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Cracow University of Technology, Poland

In this paper a domain - specific expert system architecture with special emphases put on the
control mechanism is presented. Procedurally encoded control mechanism is driven by explicitly
represented declarative control knowledge, describing how to use the planning knowledge
represented as production rules. On the basis of such knowledge three stages were specified:
selection of the generalized structure of manufacturing process, reversible design of the semi
finished product and intermediate shapes, and generating the machining process. The prototype
of an expert system is also presented in this paper. The system combines the rule and frame
technique to represent the knowledge and is built using the expert system EXSYS
PROFESSIONAL as the skeleton .

INTRODUCTION Such configuration of the expert system can

solve decision-making problems on the basis of the
CAPP system is the vital link to integrate characteristics of the planning task determining the
CAD/CAM. One of the most promising approaches production (batch) size, and on the basis of
is the use of an expert system. The task of an expert geometrical and processing characteristics of the
system for process planning is to select the planning workpiece. As a consequence of planning decisions
operations and defme their sequence in a way the databases of the expert system are modified,
providing the optimum manufacture of the product reflecting the progress in the process planning.
with respect to the manufacturing cost and time,
taking all available means (processing machines, DATABASE OF PROCESSING CAP ABILITIES
fittings, personnel) into consideration. OF MANUFACTURING SYSTEM
Manufacturing process planing with the use of an
expert system should be treated as solving the Detailed analysis of the system operation
planning problems of decisive nature by a planning reveals, that the set of single operations performed in
system. A model of the planning system was the system Tw can be divided into three subsets:
presented in [1] [3]. On the basis of this model, Tw=TTR +Top+TID
reflecting real situation occurring during planning of where:
the manufacturing process an expert system TTR- operations changing the characteristics of the
prototype was worked out. workpiece (the shape, dimensions, condition
of surface) as the result of tools action on the
EXPERT SYSTEM ARCIDTECTURE workpiece (called "the transformers");
TTR = {ttrl, ttr2, ttr3, ... }
A chart of the expert system operation is ttr(Attr ,Bttr ,Cttr)
shown in fig. 1. The expert system for process Top- operations changing the position or
planning is considered as a combination of three orientation of the workpiece or the tool in the
following components: · manufacturing system (called "the
• a database describing the processing capabilities operators");
of the manufacturing system, Top= {top I. top2, top3 •... }
• a base of manufacturing knowledge, defining top (Atop. Bt0 p, Ct0 p)
general and detailed principles of the building of TID - operations describing and comparing the
processing systems for machining, characteristics of the workpiece with the
• a control mechanism, responsible for the quality requirements at the particular stage of
processing of knowledge according to the its processing ("the identifiers");
assumed form of its representation. TID= {tid!. 1id2, tid3, ... }


A. K. Kochhar (ed.), Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Matador Conference

© Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology 1995

of frames

Manufacturing knowledge
data base in the form of
production rul es

Fig. 1 Scheme of operation of an expert system for process planning

tid (Atid, Btid, Ctjd) relations:
Operations ttr' top, tid' can be described using • Ro - the relation of machine tools, containing
models determined by: the characteristics of the machine tools
A -type of operation constituting the manufacturing system,
B - the way of execution • Rz- the relation of feeding equipment (robots,
C - the parameters of operation manipulators) containing the characteristics of
The database of processing capabilities of the feeding equipment,
the manufacturing system can be created on the • RK - the relation of measuring devices
basis of planning operations defmed above. The (measuring machines) containing the
determination of the model of operations taking characteristics of measuring machines.
place in the manufacturing system is the start point • Rzpw - the relations containing the
for the description of processing capabilities of the characteristics of exchangeable object
manufacturing system. The operations tw E Tw can instrumentation,
be executed on particular stands of the • RZNW - the relations containing the
manufacturing system basing on fixed and characteristics of exchangeable tool
exchangeable tool instrumentation and on cutting instrumentation.
and measuring tools. The relations between the • RN - the relation containing tools
operations tw and other elements of manufacturing characteristics.
stands constituting the manufacturing system create The relations defining the links between the
a system of links with a very complex structure. operations tw E Tw and other components of the
Thus a relational model of data is proposed to manufacturing system (machine tools, exchangeable
describe the processing capabilities of the tool and object instrumentation, tools). These links
manufacturing system. The components of are described by the following relations:
manufacturing system are described by the following RTR - the relations containing the possibilities of

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