Svflthuii (LLG - TRLS: M. Reghu, K. Vakiparta 1, C.O. Yoon, Y. Cao 2, D. Moses, A.J. Heeger

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ELSEVIER Synthetic Metals 65 (1994) 167-171

Tuning through the critical regime of the metal-insulator

transition in conducting polymers by pressure and magnetic field
M. Reghu, K. Vakiparta 1, C.O. Yoon, Y. Cao 2, D. Moses, A.J. Heeger
Institute for Polymers and Organic Solids, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA
Received 4 November 1993; accepted 27 January 1994


In the critical regime of the disorder-induced metal-insulator ( M - I ) transition, the temperature dependence of conductivity
follows a power law, or(T)ot T °, and the reduced activation energy function, W = - T { A ( I n p)/AT}, is temperature independent
(W=/3). We have observed transport in the critical regime for four conducting polymer systems: potassium-doped polyacetylene
(K-(CH)~), iodine-doped polyacetylene (I-(CH)~), phosphorous hexafluoride-doped polypyrrole (PPy-PF6) and camphor sulfonic
acid-doped polyaniline (PANI--CSA). For oriented polyacetylene doped with either potassium or iodine and for PPy-PF6, W
is temperature independent over a wide temperature range at ambient pressure; while, at high pressures (8-10 kbar), W has
a positive temperature coefficient, indicating a pressure-induced crossover to the metallic regime. The enhanced interchain
transport at high pressures causes the crossover from the critical regime to metallic behaviour. Application of a magnetic
field (8 T) leads to a negative temperature coefficient of W for K-(CH)x, PPy-PF6 and PANI-CSA, indicating a crossover
from the critical regime to the insulating regime. Magnetic field-induced localization causes the crossover from the critical
regime to insulating behavior. Thus, the electrical properties of conducting polymers can be tuned through the disorder-
induced critical regime of the M-I transition into the metallic or insulating regimes by pressure and magnetic field, respectively.

Keywords: Metal-insulator transition; Magnetic field; Pressure

I. Introduction The electrical conductivity is, however, particularly

sensitive to microscopic disorder. Disorder is an inherent
Although electrical conductivities of the order of 105 feature of polymeric systems which are typically only
S/cm have been achieved in conducting polymers [1], partially crystalline and which often exhibit complex
the intrinsic metallic transport properties have not been morphologies. The extent of disorder in conducting
determined. Since the metal-insulator (M-I) transition polymers can be controlled to some degree by details
in heavily doped conducting polymers is caused by of sample preparation and processing [2]. Moreover,
disorder-induced localization, improvements in struc- order can be enhanced by tensile drawing to achieve
tural order are critically important for achieving high chain extension, chain orientation and interchain order
performance electrical (and mechanical) properties [2]. [2]. However, the disorder introduced during the doping
The quasi-linear temperature dependence of the ther- process can be substantial [4,5].
mopower and the temperature-independent Pauli sus- For a three-dimensional conductor very close to the
ceptibility observed in a number of conducting polymers disorder-induced M - I transition, the correlation length
are indicative of an electronic structure with a finite (Lc) is large and has a power law dependence on
density of states at the Fermi level, like that of a metal 6=[(Ev-Ec)/Ec]<I, Lc=a8 -1/~, where a is a micro-
scopic length, ~7 is the critical exponent, EF is the Fermi
energy and E¢ is the mobility edge. In this critical
1Present address: Corporate R&D, Neste OY, POB 310, SF-06101
region, Larkin and Khmelnitskii [6] found that the
Porvoo, Finland.
2Present address: UNIAX Corporation, 5375 Overpass Road, Santa resistivity follows a power law as a function of tem-
Barbara, CA 93111, USA. perature:

0379-6779/94/$07.00 © 1994 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved

SSDI 0379-6779(94)02152-0
168 M. Reghu et al. / Synthetic Metals 65 (1994) 167-171

p(T) = (eZpv/hZ)(kB T/EF)- '/~ (1) tions [8,11]. The conducting PPy films were prepared
by in situ electrochemical polymerization and simul-
where PF is the Fermi momentum, e is the electron taneous doping with P F 6 at - 40 °C in an electrochemical
charge and 1 < r/< 3. This power law is universal and cell [12].
requires only that the disordered system be close to High pressure conductivity measurements were car-
the M-I transition, i.e., in the critical region where ried out in self-clamped beryllium--copper pressure cell
6 << 1. A value of r/> 3 indicates that the system is just [11,13,14]. After pressurizing, the cell was clamped at
entering into the metallic side of the M-I transition room temperature and then cooled to 1.2 K in a cryostat
from the critical regime. Although r/> 3 is above the containing a superconducting magnet (0-10 T). High-
theoretical limit for the power law dependence, values purity hexane or 3M Fluorinet T M (3M Co.) was used
for r/ as large as 4.5 have been reported for n-doped as the pressure-transmitting medium [11]. Four-probe
germanium in the critical regime of M-I transition [7]. d.c. conductivity and magnetoresistance (MR) mea-
The critical regime can be identified from the tem- surements were carried out by using a computer-con-
perature dependence of the reduced activation energy trolled data acquisition system [8]. The temperature
function W(T) [7]: was measured with a calibrated platinum resister (300
to 40 K) and a calibrated carbon-glass resister (40 to
W(T) = - T{A(ln p)/AT} (2) 1.2 I,:).
In the critical regime, W is temperature independent At least three samples were measured for each of
(see Eq. (1)); W=/3 [7,8]. The critical regime has been the four systems; all aspects of the data (for example,
studied in detail for PANI-CSA [8]. magnetic field dependence and pressure dependence,
In previous studies of inorganic semiconductors, the etc.) were reproducible from sample to sample.
critical behavior near the M-I transition was observed
by tuning the interaction length by magnetic field and
the critical carrier density by uniaxial pressure [9,10]. 3. Results and discussion
In 'soft', anisotropic, doped conducting polymers with
relatively weak interchain interactions, the critical be- The room temperature conductivities (trR.r) of ori-
havior near the M-I transition can be controlled by ented I-(CH)x and K-(CH)x in the direction parallel
tuning the interchain overlap of the ~--electron wave- to the chain axis are approximately 12 000 and 4000
functions centered on polyconjugated chains by applying S/cm, respectively [11,15]. In both K-(CH)~ and I-(CH)x,
high pressure and by tuning the position of the mobility the conductivity parallel to the chain axis is much higher
than that typically found for systems near the M-I
edge with respect to the Fermi energy by applying a
transition. However, since the anisotropy of the con-
high magnetic field [8].
ductivity (parallel versus perpendicular to the draw axis,
We summarize and compare the results of mea-
o-,/tr±) is nearly 100, the conductivity perpendicular to
surements of the temperature dependence of the elec-
the draw axis is comparable to that of other known
trical conductivity of four different heavily doped con-
systems near the M-I transition [16].
ducting polymers: oriented polyacetylene doped p-type The room temperature conductivity of K-(CH)x in-
with iodine (I-(CH)x), oriented polyacetylene doped n- creases from approximately 4000 S/cm at ambient pres-
type with potassium (K-(CH)x), polypyrrole doped with sure to 8000 S/cm at 10 kbar [11]. The resistivity ratios
PF6 (PPy-PF6) and polyaniline doped with camphor ( P r = p(1.3K)/p(300 K)) for K-(CH)~ at ambient pressure
sulfonic acid (PANI-CSA). In order to probe more and 10 kbar are approximately 25 and 9, respectively
deeply into the transition, we have investigated the [11]. Thus, application of high pressure causes the
effects of high pressure and high magnetic fields on system to become more nearly metallic. The critical
the temperature dependence of conductivity. For each regime can be conveniently identified from a log-log
of the four conducting polymers studied, the temper- plot of Wversus temperature. Log-log plots of Wversus
ature dependence of the resistivity (p) exhibits a power T for K-(CH)x are shown in Fig. 1, including data
law temperature dependence, p(T)czT -t~ (and W=/3) obtained at ambient pressure, data obtained at 10 kbar
over a significant temperature range [11]. We have (H= 0) and data obtained at H = 8 T with the sample
found that crossover from the critical regime to the at ambient pressure (with magnetic field parallel to
metallic or to the insulating regimes can be induced both chain axis and current directions). The pressure
by pressure and magnetic field, respectively. dependence of conductivity is shown in the inset of
Fig. 1.
At ambient pressure (and in zero magnetic field),
2. Experimental W is essentially constant from 300 to 1.2 K, indicating
that the oriented K-(CH)x samples are in the critical
The details of the sample preparations of (CH)x and regime. However, at 10 kbar, the positive temperature
PANI-CSA have been described in previous publica- coefficient of W(T) indicates that the system has crossed
M. Reghu et al. / Synthetic Metals 65 (1994) 167-171 169

2 r T . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . i

.~ e e oo • , • oo

." "

.// ~6

P (kbar)
1 i I" o.o1

os ~ P (~)~o

. . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . I
1 10 100 10 100
T (K)
T (K)
Fig. 1. Log-log plots of the reduced activation energy function
Fig. 2. Log-log plots of the reduced activation energy function
W = - T{A(In p)/AT} vs. T for K-(CH)~: ( 0 ) ambient pressure, H = 0;
W = -T{A(In p)/AT} vs. T for I-(CH)x: ( 0 ) ambient pressure, H = 0,
( • ) 10 kbar, H = 0; (11) ambient pressure, H = 8 T. The inset shows
0r ~ 3, trRr ~ 11 000 S/cm; ( • ) 8 kbar, H = 0, )Or= 2, trRT= 9500 S/cm;
the pressure dependence of conductivity. The lines are drawn to
(11) ambient pressure, H=O, Or=9, trRT=7000 S/cm; (A) ambient
guide the eye.
pressure, H = 0, 0r = 17, ~RT = 3500 S/cm; ( + ) ambient pressure, H = 0,
9r=32, trRv=2450 S/cm. The inset shows the pressure dependence
of conductivity for sample (O). The lines are drawn to guide the
over into the metallic regime. Under pressure, the
enhancement of the interchain transfer integral, which
results from the increased overlap of the 7r-electron
wavefunctions centered on different chains, increases than that at ambient pressure, the temperature de-
the conductivity in both parallel and perpendicular pendence of conductivity is weaker (more nearly 'me-
directions to the chain axis. The pressure-induced cross- tallic') at the highest pressures. The values of Pr for
over from the critical regime to the metallic regime I-(CH)x at ambient pressure ( 0 ) and 8 kbar ( • ) are
clearly shows that charge transport perpendicular to approximately 3 and 2, respectively. The conductivity
the chain axis is an important factor in the M-I transition in the direction perpendicular to the chain axis is lower
in quasi-one-dimensional conducting polymers, in agree- by two orders of magnitude [15]. At 8 kbar, the enhanced
ment with theoretical predictions [17]. interchain transport has reduced the anisotropy by a
The negative temperature coefficient of W(T) at H = 8 factor of about 1.6 (for example, from or, Ar± = 105 at
T (see Fig. 1) implies a magnetic field-induced crossover 1 bar to ~rll/~r± =66 at 8 kbar) [15]. Over the limited
from the critical regime to the insulating regime (the temperature range from 180 to 60 K, W(T) is tem-
large positive magnetoresistance in K-(CH)~ is consis- perature independent at ambient pressure (O), as shown
tent with the presence of strong disorder [11]). The in Fig. 2. However, as Pr is gradually increased (either
magnetic field-induced transition from the critical re- by application of a magnetic field or by using a sample
gime to the insulating regime in K-(CH)~ is a direct with lower room temperature conductivity) the critical
indication of the importance of interchain transport; regime is extended down to temperatures below 10 K.
an ideal one-dimensional system would not be sensitive Finally with pr = 32, a crossover to the negative tem-
to the magnetic field. Although Khmelnitskii and Larkin perature coefficient (insulating regime, ( + )) is observed.
[18] have presented a scaling argument which indicates At T<60 K, W(T) shows a weak positive temperature
that the mobility edge can be shifted with respect to coefficient for the samples having pr = 3 (O), indicating
the Fermi energy by a magnetic field, there is no that the system is close to the metallic 'boundary'. At
detailed theory available for describing the effect of a 8 kbar ( 0 ) , for samples having p~=3, W(T) exhibits
magnetic field on the M-I transition, particularly in a a strong positive temperature coefficient in the tem-
highly anisotropic (quasi-one-dimensional) system. perature range from 180 to 1.2 K: again, by improving
The log-log plots of W versus T for I-(CH)~ for the interchain transport, it is possible to crossover into
conductivity in the direction parallel to the chain axis the metallic regime. The magnetic field dependence of
are shown in Fig. 2. The pressure dependence of the conductivity in I-(CH)x is more complex than in
conductivity is shown in the inset of Fig. 2. The room K-(CH)x due to the interplay of weak localization,
temperature conductivities (parallel to the chain axis) electron-electron interactions and anisotropic diffusion
at ambient pressure ( 0 ) and at 8 kbar ( • ) are coefficient contributions to the magnetoconductance
CrRT= 11 000 and crRv-- 9300 S/cm, respectively [15]. Note I15,191.
that or(P) goes through a maximum at approximately Log-log plots of W versus T for P P y - P F 6 a r e shown
4 kbar. Although the conductivity at 8 kbar is lower in Fig. 3. The room temperature conductivities of
170 M. Reghu et al. / Synthetic Metals 65 (1994) 167-171

. . . . . . . . n . . . . . . . . ;

1 8T
0 kbar
OT ¢ee~'°ee° °°oooe~ uaeqp°eabe~j'° eej~e' eeRelpeooemmemnoooenge .

0.1 [,-,
•.."" ~='= 150r

." ~"
I • •
- - " " " ~ 130~ • "
-., . . . . - . - o o - - - ~ 'bV...%g%o
,2.' /

00, ".;2 II
l." 11o~ . . . .
0 2 4 6 8 I0 0.1
P (kb&)
0.001 ........ ' ........ '
10 100
, l a i a lull I I I I a lull
T (K)
10 100
Fig. 3. Log-log plots of the reduced activation energy function
W = - T{A(In p)/AT} vs. T for PPy-PF6: (O) ambient pressure, H = 0 , z (K)
p r ~ l l ; ( 4 ' ) 4 kbar, H = 0 , pr~2.6; ( I ) 10 kbar, H = 0 , pr~2; (A) Fig. 4. Log-log plots of the reduced activation energy function
ambient pressure, H = 8 T ( T < 4 . 2 K only). All four data sets were W = -T{A(In o)/AT} vs. T for PANI-CSA: (O) ambient pressure,
obtained with the same sample. The inset shows the pressure de- H = 0 ; (A) ambient pressure, H = 8 T. The lines are drawn to guide
pendence of conductivity. the eye.

PPy-PF6samples in the critical regime are about 100-200

S/cm; Pr varies from 4 to 12. The pressure dependence of the critical exponent (r/) in the power law temperature
of conductivity, at room temperature, is shown in the dependence of conductivity correlates with Pr; samples
inset of Fig. 3. At 4 kbar, the positive temperature with smaller (larger) Pr give smaller (larger) values of
coefficient of W(T) suggests a crossover from the critical r/. The temperature range over which the dependence
to the metallic regime; however, the change in slope is a power law is wider for samples with smaller values
below 4 K shows that it is marginally metallic. At 10 of "0 [8]. For the data in Fig. 4, Pr = 3 and r/= 3.8. The
kbar, the temperature coefficient of W(T) remains pos- power law regime extends from 1.4 to 25 K as shown
itive to 10 K; below 10 K, W actually change sign from in Fig. 4 by the temperature independence of W(T) at
positive to negative, typical of a metal (i.e., the resistivity ambient pressure.
decreases with decreasing temperature). Thus, the in- The large positive magnetoresistance for nonoriented
terplay of critical and metallic regimes can be fine- films of PPy-PF6 and PANI-CSA [8] in the critical
tuned in PPy by pressure. The negative temperature regime results from the magnetic field-induced crossover
coefficient of W(T) at 8 T (at ambient pressure), similar to the insulating regime. In both materials, the magne-
to that observed in the case of K-(CH)x, indicates the toresistance (Ap/p) is isotropic [8], i.e., for both parallel
crossover from the critical to the insulating regime. and perpendicular directions of current with respect
These aspects of the transport data on both sides of to the magnetic field. The negative temperature coef-
the critical regime of the M-I transition, depending ficient of W(T) for PANI-CSA films at 8 T field is
upon pressure and magnetic field, are typical of heavily shown in Fig. 4. This field-induced crossover into the
doped conjugated polymers.
variable range hopping regime is consistent with a field-
The log-log plots of Wversus T for PANI-CSA (non-
induced shift of the mobility edge with respect to the
oriented, cast from solution [8]) are shown in Fig. 4.
Fermi level (with the Fermi level in the region of
The room temperature conductivities of PANI-CSA
localized states), when the localization length and mag-
samples are typically 200-350 S/cm. Even though the
netic length ((hc/eH) l/z) become comparable [8]. The
room temperature conductivities and resistivity ratios
are nearly identical for PPy-PF6 and PANI-CSA, the localization length for PANI-CSA in the critical regime
detailed variation of the conductivities with temperature is 100-160/~, i.e., comparable to the magnetic length,
are different. The conductivity of PANI-CSA [8] shows which is 128/~ at H = 4 T [8]. The pressure dependence
a stronger temperature dependence at low temperatures of conductivity of PANI-CSA is more complicated than
than that of PPy-PF6; whereas, at high temperatures that of doped (CH)x and PPy [20]. In PANI-CSA, the
the converse is true. The value of Pr for PANI-CSA conductivity decreases above 2 kbar and the temperature
depends on the extent of disorder present in the material dependence of conductivity is enhanced at high pres-
[8]. For the PANI-CSA samples in the critical regime, sures, both of which might be associated with pressure-
Pr varies from 2.5 to 5. The sample-to-sample variation induced changes in microstructure [20].
M. Reghu et al. / Synthetic Metals 65 (1994) 167-171 171

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Acknowledgements [11] K. Vakiparta, M. Reghu, M.R. Andersson, Y. Cao, D. Moses
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[15] M. Reghu, K. Vakiparta, Y. Cao and D. Moses, Phys. Rev.
grant from Neste OY, Finland. C.Y. was supported by
B, in press.
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SEF). The PANI-CSA materials were supplied by London, 2nd edn., 1990.
UNIAX Corporation. [17] S. Kivelson and A.J. Heeger, Synth. Met., 22 (1988) 371.
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