Project in English: Sub To: Sir Symon Sub By: Kyle Jopher Sy 7-Courage

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sub to: sir symon sub by : kyle jopher sy

Society nowdayS iSn’t what it waS decade ago people change and So doeS the

Society they live in the problems that our grandparents

experience with our parentS aren’t the same that our parents

Experience with us.

Nowadays young people are exposed to two major social problems that

Affect their life negatively threese social problems are

drugS and violence even though one doeSn’t want to be expoSed

To these problems

Its impossible because it is everywhere if one goes to a

Party one runs the ricks of meeting people doing drugs

Or fighting people do this to rebel or fit in the


They live in others do it to prove to others that they are cool

Even though these two social problems walkhand to hand

One can exist without the other.

drug uSe iS an increaSing problem among teenagerS in today’S

Societies. Most drug use begins in the preteen and teenage years

These years most crucial in the maturation process.

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