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Sandhy Yunsari1, Rusdianasari1, and A. Husaini1

Applied Master of Renewable Energy Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Jl.
Srijaya Negara Palembang, 30139, Indonesia
Chemical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Jl. Srijaya Negara
Palembang, 30139, Indonesia

Abstract. Biodiesel is an alternative fuel for diesel engines produced by the transesterification
of vegetable oils or animal fats with short chain alcohols such as methanol. The reaction requires
a catalyst which is generally a strong base, thus producing a new chemical compound called
methyl ester (Van Gerpen, 2005). One of the most common sources of biodiesel feedstock is
CPO (Crude Palm Oil). CPO production in Indonesia is very high at 30.2 million tons in 2016,
but CPO prices are low. Biodiesel can be produced using conventional methods, this method is
less efficient because of its very slow and inefficient heating resulting from the transfer of energy
to materials that depend on the convection currents and the thermal conductivity of the reaction
mixture (Refaat and El Sheltawy, 2008) which causes researchers to use new methods of
producing Biodiesel, that is by using microwave radiation method. Microwaves are used to
emulsify two or more solutions that are difficult to mix (Gunawan, 2003). The advantages of
using microwave radiation in the process of making biodiesel is heating faster, more energy
efficient, and homogeneous heating. The mol ratio of CPO and methanol is varied to determine
the effect of microwave power quality. The power of microwave used is 100,180,300,450 and
600 Watt.

1. Introduction
CPO (Crude Palm Oil) is a vegetable oil (oil which derived from plants) of orange reddish color
obtained from the process of pressing or extracting the fruit flesh of the plant Elaeis guineensis and has
not undergone a purification process yet. (SNI, 2006) [1]. According to Indoenergi, one of the biodiesel
raw materials sources often used is CPO (Crude Palm Oil). The production of CPO in Indonesia is very
high reaching up to 30.2 million tons in 2016 [2]. Therefore, it is necessary to process CPO into
downstream products within the results to provide high added value and have much higher prices than
the initial commodity. One of the diversifications that can be done is to convert CPO into biodiesel [3].
The quality of the palm oil is determined by its constituent components such as the triglyceride and
minor components. The constituent components of CPO consist of a mixture of triglycerides and other
components which are minor components [4].
Microwaves are electromagnetic waves at the frequency level of 0.3-300 GHz. Microwaves are used
to emulsify two or more solutions whicht are difficult to mix [5]. Heating using microwaves is faster
because the heat transfer can not be carried out through the reactor surface, instead, it absorbs the wave
beam by the sample so that the sample temperature is higher than the surface temperature of the reactor
wall. This heating process is also influenced by the microwaves power. Based on Prayanto's research,
et al. (2016), the best microwaves power in the biodiesel production process is 800 Watt with a percent
yield of 89.55%. Meanwhile, according to Willujeng and Ayyu’s research, the best microwaves power
is 400 Watts so 91.77% of biodiesel are produced. The percentage of these results can increase up to 93
percent by doing the same thing over [6].
Biodiesel is one of the alternative fuels that can be obtained from plant and animal fats (Riviani, et
al., 2011). Biodiesel is a monoalkyl ester formed by long chains of fatty acids contained in vegetable oil
or animal fats to be used as diesel engine fuels. The main content of biodiesel is fatty acid alkyl esters
produced from triglycerides in vegetable oil or animal fats through transesterification reactions with
alcohol, usually methanol are used [7]. Esterification is a reaction to convert carboxylic compounds into
ester compounds. The esterification reaction can be carried out by reacting free fatty acids with alcohol
to form ester and water. This marks as the initial stage where acid catalysts are used to reduce free fatty
acid levels up to ± 3%. Sulfuric acid 0.7% of reactant weights and alcohol in most cases methanol with
a molar ratio between alcohol and oil of 4: 1 has been shown to provide good conversion results. In
addition to reducing acid levels, it is necessary to reduce water level [8].
Generally, transesterification is a reaction of alcohol with triglycerides to produce methyl esters and
glycerol with the help of alkaline catalysts. The alcohols commonly used are methanol and ethanol.
These reactions most likely to form methyl ester faster than the esterification reaction using acid
catalysts. However, the raw material to be used in the transesterification reaction must have low level
of free fatty acids (<2%) to avoid soap formation. The resulting product is then separated using decanter.
The formed biodisel is then washed with water to remove the remaining catalyst and methanol. The
transesterification process can be done in batches or continuously at a pressure of 1 atm and a
temperature of 50 ° C-70 ° C. The transesterification reaction of triglycerides to methyl ester is [9]:


Triglyceride Methanol Methyl ester Glycerol

The microwaves heating mechanism is complex. The microwave heating method can be seen as
shown in Figure 4. In conventional heating, the heat transferred to the sample volume is used to increase
the temperature of the reactor surface followed by internal material. This is also called wall heating.
Therefore, most of the energy supplied through conventional energy sources is lost to the environment
through material conduction and convection currents. The heating effect on conventional method is
heterogeneous and it depends on the thermal conductivity of the material, specific heat, and density
resulting in higher surface temperature causing heat to transfer from the outer surface to the internal
sample volume as shown in Figure 2. As a result, the sample temperature is not uniformed and higher
thermal gradients occured [10].

Figure 1. The Heating Effect on Conventional Method

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Experiment Treatment
In the analytical research of biodiesel yield percentage using microwaves radiation method there are
several variables specified, including fixed and changed variables. Fixed variable in the form of feed
flow rate (ml), catalyst concentration (%) as well as microwaves power (Watt) while the changed
variable taken is the mol ratio between CPO and methanol in the transesterification process.

2.2 Experimental Procedure

2.2.1 Manufacture of Biodiesel Equipment using Microwaves Radiation Method and High Voltage
1. Prepare eqiupments needed for making biodiesel.
2. Connect the device power outlet to electricity.
3. Turn the switch ON / OFF to turn on the device.
4. Press the pump button 1 and 2 to turn it on.
5. Open and regulate the valve according to the experimental requirements.
6. Observe and record the flow rate of the feed and the catalyst mixture with the solvent on the
installed rotameter.
7. Observe and record the temperature of the fluid before entering the microwave and after taken out
of the microwave.
8. Record the time needed for the fluid to flow inside the reactor.
9. After the fluid fills up to 1/3 volume of the storage tank, then press the pump button 4 to turn on
pump 3.
10. Turn on the transformer to flow electric current to the electrode.
11. Observe the separation process that occurs.
12. Collect the separated glycerol and biodiesel products.
13. Wash the biodiesel using warm water.
14. Weigh the weight of biodiesel.
15. This process is carried out repeatedly on every variable needed.
16. After the experiment measurements of various variables are complete, the pump is turned off by
pressing the pump button, then turn the switch ON / OFF to end the operation, turn off the
transformer, and unplug the power outlet to disconnect the power.
17. Analyze the obtained biodiesel results.

3. Analytical Method
3.1 Free Fatty Acid Level Analysis
1. Weigh 2-5 grams of samples then add 95% of neutral methanol solution and 3 drops of
phenolphthalein indicator.
2. Perform a titration with 0.1 N of NaOH until it changes color to pink.
3. Record the amount of NaOH used:
BM x V X N
FFA level = 10 x m ................................................................................................................ (2)
Information :
FFA = Free fatty acid levels (%)
BM = Molecular weight of fatty acids (gr / grmol)
V = NaOH volume required for titration (mL)
N = NaOH (N) Normality
m = Sample weight (gr)

3.2 Manufacture process of biodiesel (esterification)

1. CPO is inserted into the feed tank 1 with microwave spower variation of 100: 180 : 300 : 450 : 600.
2. Calculate the amount of materials needed.
3. Weigh methanol according to the calculation results that have been perfomed.
4. Prepare the catalyst in 1% sodium methoxide solution.
5. Ensure all valves are in closed position.
6. Put in the weighed used cooking oil into the second feed tank.
7. Put in the sodium methoxide catalyst and methanol into the first feed tank.
8. Open the feed tank valve containing used cooking oil.
9. Wait until all the oil has entered the emulsifier.
10. Plug the main switch on the power source.
11. Turn on biodiesel manufacturing tool using microwaves method by turning on the switch button in
the "ON" position.
12. Turn on the mixing motor by switching the mixing pump button in the "ON" position.
13. Set the power and time in the microwave by pressing the "power" button on the microwave panel
once (100% power used) and then press the button at least 10 minutes for five times (50 minutes used
time) then press the "Start" button."
14. Turn on the pump by rotating the "Transfer pump" button.
15. Wait for the mixing temperature reading to be 35oC.
16. Open the feed tank valve containing the catalyst sodium methoxide and methanol.
17. Allow the stirring motor to stir for 10 minutes.
18. Open the valve on the flow leading to the separator.
19. Turn off the microwave by pressing the "Stop" button twice.
20. After all the mixture is in the separator, high voltage is turned on to drain the electric current to the
electrode section.
21. Perform separation using high voltage electrodes for 10 minutes.
22. Open the valve placed at the bottom of the separator and collect the results of glycerol and biodiesel
23. Weigh the results of biodiesel and glycerol.

3.3 Product Quality Testing

3.3.1. Determining Biodiesel Density (ASTM D 1298)
1. Picnometer Volume Determination
a. Weigh empty and dry picnometer (m0)
b. Fill the picnometer with aquades and weigh it (a)
c. Calculate the weight of aquades (m0-a) gr
Aquades volume = 𝑉 ................................................................................................. (3)
The volume of aquades is considered equal to the volume of picnometer

2. Biodiesel Density Determination

a. Heat the biodiesel up to 40oC
b. Fill the picnometer tube with biodiesel reaching up to the boundary mark.
c. Weigh the weight of the picnometer containing biodiesel (m1)
d. Calculate biodiesel density with the following formula:
𝜌= ........................................................................................................................... (4)

Information :
ρ = Biodiesel density at 40oC (gr / ml)
m1 = The weight of empty picnometer (gr)
m2 = The weight of picnometer + biodiesel (gr)
V = Picnometer volume

3. Biodiesel Water Level Determination (ASTM D 2709)

a. Clean and dry the 50 ml erlenmeyer in an oven at 105°C for 1 hour then cool it down.
b. Fill the erlenmeyer with a biodiesel sample then put it in the oven at 105oC for 1 hour (b).
c. After 1 hour, cool it down and measure the volume until the value obtained isconstant (c).
Water level % = 𝑥 100% ............................................................................................ (5)
Information :
b = Initial volume (ml)
c = Final volume after heating (ml)

4. Viscosity Determination (ASTM D 445)

a. Clean and dry the viscometer before use.
b. Determine the density of the ball and the density of the liquid.
c. Put 45 ml of biodiesel into a tilted tube.
d. Insert the ball into a contained biodiesel tube (do not let air bubbles in). When the ball reaches
the top mark, turn on the stopwatch when the ball reaches the bottom mark.
e. Record the time spent which is the movement of the ball from the top mark to the bottom mark.
f. Flip the tube, and do the same as step 3.
g. Repeat the experiment with the next samples.
h. Calculate viscosity with the formula, µ = K (ρ1 - ρ2) t

5. Biodiesel Flash Points Determination (ASTM 92)

a. Fill the cup with biodiesel samples so that they are right on the boundary line.
b. Install the thermocouple as a temperature sensor.
c. Turn on the test flame and adjust it so the test flame diameter is equivalent to 3.2 to 4.8 mm (1/8
to 3/16 inches).
d. Heat the biodiesel samples with initial marketing speeds of 25o to 30oF (56oC).
e. Start heating at 50oF (28oC) below the flash point which is expected to increase the test flame for
each temperature rise of 5oF (2oC) passed through the test flame across the cup in one direction
for 1 s and write down the temperature.

4. Results and Discussions

4.1. Effect of CPO Mol Ratio: Methanol to Biodiesel Yield (%)
The relationship between microwave power and biodiesel yield (%) can be seen graphically in
the picture below.

Figure 2. The Relationship Between Microwave Power And Biodiesel Yield (%)
In Figure 13 above, it can be seen that at 100 watts of microwave power produces biodiesel yield (%)
as much as 77.27%, microwave power at 180 watts produces biodiesel yield (%) as much as 79.62%,
microwave power at 300 watts produces biodiesel yield (%) as much as 83.94%, microwave power at
450 watt produces 87.29% biodiesel yield (%), and microwave power at 600 watts produces 89.09
biodiesel yield (%). This shows the relationship between microwave power and biodiesel yield (%). The
greater the microwave power used, the greater the biodiesel yield (%) is produced. This occurs because
the increase in alcohol to CPO will also increase the conversion into biodiesel. The transesterification
process functions to replace glycerol alcohol groups with simple alcohol such as methanol or ethanol.
Transesterification is an equilibrium reaction. To encourage the reaction to move to the right in order to
produce methyl esters, it is necessary to use excessive amounts of alcohol.

4.2. Effect of Microwaves Power on the Generated Biodiesel Density.

Based on the observational data in appendix 1 and table 8, it shows the generated/poduced biodiesel
density has met SNI-04-7182-2006 biodiesel quality standards of 0.85-0.90 gr / ml. The ratio has an
influence on the density value . The graph of relationship type and catalyst concentration to density can
be seen in the figure below.

Density (gr/ml)

Generated Yang
0.87 SNI Min
SNI Min Densitas
SNI Max density
SNI Maks Densitas

5000 7000 9000 11000
Voltage (volt)

Figure 3. The Graph Of Relationship Type And Catalyst Concentration To Density

Based on the graph above it can be seen that there is a decrease in density to 0.896-0.885 gr/cm3.
According to the SNI biodiesel standard, the density is still permissible, at 0.85 - 0.90 gr/cm3. The lowest
biodiesel density obtained is 0.885 gr/cm3, obtained from the mol ratio of 1: 2. While the highest density
is 0.896 gr/cm3, obtained from a ratio of 1: 6. The higher the methanol mol ratio, the lower the biodiesel
density is produced. This can be caused by increasing reaction rates and shifting of the equilibrium
reaction. With the increasing conversion rate of triglycerides to methyl ester, the biodiesel density will
decrease because the density of methyl esters is lower than the density of triglycerides.

4.3 Effect of CPO Mol Ratio: Methanol on Biodiesel Flash Point

Based on observational data and characteristic analytical data that have been carried out in appendix
1 and table 10, shows that the biodiesel flash point produced has met the biodiesel quality standard SNI-
04-7182-2006 that is at least 100oC. The CPO mol ratio and methanol affects the resulting flash point
where the flash point is high at a ratio of 1: 6 and has decreased to a ratio of 1: 2. As for the voltage
graph against the flash point can be seen in figure 15.
Flash Point (oC) 250

Generated flash
Titik Nyala yang
150 pointDihasilkan

100 SNI Titik

SNI flash Nyala


5000 7000 9000 11000
CPO : Methanol (Mol) Ratio
Figure 4. Graph Of Relation Between Flash Point And Methanol Ratio
The occurrence of an increased flash point value is due to the possibility of water level or the amount
of glycerol and residual catalyst as well as alcohol in biodiesel. According to Rhesa P. Putra et al. (2012),
the difference that occurs in flash point might be caused due to the presence of residual form of glycerol
and the remaining catalysts that have not been completely worn away and this can be caused by the
presence of components in the biodiesel with a high flash point increase so it raises the biodiesel flash
point value. In this case, the used cooking oil is one of the possible causes of high flash point values.

4.4 Effect CPO : Methanol Ratio on Generated Biodiesel Water Level

Based on observational data and characteristic analytical data that have been carried out, it represents
the produced biodiesel water level mostly does not meet the SNI-04-7182-2006 biodiesel quality
standards which is a maximum of 0.05%. Voltage affects the water level of biodiesel produced. Based
on voltage variations used in table 5, it is seen that most of the water level produced does not meet the
Water Level (%)

0.05 Generated water
Kadar Air yang
0.04 level dihasilkan
0.03 Generated water
SNI Kadar Air
0.02 level
5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000
CPO : Methanol (Mol) Ratio

Figure 4. Graph Of Relation Between Water Level (%) And Methanol Ratio
Based on the variation of the mol ratio used, the biodiesel water level at a ratio of 1: 2, the
generated water level increases with the addition of methanol mol ratio of 1: 6. According to Tiara Yulia
Putri (2015), the high level of biodiesel water is caused by the accumulation of water in the oil before
the transesterification process. This increased water level can stimulate the hydrolysis process between
triglycerides and water molecules to form glycerol and free fatty acids. According to Prihandana et al
(2006), the water level contained in fuel can form crystals that may clog the flow of fuel. The presence
of water can also trigger the growth of microorganisms which certainly can clog the flow of fuel.
Based on the effect tension graph on the water level in figure 16, it can be seen that the effect of the mol
ratio on the suitable water level for biodiesel is at a ratio of 1: 2 and 1: 3.

4.5 Effect of CPO: Methanol Ratio on the Generated Biodiesel Viscocity

Based on observational data and characteristic analytical data that have been carried out in the
appendix and table 9, it shows that the produced viscosity does not meet the SNI-04-7182-2006 biodiesel
quality standards that is a maximum of 6.0 cSt (centistoke).
Ratio variation affects the generated biodiesel viscosity. Based on the used voltage variations, it can
be seen from the table that the biodiesel viscosity produced does not meet the SNI-04-7182-2006
biodiesel quality standards. Based on the effect tension graph of biodiesel viscosity produced can be
seen in figure 17.

Viscosity (cSt)

SNI Maks

5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000
CPO : Methanol (Mol) Ratio

Figure 4. Graph Of Relation Between Viscosity And Methanol Ratio

The high viscosity is caused by the remaining remnants and glycerol, the heating temperature is too low
so the biodiesel viscosity does not decrease and also the quality of the used cooking oil raw material is
not good enough. According to Rhesa P. Putra et al (2012), the difference viscosity in produced biodiesel
is due to some impurities that are still contained in biodiesel in the form of unreacted reactants.
According to Prihandana et al (2006), fuel atomization is highly dependent on viscosity, injection
pressure, and injector hole size. Higher viscosity will make atomized fuel into larger droplets with high
momentum and tend to collide with relatively cold cylindrical walls.
Based on the catalyst type and concentration graph on the relationship
viscosity in figure 17, it can be seen that the variation of the good mol ratio for biodiesel as seen from
the produced biodiesel viscosity is a mol ratio of 1, 2 volts.

5. Conclusions
Biodiesel with a ratio of 1: 6 produces the highest yield (%), namely 89.12%. A good variation to
produce biodiesel in accordance to the SNI-04-7182-2006 biodiesel quality standards is a ratio of 1: 6
with yield (%) of 89.12%, density of 0.885 gr / ml, flash point of 197.6oC, water level of 0.081%,
viscosity of 10.543 cST, and heating value of 0042,793 cal / gr. A biodiesel maker with a continuous
system is produced. Where the produced biodiesel is seen from the yield (%), density, flash point, water
level, and heating value, most of them meet SNI-04-7182-2006 standards except the viscosity that passes
the maximum limit of viscosity values based on SNI-04-7182-2006 standards.
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