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Job requested by the mayor of a town. He is to meet the party in the town in 3 days. As the party
arrives initiate event no1 rat invasion: rats are everywhere. People furiously trying to get rid of them.
They bite people, they bite any food left in the open or if they can find it in closets. They shit
everywhere and in the night they even bite people. Rats will cause a sickness to emerge if the party
decides to ignore them. If they join the extermination efforts sickness still comes but the con save
for patients drop to once every 8 hours.
Event no2 sickness: sickness comes in the form of (rolld6 to decide). The town’s people become
infected at a increasing rate. The only healer in town is the priest and he can’t handle it alone he
then requests help from the party. If the party decides to help they will know lesser restoration can
be used or a potion can be made to cure disease. Required herbs can be found with a successful
survival or nature check DC15 and it takes about 1 hours to find herbs to make 20 doses. Any
additional success scales up for the doseage. Town people make a DC10 CON save every 4 hours.
Reaching 6 fails result in death and zombification.
Event no3: dead rising: The people who died of sickness become zombies at night and attack all
living things. People killed by zombies become zombies themselves in 10 min. Those who were
bitten but survived get the illness back again. Zombies cannot enter the inn or the chappel as long as
the priest has his sanity. Once the dead start to rise the necklace he wears becomes a cursed item
and wants to currupt him. He needs to make DC10 wisdom save every hour. His behaviour will
change slightly to give the players a hint. They can determine the effects of the necklace (necklace
contains a portal shard and like the one ring in lotr it wants to go to the other shards) with a DC15
arcana check.
At the break of day 3 mayor arrives to explain whats happening. Story is that he and his friend was
failing at the wizarding academy. They find a book to help them. Book was giving them insight on
the things they wanted but asking small things in return (like step on 50 ants, drown a frog, hide
someone’s clothes and shoes, make someone sick, hurt someone you get the point its increasing in
evilness) and when they got coky and asked for imortality it showed them a ritual. On paper it was
suppose to give them eternal life but the spell was to open a portal to a prison realm containing a
demon of plague. Mayor freaked out and broke the concentration as the portal begin to open
causing the demon to pass through partially(only in spirit) and took residence in his friend. The
broken portal produced 5 shard like stones. They decided to scatter them around to be safe. And
spelled his friend so the demon spirit cant take him over. But in time spirit drove the guy mad and
he began to work for it. Gathering all 4 shards before mayor could and now coming for the final one
to complete the ritial and get his body as well. He knows the cave they plan to do the ritual. Asks
party to help stop his friend before its too late. Ritual is gonna take some time to complete so they
can prepare. Town will provide things to them.
Event4 final showdown: at the cave mayor’s friend is waiting for mayor to come. He needs him or
the portal shard to begin the ritual. Once mayor gets there the possesed guy will drop to a nearby
pile of dead bodies. All the bodies will merge and form a flesh golem while the spirit jumps to
mayor. Mayor will go and try to finish the ritual as his body zombifies. (I’m thinking of giving them
a number of rounds until the ritual is complete but is it too much? ) Finally kill zombie mayor and
destroy the book. With the book spirit is also destroyed, portal shards shatter, all the sick people
healed, world saved yay \o/ the end.

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