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Audit Plan

Organization: PT. Lion Metal Work, Tbk

Address: Jl. Raya Bekasi Km.24.5, Cakung, Jakarta Timur, 13910
Visit Number: C2+V2 (Surveillance) Actual Visit tba
Visit Due by For auditor information only
Lead Auditor: A
Team Member(s): B,C

Additional -
Attendees and
Standard(s): ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007
Audit Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Audit Scope: Design and manufacture of Steel Office Equipment, Hospital Equipment,
Security Safe & Equipment, Warehouse Storage System & Product, Building
Material and other steel fabricated product
Audit Objectives: To determine conformity of the management system, or parts of it with audit criteria and its:
- Ability to ensure applicable statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements are met,
- Effectiveness to ensure the client can reasonably expect to achieve specified objectives
and to identify as applicable areas for potential improvement.
Date Time Auditor Organisational and Functional Units/ Key Contact
Processes and Activities

Day_1 08.2 A,B Arrival auditor on site

08.3 A Opening meeting to explain purpose of
0 audit
08.4 A,B Discussion with top managemen
A Verification of previous minor NC and
- Organization context
- Understanding the need and expectation of
interested parties
- Business process, business objectives,
strategic direction
- HSE Policy and integration of HSE-MS into
business process
- Identification of risk & opportunity and action
to address risk and opportunity
Leadership and commitment
09.3 A Context organization, Environmental
0 aspect, Legal & Other requirements,
Objective (include evaluation of
compliance), Waste management
(UKL/UPL) Consultation & Communication,
Compliance Obligation, Performance
Monitoring Measurement Analysis &
Evaluation Emergency Preparedness &
Response. (EMS)

Job / Cert. n°: ID/JKT-5014 Visit Type: Surveillance Visit n°: 2

Document: 430825193.doc Issue n°: 5 Page n°: 1 of 3
Date Time Auditor Organisational and Functional Units/ Key Contact
Processes and Activities
B HIRADC, Legal & Other requirements,
Objective (include evaluation of
compliance), Program, Consultation and
Communication, Performance Monitoring
& Measurement, Emergency Preparedness
& Response, Monitoring, measurement,
Accident Investigation. (OHS-MS)
12.0 Break / Lunch
14.0 A HRD (EMS, OHS
B Purchasing (EMS, OHS
16.3 A,B Summary of audit Day-1
17.0 A,B End of Audit Day-1

Day_2 08.2 A, B Arrival auditor on site

08.3 A Site observation for operational control
0 and EPR at waste management (incl.
B Site observation for operational control and EPR
at Production and QC: Cutting 1 & 2, Sheet
metal, Painting 1 & 2, Assembling, Roll
forming, Lion safe, Workstation, Packing.
12.0 Break / Lunch
13.0 A, B Continous Morning Agenda
16.3 A,B Summary of audit Day-2
17.0 A,B End of Audit Day-3

Day_3 08.2 A, B Arrival auditor on site

08.3 A Site observation for operational control
0 and EPR at
Project installation (preparation)
B Site observation for operational control
and EPR at Warehouse / Logistic
include paint & chemical storage,
material & FG storage, Paint Mixing,
Delivery (EMS, OHS)
C Site observation for operational control

Job / Cert. n°: ID/JKT-5014 Visit Type: Surveillance Visit n°: 2

Document: 430825193.doc Issue n°: 5 Page n°: 2 of 3
Date Time Auditor Organisational and Functional Units/ Key Contact
Processes and Activities
and EPR at
Production support
- Maintenance Electric,
- Build Maintenance,
- Machine shop) include Genset
12.0 Break / Lunch
13.0 A,B Management Representative: Non
0 Conformity, Corrective Actions; Internal
Audit; Management Review; and
Documented information
Verification of Certification Logo Usage;
C Continous Morning Agenda
14.0 A, B,C Report preparation
15.3 A, B,C Closing meeting
17.0 All End of Surveillance audit.

Notes to Client:
 Times are approximate and will be confirmed at the opening meeting prior to commencement of the audit.
 SGS auditors reserve the right to change or add to the elements listed before or during the audit depending on the results of on-site
 A private place for preparation, review and conferencing is requested for the auditor’s use.
 Please provide a light working lunch on-site each audit day.
 Your contract with SGS is an integral part of this audit plan and details confidentiality arrangements, audit scope, information on follow
up activities and any special reporting requirements.

Job / Cert. n°: ID/JKT-5014 Visit Type: Surveillance Visit n°: 2

Document: 430825193.doc Issue n°: 5 Page n°: 3 of 3

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