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Intense rockburst impacts in deep underground

construction and their prevention

Article in Canadian Geotechnical Journal · April 2015

DOI: 10.1139/cgj-2014-0359


9 469

2 authors:

Alejandro Mazaira Petr Konicek

2 PUBLICATIONS 12 CITATIONS Institute of Geonics AS CR


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Intense rockburst impacts in deep underground construction
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by DIRECTORATE OF COLDWATER FISHERIES RES on 10/01/15

and their prevention1

A. Mazaira and P. Konicek

Abstract: In the last few decades, in both mining and civil engineering projects, deeper excavations have been carried out than
in the past. With this increase in depth, rocks may overstress and rock failures can occur during excavation. When competent
rock strata are encountered under high stress conditions, these failures can vary from superficial spalling to explosive rockburst.
Intense rockbursts may cause fatal injuries to workers and significant loss of equipment and time. The occurrence of rockbursts
is always difficult to predict and special steps and measures must be taken to control them. First, burst-prone zones must be
predicted by an early exhaustive geological study and by the assessment of in situ stress level and orientation. Second, basic
design parameters, e.g., shape, size, and excavation method, should be modified and adapted to the expected conditions to
minimize rockburst risk. Third, in situ pre-conditioning methods, e.g., destress blasting, can be applied to decrease the capacity
of the rock mass to store energy. Finally, special rock support and reinforcement systems, i.e., yielding systems, must be installed
after excavation to ensure total stability of the opening. This paper reviews the geological and geomechanical factors that
provoke and influence rockbursts in overstressed rock masses and the engineering measures taken to control them.

Key words: rockburst, in situ stress, induced stress, destress blasting, yielding support.

Résumé : Au cours des dernières décennies, des excavations toujours plus profondes ont été creusées dans le cadre de projets
miniers ou de génie civil. Plus on s’enfonce dans le sol, plus la roche risque d’être soumise à des contraintes excessives et de se
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fracturer durant une excavation. Lorsqu’on rencontre des couches de roches compétentes soumises à des contraintes élevées, les
fractures rocheuses peuvent varier, allant du simple écaillement superficiel à l’éclatement explosif de la roche. Les éclatements
de roche de forte intensité peuvent mortellement blesser les ouvriers, lourdement endommager le matériel et entraîner
d’importantes pertes de temps. Il est difficile e prédire la survenue des éclatements de roche. Aussi, des dispositions et mesures
spécifiques doivent être prises afin d’éviter qu’ils se produisent. Il faut avant tout prédire les zones exposées au risque
d’éclatement en réalisant préalablement une étude géologique exhaustive et en évaluant sur place le niveau et l’orientation des
contraintes. Dans un deuxième temps, les paramètres de conception de base (p. ex. la forme de l’excavation, sa taille et la
méthode d’excavation) doivent être modifiés et adaptés aux conditions prévues afin de minimiser le risque d’éclatement de la
roche. Ensuite, des méthodes de préconditionnement (p. ex. des tirs de relaxation) peuvent être utilisées sur le terrain pour
réduire la capacité des masses rocheuses à emmagasiner de l’énergie. Enfin, des dispositifs spéciaux de soutien et de consolida-
tion de la roche (c.-à-d. des structures élastiques) doivent être mis en place après le creusement de l’excavation pour garantir que
l’ouverture de cette dernière est complètement stable. Dans le présent article, on s’intéresse aux facteurs géologiques et
géomécaniques qui provoquent les éclatements de roche ou influent sur ceux-ci dans les masses rocheuses soumises à des
contraintes excessives ainsi qu’aux mesures permettant de prévenir ces éclatements. [Traduit par la Rédaction]

Mots-clés : éclatement de la roche, contraintes in situ, contraintes induites, tirs de relaxation, dispositif de soutien élastique.

Introduction lem in civil engineering projects until the last few decades when
A rockburst is one of the most hazardous problems encoun- excavations became deeper. The depletion of shallow resources
tered during underground excavations. This phenomenon always and the availability of new technologies have led to a remarkable
involves a violent energy release with large rock deformation and increase in the depth of underground projects. Nowadays, many
rock ejection that can cause severe damage to openings, equip- mines are developed at more than 2000 m under the surface, and
ment, and facilities and may result in fatalities. Rockbursts are an some civil tunnels have even reached this depth (Zhang et al.
inherent problem found in overstressed rocks. The stress redistri- 2012b). For this reason, intense rockbursts have become a signifi-
bution caused by excavation works induces high stress concentra- cant challenge that engineers have to face more and more often
tions around the openings that can trigger rockbursts. At great around the world.
depth, this induced stress is added to the high natural stress of the The first reports of rockbursts were made at the end of the 19th
rock mass, which increases even more the formation of unfavour- century and early 20th century in mines in different countries,
able stress concentrations. such as India, South Africa, Russia, Eastern Europe, the United
Rockbursts have been a well-known problem in hard rock min- States, and China (Tang 2000; Kaiser and Cai 2012). Over the last
ing for a long time; however, they did not become a serious prob- few decades there have been important rockburst events in mines

Received 26 August 2014. Accepted 25 March 2015.

A. Mazaira and P. Konicek. Institute of Geonics, Institute of Clean Technologies, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Studentska 1768, 708 00,
Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic.
Corresponding author: A. Mazaira (e-mail:
1This paper is part of the “Recent developments in geomechanics and geophysics” Special Issue, which is based on presentations from the 5th International

Colloquium on Geomechanics and Geophysics held in Karolinka, Czech Republic, 25–27 June 2014.

Can. Geotech. J. 52: 1426–1439 (2015) Published at on 21 April 2015.
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in Canada, South Africa, Chile, Australia, Scandinavia, and China, and horizontal stresses (SV, SH, and Sh) (Zoback and Zoback 2002;
as well as in civil tunnels in China, Peru, and Switzerland (Cai and Zoback et al. 2003). However, the orientation of principal stresses
Champaigne 2012). In spite of the major safety risk that rockburst may also appear rotated when measured close to the ground sur-
have represented in mining activity for decades, no analytical face in a nonhorizontal topography or close to an unsupported
investigations were made to understand this phenomenon until excavation surface. In such cases, the principal stresses are paral-
the middle of the 20th century. In 1946 Gane et al. (1946) published lel and perpendicular to the topography or the excavation surface,
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by DIRECTORATE OF COLDWATER FISHERIES RES on 10/01/15

an investigation about seismicity induced by a rockburst in South independent of the general stress orientation within the rock
Africa. During the 1960s, the theoretical and experimental basis of mass (Pan et al. 1994; Hudson et al. 2003). Important geological
rockburst mechanisms was established by South African authors features (e.g., faults, dyke contacts, and shear zones) and planes of
(Cook 1963, 1965; Diest 1965; Cook et al. 1966). Since then, the weakness (e.g., joints and bedding planes) can also have a strong
persistence and increase of incidents caused by rockbursts have influence on the in situ stress orientation (Amadei and Stephansson
resulted in an international effort to understand the processes of 1997).
violent rock failures and to find effective prevention methods The stress magnitude around an opening usually rises with in-
(Tang 2000; Kaiser and Cai 2012). Important improvements have creased depth and due to the influence of other factors, such as
been developed in this field over the years and new technologies geological features, topographic variations, and stress redistribu-
and methods have allowed safer underground works. For instance, tion as a result of engineering activities (Pan et al. 1994; Konicek
significant advances in computer science have facilitated numer- et al. 2011; Zhang et al. 2012a; Waclawik et al. 2013). When the
ical methods to be a fundamental tool for predicting rockbursts value of maximum boundary stress around the opening (␴max) is
and improving excavation designs. The development of pre- close to the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock (␴c), the
conditioning methods such as destress blasting and advanced rock is overstressed (Hoek and Marinos 2010). Overstressed rocks
support systems has also led to a reduction in the risk of violent always tend to fail unless special measures are taken. For this
failures in the mining industry (Konicek et al. 2011, 2013b; Kaiser and reason, a good understanding of the stress state (natural or in-
Cai 2012). However, rockbursts keep occurring in mines and civil duced) influencing the rock mass of an underground excavation is
projects and still represent a significant problem that engineers and necessary.
workers the world over have to face every day.
The first aim of this paper is to review current knowledge about Induced stress
the rockburst phenomena in deep underground construction, Induced stress can be defined as the variation of the natural
starting with the geological and geomechanical factors that influ- stress field of a rock mass owing to changes in its physical state.
ence rock failure in overstressed rock masses, then reviewing Mining and tunnelling activities disturb the rock mass properties,
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failure mechanisms that trigger rockbursts and seismic events, inducing redistribution of the rock stress state (Li et al. 2013). The
explaining the influence of excavation methods on burst-prone disturbance level depends on different parameters, such as exca-
grounds, and finishing with a broad overview of the most impor- vation size, mining extraction ratio, tunnel advance speed, and
tant engineering measures encompassed in rockburst prediction excavation method (i.e., tunnel boring machine, roadheader or
and prevention, including project design optimization, rock mass drilling and blasting) (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994; Gong et al. 2012;
pre-conditioning methods, special rockburst support systems, Zhang et al. 2012b). The increase of stress magnitude around an
and numerical modelling. The second aim of the paper is to pres- opening caused by stress redistribution (induced stress) is one of
ent selected rockburst prevention methods (prognosis and proac- the principal factors producing rock failure in underground exca-
tive measures) used in the underground mining industry, as an vations, e.g., explosive rockbursts. Some authors refer to the con-
inspiration for their use in underground construction at great cept of “rock unloading” as an important factor inducing rock
depths and under high horizontal stresses. failures due to rapid changes of in situ stress on excavation bound-
aries (Li et al. 2013). Mining activity usually induces greater stress
In situ stress field changes, as it normally involves larger spatial extensions and lon-
At shallow depths, the in situ stress state in a rock mass repre- ger activity time. Indeed, large mines can significantly influence
sents a minor issue in terms of the stability of the rock surround- the regional stress field of their area (Ortlepp 2001).
ing an excavation. However, the stress field becomes a fundamental
factor influencing the geomechanical behaviour of the rock mass In situ stress analysis
when the excavation depth is increased. The in situ stress field must be appropriately measured and
In general, the estimation of the stress field in a rock mass is analysed to understand the rock mass behaviour around the ex-
one of the most difficult parameters that have to be measured for cavation and to recognize overstressed zones prone to rockbursts.
an underground project design (Hoek and Marinos 2010). Vertical As a first approach to the regional, large-scale stress state of the
stress (SV) is mainly affected by gravitational stress produced by Earth’s crust, the World Stress Map project (Zoback 1992) can
the overlying rock mass weight (Pan et al. 1994). Horizontal provide a general, preliminary estimation of the main tectonic
stresses (SH and Sh) are more difficult to calculate because they are stress directions. However, engineering projects usually need
influenced by both gravitational and tectonic stresses and by more detailed knowledge of the local in situ stress (Hoek and
other complex factors such as geological features and topography Marinos 2010). There are a number of methods for small-scale in
(Zhang et al. 2012a). situ stress determination. According to Ljunggren et al. (2003),
It has been demonstrated that the existence of a complicated these methods can be divided into two main categories, called
topography with high mountains and steep valleys has an impor- “direct” and “indirect” methods. Direct methods measure the
tant influence on distribution of the stress field in the underlying rock stress state directly by disturbing the in situ conditions of the
rock mass (Pan et al. 1994, 1995; Zhang et al. 2012a). Under such rock mass, e.g., hydraulic fracturing (HF), hydraulic tests on pre-
conditions, significant variations of stress magnitudes and orien- existing fractures (HTPF), overcoring, and borehole slotting.
tations can be found in relatively small areas. Stress relaxation Indirect methods measure the rock stress state by observing
zones and stress concentration zones can be encountered to- the natural rock response to in situ stress and by testing rock
gether at the bottom of deep valleys and sides of mountains samples, e.g., core disking, borehole breakouts, acoustic methods
(Savage 1993; Zhang et al. 2012a). based on the Kaiser effect, back-analysis based on monitoring
It has been shown that at great depth the orientation of princi- results, strain recovery methods from drilled cores, and geologi-
pal stresses S1, S2, and S3 usually coincides with that of the vertical cal observational methods (Fig. 1).

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Fig. 1. Common indirect methods of stress state measurement. the stress determination proved to be extremely difficult. The
Determination of direction of maximum principal stress by (a) core solution carried out for the stress calculation in those tunnels is
disking (Hoek 2007) and (b) borehole breakout (Hoek et al. 1998). briefly detailed below.
Zhang et al. (2012a) proposed an integrated method that com-
bined numerical analysis with direct and indirect methods to de-
termine the in situ stress along several deep tunnels excavated at
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up to 2525 m depth and 16 km long. The great depth of these

excavations made the determination of in situ stress difficult.
Hence, at points of the tunnels located at more than 1900 m depth,
the stress state was estimated by numerical extrapolation of the
stress measurements made at shallower points. In fact, even some
of the measurements made at depths less than 1900 m did not fit
the general stress state of the area, owing to the great influence of
the high stress. They also used numerical analysis to interpret the
in situ stress by means of the brittle failures that occurred in hard
rock along the tunnels, as well as the plastic deformation of soft
rocks. Zhang et al. (2012b) also carried out several numerical anal-
yses of stress concentration to assess the risk of rockbursts along
the tunnels. They used the magnitudes of in situ stress (estimated
by the previously mentioned integrated analysis method), the
geomechanical parameters of the rock mass (obtained by back-
analysis of field monitoring data), and the following numerical
evaluation indexes: (i) failure approach index (FAI), which evalu-
ates stress concentrations in the rock mass by using the yield
approach index (YAI) (which in turn evaluates the stress concen-
tration in the principal stress space) and the failure degree (FD)
(which evaluates the degree of damage accumulation during de-
formation and fracturing of the rock mass) (Fig. 2) (Zhang et al.
2011); (ii) energy release rate (ERR), which evaluates how prone the
For personal use only.

intact rock mass is to burst from the sum of the strain energy
stored in the rock volume to be excavated and the kinetic energy
induced by the instantaneous removal of all the rock volume
(Cook et al. 1966); (iii) excess shear stress (ESS), which evaluates
how prone a rock mass with discontinuities is to suffer fault-slip
bursts, expressed as the difference between the shear stress on the
discontinuity before slip and its dynamic shear strength (Ryder

Rock mass failure in deep excavations

At shallow depths, rock failures are mainly controlled by the
In addition, there are other less widespread methods of stress relationship between gravity and the physical joint condition, i.e.,
determination that have been tested lately with positive results, weathering state, infill material, opening width, and water flow,
e.g., electrical imaging combined with HF and HTPF, spalling resulting in wedges falling from the excavation roof or sidewalls
veins as a stress tensor indicator, porothermoelastic borehole (Monsees and Choi 2009). However, as depth increases, the in situ
stress analysis, and geophysical methods such as seismic com- stress state becomes a key factor in controlling rock failures, al-
puted tomography and analysis of the excavation damaged zone though gravity falls may still occur.
(EDZ) around a tunnel using ultrasonic waves. High stress levels may induce different failure mechanisms de-
Among these methods, the most widely used and best known pending on the state of the rock mass. Rock masses with discon-
are HF, HTPF, and overcoring. These three methods have been tinuities, e.g., joints, dykes, bedding planes, and shear zones, may
discussed extensively in the literature and there also exist Inter- fail when the shear stress overcomes the shear strength of the
national Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) suggested methods discontinuities (Ryder 1988). In contrast, massive brittle rocks may
for stress estimation, which are especially focused on them fail when the stress levels reach high magnitudes compared with
(Christiansson and Hudson 2003; Haimson and Cornet 2003; the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of the intact rock (Martin
Hudson et al. 2003; Sjöberg et al. 2003). All the methods listed et al. 1999; Hoek and Marinos 2010; Kaiser and Cai 2012). Thus,
above are generally reliable; however, their results can be ineffec- stability in overstressed rock masses with weak planes is largely
tive or unrealistic when they are used in highly stressed environ- determined by the relationship between the stress states and the
ments. For instance, overcoring methods may present problems physical characteristics of discontinuities, while stability in over-
caused by a core disking effect due to high stress levels (Zhang stressed massive rock masses is primarily controlled by the rela-
et al. 2012a). Actually, direct methods may provide unreliable data tionship between stress states, the UCS of the intact rock and its
when used in inhomogeneous rock masses or areas greatly af- mechanical properties, i.e., elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, cohe-
fected by mining works (Takla et al. 2005). Nevertheless, there are sion, etc.
other ways to estimate the stress state under adverse stress con- In massive hard rock, an excess of stress induces brittle failure.
ditions. Methods based on numerical analysis can provide reliable High stress levels affecting hard rock produce tensional fractures
stress estimations when used correctly. In fact, a combination of close to the excavation surface owing to stress concentration.
different methods is generally the best solution when the estima- These fractures propagate parallel to the maximum principal
tion of stress values is complicated. A good example of this is the stress and the free surfaces of the opening (Ortlepp 2001; Hoek
case of the Jinping II Hydropower Station tunnels in China, where and Marinos 2010; Gong et al. 2012). Massive hard rock does not

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Fig. 2. Determination of direction of maximum principal stress by The intensity of a rock failure rises with the increase of released
numerical modelling of the failure approach index (FAI) (modified energy; therefore, high amounts of released energy can trigger
after Zhang et al. 2012a). explosive rockbursts. Thus, the concepts of energy release rate
(ERR) (Cook et al. 1966) and energy storage rate (ESR) have been
widely used since the 1960s to measure the energy balance of hard
rock underground excavations to evaluate the rock failure risk.
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by DIRECTORATE OF COLDWATER FISHERIES RES on 10/01/15

In weak rock masses, an excess of stress may result in a large

plastic or elastoplastic deformation, which is called “squeezing
ground”. This behaviour can reduce the modulus of elasticity and
loading capacity of the rock mass to as low as one-half, but in
many cases the rock is still able to support the loads without
collapse (Monsees and Choi 2009). This type of deformation is
generally time-dependent, therefore the failure process is very
slow but very time-persistent, even after final support installation
(Ortlepp 2001). The squeezing process may produce very large
ground displacements and major support problems (Dwivedi et al.
2013); however, it normally does not represent a significant risk to
workers and equipment.
In jointed rocks, laminated rocks, and rock masses with other
weak geological planes or structures, an excess of stress may in-
duce rock failures that are controlled by these planes of weakness,
as mentioned above. In laminated, anisotropic rocks, high stress
may induce the process termed “buckling”, which produces de-
formation of rock layers or slabs inwards from the opening. When
this kind of deformation releases high amounts of strain energy it
can produce violent ejection of particles (Ortlepp and Stacey
necessarily have to be overstressed to start failing. Authors have 1994). Reactivation of fault planes or shear displacement along
reported that cracks and microcracks can initiate early when fracture planes due to stress concentration may also lead to a
stress magnitudes on excavation boundaries reach only 35% to rockburst (Kaiser and Cai 2012; Zhang et al. 2012b).
For personal use only.

50% of the UCS of the intact rock (Cai et al. 2004; Hoek and Another stress-driven failure that can occur in overstressed
Marinos 2010; Li et al. 2012a). On a small scale, these tensile cracks rock masses is the “face overbreak”. This is especially common
produce the well-known borehole breakout process. As the stress when using mechanical excavation methods such as tunnel-
magnitude rises, cracks propagate and coalesce, producing thin boring machines (in hard or weak rocks) and roadheaders (in
rock slabs on the excavation surface. This phenomenon is known weak rocks) (Gong et al. 2012).
as “slabbing” or “spalling”. These rock slabs can be a minor risk
Rockburst failure mechanism
when falling by gravity or they can be a major risk when they are
Many authors define rockburst as a sudden, rapid rupture of the
ejected in an explosive form and involve a large amount of rock,
rock mass with a violent, explosive release of elastic energy from
which is known as “rockburst”. This phenomenon is termed “pop-
the surface of an excavation, which is generally associated with a
ping rock” — when the rock slabs are ejected with an intermedi-
seismic event and produces rock particle ejections (Linkov 1996;
ate level of energy (Monsees and Choi 2009; Hoek and Marinos
Gong et al. 2012; Kaiser and Cai 2012; Li et al. 2012a; Cai 2013).
2010; Gong et al. 2012). Slabbing or spalling processes are usually
According to Ortlepp and Stacey (1994), it is important to differ-
located at points of maximum tangential stress concentration and
entiate the “rockburst source” and the “rockburst damage”, as they
produce a typical v-shaped notch at the opening surfaces (Cai et al.
are often not the same mechanism and may be located far from
each other. The rockburst source is the mechanism that triggers
Crack initiation and rock failure within brittle rocks can be
or induces the damage mechanism visible on the excavation sur-
studied from an energy balance approach. Griffith (1920) was the
face. The rockburst source is generally associated with a seismic
first to establish that a rock-joint system keeps the principle of
event that can be performed at a wide range of local magnitudes
conservation of energy so the energies implied in the system al-
(ML), normally ranging from undetectable up to 5 (Ortlepp and
ways tend to reach a balance. According to Mitri et al. (1999), the
Stacey 1994). Indeed, mining-induced seismicity can reach moder-
energy system of an underground excavation performed in rocks
ate values of ground velocity and acceleration, and in some cases
with elastic behavior is given by the relation between the avail-
its effects on the surface can be compared with low-intensity
able energy caused by the rock removal (W + Um) and the dissi-
earthquakes (Zembaty 2004; Cai 2013). The mechanism that pro-
pated energy (Uc + Ws) according to
duces the seismic event is a sudden release of the strain energy
that has been stored above a critical level within the rock mass.
(1) W ⫹ U m ⬎ U c ⫹ Ws
Part of this energy is consumed by fracture formation, and the
remaining energy is transformed into kinetic energy (Wang and
where W is the work done by the shifting of external and gravita- Park 2001; Li et al. 2012a). When the source is located close to the
tional forces working on the convergence and deformation of the excavation surface, this kinetic energy causes the rock fragments
rock mass, Um is the stored strain energy in the mined rock, Uc is to be ejected. When the source is located in a plane of weakness
the increase of the strain energy stored in the rock mass surround- within the rock mass, the released energy induces shear displace-
ing the excavation, and Ws is the increase of the work done by the ments along the plane, which in turn produce vibrations that
support elements. As the available energy in the system is higher induce rock ejections when they reach the excavation boundaries
than the dissipated energy, there is an excess of energy — or (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994).
released energy, Wr — which may produce a wave of kinetic en- Tarasov and Randolph (2008) have explained a number of spe-
ergy, Wk, that propagates from the opening limits through the cial and paradoxical behaviours of hard rock at great depth that
rock mass. This kinetic energy is dissipated by dumping process are directly related to rock failure mechanisms in deep excava-
due to small flaws in the rock mass and can induce rock failures. tions. They pointed out that shearing processes with unusually

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Table 1. Simplified classification of seismic event types (modified from Ortlepp 2001).
First motion from seismic magnitude
Seismic event Postulated source mechanism records (ML)
Strain-burst Superficial spalling with violent Usually undetected, could −0.2–0
ejection of fragments be implosive
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Buckling Outward expulsion of large Implosive 0–1.5

slabs pre-existing parallel to
surface of opening
Face crush – pillar Violent expulsion of rock from Mostly implosive, complex 1.0–2.5
burst stope face or pillar sides
Shear rupture Violent propagation of shear Double-couple shear 2.0–3.5
fracture through intact rock
Fault-slip Sudden, renewed movement on Double-couple 2.5–5.0
existing fault or dyke contact

low friction are the main cause of the high-energy release of rock- Fig. 3. Strainburst mechanism in hard brittle rock (modified after
bursts. According to their frictionless mechanism, hard rock con- Ortlepp and Stacey 1994).
fined under high stress levels may increase its brittleness, instead
of the expected increase of ductility, and may also increase the
violence of the fracture process.
Generally, the harder and stiffer a rock is, the more strain en-
ergy it can store and consequently the more prone to violent
rockburst it is. However, rockbursts do not only occur in hard
brittle rocks, even though it is much more common in that kind of
rock (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994). In coal mining, for instance, high
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stress levels can also affect the coal seams, inducing the so-called
“coal bump”, which is an explosive failure of the coal mineral
(Díaz-Aguado and González 2009; Konicek et al. 2011).
According to Li et al. (2012a) and to the processes mentioned
above, the principal steps of rockburst formation and evolution
are shown in temporal order as follows:
1. stress adjustment (caused by in situ stress changes induced by
excavation works);
2. strain energy accumulation (in excavation boundaries or
planes of weakness);
3. extensional cleavage cracks initiation, propagation, and co-
alescence (parallel to the maximum principal stress);
4. rupture of rock slabs (in massive rock masses, close to excava-
tion limits); and
5. collapse and ejection of rock blocks due to sudden release of
energy at the excavation boundaries.

Source mechanisms means that the rock involved in the source mechanism is the
Some research studies consider rockbursts as always being in- same as that which then collapses during the rockburst. Con-
duced by seismic events (far from or close to the excavation limits) versely, in shear rupture and fault-slip bursts the source mecha-
(Ortlepp and Stacey 1994). However, other studies distinguish be- nism is located in planes of weakness and fractures that extend a
tween two different sources: remote seismic events and stress long distance (even hundreds of metres) from the rock involved in
changes close to the excavation limits (Cai 2013). In any case, these the rockburst on the excavation limits (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994;
mechanisms always induce critical stress concentrations at the Kaiser and Cai 2012; Cai 2013).
excavation boundaries, which is the main precursor of the final Strainburst is the most frequent rockburst type in underground
rock failure. excavations within massive hard rock masses, especially in civil
Ortlepp and Stacey (1994) and Ortlepp (2001) divided rockbursts engineering projects (Zhang et al. 2012b; Cai 2013). It is normally
into five types depending on their source mechanism (Table 1): preceded by nonviolent slabbing or spalling. Actually, strainburst
(i) strainburst (Fig. 3); (ii) buckling burst (Fig. 4); (iii) face crash or can be considered as a violent or extreme form of slabbing or
pillar burst; (iv) shear rupture; and (v) fault-slip burst (Fig. 5). Other spalling (Gong et al. 2012). In comparison with the other types of
authors prefer to simplify this division, considering buckling mechanisms, this is the one that releases the least energy.
burst as a type of strainburst and shear rupture as a type of fault- Buckling burst is likely to occur in laminated or transversely
slip burst (Hedley 1992; Kaiser and Cai 2012), giving a more general anisotropic rock masses. Rock layers or slabs can store strain en-
classification as follows: (i) strainburst; (ii) pillar burst; and ergy due to an increase of stress that makes them prone to buck-
(iii) fault-slip burst. Tang (2000) also proposed a rockburst that ling in a violent way (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994).
combines both strain and fault-slip. Pillar–face burst is caused by stress accumulation in mining
In strain, buckling, and pillar–face bursts, the source and dam- pillars or in stope faces. It normally implies a large volume of rock
age mechanisms are generally located in the same place. This and a high amount of released energy (Kaiser and Cai 2012).

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Fig. 4. Buckling burst mechanism in a laminated or stratified rock more than 10 m/s, sufficient to cause human fatalities and damage
mass (modified after Ortlepp and Stacey 1994). equipment and the excavation (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994; Linkov
Buckling damage can be a self-induced mechanism produced by
strain energy stored in the rock layers or rock slabs forming the
rock mass or it can be influenced by remote seismic events. A
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buckling burst can damage an excavation by large and violent

deformation of the rock inwards from the opening. As mentioned
above, it can also be accompanied by ejection of rock particles
(Ortlepp and Stacey 1994; Cai 2013).
As a result of rock ejection, notches of variable depth and ex-
tension are produced on the excavation limits. Rockburst damage
severity is often classified by the depth of rockburst notches, vol-
ume of rock failed, and seismic energy released (Ortlepp and
Stacey 1994; Zhang et al. 2012b; Cai 2013; Konicek et al. 2013b).

Rockbursts in mining and civil engineering works

There are two principal factors that cause rock failure mecha-
nisms in mining and civil underground works to differ from each
other. The first is the in situ stress magnitudes. As the depth
increases, the magnitude of in situ stress increases as well. There-
fore, mining tunnels are often excavated in rocks with higher in
situ stress than civil tunnels, as mining projects usually reach
much greater depths (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994). The second factor
is the stress disturbance produced by excavation. Stress changes
induced in the rock mass by mining works are always much more
significant and complex than in civil works. Mining activity usu-
ally implies excavation of large areas over many years, which can
Fault-slip and shear rupture are basically the same rockburst produce large-scale effects on the regional stress. For instance,
For personal use only.

source. In both cases, there is a shear failure along a plane within important seismic events can be induced owing to reactivation of
the rock mass. The main difference between them is that fault-slip regional faults (Ortlepp 2001). In contrast, this cannot occur in
is caused by reactivation of pre-existing faults, dyke contacts or civil tunnelling, where the excavation area is much smaller, as is
shear zones, while shear rupture is caused by generation of new the disturbance of the surrounding rock mass (Zhang et al. 2012b).
fractures, normally in intact rock mass (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994; Thus, because of the higher stress magnitudes and greater dis-
Kaiser and Cai 2012). In comparison with the other mechanisms, turbance of the stress field, underground mining works are much
this is the one that releases the most energy. more prone to intense rockbursts, including those that cause high
seismic energy to be triggered. Consequently, rockbursts induced
Damage mechanisms by shear rupture and fault-slip (high energy) are found almost
The most common types of excavation damage induced by rock- exclusively in mining works (Ortlepp 2001; Kaiser and Cai 2012;
bursts are (i) rock fracture followed by violent ejection of rock Zhang et al. 2012b). Pillar–face burst, buckling burst, and strain-
fragments (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994; Kaiser et al. 1996; Cai 2013); burst are found in both mining and civil excavations, although
(ii) rock deformation of laminated rock by a buckling mechanism strainburst is by far the most frequent rockburst in civil tunnels
(Ortlepp and Stacey 1994); (iii) large convergence of excavation due (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994).
to roof and sidewall buckling and floor heave after a rockburst Three mines from the Legnica-Głogów Copper District (LGCD) in
(Kaiser et al. 1996; Cai 2013); (iv) shear displacements of rock due to Poland are good examples to show the enormous hazard level that
the activation of large faults (Ortlepp 2001; Cai 2013); and (v) grav- rockbursts and induced seismicity can reach in mining projects.
itational arch collapse induced by kinematic movement of well- These mines exploit a copper-ore seam located at a depth ranging
defined geological structures, e.g., a fall of previously stable from 600 to 1000 m, which is immediately overlaid by a 100 m
wedges caused by movements from a rockburst or seismic event thick bed of compact, rigid dolomite. These hard strata over the
(Ortlepp and Stacey 1994; Kaiser et al. 1996). Different rockburst ore body lead to strain energy accumulation during the extraction
sources can produce similar rock damage on the excavation sur- works that can be suddenly released, inducing very high seis-
faces. micity (Orzepowski and Butra 2008). The local seismic net-
Amongst the mentioned damage types, rock ejection is the works record several thousand seismic events every year, of
most common and can be induced by all types of rockburst which between 400 and 700 are strong seismic events (≥105 J)
sources. For instance, strainbursts usually produce an ejection of (Ortlepp 2005). Strong seismic events are sometimes accompanied
thin, shaped rock slabs that can vary greatly in size. The location by intense rock failure and 61 rockbursts have occurred over the
of the rock damage induced by strainburst always depends on the last 20 years, this being the major hazard encountered in these
stress field orientation and can also produce a typical “dog-earing” mines (Ortlepp 2005). Zembaty (2004) noted that the typical en-
tunnel shape when the excavation diameter is small (similar to ergy of the strongest rockbursts in the Rudna mine (one of the
breakout failure in boreholes) (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994; Ortlepp LGCD mines) is remarkably high, with values ranging from 106 to
2001). In jointed rock masses, ejection of fracture-defined rock 109 J. The strongest rockburst registered in that mine released an
blocks is seen (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994). In such a case, a fault-slip enormous energy of 1.5 × 109 J. This seismic event provoked panic
event can be the source mechanism that induces damage (Cai among the residents of the area and important material damage,
2013). Remote fault-slip or shear rupture may also induce a sudden such as cracks in buildings and falling furniture. A similar situa-
ejection of previously intact rock in massive rock masses (Ortlepp tion exists in the hardcoal mining industry in the Upper Silesian
2000). Pillar–face bursts usually involve a large amount of rock Coal Basin (USCB), where rockburst risk is closely connected with
and may produce ejection of fractured rock as well (Kaiser and Cai existence of competent rock layers between thick coal seams (e.g.,
2012). Ejected rocks from a rockburst can acquire velocities of Kwaśniewski et al. 1994; Takla et al. 2005; Konicek et al. 2011,

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Fig. 5. Fault-slip burst mechanism induced by both a remote seismic event and a shear displacement of discontinuities (modified after
Ortlepp and Stacey 1994).
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2013b). Proactive rockburst prevention measures are focused on The TBM method is much more prone to setbacks related to
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these competent layers (Konicek et al. 2011). rock failures and geological issues than other mechanical excava-
tions (Delisio et al. 2013). The main limitation of TBM excavation is
Excavation method influencing rockburst its lack of flexibility to react to adverse situations. When using a
Tunnel excavation methods can be divided into two general TBM it is not possible to retreat or let other machinery act in case
types: the mechanical method and the drill and blast (D&B) of emergency, nor to take special measures to control and prevent
method. The mechanical method includes the use of tunnel bor- rock failures (i.e., immediate support installation and pre-
ing machines (TBM), roadheaders, and impact hammers. One of conditioning methods such as destress blasting). In addition,
the most important differences between the mechanical and D&B TBM equipment has low resistance to rockburst impacts (Zhang
methods is how they disturb the rock around the opening. Thus, et al. 2012b).
machine excavation produces minimal ground disturbance, whilst In weak rock, tunnel convergence by squeezing is an important
D&B can produce substantial damage to the rock mass (Ocak and
problem that must be overcome for correct operation of the TBM
Bilgin 2010). At shallow depth, the small rock disturbance pro-
(Hasanpour et al. 2014). Ramoni and Anagnostou (2010) gave a
duced by mechanical methods is considered a positive effect for
rock stability. However, it can turn into a negative effect when complete list of case histories of TBM problems in squeezing con-
working at great depth in highly stressed rock masses. In such a ditions. In tunnels carried out in hard brittle rock, rockburst is the
case, low rock disturbance allows a dangerous stress concentra- main problem affecting TBM operation. Zhang et al. (2012b) and
tion on the excavation boundaries, especially in hard rock; there- Gong et al. (2012) have shown the challenging works performed in
fore, significant rock failures such as spalling and even rockburst the Jinping II Hydropower Station project in China, where seven
can be produced under these conditions (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994). deep tunnels have been excavated in overstressed brittle marbles.
In contrast, D&B excavation in a high stress environment induces In this project, continuous intense rockbursts have affected the
greater rock disturbance, which produces a larger fractured zone works in all tunnels, especially the two tunnels excavated by TBM.
surrounding the excavation. This allows migration of high stress After several shutdowns, one TBM was totally trapped under an
concentrations farther into the rock mass, decreasing the risk of extremely intense rockburst.
rockburst (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994; Zhang et al. 2012b). In overstressed hard rocks, violent rock failures such as rock-
The rock mass affected by excavation processes around an open- burst have very negative effects on TBM advance. These phenom-
ing is termed the excavation damaged zone (EDZ). Measurements ena produce anomalies in the work of fundamental TBM parts,
of the EDZ have been done by some authors to determine, for i.e., abnormal cutter wear, cutter ring failure, cutterhead cracks,
instance, the in situ stress orientation (Li et al. 2012b; Zhang et al. cutterhead jams, and gripper instability (Gong et al. 2012; Delisio
2012a) and the radiation permeability of the rock mass in deep et al. 2013). In addition, gripper loads may even induce more spal-
disposal of nuclear waste (Maxwell et al. 1998). ling and rockbursts due to adverse stress redistribution (Gong
TBM method et al. 2012). In the end, these problems result in a decrease of
TBM excavation has clear advantages when used in rock masses advance rates and huge economic and time losses, which may
with good stability, e.g., high mechanization, rapid excavation, threaten the whole project. Nevertheless, investigations have re-
and a safe environment. However, it has many limitations when ported that nonviolent spalling or slabbing under high stress con-
used in overstressed rocks. With the increasing depth of civil ditions could actually be a great advantage of TBM excavation
tunnels, there have been an increasing number of problems in (Fig. 6). These mechanisms can form additional fractures ahead of
TBM excavations due to rock failures associated with high stress the tunnel face, thus obtaining higher advance rates (Myrvang
(Hoek and Marinos 2010). et al. 1998; Gong et al. 2012).

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Fig. 6. Rock fragmentation by TBM cutters in (a) low-stress hard rock and (b) overstressed hard rock with nonviolent spalling (modified after
Gong et al. 2012).
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Drill and blast method can achieve critical stress levels, i.e., massive hard rock capable of
At shallow depth, drill and blast excavation can produce unde- storing great levels of strain energy. Thus, a comprehensive geo-
sirable problems that must be dealt with, e.g., blast vibration on logical model is always needed in the early project stages (Hoek
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the ground surface, overexcavation, and large rock mass damage and Marinos 2010), as well as continuous evaluation and monitor-
(Haibo et al. 2011). However, these negative effects can actually be ing of in situ stress (Stas et al. 2011). Under a stress state approach,
an advantage when the excavation is performed in overstressed there are numerical indexes that allow the evaluation and predic-
hard rocks and at great depth. In such a case, the rock damage tion of rockburst risk, e.g., failure approach index (FAI) and excess
caused by blasting forms a protected area surrounding the exca- shear stress (ESS) (see section titled “In situ stress field”). Under an
vation. Fractures formed in that area induce migration of possible energy-balance approach (see section titled “Rock mass failure in
stress concentration far from the opening, thus dissipating the deep excavations”), the methods to predict rockburst risk are based
risk of rockburst (Zhang et al. 2012b). This destress effect of blast- on energy indexes such as energy release rate (ERR) (Cook et al. 1966;
ing works has been used as a prevention method against rock- Linkov 1996; Zhang et al. 2012b), energy storage rate (ESR), strain
bursts for a long time, especially in mines (Tang 2000; Konicek energy storage index (WET) (Kidybiński 1981; Wattimena et al. 2012),
et al. 2011, 2013b). Nonetheless, it is important to note that a too
potential energy of elastic strain (PES) or strain energy density (SED)
high amount of rock disturbance by blasting can always have
(i.e., the elastic strain energy in a unit volume of the rock mass,
negative consequences on the excavation, e.g., face overbreak and
which is calculated by the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock
rock falls due to excessive rock damage, therefore blasting works
and its unloading tangential modulus; Kwaśniewski et al. 1994;
must always be designed carefully.
Wang and Park 2001), and burst potential index (BPI) (Mitri et al.
The level of rock mass disturbance produced by blasting de-
pends on the properties and condition of the rock and on the 1999). Rockburst risk can be also predicted by using the rock brittle-
quality of the blasting. As a result, Hoek and Brown (1988) updated ness index B (i.e., the ratio of uniaxial compressive strength to tensile
their Hoek–Brown failure criterion and introduced the concept of strength of rock; Wang and Park 2001).
disturbed rock mass as the effect of blasting, excavation, and Correct prediction of rockburst-prone zones results in much
stress relaxation. After this, Hoek et al. (2002) introduced the blast safer work environments. In addition, accurate prediction allows
damage factor D, which takes into account the disturbance level engineers to apply special support systems only where needed,
of the rock mass surrounding an excavation performed by blast- saving on final costs (Cai 2013). Costs are also reduced by avoiding
ing. reinstallation of damaged supports and facilities caused by rock-
Protection against and prevention of rockburst
Rockburst prevention
As Hoek and Marinos (2010) pointed out, it is almost impossible
Once the rockburst-prone zones have been located, prevention
to avoid failure initiation of overstressed rock. However, there are
measures can be carried out. According to research studies, there
a number of measures that can be taken to control rock failures
are three different approaches or steps to rockburst prevention:
and avoid or minimize the impact of rockbursts. These measures
(i) optimization of the project layout scheme; (ii) pre-conditioning
need to be applied in two different stages: (i) prediction and
(ii) prevention. It is important that these stages keep a temporal of the rock mass; and (iii) rock mass reinforcement and support
order, as the absence of prediction results in a dangerous lack of (Salamon 1984; Kaiser and Cai 2012; Zhang et al. 2012b). These
anticipation in the application of preventive measures. approaches are suitable for both mining and civil works even
though there are important differences in their application to
Rockburst prediction these fields. For instance, Mitri (2000) established the same pre-
First, it is necessary to predict, as far as possible, the zones that vention approaches but specifically focusing on mining excava-
will be prone to suffering rockbursts. Lithology and the in situ tions (Fig. 7). Numerical modelling is currently a fundamental tool
stress state must be determined to locate zones where rock mass for the evaluation of rockburst prevention measures in these

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Fig. 7. Methods to reduce damaging effects of excessive stress in underground mining (modified from Mitri 2000).
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Fig. 8. Tunnel section divided into multiple drifts to decrease the risk of rock failure, including rockburst. Sequential excavation of smaller
areas leads to better stress redistribution and prevents stress concentrations around the opening (modified from Gall and Zeidler 2009).
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three approaches, especially in support design and project layout Zeidler 2009). More drifts mean smaller excavation sections and
optimization. more favourable redistribution of in situ stress. The dimensions
and shape of the excavation can be modified as well. Excavations
Optimization of project layout scheme of large diameter always present more problems related to stabil-
A project layout scheme can be optimized to avoid or minimize ity and can be more prone to rockburst. Round-shaped excavation
the risk of rockbursts. This can be achieved by modifying primary sections tend to redistribute stress more homogeneously than
parameters that have a strong influence on the excavation stabil- other shapes, which can prevent unfavourable stress concentra-
ity. For instance, the excavation method has a great influence on tions (Gall and Zeidler 2009; Kaiser and Cai 2012). Excavation se-
the behaviour of the rock mass. As stated in section titled “Exca- quences also affect the opening stability depending on the direction
vation method influencing rockburst”, the drill and blast method of geological structures (Cai 2013).
allows for safer environments than mechanical methods when
the works are carried out in highly stressed hard rock, because Rock mass pre-conditioning
dangerous stress concentrations can be dissipated by the destress The pre-conditioning approach prevents rockburst by changing
effect. According to the New Austrian Tunnelling Method (in civil the properties of the rock mass before it is excavated. One of the
projects), the division of excavation phases into multiple drifts most widespread pre-conditioning methods in mining is destress
also has a great influence onexcavation stability (Fig. 8) (Gall and blasting, which has been used effectively since the 1950s (Tang

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2000; Saharan and Mitri 2011; Zhang et al. 2012b). This method Fig. 9. Migration of stress concentrations by destress effect of
uses confined explosive charges, i.e., with no free faces, to reduce blasting (modified from Roux et al. 1957).
the stress level of an area designated for excavation (Andrieux and
Hadjigeorgiou 2008). Destress blasting softens the rock mass by
fracturing the intact rock, decreasing the effective modulus of
elasticity of the rock mass and its ability to carry high stress. Then,
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stress concentrations migrate far away to other zones of the rock

mass, decreasing the risk of rockburst (Fig. 9) (Tang 2000; Saharan
and Mitri 2011; Konicek et al. 2013b).
Despite the extended use of destress blasting in many mines
around the world, there are no well-established engineering pro-
cedures or methodology for this practice. In many cases, this
method is still a trial and error procedure based on the previous
experience of engineers (Andrieux and Hadjigeorgiou 2008). How-
ever, some attempts at establishing a scientific basis for destress
blasting have been carried out successfully. Different approaches
can be followed to evaluate the effectiveness of destress blasting
(before and after it is performed). For instance, Andrieux and
Hadjigeorgiou (2008) have developed an empirical method to as-
sess in advance the effectiveness of large-scale destress blasting in
a deep underground mine pillar, which was investigated in Can-
ada. This method evaluates nine different parameters of the rock
mass and blasting by using the “rock engineering system” (RES)
Other pre-conditioning methods are hydraulic fracturing (Huang
(Hudson 1992) and the “destressability index”. Thereby, the over-
et al. 2011) and destress boreholes (Zhu et al. 2009). These methods
all destress blasting behaviour is calculated in the same manner as
are based on the same fundamentals as destress blasting, although in
in the rock mass classification systems, assigning values to each
these cases the rock fracturing is induced by high-pressure fluid and
parameter and obtaining a final normalized score ranging from 0 borehole drilling, respectively. Hydraulic fracturing can also be used
to 1, which indicates the destress capacity of the blasting (i.e., low, together with blasting to make fracture and crack generation more
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medium, good or excellent). Blasting parameters, e.g., blasthole effective (Fan et al. 2012).
diameter, spacing, and explosive charge, can be assessed in ad- In the coal mines of Central Europe, different pre-conditioning
vance by this method to adjust them to obtain the maximum methods (e.g., destress drilling, destress blasting performed in
destress capacity. The nine parameters assessed by this method coal seams and competent rock layers, and water infusion of coal
are as follows: seams) are used to minimize the risk of violent release of energy
• stiffness of the rock mass, (Holub et al. 2011; Konicek et al. 2011). Among the active methods,
• brittleness of the rock mass, destress blasting has become one of the most popular procedures

due to its excellent results, especially in the Czech and Polish
degree of fracturing of the rock mass,

collieries (Konicek et al. 2011). This method has been performed
proximity to failure of the rock mass,

satisfactorily in the Czech part of the USCB from 1990 and more
orientation of the destress blast,
than 2000 destress blastings have been carried out with good
• width of the destress blast,
results between 1990 and 2010 (Konicek et al. 2013b).
• unit explosive energy,
• confinement of the explosive charges, and Support in rockburst-prone excavations
• result of the destress blast. The terms “excavation support” and “rock reinforcement” can
be considered as two different approaches to excavation stability.
The evaluation of destress blasting effectiveness can also be
Historically, excavation support consists of heavy elements placed
done by measurement of some rock mass parameters after the
on the opening surface to keep the excavation shape by applica-
blast has been fired, such as changes in stress magnitudes, changes
tion of a reactive force that supports the fractured rock (Brady and
in modulus parameters, seismic effect, rock deformation, and
Brown 2004). The main elements of excavation support are steel
changes of geophysical properties (Andrieux and Hadjigeorgiou
ribs, filling, and lagging. This approach is mainly applied in min-
2008; Konicek et al. 2011). For instance, Konicek et al. (2013a, 2013b) ing excavation. On the other hand, rock reinforcement is based on
have shown satisfactory results for assessment of destress blasting conservation or improvement of the rock mass properties by
in hard coal mines of the Czech Republic by monitoring the forming a self-supporting rock arch around the opening (Brady
changes of stress magnitudes near destress blastings and calculat- and Brown 2004; Monsees and Choi 2009). Common elements
ing the seismic effect from the available seismic monitoring data forming rock reinforcement are rock bolts and dowels, cable
and weight of explosive. bolts, rock anchors, shotcrete, wire mesh, and steel straps. The
Another prevention method that uses the fundamentals of the rock reinforcement approach is currently widely applied in civil
destress effect of blasting is excavation using pilot tunnels (Zhang projects and also in mining works (Monsees and Choi 2009). In
et al. 2012b). This method is mainly applied in civil tunnels and is this paper, the general term “support” is used to refer to both
especially recommended to prevent rockburst in tunnels with a excavation support and rock reinforcement.
large diameter excavated by TBM. In this case, a tunnel with a Rockburst support and conventional support are significantly
smaller section than the final TBM tunnel is excavated by the drill different. Conventional support is mainly designed to deal with
and blast method. The destress effect of blasting and the installa- gravity-induced rock block falls and superficial unravelling
tion of support (temporal or definitive) make the final TBM exca- (Monsees and Choi 2009). However, support of burst-prone
vation much safer. Moreover, a pilot tunnel permits application of grounds also needs to resist the impact of high dynamic loads
other safety measures, such as inspection drillings ahead of the caused by violent ejection of rock fragments, as well as large
tunnel that give important geological and geotechnical informa- bulking (i.e., an increase of rock volume due to the fractures and
tion in advance (Zhang et al. 2012b). ejections) (Cai and Champaigne 2012; Kaiser and Cai 2012). Under

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high stress conditions, the elements form a support system that is Fig. 10. Difference between (a) stiff and (b) yielding bolting systems.
needed to have great energy dissipation and deformation ca- Yielding rockbolts permit large rock displacements, which means
pacity. more energy dissipation and less deformation gradient in
In burst-prone zones, flexibility is preferred to strength and supporting elements (modified after Cai 2013).
stiffness. Thus, “yielding support” is a fundamental approach for
achieving effective rockburst support, especially where high-
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energy rockbursts can occur, i.e., shear rupture and fault-slip

burst. However, the energy absorption capacity of a support sys-
tem is limited, even for the most optimal design (Zhang et al.
2012b; Cai 2013). Rockbursts release energy in the form of dynamic
loads, which can be much higher than the bearing capacity of the
support system (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994; Zhang et al. 2012b).
Under high dynamic loads, stiff support elements such as fully
grouted rebars or tendons can fail prematurely (Ortlepp 2001).
These support elements are destroyed when their bearing capac-
ity is overcome by the induced loads. At that point, the support
system collapses and no action occurs to hold the fractured rock.
Conversely, yielding support elements are not destroyed when
the induced loads are higher than their bearing capacity (Ortlepp
2001; Cai 2013). In such a case, support elements are firstly de-
formed to their maximum strain capacity and, from that point,
they yield and consume energy by friction while displacing (e.g.,
friction-anchored bolts) (Fig. 10). Although the bearing capacity of
yielding elements is usually small, their large sliding capacity is
able to keep the integrity of the excavation even under extreme
rockburst conditions. It is important to remember that a yield-
ing support system is not always formed exclusively by yielding
elements. Cai (2013) highlighted that the combination of stiff
elements — such as grouted rebars with yielding bolts, straps, and
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shotcrete — can provide a double-defence support system, which

will behave as a static–stiff support or as a flexible–yielding sup- The elements of a rock support system do not work individu-
port, depending on the circumstances. ally. Under unfavourable stress conditions, rock bolts can rarely
Ortlepp and Stacey (1994) have pointed out that in the case of be effective in terms of holding failed rocks without the addi-
low-energy rockbursts (i.e., strainburst) support design must be tional support provided by shotcrete, straps or wire mesh. All
more focused on increasing the critical buckling stress of the rock these elements must be well connected, forming the whole sup-
at the excavation boundaries. Critical buckling stress can be in- port system. The overall capacity of a support system is always
creased in two forms. First, minimizing exposed rock spans by defined by its weakest element. Special attention must be paid
decreasing spacing between bolts and using large face plates; and during support installation to the linkage between retaining and
second, increasing the thickness of rock fragments by application reinforcement elements, as this is usually the weakest part of the
of reinforced shotcrete. support system (Kaiser and Cai 2012; Cai 2013). An accurate over-
According to Kaiser et al. (1996), rock support presents three lap between wire mesh, straps, and bolt face plates is very impor-
different key functions: (i) reinforcement of the rock mass to tant to prevent rapid support failure.
strengthen it and control bulking; (ii) retention of broken rock to Cai, Champaigne, and Kaiser (Kaiser and Cai 2012; Cai 2013; Cai
prevent block failure and unravelling; and (iii) holding blocks and and Champaigne 2009) have established seven simple principles
tying back the retaining elements. The reinforce and hold func- that summarize the basic fundamentals of support design in
tions of a yielding support system are usually provided by high- burst-prone grounds and also summarize the main ideas ex-
friction bolts, e.g., conebolts (Cai and Champaigne 2012). As pressed in this section. These principles are presented below.
mentioned above, these bolts permit large rock displacements
without self-destructing, allowing high energy dissipation. Rock • Avoid rockburst — If rockburst risk is avoided, no special support
bolts installed in rockburst-prone zones must not be pre-tensioned is needed. It was previously commented that there are two
(Stillborg 1994), as this could further increase the stress state of approaches to minimize rockburst risk. The first is optimiza-
the rock mass, inducing a rockburst or other rock failure. tion of the project layout by changing design parameters, such
In high stress environments, the rock between bolts is espe- as excavation location, sequence, size, shape, and method. The
cially prone to burst. Retaining elements must be used to avoid second is rock mass pre-conditioning to decrease rockburst risk
that problem. Shotcrete is a fundamental tool to prevent rock fall by using destress blasting, hydraulic fracturing, and destress
and ejection between bolts, particularly when it is reinforced with guide boreholes. In mining works, backfilling of mined-out
steel or plastic fibres that increase the tensile strength and tough- stopes can be considered too.
ness of the shotcrete (Ortlepp 2001; Kaiser and Cai 2012; Cai 2013). • Use yielding support — Conventional support is not able to adapt
Wire mesh and steel straps are widely used as retaining elements, to large rock deformation, nor is it able to absorb the dynamic
especially in mines. Steel mesh can be used as reinforcement of energy released by a rockburst; therefore, a flexible, yielding
shotcrete too. In burst-prone zones, shotcrete can be part of the support must be installed in burst-prone grounds.
particles ejected by a rockburst. This may occur when the layer of • Address the weakest link — A support system is as weak as its
shotcrete is too thick, such that it behaves rigidly and cannot weakest element, which is usually the linkage between rein-
deform with the rock (Kaiser and Cai 2012). In other cases, the forcing elements (e.g., rock bolts) and retaining elements (e.g.,
shotcrete is just not able to absorb the dynamic loads of a rock- wire mesh and straps). Special care must be taken with the
burst and becomes part of it. The use of mesh-reinforced shotcrete correct installation of those elements.
and the installation of mesh or straps over the shotcrete layer are • Use an integrated system — There is no single support element
reliable measures to avoid this problem (Cai 2013). that is capable on its own of resisting the impact of a rockburst,

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to hold the fractured rock and keep the integrity of the excava- rows and position around the opening, under different in situ
tion. Different support elements with different functions must stress levels.
be installed together, depending on the rock conditions and Finally, numerical modelling of rock support systems is proba-
stress state to achieve the maximum support effectiveness. This bly one of the most important and most extended applications of
also means that yielding supports can be formed by a combina- numerical methods to underground excavations, and its impor-
tion of yielding elements and nonyielding elements such as tance is even greater when designing support in rockburst-prone
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by DIRECTORATE OF COLDWATER FISHERIES RES on 10/01/15

stiff grouted rebars. grounds. For instance, numerical analyses have been carried out
• Simplicity — Support elements need to be easy to manufacture, to test the behaviour of different types of rockbolts under dy-
install, and maintain. namic loads, i.e., the load produced during rockbursts (Mortazavi
• Cost-effectiveness — Rockburst support is more expensive than and Alavi 2013; Nie et al. 2014).
conventional support. However, the cost of damage caused by a
rockburst can be huge. The consequences of an extreme rock- Conclusion
burst can be damage at the opening, damage to equipment, loss
of production, loss of ore bodies, and worker injuries or fatali- Rockburst events produce fatal injuries to workers, loss of facil-
ties. If the extra cost of a rockburst support is compared with ities, damage to equipment, and production stoppages. Worse
the total cost arising from an intense rockburst event, it is clear still, this is a growing problem in both the mining industry and
that special support costs are well spent. civil engineering projects. Therefore, some important steps must
• Anticipate and be adaptable — The conditions of burst-prone be followed in the design and execution of underground excava-
grounds change easily; therefore, it is necessary to have sup- tions that are likely to be affected by violent rock failures such as
port designs that are capable of adapting quickly to new cir- rockbursts. These steps are (i) early prediction, (ii) design modifi-
cumstances. Readiness to face any adverse situation rapidly cation, (ii) in situ prevention, and (iv) final retention.
and effectively is one of the most important requirements for • Early prediction — First of all, it is necessary to determine how
rockburst support.
prone the rock mass is to rockbursts. An exhaustive geological
Numerical modelling study must be carried out before starting the works to define
Numerical methods are an important part of rockburst assess- the lithology and the geomechanical and geotechnical proper-
ment during the prediction and prevention stages. Some examples ties of the rock mass. Determination of the in situ stress mag-
of the application of numerical modelling to problems related to nitude and orientation is also fundamental for assessing the
rock failure and rockburst are presented below. failure risk, as well as the continuous monitoring of the stress
For personal use only.

As mentioned previously, for an accurate prediction of the state in working areas. Determination of the rock stress state
rockburst-prone zones in underground excavations it is always can be performed in situ or in the laboratory by direct and
necessary to estimate the in situ stress state of the rock mass and indirect methods, and by numerical analysis using stress eval-
the mining-induced stress changes. Numerical modelling (alone uation indexes. Knowing this information, special attention
or in combination with other physical methods) can be used for must be paid to overstressed competent hard rock, as it is the
the estimation of both in situ stress and induced stress, what in type of rock most prone to rockbursts.
consequence leads to the prediction of failure-prone areas. For • Design modification — It is possible to avoid or minimize rock-
instance, Islam et al. (2009) presented numerical models of the burst risk by modifying primary parameters of the project lay-
stress redistribution caused by extraction operations in coal min- out scheme that have a strong influence on excavation stability,
ing. They used the finite elements method (FEM) and boundary i.e., location, shape, size, sequence, excavation method, and divi-
element method (BEM) to calculate the mining-induced stress lev- sion of excavation into drifts.
els in advance and to predict the failure-prone zones of the mine. • In situ prevention — When the rockburst risk cannot be minimized
Other studies, such as Wang and Park (2001) and Sirait et al. by design modification, pre-conditioning methods can be applied
(2013), have been carried out by numerical modelling to predict to prevent rockbursts by changing the properties of the rock mass
rockburst phenomena in deep, hard rock mines. In these cases before it is excavated. The most commonly used pre-conditioning
they used a combination of experimental results and numerical method is destress blasting, especially in mining works. Other
calculation to determine the strain energy stored in the rock and methods are hydraulic fracturing, destress boreholes, and pilot
to assess rockburst occurrence by using evaluation indexes, e.g., tunnels. The aim of these methods is the same: softening the rock
energy release rate (ERR), energy storage rate (ESR), burst poten- mass surrounding the excavation by fracturing it, decreasing its
tial index (BPI), and potential energy of elastic strain (PES). effective modulus of elasticity, and producing migration of high
Numerical methods have even more importance during the
stress concentration deeper into the rock mass.
rockburst prevention stages. The behaviour of different layout • Final retention — If the rockburst risk is still high when the rock is
schemes of the same project can be tested prior to excavation
already being excavated, the final measure to protect the opening
using numerical modelling to select the one with the best re-
stability and safety of workers and equipment is the installation of
sponse to the rock mass characteristics and with the least rock-
special rock support and reinforcement systems. In this case, the
burst risk. A good example of this is the numerical modelling
aim of the support system is to conserve or improve the rock mass
performed by Zhang et al. (2012b) to evaluate the pilot tunnel
investigation cited in the section titled “Rock mas pre- properties by forming a self-supporting rock arch around the
conditioning”. opening or by application of a reactive force that holds the dead
Different rock mass pre-conditioning methods can also be weight of the fractured rock. In rockburst-prone environments it
tested by numerical modelling before they are applied. This is of crucial importance to design yielding support systems that
allows engineers to adjust the layout of pre-conditioning mea- are able to resist the impact of the high dynamic loads caused by
sures to the exact conditions of the excavation to maximize its violent ejection of rock fragments and large deformations. Yield-
preventive action and to increase safety. For instance, Zhu et al. ing support elements do not become destroyed when the induced
(2009) tested different layouts of guide (destress) holes under dif- loads are higher than their bearing capacity. During a rockburst,
ferent in situ stress conditions to decrease the rockburst risk in these elements are deformed to their maximum strain capacity
underground excavations. They used the FEM to create different and then, from that point, they yield and consume energy by
models, varying several parameters of the holes, i.e., number of friction while displacing.

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1438 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 52, 2015

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