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A. Ex Setting EX PROTIBESHI (DSCSC 2019-20).

“A good Navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guaranty of peace."

President Theodore Roosevelt (02 December



1. There is a country that has never been colonized by a foreign power,

thatcountry is The Kingdom of Thailand, formerly Siam. Thai means ‘Free”.Thailand
was founded in 1238. Throughout its history, Thailand has been preoccupied with
two things: overcoming regional divisions to consolidate central Thailand's power
and attracting foreign wealth without allowing it to undermine internal stability.
Thailand is a country in Southeast Asiawith 3,219 km long uninterrupted
coastline.The coast embraces Andaman Sea on the west and South China Sea to
the east.Maritime geography of Thailand offers her great potential to operate a
credible navyand become a maritime power.

2. The Royal Thai Navy (RTN) is the naval force of Thailand and part of
the Royal Thai Armed Forces. It was established in the late19th century. Although
Thailand had small naval components throughout much of its long history, the
development of a modern navy capable of carrying out combat missions dated from
post-World War II period. Thereafter, the size and efficiency of the RTN increased
steadily. Similar to the organizational structure of the United States, the RTN
includes the naval fleet and the Royal Thai Marine Corps. Thailand is the
only Southeast Asian country that operates an aircraft carrier, though it is used as a
pure helicopter carrier with the retirement of its Harrier fighter wing. Thailand was the
second Asian nation to acquire submarines, following Japan, and used in WW II; but
has haven’t no submarines since 1950. Royal Thai Navy conducts joint
operation exercises with a number of maritime nations.

3. Considering the paucity of information, this paper is developed mostly on the

information available in Jane’s International, Military Balance and international
articles available on internet. At the outset, this paper will focus on the country
overview, geo-strategic importance as well as maritime interest and infrastructure of
Thailand. Then the paper will highlight genesis, strategy and doctrine as well as role
and organization of RTN. Then the capability of Royal Thai Naval fleet as ‘Hard
Power’ and ‘Soft Power’ and its analysis will be discussed. Finally, this paper will

present SWOT analysis and the influence of Thailand in the region with lessons
learnt for BN.


4. The aim of this paper is to analyze Royal Thai Navy.


5. Thailand, a country located in Southeast Asia, is bordered by Myanmar to

the north and northwest, Lao PDR and Cambodia to the east, Malaysia and the Gulf
of Thailand to the south, and the Andaman Sea to the southwest. A unified Thai
kingdom was established in the mid-14th century. Known originally as Siam, the
country was renamed Thailand (Land of the Free) in 1939. Thailand's capital city is
Bangkok, its currency is the baht (THB), and the official language is Thai.Following
almost five years of military rule, a general election was held on 24 March 2019
pursuant to a new constitution that was promulgated on 6 April 2017.

6. Thailand is Southeast Asia’s second largest economy after Indonesia. With a

well-developed infrastructure, a free-enterprise economy, and generally pro-
investment policies, Thailand historically has had a strong economy. It experienced
slow growth from 2013 to 2015. However, the improvement that started in 2016 has
continued due largely to the growth in the agriculture, export, tourism and key
production sectors such as manufacturing and construction. The GDP growth for
2017 was 3.9% and is estimated to be around 4.1% for 2018 and 3.8% for 2019.The
government hasplaced a 20-year National Strategy (2017-2036) for attaining
developed country status through broad reforms that address economic stability,
human capital, equal economic opportunities, environmental sustainability,
competitiveness, and effective government bureaucracies.


7. Historically Thailand wasa lucrative target of foreign invaders and stillher main
geographic challenge is to protect herself from foreign invaders. Thailand is
protected in the north by mountains and the Khorat Plateau. History reveals that,
Thailand possess external land threats which may come through the
TenasserimMountain range from Myanmar or Cambodia.At sea, threats may come
from anywhere. Due to her geostrategic importance, French and British used her as
a buffer zone between each other's empires and that’swhy she was relieved from
colonization. Its location, land area and long coast line allow her to exert influence


8. Thailand meets most of the preconditions for becoming a promising maritime

power. The sources and elements of sea power in Thailand’s perspective are
described below:

a. Geography. Thailand is situated in the Indo Chinese peninsula with a

land area of about 513,120 square kilometer. Thailand is world’s 50th largest
country by land area. Thailand is constituted with more than 250 islands and
a long coastline of 3,219 km.

b. Shipbuilding and Repairing. Thailand has a promising

shipbuilding and repairing industries. Thai shipyards mainly focus on repairing
and conversion activities.

c. Ports and Harbour. There are numbers of sea ports in Thailand.

She has all the capacity to become a sea power in respect of ports and

d. Merchant Marine. Thailand geographic location is in a suitable

position for main global cargo flows, Thailand’s Merchant Marine Fleet is in
the world’s top 35 nations. As of latest information, total number of Thailand-
owned ships was 393 of total 7,022,484 dead weight tons.

e. Style of the Government. Thai government has given greater

emphasis on the development of RTN to secure her maritime interests. Every
year RTN receives large annual budgets to procure modern platforms and

9. Traditionally, Thailand is a seafaring nation. Thailand’s most vulnerable

sectors in maritime affairs are 80 off-shore oil platforms and a vast fishing fleet which
is third largest in the world. RTN has acquired aircraft carrier in her fleet to play
greater role than mere defensive duty vested on her. RTN's decision to purchase an
amphibious assault ship and other modern weapons indicates its aspiration to
become a blue-water navy.


10 History of RTN is very old. During the reign of King Rama IV (1851-1868), the
navy was established. With a royal decree In 8 April 1887, War and Marine
Department was established and on 1 April 1890 it was changed to Ministry of War
and Marine. In 1892, the Navy Department was placed under Ministry of Defense.
On 11 December 1910, the King upgraded the Navy Department to the Ministry of

Navy. In 1932, Thailand changed into Constitutional Monarchy from Absolute
Monarchy. The Ministry of the Navy was downsized to a Navy Department. On 30
November 1933, Navy Department was renamed to The Royal Thai Navy.


11. Royal Thailand Navy is a strong regional navy in the SE Asia. The
development of a modern capable navy began from the post WW-II period. Defense
and deterrence are two facets of Thailand’s naval strategy. Thai navy is a well
ambitious navy in SE Asianregion.Inthis regard, she possesses an aircraft carrier
other than the Australian Navy and the US fleet in the region. RTN’s aim is to be
influential not only in territorial waters but also in the Region. Thailand's present
strategy is to maintain an active presence in the Andaman Sea, Gulf of Thailand and
South China Sea.


12. The RTN is part of the Royal Thai Armed Forces. Similar to the organizational
structure of the United States, the Royal Thai Navy includes the Naval Fleet, and the
Royal Thai Marine Corps. The RTN operates out of Sattahip Naval Base with a
complement totaling 42000 personnel actively in service.The Royal Thai Navy is
commanded by Admiral LuechaiRutdit, Chief of Naval Staff, appointed
in 2018.

Mission of Royal Thai Navy

13. The RTN’s statutory roles are considered under thetwo broad categories
namely: wartime and peacetime roles. In wartime or times of intense conflict, the
RTN carryout the duties mentioned below:

a. Defend the country at sea.

b. Maintain sea lines of communication in the Gulf of Thailand and
the Andaman Sea.
c. Conduct amphibious operations.
d. Support army operation along the coastlines and in the area of
e. Conduct anti-air defence in the area of assigned responsibility.
f. Conduct sea logistic support.

14. The peacetime roles of the RTNinclude:

a. Prepare forces in combat-readiness.

b. Enforce laws at sea.

c. Provide sea logistic support.

d. Conduct oceanographic and hydrographic surveys and produce

navigational charts as well as other navigational materials.

e. Fulfill the government's assignments such as provision of support to

UN sponsored missions, suppression of narcotics and human trafficking,
mafia activities and illegal labour.

f. Protect fisheries activities.

g. Conserve and protect the environment.

h. Conduct search and rescue at sea.

j Provide relief and support operation.

k. Support national development projects and provide general public


Naval HeadquartersOrganogram

15. RTN Headquarters organogram is given below:

Commander in

Deputy Naval Chairman of

Commander in Commander in Chief of Staff Navy Advisory
Battle Squadron
Chief Chief Assistant Board

Deputy Chief of Deputy Chief of Deputy chief of Deputy Chief of Deputy Chief of
Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff

Naval Area command

16. The RTN operates three naval area commands:

a. First Naval Area Command: responsible for the northern part of Gulf of

b. Second Naval Area Command: responsible for the southern part

of Gulf of Thailand.

c. Third Naval Area Command: responsible for the Andaman Sea (Indian

17. Bases. Naval Bases are as follows:

a. Sattahip Naval Base.

b. Bangkok Naval Base.

c. PhangNga Naval Base.

d. Songkhla Naval Base.

e. Phuket Naval Base.

f. Samui Naval Base.

g. Trat Naval Base.

Naval Aviation

18. The RTN has two air wings, operating 40 fixed-wing aircraft and 30
helicopters from three different naval bases namely U-Tapao, Songkhla, and Phuket.
The First RTN wing has four squadrons comprising MPA, Maritime Strike Air Craft
and Utility Air Craft; the Second RTN wing has three squadrons comprising

Royal Thai Naval Air and Coastal Defence Command

19. Royal Thai Navy is responsible for air defence of the country. Thus five
different air defence regiments have been formed, which is appendedbelow:

a. First Air Defence Regiment. Their mission is to provide AD
coverage for the northern Gulf of Thailand with three anti-aircraft battalions.

b. Second Air Defence Regiment. The mission is to provide AD

coverage for the southern Gulf of Thailand and Andaman Sea with three anti-
aircraft battalions.

c. First Coastal Defence. This regiment has three artillery battalions

for coastal defence.

d. Two Air and Coastal Defence Command and Control Centers. The
unit is responsible for command and control of AD system.

e. Air and Coastal Defence Supporting Regiment . The regiment

composed of one transportation battalion, one communications battalion, and
one maintenance battalion.

20. The RTN also consists of the following:

a. Royal Thai Marine Corps division.

b. Naval Special Warfare Command.

c. Riverine Patrol Regiment.

21. RTN has got various types ships with different capacity and role. The fleet
composition of the RTNis given in Annex A.


22. RTN has sole responsibilities for the protection of national maritime interest
and law enforcement. Outstanding achievements over the years were the effective
cleaning operation of oil spills, human trafficking and suppression of illegal narcotic

23. RTN carries out following MOOTW together with other national components
implementing in a coordinated way:

a. Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) Fishing. IUU fishing is

not only a challenge for Thailand, but for the world in general. RTN is playing
a proactive role by sharing its experience in eradicating IUU fishing.

b. Anti-Piracy Operations. RTN remains highly committed round the
year in anti-piracy operations.Anti-piracy fleet of RTN is deployed in the
Combined Maritime Forces, an international anti-piracy operation off the coast
of Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden with NATO forces.

c. Operations AgainstIllicit Trafficking of Arms, Humans, Drugs and

Wildlife. These operations are carried out by RTN round clock to conduct
surveillance, monitoring and interdiction to suspected vessels.

d. HADR Operations. Among many HADR operations RTN assisted

relief efforts operation ‘SahayogiHaat’ with US supported Joint Task Force
505 after earth quake in Nepal in 2015.

24. Joint Efforts in the Security of Malacca Strait. The Malacca Strait
Patrols (MSP) which is comprised of the Malacca Strait Sea Patrol (MSSP), the
"Eyes-in-the-Sky" (EiS) air patrols, and the Intelligence Exchange Group (IEG), is a
set of practical cooperative security measures undertaken by the four littoral states -
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand to ensure the security of the Straits of

25. Participation in Multinational Exercise

a. Gulf of Thailand Maritime Law Enforcement Initiative (GOTI).

GOTI was established in 2012 as a partnership between the United States
and the maritime law enforcement agencies of the four countries sharing the
Gulf of Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Vietnam to confront maritime
enforcement challenges in the region.

b. Joint Exercise. RTN takes part in various exercises with USN like
Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT), Cobra Gold and ASW
drill Guardian Sea etc.

c. ASEAN Multilateral Naval Exercise (AMNEX). RTN attended in

AMNEX 2017 and it was conducted as part of the wider international fleet
review which attended by 26 vessels from 19 countries of ASEAN navies.

d. Goodwill Visit. On 29 March 2019, two Thai navy vessels were in

the Philippines for a goodwill visit. RTN Ships also visited Kochi with RTN
Academy cadets onboard.

e. Participation in the MILAN. RTN participated in the MILAN 2018 in

Andaman and Nicobar Islands hosted by Indian Navy, an international
maritime congregation of regional navies of the Asia-Pacific and the Indian
Ocean regions.


Role and Mission

26. Thailand has a wide range of coastal and maritime area. As a maritime
frontier RTN is vested with the immediate objectives of safeguarding maritime
interests within the Exclusive Economic Zone(EEZ). RTN is capable to carry out
effective patrol in its territorial water. With the present capability, RTNcan perform its
role of SLOC protection and traditional maritime security duty upto the EEZ.

27. If RTN is analyzed with respect to Naval Strategy, Sea control beyond its
middle layer; RTN with present capability can establish contested sea control
beyond territorial water. RTNcan also develop sea denial capability in future within
EEZ, within the induction of submarine in her inventory (S26T Diesel-electric (PLA
Navy’s Yuan-class boat) submarine is under construction in China).

Fighting Capabilities

28. Anti Surface Warfare Capability. RTN is capable to conduct Surface

Strike capability utilizingFrigates, Corvettes and good number of Patrol Crafts. At
present, RTN SSM has range advantage over that of a few neighbours. In addition,
a good number FAC(M/G) will also increase the striking capability of RTN in many

29. AntiSubmarine Warfare Capability. Limited to mine counter measures


30. Anti Air Warfare Capability. RTN has optimal AAW capability at sea. Its
AAW capability consists of mainly fighter interceptor, SAM and guns.

31. Maritime Air Operation Capability. RTN in integrated with Royal Thai
Aviation Force consisting 40 fixed-wing aircraft and 30 helicopters for maritime air

32. Submarine Dimension. Presently, RTN doesn’t have any submarine arm.
In this regard, China’s leading shipbuilder has begun the construction of a S26T
Diesel-electric (PLA Navy’s Yuan-class boat) submarine for the RTN and the vessel
is expected to be delivered by 2023.

Overall Capability

33. The conceptualization of RTN is developed over capability based Navy. RTN
is capable to perform its traditional role of extensive patrol in territorial water.
Presently RTN is also capable of showing presence upto EEZ. If the development
trend of RTN is analyzed, it is observed thatRTN is developed keeping in mind her
probable threat.



34. Defence Industries. Thai government plans to develop the domestic

defence industry to reduce the country’s dependence on imports, promote
technology transfer, and strengthen national security. Thailand has number of own
shipbuilding yards for constructing civil ships and warships of limited dimension.
Thailand also has arms manufacturing company to produce their own military
hardware. In addition, Thai aviation industry is also capable to construct limited
version of civil aircraft and overhaul big variety of aircraft.

35. Deep Sea Port. The only deep sea port of Thailand is in Phuket. The
Government of Thailand allowing a special promotion in this sector in order to
expand the port activities. Naturally the responsibility of RTN will also increase.
Deep Sea port and Special Economic Zone at 'Phuket' will increase the seaborne
commerce of Thailand in many folds.


36. Weaknesses of Royal Thai Navy are:

a. Ethnic Crisis and Political Unrest. From 2004 to 2014, Thailand

experienced a national political crisis leading to intermittent violence, regular
street protests, and unstable governance. Tensions culminated in a military
coup in May 2014, the country’s twelfth. Thailand is also affected by an ethno
nationalist insurgency in its southern border provinces. The conflict has
resulted in nearly 6,500 deaths since 2004.

b. Limited Focus on Sea Exercise. The RTN has big ambitions

but there are difficulties to overcome. One is the limited time at sea given to
its personnel and equipment. Exercises are conducted with several partners
including the US Australia, and Malaysia, but Thai participation in these
operations tends to be fairly low.



37. Government View on Defence Industry. Thai defence industry is one

of the sectors that could be further developed in order to boost both national stability
and economy. The Defence Technology Institute (DTI) will lead the efforts of the
Thai government for modernizing the local defence industry. DTI carried out more
than 20 Research and Development projects in 2015.

38. Defense Budget. Military rule has been a steady boom for military
expenditures in Thailand. In recent years, Thailand has placed more emphasize on
RTN to protect the country’s maritime interest. In fiscal year 2018 the navy's budget
is 43,835 million baht.

39. Seafaring Attitude. Thailand has a long history of sea faring attitude.
Thailand would have been the first country in the south-eastern block, which would
have claimed to be a maritime nation. Thailand is a nation which borders the sea
and is dependent on its use for majority of the commerce and transport, war, to
define a territorial boundary, or for any maritime activity. History reveals the trade of
Thailand goes back to Sukhothai period (1238-1438).

40. Defense Upgrading. The plan emphasizes research and development

along with focus on purchases of munitions, weapons, high technology electronic
devices, and telecommunication systems. For example, the Common Operation
Picture (COP), the Network Centric Operation (NCO), and the Message Text Format
(MTF) will focus on the procurement of helicopters, armored vehicles, and frigates to
counter southern insurgency and strengthen its current military units.

41. Offshore Oil and Gas blocks. Thailand is an oil and natural gas producer.
However, the country increasingly relies on hydrocarbon imports to sustain its rising
fuel demand. Most of the country’s crude oil and condensates are from offshore
fields in the Gulf of Thailand.


42. Threats that Thailand may experience are:

a. Potential political unrest.

b. Occasional border disputes.

c. Domestic terrorist and separatist group activities in the southern border


d. Risk of rising non-traditional security threat in the Gulf of Thailand.


e. Natural disasters.

f. Human smuggling/trafficking and fear of chances to be under US

sanction and fall into Tier 3.

g. Illicitdrugtrafficking.


43. There are indications that, Thailand wants not only to increase its capability in
its own territorial waters but also in the Andaman sea. Thailand appreciates the
prestige of military hardware but she is way behind Singapore, Indonesia and
Malaysia in terms of naval arm race in the region. However, Thailand’s present
strategic posture-maintaining regular presence in Andaman Sea and gulf of
Thailand/South China Sea to protect national offshore and maritime interests and to
enforce sovereignty.

44. During the cold war, Thailand’s security environment was dominated by
traditional threats and the strategic concept of realism and balance of power which
prevailed taking a defensive posture and limitations in its area of Operations (AO) to
coastal waters. Today, Thailand’s security environment presents both traditional and
non-traditional threats resulting in RTNs expanding its AO to the littoral stateas part
of their operational concept of proactive defence and its transformation from a
coastal Navy into an Offshore Navy.

45. Thailand surely does not aspires to possess regional or extra regional
hegemony in its adjacent water column, nor it is threatened by any countries
influence to increase its naval hardware. Rather to protect its sea borne trade and
SLOC, transnational immigration and piracy and to ensure its territorial integrity
Thailand aspires for a larger and rationalNavy which can materialize its concept of
‘Proactive Defence’.


46. The following lessons have been derived from thorough study of RMN and its
state of affairs:

a. Future Development of Fleet. Bangladesh Navy (BN) should aspire

for a larger and rational Navy in the region which can materialize the modern
concept of ‘Proactive Defence’. BN fleet should be developed qualitatively
considering her maritime interest and present security threats.



b. Larger Naval Aviation Fleet. BN should be ambitious enough to

have a larger naval aviation fleet along with ship borne helicopters
considering ambiguity of C3 in immediate threat scenario.

c. Protection of Eastern and Western SLOC. Bangladesh has two

SLOCs in the eastern and western part of Bay of Bengal where economy of
thecountry highly depends on the marine commercial activities. Therefore, BN
shouldemphasize much in this aspect.

d. Regional and Extra Regional Co-operation. BN may continue her

participation in different maritime exercises with regional and extra regional
Navies to strengthen regional bonding and protect common maritime interest.


47. Thailand–The former Siam had never been a colony to any country and now
is world’s 50th largest country in geographical area and 2nd largest economy in
South-East Asian region. Geo strategically important Thailand has got gulf of
Thailand and South China Sea in her south and Andaman Sea at her western
peninsula flank. Its location, land area and long coast line and large economy allow
her to exert influence regionally. She is a member country of ASEAN. Royal Thai
Navy established on late 19th century. RTN is consists of Royal Thai marine corps,
Air & Coastal defence Division, Naval Special Warfare Command and Riverine
Patrol Regiment. Being the least politicised force RTN could concentrate more on
their force development.

48. Thailand could fulfil all the criteria of being a Sea Power in the region. Her
wide land area ofabout 513,120 square kilometerwith more than 250 islands and a
long coastline of 3,219 kmhas made her geographically competent. Her 9 in number
sea ports, a very promising and lucrative ship building and repair facilities along with
world’s 35th largest merchant marine and 3rd biggest fishing fleet Thailand is truly a
sea fearing nation. Thai government has given greater emphasis on the
development of RTN to secure her maritime interests.

49. With 42000 active personnel, Royal Thailand Navy is a regional strong navy
in the SE Asia. The defence strategy of Thailand encompasses comprehensive
national defence. Defense and deterrence are two facets of Thailand’s naval
strategy. Naval affairs are directed from Bangkok naval headquarters which has got
three naval area commands to accomplish her mission. Thai navy is a well ambitious
navy in this region in this regard she possesses an aircraft carrier other than the


Australian Navy and the US fleet in the region. Thailand's present strategy is to
maintain an active presence in the Andaman Sea, Gulf of Thailand and South China

50. RTN has predefined mission to the country for both war and peace time.
Defending the sea area and Sea lines of communications, conducting amphibious
operation and anti-air defence and to provide sea logistics support is her war time
mission. Again to support Government whenever required, enforcing law at sea,
ensuring open SLOC at all time, search and rescue, Conserve and protect the
marine environment, etc. are her peacetime mission.RTN under takes various
MOOTW in support of other agencies of the government in addition to her fighting
role.Besides nation support activities, RTN participate number of joint and
multinational exercises in the region.

51. The conceptualization of RTN is developed over capability based Navy. RTN
is capable to perform its traditional role of extensive patrol in territorial water.
Presently RTN is also capable of showing presence upto EEZ in last few years. If
the development trend of RTN is analyzed, it is observed thatRTN is developed
keeping in mind her probable threat.

Dhaka ELON
Lieutenant Commander
May 2019 Course No235


A. Composition of Royal Thai Navy - 03 (three) pages.



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