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Level 5 Programme Accreditation Application

IWCF Operations Limited

Level 5 Programme Accreditation Application

Centre Details – Please complete the below details:

Centre Name:

IWCF Centre Number: Date:

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Level 5 Programme Accreditation Application

Instructions – Level 5 Programme Accreditation Application

The following course materials used to deliver the Level 5 programme of training must be
included with this application. Course materials must be accredited before they can be used
to deliver this programme. The course materials will include but are not limited to:

• Course Description
• Course Details
• Course Objectives
• Course Outline
• Lesson Plans
• Syllabus
• Pre-Course Work
• Case Study Project
• Assessment Questions (a minimum of 40 questions must be included with the

The above materials must be submitted in English.

Each candidate must be provided with reference materials to support their learning on the instructor
led course. Reference materials must be available in every language that your course will be
delivered in. These materials can be provided in various forms which can include:

• Manual
• Homework exercises
• Class exercises
• Case Studies
• PowerPoint Presentations
• Desk top exercises
• Simulator scenario exercises

Please allow a minimum of 30 working days for the review and evaluation of this
application. Once you have been granted Level 5 provisional programme accreditation
you can arrange your first Level 5 course.

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Level 5 Programme Accreditation Application

Course Materials

Tick () the boxes below to confirm that all requested evidence has been included with the application for the Level 5 programme of training.

Course Course Course Course Lesson Reference

Programme Syllabus Pre-course Work IWCF Use
Description Details Objectives Outline Plans Materials

Level 5         

Language of Course Delivery

Specify below the language your courses will be delivered in. If you deliver your courses in more than two languages, please use a separate
sheet and submit along with this application form. Candidate reference materials must be available in every language your courses will be
delivered in.
 Language IWCF Use

Language 1:  

Language 2:  
Assessment Questions Questions
A minimum of 40 Level 5 assessment questions must be included with this application. Reference Submitted
should be made to the Level 5 IWCF Guidelines for Question Writers when writing Level 5
questions.  

Case Study Evidence Evidence IWCF

Requested Submitted Use
A case study project will form part of the candidate final assessment.
Case study proposal
2.1 A proposal for the case study project must be provided. Proposal  

Marking Criteria
2.2 A marking criterion must be provided for the case study project.  
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Level 5 Programme Accreditation Application

Staff Resources

Please detail below the name of each instructor that will be accredited to your centre to deliver the Level 5 programme of training. If your
training centre intends to use subject specialists to deliver some of the course content with the accredited instructor, confirm their details

Appendix A provides information on the Level 5 instructor requirements.

Instructor Declaration – to be signed by instructor
CV Any personal data provided under this application form will be processed
Instructor Name Please include a copy by IWCF in accordance with the Privacy Policy provided to you with this IWCF
of each instructor’s CV. application, please refer to Appendix B. In signing below, you acknowledge Use
receipt of our Privacy Policy.

 

 

 

Specialist Declaration – to be signed by specialist

CV Any personal data provided under this application form will be processed
Specialist Name Please include a copy by IWCF in accordance with the Privacy Policy provided to you with this IWCF
of each specialist’s CV. application, please refer to Appendix B. In signing below, you acknowledge Use
receipt of our Privacy Policy.

 

 

 

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Level 5 Programme Accreditation Application

Simulator Environment:

Simulators used in the Level 5 programme must be full-scale.

Room Size Heating & Simulator Instructor
Room Room Setup
(length and Lighting Model Control Surveillance IWCF use
Reference (photograph
width) (photograph Checklist Room
     

     

     

Management Resources Evidence IWCF

Evidence Required
Submitted Use
Course Material Review

A procedure detailing how the centre reviews their course materials must be
5.1 provided. The procedure must include how the course materials are reviewed, Procedure  
who reviews the materials, how often the materials are reviewed and the reason
why the materials have been reviewed, for example, candidate/instructor

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Level 5 Programme Accreditation Application

IWCF Website/FORUM Authorisation

If you would like IWCF to publish your centre details on our website and our online administration system FORUM, please sign the below
authorisation and indicate the details you would like published.

Address  Website  Telephone Number  Email  Programme Details 

Signature: Name:

Centre Declaration – to be signed by an authorised signatory

In signing the centre declaration, you are confirming that the information given on this application form is correct.

Any personal data provided under this application form will be processed by IWCF in accordance with the Privacy Policy provided to you with this
application, please refer to Appendix B.

Centre Name:

IWCF Centre Number

As a condition of accreditation, [NAME OF ACCREDITED CENTRE]: (i) agrees to provide IWCF with a minimum of 40 suitable assessment
questions to be added to IWCF’s bank of questions for the Level 5 Course; and (ii) hereby grants IWCF the right to publish and use the questions
provided in whole, partial or adapted form, and to license others to do so, anywhere in the world in all languages.

Name: Position:

Signature: Date:

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Level 5 Programme Accreditation Application

Appendix A – Level 5 Instructor Qualifications

To be accredited as a Level 5 instructor, applicant instructors must:
• Have the relevant technical knowledge (see Section 1 below): AND
• Be an accredited instructor and practical assessor for IWCF Drilling Well Control Level 4 OR
• Meet other requirements (see Section 2 below)

1. Technical Knowledge Requirements

Applicant instructors must:

Provide evidence that they have the relevant technical knowledge which they have achieved by employment, education and/or training. The
applicant instructor must have the following:
• Field experience in industry in a supervisory role for at least two years cumulative in a role which required a Level 4 IWCF
certificate (or equivalent), in one or more of the following disciplines: Drilling Supervisor, Superintendent or Company Man;
Workover Supervisor, Superintendent or Company Man; Completion Well-Site Supervisor, Superintendent or Company Man.

• Well Engineering design and programme writing experience for at least five years.

• A Bachelor of Science degree in a relevant subject, (for example, Petroleum Engineering) OR

• A relevant graduate training programme, examples of such programmes would be those held in-house by Shell (Round 1 and 2), BP,
and Schlumberger, Total and other operators and service providers.
2. Specialist Applicants

IWCF recognise the challenge training providers may face in sourcing suitable instructors that meet all of the above requirements and
deemed technically competent across the full well life cycle. Consequently, IWCF will consider additional instructor applicants (for
example certain topics can be delivered by an industry well integrity specialist without being an IWCF Drilling Well Control Level 4
instructor). Any additional applicants must demonstrate they can teach in a classroom environment.
Note: IWCF will only accept instructor applicants meeting Section 2 requirements when submitted in addition to the primary instructor
who must meet the requirements outlined in Section 1.
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Level 5 Programme Accreditation Application

Appendix B – Privacy Policy

IWCF Operations Limited (incorporated under the Companies Acts with registered number SC568731 and having its registered office at Inchbraoch
House, South Quay, Montrose, Angus DD10 9UA (“IWCF”, “we”, “us” or “our”)) is a subsidiary of the International Well Control Forum (a Scottish
Charitable Incorporated Organisation incorporated under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 (Scottish charity number SC045842)
and having its principle office at Inchbraoch House, South Quay, Montrose, Angus DD10 9UA). We develop and administer well control training,
assessment and certification programmes on behalf of the exploration and production sector of the oil and gas industry.

We are committed to preserving your privacy and will use information you provide us in accordance with the applicable Data Protection Laws. For the
purposes of this Privacy Policy, “Data Protection Laws” shall mean Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27
April 2016 (the “GDPR”) and any other laws, regulations and provisions relating to the processing of personal data applicable in the United Kingdom.

We are the data controller of all personal information which is provided to us in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Please read the following Privacy Policy to understand how we use and protect the information that you provide to us. By providing your information,
you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Privacy Policy.

1. How we collect information from you and what information we collect from you.

We may collect information about in the following ways:

1.1 by completing a form or application required by us in connection with the Services. [The form or application may be completed by you or the
centre [you are employed by / contract with]];

1.2 by providing your CV as requested under the form or application noted above;

1.3 if you contact us about the Services we provide;

1.4 We may collect and process the following information about you:
1.5 your name, contact details, e-mail address, passport details, telephone number, date of birth;
1.6 information relating to your qualifications received, current job title, employment history and any other details you provide in your CV;
1.7 any other information you provide us pursuant to the above ways of collecting data.

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Level 5 Programme Accreditation Application

2. Use of your Information

We collect and process the information held about you: (i) when we are required to comply with a legal obligation; and/or (ii) if the processing is for our
legitimate interests or those of a third party, as noted below.
We process your information:

2.1 to enable us to supply the Services;

2.2 to assess your skills, qualifications and suitability to provide the training pursuant to the Services;
2.3 to keep records of those persons providing training through the centres;
2.4 to comply with legal or regulatory requirements including dealing with any disputes that may arise;
2.5 for all other purposes consistent with the proper performance of our Services, operations and business;
2.6 to contact you in relation to the training you may providing or are providing for us.

We will only use your information for the purposes for which we collected it as detailed above, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for
another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. Specific information collected about you may be subject to other uses which will
be communicated to you separately.

3. Retention of Information

We will hold your information for as long as is necessary in relation to the purposes for which we collected the data. To determine the appropriate
retention period, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of
personal data, the purposes for which we processed the personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the
applicable legal requirements.
4. Disclosure of your Information

The information you provide to us will be treated as confidential. However, we may disclose your information to other third parties who act for us for the
purposes set out in the policy (such as affiliated training centres) or for purposes approved by you.
In addition, if we enter into a joint venture with or sold to or merged with another entity, your information may be disclosed to our new partners or owners.
Unless required to do so by law, we will not otherwise share, sell or distribute any of the information you provide to us without your consent.
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Level 5 Programme Accreditation Application

5. Sharing your data and transfers outside the UK and EEA

We may, at times, require to share your information with third parties for the purposes as detailed above, including suppliers of services to IWCF and
relevant Training Centres. At all times we will do so in accordance with Data Protection Laws. Given that IWCF provides services globally, such third
parties, particularly Training Centres, may be located outside the UK and EEA.

6. Security

We employ security measures to protect your information from access by unauthorised persons and against accidental or unlawful processing, loss,
alteration, destruction, disclosure or damage.
Please help us keep our records updated by informing us of any changes to your details.

7. Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may amend this policy from time to time. If we make any substantial changes we will notify you by automated message via your FORUM login or

Your rights

Under certain circumstances, in accordance with Data Protection Laws, you have the right to:

Request access to your personal information (commonly known as a “data subject access request”). This enables you to receive a copy of the
personal information we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it;
Request correction of the personal information that we hold about you. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate information we
hold about you corrected;
Request erasure of your personal information. This enables you to ask us to delete or remove personal information where there is no good
reason for us continuing to process it. You also have the right to ask us to delete or remove your personal information where you have
exercised your right to object to processing (see below);
Object to the processing of your personal information where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or a legitimate interest of a third party) and
there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground;
Request the restriction of processing of your personal information. This enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of personal
information about you, for example if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it; and

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Request the transfer of your personal information to another party.

If you want to access, verify, correct or request erasure of your personal information, object to the processing of your personal information, or request
that we transfer a copy of your personal information to another party, please contact

You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office in relation to our use of your information.

Contact us

To contact us with any questions relating to this policy or our privacy practices generally, please e-mail

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