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If the investment kept for simple interest doubles in 5

years ,find the rate of interest?
ANS: Principle =P
Amount = A = Double of principle
● A = 2P
A= P (1 +r/100 ×n)
2P = P (1 + r/100 × 5 )
2P/P = 1+ 5r/100
2 = 1+5r/100
1= 5r/100
100/5 = r
r = 20%

Q. In how many years the amount of money will be double the

principle at simple interest of 12% p.a ?
ANS: Principle = P
Amount = A = Double the principle
A = P (1+r/100 ×n )
2P = P ( 1 + 12/100 × n)
2P/P = 1+ 0.12n
2-1 = 0.12n
1 = 0.12n
1/0.12 = n
n = 8.0333
n = 8 years and 4 months

Q. How many time will take for the interest on rs.6000 at 12%
to be equal to interest on rs.4000 for 12 years @9% .Both are
simple interest.?
ANS: P = rs.6000
r =12%
Condition 2:
P =rs.4000
r =9%
Under condition 2,
I = PnR
I = rs.4,320
We have to find out that within how many years interest will
be same as condition 2.
I = 4,320
I = PnR
4,320 = 6000×n×12/100
n=6 years
So it will take 6 years for the internet to be equal .

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