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Trumpet Call
Newsletter of East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church - November 2010


Servants Connecting Through Christ

November is an exciting time for our church. It example and his teaching demonstrates that prayer
is a chance for us to examine our lives and to com- and fasting are important and integral ingredients in
mit to where God is working in our church. This the lives of his followers. In the Sermon on the
year we will have two opportunities to commit to Mount in Matthew 6, Jesus places fasting on the
God‘s leading in our lives. Our commitment card, same level as praying and giving. He says, ―When
shows the number of opportunities available to usto you fast (v. 16), when you pray (v. 5), and when
serve the Lord. The Estimate of Giving card sent you give (v. 2).‖
out with the third quarter giving statements is a way As your Lay Leader, I would like to challenge
for us to show how we are willing to support finan- you to ask God if he is calling you to fast before fill-
cially the ministries of our church. ing out your commitment cards. Instead of looking at
We are a congregation that continues to do the fasting as a burden, approach your fast with excite-
Lord‘s work. But where does God want me to ment. Try giving up one or two meals, and during the
serve? How much is he asking me to give finan- time it would take you to prepare, eat and clean up
cially toward his work? We each need to ask for the meal, prayerfully go over your card with the Lord.
God‘s direction in making these decisions. Each time you feel a hunger pang throughout the day,
Solitude, quiet and being set apart from the dis- lift up a prayer to God, asking him to speak to you
tractions of this world are vital to hearing God about where you should serve and how much you
speak. Whispering through the noise, Jesus says, should give. Seek him humbly in a new way this
―My child, there is a better way. Come into my month, and expect him to speak to you in a way you
presence. I will give you rest. have never heard him before.
Trust me, and obey.‖ Jesus by his Jill Malefyt

Commitment Sunday, November 14

During All Worship Services
This year we have a new look and timeframe for our commitment program. We are
working toward changing the commitment year from January through December to Sep-
tember through August. In order to make this transition, your commitment will be from January 1, 2011
through August 31, 2011. We have changed the layout of the Commitment Card and the way our ministry
opportunities are listed into areas of Grow, Connect, Serve or Praise.
We will Celebrate our First Fruits during a congregational dinner in Fellowship Hall on
Friday, November 12 at 6 p.m.
A complete meatloaf dinner and music program is $4 per person. Children under 6 are free.

83. South Courtland Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 570-421-3280 email:
News you need to know Page 2
in our church, district and conference

―What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.‖ It IS wonder-

ful to know that the God of the universe wants us to pray to him about
everything. Join together with your family in Christ to lift up our church—
especially the upcoming church conference and our commitments of time,
talent and treasure. We encourage families to sign-up; you can make a life-
time impression on your child or youth through this amazing opportunity.
We are offering two special opportunities to pray:

Corporate Prayer Open House in the Sanctuary on Thursday, November 4 from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Come any time during the evening and stay as long as you like. This will be a time where you can pray at the
altar, in the pews, or at prayer stations that will be set up around the room. You can pray alone or join up with
others as the Spirit leads. Bring your family and friends or come alone and plan to spend quality time talking
and listening to God.
24-Hour Prayer Vigil held in the Eaton Chapel or at your home on Saturday, November 6 from 6 a.m.
on Saturday to 6 a.m. on Sunday, November 7. Sign up on the chart located in Oberholtzer Hall near the
Eaton Prayer Chapel for one hour slots. A prayer guide will be available in the chapel.

Steering Team Condensed . . .

The Steering Team meets the first Monday of each worship leader/tech. support. The worship leader
month at 7 p.m. in the Conference Room. The purpose position has been posted on two websites.
of the team is to support the ministries created by our » Stewardship, Mark Oney, Looking for a finan-
vision utilizing the resources of people, financial gifts cial expert to advise on renovation mortgage; Dis-
and buildings. The team oversees the business of the cussed how best to communicate financial infor-
church. All meetings are open to the congregation. mation - will be reporting income/ anticipated ex-
penses in Weekly News. Stewardship letters will
Below is a condensed copy of the October minutes. go out with third quarter statements.
The official copy ise posted on the Informational Bul- » Trustees, Bob Repsher, Conducted yearly par-
letin Board in Oberholtzer Hall for your review. sonage inspections and they were found to be in
» Pastor Kimes, Surgery 10-12; recovery time is 4- good shape. Renovation update - carpet squares
6 weeks. Pastor Candy will cover during this time. are being installed, painting is ongoing; expect to
Church Conference is 11-10 at 7 p.m. be completed in two weeks.
» Lay Delegate, Pat Braun, Compared vision state- » AA and NA will meet in the current youth room,
ments to look for alignment with our proposed once renovations are completed.
statement: Our vision is to challenge and encour-
age everyone in our congregation to know and fol- » Other Business:
low Christ. Ours is a good match with the Confer- - The new vision statement, list of nominations
ence Vision Statement. and budget will be available Sunday, October 31
» Ministry Placement Team, John Hollister, for congregational review.
Nomination process has been completed; hoping - A letter addressed to the team expressing
nominees are willing to serve. A change in the concerns about the church was distributed. This
Book of Discipline now allows for nominated po- team will review the letter for discussion at the
sitions to be eligible for additional terms. November meeting.
» Staff Parish Relations, Dave Baxter, Looking to - Scott Kuhnle reported that the youth mission
fill two part-time positions of maintenance and presentation during worship services were
received well.
Page 3
Church Conference
Wednesday, November 10
7 p.m.
Church Basement
with District Superintendent Rev. Bronwyn Yocum
Come celebrate how God calls us to
Grow, Connect, Serve, Praise and Support
here at East Stroudsburg United Methodist.
Church Conference Agenda
 Lay Leader Report
 Pastoral State of the Church
 2011 Church Vision
 2011 Church Budget
 2011 Pastoral Salaries and Appointments
 2011 Nomination of Leaders
 Dedication of our newly renovated facility

Dedication of our Newly Renovated Facility

We are excited to announce that our Church Conference will be held in our newly renovated basement. With
much prayer, faith and a lot of determination, we dared to undertake this renovation to provide additional
Christian education classroom space and our youth with a safe space. This will help them to grow in their faith
and provide room for them to witness to their friends, which in turns grows disciples for Christ. Our District
Superintendent Rev. Yocum will dedicate this area to God‘s ministry at the end of our conference.

Our Church Vision

We are being called to Grow, Connect, Serve
Our vision will be presented at the Church Conference. The Vision Team hears God calling us
to challenge and encourage everyone in our congregation to know and follow Christ by:
▪ Growing as disciples through Christ’s teachings; Connecting with one another in
Christian community; and Serving Christ by serving others.
This team envisions us fulfilling this vision God has placed before us by:
Broadening our spiritual educational opportunities and formats, encouraging everyone to
connect with God’s Word.
Creating fellowship programs that encourage participation of diverse groups and individu-
als, both within and outside the church.

Working with everyone to discover his/her spiritual gifts, ensuring that all will serve in
some way in our church or community.
Page 4

These activities are open to the community.
Invite a friend and create an opportunity to
talk about your faith.

▪ Adult Co-ed Recreational Basketball
Make your appointment for our new church direc- every Monday at 7 p.m. in the Fellowship
tory either by calling the church office or checking Hall. For information call John at 426-7574.
online at I ▪ Adult Men’s Basketball every Tuesday at
7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. For information
Appointments are available Tuesday, November 23
from 3:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Friday, November 26 from
5 - 8 p.m. or Saturday, November 27 from 10 a.m. -
S call Eric at 242-6047.
▪ Hiking led by Dave Strunk and Bob Rosen-

1:30 p.m. Each family will receive a free 8x10 or sheet berger meets the third Sunday of every month,
of wallets and a church directory. leaving the church parking lot at 12:15 p.m.
With over 500 families in our church, it is challeng- Hikes are for anyone that hikes trails of 2-5
ing for everyone to know each other. This is a great
tool to help us put faces with names.
R miles, rated easy to moderate. For informa-
tion, please call Bob at 223-7076.

Older Kids Merry Martha's

This group is a 55+ aged group that meets at the and the Mister’s
church or off-site for a time of fellowship. You
need not be a member of our church, so feel free to If you like to cook and share ideas, this ministry
bring a friend. For planning purposes, please is for you! Each person is asked to bring $2 to cover
RSVP to Jean Snyder at 421-0485. If needed, expenses. All events are on Fridays starting at 6:30
Jean can also arrange transportation. p.m. in Fellowship Hall unless otherwise stated.
Monday, November 8 - Thanksgiving Dinner at RSVP to Lila Walker at 421-6345.
the Monroe County Career and November 5 - Gifts from the Kitchen - Share
Technical School. Van transportation creative ways on making and packaging food gifts
will leave the church at 11:15 a.m. for the holidays.
for a Noon meal. The cost is $6 per
person. You must RSVP by Nov. 2
to attend this event.
Monday, December 13 - Enjoy a S.W.A.T.
Ham dinner at the church starting at 11:30 a.m. Senior Workers Action Team
Everyone is asked to bring a side dish or dessert to November 23
share. We have games, and Rev. Ed and Faith Ki- Calling men, women, retirees and anyone
mes will share their experiences while in England. who has three hours of work in them a month.
Please offer your service to keep our church in
End of Summer Celebration top shape. This group cleans, paints and organ-
The celebration was attended by more than 250 peo- izes things on the fourth Tuesday of every
ple. The weather moved us inside and everyone had a month. Ken & Bonnie Alspach will serve break-
fast at 8:30 a.m and the team works from 9-
great time. Games, bounce house, obstacle course and
Noon. Come when you can leave when you
hotdogs! Thanks to the more than 25 volunteers and
must. Call Bob Rosenberger at 223-7076 for de-
two people who made monetary donations the day was
a blessing to all that attended.

The church office is closed Thanksgiving Day, November 25

and Friday, November 26.
Page 5
Discipleship Opportunities
Planning is underway for this year‘s Advent Program! Join our
Discipleship Team as we seek to make this all-too-busy time of a year
a time of growing closer to God and one another!
This family-friendly Advent opportunity includes programming for
adults, youth, and children. Each program session will include a com-
munity meal, a carol-sing, a video-based Bible study, and small group
discussions. The session one ENCORE is designed for those who are
unable to attend during the week and would like to participate.
Mark your calendar for the following dates:
Session One: Wednesday, December 1
5:30 p.m. Dinner 6:15 p.m. Carols 6:30 p.m. Video & Discussion
Session One ENCORE: Sunday, December 5
12:30 p.m. Lunch 1:15 p.m. Carols 1:30 p.m. Video & Discussion
Session Two: Wednesday, December 8
5:30 p.m. Dinner 6:15 p.m. Carols 6:30 p.m. Video & Discussion
Session Three: Wednesday, December 15
5:30 p.m. Dinner 6:15 p.m. Carols 6:30 p.m. Video & Discussion
Session Four: Wednesday, December 22
5:30 p.m. Dinner 6:15 p.m. Carols 6:30 p.m. Video & Discussion
In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the season, take advantage of this opportunity to experience anew
the miracle of Christ‘s birth! For more information on the Advent Program, please contact Pastor LaBar at
421-3280, x12 or

Two Opportunities to attend Beth Moore Events

In a world full of doubt, it is easy for us to forget that we, ourselves, are Living Proof of God’s love.
Beth Moore invites you to come be a part of, a weekend event that will challenge you and encourage you to
dig deeper into God’s word. During Living Proof Live, you will have the opportunity to worship with Travis
Cottrell and his praise team, as you stand alongside hundreds, maybe even thousands of Christian women.

More of Him Ministries is chartering a bus to Baltimore, Inner Harbor, MD to attend a Living Proof Live
Conference with Beth Moore, Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 2011. Cost: 2 to a room $200, 3 to a room $175, 4 to a room
$162 Trip Includes: One night-stay at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, Bus Transportation, Ticket to the Confer-
ence and free time to Explore Baltimore and SHOP! We will leave by 12 p.m. Friday and return to Bethle-
hem around 8 p.m. Saturday. For a registration form or more information visit
This conference will sell out fast!

East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church -

Beth Moore Event Simulcast
Saturday, September 10, 2011
9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
We are once again looking into hosting this event. The cost would
be $20 per person for the conference and lunch. Volunteers are
needed to offer this event. If you would be interested in attending or
helping, please contact Kelli Oney at or 421-
3280. Please share you intentions before December 15, this
event needs to be ordered by January 1.
Page 6
Children’s Ministry
Our Children’s Ministries include infant through 6th grades. Please contact Susan Randall for
information or to register for an event at or 570-421-3280.

Our after-school programs meet twice a month on Tuesdays from

3:30-5 p.m. at the church. Activities include: outings, visitation with
our older and homebound members, mission projects, weekly devo-
tions, games and snacks. Parents are requested to help with snacks Instructional
and at least one activity per quarter.
Backyard Buddies - for children in grades second and third. Novem- is Back!
ber 2 is a Fall Mission Project at the church and November 16 we
This year Mr. Mercurio is in-
will travel to North Summit Climbing Gym*.
troducing two groups that will
focus on teaching basic basket-
Lord’s Army - for children in grades fourth and fifth. November 9 ball skills and sportsmanship in a
is a Fall Mission Project at the church and November 23 we will safe environment. Both groups
travel to North Summit Climbing Gym*. are open to boys or girls and
North Summit Climbing Gym will cost each child $16, which meet weekly on Monday nights
includes climbing fee, snacks, a pizza dinner, and water bot- from November 15 - March 28.
tles. (Special climbing shoes are optional for an extra $4). Ages 6-8 will meet from
Groups will return at 7:15 p.m. 6 - 6:45 p.m.
Ages 9-12 will meet from
School pick-up is available by church van from JM Hill, ESE, 6:45 - 8 p.m.
Stroudsburg Intermediate, and Stroudsburg Middle Schools. Group Participants are asked to bring a
size is limited, so sign up soon if your child is interested in water bottle. For information,
participating this school year. please call John at (570)

Sunday School Mission Project

We will be holding our annual Shoebox Packing Party on Sunday,
November 21 during Sunday School from 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. Informa-
tion regarding this project will be sent home during early November.
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God's
love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and
together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of
Jesus Christ.
Samaritan's Purse is a nondenominational, evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and
physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan's Purse has helped meet the
needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose
of sharing God's love through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Page 7

By Scott Kuhnle Youth Rally

Jr. High is for grades 7-8, and Sr. High is for grades 9-12 Friday, January 8
Sunday, January 10
Growing Deeper Disciples for Christ Ocean City, M.D.
Youth Vision Team Reports
Ask anyone who attended
last year and they will tell
Let our atmosphere and programs attract new youth you what a great experience
and grow deeper disciples of Jesus Christ. this was. The worship is
When the Church Conference approved the basement amazing, the speakers throw
renovation plans, our youth and adult volunteers wasted no down great challenges, and
time in forming a youth room vision team to begin working on answering the the fellowship is awesome.
question, “How are we going to use this new facility to impact the youth of Call Scott to sign-up for
this community?” A combination of youth, adult volunteers, and parents par- either retreat. Adult volun-
ticipated on this team. teers are needed.
After the first meeting it was agreed that our goal as a vision team and as a
youth program, should be to let our atmosphere and programs attract new J.A.M. Update
youth and grow deeper disciples of Jesus Christ. The group met several Our after-school program
times over the summer to brainstorm practical ways we could accomplish our for seventh and eight grade
stated goal and vision. It was impressive to hear the recommendations the students is now open to sixth
vision team came up with. Their ideas are insightful, practical, and most of grade students! This pro-
all aimed at growing the youth program at East Stroudsburg United Methodist gram meets from 2:45 - 5
into a program that aims at having a huge impact on the youth in our commu- p.m. every Thursday at the
nity. With the makeup of this new facility, we will be able to better minister church. Van transportation is
to the youth we have and offer more events to bring new youth into our pro- available from local schools.
gram. Here are the envisioned goals and a ‗wish list‘ of items the youth room
vision team is seeking to raise funds for.
Worship/Teaching: Our goal with the following items is to create excellence in youth
worship through interactive media, technology, and a variety of teaching styles. Our needs
are: Projector (donation received), laptop computer and white board paint.
Game Room / Hang Out Area: In this game room, our youth will be able to enjoy
fellowship with friends. Youth who are new to our program will have a safe,
God-centered place to play games, hang out, and meet new people. We are also striving to create an area
where youth will want to bring their friends. Interactive game systems like Xbox and Wii are a big
draw to the teenagers we seek to reach. This room will also serve as a meeting area for small group
discussion and Bible study classes. Our needs are: LCD Flat Screen TV 47‖ – 52‖, Blu-Ray player
and speaker system, 10 Bean Bag Chairs (4 chairs have already been donated), Xbox
(donation received), Rock Band game and equipment.
Snack Bar: A snack bar will be a fellowship area for youth who would like to hang out, have
a soda or snack, and talk with their friends. This is also specifically designed to be
attractive to new youth. Drinks and snacks will be sold with any profits going towards
youth missions. Our need is: 10 plain wooden counter stools that the youth will
paint and design.
Contact Scott at or 421-3280, ext 13.
with questions, for more information or to register for an event .
Page 8
Congregational Care
To Show Them We Care Fourth Class of Stephen Ministers
by Randy Ravago, Stephen Minister by Peggy Strack
When you see people who are sad, lonely, or The Stephen Ministry leadership announces
grief-stricken, don‘t just tell them you care—show that training has begun for our fourth class of
them you care. Ask how they are, listen to what Stephen Ministers. Seven adults from our
they have to say, share the love of Jesus. And if church family have volunteered to walk beside
their need is great, encourage them to consider individuals from our church and community
Stephen Ministry as a way to receive the trans- who desire to have Christian support during a
forming love and care of Jesus. Show them you difficult time in their lives.
care, and make a real difference in their life. Our new Stephen Ministers will learn about and
Peggy Strack is our Stephen Leader who coordi- develop the qualities of Christian caregivers as they
nates referrals. If you or someone you know could participate in 27 weeks of training. They will focus on
benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister, please being compassionate, full of faith, skilled, trustworthy,
contact her at 421-3280. You may also speak with and totally Christ-centered as they offer Christian care.
one of our pastors or Stephen Leaders Linda John- Please pray for and encourage Nancy Amici,
son, Jennie Poole, Kathy or Randy Ravago. Remem- Loretta Anthes, Mike Carlson, Linda Farris, Bruce
ber, if you want us to talk about Stephen Ministry to Johnson, Rich Mayers and Maria Ragonese as they
someone, please get their permission first. participate in this intensive training!

Happy is Healthier!
United Methodist by Peggy Strack
The American Heart Association reports that a recent
Women study by the National Institute on Aging suggests that an-
All women are invited to at- tagonistic people, particularly those who are competitive
tend the Annual World Thank and aggressive, may be increasing their risk of heart attack
Offering at Saturday, November 13 at 9 a.m in or stroke.
the Bridal Lounge. A program reflecting on In the study participants answered a personality ques-
the issues of "plenty" and "enough" as part of tionnaire, which included six facets of agreeableness: trust,
the World Thank Offering giving. straightforwardness, altruism, compliance, modesty and ten-
The World Thank Offering allows us to der mindedness. Researchers used ultrasound to determine
share a portion of God's blessing with others. the thickness of carotid arteries in the neck at five points.
The funds collected are use in the program of The study revealed that antagonistic people have greater
mission carried on through the Women's Divi- thickening of neck artery walls than agreeable people, in-
sion in the United States and around the world. creasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Those deemed
the least agreeable had a 40 percent increased risk of artery
narrowing compared to those who were the most agreeable.
Praise the Lord! Glory, Honor and Thanks The entire article may be read online:
to our God. Randy is employed. Much ap-
preciation to all who is sincerely prayed for, Scripture also suggests that a positive attitude is healthy.
supported, encouraged and loved us through Proverbs 17:22 tells us that ―A cheerful heart is good medi-
our very difficult 20 months of unemploy- cine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. In Proverbs
ment. Many thanks to all who expressed 15:15 we read ―When a man is gloomy, everything seems to
care, concern and understanding to us. We go wrong; when he is cheerful, everything seems right.‖
are grateful to have such good friends. We have no control over our heredity, but there are
Love and Prayers, many risk factors for disease that we can influence! Stop by
Dawn & Randy Johns Fellowship Hall on Sunday, November 14 after services to
get your blood pressure checked and pick up literature from
the American Heart Association.
Outreach in the community & World Page 9

Church Women
United of
Monroe County
Friday, November 5
10:30 a.m.
We are excited to host
This year Nancy Gargone, Pat Fish, Mary
World Community Day
Friday November 5 at our Schneider have worked to keep the Soup Kitchens
church. Bunch of breakfast running in the same welcoming manner that our
casseroles, juice, muffins, bagels, coffee and tea will guests are accustomed to. This outreach can only
be served at 10:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall (rear of happen with the support of our congregation, YOU
church building.) The program Building the Beloved ARE GREAT. The church body has come through
Community will start at 11:15 a.m. in the Sanctuary. in so many ways, from donating food and clothing
Together we consider examples of economic in- to giving of time and energy. These ladies wish to
justice in the light of a goal: communities that pro- Thank You personally for your support.
mote the dignity, safety and economic opportunities Listed below are some of changes they have made:
for all --which Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, called 1) Soup Kitchen doors now open at 10 a.m.
"The Beloved Community." There will be a speaker offering coffee, tea and a light snacks.
from Habitat for Humanity 2) One of the guests is asked to say grace be
Everyone is welcome. Attendees are encourage fore the meal is served at Noon.
to wear heart-shaped jewelry to coordinate with the 3) Volunteers serve the meal to our guests
logo designed by folk artist Florence Naquin, a at their tables.
member of the non-profit Terrebonne Association for 4) We hand out bags for groceries.
Retarded Citizens, provides opportunities that sup- This year we would like everyone take into
port the talents and need for independence found consideration that many of our guest carry every-
among its members. thing they own on their backs. Please consider this
when purchasing food for the Kitchen. Helpful
items are single serving foods...oatmeal packs,
crackers, breakfast bars, individual fruit, pudding
or jell-o cups, fruit snacks, etc. Food may be
placed in the Food Bank box located in Oberholt-
zer Hall. You can mark your bag Soup Kitchen
Items.” With the winter months upon us, we will
be collecting socks to hand out to those in need.
Adult Mission Trip - In the spring of 2010 Middle These may be placed in the chimney in the Hall-
Tennessee (Nashville Area) had devastating flooding way leading into Fellowship Hall.
and tornadoes. Approximately 36,000 families were
affected. We are looking to set up a trip in the middle
of spring 2011 to help these families get back on their
Stine Class Collects
feet. We will be leaving on a Saturday morning, visit Cell Phones for Soldiers
a local church Sunday morning, and return the follow- Americans will replace an estimated 130 mil-
ing Saturday evening. This work week may just be lion cell phones this year; why not donate your
the most rewarding week of your life. If interested, old phone into a prepaid calling card for U.S.
please contact Wayne Mertz at (570)730-9240 or troops overseas? Each donated phone provides an Anyone with a willingness to hour of talk time for soldiers abroad. A box is lo-
serve is welcome. cated in Oberholtzer Hall until Christmas.
Praise and Worship Page 10

Calling Instrumentalists
and Singers
▪ Dust off your instruments for the annual Carol playing in
Oberholtzer Hall between services Sunday morning, De-
cember 19! Open to all wind and string players from grade
4 through adults. Elementary and middle school age chil-
dren must be in a school band or orchestra. Arrangements
are very easy, and rehearsal dates will be flexible.
▪ Scheduling is in progress for Gospel singing ensemble for
Wednesday, November 24 youth grade 6 up through adult.
▪ We are still looking for a possible woodwind/instrumental
7:30 p.m. ensemble for special occasions.
at St. Matthew’s Roman ▪ March 6, 2011 – Annual Spring Cantata is on Transfigu-
Catholic Church ration Sunday, connecting the life of Christ from Christ-
Ridgeway Street, East Stroudsburg mas to the events of Holy Week. Singers, dancers, chil-
Other Participating churches include: East Stroudsburg dren, instrumentalists, narrators, costuming, and other
Presbyterian, East Stroudsburg United Methodist, roles will be needed. Rehearsals will begin in January.
Pocono Medical Center Chaplain For more information, contact Pauline Fox

Those Serving in November Worship

- Ushers Needed -
Greeters and Ushers: Please contact the church office at
8:30 a.m. Service: Bob (Capt.) & Bobbie Howes, Ed & Sue Bom- 421-3280 or, if
marito, Cindy Hatton, Ross & Nancy Transue you would be willing to usher.
9:45 a.m. Service: 11/7 John & Kelli Mercurio, Connie Moyer, Two ushers are needed to fill the
Sandy Oberholtzer, Bill & Pat Cunningham; 11/14 John & Amy November and December teams
Hollister, Brian Farris, Angie & Evan Simmons; 11/21 Bob & during the 11 a.m. service.
MaryAnne Constable, Frank, Tammy, Frankie & Colby Ems;
11/28 Joyce Heller, Lisa & McKenna Datesman, Kathy North
11 a.m. Service: Gloria Ladlee, (Capt.) Dennis Wilkens,
Successful Organ Series
Ed Jackson, Angie Simmons What a wonderful welcome was
Communion Steward: Debbie Zacharias given to the many area guests who
Pew Packer: Ralph & Donna Dinkle traveled here for the Organ Series
Altar Flower Delivery: Gloria Ladlee Concert by Gordon Turk Sunday,
Food Bank (Follow Me Foundation): Liz Cory September 26! It was a crowded and
Church Driver: Ed Jackson festive event, deserving many thanks
to all who greeted, shared publicity,
Acolytes: 11-7-14 Jozette & Jahsaiah Moses; 11/21-28 Matt and supported, especially Debbie
Aldridge & Courtney Buff Zacharias and those who supplied
Children’s Church: 11/7 Sue Randall; 11/14 Chris Perfetti; 11/21 the reception!
Ann Osbun; 11/28 Joann Wallie Plans are being made for the
2011 event, and any persons who
Lay Readers: 11/14 (8:30) Linda Johnson (11:00) Chris Perfetti; wish to offer ideas or support are
11/21 (8:30) Leigh Balcik (9:45) Lynn Pappalardo (11:00) Chris strongly asked to let Pauline Fox
Perfetti; 11/28 (8:30) Maria Jacobs (9:45) Lynn Pappalardo (11:00) know of your area of interest.
Janett Raughley
East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church Page 11
Non-Profit Organization
83. South Courtland Street U.S. Postage
East Stroudsburg PA 18301

Permit No. 182

E Stroudsburg PA 18301

Our Mission is to Love Jesus Christ

and Share His Love!

Servants Connecting Through Christ

Congregational Dinner
Friday, November 12
6:30 p.m.

Meatloaf Dinner Served

Family Style
- plus -
Music Entertainment throughout the Evening

$4 per person - Children under 6 free

Commitment Sunday, November 14

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