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Lesson Plan in English 8

COT # 2
Time and Date: 9:00am to 9:50am / July 26, 2019
Grade and Section: Grade 8 – Diamond

I. Objectives
The learners demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a means of exploring forces that
human beings contend with; various reading styles vis-a-vis purpose of reading: prosodic features that serves as
carriers of meaning; ways by which information may be organized, related, and delivered orally; parallel structures and
cohesive devices in presenting information.
The learner tranfers learning by composing and delivering an informative speech based on a specific
topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and
appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Listen for important points signalled by volume, projection, pitch, stress, intonation, juncture and rate of
b. Use appropriate prosodic features of speech when delivering lines.
c. Discover literature as a means of understanding other’s culture and of developing sensitivity and diversity
d. Recognize and associate adjectives to illustrations correctly.

II. Learning Content: “I am an African Child” by Eku McGred


A. Reference: English Learner’s Material for Grade 8
B. Materials: Sungram, Pen and Paper, Manila paper, Photos, Laptop, Projector

C. Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR): K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum (May 2016) pp. 176-
D. Other Learning Resources: (Life of Children in Uganda)
A. Reviewing of Previous Lesson or Presenting a New Lesson
Task 1 : Sungram
What comes to your mind when you hear the word “Africa”? Write the key word or idea inside the


 Have you met an African?

 What reason you have that you come up with this ideas of Africa?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Task 2 : Short Video Clip Viewing
Since you haven’t met an African yet, I will show you a video clip about an African Girl. As you
view the clip, take down notes on the following aspects:
a. Hobbies of the African Girl c. Home Condition
b. Education d. Food Supply
Are you done watching? Now, complete the table below. You may use your notes as reference.
Me and My Neighbor
Aspects African Girl Me
Home Condition
Food Supply

Guide Questions:
1. In what aspects are you similar to the African Girl?
2. In what aspects are you different from the African Girl?
3. After watching the video, how do you feel about her condition? Why?
4. Do you realize something? What is it?

C. Presenting Examples / Instances of the New Lesson

Task 3 : Loud and Proud
The words below are taken from the video. Read them aloud.

Toilet Water Hobby Kitchen

Uganda Condition Return Supply

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills

Task 4: First or Second???

Say the following words. The, write them under the right column in the given table.

1. difficulty 6. cartoon
2. Barometer 7. brigade
3. honorable 8. ignorant
4. favorable 9. Europe
5. grenade 10. bamboo
Words stressed on the FIRST Syllable Words stressed on the SECOND Syllable

Guide Questions:

1. Why do you think Proper Stressing is important?

2. Are you ready to use what you’ve learned about Stress in reading a poem? Let’s begin!

E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills

Task 5 : Proud African!

After watching the video, we discovered about the lifestyle of our African Brothers and sisters living in
Uganda. This time around, we will learn further about them. Below is an African poem titled “ I am an African
Child” by Eku McGred. Read the poem by Group. Observe proper Stress of each words.

I am an African Child
by Eku McGred

I am an African child I am the son, daughter of the soil

Born with a skin the colour of chocolate Rich in texture and content
Bright, brilliant and articulate Full of potential for a better tomorrow
Strong and bold; I’m gifted Teach me discipline, teach me character,
teach me hard work
Talented enough to be the best
Teach me to think like the star within me
I am an African child
I am an African child

Often the target of pity I can be extra-ordinary

My future is not confined to charity Call me William Kamkwamba the
Give me the gift of a lifetime; Inventor;
Give me a dream, a door of opportunity; Give me a library with books
I will thrive Give me a scrap yard and discarded
I am an African child electronics
Give me a broken bicycle;
Plus the freedom to be me
Do not hide my fault
And I will build you a wind mill
Show me my wrong I am an African child
I am like any other;
Teach me to dream We are the new generation
And I will become Not afraid to be us
I am an African child Uniquely gifted, black and talented
Shining like the stars we are
We are the children of Africa
Making the best of us
Yes! I am an African Child
F. Making Generalization and Abstraction about the Lesson

 Did you understand the poem?

 Dou you realize the importance of stress to understand what we are reading?

G. Finding Practical Applications and Concepts of Skills in Daily living

Every African and Asian belongs to a family. And speaking of family, we will explore the
different families of our African and Asian brothers and sisters.

Task 6: Family is LOVE

Identify the country of each family on each pictures.

Processing Questions:

1. What word/s can you give to describe the following group of people?
a. African
b. Chinese
c. Japanese
d. Korean
e. Indian
f. Filipino
In describing things correctly, it is very important to learn about adjectives. So what is an Adjective?
Task 7: Adjective Elimination

Divide your class into two (or more) teams to play this adjective elicitation game. To play one round, show the
players (and your class) a picture. For the next 30 seconds, each player must write down as many adjectives to
describe the picture as he or she can think of. At the end of the given, have students compare their lists. Any word
both students listed gets crossed off. Each student gets one point for every remaining adjective and minus one point
for every word which is not an adjective for his team. Continue until everyone has had a turn up front. The team with
the most points wins the game.

H. Evaluation

On a ¼ sheet of paper, write the adjective used in each sentences.

1. The food tastes bitter.

2. I was ashamed that I didn’t pass my test.
3. The story was very brief.
4. I felt uncomfortable in my new home.
5. The man was creepy on Halloween.
6. My Dad was courageous when he killed the spider.
7. My Friend is anxious for his birthday.
8. It was breezy today.
9. I am eager to start my test.
10. My brother was excited for his basketball game.

On a short bond paper, paste a picture of your Family and describe them using adjectives. Underline the
adjectives used.

Prepared by:

Ms. Joanna Marie T. Esguerra

Observed by: Observed by:

Mrs. Rowena San Luis Mrs. Janette C. Sumbo

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