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Mukhtiar Ahmad

Address: Village Takht Abad, District Peshawar (KPK-Pakistan)

Cell: +923139785301/Whatsapp03009804594
Skype: mandekzai
Domicile: Peshawar KP Pakistan

Mukhtiar is a humanitarian practitioner and Programme manager (Protection and Community services
CCCM) with extensive experience leading high profile projects and large teams across the KP and
FATA. He has field experience working with NGOs and Extensive experience in Protection and Camp
management projects implementation, Institutional development, community development and capacity
building of the project staff as well as marginalized communities to engage them in self-protection and
development. He has better understanding of Team building, management, planning and coordination.
He has work on L3 emergencies and extensive work in fragile and conflict-affected FATA and KP.


Year 2012 : Master in Project Management from Abasyn Universty Peshawar.

Year 2003 : Diploma in Local Government University of Peshawar
Year 2001 : Master in Political Science University of Peshawar

Certificates of Appreciations

 Letter of appreciation given by CERD to assist, entertain and facilitate the IDPs during the Eid holidays
and for devising and implementing food distribution mechanism together with camp Shura.
 Awarded as best employee of the community services and camp management project at IDP camp
Jalozai, implemented by CERD in 2011.
 Appreciation letter given for excellent managing protection project by EHSAR Foundation 2016.

Computer Skills and languages:

Computer: Microsoft Office; MS Excel; Power point; Database; Internet and emails.

Languages: English (fluent); Urdu (Excellent); Pashto (Excellent)

Position 1
Position Programme Manager
Organization Education Health Social Awareness and Rehabilitation (EHSAR Foundation /IRC)
Project Programme unite
Location Head office, Peshawar
Duration March 25th 20019 – till date

Principle Duties and Responsibilities

 Develop concept papers, prepare proposals and implementation work plans (including log frames,
activity schedules, monitoring and evaluation schedules) for submission to major donors.
 Prepare overall program plan
 Review plans of individual projects
 Oversee the implementation of all projects
 Coordinate the activities of all project teams
 Conduct research into all legal issues regarding the projects
 Communicate with all stakeholders of the program as well as the individual projects on a regular
 Organize training for the individual project teams
 Request periodic project reports from individual project leaders
 Document all project events and milestones
 Prepare program budget, detailing budgets for individual project
 Developing and implementing contingency plans for the program
 Managing risks for the programs
 Developing and communicating project goals and deliverables
 Managing conflict between individual project groups
 Evaluate and access all project teams
 Identifying and evaluating all resources needed for the project
 Develop and implement the project life cycle development plan
 Determine timelines and deliverables for each project
 Facilitate decision making regarding the projects
 Providing mentorship for each project manager
 Ensure each project follows the organizations laid-down procedures
 Ensure that each project is within budget
 Accessing training levels of the team members and recommending appropriate training
 Identifying processes and procedures for improvement
 Working with the project manager and the Monitoring and Evaluation Officers, prepare monthly,
annual and end-of-project narrative reports and other reports as required.
 Compile/collate major donor narrative reports.

Position 2
Position Protection Manager
Organization Education Health Social Awareness and Rehabilitation (EHSAR Foundation /IRC)
RELIEF- Responding to the evolving and long term IDPs emergency in Khyber
Location District Peshawar
Duration January 2017 – March 2017

Duties & Responsibilities:

o Oversee the day-to-day implementation of RELIEF program in districts of Peshawar
o Develop and monitor spending plans and work plans to ensure the programe implemented
according to schedule and budgets
o Provide technical guidance, oversight and support to the Protection team in implementation of
program interventions
o Ensure the placement of strong community-based protection mechanism at field level
o Support strengthening of referral and case management systems, identification of areas requiring
joint interventions in collaboration with other stakeholders to meet the needs of IDPs.
o Effectively involve in situation monitoring and update the senior management on changing
scenarios for immediate response and changes in program approach/design
o Be a member of RELIEF Emergency Response Team (if needed) and deliver in case as per pre-
defined role assigned in case of any emergency
 Partnership Management, Representation and Coordination
o Lead and ensure close coordination with RELIEF Consortium Partners for effective program
delivery at field level
o Coordinate and collaborate closely with relevant government authorities, other NGOs and UN
agencies for the implementation of RELIEF program
o Ensure that RELIED Consortium Partnersand other thematic staff of EHSAR mainstream
protection within the scope of RELIEF
o Provide technical support to RELIEF consortium partners in implementing protection and
mainstreaming protection
o Support in training of program teams, consortium partners and service providers in protection
approaches, protection monitoring, tools and concepts, referral and case management, protection
mainstreaming and project planning
o Represent the EHSAR’s protection program (and RELIEF) at and coordinate activities with the
Protection Cluster in Peshawar and any other relevant forums as required; participate in advocacy
initiatives as part of the cluster
o Develop and maintain effective working relationships with all stakeholders, including community
leaders, NGOs, UN agencies, community based organizations and other EHSAR sectors to
enhance multi-agency and multi-sectoral cooperation and coordination
o Represent the Protection program with donors and other key stakeholders in the field as required
 Staff management
o Carry out performance evaluation of reporting team according to EHSAR’s schedule and
o Supervise RELIEF field team directly, as well as interns and consultants as needed
o Ensure RELIEF field team understand and follow EHSAR Way and donor Policies and Procedures
o Oversee staff work plans, travel plans and monthly work plan submissions to M&E Coordinator
o Conduct regular field visits to ensure quality and progress of objectives and targets of the program
 Grant Management and Reporting
o Build staff capacity in writing daily, weekly and monthly reports to ensure accurate monitoring and
documentation of activities
o Prepare high quality internal and external reports within agreed deadlines
o Manage the project budget; oversee all budget expenditures and ensure they are allowable and
allocable according to EHSAR and donor regulations
o In coordination with the Program Manager, contribute in the development of proposals and
concept notes for expanding EHSAR’s protection programming.

Position 3
Position Manager Protection and Community Services (CCCM)
Organization Education Health Social Awareness and Rehabilitation (EHSAR Foundation / UNHCR)
Project Protection Monitoring, Legal Assistance and grievance of IDPs
Togh Sarai IDP Camp, District Hangu, Kohat,Peshawar, Lakki marwat
Dera Ismail Khan and Tank
Duration February 2014 – December 2016

Duties & Responsibilities:

Technical Oversight/Staff Supervision

 Work with field team of field coordinators, Protection Officers, grievances officer and legal officer to
develop daily, weekly and monthly implementation and monitoring plans

 Monitor and supervise the implementation of Project activities, including appropriate documentation
and management of protection cases (recorded incidents)
 Prepare monthly financial statements
 Ensure that all the grievances of IDPs were recorded according to SoPs and Hotline properly guide
and record the IDPs complaints.
 Ensure that the database records are regularly and timely updated
 Provide systematic analysis of collected data to highlight broad trends in cases/incidents and
protection concerns.
 Supervise cash based intervention of returnees and vulnerable communities.
 In the event of repeated, prevalent or serious incidents, refer to relevant stakeholders and cluster for
advocacy for further service provisions and on other protection-related matters
Capacity building
 Conduct staff trainings on Protection, human rights and other related topics.

 Support the implementation of trainings for Government, camp management, local NGOs and other

 With support of protection officer conduct 1 training per month for the Shura in camp.
Coordination and Advocacy
 Establish and maintain good working relationships with Government officials, camp management
authorities, community leaders and NGO stakeholders attending all concerned meetings and other
 Attend the bi-monthly Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) meetings in camp and at
the UNHCR office in Peshawar.
 Attend regularly Provincial protection Cluster Meetings and highlights the IDPs issues which were not
local resolved, for advocacy.
 Follow-up on incidents (particularly group incidents that require advocacy as part of the EHSAR’s
assistance) and protection concerns and advocate accordingly with camp management, camp
security, community elders, IDP committees, and other stakeholders Coordinate with relevant
sectors to ensure the availability of necessary services for the IDPs, and and specifically for person
with specific need(PWSN), , both staying in the camp and returning to their areas of origin
 Prepare and submit monthly and project end reports on implemented activities and progress against
targets, highlighting key protection concerns and efforts to mitigate or eliminate them

 Prepare ad hoc reports, when necessary, detailing protection concerns, efforts to mitigate or
eliminate them, issuing recommendations as necessary.

Grievances redress mechanism and Hotline Services for IDPs.

 Ensured that the IDPs grievances are properly recorded and shared with relevant stakeholders for
 Ensure that IDPs are properly receiving feedback either by himself or through hotline.
 Capacity building of Hotline staff for effective, efficient and clear information about the recorded
grievances and other services which is available for IDPs.
Position 4
Position Team Leader/ Project Coordinator (Protection and CCCM)
Organization Centre of Excellence for Rural Development (CERD/UNHCR)
Project Community Services/Protection/Site Planning and Warehouse Management
Location New Durrani Camp, Sadda, Kurram Agency-FATA
Duration July 2012 – February 2014

Duties & Responsibilities:

 Prepare Action Plans for project implementation

 Supervise and Monitor implementation of Project activities at field level
 Prepare weekly, monthly and quarterly progress reports
 Ensure that project strategies are followed and implemented in a coherent manner by the field staff
 Coordinate with Camp Administration and other service providers on regular basis and attend CCCM
 Assist all IPs to provide proper facilities. Data sharing, information sharing and linkages with camp
 Monitoring of field need assessment of the IDPs at camp
 To ensure coordination among IDPs, IPs and government agencies at camp level
 To arrange and carry out related training within the community & focus groups at camp level
 Implement community awareness and sensitization campaigns
 Closely monitor and report the activities of Site development, Protection and Warehouse
Management team to concerned project manager and CERD management
 Responsible for professional development and training of the field section staff in consultation with
the Human Resource Development Section
 Facilitate donors’ and international organizations during their visits to camp
Position 5
Position Protection Officer
Organization Centre of Excellence for Rural Development (CERD/UNHCR)
Project Community Services/Protection for the Conflict Effected IDPs of Kurram Agency
Location New Durrani Camp, Kurram Agency-FATA
Duration 1st January to June 2012.

Duties & Responsibilities:

 Collect information relating to protection issues in IDP camp

 Assists in establishing a protection and durable solutions strategy and plan of action for the IDPs and
 Liaises with competent authorities to ensure the issuance of legal documents to IDPs in order to
facilitate movement and solutions, and promote local integration.
 Actively liaises with other units of the office to ensure mainstreaming of protection throughout the
 Mainstreams age, gender and diversity in all areas of work and ensures the full participation of
persons of concern in matters relating to their own protection
 Mobilization and awareness raising session on protection concern
 Update other partner organization on current issues related to IDPs.
 Attend meeting/seminars hosted by other NGOs and UN agencies.
 Draft report detailing protection problems, and efforts to mitigate or eliminate them.
 Collect information on IDP population movements, forced return and arbitrary arrest.
 Provide support in needs assessment surveys for future programming.
 Submit monthly progress reports of the activities to project Manager.
 Performed other duties as needed or requested.
 Write down case studies and success stories on extremely vulnerable and protection cases
Position 6
Position Social Organizer (Camp management and Camp Coordination)
Organization Centre of Excellence for Rural Development (CERD/UNHCR)
Project Community Services(CCCM) for the Conflict affected IDPs of FATA
Location IDP Camps, Jalozai and Sheikh Yasin at district Nowshera and Mardan
Duration May 2009 till 31 December 2011

Duties & Responsibilities:

 Prepare social map of IDP's Camp

 Liaise and coordinate with other NGOs, community Organizations, Health Management Team and
other consortium partners to develop strategies for mobilizing communities
 Documentation and dissemination of reports regarding community mobilization and other project
 Monitor and assess progress of the project activities & interventions in terms of process, impact and
outcome indicators.
 Support and coordinate in research activities of the project
 Plan and implement strategies to create conducive environment.
 Carrying out comprehensive assessment of IDP's at Camp.
 Carrying out need assessment visits to IDP community on regular basis.
 Share and coordinate needs and requirement with implementing partners and camp management.
 Assist implementing partner (service provider NGO) in providing community services in the camps.
 Provide technical backstopping to implementing partners in formation of various committees in IDP
 Help implementing partners in capacity building of sectoral committees
 Compile and report sect oral updates to project manager and camp administrator.
 Follow accepted principles, practices, rules and regulation of the camp administration and
management team.
 Report writing of daily activities and Preparing weekly activities plans.
Position 7

Position Social Organizer

Organization Agha Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP)
Project Livelihood Support Programme Chitral Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Location Chitral Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from April till 17 th October 2006.
Duties & Responsibilities:

 Social Mobilization
 Formal and informal application writing
 Communication skill
 Preparing budget
 Management skill
 Village Profiling
 Data Collection
 Minutes recording of valley conference and meeting
 Village records making annual plane
 Village level planning for resource mobilization
 Report writing

Position 8
Position Community Development Officer (CDO)
Organization Forest Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Project Forestry Sector Project (FSP).
Location Chitral Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from January 2006 till March 2006.

Surveys conducted/ Special Tasks

 Assessment for immediate needs of Flood affected Families in district Charssadda, Nowshehra and
Peshawar which were accommodated in government buildings and simultaneous camps for UNHCR
and other global partners of UNHCR in (2010 flood).
 Need Assessment of flood affected families District Peshawar, Nowshehra and Charsadda for return
intention to their homes back.
 Damages Need Assessment (DNA) of flood affected Union Councils of District Peshawar (Kankol,
Khazan I, II and Gulbela) for UNDP early recovery project (2010).
 Focal Person on behalf of CERD/UNHCR in Return process (from 11 th April to 5th June2011) of
Bajaur and Mohmand Agencies IDP`s to their native Agencies. Monitor vehicle issuance mechanism,
return packages and the most important is facilitate EVI`s at the embarkation point by collecting
vehicles to help and guide them and ambulances for PW`s and for the other Risk patients as well.
Report to UNHCR on daily basis of the daily business.
 Monitoring visits conducted in 13 refugee’s camp in four district i-e swabi, mardan, bunner and dir for
WASH project which were executed by CERD.
 Be a part of inter cluster mission for assessment of situation in South Waziristan for return of IDPs.
 Post Return monitoring in Kurram and Orakzai Aency.

Trainings/ Workshops and Seminars attended

 Orientation Training in Social Mobilization, Organization and Planning in SRSP

 Leadership and Management skills seven (7) days with SRSP in Peshawar.
 One day Orientation of Community services project by CERD.
 One day workshop regarding gender base violence with CERD in Peshawar
 Two days training on Community Services/ Camp management with CERD in Peshawar
 One day training on Grievance Desk mechanism with NRC (protection cluster February2012)
 5-days training on Coordination and Response in Emergency Organized by UNOCHA 2014
 2-days Training on information management and 4W-matrix organized by UNOCHA.
 2-days Training on Protection monitoring and case management organized by IRC
 3-days Training on Protection Mainstreaming in Humanitarian response organized by IRC.
 5-Days Training on Protection of IDPs organized by Global Protection cluster
 3-days training on GBV preparedness and response in emergency organized by UNFPA
 2-days Training on localization of Protection organized by IRC
Mr. Kazim Ullah Mr. Mata ul
Hasan Changaiz
Executive Director Ex-CCCM Cluster
EHSAR Foundation Coordinator
Mob: +92-300-5834200 Mob: +92-300-8586247
Email: Email:

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