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Well Intervention Pressure Control Syllabi

Instructor Information
1 Overview

2 Well Intervention Pressure Control - English API Formula Sheet

3 Well Intervention Pressure Control – English BL 0.0981 Formula Sheet

4 Well Intervention Pressure Control - English BL 10.2 Formula Sheet

5 Well Intervention Pressure Control - English SI Formula Sheet

6 Well Intervention Pressure Control - English KGM Formula Sheet

7 Well Intervention Pressure Control Barrier Philosophy

From 1 July 2019, we will assess candidates in line with the new Well Intervention
Pressure Control (WIPC) syllabi. The below information will help instructors
understand the new syllabi and assessment.

The new syllabi

We updated the syllabi using guidance f rom our stakeholders, candidates and
the WIPC Taskforce.

It aims to meet the principles outlined in IOGP Report 476 ‘Recommendations for
enhancements to well control training, examination and certification (August

The new syllabi includes:

- an improved structure to avoid duplicate topics

- detailed learning outcomes to aid instructors
- role specific learning outcomes
- an improved focus on the common principles of PCE.

WIPC assessments f rom 1 July

A technical-review team approved all questions for the new assessments. We have
removed any existing questions that do not meet the new syllabi learning

Both level 3 and level 4 assessments now have a set of questions about a well kill
scenario. Candidates must analyse a kill graph and answer five following questions.

In line with the 2017 IWCF Drilling Syllabi update, all WIPC questions are now equally
weighted at one point per question.

Formula sheet
Please find the attached updated WIPC formula sheet which contains all formulas
for the new syllabi.

Barrier document
We have also updated the ‘IWCF Barrier Philosophy’. This document incorporates
the barrier principles of ISO, NORSOK and API and is a basis for all barrier-related
assessment questions.

Overview 1
Well Intervention Pressure Control – English API Formula Sheet


Abbreviation Term
bbl Barrels (US)
bbl/ft Barrels (US) per foot
bbl/min Barrels (US) per minute
ft Feet
ID Inside diameter
MD Measured depth
OD Outside diameter
P Pressure
ppg Pounds per gallon
psi Pounds per square inch
psi/ft Pounds per square inch per foot
SICHP Shut-in casing head pressure
SITHP Shut-in tubing head pressure
TVD True vertical depth
V Volume

Constant factors
Constant factor pressure 0.052
Constant factor capacity 1029.4


1. Pressure gradient (psi/ft)

Fluid density (ppg) x 0.052

2. Fluid density (ppg)

Hydrostatic Pressure (psi) ÷ TVD (ft) ÷ 0.052


Hydrostatic pressure (psi)

TVD (ft) x 0.052

3. Hydrostatic pressure (psi)

Fluid Density (ppg) x 0.052 x TVD (ft) or Pressure Gradient (psi/ft) x TVD (ft)

4. Formation Pressure (psi)

Hydrostatic Column Pressure (psi) + SITHP (psi)

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Well Intervention Pressure Control – English API Formula Sheet

5. Kill Weight Gradient (psi/ft)

(Well fluid gradient x TVD to point of circulation) + SITHP (psi) + *Overbalance (psi)
TVD to point of circulation

*overbalance is variable and will be stated

6. Time to pump (minutes)

Capacity (bbl/ft) x MD (ft)

Pump rate (bbl/min)

7. Tubing Capacity (bbl/ft)

Tubing ID2 (inches)

8. Annular Capacity (bbl/ft)
Casing ID2 (inches) - Tubing ID (inches)
9. Volume (bbl)

Capacity (bbl/ft) x MD (ft)

10. Time to displace (minutes)

Volume (bbl) ÷ Pump Output (bbl/min)

11. Area of a circle (inches2)

0.785 x diameter (inches)2

12. Force

Area (inches2) x applied pressure (psi) = lbs force

13. New circulating pressure (psi)

Pump pressure (psi) x [new pump rate (bbl/min) ÷ old pump rate (bbl/min)]2

14. Basic gas Laws

P1 × V1 P1 × V1
P1 × V1 = P2 × V2 P2 = V2 =
V2 P2

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Well Intervention Pressure Control – English BL 0.0981 Formula Sheet


Abbreviation Term
bar Bar (pressure)
bar/m Bar per metre
ID Inside diameter
kg Kilogram
kg/l Kilogram per litre
l Litres
l/m Litres per metre
l/min Litres per minute
m Metres
MD Measured depth
mm Millimetres
OD Outside diameter
P Pressure
SICHP Shut-in casing head pressure
SITHP Shut-in tubing head pressure
TVD True vertical depth
V Volume

Constant factors
Constant factor pressure 0.0981
Constant factor capacity (using mm) 0.0007854
Constant factor capacity (using inches) 1.9735

1. Pressure gradient (bar/m)

Fluid density (kg/l) x 0.0981

2. Fluid density (kg/l)

Hydrostatic pressure (bar) ÷ TVD (m) ÷ 0.0981


Hydrostatic pressure (bar)

TVD (m) x 0.0981

3. Hydrostatic pressure (bar)

Fluid Density (kg/l) x 0.0981 x TVD(m) or pressure gradient (bar/m) x TVD (m)

4. Formation Pressure (bar)

Hydrostatic column pressure (bar) + SITHP (bar)

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Well Intervention Pressure Control – English BL 0.0981 Formula Sheet

5. Kill Weight Gradient (bar/m)

(Well fluid gradient x TVD to point of circulation) + SITHP (bar) + *overbalance (bar)
TVD to point of circulation

*overbalance is variable and will be stated

6. Time to pump (minutes)

Capacity (l/m) x MD (m)

Pump rate (l/min)

7. Tubing Capacity (l/m)

Tubing ID2 (mm) x 0.0007854 or tubing ID2 (inches) ÷ 1.9735

8. Annular Capacity (l/m)

Casing ID² (inches) - Tubing OD² (inches)



Casing ID2(mm) – tubing OD2 (mm) x 0.0007854

9. Volume (l)

Capacity (l/m) x MD(m)

10. Time to displace (minutes)

Volume (l) ÷ pump output (l/min)

11. Area of a circle (cm2)

0.785 x diameter (cm)2

12. Force

1.02 x area (cm2) x applied pressure (bar) = kg force

13. New circulating pressure (bar)

Pump pressure (bar) x [new pump rate (l/min) ÷ old pump rate (l/min)]2

14. Basic gas laws

P1 × V1 P1 × V1
P1 × V1 = P2 × V2 P2 = V2 =
V2 P2

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Well Intervention Pressure Control – English BL 10.2 Formula Sheet


Abbreviation Term
bar Bar (pressure)
bar/m Bar per metre
ID Inside diameter
kg Kilogram
kg/l Kilogram per litre
l Litres
l/m Litres per metre
l/min Litres per minute
m Metres
MD Measured depth
mm Millimetres
OD Outside diameter
P Pressure
SICHP Shut-in casing head pressure
SITHP Shut-in tubing head pressure
TVD True vertical depth
V Volume

Constant factors
Constant factor pressure 10.2
Constant factor capacity (using mm) 0.0007854
Constant factor capacity (using inches) 1.9735

1. Pressure gradient (bar/m)

Fluid density (kg/l) ÷ 10.2

2. Fluid density (kg/l)

Hydrostatic pressure (bar) x 10.2

TVD (m)

3. Hydrostatic pressure (bar)

Fluid density (kg/l) x TVD (m)


pressure gradient (bar/m) x TVD (m)

4. Formation Pressure (bar)

Hydrostatic column pressure (bar) + SITHP (bar)

5. Kill Weight Gradient (bar/m)

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Well Intervention Pressure Control – English BL 10.2 Formula Sheet

(Well fluid gradient x TVD to point of circulation) + SITHP (bar) + *overbalance (bar)
TVD to point of circulation

*overbalance is variable and will be stated

6. Time to pump (minutes)

Capacity (l/m) x MD (m)

Pump rate (l/min)

7. Tubing Capacity (l/m)

Tubing ID2 (mm) x 0.0007854 or tubing ID2 (inches) ÷ 1.9735

8. Annular Capacity (l/m)

Casing ID² (inches) - Tubing OD² (inches)



Casing ID2(mm) – tubing OD2 (mm) x 0.0007854

9. Volume (l)

Capacity (l/m) x MD(m)

10. Time to displace (minutes)

Volume (l) ÷ pump output (l/min)

11. Area of a circle (cm2)

0.785 x diameter (cm)2

12. Force

1.02 x area (cm2) x applied pressure (bar) = kg force

13. New circulating pressure (bar)

Pump pressure (bar) x [new pump rate (l/min) ÷ old pump rate (l/min)]2

14. Basic gas laws

P1 × V1 P1 × V1
P1 × V1 = P2 × V2 P2 = V2 =
V2 P2

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Well Intervention Pressure Control – English SI Formula Sheet


Abbreviation Term
cm Centimetres
ID Inside diameter
kg Kilogram
kPa Kilopascal
kPa/m Kilopascal per metre
m Metres
m3 Cubic metre
m3/m Cubic metres per metre
m3/min Cubic metres per minute
MD Measured depth
mm Millimetres
kg/ m3 Kilogram per cubic metre
OD Outside diameter
P Pressure
SICHP Shut-in casing head pressure
SITHP Shut-in tubing head pressure
TVD True vertical depth
V Volume

Constant factors
Constant factor pressure 0.00981
Constant factor capacity (using mm) 0.0000007854

1. Pressure gradient (kPa/m)

Fluid density (kg/mᵌ) x 0.00981

2. Fluid density (kg/m3)

Hydrostatic pressure (kPa) ÷ TVD(m) ÷ 0.00981


Hydrostatic pressure (kPa)

TVD(m) x 0.00981

3. Hydrostatic pressure (kPa)

Fluid Density (kg/m3) x 0.00981 x TVD (m) or pressure gradient (kPa/m) x TVD (m)

4. Formation Pressure (kPa)

Hydrostatic column pressure (kPa) + SITHP (kPa)

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Well Intervention Pressure Control – English SI Formula Sheet

5. Kill Weight Gradient (kPa/m)

(Well fluid gradient x TVD to point of circulation) + SITHP (kPa) + *overbalance (kPa)
TVD to point of circulation

*overbalance is variable and will be stated

6. Time to pump (minutes)

Capacity (mᵌ/m) x MD (m)

Pump rate (mᵌ/min)

7. Tubing Capacity (m3/m)

Tubing ID2 (mm) x 0.0000007854 or tubing ID2 (inches) ÷ 1.9735

8. Annular Capacity (m3/m)

Casing ID² (inches) – Tubing OD² (inches)


Casing ID2(mm) – tubing OD2 (mm) x 0.0000007854

9. Volume (m3)

Capacity (mᵌ/m) x MD (m)

10. Time to displace (minutes)

Volume (mᵌ) ÷ pump output (mᵌ/min)

11. Area of a circle (cm2)

0.785 x diameter (cm)2

12. Force

Area (cm2) x (applied pressure (kPa) ÷ 98.0665) = kg force

13. New circulating pressure (kPa)

Pump pressure (kPa) x [new pump rate (mᵌ/min) ÷ old pump rate (mᵌ/min)]2

14. Basic gas laws

P1 × V1 P1 × V1
P1 × V1 = P2 × V2 P2 = V2 =
V2 P2

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Well Intervention Pressure Control – English KGM Formula Sheet


cm Centimetres
ID Inside diameter
kg kilogram
kg/cm2 Kilogram per centimetre squared
kg/l Kilogram per litre
kg-cm/m Kilogram per centimetre squared per metre
l Litres
l/m Litres per metre
l/min Litres per minute
m Meters
MD Measured depth
mm Millimetres
OD Outside diameter
SICHP Shut-in casing head pressure
SITHP Shut-in tubing head pressure
TVD True vertical depth
V Volume

Constant factors
Constant factor pressure 0.0981
Constant factor capacity (using mm) 0.0007854
Constant factor capacity (using inches) 1.9735

1. Pressure gradient (kg-cm2/m)

Fluid density(kg/l) x 0.0981

2. Fluid density (kg/l)

Hydrostatic pressure (kg/cm2) ÷ TVD(m) ÷ 0.0981


Hydrostatic pressure (kg/cm²)

TVD(m) x 0.0981

3. Hydrostatic pressure (kg/cm2)

Fluid Density (kg/l) x 0.0981 x TVD(m) or pressure gradient (kg/cm2) x TVD(m)

4. Formation Pressure (kg/cm2)

Hydrostatic column pressure (kg/cm2) + SITHP (kg/cm2)

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Well Intervention Pressure Control – English KGM Formula Sheet

5. Kill Weight Gradient (kg-cm2/m)

(Well fluid gradient x TVD to point of circulation) + SITHP (kg/cm²) + *overbalance (kg/cm²)
TVD to point of circulation

*overbalance is variable and will be stated

6. Time to pump (minutes)

Capacity (l/m) x MD (m)

Pump rate (l/min)

7. Tubing Capacity (l/m)

Tubing ID2 (mm) x 0.0007854 or tubing ID2 (inches) ÷ 1.9735

8. Annular Capacity (l/m)

Casing ID² (inches) - tubing OD² (inches)


Casing ID2(mm) – tubing OD2 (mm) x 0.0007854

9. Volume (l)

Capacity (l/m) x MD (m)

10. Time to displace (minutes)

Volume (l) ÷ pump output (l/min)

11. Area of a circle (cm2)

0.785 x diameter (cm)2

12. Force

Area (cm2) x applied pressure (kg/cm²) = kg force

13. New circulating pressure (kg/cm²)

Pump pressure (kg/cm²) x [new pump rate (l/min) ÷ old pump rate (l/min)]2

14. Basic gas laws

P1 × V1 P1 × V1
P1 × V1 = P2 × V2 P2 = V2 =
V2 P2

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Well Control Barrier Philosophy

Well Control Barrier Philosophy

The well control barrier philosophy outlined in this document is common across the IWCF syllabi
for Drilling Well Control (DWC) and for Well Intervention Pressure Control (WIPC) programmes.

This well control barrier philosophy aims to meet the recommendations from the International
Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) in report number 476 issued in August 2016.

IWCF will incorporate the barrier principles of ISO, NORSOK and API as applied during different
phases of the well life cycle.

IWCF will use the relevant barrier terms and definitions included in the following standards:
• ISO 16530-1
• NORSOK D-010.

Local legislation, company standards and policy may differ. These differences must be addressed
for each operation.

Well Barrier Terminology

IWCF uses the terms ‘well barrier elements’ and ‘well barrier envelopes. These can be ‘primary’ or

IWCF will not create new terms or definitions. While the reference sources outlined above have
slightly different wording in their definitions, they are similar in principle.

The terminology that is reflected in the syllabi and in the assessments is outlined below:

A "well barrier element" is a physical element that, when combined with other well barrier elements
will prevent flow.
• A primary barrier is the first well barrier that prevents flow from a source.
• A secondary barrier is the second well barrier that prevents flow from a source.

A "well barrier envelope" is made up of well barrier elements that together prevent flow.

Minimum Requirements
There must always be two independent and tested well barriers (primary and secondary) to
prevent flow. Both must be risk assessed, verified, approved and monitored during any operation
on the well.

Well barriers must be tested in line with the well owner’s performance standards and where
applicable legislative requirements.

Any deviation must follow a Management of Change (MOC) process, be specified and documented

• Mitigation actions and responsibilities must be in place and understood by all personnel.
• A note of approval from senior person of the well owner management team who is
accountable for the integrity of the well.

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Well Control Barrier Philosophy


To verify a well barrier element, it must be installed where it is it intended to be used and must be
function and integrity tested when installed.

A mechanically activated well barrier element must be able to contain well bore fluids by their own
control system regardless of power failure.

Integrity testing a mechanical well barrier element is done by applying pressure against the barrier
in the direction of flow. Where this is not possible, integrity can be confirmed by decreasing
pressure on the downstream side of the barrier (inflow testing/negative testing).

If this cannot be achieved, other methods can be used if there is a formally endorsed risk
assessment. For example:
- pressure testing, not in the direction of flow from the well
- verification of location (for example, tagging of cement)

For a shear/seal device to qualify as a mechanical well barrier element, it must be able to first
shear tubulars and then seal the well bore.

To qualify a hydrostatic well barrier, the fluid level and properties must be monitored and

Operating Principles
At all times, personnel working on the well should understand:

• How to install and verify the well barrier elements.

• The acceptance criteria for the correct positioning and testing of the well barrier elements.
• Which elements are primary and secondary barriers during any specific work on the well.
• The consequences of well barriers changing during the operation.
• The consequence of well barrier failure
• The immediate actions they must take if a well barrier fails.

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