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Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 30 85.7

Excludeda 5 14.3

Total 35 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.747 29
Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

P1 2.87 .860 30

P2 2.60 .894 30

P3 2.90 .759 30

P4 2.83 .874 30

P5 2.70 .877 30

P6 2.57 .898 30

P7 2.87 .860 30

P8 2.70 .877 30

P9 2.17 1.117 30

P10 2.10 .995 30

P11 2.43 .679 30

P12 1.93 1.081 30

P13 2.60 .894 30

P14 2.83 .874 30

P15 1.93 1.081 30

P16 2.53 .900 30

P17 2.40 .621 30

P18 1.83 .699 30

P19 2.73 .907 30

P20 1.67 .661 30

P21 1.90 1.029 30

P22 2.70 .877 30

P23 2.43 .679 30

P24 2.60 .894 30

P25 2.87 .860 30

P26 2.73 .907 30

P27 3.20 .761 30

P28 2.83 .874 30

JUMLAH 70.47 13.688 30

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha

Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation if Item Deleted

P1 138.07 718.892 .646 .737

P2 138.33 717.057 .659 .736

P3 138.03 732.447 .400 .742

P4 138.10 710.024 .830 .733

P5 138.23 717.495 .664 .736

P6 138.37 720.585 .582 .738

P7 138.07 718.892 .646 .737

P8 138.23 717.495 .664 .736

P9 138.77 725.495 .377 .740

P10 138.83 731.178 .321 .742

P11 138.50 730.603 .501 .741

P12 139.00 716.690 .546 .737

P13 138.33 717.057 .659 .736

P14 138.10 710.024 .830 .733

P15 139.00 716.690 .546 .737

P16 138.40 723.697 .515 .739

P17 138.53 732.395 .495 .742

P18 139.10 754.576 -.146 .751

P19 138.20 719.959 .589 .737

P20 139.27 740.409 .239 .745

P21 139.03 718.861 .535 .737

P22 138.23 717.495 .664 .736

P23 138.50 730.603 .501 .741

P24 138.33 717.057 .659 .736

P25 138.07 718.892 .646 .737

P26 138.20 719.959 .589 .737

P27 137.73 751.926 -.073 .750

P28 138.10 710.024 .830 .733

JUMLAH 70.47 187.361 1.000 .918

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

140.93 749.444 27.376 29

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