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23 0 08-11-2016

0 suka 25-11-2016, 10:49:44

To make a call:

1. Greetings (good morning, afternoon, evening)

2. May I speak to Mr. F, please?

3. I'm Mr. F from SMK Perjuangan Bangsa Ligung

4. I'm calling about meeting this afternoon

5. Could I leave a message?

6. Could you take my message for Mr. Ayip?

To received a call:

1. Greetings (good morning, afternoon, evening)

2. Can I help you?

3. May I help you?

4. Who's calling, please? who's speaking, please?

5. May I have your name, please?

6. Hold on, please. / just a moment, please.

7. Could you speak up, please? it's terrible connection.

Personal Pronouns
Subject Object Possesive Adjective Possessive Noun

I Me My Mine

You You Your Yours

He Him His His

She Her Her Hers

It It Its -

We Us Our Ours

They Them Their Theirs

Reported Speech

1. The change in pronoun

He says "I am very busy"

He said that he is very busy

2. The change also in tense

a. He said "I work hard today"

He said that he worked hard that day

b. He said "I am working hard now"

He said that he was working hard then

c. The girl said "I have worked hard for my assignment"

The girl said that she had worked hard for her assignment

d. The teacher said "I divided your papers yesterday"

The teacher said that he had devided our papers the day before

e. He said "They were working hard"

He said that they had been working hard

f. She said "I had my love for you"

She said that she had given her love for me

3. The change in Modal

a. He said "I will arrive on time"

He said that He would arrive on time

b. The boy said "I can do the exam well"

The boy said that he could do the exam well

*** Modal past not changing

4. The change also in adverb

Now ---> Then

Today ---> that they

Yesterday ---> the day before

this ---> that

Tomorrow ---> the next day

Here ---> There

the day after tomorrow ---> in two days

Ago ---> before

Last ---> previous

Asking about one's job description


Could you tell me what your duties are?

I would like to know whether you know about your responsibility

Can you tell me what your task is?

I would like to know about what you have to do


what your duties?

what your responsibility?

what is your task?

Asking about one's educational background


Could you tell me a little about your educational background?

Can you tell me where your graduated from?

I would like to know about your major?

I would like to know where you study?


What is your educational background?

Where did you graduated from?

What is your major?

Where do you study?

Telling about one's educational background

I graduated from University of Unswagati Cirebon

I have a degree in technical engineering

I majored in accounting

Curriculum Vitae

Name : Firman Purnama Utama Wiguna, S.Pd

Place, Date of Birth : Majalengka, 05 Oktober 1989

Address : Dusun Tipar Rt/Rw 002/007 Desa Ligung Lor Kec. Ligung

Kab. Majalengka 45456

Phone number : 085 703 123 444

Sex : Male

Marital Status : Married

Formal Education :

a. Elementary School : 1991 - 1997

b. Junior High School : 1997 - 2000

c. Senior High School : 2000 - 2003

d. English Department of Unswagati Cirebon : 2003 - 2007

Work Experience :

a. as an English teacher at SMPN 2 Ligung : 2008 - 2012

b. as an English teacher at SMK PB Ligung : 2009 - 2011

c. as a receptionist at Seraton Bandara

JAKARTA : 2011 - 2012

d. as a head of pos dealer Honda SRJ Motor : 2012 - 2013

e. as a leader of displaying product

at P.T Gelora Jaya Wismilak Cirebon : 2013 - 2014

f. as an English teacher at SMK PB Ligung : 2015 - Present

Telling about Past Event

1. Simple Past(waktu sederhana dimasa lampau)

(+) : S + V2 + Oc

(-) : S + did + not + V1 + Oc

(?) : did + S + V1 + Oc?

2. Simple Past using tobe (was/were)

(+) : S + was/were + V1 + Oc

(-) : S + was/were + not + V1 + Oc

(?) : was/were + S + V1 + Oc?

3. Past Continuous (waktu yang sedang terjadi dimasa lampau)

(+) : S + was/were + Ving + Oc

(-) : S + was/were + not + Ving + Oc

(?) : was/were + S + Ving + )c?

4. Past Perfect (waktu yang sudah terjadi dimasa lampau)

(+) : S + had + V3 + Oc

(-) : S + had + not + V3 + Oc

(?) : had + S + V3 + Oc?

5. Past Perfect Continuous (waktu yang terjadi dan sudah selesai dimasa lampau

dan tidak akan terjadi dimasa yang akan datang)

(+) : S + had been + Ving + Oc

(-) : S + had + not + been + Ving + Oc

(?) : had + S + Ving + Oc?

6. Present Future

(+) : S + will + V1 + Oc

(-) : S + will + not + V1 + Oc

(?) : will + S + V1 + Oc?

Present Future

(+) : S + (is/am/are) + going to + V1 + Oc

(-) : S + (is/am/are) + not + going to + Oc

(?) : (is/am/are) + S + going to + Oc?


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