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UPDATE 19B ······························································································································································································· 2

Revision History ························································································································································································ 2
Overview ······································································································································································································· 2
Feature Summary ····················································································································································································· 4
Application Security ·········································································································································································· 6
Manage Exclusions from HCM Person Security Profiles ······························································································ 6
HCM Common Features ································································································································································· 10
HCM Landing Page Additional Content Card and Quick Action ·············································································· 10
HCM Data Loader ·············································································································································································· 15
Enhancements to Delete Stage Table Data Processes Information ······································································ 15
Enhancements to Import and Load Data ·························································································································· 16
New Business Objects Supported ······································································································································· 23
Enhancements to View Business Objects ························································································································ 24
HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader ·················································································································································· 25
New Predefined Spreadsheet Templates ························································································································· 25
HCM Extract ························································································································································································· 26
Built-In CSV Output ··································································································································································· 26
Redesigned User Experience ······················································································································································ 27
HCM Extracts ··················································································································································································· 27
Improved User Experience for HCM Extract ···················································································································· 27
Data Exchange ················································································································································································ 31
Enhancements to Data Exchange ······································································································································· 31

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates
appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes

Redesigned User Experience/HCM Extracts: Updated document. Revised feature

26 APR 2019
Improved User Experience for HCM Extract information.
Updated document. Delivered feature in
29 MAR 2019 HCM Extracts: Built-In CSV Output
update 19B.
01 MAR 2019 Created initial document.

HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:

Release Updates (19A, 19B, 19C, and 19D)

Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud

This document outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle HCM
Cloud. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin
using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help

In addition to this document you will also want to review the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud
Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1). These documents identify bug
fixes and possible known issues. You will also need to review these documents based in the release update
version you are currently on or will be moving to.

Oracle HCM Cloud release documents are delivered in five functional groupings:

Suggested Reading for all HCM Products:

HCM Cloud Common Features (This document pertains to all HCM applications. It is the base human
resource information for all products and HCM Tools.)
Global Human Resources Cloud (Global Human Resources contains the base application in which
other application use for common data such as workforce structures and person information. Regardless
of what products you have implemented you may want to see the new features for Global Human
Resources that could impact your products.)

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.

Optional Reading for HCM Products (Depending on what products are in your cloud service):

Talent Management Cloud (All Talent applications)

Workforce Rewards Cloud (Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and Global Payroll Interface)
Workforce Management Cloud (Absence Management and Time and Labor)

Additional Optional Reading:

Common Technologies and User Experience (This documents the common features across all Cloud
applications and is not specific to HCM)

NOTE: All of these documents can be found on the Oracle Help Center at:
/saasreadiness/hcm under Human Capital Management Release Readiness.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback
regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New for Release 13 in the body or title of the email.


Column Definitions:

Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports.

UI or Process-Based: Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential
impact to users is minimal.
UI or Process-Based: Larger Scale* = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

Customer Action Required = You MUST take action before these features can be used by END USERS. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when
to enable them. For example, a) new or expanded BI subject areas need to first be incorporated into reports, b) Integration is required to utilize new web services, or c) features
must be assigned to user roles before they can be accessed.

Ready for Use by End Users Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled) (Feature Delivered Disabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features Not disruptive as action is required to make these features
will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you
customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger set your test and roll out timing.
Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

UI or UI or
Process-Based: Process-Based:
Feature Report Small Scale Larger Scale* Customer Action Required
Application Security
Manage Exclusions from HCM Person Security Profiles
HCM Common Features
HCM Landing Page Additional Content Card and Quick
HCM Data Loader
Enhancements to Delete Stage Table Data Processes
Enhancements to Import and Load Data
New Business Objects Supported
Enhancements to View Business Objects
HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
New Predefined Spreadsheet Templates

Ready for Use by End Users Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users
(Feature Delivered Enabled) (Feature Delivered Disabled)

Reports plus Small Scale UI or Process-Based new features Not disruptive as action is required to make these features
will have minimal user impact after an update. Therefore, ready to use. As you selectively choose to leverage, you
customer acceptance testing should focus on the Larger set your test and roll out timing.
Scale UI or Process-Based* new features.

UI or UI or
Process-Based: Process-Based:
Feature Report Small Scale Larger Scale* Customer Action Required
HCM Extract
Built-In CSV Output
Redesigned User Experience
HCM Extracts
Improved User Experience for HCM Extract
Data Exchange
Enhancements to Data Exchange

Oracle Applications Security provides a single console where IT Security Managers and Administrators can
perform various functions including user lifecycle management, role definition, security policy management
(both functional and data), role hierarchy maintenance, username and password policy administration, and
certificate management. The console also enables users to simulate the effect of security changes, to run
security reports, and download a connector for integration with Microsoft Active Directory.


In a person security profile, you identify a set of people using criteria such as manager hierarchy or area of
responsibility. When you include the person security profile in a data role, users who have the data role can
access the person records of the set of people you identified. In some cases, you may want to exclude
selected person records, such as the records of workers in the HR department, from the set identified by the
person security profile. Until now, you had to define custom criteria to implement these exclusions. From this
update, you can create reusable exclusion rules and reference them in person security profiles.

Creating Exclusion Rules

To create an exclusion rule, you use the new Manage HCM Exclusion Rules task. You can perform the task:

In the Users and Security functional area for your offering in the Setup and Maintenance work area
In the Workforce Structures work area

You must have the IT Security Manager job role or privileges to perform the task.

Create HCM Exclusion Rule Page

You define a name for the exclusion rule, enter a description if required, and leave Enabled selected.

To create the exclusion definition, you select an Exclude By value, which can be a list, an attribute, or a
hierarchy from the following list.

Business unit

Job family
Legal employer
Work location
Work location
HCM position

When you select a list value, you search for and select one or more named instances of the selected object. For
example, if you set Exclude By to Business unit list, then you search for and select one or more business

Creating an Exclusion Rule Using a List of Business Units

If you set Exclude By to Department hierarchy, then you select the tree name and the top department in the
tree. The top department and its subordinates are included in the exclusion rule.

Creating an Exclusion Rule Using a Department Hierarchy

For HCM position hierarchy or Supervisor hierarchy, you select the top position or manager, as appropriate.
The selected values and their subordinates in the hierarchy are included in the exclusion rule.

When you set Exclude By to an attribute, you select the attribute name, an operator, and a value.

Creating an Exclusion Rule Using a Department Attribute

Referencing Exclusion Rules in a Person Security Profile

You can reference exclusion rules in a person security profile only when you secure person records by area of
responsibility. That is, the Exclusion Rules section appears by default, but it's not active until you select Secure
by area of responsibility.

Exclusion Rules Section on the Create Person Security Profile Page

You can select any existing exclusion rule to identify a set of person records to exclude from the person security
profile. Let's say that you set the scope of responsibility to Department but want to exclude a few named
workers. In the Exclusion Rules section, you select Apply exclusion rules and add an appropriate exclusion
rule. For example, the rule could list the workers by name, specify the department to which those workers and
no others belong, or identify a common job attribute. The effect of the rule is to exclude records that match the
exclusion criteria from the set of person records identified by the person security profile.

You can include up to three exclusion rules in a person security profile. When you use multiple exclusion rules:

You can base only one of the rules on a hierarchy value.

Only person records that satisfy all of the rules are excluded.


No steps are required to enable this feature.


In a person security profile, you can't select an exclusion rule that's disabled. If you disable an exclusion rule
after it's been added to a person security profile, then a cross icon appears in the Enabled column of the
Exclusion Rules section of the person security profile. When an exclusion rule is disabled, the person records
identified by the rule aren't excluded from the person security profile. To have an effect, an exclusion rule must
be enabled.

You can export and import the associated setup business objects using standard Functional Setup Manager
functionality. The new business objects are:

HCM Exclusion Rule

HCM Exclusion Rule Detail
Person Security Profile Exclusion
Objects referenced in an exclusion rule, such as business units or the HCM position hierarchy, must already
exist in the target environment. To avoid import errors, any changed setup objects that you reference must be
exported before you export the HCM Exclusion Rule, HCM Exclusion Rule Detail, or Person Security Profile
Exclusion objects.

You're recommended to evaluate any existing custom criteria that you defined to manage exclusions and,
where possible, use exclusion rules instead.


For more information, go to Applications Help for the following help topics:

Create an HCM Exclusion Rule

Secure Person Records by Area of Responsibility
Exporting and Importing Setup Data: Explained


A new function security privilege provides access to the Manage HCM Exclusion Rules task. This table
identifies the function security privilege and the predefined job role to which it's granted.

Function Security Privilege Job Role

Manage HCM Exclusion Rules IT Security Manager


If you're using the predefined IT Security Manager job role, then no action is necessary. If you're using a custom
version of the IT Security Manager job role, then you must add the new privilege to your custom role to manage
HCM exclusion rules. For information about adding new roles and privileges to custom roles, see the Release
13 Security Upgrade Guide on My Oracle Support (document ID 2023523.1)


This section covers features used across all HCM Applications.


You can now enable and configure an additional content card for each HCM app that uses the landing page
such as Pay, Personal Info, and Absences, under Me in the main menu. When you click on the additional
content card, you are navigated to a blank page that you can configure. You can provide employees
information and content specific to your organization such as policy and procedures, links, and instructional
videos. Just like other cards, the additional content card for each landing page can also be accessed from
quick actions.

Pay Landing Page with Additional Content Card

Additional Content for Pay Detail Page

Additional Content for Pay in Quick Actions

These cards are delivered as hidden. You can rename and enable these cards using the Structure menu. When
you rename the additional content card, the quick action name, landing page card name, and the corresponding
page name are all changed. You add content to the page using page composer.

Each card is secured by the same privilege that secures access to the landing page.

Privilege that Secures Page and Additional Content

Landing Page

Maintain Self Service Absence Record

Benefits Elect Benefits (BEN_ELECT_BENEFITS)
Access My Career and Performance
Career and Performance
Manage Person Allocated Checklist by Worker
Checklist Tasks
Access Internal Candidate Experience
Current Jobs
Access FUSE Directory Page

Privilege that Secures Page and Additional Content
Landing Page

Access What to Learn

Access FUSE Personal Information Page
Personal Info


To rename and enable additional content cards:

1. Enable a sandbox.
2. In the main menu, click Configuration > Structure.
3. Click Me.

4. Select Quick Actions.

5. Expand the app for which you want to enable the additional content card (i.e. Pay used in this example).
6. Select Additional Content for Pay.

7. Change the Name and Image as appropriate, and change Visible to Yes, or enter an EL expression to
determine who sees the card.

8. Save and Close.

9. Navigate to Me > Pay. Select the Additional Content for Pay card and use page composer to add your


Just like other quick actions, when the Additional Content Card is enabled, it will be available in quick
actions. You cannot enable the card without enabling the action as well.
Only 1 additional content card is available for each app that uses the landing page design.
The additional content card from 1 landing page cannot be moved and used in a different landing page.
Quick actions on the Show More page are displayed in alphabetical order.


HCM Data Loader provides a flexible and efficient method of bulk loading business object data for data-
migration and on-going incremental updates to Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud.


You're recommended to create a schedule for deleting stage table data that are no longer required. If you
create no schedule, then a schedule is created automatically. However, until now, you couldn't see the details
of existing deletion schedules. From this update, you can review:

The parameters specified for a deletion process

The schedule of a deletion process

On the Processes page, which you open from the Delete Stage Table Data page, you now see a Parameters
contextual action icon for each process. When you click the icon, a dialog box showing the process parameters

Parameters Dialog Box

For parent scheduled processes, the dialog box also contains the process frequency, start date, end date, and
next process date.

Also on the Processes page:

A new column, Scheduling Process ID, provides the ID of any process that is the parent of other
A new column, Schedule, includes an icon to identify processes that schedule other processes.

These enhancements apply to both HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.

Enhanced Processes Page


No steps are required to enable this feature.


For more information, go to Applications Help for the following help topics:

Overview of Maintaining the Stage Tables

Maintain the HCM Data Loader Stage Tables
Maintain the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Stage Tables


In this update, several changes have been made to the HCM Data Loader Import and Load Data page to both
improve performance and make it easier for you to find key information.

Improved Import and Load Data Page

Removed Column Group Headings

To streamline the Data Sets and Business Objects tables, the column group headings Progress, Imported
Physical Rows, and Objects have been removed.

Fewer Columns Displayed by Default

The number of columns that appear by default in the Data Sets and Business Objects tables has been reduced
to make key information easier to find. You can manage the columns by selecting View > Columns.

New Import File Button

To import a file, you simply click the new Import File button to open the Import File dialog box.

Import File Dialog Box

Here, you can select either a local file or a file on the Oracle WebCenter Content server. The Import File button
replaces the previous Import File > Import Local File interaction.

Process Information Moved to a Separate Page

The Processes tab in the Business Objects section displayed information about the processing of a selected
data set. The Process tab has been removed in this update and replaced by a separate Processes page. To
open the page, you select Review Processes after selecting a data set in the Data Sets table.

Processes Page

New Progress Information for In-Progress Data Sets

To review the progress of a file import, you now select the data set and click Review Progress in the Data Sets
section. The dialog box that opens shows the status of the import and load for each business object in the .zip

Progress Dialog Box

This dialog box replaces the Estimated Time Remaining dialog box that used to appear when you clicked the
Load Progress icon in the Business Objects table for in-progress business objects.

Error Management

Several design and navigation changes have been made to the error management information to make
diagnosis and correction of errors easier. For any data set, you see overall import and load status on the Import
and Load Data page.

Overall Status Icons

The Messages icon appears when errors occur during either the import or the load or both. Click the Messages
icon in the Data Sets table to open the Messages page, where you see the message text for each message and
the number of occurrences of the message in the data set.

Messages Page

You can also navigate to this information from the Messages column in the Business Objects table on the
Import and Load Data page.

When you click the message text, the Message Details page opens. This page lists every occurrence of the
message in the data set. The information provided depends on whether the error is an import error or a load
error. For an import error, you see each failed file line and the associated error message. For a load error, you
see a table of the objects in error. For each object, you see source keys, user keys, and the error message.

Objects in Error on the Message Details Page

If an object has multiple user keys, then you can click the contextual information icon to see them all.

User Keys Dialog Box

To see details of an object in error, you click the icon in the Object Details column of the Message Details page
to open the Object Hierarchy page. For each component of the object hierarchy, you see source keys, user
keys, and any error message.

Object Hierarchy Page

When you click the name of the component in error, the Attribute Details dialog box opens.

Attribute Details Dialog Box

You can edit attribute values in this dialog box before reloading the object, if required.

Information about failed lines and failed objects now appears on separate pages. To see import errors, you can
click the value in the Failed Lines column for a data set or business object to open the Failed Lines page. On
the Failed Lines page, you can see all failed lines and their error messages for the data set or business object,
as appropriate.

Failed Lines Page

If the data set contains multiple object types, then you can select a different object or all objects on the Failed
Lines page.

To see load errors, you can click the value in the Failed Objects column for a data set or business object to
open the Failed Objects page. On this page, you see source keys, user keys, and the error message for each
object in error.

Failed Objects Page

If the data set contains multiple object types, then you can select a different object or all objects on the Failed
Objects page. If the object has multiple user keys, then you can click the contextual information icon to see
them all. To see details of an object in error, you click the Object Details icon for the object to open the Object
Hierarchy page.


No steps are required to enable this feature.


On the Import and Load Data page, links to the Failed Lines and Failed Objects pages aren't active for:

Archived data sets

Data sets for the Payroll integration type

You can link to the Messages page, but message links aren't active on that page.


For more information, go to Applications Help for the following help topics:

Import and Load Data

Import and Load Data Search Results
Review and Correct Errors


You can now load data for the following business objects:

Business Object Product Area Description

A supplier's definition of a career

level, such as entry level,
Market Data Career Level Compensation
intermediate, professional, or

A career development model that

Market Data Career Stream Compensation provides a range of levels and skills
for each level

Job family definitions provided by a

Market Data Job Family Compensation
compensation market data supplier

A grouping for related jobs, such as

Market Data Job Function Compensation
Accounting or Engineering

Job definitions provided by a

Market Data Job List Compensation
compensation market data supplier

A list of locations from compensation

Market Data Location List Compensation
market data supplier surveys

Any level other than a career level or

Market Data Other Level Compensation
career stream

Raw survey data that you can use to

Market Data Survey Data Compensation compare external with internal pay

You can also:

Update and delete Talent Management Common Note objects.

Maintain descriptive flexfield segments for Global HR - Work Structures Collective Agreements objects.
Specify the electronic signature to use on the EsignType and SignTemplate attributes of the Tasks
component of the Checklist Template object.
Specify when an Allocated Checklist is complete and provide an electronic signature for the completion
on the Tasks component of the Allocated Checklist object.


Download the new template to take advantage of the new objects supported.


For more information, see the following help topic in the Integrating with HCM guide:

Examples of Loading Market Data


The View Business Objects page in the Data Exchange work area provides access to detailed information
about a selected business object, including:

The component hierarchy of the business object

Details of the currently selected component, including its parent component, supported actions, and
whether it supports integration keys
Details of each attribute of the currently selected component, including its name, type, length, and

In addition, if you can load flexfields for the component, then the Flexfield Attributes tab provides details of the
configured flexfield attributes.


From this update, you can download all of this information for a selected business object to an Excel
spreadsheet for offline use. To download the spreadsheet, click the Download icon for the object in the
Overview column of the View Business Objects page.

Downloading Object Details

The default file name of the downloaded spreadsheet is GenericBusObjDetails.xlsx, but you can change the
name when you save the file. The spreadsheet has three tabs:

Tab Name Description

All component-related information from the Business Object Details page

Hierarchy Details
for every component of the selected object.
All attribute details from the Business Object Details page for every
component of the selected object.

Tab Name Description

All flexfield details from the Business Object Details page for every
Flexfield Attributes component of the selected object. If the object has no flexfields, then the
tab is blank.


You must have installed the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration add-in. To install this add-in, select Navigator -
Tools - Download Desktop Integration Installer

To ensure that all available information is included, check whether the object has been refreshed before you
download the spreadsheet. If you click the name of the object on the View Business Objects page, then you'll
see a warning message if the object needs to be refreshed.

Whenever you open a downloaded spreadsheet, you're invited to sign in again. If you sign in, then the
spreadsheet is updated automatically with latest information as you select each tab. These updates will
overwrite any changes that you may have made to the spreadsheet. If you prefer to keep your changes, then
don't sign in.


For more information, go to Applications Help for the following help topics:

Sources of Business-Object Information

Setting Up the Desktop Integration for Excel: Procedure


HCM Data Loader provides a flexible and efficient method of bulk loading business object data for data-
migration and on-going incremental updates to Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud.


Spreadsheet templates are predefined for some commonly loaded objects. These templates contain columns
for all supported components and their attributes.

In this update, the following new spreadsheet templates are provided:

Market Data Career Level

Market Data Career Stream
Market Data Job Family
Market Data Job Function
Market Data Job List
Market Data Location List
Market Data Other Level
Market Data Survey Data


You can search for predefined spreadsheet templates, which have codes beginning with the characters ORA_,
on the Manage Spreadsheet Templates page. You can copy the predefined templates and edit them to suit
business requirements.


For more information, see the following help topic in the Integrating with HCM guide located in the Oracle Help
Center at

HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates

HCM Extracts provide a method for extracting data from your HCM applications that can be used for interfacing
data to another source or extracting data to integrate reporting across systems.


Create a comma-delimited output using the new built-in CSV feature in HCM Extracts. You no longer have to
create a template in BI Publisher to produce a comma-delimited output. You can use the existing CSV output
type. By leaving the Report and Template Name fields blank the built-in CSV output will be produced. The
CSV output is automatically sent to WebCenter Content.

Delivery Option Page with CSV Displaying in the Output Type Field

Here's a sample header record from a generated CSV output:

Header,Request ID,Flow Name,Legislative Data Group ID,Effective Date,Start Date


For each data element the four attributes below are automatically added to the front of the data rows for
identification and to establish the hierarchy:


If your data contains a comma, then you need to create a fast formula to replace the comma with a \, to
eliminate the comma.


No steps are required to enable this feature.


By leaving the Report and Template Name fields blank the new CSV output will be produced. The CSV output
is automatically sent to WebCenter Content.


Increase user satisfaction with the redesigned pages that now have the same look and feel on desktop and
mobile devices. These redesigned pages are both responsive and easy to use on any device, with a modern
look and conversational language. Clutter-free pages, with clean lines and just the essential fields, can be
personalized to suit.

The pages redesigned below are all part of the Redesigned Cloud User Experience.



Use the redesigned HCM Extract definition pages, available from the Data Exchange work area, for an
improved user experience. The streamlined pages include the define, design, deliver, and validate pages.
Navigate to My Client Groups and select the Data Exchange work area to start using the new pages.

Here are the updates to the new pages:

Ability to quickly add multiple database items as attributes in one go.

Removal of the seldom-used advanced features so you can more easily create an extract.
All features are still available in the Professional UI.
Auto suggest feature for user entities, threading DBIs, and data group connections.
The application suggests relevant user entities, IDs, number IDs, and common ID fields.
Updates to the UI for creating and editing filters.
The Validate button now compiles and validates the extract in one step.
Updates to the Search Results UI.
Access the Professional UI using the Edit icon.
Submit an extract directly using the Submit icon.

Search Results Page for One Extract with the Action Icons Displaying

Use the new Attributes tab available from the Design page to quickly add attributes to a record within the extract

Attributes Tab from the Design Page

Select the Add icon and then Database Items to quickly add multiple DBIs.

Search and Select Attributes Dialog Box

The new Edit Filter Criteria Condition UI is simplified and easier to use.

Edit Filter Criteria Condition Page

With the new Design UI you can right-click the data group to view the available options, such as adding a
child data group.

Design Page Displaying a Data Group

The new Deliver page with the Basic Information tab open displaying the new layout for entering a delivery

Deliver Page


If you have not already, in order to enable the new pages, you must enable the following profile option and
have enabled the HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option. If you have not enabled the
HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option, please see following white paper: HCM Responsive
User Experience Setup Information (Document 2399671.1).

Pages to Enable Field Value

Profile Option

Profile Option
Profile Option

To enable the profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:

1. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
2. Search for and select the profile option.
3. Click to add a new Profile Value.
4. Select the Level as Site.
5. Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
6. Click Save and Close.


For more information on creating and enabling the profile options, refer to the following document on My
Oracle Support:

HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information- (Document ID 2399671.1)

For more information on personalizing pages, refer to the following:

Chapter 3, Page Modification in the Oracle Applications Cloud: Configuring and Extending Applications
The Developer Relations Page Composer Oracle YouTube channel.

mobile Only?
The Data Exchange work area has been redesigned for ease of use and responsiveness on mobile devices.
The redesigned work area provides new overview pages with summaries of key information for these
integration tools:

HCM Data Loader

HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
HCM Extracts

Data Exchange Work Area

Each card opens an overview page for the relevant integration tool.

HCM Data Loader

The HCM Data Loader overview page provides two summaries:

HCM Data Loader stage table capacity used

Recent file loads

Stage Table Capacity Used

When the number of data lines in the stage tables exceeds 90% of the value of the Maximum Data Lines
Before Archiving configuration parameter, the status is labeled as critical and a warning message appears. In
this case, on nonmobile devices you can open the Delete Stage Table Data page directly from this section to
reduce the amount of data in the stage tables.

Recent File Loads

By default, the five most recently updated, active data sets appear in update order, with the most recently
updated data set appearing first. Icons show the overall status of each data set. You can:

Change the sort order.

Filter the list by data set name, status, creator user name, and Oracle WebCenter Content ID.
Expand the entry for each data set to show additional information, including the creator user name, the
date of the last update, and the numbers of file lines, failed lines, failed objects, and messages.
Navigate to details of additional data sets, if more than five data sets exist.

On nonmobile devices, you can select HCM Data Loader tasks from the Actions menu.

HCM Data Loader Actions Menu

HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader

The HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader overview page provides a summary of recent spreadsheet loads.

Recent Spreadsheet Loads

By default, the five most recently updated, active spreadsheet data sets appear in update order, with the most
recently updated appearing first. Icons show the overall status of each data set. You can:

Change the sort order.

Filter the list by data set name, status, creator user name, and spreadsheet template.
Expand the entry for each data set to show additional information, including the creator user name, the
date of the last update, and the numbers of spreadsheet rows, rows uploaded, objects, and objects
Navigate to details of additional data sets, if more than five data sets exist.

On nonmobile devices, you can select HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader tasks from the Actions menu.

HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Actions Menu

HCM Extracts

The HCM Extracts overview page provides a summary of recent extracts.

Recent Extracts

By default, the five most recent extracts appear in submission order, with the most recent extract appearing first.
Icons show the overall status of each extract. You can:

Change the sort order.

Filter the list by extract name, extract run, submission date, and status.
Expand the entry for each extract to show additional information, including the user who submitted the
extract, the elapsed time, whether it's recurring, the date when it completed, and how many days ago it
Navigate to details of additional extracts, if more than five extracts exist.

On nonmobile devices, you can select HCM Extracts tasks from the Actions menu.

HCM Extracts Actions


To enable the Data Exchange mobile-responsive pages, you must have enabled the
HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option. If you have not enabled the
HCM_RESPONSIVE_PAGES_ENABLED profile option, please see following white paper: HCM Responsive
User Experience Setup Information (Document 2399671.1).

Field Value


To enable the profile option, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:

1. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
2. Search for and select the profile option.
3. Click to add a new Profile Value.
4. Select the Level as Site.
5. Enter a Y in the Profile Value field.
6. Click Save and Close.

When the HRC_DATAEXCHANGE_RESPONSIVE_ENABLED profile option is set to Y, selecting My Client

Groups - Data Exchange takes the user to the new Data Exchange work area. The classic Data Exchange
work area is no longer available when the profile option is set to Y.


Note the following:

Mobile responsive UIs must be enabled before you can use them.
Payroll Batch Loader tasks aren't available in the redesigned Data Exchange work area. However, you
can continue to access them in the Payroll work area.
On mobile devices, you can see the new overview pages for HCM Data Loader, HCM Spreadsheet Data
Loader, and HCM Extracts. These pages provide summary information for recent activities. You can't
navigate to related tasks, such as View Business Objects or Run Spreadsheet Data Loader, on mobile


For more information about mobile-responsive UIs, see the following document on My Oracle Support:

HCM Responsive User Experience Setup Information (Document ID 2399671.1).


Security is unchanged. That is:

You must have a role that's granted the Manage Data Exchange Work Area
(HRC_MANAGE_DATA_EXCHANGE_PRIV) function security privilege to access the Data Exchange
work area. Many predefined roles, including the Human Capital Management Integration Specialist job
role, have this privilege.
Each integration tool in the Data Exchange work area is secured by the privileges that secure its tasks.
Some are aggregate privileges (with codes beginning ORA_), and some are function security privileges
(with codes beginning HRC_).

This table shows the securing privileges for HCM Data Loader access.

Privilege Name Privilege Code



This table shows the securing privileges for HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader access.

Privilege Name Privilege Code

Access HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates ORA_HRC_ACCESS_HSDL_TEMPLATES

Manage HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates ORA_HRC_MANAGE_HSDL_TEMPLATES
Delete HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Stage Data HRC_DELETE_HSDL_STAGE_DATA_PRIV

This table shows the securing privileges for HCM Extracts access.

Privilege Name Privilege Code


Manage Payroll Flow Pattern PAY_MANAGE_PAYROLL_FLOW_PRIV

You need just one of the relevant privileges to access the tool. For example, a user who has only the Run HCM
Extract function security privilege can access the HCM Extracts card in the Data Exchange work area.


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