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Kualitas untuk dapat melakukan sesuatu, terutama secara fisik, mental, finansial, atau
kekuatan hukum untuk mencapai sesuatu
Activities of daily living (ADL)
Daily living skills necessary for an individual to manage his or her life.
The execution of a task or action by an individual.
Aerobic exercise
Submaximal, rhythmic, repetitive exercise
of large muscle groups, during which the needed energy is
supplied by inspired oxygen
Body scheme
A postural model of one’s body, including the relationship of the body parts to each other
and the relationship of the body to the environment.
Body structures (WHO/ICF)
The anatomical parts of the body, such as organs, limbs, and their components.
Body functions (WHO/ICF)
The physiological functions of body systems, including psychological functions
Cardiac events
insiden apapun yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan otot jantung
cardiopulmonary endurance
Ability of the lungs and heart to take in and transport adequate amounts of oxygen to
the working muscle, allowing activities that involve large muscle masses to be performed
over long periods of time
Augmentation of the energy capacity of the muscle through an exercise program
Change that takes place in cardiovascular,neuromuscular, and metabolic functions as a
result of prolonged bed rest or inactivity
Disability (WHO/ICF)
Encompasses dysfunction at one or more of the following levels: impairment, activity
limitation, and participation restriction.
An interaction/complex relationship between a health condition and contextual factors
(i.e., environmental and personal factors).
exercise prescription
Individualized exercise program involving the duration, frequency, intensity, and mode of
A subcategory of physical activity; consists of planned, structured activity intended to
improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness.
Exercise tolerance test (ETT) (stress test or graded
exercise test)
An examination of the ability of the cardiovascular system to accommodate increasing
metabolic demand with increasing exercise intensities; monitored using
electrocardiographic, hemodynamic, and symptomatic responses. Myocardial ischemia,
electrical instability, and other exertional intolerance abnormalities are determined
Energy Expenditure
Pengeluaran energi, pengeluaran tenaga. penggunaan energi.
Jumlah energi yang dikeluarkan atau digunakan oleh tubuh. Ada 3 komponen: Energi
untuk fungsi fisiologis dasar, Energi untuk memproses makanan, dan Energi untuk
aktivitas fisik.
Exercise – Training – Sport
Exercise: aktivitas yang membutuhkan usaha fisik, dilakukan terutama untuk
mempertahankan atau meningkatkan kesehatan dan kebugaran.
Training: Kebugaran yang spesifik atau berorientasi tugas adalah kemampuan seseorang
untuk melakukan kegiatan spesifik dengan efisiensi yang masuk akal. Training spesifik
mempersiapkan atlit untuk melaksanakan sport dengan baik.
Sport: semua bentuk aktivitas fisik atau permainan yang kompetitif, baik untuk waktu
luang atau partisipasi yang terorganisir. Bertujuan untuk menjaga atau meningkatkan
kemampuan dan ketrampilan fisik sekaligus memberikan kesenangan pada partisipan
juga penonton.
Exercise Prescription
Peresepan Latihan
Exercise Screening
Penapisan Latihan
Exercise Testing
Uji Latih
Pengerahan tenaga
Menguasai beberapa atribut kebugaran termasuk strength, endurance, power, speed,
balance, and coordination dan mempu meningkatkan jumlah kerja yang dilakukan dalam
suatu waktu dalam domain kebugaran ini.
A significant deviation, loss, or loss of use of any body structure or function in an
individual with a health condition, disorder, or disease.
Performance Performance
The ability to produce a movement; a manner of functioning dependent on an
understanding of the nature of the task and practice.
Physical activity
Any body movement produced by skeletal muscle contraction that increases energy
expenditure above resting level.
Physical function (APTA/Guide to Physical Therapist
Fundamental component of health status describing the state of those sensory and motor
skills ecessary for usual daily activities, including work and recreation.
Resistance exercise
Exercise in which a muscle contraction is opposed by an outside force, to increase
strength or endurance.
pertaining to a condition of inaction, such as work or recreation that can be performed in
the sitting posture.

kemampuan sistem saraf dan otot untuk memproduksi pengerahan tenaga internal yang
cukup di dalam jaringan ikat dan otot untuk menggerakan tenaga eksternal. Contoh, bila
akan mengangkat beban kekuatanmu akan diuji dengan menyelesaikan satu repetisi
penuh dengan beban terberat yang dapat diangkat
Weight bearing
Referring to the ability of a part of the body to resist or support weight.

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