Absorbable Bioprosthesis For The Treatment of Bile Duct Injury in An Experimental Model

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International Journal of Surgery 20 (2015) 163e169

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Original research

Absorbable bioprosthesis for the treatment of bile duct injury in an

experimental model
Eduardo E. Montalvo-Jave  a, d, f, *, Germa
n E. Mendoza Barrera a,
Alan I. Valderrama Trevin~ o a, María C. Pin ~ a Barba c, Ce
sar Montalvo-Arenas b,
Fernando Rojas Mendoza , Benjamin Leo n Mancilla , Manuel A. García Pineda a,

Alvaro Jaime Limo n , Jorge Albores Saavedra e, Jesús Tapia-Jurado a

Departamento de Cirugía, Facultad de Medicina, UNAM, Mexico
Departamento de Biología Celular y Tisular, Facultad de Medicina, UNAM, Mexico
Laboratorio de Biomateriales, Instituto de Investigacion de Materiales, UNAM, Mexico
Servicio de Gastroenterología, Fundacion Clínica, Medica Sur, Mexico
e n Clínica M
Servicio de Patología, Fundacio edica Sur, Mexico
Servicio de Cirugía General, Hospital General de M exico, Mexico

h i g h l i g h t s

 New absorbable bioprosthesis for the treatment of bile duct injury.

 Demonstration of reepithelization with histological and immunohistochemistry analysis.
 Permeability of the prosthesis in all the experimental models.
 No postoperative complications.
 Modeling of the bioprosthesis to allow different diameters and shapes.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Introduction: Cholecystectomy is a common surgical procedure in which complications may occur, such
Received 6 May 2015 as injury to the biliary tract, which are associated with high morbidity. The aim of this study was to
Accepted 17 June 2015 demonstrate the efficacy of a polymer-based absorbable bioprosthesis with bone scaffold for the treat-
Available online 9 July 2015
ment of bile duct injury in an animal model.
Materials and methods: An absorbable bioprosthesis was used to replace the common bile duct in 15 pigs
which were divided into 3 groups with different follow-ups at 1, 3 and 6 months. The animals were
anesthetized at these time points and laboratory tests, Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatogram
Bile duct
[MRCP], Choledochoscopy using Spyglass and Endoscopic retrograde Cholangiopancreatogram [ERCP]
Bile duct injury were performed. After radiological evaluation was complete, the animals were euthanized and histo-
Experimental surgery logical and immunohistochemical analyses were performed.
Results: Liver function tests at different time points demonstrated no significant changes. No mortality or
postoperative complications were found in any of the experimental models. Imaging studies ([MRCP],
[ERCP] and Choledochoscopy with SpyGlass™) showed absence of stenosis or obstruction in all the
experimental models.
Discussion: Histological and immunohistochemical staining (CK19 and MUC5þ) revealed the presence of
biliary epithelium with intramural biliary glands in all the experimental models. There was no stenosis or
obstruction in the bile duct.
Conclusions: The bioprosthesis served as scaffolding for tissue regeneration. There was no postoperative
complication at 6 months follow-up. This bioprosthesis could be used to replace the bile duct in cancer or
bile duct injury. The bioprosthesis may allow different modeling depending on the type of bile duct injury.
© 2015 IJS Publishing Group Limited. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. Av. Universidad 3000, Circuito Universitario, Colonia

n Coyoac
Ciudad Universitaria, C.P. 04510, Delegacio xico D.F., Mexico.
an, Me
E-mail address: montalvoeduardo@hotmail.com (E.E. Montalvo-Jave ).

1743-9191/© 2015 IJS Publishing Group Limited. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
164 E.E. Montalvo-Jave et al. / International Journal of Surgery 20 (2015) 163e169

1. Introduction

Background: Cholecystectomy represents one of the most

common surgical procedures performed by general surgeons.
Complications may arise following this surgical procedure. Iatro-
genic bile duct injury, despite its low incidence, has high morbidity
and harmful effects on quality of life of patients, with increase in
hospital-stay and medical care costs [1]. Iatrogenic bile duct injury
is defined as an injury in some part of the extrahepatic bile duct
during cholecystectomy or other invasive procedures and it com-
prises about 95% of all benign bile duct stenosis [2,3]. Roux-en-Y
hepaticojejunostomy has been the most commonly performed
procedure for biliary reconstruction, especially in cases of ductal
transection [4]. Biological tissues have been used for repair of bile
duct injuries without satisfactory results, including synthetic ma-
terials such as latex, silastic, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene and
absorbable polymers which have been utilized as biliary prostheses
[5]. The absorbable bioprosthesis functions as an alternative to
inserting a T-tube or biliodigestive anastomosis in patients who
experienced intraoperative injury of the bile duct, or in patients
who develop a postoperative stenosis. This approach provides an
innovative treatment of biliary strictures that preserves the func-
Fig. 1. Electronic microscopy: Bioprosthesis showing its porous structure.
tion of the papilla of Vater [1]. The importance of this study consists
of proposing therapeutic strategies for the management of bile duct
injuries, evaluating the usefulness of biomaterials in experimental
models, and determining their effectiveness in maintaining
patency of the bile duct without stenosis.
Bile duct injuries occur more often during laparoscopic chole-
cystectomies when compared with open surgery although there is
no statistically significant difference between them [6]. Misidenti-
fication of the cystic duct and/or the common bile duct is one of the
most common causes of injury. Anatomic variations are observed
between 10 and 15% of patients and they are difficult to detect
during preoperative studies [7,8]. There are many classifications of
bile duct injuries, and the final results after repair depends on many
factors [9,10]. One of the non-invasive diagnostic studies is mag-
netic cholangioresonance, which has nearly a 90% sensitivity for
diagnosis of biliary conditions when compared with other invasive
diagnostic studies such as ERCP [11]. The use of self-expanding
metal stents for biliary strictures is associated with disappointing Fig. 2. Absorbable bioprosthesis.

results, and its routine use is not recommended [12]. The aim of this
study was to demonstrate the efficacy of an absorbable bio-
were used. The animals were divided into 3 groups with different
prosthesis with bone collagen scaffold for the treatment of bile duct
follow-up times: 1; 3 and 6 months (5 pigs per group). The animals
injury in an animal model.
were anesthetized at this time points and MRCP, Choledochoscopy
with Spyglass and ERCP were performed. After all the imagings
2. Materials and methods
were complete, the animals were euthanized and histological and
immunohistochemical studied.
2.1. Bioprosthesis

The polymer-based (collagen) bioprosthesis with open and 2.3. Ethical considerations
interconnected pores were used (Fig. 1). It has a demineralized
bone scaffold and was developed in the Biomaterials Institute The protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Committees
Laboratory at the National Autonomous University of Mexico of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. The animals
(UNAM) in Mexico City. The dimensions of the implants were 3-cm were housed in individual pens, and were handled and anes-
length, 0.32-cm outer diameter, and an inner diameter between thetized according to the Official Mexican Norm 062-ZOO-1999
0.24 and 0.25 cm (Fig. 2). The prostheses were coated with ε-cap- [13].
rolactone (SigmaeAldrich, 704,067) to waterproof and to prevent
bile leakage. They were sterilized with hydrogen peroxide plasma. 2.4. Anesthesia protocol
The bioprosthesis was obtained from a cuboid structure which al-
lows different modeling according to the diameter and length of The animals were fasted for 12 h prior to the surgical procedure.
the bile duct. Sedation was achieved using Azaperone (40 mg Sural, Lab. Chi-
noin®, Mexico) 2 mg/kg intramuscular (i.m.) and atropine sulfate
2.2. Experimental model (1 mg Atropisa, Pisa livestock Aug, Mexico) 1 mg/10 kg i.m. Sub-
sequently, a short catheter (20-Fr) was placed in the marginal ear
Fifteen male Landrace pigs weighing between 30 and 40 kg each vein in order to have an intravenous (i.v.) line and sodium
E.E. Montalvo-Jave et al. / International Journal of Surgery 20 (2015) 163e169 165

pentobarbital anesthesia (Laboratorio Pets Pharma Me xico) 40 mg/ (Philips, Achieva model) were utilized, performing sequences in T1
kg i.v. were administered. An endotracheal tube (6.5-Fr) was put in and T2 with transverse, coronal, and sagittal abdominal regions for
place and assisted with an automatic ventilator (Harvard app, USA). the bile duct reconstruction. Seven Tesla equipments were
xico) 1 g was
Prior to the surgical procedure, Enrofloxacin (Pisa, Me employed solely for the bile duct portion after its resection.
administered i.m. as a prophylactic measure.
2.10. ERCP
2.5. Surgical procedure
The pigs were anesthetized with the anesthetic protocol as
The animals were immobilized in a supine position and lapa- described in the surgical procedure previously. Using a X-Ray C-
rotomized with a supraumbilical midline incision. After trans- Arm (Phillips, BV Libra) and under fluoroscopy guidance, the
versely sectioning the common bile duct entirely with a proximal endoscope was introduced through the oral cavity to the ampulla of
and distal anastomosis (common bile duct-bioprosthesis-common Vater. To confirm the anatomical site, Ultravist® 300 (Bayer,
bile duct) anastomosis was performed using simple sutures with Mexico) contrast media was utilized.
Polydioxanone 5-0 PDS suture (Ethicon, USA). The bioprostheses
were adjusted in length during the surgical procedure according to 2.11. Choledochoscopy with SpyGlass™
the anatomical characteristics of the common bile duct of each
animal (Fig. 3). For the Choledochoscopy with SpyGlass™ study, the pigs were
anesthetized with the anesthesia protocol as previously described.
2.6. Postsurgical care Employing endoscopic guidance, cannulation of the ampulla of
Vater was done. The SpyGlass™ Direct Visualization System (Boston
The animals were transferred to the recovery room and were Scientific Corp., Natick, MA, USA) was advanced into the biliary
administered analgesic-anti-inflammatory Meloxicam (Biochem, tract of the anesthetized pigs and visualization of the common bile
Mexico) 500 mg/12 h i.m. and Enrofloxacin 1 g/24 h/7 days i.m. duct and the biliary tract was achieved.
Close monitoring and clinical and physical examinations were
performed, as well as wound healing and removal of stitches at 7 2.12. Histopathological study
days postsurgery.
Bile duct regeneration was assessed in the fixed, paraffin-
embedded bile duct samples. We assessed the following vari-
2.7. Statistical tests
ables: presence of biliary duct epithelium at the site of prosthesis
insertion; presence of intramural biliary glands, inflammatory
For statistical analysis, the SPSS 21 Statistics software program
changes in addition to fibrosis. Hematoxylin-Eosin (H&E) stain was
and the IBM test were used. Comparisons between pre- and post-
operative values were analyzed by the Wilcoxon and Student t
tests. A P < 0.05 was considered significant.
2.13. Immunohistochemistry of MUC5 Ac and cytokeratin 19

2.8. Assessment of hepatic function The surgical specimens of the common bile duct were collected
according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) guidelines with
Blood samples were taken from the jugular vein 24 h prior to the approval by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Roswell Park
surgical procedure (Time 0), and at 1, 3, and 6 months to determine Cancer Institute (RPCI) and the University of North Carolina School
the serum enzyme levels of Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), of Medicine at Chapel Hill. The common bile duct was resected
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), Alkaline phosphatase (AP), Total together with the bioprosthesis. Tissue microarray was performed
bilirubins (TB), Direct bilirubins (DR), and Indirect bilirubins (IB). as follows: formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue microarray
Each sample was placed in an Eppendorf tube and centrifuged at sections were incubated at 70  C for 20 min, deparaffinized in
5000 g for 10 min. The serum was obtained using a Pasteur pipette, Xylene, and rehydrated by means of graded alcohols into a
transferred into new Eppendorf tubes, and processed routinely phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution. Endogenous peroxidase
employing a Universal Kit (Bayer, Leverkusen, Germany). was blocked using 3% H2O2 in 83% methanol for 10 min at room
temperature. For antigen retrieval, slides were placed in 0.01 so-
2.9. MRCP dium citrate and 0.01 M citric acid, pH 6.0 for 20 min in a micro-
wave oven put on a high setting followed by 15 min of cool-down
The pigs were anesthetized with the anesthetic protocol by incubation in citrate solution [14].
adding Isoflurane (Baxter, USA) at 2%. Three and 7 T equipments The slides were incubated at room temperature for 1 h with
primary antibodies coupled with conjugated peroxidase (Gene Tex,
TX, USA) as follows: MUC 5AC (1:100 BIOCARE, USA), and CK19
(1:100 BIOSB, USA), followed by 30 min incubation at room tem-
perature with the BIOSB (Mouse/Rabbit polydetector HRP/DAB
Detection System) kit. Sections were incubated for 5 min with 3, 30
Diamino-benzidine (DAB Peroxidase Substrate BIOSB) and coun-
terstained with hematoxylin (Dako, CA, USA). APERIO ImageScope
software was used to capture and store the images.

3. Results

In order to evaluate the regenerative process of the bio-

prostheses implanted in the pigs, clinical laboratory tests, imaging
Fig. 3. Bioprosthesis in common bile duct. ([MRCP] Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatogram, [ERCP],
166 E.E. Montalvo-Jave et al. / International Journal of Surgery 20 (2015) 163e169

Choledochoscopy using SpyGlass™, histopathological (H&E) and

immunohistochemical studies (cytokeratin 19, MU5 Ac) were per-
formed. No animals died before they were sacrificed.

3.1. Hepatic function

In this study, we used 5 different liver function indicators to

assess the patency of the bioprostheses without any obstruction.
This serum enzyme assay is regularly used in clinical practice to
determine liver damage or biliary tract obstruction. The results are
shown in Table 1. The patterns of change in the serum activity for
the 1, 3 and 6-month follow-up groups showed no significant ele-
vations during the study.

3.2. MRCP, ERCP and Choledochoscopy with Spyglass

Fig. 4. MRCP in 6-month model demonstrating adequate permeability.

Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatogram studies per-

formed in all the animals showed no absence of stenosis or
obstruction. (Fig. 4) Seven Tesla Resonance of the surgical piece
demonstrated presence of epithelium surrounding the bio-
prosthesis in the 6- month follow-up model. In the 1-month
follow-up group, complete reepithelization took place and the
prosthesis served as a scaffold to allow epithelial formation sur-
rounding the prosthesis (Fig. 5). Evaluation with ERCP and Chol-
edoscopy demonstrated the bioprosthesis showed no evidence of
stenosis in any of the animals (Fig. 6). The presence of a trabecular
pattern at the site of the neo-bile duct formation was observed
using SpyGlass™ (Fig. 7) in the 1-month model, and it was possible
to visualize the biliary tract, demonstrating the absence of stenosis
or biliary leak in all the experimental models.

3.3. Histopathological report

Histological stained section showed normal biliary epithelium,

fibrous wall, and a variable number of intramural biliary glands,
some with pyloric metaplasia in the 1-month model. The bio-
prostheses with trabecular structures were also visualized. These
histological changes were found in the groups of 1 and 3 months. At Fig. 5. Common bile duct 7 T Resonance with prosthesis (arrow) in a 6-month model,
6 months, histological analysis demonstrated a large number of demonstrating re-epithelization and formation of the neo-bile duct surrounding the
intramural biliary glands in the lamina propia of the neo-bile duct bioprosthesis.

with increased mucus production and a fibrous wall of variable

thickness. The biliary epithelium exhibited normal characteristics.
in the controls. Also, the bile duct portion tested positive for MUC 5
Other histological section demonstrated that the prosthesis was
Ac (Fig. 10), demonstrating intramural biliary glands and reepi-
still detectable, but with less bone scaffolding (Fig. 8). Bile ducts of
thelization of the neoduct with cells corresponding to bile duct
animals without injury and prosthesis were examined and served
as a control for histological and immunohistochemical analysis.

3.4. Immunohistochemical study 4. Discussion

The neo-bile duct stained positive for CK 19 and MUC 5 Ac in all The prostheses currently used for bile duct injury repair have
the experimental models. At 6 months, the neo-bile duct exhibited not shown any convincing results, and long-term models have not
biliary cells organized identical to those of the native bile duct. This been studied. In some cases, follow-up has been studied up to 6
portion tested positive for CK 19 (Fig. 9), resembling those observed months [5]. This model is just a specifically transection type of

Table 1
Liver function tests at 1, 3 and 6 months follow-up. No significant elevations were found after the procedure or during the follow-up period. No cholestatic or obstructive
pattern was found. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), Total Bilirubins (TB), Direct Bilirubins (DB) and Alkaline Phosphatase (AP).

Control 1 month n ¼ 15 3 months n ¼ 12 6 months n ¼ 9

Post P Post P Post P

ALT 23.3 ± 1.5 (22e25) 22 ± 4.3 (17e25) 0.72 23 ± 2 (23e26) 0.80 21.3 ± 1.5 (20e23) 0.42
AST 26 ± 7.2 (20e34) 20 ± 3.4 (16e22) 0.41 18.3 ± 6.6 (14e26) 0.42 21.6 ± 1.15 (21e23) 0.74
TB 0.16 ± 0.16 (0.05e0.35) 0.08 ± 0.09 (0.02e0.19) 0.20 0.05 ± 0.04 (0.02e0.10) 0.60 0.20 ± 0.16 (0.03e0.35) 0.66
DB 0.11 ± 0.08 (0.04e0.20) 0.09 ± 0.06 (0.02e0.15) 0.25 0.12 ± 0.08 (0.03e0.19) 1 0.14 ± 0.05 (0.10e0.20) 0.31
AP 185 ± 36 (151e224) 203 ± 40 (165e246) 0.68 114.6 ± 33 (78e142) 0.96 145 ± 12 (132e156) 0.66
E.E. Montalvo-Jave et al. / International Journal of Surgery 20 (2015) 163e169 167

interconnections that allow epithelial regeneration through for-

mation of blood vessels and cells, demonstrated by conventional
microscopy and immunohistochemical techniques. The function of
the prosthesis was evaluated using different methods, including
laboratory, MRCP and ERCP, showing proper bioprosthesis func-
tions [11], with satisfactory results.
On postoperative follow-up of this biological substitutions,
there was no mortality, stenosis, bile duct leakage or collection in
the experimental animals studied. Choledochoscopy with
SpyGlass™, demonstrated the absence of obstruction or stenosis in
all the models studied. There was no migration of the bioprosthesis
from its insertion site and no necrosis of the bile duct was observed.
At macroscopic evaluation, reepithelization was seen. There was
a trabecular pattern in the neoduct, which permitted appropriate
vascularization required to maintain a functional epithelium.
Histopathology with H& E staining showed the presence of
intramural biliary glands. On Immunohistochemistry (IHC), all
experimental models stained positive for cytokeratin 19, MUC5Ac,
keratins 7 and 19 for the detection of biliary epithelium [15,16],
demonstrating the presence of biliary epithelium in the absorbable
Fig. 6. ERCP with no evidence of stenosis in a 6 months model. bioprosthesis.
Mucins are glycosylated proteins that are normally expressed in
injury repaired by interposition of a graft. Further research is the ductal and glandular epithelium of epithelial tissues [17]. The
needed to include other types of injury. use of MUC 5 Ac (serum mucin) has been studied as a marker for
This work proposes the use of a new, natural bioprosthesis with bile duct cancer and as a diagnostic method and, in some cases, as a
bone scaffold. It is absorbable, porous and impermeable, with prognostic evaluation [18,19]. In this study, it was also possible to

Fig. 7. A) Visualization of the biliary tract using SpyGlass™ in a 1-month model. B) Trabecular pattern of the neo-bile duct visualized with SpyGlass™ in a 1-month model.

Fig. 8. A) Control: Bile duct columnar epithelium (arrow) and intramural bile glands (*). B) Prosthesis on 6-months model: bile duct columnar epithelium (black arrow) and biliary
intramural glands hyperplasia (*). Bioprosthesis remnant (red arrow).
168 E.E. Montalvo-Jave et al. / International Journal of Surgery 20 (2015) 163e169

Fig. 9. A) Control: Cytokeratin 19 specific for biliary epithelium (arrow) and intramural biliary glands (*). B) Prosthesis in 6-month model: Cytokeratin 19 demonstrating the
presence of biliary epithelium (arrow) and the presence of biliary glands (*).

Fig. 10. A) Control: MUC 5 Ac demonstrating biliary epithelium (arrow) and intramural biliary glands (*). B) Prosthesis in 6-month model: MUC 5 Ac demonstrating the presence of
biliary epithelium (arrow) and the presence of biliary glands (*).

detect, with the use of MUC 5 Ac, the presence of biliary tissue in Author contribution
the neo-bile duct formation.
No mortality or complications on follow-up were detected. Montalvo-Jave  Eduardo E.- Study design, data analysis, writing.
Mendoza Barrera Germa n E.- Study design, data collections, data
analysis, writing.
5. Conclusions Valderrama Trevin ~ o Alan I.- Study design, data collections,
The bioprosthesis served as a scaffolding for tissue regeneration ~ a Barba María C.-Data analysis.
without any postoperatively complications at 6 months follow-up. Montalvo-Arenas Ce sar- Data analysis.
It could be used to replace the bile duct in cancer or in other Rojas Mendoza Fernando e Data analysis.
pathological entities requiring replacement of the affected biliary Leon Mancilla Benjamin- Data collections, data analysis, writing.
segment or in cases of bile duct injury. Close monitoring of the García Pineda Manuel A. e Data collections, data analysis.
experimental models ruled out any potential early postoperative Jaime Limo 
n Alvaro e Data collection.
complications. Albores Saavedra Jorge e Data analysis.
Employing absorbable bioprosthesis as an accessible and inex- Tapia-Jurado Jesús e Study design.
pensive therapeutic option. The prosthesis has yet to be tested in
inflamed or infected fields, as in the case with bile duct injury Conflict of interest
resulting from cholecystectomy. Importantly, due to the process of
obtaining and modeling the prosthesis from the cube structure, it The authors declare no conflict of interest.
would allow a Y-shaped graft to connect more than 1 duct different
types of bile duct injury or cancer.

Eduardo Esteban Montalvo Jave
Ethical approval
German Eduardo Mendoza Barrera.
Approved by the Research Ethics Committees of the National
Autonomous University of Mexico (026-2012). Disclosure

The following additional information is required for submission.

Funding Please note that failure to respond to these questions/statements
will mean your submission will be returned. If you have nothing to
The authors did not receive any sponsorship for this study. declare in any of these categories then this should be stated.
E.E. Montalvo-Jave et al. / International Journal of Surgery 20 (2015) 163e169 169

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