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IWCF Operations Limited

Programme Accreditation Application

Centre Details – Please complete the below details:

Centre Name:

IWCF Centre Number: Date:

Drilling Well Control (Level 2)  Drilling Well Control (Level 3 & 4) 

Well Intervention Pressure Control (Level 2)  Well Intervention Pressure Control (Level 3 & 4) 
Programme Accreditation Application

Instructions - Programme Accreditation Application

All course materials used to deliver IWCF programmes of training must be included with this application. Course materials must be accredited
before they can be used to deliver the programmes of training. The course materials will include but are not limited to:

• Course Details
• Course Outline
• Lesson Plans
• Syllabus Cross Reference Form

The above materials must be submitted in English.

Each candidate must be provided with reference materials to support their learning on a course. These materials can be provided in various forms
which can include:

• Manual (mandatory for level 3 & 4 courses)

• Homework exercises
• Class exercises
• Case Studies
• PowerPoint Presentations
• Desk top exercises
• Kill Sheets (if you do not intend to use the IWCF Kill Sheet)

Reference materials must be submitted in every language that your course will be delivered in.

Please refer to the Accreditation Handbook and Application Guidance documents for further information on the course material requirements.

Please allow a minimum of 20 working days for the review of this application.

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Programme Accreditation Application

1. Course Materials

Tick (✓ ) the boxes below to confirm that all requested evidence has been included with the application for each of the programmes of training that
accreditation is required for.

Course Course Candidate IWCF
Programme Lesson Plans Reference
Details Outline Materials Use

Drilling Well Control – Level 2      

Drilling Well Control – Level 3 & 4      

Well Intervention Pressure Control – Level 2      

Well Intervention Pressure Control – Level 3 & 4      

Specify below the language your courses will be delivered in. If you deliver your courses in more than three languages please use a separate sheet
and submit along with this application form.

Language Candidate Materials Submitted

Language 1:  

Language 2:  

Language 3:  

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Programme Accreditation Application

2. Instructor Confirmation

All instructors delivering IWCF programmes of training must have received a copy of all updated course materials for each applicable programme.

The confirmation below must be signed by every instructor accredited to deliver the programme(s) of training applicable to them at your centre.

Instructor Name: Signature: Date:

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Programme Accreditation Application

3. IWCF Website/FORUM Authorisation

If you would like IWCF to publish your centre details on our website and our online administration system FORUM, please sign the below
authorisation and indicate the details you would like published.

Address  Website  Telephone Number  Email  Languages courses delivered in  Programme Details 

Signature: Name:

4. Centre Declaration - to be signed by an authorised signatory

Any personal data provided under this application form will be processed by IWCF in accordance with our Privacy Policy, a copy of which can be
requested from

Centre Name:

Centre Location Address:

As an authorised officer of the above company I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given on this application form is correct.

Name: Signature: Date:

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