Construction Contractor Safety Guidelines-Edit

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Construction Contractor Safety Guidelines

After award of work, subcontractors are required to enter into a memorandum of
understanding as given below:

Memorandum of understanding

OWNER is committed to Health, Safety and Environment Policy (SHE Policy).

M/s---------------------------do hereby also commit to comply with the same SHE

Plan while Executing the Contract Number _____________

M/s _______________shall ensure that safe work practices as per the SHE
plan. Spirit and content therein shall be reached to all workers and supervisors
for compliance.

In addition to this, M/s________________shall comply with all applicable

statutory and regulatory requirements which are in force in the place of project
and any special requirement specified in the contract document of the principal

M/s_________________shall co-operate in SHE audits/inspections conducted

by OWNER /third party and ensure to close any non-conformity
observed/reported within prescribed time limit.

Signed by authorized
representative of M/s ------------------
--------------------- Name :

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Construction Contractor Safety Guidelines

Construction Contractor Safety Guidelines

OWNER is committed to the prevention of incidents to minimize loss of life and bodily injury
to its employees and contractor/subcontractor employees, prevent damage to physical assets
and protect the public against hazards resulting from its operations. As such, OWNER
considers safety to be no less of a priority than other business considerations, including
schedule and cost.

In support of this commitment, OWNER publishes the following guidelines to the Construction
contractors & Sub-Contractors::

Section 1 Primary Responsibility:

1.1 The Main Contractor is responsible for the activities of their employees and liable for
all acts, errors and omissions of their sub-contractors.

1.2 The Prime responsibility of Contractor to establish safety systems of work with
competent supervision the work thereby not to expose individuals to injury or
OWNER assets to harm.

1.3 Deploying competent supervisors and site safety personals/professionals to monitor,

inspect the safety requirements of their activities

1.4 All personnel shall be issued a photo identity card of size 85mm x 55mm duly signed
by the authorized representative of the contractor before they are engaged for any

1.5 All contractor workers (all persons hired by contractor/subcontractor) should wear
minimum PPE that are Safety Helmet, Safety Shoes and Safety Reflective Jacket- Red
colour & Safety Glass without fail while working at construction site

1.6 Contractor shall not engage any personal below the age of 18 years

1.7 Contractor shall not engage any female workers/personnel after sunset
(6PM to 7AM)

1.8 No contract employee shall be engaged who are medically unfit or of 60 years &
above age group.

1.9 No contract employee should be allowed to stay beyond the stipulated prescribed
overtime duration in a week prescribed as per legal regulations.

2.0 The Contractor shall assume full and independent responsibility for the safety and
health of its employees when working at OWNER and also agrees to perform in full
Compliance with all applicable laws and Indian standards and requirements

2,1 Contractor shall solely responsible for safe and social behaviour of the employees.
Section 2 Statutory Compliance:

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Construction Contractor Safety Guidelines

2.1 To comply all the statues as per the Annexure –I applicable to construction site

2.2 Maintaining the necessary insurance coverage required as per local regulations
2.3 Contractor shall bear all the expenses /compensation against any loss /or damage to
the property, plant and equipment during execution of the work, treatment, death and labour
Obligations. OWNER is not liable for any damage or compensation payable at law in respect
of or
in consequences of any accident or injury.

Section 3 Safety Compliance:

3.1 Contract workers should never endanger themselves or their fellow workers,
including refraining from horseplay.

3.2 Reporting any incident, near miss, and or dangerous occurrences that resulted or
could have resulted in an injury or incident

3.3 Never remove, modify or abuse safety devices, equipment and welfare facilities
3.4 Obey posted “warning signs”
3.5 Smoking shall be permitted only in designated areas

Section 4 PPE Compliance:

4.1 Contactor should maintain PPE store at construction site. Sufficient stock of PPE
should always be maintained at site.

4.2 Safety Steward/Supervisor should ensure that right type PPE issued to worker
according the need of Protection against the hazard.

Section 5 Safety Training:

5.1 The Contractor shall ensure that all personnel working at the site receive an induction
SHE training explaining the nature of the work, the hazards that may be encountered
during the site work and the particular hazards attached to their own function within
the operation.

5.2 The Contractor shall conduct Toolbox talk as given in the OWNER Project Contractor
SHE manual to all high-risk workmen every day.

5.3 No person should be deployed at the Site without having undergone safety induction
training and job specific training at the site

5.4 Ensuring that all Tools, tackles & equipment brought onto or stored at OWNER for
execution of the job are certified/tested fit for usage by relevant and applicable
regulatory authorities.

Section 6 Work execution:

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Construction Contractor Safety Guidelines

6.1 Contractor shall not start any job without taking work permit

6.2 The contractor’s site management shall establish the following at the planning stage:
 Safety responsibilities for supervisors, subcontractors and other personnel.
 Fire prevention and protection provisions.
 Emergency vehicle access.
 Specific hazards to be identified and control measures to be taken in JSA.
 Job-skills/craft training and safety training/orientation requirements for
 Types & quantities of PPE needed.
 First aid, medical and sanitation facilities needed.
 Work permit procedures and requirements
 Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and/or emergency procedures

6.3 Contractor shall establish additional training programs for personnel who perform
high-risk activities, such as but not limited to: confined space entry, fire watch,
isolation and lock-out/tag-out, working on or near energized electrical equipment,
working at height, lifting and rigging, excavation, specialized power tools and
equipment, handling of hazardous chemicals, waste storage and handling, etc.

6.4 Securing Site and Equipment after Working Hours

6.4.1 Power-driven construction equipment shall have the ignition locked and key
removed when not in use.
6.4.2 Heavy equipment that will be left unattended overnight shall be made
immobile by disconnecting the battery or by other appropriate means if there
is no lock for the cab and the engine compartment access is readily
6.4.3 Bulldozer blades, front loader and backhoe buckets and similar pieces of
equipment shall be lowered to the ground when not in use.
6.4.4 Excavations or obstructions creating hazards to pedestrian or vehicular traffic
at night shall have adequate lighting. Warning signs shall be posted on
approved types of barricades.

6.5 The contractor’s site supervision shall ensure that trash and debris is properly
collected and disposed of daily.

6.6 The contractor shall ensure that construction site is provided with fire extinguishing
equipment sufficient to extinguish any probable fire at construction site. All the
contract workman shall be trained on operating the fire extinguishers and fire fighting
6.7 Contractor shall not make any changes/alterations to the job plan/equipment without
Prior consultation with the execution department

6.8 Contractors shall perform documented self-inspection(s) of their work operations,

facilities and equipment at least once per day for construction projects.

6.9 Any adverse report of contract employee shall be treated as non-Compliance and
executing department shall be at liberty to take action on contractors.


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Construction Contractor Safety Guidelines

Applicable Statutory /legal regulations to Construction sites:

S/n Name of the Statute/Law Act/Rules
1 Building and Other Construction Workers(Regulation of Employment Central Act
& Conditions of Service) Act, 1996
2 Building and Other Construction Workers(Regulation of Employment Central Rules
& Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1998
3 The Tamilnadu Building and Other Construction Workers State Rules
(Regulations of Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules 2006
4 The Employee’s Compensation Act 1923 Central Act
5 The Building and Other Construction Workers' Welfare Cess Act, Central Act
1996 and Rules 1998
7 The Employees' State Insurance Act & Rules Central Act
8 The Electricity Act, 2003 Central Act
9 The Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 Central Rules
10 The Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act, 1983 Central Act
11 The Gas Cylinders Rules, 2004 Central Rules
12 The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 1981 Central Rules
(Amended 2002)
13 The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (Amended 1991) Central Act

14 Environment Protection Rules, 1986 (Amended 2006) Central Rules

15 Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989 Central Rules
(Amended 2003)
16 Major Accidents Hazard Control Rules, 1997 Central Rules
17 Noise (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 Central Rules
18 Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 & Rules, 1991 Central Act
19 The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 Central Act
20 The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1975 Central Rules

21 Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 Central Act

22 Motor Vehicles (Central) Rules, 1989 Central Rules
23 The Equal Renumeration Act,1976 Central Act
24 The Equal Renumeration Rules 1976 Central Rules
25 The Inter- State Migrant Workmen ( Regulation of Employment & Central Act
Conditions of Service) Act,1979
26 Weekly Holiday Act, 1942 Central Act

27 Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition Central Act

and Redressal) Act 2013

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