
and the applicants learn about the employer.

Recommendation by the Selection Panel

1. The selection panel must reach an accord on the prospective candidate within the
specified time and will make a clear recommendation for the offer of employment.
2. Recommendation made by the selection panel should be approved by the CEO/Director.
3. The candidates who have participated in the final round of interview but not considered
for employment should be given a letter of regret.

Reference Checking

Reference and background check are important which refers to the process to undertake of those
applications that appear to offer potential as employees. The reference check of all the selected
candidates shall be carried out by the Manager of HR through his/her previous employer and/or
the two references mentioned in the application to check on the candidate’s previous
performance and/or personal history. Some questions are arising through reference checking.
Those are:

1. Do you know the applicant?

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Recruitment Policy of Uttara Foods & Feeds (Bangladesh) Ltd.

2. Is the applicant a good, reliable worker?

3. Are the job accomplishments, educational background, and other facts of the resume or
application true?
4. What type of person is the applicant?

Medical Check-up

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) prior to final selection for a job shall arrange a thorough
medical checkup of the candidate at candidate’s own cost.

Offer Letter

When the selection panel & CEO/Director satisfy by the candidate, then they send the
recommendation to the HR department to recruit that candidate. Candidate should submit the
following documents to HR in the joining as a new employee.

 Updated resume
 Joining Letter
 Working Experience Certificates (if applicable)
 Relieving Letter from previous employer
 A set of all education certificates photocopy
 Photocopy of NID/Passport
 04 (four) copies of recent passport size color photographs etc.
 NID of Nominee


Through orientation, UFFBL introduces the new employees with its work unit, rules and
regulation, culture, norms, value, belief and exposure to all important functions and locations of
the company and so forth.

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Recruitment Policy of Uttara Foods & Feeds (Bangladesh) Ltd.

Personnel File

The Personnel file will contain appropriate information and documents with regard to the
employee. HR department shall maintain an up-to-date Personnel file in the name of its
individual regular and contract staff starting from the date of their appointment.

Follow up

For make the employee more effective and efficient HR Department continuously interacts with
the new employee assisting to cope up with the work environment, work culture, peer groups etc.
In this stage, the management tries to help the employee to get settled her/his problems in the
job, work environment and workplace-culture.

Probationary Period and Confirmation

All regular employees shall satisfactorily complete 6 months’ probationary period from the date
of his/her appointment. During this period, the Line Manager will guide and observe the
performance of the employee and his/her suitability for the position. At the end of the
probationary period, HR Department sends a performance appraisal form to the line Manager for
confirmation of service with regard to the employee’s performance and suitability for the
position. On basis of the appraisal, HR department takes the next course of action.


Most of the industries in Bangladesh don’t practice the proper Human Resource Planning.
Organizations should establish HR department which will work on different HR related issues
like Development of HR policies, Development of Performance appraisal system, Development
of job description & specification, Training & development etc. should ensure the proper
implementation of the policies/systems.

UFFBL has implemented the HR policy, they developed their manpower planning. They also
establish their training policy to motivate their employees.

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Recruitment Policy of Uttara Foods & Feeds (Bangladesh) Ltd.

In present competitive and dynamic environment, human resource is now being viewed as the
most valuable mean for gaining advantages over other. Competitive advantages can only be
achieved by building up highly motivated and skilled employees. To fulfill the vision, mission,
and core objectives of a company the management has needed to established an effective and
efficient human resource department and hired the confident and most promising professional.

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