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Dialogue 3.

Michelle: It sounds exciting, doesn’t it?

Frank: Mm, great, and it’s good to get a chance to meet the rest of
the project team.
Michelle: Yes, it is … Have you been with the New York office long,
Frank: A couple of years; before that I was based in London.
Michelle: Oh, really? So, you must know Graham Robson then?
Frank: Yes, very well - he’s an old friend. And what about you?
Michelle: I joined at the beginning of last year.
Frank: Oh, no. I meant, how do you know Graham?
Michelle: Oh, sorry. Well, we worked together last year on the
Transair project. He was my team leader. He’s great - really brilliant
to work with!
Frank: Yeah, Graham and I go back a long way. Small world, eh?

Dialogue 3.2

Frank: So, I guess you’re based in Paris. I’d really like to live there.
Michelle: Oh, did you, when was that?
Frank: No, I said “I’d like to live there”. You know, it’s one of my
Michelle: Oh, right! Yes, it’s a great city, but, oh, so expensive!
Frank: Yeah, I guess it must be … like New York and London. And
have you got an apartment like me?
Michelle: A small house, actually. It’s big enough for the two of us.
Frank: Right. And what does your husband do?
Michelle: Well, we’re divorced actually. I live with my small daughter.
Frank: Oh, I see, sorry. I thought, you know, when you said “the
two of us”, you meant …
Michelle: No, it’s OK. These things happen. I’m over it now.
Frank: Yeah, still, it’s never easy. I just love Paris. It’s such a
beautiful and civilized place.
Michelle: Yes, it is. When I travel, I realize how lucky I am to live
Frank: Well, I suppose we’d better be getting back.
Michelle: Yep, they’ll be waiting to start.

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