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A cultural explanation of human behavior

 The people different societies have dave different beliefs and customs, and these influences their

Japanese Blood type

 Created by furukawa takeji.

 Many japanese believe that a person’s blood type influences character and it is an important piece of
information about a person.

The profiles are:

Type A

 They have deep rooted strength that helps them stay calm.
 They tend to avoid confrontation,and feel very uncomfortable around people.
 They seek harmony and very polite but feel that they never really fit in with others.
 They are responsible.
 They crave success and are perfectionist.

Type B

 They are tha most practical of all bloods.

 They are specialist on what they do.
 They spend extra time understanding and trying to follow direcyions than others might and all their
attention is focused on it.
 They tend to be less cooperative.
 They pay attention to their thoughts more than their feelings.

Type O

 They are outgoing, energetic, and social. They are the most flexible of all blood types.
 They are flighty and not too dependable.
 They always say what’s on their mind.
 They are extremely self-confident.
 They are consider the best blood type in japan.

Type AB

 They can have characteristics of both on both ends of the spectrum at the same time.
 They are trustworthy and responsible, but not too much.
 Considered to be the worst type.
 They set their own conditions.
 They are hard to categorize.

Effects of blood type in behavior

1. Diets

》A- veggies 》 B-dairy 》O- Meat 》 AB- half half

2. Relationships
》A-A, AB B- B ,AB O – O , AB AB- A, B ,O, AB

3. Product
4. Job

The pleasing concept of personality

 Filipinos have high premium on personality.

 Public institutions and private corporations include “Pleasing personality” in their criteria of qualifications.
 Some equate personality with the character of the person; others regard personality as the general
impression a person projects others.

The filipino personality

 Before WW2, the main problem faced by filipino students and researchers in filipino behavior was the
scarcity of materials and sources written by filipino on the subject.
 Almost all available materials were western-oriented literature.
 Two decades after the war, filipinos began their own research about filipino personality.
 The founder is an filipino anthropologists, f. Lands Jocano (1978).

Filipino characteristics

1. Bahala na attitude
 Long and successive periods of coronation with its attendant policy of oppression and regression
produced by fatalistics.

Ex. Bahala na bukas, bahala na ang diyos.

2. Hospitable and peaceful

 Filipino considered it a privelege to be able to offer help and friendship to all foreigners,including
their former colonial masters.
3. Religiousity
 Filipino are deeply and religiously devoted.
4. Loyalty and Gratitude
 Filipinos are loyal and greatful to friends who are good and ever liable in both good times and in
5. Adaptability and Resiliency
 Filipino can integrate in any culture or any climate.
 International companies prefer Filipino seamen beacause of their qualities.
 Filipino experienced calamities, brutalities etc. But they endured this sufferings.
 The patience and resiliency of Filipinos, however, any limits.
6. Respect for elders
 A trait that has remains a customary law among filipino is repect for elders.
 Incountrysides, the elder almost always demand that the younger members of the family must ober them,
right or wrong. They believe because of their age, they should know better.

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