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Choose the incorrect word or phrase and correct it !

1. Indonesia , whom the population (A) is more other countries (B) in South East Asia, is rich (C)
with natural resources (D)
2. She was put (A) her books (B) into (C) her school bag. (D)
3. The avocado juice tasted (A) very horrible (B) because I add too (C) much sugar in it.(D)
4. I will be not (A) help you (B) unless (C) you help me first.
5. Unless (A) the students do not (B) understand about the English material, (C) they will raise (D)
their hand to ask.
6. My teacher (A) as well as (B) beautiful, (C) but also smart. (D)
7. He likes (A) playing football (B) in the school yard (C) and I am too (D)
8. A new book (A) is launched (B) by a new young Indonesian writer (C) some (D) times ago
9. We were (A) enjoy (B) the movie when (C)the power went out.(D)
10. Dad and mom (A) mix flour and water (B) when (C) they makes bread. (D)
11. My grandfather (A) has (B) his wide land (C) selling.(D)
12. I just realized (A) that you have (B) a voice very beautiful. (C) I loved it. (D)
13. My brother’s friend (A) which guitars (B) I want to borrow (C) has gone home. (D)
14. unless I were you, (A) I would stay (B) together with my sister (C) at the bording house, (D) in
West Java.
15. Mrs. Sinta has her students (A) submits (B) hand writing English essay (C) on her desk.(D)
16. I always (A) visited (B) my uncle (C) in the village (D)
17. I had already (A) ate (B) breakfast by the time (C)he picked me up.(D)
18. she wasn’t reading (A) these material moreover (B) she couldn’t answer (C) most of questions
(D) in English Test.
19. I lived (A) in this house for five years (B) and we still live (C) there now. (D)
20. My lovely mother (A) celebrate (B) her wedding anniversary day (C) on 2nd April. (D)
21. I have any new books (A) that you can (B) borrow (C) for your thesis references. (D)
22. Zhafirah could has got (A) a scholarship from a foreign country, (B) but she chose to apply (C)
for Tanjung Pura University. (D)
23. My bestfriend’s favorite activity, (A) to shop, (B) has made (C) her spend much money.(D)
24. I had been finished (A) my assignment (B) before my big boss (C) arrived from Jakarta.(D)
25. I’m sorry (A) about the noisy (B) you are hearing.(C) He practice (D) a concert.
26. You took (A) too many sugar (B) in your tea, (C) it’s not good for your health.(D)
27. They history books are (A) so complicated.(B) I don’t understand (C) what the writers talk
about. (D)

Erni 1
28. Budi and I had be (A) glad (B) when the final examamination (C) are over. (D)
29. We can’t (A) go to the birthday party (B) tomorrow (C) because my mom is worked.(D)
30. I can’t go to teach at college (A) by myself (B) and my motorcyle (C) being repaired. (D)
31. I would coming (A) to your sister’s house , (B) but I had to accompany (C) my mother to the
32. My father is very busy (A) with his new investors. (B) So, he pick me up with his secretary (C) at
the airport.(D)
33. Every day the housekeeper (A) at my uncle’s home clean (B) around the room (C) once every
morning (D)
34. Dad (A) was cooking (B) our dinner (C) when I get home.(D)
35. I don't mind (A) to tell (B) them (C) about my opinion. (D)
36. When my mother visit (A) my sister and me in the bording house last night, (B) the delicious
brownies cake (C) had run out. (D)
37. I have been (A) worked (B) as (C) a teacher for twelve years.(D)
38. My friend (A) go (B) to the same school (C) as I do. (D)
39. My sister is given (A) me (B) her bike when she gets (C) her new one. (D)
40. The girls is laughed (A) when I told (B) them (C) a funny story. (D)
41. Listen! Your mom cooking (A) some foods,(B) you should (C)help her soon.(D)
42. I opened the classroom’s door (A) of my school (B) and look inside (C) and there were (D)
nobody inside.
43. They never come (A) to visit (B) my mother here (C) and either does he.(D)
44. since my brother (A) will get merried soon,(B) my parents have (C) the house renovate. (D)
45. There are two western men (A) who visit to that museum. (B) One is a man has a long hair (C)
and other is a man has a short hair. (D)
46. My sons like playing (A) in the garden park because there is (B) some great (C) things to play
on. (D)
47. Your books (A) are going fall (B) off the shelf (C) if you’re not careful. (D)
48. In the(A) United States, there(B) are much(C) holidays throughout the(D) year.
49. If (A) Mrs. Santi does go to work , (B) she will cook (C) many kind of foods (D) for her children.
50. There are many rooms (A) in your (B) uncle’s home . (C) Where one is your aunt’s?(D)
51. After getting a new job, (A) I rent a new house.(B) Since I move there by myself, (C) I must
beeing so lonely. (D)
52. If I had made (A) some coffees an hour ago,(B) I will not be (C) thirsty right now. (D)

Erni 2
53. They avoid (A) go on (B) holiday on Saturdays, because their children have many
extracurricular (C) activities. (D)
54. She says (A) that he had listened (B) carefully (C) the instruction. (D)
55. The plane (A) was landed (B) in (C) Supadio Airport ten minutes (D) ago.
56. She learning (A) how (B) to (C) swimming (D) in the swimming pool.
57. My father doesnt need (A) your key. I already (B) opened (C) the door. It’s still open. (D)
58. Sam was doing (A) his math ((B) homework when (C) the phone ring. (D)
59. Rina would be the same (A) level with me (B) if she had (C) study harder. (D)
60. It won’t be (A) very sunny again (B) until (C) last summer.(D)
61. Please, dont ask me, (A) I don’t have (B) some ideas (C) about it. (D)
62. When I see (A) Joe, he was (B) looking for (C) his dog. (D)
63. My sister has been to (A) the healthy centre (B) every two days (C) until 2016. (D)
64. Father and mother (A) were buying (B) some cakes (C)for their neighbours (D) at this moment.
65. my teacher (A) pinned (B) a notice on the board (C) and the notice is still there.(D)
66. I bought (A) a pair of shoes (B) and It cost one hundred Rupiah.(C) The shopkeeper gives the
good price (D) for me.
67. She been (A) read (B) two chapters of (C) this healthy article so far.(D)
68. What were they (A) doing (B) when (C) the bell is ring?(D)
69. Do you need (A) sand (B) to make (C) a sand castle?(D)
70. Irene will speak (A) English well (B) in her conversation class, unless she (C) practices regularly.
71. You and I (A) will late (B) for school if we (C) don’t hurry. (D)
72. Rina cannot attend (A) the meeting of (B) her school and Rani (C) cannot either (D)
73. Before going to (A) the camp site, (B) you should asked permission (C) to your parents.(D)
74. Some scientists (A) are awarding (B) since they have discovered medicine (C) for high blood
pressure. (D)
75. I have many bowls in my house (A) which are not used anymore.(B) Finally, my mother permits
(C) those bowls selling.(D)
76. He doesn’t (A) know (B) me and the girl (C) doesn’t neither.(D)
77. Neither Sinta (A) or Santi loves (B) shopping (C) very much. (D)
78. I haven’t received (A) my salary for last month,(B) since I asked (C) Mrs. Mira about it.(D)
79. If (A) Mrs. Santi does go to work , (B) she will cook (C) many kind of food for her children.
80. To swim (A) in the Kapuas River (B) have been my children’ passion since (C) they were five
years old. (D)

Erni 3
81. A, includes preparing
82. If I got high score (A) in the final examination,(B) my mother would gave me (C) a nice present.
83. I want to eat (A) fried rice (B) at my sister’s house (C) and so is he. (D)
84. She can going to (A) the beach for holiday (B) with her friends (C) if she has finished his school
final examination. (D)
85. Finally, (A) my favorite teacher writes (B) a book about (C) design home interior.(D)
86. This factory (A) has managed (B) by my father (C) for almost twenty three years. (D)
87. BJ Habibie is one (A) man extremely talented (B) in Indonesia (C). He is smart.(D)
88. All files related (A) to this murder case (B) will be transfer (C) to the office of the attorney
general. (D)
89. My brother’s house is amazing.(A) It has (B) a unique carved object very (C) on the ceiling.(D)
90. There were (A) beautiful nine young girls (B) sang western songs (C) on the birthday stage

Erni 4

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