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Padang, 13-16 Maret 2019

Development of Trainer Instructional Media at Vocational

High School and Technology: Need Analysis Description

Ade Ariska Putri1*, Sukardi2, Usmeldi3, Fauziah4, Rizky Ema Wulansari5

Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Padang
*corresponding author


There are many obstacles faced by teachers in teaching Basic Electricity and
Electronics subjects, including: (1) The learning process becomes unattractive This student
learning interest can be seen when the teaching and learning process takes place, many
students go out of the room and play while learning too when conducting interviews with
students regarding the learning process (Suryatiningsih & Kurniawan, 2016). (2) Media
measuring instruments and components that are used separately are not practical so that they
have difficulty in compiling basic electronic circuits (Setyono & Sumbawati, 2015), (3)
Media measuring instruments and separate components also have no variation in learning so
they have not increased activity student learning because students can only see and know the
physical forms and uses of electronic components only, also the types of electronic
components used are very limited even though students need to know the physical form,
symbols, along with the types of each electronic component (Yusanti, 2018), (4) The time
needed for learning is longer, this is because the measuring media is used separately (Yusanti,


The research method used by researchers in this study is the development method (Research
and Development). The research and development model used is the IDI (instructional
Development Institute) development model, in which the IDI development model includes
three stages of defining, developing, and evaluating. The analysis phase of this requirement is
at define stage.

3.1 Need Analysis

Based on observations found several obstacles in the learning process, namely: lack of
teaching materials and learning media students in the department, lack of knowledge of
teachers in developing teaching materials and learning media and the number of students who
obtain a minimum grade of minimum completeness, lack of supporting media for Basic
Electricity and Electronics subjects causing a lack of interest and student learning motivation,
Learning trainers that are used as teacher learning media are still less varied. Obtained by
students is not maximal. Then, the use of media measuring instruments and components
separately causes the learning process takes a long time and has not increased student
learning activities because the components used are very limited.
3.2 Students Analysis
Padang, 13-16 Maret 2019
Based on the results of observations in the learning process, can be known in broad
outline the characteristics of students are as follows:
a. Students easily forget the concepts learned if the students are not involved in the process
of building understanding of concepts.
b. Characteristics of students at that age have a tendency to like things that are logical and
can be seen and touched. So that students can implement the knowledge they have
3.3 Task Analysis
In this task analysis an analysis of Basic Competencies (KD) will be developed to create
an electronic trainer media in Basic Electrical and Electronics subjects. In this study the basic
competencies analyzed were measuring electricity resistance and understanding the
measurement results studied in class X TITL at SMK 1 West Sumatra.
3.4 Concept Analysis
Concept analysis is carried out to identify the main concepts that will be used and
identify supporting concepts that are relevant and related to Basic Electric and Electronics
material in the development of electronic trainer media
3.5 Formulation of Learning Outcomes
The learning objectives in the basic competencies are applying measurements of
electric current and voltage and measuring current and voltage, namely:
Table 1. Basic Competence of Electronic Component Measurement
No Basic Competence Indicator of Competence Achievement
1 3.9. Apply electric current 3.9.1 Explain current measurements using ammeters
and voltage 3.9.2 Explain voltage measurements using a voltmeter
measurements 3.9.3 Mention the ammeter and voltmeter parts
3.9.4 Explain the working principle of ammeter and voltmeter
3.9.5 Calculate current and voltage values

2 4.9. Measuring current and 4.9.1 Demonstrate current measurements using ammeters
voltage 4.9.2 Demonstrate voltage measurements using a voltmeter
4.9.3 Identify the ampere meter and voltmeter parts
4.9.4 Check the working principle of the ammeter and voltmeter
4.9.5 Measure current and voltage


In the needs analysis found several obstacles in the learning process, namely: lack of
teaching materials and student learning media in the department, lack of teacher knowledge
in developing teaching materials and learning media. The age of students in grade X
Vocational School is in the range of 15 years to 18 years where students of class X
Vocational School are entering the developmental stages of adolescence. In this study, the
basic competencies analyzed were measuring the electrical resistance and understanding the
measurement results studied in class X TITL in SMKN. The main concept in Basic Electrical
and Electronics is that students are able to explain current measurements using ammeters,
explain voltage measurements using a voltmeter, mention the ampere meter and voltmeter
parts, explain the working principle of meters and voltmeter, calculate current and voltage
values, demonstrate current measurements using ammeters, demonstrating voltage
measurements using a voltmeter and measuring current and voltage.

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